Newspaper Page Text
BU TTE . lb ?rlac1nr RMc ome .1 Tur Syr "aa U at 1(a Bt Broadway, Dafts, I elepbs .23L Adurtia gr rte ralis M aw Ib Mtma WHY DOES HE 'MILE? Tlb reason :a pli enougli. Ito has called at the f'ad102 L ttirtn., esLa llshmn n In towa, and bs3n providaed a li it ,''let le) artilsc ern. ample of an sts 1t- d:m' otfit All ("Ar e.olhing 1' made to 'mzher. amna 0:, Ip'rfoetlv for that reason. OMr stek mr waoeole ns 1i4igh cI mss and the admlrrtln. of al good dresers. na~h and co. 41 l' pari, Ihmlmmn. TO-DAY'S WEATHER. JZ For 'Montana: Fair; south west w inds. BUTTE CURRENI' NOTES. Now Is the time to subscribe. School of shorthand. Room 212, The Butte Dr. D. E. Rauiville of Butte has gs moved to Basin. The chamber of commerce will meet Tuesday evening. Wilson & Co., law and collections, 110 Worth Main street, Butte. Edison Kinetoscope, City news depot, corner Main and Broadway. Azel Johnson has gone to Basin, having obtained a good position there. Main springs Sl. Watch cleaning, $1.50, 71 East Park street near Wyoming. The Rooney engagemlent will open this evening at Maguire's opera-house. Anti-toxine serum fresh every week at Paxson & Rockefeller's, 72 W. Park. The night school of the Butte Business college offers unequalled advantages. For all kinds of legal and mining blanks go to the STANDI)AtlI, 21 Last Broadway. R. J. Watson, a mineowner of Butte, )]lont., is at the Palace, says the San Fran cisco Examiner. The Butte hotel carries the finest line of imported Key West and domestic goods found in the city. Elegant stock of baby buggies just re ceived at Mrs. M. Niedenboten's. Prices lower than ever. Bob Johnson was arrested yesterday for stealing a set of carpenter tools frogt John McCluskey. Ernest Hogan will give a cake walk and jubilee concert on March 4 with 100 voices in the chorus. Mrs. Bert Smith returned Saturday evening from a visit to relatives and friends in Burlington, Iowa. Bring us your jewelry work. We make special designs a study. Towlo & W~nterhalter. West Park street. Watch cleaning, $1.o:0; mainsprings, $1. Warranted one year. Jewelry repairing relatively cheap. Mayer, 40 West Plark. A. II. Olell. a pioneer business man and mineownorof Dillon. Mont.. is among the arrivals at the Russ in San Fran. The finest merchant's lunch in the city for 35 cents at the Anheuser-Buscth res taurant, 7 and 9 Main street. Schair & lauzch, proprietors. 'Ex-Judgo N. W. McConnell of Helena and W'. E. ('ulle, law partner of ex-Gov. erner ''oole of Montana, are at the Occi. dental In San Francisco. Rev. H. T. Shepard delivered a very an teresting sermion at the Congregational church last ovenatnII on the subject "The Ethics of Joy anld Sorrow." Dry goods, gents' furnrishings, hoots, shoes, crockery, gal:sen are, sold at 114 N. Main street below wholesale prices for benefit of c'roditor. Wil. lock, tlmanager. "It is better to have loved and lost, tI hai never to have Ioi edl at all." The titan who does not buy one of the stIIts I n sell for 7.5:1 loses a itusp. "Boutcher thel P'ark Street Clothier." There will hIo a re'hearsal of the "Mi kado" and "Patience" ;at the high school this eventang. . W. Pitts and G. II. Hu.. kitt of Helena will he presenlt to arratlgo for the presenltation of tie opera in that city. All plain drltlks 5 cents. mixed drinks 20 cents. Ealsern iN.or oU tiapi. We sell good hlluors andtl intou the Iniatest jplace In town. 'all and see Iu. Stockade I saloon, Main and (;altal, under t(raehl & Graetl's store. J. I'. 'uowell. All parts of Plicturetqaiui \World'n Fair, Glinpses of 4taer:,a. ,Mario Biarrotlghs' Portfolio of ualc:, 'Celelbrties and tcnir. plete sets of eahela li, In,. ai,:.llltuel without coupons at the SrIaitsAlil s Butte otice. Let us supply thle mtiassing nunmbers and bind the books for ou. os 'lur wF newU titu carmt wnionwal tate effect on the Great Northern recently, No. 0. loeal train, will leave for Helena at 3:X, p. in. instead of 2:40 o'clock. anl will connect with a train from Anaconda. No.1 will arrive from Helena at 10:40 a. n. instead of 11:40 o'clock and will run throtugh to Anaconda on the B., A. & P. No. 3S. the through train from the East, will arrive at t p. m. as bfore. No 3 will leave Anaondla at 1:30 a. in., and will leave Butte at ' o'clock a. in. Slome of the lines running out of Butte are tring to convince tho public that their trains run through a fertale country. antd that they encountIIer no sand deserti, their cars lbing dust proof. etc. ,ucli lsatemnents ilnale iII July or mllght be considered by the ltC\lw .rieanetdr traveler; but in Inlldwinter, with ail\ atlchle of snow on the ground, they senIll a little out of date. At prel-sent the pubiac are wonderallg how to travel anld Lket.e, arln. 1nis ca be donlte h}I) using thi N.ortll.rn '-acific. as ira ier blasts, rain :landl let have no iterror. for istenaiers usting tia. line. ' heir sle,.lia . *,inag cars and a.L coaches are vi·.'tlah: , Salver cr**1 n;aa ar. tea.pot, sugar hle 1 and ;.,ouni .t , ati l fr nua t l:ng at I'o Inarkt:. try ir "Ir ru .l':I laru . a, KICKS, GREAT BIG KICKS Omcials II Bu!te Expre;s Their Opin Ions of the Code. TOO MANY SMALL SALARIES At a Meeting Yesterday It Was Pointed Out That tho Proposed Law In Many Cases Was Very Defective. Bumr, Feb. 17.-Representatives Booth, Swett and Paschal, Aldermen Bowman and Paseoe, Mayor Dugan, City Attorney Cotter, ex-Alderman Campbell, Judge Naughton and others gathered in the city clerk's ofee tlihs afternoon to consider what municipal legislation is desirable to be enacted by the legislature. The pass age of the code had set some of the city oflmials at sea as regards the salaries. Mr. Booth stated at the start that all acts as to mnunicipal legislation passed in the last legislature will stand, and will have the effect of amendments to the code. The code does not rescind these seacts, and the acts of the last legislature hold, whatever the code may say. The code commission did not repeal any laws relating to cities passed since 18191. If no amendments are introduced, the code with late legislation will provide practic ally for the municipal provisions we have at present. The real business before the conference was to see what additional legislation is needed. Mr. Booth said that the present legis lature is of an economical turn of mind. It is down on an increase of salari's and throughout is strongly favorable to a re duction of expenses. Ho believed, how ever, that muicipal legislation needed by a city like Butte would moot with gen eral favor. The conference then proceeded to ex press its views and 1Mr. Booth took notes and will have the result of the delibera tions embodied an al amendmenot to be presented to the legislature. The mayor's salary was first considered and it was concluded to leave that at I$2,000, subject to the approval of the ccoun ecl, the latter having the power to, fix satI salary at any suin not to exceed A".000. The code would make the mayor's ialary $60J. In cities of the second class the salary of the mayor will be placed at $1.500 and of the third class at 1; Nu. Under the code the salarv of the police magistrate Is ptlaced at ;1.5)1J. It was de eided to mIIake' it 2,tlUO ill tile arnondment. This is in fuill for all services. No fees arn allowe-l The salary of the city treasurer will he fixed at not to exceed tl .lJU1. with no fees or percentages whatlevtr. The code places the salary at $.L',~. Heretofore the fees and percentages have been the prineipal part of the city treasurer's in come. The salary of the city attorney was fixed at S,At)o with no fees. The code placed it at $2,tkxk. Heretofore the city at torney has received a fee for every paid case, but this will now go into the treas ury of the city. The name of the city marshal will be changed to chief of police. His salary, it was decided, should not exceed $*OX) per month in full for all services. The 30 lie has received from the county each month is shut off. 'The powers of the mayor and the city council were thought to be well deflted under the code and no change was rec ontinended. It ls provided that they must be freeholders in the city of Blutte. The matter of the police commission was considered, but lodellnlrte conclulsion was arrived at. Mr. Booth said there would certainly be a big opposition to the provision for a police cormnallssion antd he would suggest that the polico cor.mis sioners' provision be placed in a separ rate bill, as it would not do to jeopardizo the hill fixing the salaries. =The salary of the city clerk was fixed at not to exceed $ltittu, and provision is made for the council to elect such other officers as may be needed, such as assist ant city clerk, otc. The provision requiring the city attor ney to prosecute all state cases in the po lice court will prolbably be changed. All the representatives except Booth went back to Helena on the 3: 0 train. Mr. Booth remained over and held a con ference with thie justices In regard to leg islation desired for the justice courts. Some of the justices will probably go over to Helena early In the week, and Mayor Dugan expects to make a trip over :there some dlay this week. AMr. lxothl is of the opinion that the anti-guaimbling hill will certainly pass tihe house. Ilt, i avs there are eu1,lncIh votes to crry it t iitutii the vo)t, of ally inelllber front ~1l l, w countlllly. Nothing can prevent the bll from ll ,passig. T'HE SCHOt L OF MINES. Here I1 the Full l.s of lHoward Pals l P'a11- Hill. Btrrr, Feb. I1. The bill which Iha been introihluce In1 tie lealature by Hielp resentativo Ilo ard Pas.~chal. providilli for the erection anld cqluipage o the statet schoolll of mines anid providing for :t fund fur the salle, is of more impnortance to IIutte thanl any other mteasllir that lhas been itllrtrKliced at tihe plrseN:l seslio! of the lliallatutire. Notwihstandanill the ti plortatice of the instaitltion. lllllte bai maniflested a Murlrlsing lack oft iublic mii turest in the mat;ter, aid thlere are no doulbt a great mtlany pI)Ooe wl h have for gotten tllat ant a;tlh.tntltag:oLus ilte was se leted some tame agu between Slver and galena streets, west of Missoula gulch. If Mr. Paschal's bill becomes a law, how ever, and there is every tndication that it will pass without objection, the state school of mines will soon become an ao complishbed fact, and whoe completed there is no doubt that it will be an institu. tion in which every ciltsoen of Batte will take a justiiable prile. The bill has passed its first and second readings and been referred to the pri:nt. tag committee, whtch will report it back to-ruorrow mnornang. It w ill then be re ferred to tthe educationll colmitntee, and Mr. l'Paschal i all endtleavor to get i: on the special oroors. Tlhe bill, which is kn )wnI as house oIll No. It; I; i as foilot : A.\N At I" To protlhte for the ir etl on i:.. ' iof ti , l. li t . ,tI , .. it l. "t I ' t" :l r" : (1 " . . . In omflal placo of business of said boarL at Butte ('Cty. .11nt. '. .. . No member of the board shall be In 'anl llanner l;Perested with any buildlng een tra,'lr. sihall submit any bid for the erection or tlis Iflrni~lhllng said building. neither shall be re chlvr' aant commission. rebate, bonus. division of Irocteeds. or any other pecunlary advantag whatever In connection with said offce, save the compensation herelnafter provided. -e. .. Ei.ach member of the board shall in reive Alse per day for each and eery day) the boarld is actually and necessarlly as n sem.bld i n the performance of Its omlal do ties. tog'tlher wit his actual traveling expenses paid In aoi1ng to :end from als homle to attend til session or sessions of the board saId c peasation and expenses to be certltled to the slate auditor and paid by warrant as hereil after urovided. 4ic. 4. 'l ie state board of commlssooers for the "'school of mines." so appolnted, are hereby authorl.ed and directed to prepare pleas and siMe ll'ations for the erection of buildings for the said state school of mines not to exceed the amount of Ilfty thousand (5,u.Otii dollars. wea. :r. Whenever tle provasions of the p'-. ceding section have been fully compiled wI-t, the board of coumlssltoners for the state aenee of mines shald advertise In not more than Seer nor less two daily newspapers printed th srat., two of which must be In the county o Sliver Ikow. one each week for four coosecutlve Seeks, a nlotice that it will receive seatled po Iwsa.s and bids to construct such buildings c the sitea heretofore selected by the state baud of land commlssloners, and in acoordanes th the p an, and sp'clflcations so adopted by the commlssloners for the state school of lines, reserving, hlowever, the right to reject atr and all bids and advertise anew. The board must let the c.ontract for the en structllon and erection of sich buildnlg or bauW urgs to tile lowest responsible bidder sad the contractor or contractors shall execute a good and sumelent bond In double the amount of hIs or thllir bids to Iwrform such contract for the ,ons.tructlon and erection of such building or bulldlrlngs Ili conformlty with the plans ad sleeilio.ttions aforesaid, whll: bond shall rua Ito the sate of Montana and bh approved by the boardl of the "scool of mines" commissleners. Mee l. The board of "school of mines ' com mnlisaoners are hereby authorizedl to employ an archlltect and such asslistants a:s it may deem on''ersstry In preparing the plans and speica tlnlls for said builang or buildings and the ex sli't, tlhereof shall he pasid out of the funds as Iherealntter provided for the erection of said buildillu or buildings. All such claims shall be alipproveal ny the "scllo ml of mines" commIl. sloners and be raid In tie samne mode and ma. nor as cl (ilms against the slate. Me''.. 7 11 claims for the erection of sald Ilhullllg or tllllings shall be first approved by t11'he who al of rulins commissioners and audited ill :Ilsowed by the statel auditor, and paid In Ithe sailti mnode anld manner as claims against tIIh state' are paid; provled,. however, that suchl I1lial't shall be paId out of the respective funds dlesinatlled In this act, against which they may Ib" a ,argable. "cc. .t Ion completion and acceptance of the t idillng mentioned in this act, the board of school of 1nI1lle4 commnissioners shall equln aild Iltrlnitsh institution with supphes and itplllaattlls as may be actuallly necessary in e;ll I) t t on Such Instittioin. Provided, how. es,,r. that the amount so xrpended shall not iS'elxeed the sunl of fifteen thousand ($15,o00) dol It rs. tee p. Inimedlately upon the flrnlshing of silch listitution the state board of school of minellIs i")IlttiissioiIers shall urn over to the state i of education a.i such buildings to be iuslI therea fter solely and excllusilvly for the Iturptse for which they were created and estab S,c. lu. In order to carry out the provisions iof ths nl't and any act that may at any tine lht,.,ller ie Iassi"d for liit construction of the tale si'tl of IIIIne b)uidiniig, there is hereby created :i state hind to ibe ikUown as the state sihlol of mllnhes blulling fund,. and to the credit oif which shall go the proceeids of all moneys de rited lroml thle sa: or rental of such lands as Itlale been or may i.e granted to the state of Molnt;an:a for LIthe purpose of constructing build llug for tlhe state school of mines. and all of the fiolnI-s as fat as realized from time to tuneI. shall forthwith be paid Into the state tre;asulry. and by thell state treasury planed to the credlt of said fund. 'See.. II. Forthwith. on the acceptance of sail luilidings. the said board shall certify thile tulllulllt of tie pI)urcliase price to tile state audl tor lllnd the latter. on receipt of such certilcate shit ill forthwith draw a warrant or warrants on ithe said state school of mines building litlnd to the order of the person or Itersons described by the board as en ti led thereto, for the full amount of their tislective claitms. willlchll said warrant or war rants shalh le tais and acceplted as in full pa len. of thil said indebtedness, and no sr ation for thet li)tlent of the said r wtlrrallts shall i'et De made. or paym t re of el'er Ie Illtadel by or from any other source than tlle said state school of mines building lfuIId, and it. on the presentation of said war ranllt or warrantts, to iti'e sate treasaurer. there shllall tot Ie in said fIIunds sulltclent mounys to p ty the santle. tIhe satno shall be rejistered. as ei datelI of lpresentation, and shall henceforth III1 t paid bear interest at the' rate of 7 per e at. Ip' alnimoii. 'The exlpenses of the board shall be suIl;Iarly certileid Uand and warrants issued I hle fitr shall be sillllarly registeredl and shall Iar similar rate of interest. If not paid O epri' snlltattlon. And said warrants may be ailled for ia't lnent from time to time whenever there iare ineI) in saitl flintd to pay the same ID the sameIII' lilltmanner as Is now provided by law for oi thr statel warrants 'rS. 12. lThe board shall keepl a wrltten rec l tl iof all its oiticial actions, and on the coflpie tioIn its it oflltial funcions said record shall be d:hdlred by the goverCnor to the secretary of stte,. wio ,)shall thereafter be the the legal cus t.Ollla t hereof. se I:i I his art shall be In force and elect frlom and1 after its passage. The bill is regarded by all who have seen it as a very wise and timely measure. and there can be no doubt that its passage wsill be of vital importance to Butte. Mr. Paschal has sent a copy of the bill to tile chamwber of commerce, with the request that the memhers discuss It at their meet ing next i'tuesday evltlening and notify him at once of any changes or amondments which tlhey ilmay deem necessary. Influ ential citizens have also received copies of the bill, and they are also reqluested to l:ikeo anlly stlltestions, as it is Mr. Pas. hllal's desire to have the best ideas of Ilute tpeople embodied in the measure. Mr. P'.schal is one of the hardest and molst faithful workers in the house. lie hlas recently introduced a hill governing insurattce companies which will increase the stalte revenutl by about K,tX)0 a year. THEY DIDN' LACK GALL. Sneak thi.ves Make a Darlng I4ald om 3Mr llurley'. Reidenee. trI-rTE. Feb. 17.--A couple of daring sneak tI hlees went through the residence of C. J. Ilhtrley, bookkeeper for the Ken. )ion-Connell company, at No. 519 West l(alona street, inI broad daylight, yester day afternoon. They walked up to the front door as boldly as though they owned the place, oponed it with a skeleton key, walked ini and proceeded to make them. .elves at home. A moment later a oouple of ladies knocked at the front door and the tIltruders made a hurried exit through the back door, taking with them an over. coat containi a lot of deeds and ab stracts which are valueless to any one ex cept the owner. If the thieves will return thu papers they may keep the coat. At the Motels. llH-rrE, Feb. 17.-The Butte-- . C. Fairchild. Tacoma; V. G. Samuels. Mass E. W. Chandler, J. H. Burton, C. Veatch, Chicago; E. P. Chandler, Maiden; I. M. Jacobs. ". A. Ballack, Helena; J. H. liopko. Louisville; J. W. Roberts, Minie. aliili; G. F. .Ashton, Ben lsenstein, San Francisco: Mr. and Mrs. Job Ellis. ton. I. iose. W\. M. Aylesworth, G. W. IBrown. Denver; (;. t1. Winston, Ana. -ondl: E. Lever, S. B. Kingsbury, Boise: J. W. Fuilton, St. Louis; William West, Jerse. (Cty. Ithe tMcllermott - Howard Paschal, liutie: ,. J. Stevens, Hlavre; W\iltha i. sson, F. I. L. tthows. Helena; J. Dot dlaird. ta.rtn, ; Henry Owens, W. L Net. . i t t hlel,.a; J. II. t)ann. Livingston: W. \1ot. ,e. ; %lMark hiilyard. St. 1. . I, T. . I. nis. Ale. x IItbbarJ. New 'i k" ., \ .. 1 , s. btnitz, Alass. lo : J. \Vett on . Iul': II. W. :F cha.rls tanl wife. (,..,1 t r , : , i II. W'.s.llttu , ln. iU uer; t :., I . ','.mis .y and wife. 1:i.otey coiU Su : 'nu: p \ i\';nýt, . ' Marysvtlle. Jul y ",olfghin: P'r:tr ,t,. , , l'eh. 1- _. ,'i '...a I .. In Frank Lasericre's four-i-hand. Those who participated in the pleasurable event were Messrs Wilson, O' Marin. Wilkneson, Cook. Talbott, Day, Berry. J. A. Canty, Da made, Smith, Carder and Patterson; Misses blvers, Calldhan. Brady, Fagan, Wilson and Prior, and Mesdames Allen. Day. Rice and Patterson. Under the e. cient direction of the genlal Pat, an eve ning of race enjoyment was spent. Ledles Appr.elate A good remedy and there is not an thing on the market that equals FPrenh Tansy Tablets for the relief and cure eI painful or Irregular menses. Thee tab. lets remove all obstructtoos, no matter what the cause. Manufactured by A. Au gendre, Pari, France, and for sale only by D. M. Newbro Drug Co., Butte, Mont., sole agents. Price 12 per box; sent by mail securely sealed. Bargains nla pianos and organs at Orion Bro.'s this week. Free! Souvenirs given away daily. E. Wertheimer Drug Co., 19 W. Granite. Honey, boney, honey, homemade baed, fresh ranch eggs and ereamery butter at the Southern hotel. Meals 25 cents. seath Afrtess Gold leslds. Through tickets to Cape Town, Africa, and all European points on sale at Great Northern city ticket office at lowest rates. For railroad and steamship information, apply to J.E. DAwsog, General Agent, 106 Main Street. W.A.Smltb, piano tuner,Smith PlanoCo. 25 W. Park, will receive prompt attention. All the best housewives use the "Elee trec" flour. No more sour or heavy breed. Try it. Special sale of pianos and organs at Orton Bro.'s this week. E aeour ging. The action of the Garman government relative to silver is c rtainly an encour aging matter to all friends of the white metal. It is equallv encouraging to all who en joy a good glass of beer that The Centen nial Brewing Co. is pro lhcing this year, 4J,000 barrels of the test b eo In the world. Whatley's is the only "Oafe" in Butts that uses Kanens ('-tv heIr. For artist supptuecs tu to ctlarles Schlats lein's, 14 West Broadway. Bargains in pianos and organs at Orton Bro.'s this week. For plaques, paints, brushes, ete., go to Charles cbehatzlein's, 14 West Broadway. The new improved fire lighters for sale at 132 N. Main street. Reynolds & Co., general agents. The "Electric" is the peerless bread flour. Have yot seen the new improved fire lighter? If not, call at 132 N. Main and see them. No shavings or kindling re quired. LIKE THE WOMl CHOPPING WOOD W'e Are Selling Ji:( For Fun. THIS 3MONTH, ONLY. The quality is good enough, the Prices Low enough to send a rug int" every home in the city. SMYRNA RUGS. 81 quality for............... 65 $2.50 quaiity for...............$1.25 83.30 quality for ............... 2.25 $5 quality for .................. 2.95 86.50 quality for............. 4.00 MOQUETTE RUGS. S2 quality for ................. $1.25 $4.50 quality for.............. 3.00 $7.50 quality for.............. 5.00 JAPANESE RUGS. 8x3 ft. size for ................$1.50 3x1 ft. size for ................. 2.70 4x7 ft. size for............... 4.00 6x9 ft. size for .......... .... 7.50 FRENCH MILTON RUGS. $7.50 quality for ................. $10 quality for .................... 7.25 t$1 quality for ................... 8.50 BROfNFIE[D-CINTY CIRPET CO No. 24 W. Park St. Butte. - Tel.. 304 CAN YOU SEE? V seas.. q. ý Rae you any trouble with your eyes? Our mebhod of eI:ztiiAton ant c orrectlng 01 troubles Is seien.iflc. Caw seHig Degree of Mized AstIgmatsm at Irregular '.a gles. STUA KT. Moot.. lI'O essnr. Lessn % Tiirci, Watchlmakers and tcpp.Ic ti. tent omen: i eni a k with eon tIdence of ýuu know e..dge of op:ics hi your suceess in " it ig me with siisses. as :ane s a fom "l' 'i.ed As M. I, -f w-e c operat-d upiu byth hr N.' e: of New \"ork. an~t h" flttis inc with %u'ije es. whici I had the It.t r:i nle Ito h:erk...ind so top td to oni I :'n4p 1 ",r mi.: dl dt tett.:nl.; th " es the sam,. a+ prate I 1t. Or No ycs and yo :r saic tac.0s to i'oOsu t .1 1.t' I ijy. IUn J.~ M.. ~eyzow iai l'iprr %Lzcw jtr::t. Butte. O Celebrate the arrival of our Spring Hosiery We will offer this week Ioo doz. Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Stockings,the equal of these you generally pay 2oc for, at the ex tremely low price of 8ýc pair. Values throughout this stock il lustrate pal pably the great saving we will effect from prices of last season. Inspection of these new goods carries the surest and most satisfactory con viction, while our friends at a distance can gather some idea from the follow ing items: Boys' Extra Long Heavy Ribbed Cotton IIose double knees, toes and heels, cast-iron wear; 25c pair. Guaranteed Fast Black. Misses Ribbed Seamless Cotton hose, lighter and closer ribbed than boys, stainiless black; 25c pair. Lades' Outsize Cotton Hose, high spliced heels and double knee Herms dorf. Guaranteed stainless black; 25c pair. Ladies' Extra Long Cotton Ilose. double toes, high spliced heels and double soles, made of best Maco yarn, Hermsdorf guaranteed black; 35c pair. Ladies Extra Long, Extra Elastic top, Cotton IIose, Hermsdort fast black with Ecru Maco foot; 25c pair. Ladies Richelieu Ribbed Extra Elas tic top Cotton Hose, high spliced toes and heels. Guaranteed Hermsdorf fast black, 25c pair. Ladies' perfection Ribbed Top Cot ton lIose. high spliced toes and heels. Guaranteed Hermsdorf fast black; 25c pair. Ladies' Extra Long Cotton Hose, Extra Elastic top, double toes, high spliced heels and double toes, Herms dorf fast black; 25c pair. Ladies' Full Fashioned Hermsdorf fast black Cotton Hose with 2 thread soles; 'Oc pair. Ladies' Opera Length Cotton Hose, high spliced toes and heels. Herms dorf guaranteed fast black; 50c pair. Novelties in Lisle Lace, brown and tan cottons and Lisles in ladies' and misses' Hose and numerous other values in the higher grades of stockings. O. K. LEWIS & CO. PUBLIC NOTICE. BUTTE, Mont.. Feb. 13, 1895.-We the undersigned have this date sold to the Smith Piano company of Butte qur stock of pianos, organs, musical instruments and musical merchandise, sheet music, books, etc., store fixtures and good will of the business SIIERMAN MUSIC CO., per E. H. SHERMAN, president. TO THE PUBLIC. Referring to the above notice we are now doing business at 223 North Main street as well as at 25 West Park street, but shall move our stock from the West Park store to the former Sherman Music Co.'s ware rooms on or before March 1 next. We are refitting these warerooms and when finished will have one of the best equipped music houses in the northwest. With the combined stocks, that of the Sherman Music Co., and our own, and with increased facilities in every way to do business. we ihall be able to promptly supply everything in the music line. We respectfully ask for a continuance of the patronage of the Sherman Music company's former customers as well as of our own and in our efforts to please, hope to merit the trade of both old and new customers. Respectfully, SIlTH PIANO COMP'Y, 223 N. MAIN, BUTTE. COil CODE. ISSIYRS' SUPPLI[S (;i.nt 1',wder to. Connidate. Try a Wan Al in :h_ Stan.ar1 * " OUR NEW 5 DEPARTM'NT We take pleasure in an nouncing to our friends and the public that.on the lit of * March we will open a new * department in connection with our Mens Furnishings. * This department will consist j of the finest line of i lien's Clothing That has ever been shown in * this city. To those who con template buying a suit, we would say wait until you see * our line, as you will have the * latest sty:es and most com plete stock to select from. i Respectfuly, * SIMON J1COBS I CO., Con. PARK & MAIN, BUTTE. ********************* *oo* There Has Been Another Great Explosion. Not powder this time, but prices on Groceries. Usual prices have been blown to the winds, and other prices 50 per cent. lower than ever before have taken their place. Read our list; it will con vince you of the fact. 18 lbs. granulated sugar .................. $1 00 1 Ibs. C sugar ............. ......... ISo 14 luw. powdered sugar.......... ... I 00 Belie Jameston frour, per sack, 80 lbst.... 1 a Itoyal flour, per sack. 5,, Ibs............ 1 Dakota hard pastry flour, 50 bs........... 76 Graham fliur. 21 bs .............. . o. Whole wheat flour. 25 ibs............. Sugar cured bamand bacon, per ilb....... 1 No. 1 navy beans. . lbs ................... I 0) Butter beans, ulbs ........... ......... . eo Mayo beaus, ..lb9...................te lIed Mexican b'ans. 20 lbs e0..........1 0 iLnk beans, to Ibs..... .......... ............... Euyptitn lentels. lbs..................... 1 0) corcll gree, peas. 20 bs ................ .... 00 Callforlia evap ,rated grapes, 2u Ibs...... 1 00 Californla evaporatedpriachbes, 8 lbs...... 1 0O Californola evaporated blck figs, 12 lbs... 1 00 California evaporated white figs, 10 lbs... 1 0 Californl.s faney prunes. 12 lbs ............ I o Oaudfor nia evaporated pears. 8 lbs ........ 1 0 California evaporated etlerries, 10 lbs .... 1 o) shelled almonds, per lb ........ ...... a Japan tea equal to M. & M.. per pkge.... 2 English breakfast tea. per lb............. 23 Gun powder tea, per Ib .... ............ Ceylon tea, hagrant and delicious, per lb. ei Quaker roled oats. 8 packages........... 1 00 Cracated wheat, per package .............. 13 Mothers' mush. a packages............ .. 0 -Ea. kegs syrup .......................... I a We have received a car ,-et 'As Msy 1 ,, New Yd k state el ter vlnetkr." Moy lusesep er' antrv is oomp:ete without it. Try a sample . on.. In .quors for family use we excell all. T. B. hippy 7-year-old whiskey, per ral... 8 00 perq ..... 75 Holland gin, per gal ................. a " per qt bottle............ 75 Jamaica rum, per gal................... a o per qt bottle ............... 5 Port, sherry, angelica and muscat wines, per gal ........................... 1 5 Port. sherry, angelica and musJat wines, per qt bolte+ ........................... 25 p" er qt bottle...... ........ 2 Butte Cash Grocery Co., Cor. Park and Wyoming st ,eet, Butte; Hibernia Building, Cy.te terville. A. F. BRAY, Mgr. IN PHARMACY and CHEI1ISTS' SUPPLIES. Entaltng upon us tWo stocks and run ning bothsuccessfull. The seecret of it is. we sell lower than our neighbas, thats al!. Your friends buy of us, why don't you? Can we convince you thatws can save you $5 or $10 per month oa a 70 per cent margin on nearly ewerthliag Ti Failr Oru MN AIST CO., 115 E PARK ST.. BTTTE. MMCDEKIRMO1' T HOTEL. Unger new manasement. Strictly frst-class. Renovated and reflted throughout Steam heat and ele.trte llght in alt rooms. Large sam le room for c ::merlt tl men. ates t 30 and upwar is. Mtct IJIMOTE HOTEL 0. W. A. MALr.l. Manager. Montana Rheumatic Remedy. Posithve cure fr R:lc:mat -m and Nearallfai F1or,, h% ., ,r:.g:%t-. JOS. F. rtLRRAY. Box 557, Butte. i - T )e:-*1 .,·-· .~.-r S