Newspaper Page Text
ii a ^ o m m THE ANACONDA STANDARD, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 1895. TheWestern Montana Bureau of the Man JvdIt at ltoom t, INUr Woes. Ml . TelephoneNo. ai Advertising rates furnished^on application. FROMTill-: FILLETS I BrightWeather Following the Rains |^Works Wonders. SPLfiNDII' CROP OUTLOOK FromEvery Quarter Comes Good^Reports - Bitter Root Never^Looked Better- Burnt Fork-^ers Have Plenty Water. Missoula.Juno 12.^The warm, bright^weather of this wetk Is just what was^needed by the farmers, and from all^over Western Montana OHM paaaM^nf the moat eneouraglnK nature, all^;^elntlng to a moat successful hnr\^. si.^The protract^! Wt\ weather, which has^prevailed for s^ v. weeks, has prae-^tioally rem'.lit 1 the toaaa* daaa fey^the atOtaetva !uat and drouth of April.^Although the rUS* mat Is not aa^long as usual at this time of year, It ia^strong and green, ani if the wv.i'her^eontinues warm it is believed that the^ranges will in as good shape as^over by July I, CttrNepoadeata have sentto this etBet reports which show thatthe cropi are now in a far better^condition than the a\.-rag., and farm^^ers !n all tin- railsjri of Weetern Horn- tanaare hopeful. These reports are^given below: MWsniiUVallr.v. FromA. G. Englam. and Michael^Flynn of the lower valley a Standard^reporter this afternoon gathered the^following information regarding the^crops in that section: The grass and^grain, which had suffered considerably^from the dry weather of early sprint;,^have been revived by the continued^damp weather and are now In excel^^lent condition, flats and wheat, es^^pecially, are doing well. Fruit and^vegetables have been held back by the^cool nights which prevailed during the^rainy period, but so far as can be^learned there has been no damage^done to these crops. The small fruits^arf especially vigorous, and strawber^^ries are beginning to show color. The^rainfall for this season is but little be^^low the average, the heavy showers of^last week having compensated for the^dryness of April and early May. l'mm^Ksau James the reporter learned that^the conditions in the (Irant cm k sec^^tion are much the same. The hay and^grain crops promise to be heavy, and^fruit and vegetables are in healthy^condition, although somewhat back^^ward. Idthe Rattlesnake. Arecent guest In Missoula bestowed^upon this section the fitting name.^^Happy Valley.^ which Is certainly^much more appropriate than the un^^pleasant name which early geogra^^phers gave to it. Here everything is in^much better condition than ever be^^fore. Its sheltered location has given^this valley an advantage over the^more exposed localities, and as a re^^sult fruiis and vegetables have made^better progress. Strawberries are ripe^in some gardens and early vegetables^are being gathered. Local commission^men are making regular shipments of^vegetables from here and from the^lower valley. HnrftfPlains. HorsePlains. June 11^It looks now^as if the ranchmen of this section^would be fully compensated for the^disasters of last year by the bountiful^harvest which promises to mature this^season. The valley hi re has been^thoroughly wt-t by recent rains and Is^now in splendid condition. The wheat^crop, which is the staple here, is look^^ing better than ever before, particular^^ly the hard wheat, which has hereto^^fore been more or less of an experi^^ment. One of the most encouraging^developments here this season is the^success of the experiment of fruit cul^^ture. Young orchards that came into^bearing last year are this season heav^^ily laden with fruit, and there Is every^reason to believe that this beautiful^sheltered valley will become as famous^as a fruit growing section as is the^Bitter Root. ThompsonKitlK ThompsonFalls, June U^The ranch^^men in the valb y tbOYO b, : e an- jubi^^lant over the abundant rains, which^have now been succeeded by such line^growing weather. Crops of all descrip^^tions are in most promising c mdition^and the ranges afford splendid pastur^^age. Stock is in line shapt, The fact^that much grain hen is grown without^irrigation make* the rain all the more^welcome, as it Insures the success of^these crops, where II looked a month^ago as if they would be, ^ partial fail^^ure. Orchards thai have been planted^cn cleared land In this se. tion are^growing we:!, . x pt those that were^un*. water so long during the flood^last year. It: thee* rtttl sjnw of the^trees have d:. 1 |.ire heavily covered with snow, tnaur-^I ing a generoua water supply for that^I part of the valley In the Burnt Fork^\alle^ ii is believed that there will be^enough water for all the disputing^| claimants Grass and grain are In^I splendid conditio*, and fruit, while ^^little behind the season, is in promising^shape. It is estimated that the apple^crop of ihis section this year will be^double that of 1S94. The first shipment^nf Hitter Hoot strawberries was made^to-day. Everything hero points to a^favorable season. BRIEFS AND PERSONALS. Mlamilla.Mom.. Jaas 12^To-day la^pay day .it Fort Miaooula, and there^lias been an usual dtapenaetioa of cash^to the boys in blue Then' is no doubt^in the minds of the officers at the post, asto the cause of the disappearan^f Williamsof Company H. who has be. |^missing for a week ^^^ne of the ofll-^ren said to a Standard .eporter: ^It^is I plain case of desoriion, nothing^else. The story told by the Indians is^a fake^ and they probably never saw^Williams' body. The only peculiar^feature .if the case is the fact that^Williams left just before pay day. ha^^lt) it of waiting to got his money, but^be mav have been in financial trouble^or in some other difficulty. TheKvening Itepubliean, a new^daily paper, made its appearance this^evening, and gives as the reason for^Its existence the fact that there Is no republican paper in thunty. and thenew sheet proposes to till the bill. The lecture at the Preabytertaa churchthis evening by Chaplain Stew^^ard of Port Missoula was unusually^interesting. The theme was, ^The^Life of Frederick Douglass,^ and the^lecture was rich in personal anecdote*. ItIs reported to-night that there has^beM a rich strike in the Iron Moun^^tain mini . The ore body is said to he^2'. fai : wide and very rich. Themarriage of M. II. C, Smith ami^.Miss Leah Hussie Donley will occur in^the Christian church Wedneeda) 'veil^^ing. June lit, at !^ 0'dock, Hev. Q, F. OboraUeyof Helena, officiating. Hoth youngpeople are well and favorably^known here and the announcement of^their marriage will be received with^pleasure by their friends. HiHenry is hobbling around with^one foot i ncased In a moccasin, he^having stepped on the business end of^a nail yesterday witli grave results. Theladies of the Presbyterian church^are arranging for a presentation of^^The District School^ at the opera^house. Thestreet cleaning gang has at last^turned Its attention to Spruce street,^and some of the accumulated rubbish^Is being removed. J.M. Fox of Hod Lodge, is in the^city on business connected with his^coal company. About20 Indians are camped west of^the city. Night before last the bucks^got full of alcohol and beat their women^until the latter fled from camp Noth^^ing has yet been done to stop the car-^rousal. although the squaws have ap^^plied for aid at the houses in the neigh^^borhood, MissMaelay. superintendent of^schools. Is inspecting schools in the countrythai week. Thedeputies In the^are busy trying to do^in II days. C.C. Elletson has been arrested at^the Instance of S. Samuels, who^charges him with obtaining money un^^der false pretenses. Samuels claims^that he gave Klbtson goods and the^security of some real estate, or else^traded for the land, exactly which does^nut appear. Flletson gave him as evi^^dence of ownership of the land an old^tag redemption certificate several years^old. The property passed out of Blast*^soti shands some time ago and Samuels^thinks that he has been defrauded,^Judge Landers will hear the case Fri^^day. Inthe district court to-day the at^^torneys for Piaabeth Hash, the Iowa^wife of the late Daniel Hash, presented^a petition for the appointment of \V. R^Brooks as administrator of the estate^instead of J. H. T. Ryman, who was^appointed upon the petition of th^Montana wife before the earlier mar^^riage was knjown here Mr. Brooks^offered bonds in the sum of $22,000. A.M. Stevens A. CO. have on sale to^^day the list Bitter Hoot strawberries^of tho season. i s ^^.^Never In Better shape. Missoula.June 12^The Missoula^Baseball association, which has been^threatened with dissolution since Sun^^day, .was reorganized to-night and^harmony restored, all differences be^^tween the players being adjusted ami^^cably, and the champion team of the^slate is now in better shape than ever. DullyOccurence. .VowYork. June 12 ^Slgmond Cheid-^ler, aged ^t^. of No. 21 Hast l^th street.^Shot his w ife In the forehead to-day. in^^flicting fatal injuries. He then bjaW^out bis own biains. assessor'soffice^a month's work ir^nValley. Frenehtoun.June 11.^Then is now^no doubt of the Sue .^^.* of the crops: in^^ irass Valley and in the section i^ i ^m^here. The heavy rataa have gladdened^the hearts of UM farmers, who have^no system of irrigating. They will^have a good crop of hay and ^grain. andthere will 1^ a ti demand for theproduct of the valley, as the |.^'.ty of the oats and hay of this section^has become rarognlwil There will bo amuch larger ten -ig^Ji t|^s yearthan ever before. John Cyr .end^'Jaspard Dsechampa, the principal pro^^ducers, have nearly doubled the extent^of their grain land. Aruumiauta*aMea^^Hamilton. June 12.^The upper Bitter^Root galley never looked as well be^^fore as it does now. Fell ,wing the^dusty weather of a month ago,ovary-^thing Is now fresh and green and the^creeks and rivers are running bank full.^The crop* arc in promising condition,^and the yield of apples wi^ be largi r thisyear than ever before, aniens^some unforseen conditions arise. .\\,^damage to the crops in thll Vldn ty^was done by the frosts of May, ar t^berries are ripening rapidly. It Is^stated, howevi r, that in the vicinity of^Victor the strawberries ..r. seriously^affected by the frosi. and there will be-^hardly any crop this season. lunge^and ranch stock Is In splendid condi^^tion, and a larger amount of pork than^ever before will be raised here this^yesr. TheLower Hitter Kool. Btevensvllle.June 12.^The valley In^this section It; this w^-k ., beautiful^picture. Rivers and creeks are brim^full, and the mountains west of here liuddingtime^^the time when yjirl-^tsood blossoms into^womanhood ^ is a^t ryi ii k period in^every woman's life.^Much depends on^the care and the^treatment given^then ^4 lifetime of^healthy happiness,^or years (a .sufTer-^Ut| sickness. Tobring girls^safely through this^critical perils!, Dr.^Pierce I Favorite^Prescription h a s^been found an un^^failing aid. It is a^p r c p a r a t i o n of^strongly tonic pro-^pi rties. It puts^the whole body^into good condi^^tion and i': particularly efficacious in^its action on the peculiarly feminine^organism. There is no sort of female^trouble that it will nut correct if it is^taken in time. Thousands of the worst^possible cases have been cured by it.^It works in a perfectly natural way,^and drive* out disease by building up^the strength and purifying the whole^system. -Manymodest women and girls suiter anapitkabte torments l^ccause they^ telling their troubles to a phy-^a\ejaa. They fear the almost inevitable^examination:, am! ^local treatment.^^I'll' ^ things arc usu.illv wholly un^^necessary. Dr.Pierce s I'avonte Prescription will^do what not one doctor in a hundred can^do^it will cure. In our i6S page book,^entitled ^Woman and Her Diseases,^^are hundreds of testimonials to its won^^derful efficacy. Thebook will be sent free in plain^envelope on receipt of this notice with^ten cents to part pay postage. Address,WOBLDI dispensary MEDI^^cal Association, No. 663 Main Street,^Buffalo, N Y. SHOULDFEEL FtOUD IndicationsAre That the University^Will Start With a Flourish. PERSONNEL of faculty Prospoctus to Be Circulated^Throughout the State Soon^Nearly a Hundred Expected to^Be Enrolled at tho Opening. Missaila. June U.-The local Indica^^tions are that the state university,^from the opening day. w ill be a success.^The attendance cannot yel be accu^^rately estimated, hut it Is believed that^the Institution will open with an en^^rollment of about on, including the pri -^paratory department, (if this num^^ber there will probably be g| bast H^from Missoula and the surrounding^country. It is said that there will be^a good attendance of Helena VOUU^people, and Anaconda and Butts at egpeetedto coatributs their share af students.It will be the policy ol the^local managi ment to seek to hi ins '^^tin new school as many students from^HUttS and An:o 011.ia as possible, and^in a few days a proa pectus will be pri ^^pared which will be circulated freely^throughout the state. Asalready slated in the I. ProfeaeorMerrill is at work preparing forthe arrangement of tin room.:^which will be devoted to his depart- asentHe has been in Boasunan 'or sev^^eral days in conference witli the fac^^ulty of the agricultural college as to 1he apparatus which is to Irdered forthe university. This equipment is^to be ordered at once and will lie here^as soon as the rooms are ready for oc^^cupancy. The laboratories will be^thoroughly equipped for practical work^by the students and will be arranged^according to the plans of Professor^Iferritt, alreadv published In the Stand^^ard. Thelocal board has advertised for^bids for supplying the furniture for the^building and this contract will be^awarded Saturday, June 29. A pros^^pectus is now being prepared by the^local board and. in order that it may^be complete in its Information. It Is de^^sired that J. H. T. Ryman. secretary^of the board, be furnished with the^price of board and the number of stu^^dents that can be accommodated by^such residents of Missoula as desire to^provide homes for' the students. This^information should he given at once^that there may be no delay In the is^^suing of the prospectus. Thefaculty as at present appoint..1^is composed of Dr. O. C. Craig, presi^^dent: Prof. S. A. Merritt. sciences; Miss^Bettie Riley, mathematics. Another^professor will be engaged by the local^board. In accordance with the author^^ity given by the state hoard of educa^^tion, as soon as President Craig ar^^rives. It is supposed that this last pro^^fessor will till the chair of English lit^^erature and modern languages, but^this cannot he determined until the ar^^rival of the president, as It is not^known what branches he will teach.^It is more than probable that still an^^other member of the faculty will be^found to be necessary to cary on the^university work. Parat b ast two years and probably^for a longer period the preparatory de^^partment will be maintained and will^play an important part In the work of^the university. This departm-nt will^enable the students from the country^and elsewhere, where there are no high^schools, to prepare themselve for the^university work and will add Wonder^^fully to the efficiency of the school as^a state institution. It is a concession^to the public which ought to be appre^^ciated and patronized. Whilethe state university is in no^sense a local institution, it devolves^upon the people of Missoula to make^special efforts to insure ihe immediate^SttcCSSJ of the institution. This city^has been richly honored by the loca^^tion of the university here, and the cit^^izens should by all means exert them^^selves to show an appreciation of that^honor. The posibilities of the univer^^sity are great. The climate here is^such that the school wdll be popular^on that account; the members of the^faculty are of ripe scholarship and ex^^perience; the equipment of the school^will be excellent, and It only remains^for the people of the state at large and^of tills city In particular to support the^school as It should be supported In or^^der to make the state university of^Montana the leading institution of^learning In the northwest. Hotel(Jue.U. Missoula,June 12.^ Cuests at the lo^^cal hotels to-day are: Atthe Florence^J. P. Tracy. Hart^^ford. Conn.: Joseph T. Carter, Flat^^head Agency: J. C. Truax, Chicago; C.^H. Hill. Peloit. Wis ; R. P. Rrown, San^Francisco; James Peard, Chicago; Fred E.Krause. Helena: Samuel I. Davis, F.dans, New York; A. P. Ray. Cleve^^land; t. C. Render. Denver; K F.^Welch. Chicago; Hen Rosenstein. San^Francis, ,; .1. M. Fox, Bed Lodge; J. H. Burton.Chicago. Atth. Rankin -M, llarvls. !^: S. Huntington,Rutte; Mrs. Underwood.^Bonner; Mrs Jefferson, Leslie Jeffer^^son. Helena; 11. Hill and wife. Clear-^wai 1, Mis. William l.rahazoii, Pardee;^J Huntington. Butte; Arthur W.^Church, BUtta; P. P. Lake. Pyrites; C. O.Lawreaoe, Oliver Btlageley, city: B, E.Morris. Helena; M. Johnson. Cor-^vatlla; .Mrs. F. V. Sweeney, lirant.--^dat^; B. 11 Sweenty, Hamilton. Atthe Kennedy^John T. Ward. Hel^^ena; Thomas H. Carrlgan, Tacoma; S.^P.. Mi Lain and ^^ ife, Madison, Ohio. Instrument*Hied. Missoula,June 1L'.^The following In^^struments were tiled for record with^the county clerk to-day: lub ase ,,f mortgage^ Anne H. Pouek-^by to Mary J. Connlff, east half of^northwest quarter and west ball of^northeast quarter of Section Its town^^ship II. range t4v $700. Releaseof mortgage -Missoula Mer^^cantile company to Robert Coombs,^south half of southeast Quarter, south^^west quarter and southeast quarter of^section 22. township I:!, range It,^$;.ooo. MortgagiMary E. Nletack to Will^^iam W Fish of Massachusetts, lots 14^to M, block 1::'. Woody addition.^}1. Satisfactionof mortgage -George A.^Hempstead to Mary E. Nletack. Noticesof location^By M. Hrlck and^John Hrannigan. Mohawk, on Hramlet^creek, by same parlies. Cold Oil. sain-^place; by Peter Oharett and A M^Dory. Franklin copper claim, Iron^Mountain district. Placerlocation^Louis Lozeau. .'0^acres on First creek, to be known as^the Mayflower claim. TheChild Meat on.^From the lietrolt Free Press. Inthe cabin of a Brooklyn ferry boat^thu other aficrnoon were a hundred pas-^semzers, and among ihems poorly dressed^woman with a sleeping child on her lap.^The little sleeper moved about uneasily. andit was plain that any sudden noise^would break bor sleep. A man wuusotiiu^carpenter tools m a bag at his feet saw^the state of aJTuirs, and as the mother^be.'.in to rock lbs child and utter a^^ ^s-s-s-s-h^ this man StsUsi up, held up a^j hand 111 warning mid ^ hlssjofaol: Don't nobody eougbl Don't nobody^drop Ins umbrella ! Dun'I nobody scrape^Ma hi- feet on tho door ami wake this kid^i up I ilie passengers smiled and noddod and^tuuibl ei to tiiu situation, and thero was a^Iiuj.ii in tho cabin as tho man who had^1 spoken tiii-toed out on deck. Three or^I four hounds like the snort ol a horse w as^I heard, and thou be came tiptoeing hack,^I wi|nng liia uoio and whispered: Anilif anylnidv else wants to blow his^I nose, lei him go oiit-i le as I did and bu^h inged ! I'm a m ^u as is down on 111011-^| opohes and in favor of tho poor, and the^i feller who blows his noso in tins cabin^and wakes that yoUM 'ua up has got to^lick Bse or take a a balm' himself 1 Informalion WnStSSUa^From Harper's li.i a il.o mayor of 4l \^e lei n ciiy noted for^its licaithful situation not long ago re^^ceived tho loflawing letter from aas) wbaj^Wanted information: Piosoto let me Itn ia the weekly and in11 in lily dcth ^tattsti ks of roar Cltty and whuthe* died of tud ban Vhat the I'a^^vonte diseazes ol ^ ^ur Cuin.v.e M and^when they prev 1 I ilia worm and hi w^moany losiilt in fatal dcth Also the higu^and low i'enipuio.. nam regardf, to tho^Kind blowing and ai ^l per rent, par^nine it blow s and 1! c^cloei are frequent^apough to he uhplaaiaui a 4 what precau-^eon is neecssarv - caps! being bleared^a^a.t aiiyihktg else about rourClinaata^an if - aaaafruf be thankfully received, PaseihfgOegeraee tllgeai wil attempt^to defend tus par ion fticorti by the faei^that all of thjurlmlnalp be has turns 1 miI^of iiss . ^ oi;--. . ir 1 *t .g t 111 haeu as^fast as possibly. -Ne^ lark Praasi Quicken^The Appetite^Makes the^Weak Strong. THEONLY GOLD MEDAL Sarsaparilla HasCured Others AndWill Cure You. Ayer-sCherry I'rrl.irsl for Coughs- THEMONTANA, ANACONDA,MONT. B.R. D. Co. SHIPPERSof HAY, OATS, WHEAT ami all kinds of Farm and^Kanch Produce. Write us for prices. Merchants, Commission.^Men. Consumers, who uso or handle any of the above, or V.ggs,^Butter, Fruit, Herries and Garden Produce in quantities, will find^it to advantage lo give us their orders. We hamllu I largo part of^the entire product of the Bitter Hoot Valley; are in position ta^make prices to suit the nurket, and invite correspondence. HI f MercantileDepartment. Hamilton, Hont. Oaeof the nan 1 -om ^ : and most ele-^Oantly appointed hotels in the United^States. Thoroughly llreproof and pro.^vlcted with elevators, electric bells, flra^alarms running water, baths, steam h^a^^open fire places and all modern conven^^iences Room^ en suits and single. Cut*^sene and service strlo'.ly ftrst-clasn Rataa^from $3 90 per day upwards according^to size and character ot rooms occupied, OBO.W. REYNOLDS, MANAQBR. KNOWLEDGE Bringscomfort a:ul improvement and^toti'ls to MaoaaJ enjoyment a4aa I^rightly usea. The many, who live bet- |^tor than others and enjoy life more, with I^less expenditure, by more promptly |^adapting the world's best products to^the needs of physical Mag, will attc.-t^the value to h iltli of the pure liquid^laxative principle* embraced in the^remedy, Syrup of Figs. Itsexcellent ^ is due to its presenting^in the form Boat acceptable and pleas^^ant t^ the taste, the wfaahillgaad truly^beneficial prop rties of a perfect lax^^ative; effectu.i ly clemming the qfatrtB,^di-pclling colds hiadaches and feven^and tieniianently cuiitig constipation.^It has j[iYEH satisfaction to millions and^met with th' BMaJUMl ^d the medical^profession, neeau-e it acts on the Kid^^neys, Liver and Bowels Without weak^^ening tlit-ni and it i- perfectly free from^every objectionable substance. .Syrupof Figs is for sale by all drug^^gists in id cent bottles, but it is man^^ufactured by the California Fig Syiup^0b^ only, whose name is printed on every^paekaja,aha iba nane, 8yrupul Figs,^and beini: *^-ell infonnexl, you will not^accept ucy iubeUiuU: it ullciud. Constipation Dimness,FallinK Sen-^stttiunn.Ji'erv-^niistwitctiinK^of the eyes^an 1 other^twits. Strengthens,in v i i orates^and tunes ttie^entire syateas.^1. :i n cures^Dili III ty.^Nervousness,^K miss ions,^meldevelopes^and restores^^\cuk organs,^l'sins in tlio^laics. MM^hi on )^ or^-; ;htstoppc^l Thisextra^^ordinary l'.i--^juTenatnr ia, 1^tho most^wonderful^discovery af^the aire, it^has been en^^dorsed by the^leadlatsrliii^title met 04^Kurope and^America. Hudeit^'^^purely Tcpe^table. MuqysnFlops Prematjrepessof the die-^eharne in J)^days. Cures LOSTMANHOOD quickly.Over ^.000 private, cndoisemelits. Paaaahaeaeajmeans: bVMteaey In tho first is a pymptom of seminal weakness^and haasaaem it can be stepped la '-^0 days^by the use of Hiulyan. Thonew din every was made by the Special^^ists of the i.lil famous Hudson Medical Institute.^It Is the ^tronsest vitalise! made. It is very^powerful, I,ut ^allllhsj. Sold i'er Si 00 a psek-^aaoorii paekaifs for SJ.OOd'lumsealed Imxes).^Writteu miarautee ^iveiifi^ra cnr'. If you buy^mx 1...,. , i,| are 11.1t entirely cured,six luoro^will tie scut to ymi freeofall charees. SenIf ^r circulnrsand testini 'iiisK Address^HI DHOM MKDICAL INST1TLTE,^Juncll-^n Mocklou, .'^l^rk. t A KIHaSia,^San Kpauelsco, Cal. Noticefi.r PaMhsatssssi ehaa^ Meal . tarH H, m.n. Inre K. o. Terrell it at. \s W L. Ile^eet Llavaivias the iior^.^ shoe Quarry. Bydlneiiuh of letter ^n.' laauary a. W^ami theeeeaiet ef tn^ Hon aseretary et.tha^interior. 01 iiate December :-'I. api'llcallon^liy tin) plalntlfls having b^eu made In iluo form,^aheanutiis heteliy eruered 111 lae above en.i-^tied ca^o to i;!ve (ilalntids oppniiuiiit) 10 snow^^M01 Ty of a valuable uunsra ilenos;; 011 each^twenty-acre tract of the said ll irs- Shoe pla^^cer, bsln^ nilni-rsl entry No. Ml: all partsai of^In erest are therefore ncrvby Minim ms.l to ap^^pear at tins oHV^.lima |L 1^J . at 11) o'clock n.^ni. 10 res|iou 1 ami furaMI Mraaaai c in.rrn-^1uk the niiueral Character o: tile -1 ,| trac. and^the discovery of valuable mineral on each. jo^acres thurvot The sail testimony will b^^taken belors M. J. Kltzpatrlck. notary public,^at his oliieo In Anaconda, Montana, on dune Jo,^Is*. JEKEMlAIi COLLINS. Hecclvsr. M18SOULA,MONT, HlgglnsAve. 11-2 Blocks from N. P uepot 11 -2 Blocks from Business Center)^Excellent. Table, Steam Heat, Elec^trie Lights, Baths, Free Bus, Samp,B^Booms for Commercial Men. Rates,^$2.00 WM.KENNEDY, M*r.^CHARLES EMSLEY,. . . Taxidermist,Missoula, Mont. Game,Heads. Animals, Birds. ^Dead Game,^^Fur Koues and Kugs^I make a specialty of mountlug and preserv-^ta] Heads and spoeimens to mdsr for sports^^men. Correspondence soUcitod. Mention^^.-taaiiard^ Staea wrltlnj. FlatheadStage LEAVKSRAVALLI ON MONDAY,^WEDNESDAY AND FKIUAY, mak^^ing connection with Boat at foot of^Lake, and returns, making connec^^tion witli Noribern Pacific I'assen-^Iter Train on .Sams Day. BENDECHARM, Proprietor. NORTHERNPACIFIC TO a- _STLPAUl MINNEAPOLIS DULUTHand FARUO GRANDFORKS^and WINNIPEG TO Pullman SleepinoCars Eleoant DiningCars tourist sleepinocars .TUNSCHEDULE taatnarrive. No.7. From St. l'a i. t hicajo, and all^1'astern points, arrives Northern^1'aclttc Local Uepot daily at 9:15am No,s, Krom Spokane. Tacoma.^Beattla Portland, ami all Coast^points, arrives Montana Union De^^pot, dally ut11:3d p m trmnsoepart No.7. Fur Spokane, Ta'-ouia.^Seattle. 1'ortlaml and all ( nasi and^California points, leave Montana^Union Depot dallv at 8.90am No.k. Kor St. Paul, chkatto. and all^I astern, Southern and Canadian^points, leaves Northern Pacific Lo^^cal Depot daily at 10:33 p m MMMSleeping Cars, between hutto and^St. Paul, upholstered Tourist Sleepers: elesaat^day MaahM aal .1 a.n; ear service on all thrseahMlaa lor information, t'.ma cards, maps and tlcksts^call on or write \V at TiOBv. Gen. A^t., 28^Last liroadway, Butte, Mont., or CHAKLE3- FEE,^General Pasteager Agent, St.Paul. Minn. SI TheBe^t BLOOD PURIPIEI B.^ M. SARSAPARILLA AllDruflnists sell IT. DEVELOPMENTCO., Manufaotiimsand Wholesale Dealers In Roughand Dressed Lumber. Allkinds of Mining and Bridge Timbers a specialty. Large Dry^Kilns in connection with the Mill. Sash and Door Factory, sash,^Doors, Mouldings, Cedar Shingles and i'ino Lath Interior Finish^Hard Wood or Pine, Hand Rails, Balusters and Newel Posts.^Scroll Sawing, Turning and Fancy Brackats. Over 2,000,000 feet of^No. 1 Clear Finish in Stock, either Yard Seasoned or Kiln Dried,^Estimates and Price Lists furnished on application. BOX264 HAHILTON,MONT. 6 AnacondaAgency. DEALERSIN Trya Want Ad inthe Standard Lumber,Lath and Shingles. 6ABH, DOOBS. BUNDS, ETC., LIME, HAIR PLA^TEI! AND CEMENT *^a Agentsfor the Standard Pressed Brick and Red Brick. OFFICE.17 MAIN STREET, ANACONDA. BOULDERHOT SPRINGS, BOULDERMONTANA Watersexcellent for Rheumatism, Kidney troubles an*^^anaral Debility. Mineral Baths in Hotel. BOULDERHOT SPRINGS HOTEL CO. MANAGERS. TRY A STANDARD WANT ADV.