Newspaper Page Text
THEANACONDA STANDARD, MONDAY MORNING, oEPTEMBER 16 1895. tyESTERNMONTANA. TheWestern Montana Biirnl of th*^Standard la at Room *. Daly Block. Mla-^aoula Telephone H*. M. Advertising^rates furnlahMl on appllration. REACHEDTHE LIMIT TheAttendance at the UDiversity^Larger Than Was Expected. THERRWILL BE 100 BY OCT. 1 Peopleof Missoula Are Witling to^Assist In Beautifying 'he Perma^^nent School Uroundi- Now^Is the Proper Time. Missoula.Sept. 15.^The state university^lis* I!i -^ .1 k ^ . \ istenceand an examination of the sit^^uation leads to the mo*: encouraging^conclusion*. The most liberal esl ^ .^of attendance made laat spring placed^the enrollment for tii.^ aatruaj tsfSJI at^from 60 to 75. This lattat Usall has al^^ready been reach. 1 mil baser* Oct. 1^there will 1* 101) siuvlent* Ml railed tf tbs^univeraity. I'rN lent Craig and the other^members of the faculty feel much en^^courage I ever tha outlook and th. j^r. *-^Idem expresses himself very confidently^regarding -i-he future of hla school. Butthere arc yet many things In con^^nection with the welfare of the new^school which demand the care and at^^tention of the people of Missoula. The^c'.ttiena should he tireless In their ef^^forts to advance Its '.merest*, and lie-^cause it Is well started there should he^no abatement of interest. Th. liberal^policy which Missoula ha* manifested re^^garding the school should t^e continued^until tbe University of Montana shall l^e^recognised as tbe leading institution of^lesrning In the Northwest. Oneof the Ore; points which should^receive attention, perhaps the very first,^is the tiniprovenieiit of the grounds which^will he the site of the permanent univer^^sity building. These grounds should be^fenced this fall or early in the spring,^and when the next Arbor day comes It^should be made a general holiday. Trees^should be set out along the streets lead^^ing; to the university site and the^grounds themselves should t^ trans^^formed Into a grove. All this can be done^easily and wlUiout mu li expense and It^ostft be done by the people of Missoula.^During the past few days a Standard re^^porter hss railed upon s number of lead-^ins; 'business men In ctiiin.ciion with this^matter and every one of them has ex-^pressed his willingness to assist In the^plan suggested. Waiter can be conveyed^to the grounds for Irrigating purposes^and so distributed as to cover nearly the^whole of the large canvpus with but little^erpens.. tf this Is done next spring the^grounds wil I be In splendid condition^when the university building la erected,^and its beautiful grounds will be a^source at pride to the people of thl* city,^but in order to accomplish IkM everybody^mssi contribute something and some^plan should be agreed upon us soon a*^possible. LOCAL Nt\t(S NOTES. Mlrsoula.Sept. 1.^.^Officials of the^board of trade are In corresondence with^the Nothern Pacific authorities to see If^an exhibition car can he secured lo dis^^play Missoula and Hitter Root valley^products In Bast em Montana. Dakota^and Minnesota. Themineral land commissioners have^moved camp from the Klathea.l country^te Thompson Fall*, when- they will re^^main until they are Informed that their^work muat erase for this year. Th^ last^Information received from the Interior^depart..irr.t was that the appropriation^would be exhausted between Sept. 15 and^M. As soon as the telegram Is received^the commissioners will start for their^homes and no more work will be done^this year. *!!* Smith has arrived from St. Paul^to take chxrgki of the trimming depart^^ment of Mrs. Backett a mlllnery store.^The Indications are tha't she will add to^the already great popularity of this es^^tablishment t Mrs.Kenely came '.n from the East^last evening. She will leave to-morrow^for Hamilton, where she will reside. Col.John Lynch, of the Hpur, is In the^atty to-dsy. IkeAberntthy is still out at Corlan,^superintending operattuns on th* placer^mines 'there The report* that he send*^In have !^^^ ti f i\ Table unt.l within a day^or two. The sudden change In the tenor^sf his reports caused an Immediate in^^vestigation and the directors ascertained^that two lay* ago the men at work on^the n^w tlirme uncovered a nest of rattle^^snakes. Since that time Ike has refused^to leave the i^. .: I hi last ill track^of **^ mining work. SheriffM Laughltn sal I yesterday un^^der fereetosar* proceeding* la the case^Of CjrathU W. l/.Why vs. J. H. Van Pat^^ten, lot* 7 Is 11. and IS to 16, Mock 21.^Park addition, for SOiht: In the mm ..f^th* Industrial Trust (Vmp.iny v*. John^MVOilvry et aL, Iota 14 and 1^. block B,^School addition, for SX4.0: in the mm^of the Imi^i^:rial Trust Company vs. \V.^H. H. Dickinson et at., lots IV 10 and ^.^block 10, C P. Hlggins' addition, it^K/TH.C3. In each case the plaintiff was^the pur haser. I^ Pnj^ ^^^^in*' nut^.^Missoula. Sept. IS.^One provls.on of the^gesr codes sternal to tie (scaping the no-^tle* of the parties most convened. The^|s^w requires ail physicians to register^with thi county cb rk all deaths and births^up to dat'-. The record books In the coun^^ty clerk's :li ^.ire proud. I for^th* nriStMoat of this law are blank, no^record having been male by ary physi^^cian. The importance of this law is^grest. It Is a nia'.'er of surprise that it^had not been enacted years ago. Hut^Ht that 1: has 1' - MM a law It should^be followed, as the Itsf birth*^and deaths arc of Inestimable value to^any community. Date*of tbe Torre lairs.^Missoula, Sept. 15. ^Kor the benefit of^those unfortunates whose mem ^ry is so^short that they forget lates before they^know them the information la given once^more that the Stevensville fruit abow^WIN be held Sept. !:^ . I - . the M.-.-o iia^fair will occupy the dates Sept. M, ^^and X, the Hamilton fair will uttradt^attention Oct. 1. 2 and 3. Living,l on lot lies sssSMMS) t^ I'.av Hull. Missoula.Sept. 15^ The baseball learn^has under consideration a proposition^sad* by th* Livingston team by tele^^phone this morning. The Livingston peo^^ple invite the Miissouli team to cms^over on the same terms that the East^Blden* csme er her. K is not iy^known to-night what action will be taken^as many of the ball tossers are away^from town to-day. \I . Itlumer (earnestly)^Old man, you^have no idea how much II costs a -^send his wife away for the tummir^Planklnggon^I suppose not. Von Blumer^^No, sir! Since my wife has been away^I've lost IS s night on tbe average.^^Memphis Scirut-tar. ANACONDALOCAL. Thet lior.t .e-ceri. TheChoral society h^* revised the pro^^grams** printed Ocpcofirc n these col^^umns, and with several additions have^perfected sn entertainmrnt that no lover^of good music should miss. The new^programme Is as follows:^1'AKT I. Chorus^Sweet and Low^ Overture to ^7.ampa^. Prof. Wasterlaln'a Hand MaleChorus.. .^Hark, the Merry Drum^^Soprano Obligato. SipranoSolo with violin obligato^^Kor AllRterattr^Miss 1'auline ltrnwnell Duet' I Wait for Thee^ .'Messrs. Harris and FArgher TromrboneSolo^^Souvenir de la t*nl^*o PolkaProf. Wasterlain Octette,mixed voice* ^^Moonlight on the Lake !Solo-'The KsffPtosutl Mi.J. II. Thomas. ,Chorus^^Annie Laurie^ PARTIt. Overture to ^Tannhaus^r^ Prcf. Wasterlain's Bsnd FemaleChorus^ '^tar^ the Nigh: Adorning BassSolo with orchestral accompani^^ment^ ^Deep In the Mine^ Mr. J. Nortman Recitation^Benedict Arnold^ Mr. Oeo. V. Lyman SopranoSolo^^Walts Song^Ardltl Ml*aPaul'ne PmwMfl,^Solo^^Fantssle Brilliantr^Arban Mr.Otto 1^. Randall, baritone soloist.^Tenor Sol i- ^Cen. \ lev. ^..Mr. T. Sullivan^Duet^^La Belle Creole^ Prof. Wasterlalti and Otto Randall MandolinSolaMr. W. C DMsM Chorus-Itcaeuteous Wsltl^ ats*l-uiic ul u JbMM ' elklrk.^The fun ml of Junes Selkirk, the un furtur.'.iicItflllllllsasV tH lii'M raster-^day iflern..n uti.l -f Hi^ ^uspi^vi^ ..f, A. ^ P. emptor^. Kveiy est*^riigc and turn \^ui Jn ^)^ livery Hbhle*^was taken nnd n i.^ng coricgv followed^the hearse tu the graveyard on the^hill. The scrvloe ^ut the grave was^:i;i,,ile, but pcrficl .ii aiipointmeiit.^11 ^. Ce.irsjc W. llctley ,.f itllis- I'n sliy-^iterlara church conducted the starVta*^nia.l a few stppmprlati^ remarks and^..ft'.T-.l puv.r. A choir consisting ^f^ Tlbinun an I llealy. Miss.-s^CI it i Ti illheji, 11, J. Jones and Fl ir-^MM ^ li.'drajml swng ^Josus. Uiver of^My Sou!^ ami ^Niiin-r My ^lod to^Thee^ vt-i-y . ff.Httlvely. Floral tributes^were beautiful. Thearrival* ad ^hc Motitana yester-^^lt^y wpre: H. W. Fn-er, Clevelatid,^OMil D- M. Durfee, Phillpsburg; II.^H. Allays. John V. ivtrltx, ^lty; a. n.^Henn I .1. CleveVund. Ohio; A. Sut'tan,^Butte; ^l.^^rge Power. K.scujiagia, Mldli.;^D. J. McDonald, c*ty; Mrs .M. M. Cox.^OSMbi Hirnest Davb s. Matteawan. K,^Y.; W. C. Allnrlem, M 1st*mil; T. .1 Mut^^iny, K. T. Kelly. Hutire; Janb's D.^Hague, New York: H. J. Si'hlclsssfiKcr,^Chlcairo; P. A. OFarre.ll, Spokane; .1.^C. Saviry. Calble; 1^11 Daniels, Marco^Midln. Barbs*! II. A. Amder.sin. II. W.^tMsWj MMI PMbI Johnaun, Salt^Kike. T. M.ti ^!^l*rgcr. Omaha; Jam.*^\V. Hlne ,N. w YVirk. BROOKLYNBKIUCbl. Nome PactsAbout Tills large and 1 Il^^linois Stiuetlire FromHarper's Round Table. Fornearly five years 1 have been^going over the Brooklyn bridge night^and day. and It seems to me that every^few days 1 see something In the ar^^rangement of the details of the struc^^ture that I never paw before. It Is a^constant delight to watch the bridge^under the varying condition* that af^^fect It from day to day. One Ml set,^for example, how carefully the wires^for the electric lights are strung. They^are almost within reach of any person^walking across the structure, and yet^there Is nhnolutely no danger fn^m^them. It Is Intertftlng to watch the^bracing of the wtructuic. lunv the big^and little stays slope now tills way^and that, and to note Just where they^change In the slanting direction. It Is^also Interceding SI the dead of night^to see the workmen sjillce one of the^car eaihles, taking out some broken^strand and waving In another. 1was talking with, one of the guards^recently. Who had lioen on the bridge^since the day 11 was opened. He said^that early one morning, In the first^high wind that came after Ihe opening^he looked over to the New York side^and apparently saw one of the biggest^chimneys In town bending this way^and that, and he stood there trans-^llx'si. waiting for It to fall. It didn't^fall, although It bent far over, and he^thought 1t must be wonderful mortar^that could hold so many bricks to^^gether. Suddenly lie noticed that the^chimney wab exactly In a line \v*^h one^of the vertical rahbs, and he saw at^once that It wns the bridge and not^the chimney that wa.s swaying. The^guard was unprepared for sin !i a sit^^uation. Of course, the bridge WtM only^moving a few Inches from side to side,^but when this man measured by a^chimney a mile away. It seemed to^in ^\,. as muiti as the chimney had ap^^parently been moving Kesemhledm Criminal. TheBavarian minister at Berne Is^likely to feel a good deal of naturil PM^fenttneiit against the Swiss police force^tw ^ '!tie little time to conic. He went^the other day to Wlnlerthur. the iswis*^Baker, where the mutlonal rifle festival^was lielng held, and was enjoying him^^self In a quiet. Teutonic fa-iliim^when suddenly he was ecli. I by detec^^tives and hauled off to the nearest lock^^up Ills demand for an explanation^was met by the confident assertion^that he wue no other than a u dorloua^criminal, who had been ^want.d^ for^many months. The d. toetlvos w- re m^sure they had the i^.v. it man that It^was not until a high government^clal had Identillel the unfortunate dip^^lomat that they consented to his re^^lease. They had ^! poi^;rait of the mal-^i tact. ^r which ckasffj resembled the^featunn of Uic minister. Beesssw] . seeaswtaea. FitI^. sp. rad ^ -^Hill. Is the frant^gate propped open and have you got^some red pepper all ready to throw at thed igV Secoi.l 1 vsporado^'Y. s, go ahead. FirstDesperado (at from do i a few^in ineiita later, protected by coat-of-^mall. baseball catcher's mask and^drum major's bearskin cap)^I am tak^^ing orders, sir. for the Authorlxed^Um of the Horr-Harvey Debate on^the Silver Question. sir^Chicago Tri^^bune. NotIre Numbering or House. Allowners and occupant* of houses^at. ! -;:irr buildings used for business or resides***purpese* within the limit* of^tf of Anaconda. Montana, are here^^by notified and required to number the -^respective house* with their sppropr.ate^swabber* srltba te* no days from date^hereof. The appropr.ate numbers there^^for will b. der.gnated by lb* undersigned^on application. Any person failitig to^comply wi'lt lt^ ordnances of sail city^relating thereto, or with this notice. Is^deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and will^be punished arcordinly.^Datei Sept. II. UK. OWKMO'.VEIL.^Street Commissioner. Subscribefor the Standard. IIIS NOT APPROVED Howthe Public Generally Look at^the Clark Verdict. MAYGO TO SUPREME COURT RcmarkablaTestimony of the Err^^ing Daughter, Mary Stewart,^Against Hor Mother-It Was^a bad 'spectacle Indeed. Missoula.Sep:. l^i.-The conviction of^Kdward and Ann^i Clark of murder In^the second degree has been the subject^of much discussion to-day and the gen^^eral opinion 1* not one of approval. Thu^it. tnerous expressions which Iwve been^h. ii I to-day by th- Hi tn.lard's reporters^my be summed up in this atonement:^Th^ evidence certainly warranted the^fan of the accused of murder in^the first degree or nmthlng. The Inter^^pretation of the instructions of Judge^Woody to the Jury were interpreted by^the majority of the audience who hoard^them to convey the -Information that the^Jury must either llnd a verd'.et of guilty^of murder In the first degre.- or else of^acquittal. There could be no compromise.^Hence, th* remarkable verdict brought In^by the Jury occasioned much ^urprlse,^which does not abate as the case Is dis-^MMSSi Thecase presents one phase which la^I In M l - fpi 'tacle ever witnessed fn^th^ I'ourth Dlstrleit court^th* willing^assay of ar. erring daughter given^against her mother. No more SMML^repulsive, degraded person evvr occupied^the witness chair In this court room^than Mary Stuart. She smilingly testified^to acts of her own that It seemed that^n . human beinj: would acknowledge.^That much of her testimony was not en^^titled to consideration Is the opinion of^nearly all who heard It. But she told^her story and the state will fake no ac^^tion against her on the InVl'ctment re^^turned by the grand Jury. It Is said,^further, that the case now p. tiding^against Dr. Crsln, another state witness,^will not be ^prosecuted. The conviction^of the Clark* certainly Involved some^IKxwerful concessions. Theattorneys for the Clarks will move^to set aside the verdlcit on .the ground^that It Is not Justified by the evidence.^The case will probably be taken to the^supreme count. AStandard reporter learned this even^^ing that the Jury on the first ballot ^rood^f(v* for murder In the first degree and^stven for muiMer In the second degree.^At no time was there any vote for ac^^quittal. This Is surprising, as the gen^^eral opinion was that a majority would^be in favor of acquittal. FROM OLD VIRGINIA. HappeningsThat Attracted the Attention^of l'enple 0^er There. HpeelalCnrrespondMM of Hie Standard. VirginiaCity, Hept. 1.1.-.A dissolution of^cue of the largest stock firms in the Stat*^took place last week. The firm name of^Karrell ^ Varney has been doing lousi^^ness for the past 15 years In Madison^eounty und was supposed to be the most^extensive horse breeders in the state. Mr.^Farrell ha* purchased the right, title and later*l of an the bar***, winch is in the tielgboihoodof S.OOn head, and Mr. Var^^ney Is sole owner of the cattle, nearly^l,Km head. Mr. Varney moved his fam^^ily to the ranch last Saturday. Geyserparties are still Inclined to go^to the park, the latest he|n^ Mr. Closson^and family of Twin Bridges. Quite| number of people visited the^fair al Twin llridges last week. Among^those from this city were W. W. Checly^and wife. Mrs. Byrd, Mrs. Code. Miss^Rdna Thomas, Irene Trilby French, T.^F. l'ollard, P. II. Oohn, M. B. McLean,^Ik D. Hall, John Thomas and William^Coniley. Thoy state that nature poured^h. r bless.mrs en the fa.r for sever,i! days^as usual. 'Mrs.Annie Hall and sons, accompanied^by Miss MSB Thomas, left for Dcs^Moines Saturday.^D. VV. Vickers and wife arrived froM Monroe,Nth., Saturday. They will make^their home with their parents in this^city this winter. Mrs.William Comley and child arrived^from Missouri last evening and will^make Virginia City their future home. WlllinmOovely, who has been seriously^111 with la grippe for the past few^months. Is again able to be out nnd spin^tales with the old veterans. D.H. II. ck left for Tlittte and Vlctlnlty^last Thursday. D. II. Is rustling for the^the Hanker siLife of De* 'Moines, and has^marly written up policies to the amount^of half a million. Thetelephone line from this city to^Sheridan Is delayed on account of tha^boxes not being here. TheVirginia City High school will op. n^next Monday with the following teach^^ers as Instructors for the ensuing term:^Principal, Prof. L. D. Hall: Intermediate,^^IM Josephine McCloud; primary, Miss^Janette Davis The enrollment of the^three departments will be about 100. Thecounty commissioners met In reg^^ular session last week un.l discussed the^affairs of the county. \V. C Ollmcr of^Knnis .was appointed game and fish war^^den for (he county of Madison. .Mr.Wllhat: und family of Twin^Bridges passed through this city en route^for the park We Ines.Uy. FrankMet^. 1 I :' Puller Spring.) was In^th^ city this week. \tthe Hotels. Hulte.Sept. H.^The Hutto^T. J.^Tarry. John Tooey, W. M. KfTlTI B.^Salisbury. -\. A. Twohy. A. t'. McCal-^luin. Anaconda; 11. S. Itoyd, San Fran^^cisco; S. H. Turner. T. H McDonald,^New York; J. T. Fogarty. J. W. Young,^Seattle; D. !^. Hogart, Missoula; li T.^W illiams, Anat onda: A. II. MoAnuIty,^Minneapolis; It. T. Stanton. BoSSffiM!^C, ,;. Acret. D. DitiKWdll. Chicago; W.^F. Turner. Silver Lskt, ThebtoDertnotl r. P, Murray, H.^Klrkendall. P. H. Wilson. C. L. Dah-^ler. N. \V. McConnetl, W. II. Hobinson.^T. II. Carter. Hri na; S. M. Itabcock,^A. F. Carpcntci. Spokane; C. I* Keene.^Deer Lodge: J. W. Martin. Anaconda;^William F. Man D aver; T. A. Ken^^ny. Portland: Q. K. ^^tt. Salt Lake; T.^Ilrarj-l and wife. W H. Smith. China-^ro; Frank Ford. David Bassctt. Hert^Peabody. IISMlll|IH^S F. W. Slier- man.Philips bars; T. hU*to*\lMis*i.^Ontha: S It Tliomnoin, KallsiHdl; W.^r, Kallksk.; Mr. and Mrs. H.^W. Kichanls. J. 11. Lynch. J. W. For-^bls and family, Miss Thornton. Hutle. i'iMbail V ^ter^lay AtChicago^First gime: Cole ago. 11;^I^iulsville, S. Second game: Chicago, J;^Louisville, 4. AtSr. Louis-JVrst game: St. Louis, t;^Cleveland, It. Secon 1 game: St. Louis,^C; Cleveland, t Thestanding la: ofthe clubs this morning (iayrtlesaod OialstlSSi^One of the few sights more mournful thanan old woman trying to appear youngIs a very young man trying to lookold. lorsare going to be mighty lonelyIn heaven.^A home without children I* like I gardenwithout flow r*.^Now K Is the blcy. le woman who has. towait while her 'husband complete* histoilet. Wehave a feeling of warm regard^for the bloomer girl, because she docs^not care whether her cap 1* on btralght^or not. Firstlove,^ said the elderly man,^meditatively, ^Is a good deal like a mut;^of soda water. Kach fizzes up mighty^lively f .r about ^ minute. Thisworld would bo a paradise for^each of us and * hell for all the other*^If each of us had all he thinks he ought^to have. Fewthings are more ludicrous than^bogus dignity. Spain,In crushing truth to earth In^Cuba, forgot to look out for the re^^bound. QtatmlCampos, being knocked down^and tied In a knot, is willing to spare^his enemy's life. OurLutheran brethren may not care^to wear 'the flair on top of all their^school houses by order of the legisla^^ture, but their conduct from 1861 to^186j prove that they wear Its Image in^their hearts.^Chicago Tlraei-Herald. B.R. D. CO., iTrlBORIGINAL DEALERS IN EVERY I MINO = SHIPPERSOF HAY. OATS, WHEAT and all kinds ol Farm^and Ranch Produce. Writo us tor prices. Merchants, Com^^mission Men, Consumers, who use or hanlla any ot the abova^or Eggs. Buttor, Fruu, Barriai and Qardsn Produos in quanti^^ties will find it to advantage to gkva us their ordirs. We han^^dle a large part ol tno product ol the Bitter Roat Valley; are in^position to make prices to suit tha market, and invite oorra-^spondenca. MercantileDepartmentHamilton, Montana. OOOOOCK^0^^^^C^^^^^00^^^^^^^o nrimTB'aTi5 a a a 5 a rtririnrirs^nrinnn tirnrroTrryo'ir ForGood^Color and^Heavy Growth^Of Hair, use AVER'S IraHair Vigor One Bottlewill do^Wonders. Try it. ~ . 'AINE'S^[CILERY COMPOUNDl SISTERSOF THE HOLY CROSS .studies for boarders and day pupil*^will b ^ reaumad lu^ first Tustday la September. 31 Terms Moukratk. Sand reference,^e I For dialogue, etc.. address the abur*. BitterRoot^Development Company, Manufacturersand Wholesale D*aier^ la Q Allkinds of Mining and Bridge Timbers a specialty. Largo Dry^Kilns in connaction with tho Mill. Sash and Door Factory.^Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Cedar Shingles and Pine Lath. Inter^^ior Finish Hard Wood or Pine. Hand Rails, Baluster* and^Newel Posts. Scroll Sawing, Turning and Fanoy Bracket*^Over 2,000,000 leet of No. 1 Clear Finish in Stock, either Yard^Seasoned or Kiln Dried. Estimates and Price Lists furnished^on application. EBOX 264 - -HAMILTON, MONT. ANACONDAAQENCT. DEALERSIN Lumber.Lath and Shingles. Sash,Doors, Blinds, Etc., Lime, Hair Plaster and Cement.^Agents for tha Standard Pressed Brick and Red Briok. ARETOE BEST CIGARETTESMOKERS whorare to pay a little more than the cost^of ordinary trade cigarettes find the PETCIGARETTES^SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS MadefrMI the highest cost Cold Leaf^^Mrs in Virpin.i, and are ABSOLUTELYPURE AreYou Alive tothe fnct that our 11ns Is^tho QUICK BIT um well as^tho best way to reach^Omaha, St. Joseph. Kan^^sas City, St. Louis, and^all other southern and^southeastern eltles and^that our service to Chl-^iMjri^ Is thor ^uirhly up-M-^date Tickets,time tables and^full Information on appli^^cation to the nearest tick^^et apent or by addressing WV Johnston. C \. Dillim)* lov CommercialAvenue, Anaconda, Montana. 6*^^Mtk**^*b*^*^a*ai^^^^a****a* NorthernSteamship Company Sleamship North West and North Lnnd. SEMI-WEEKLYSERVICE, 1895. 5I.- lion4 'CUPIDENE' IBEFORE (no AFTER MANHOODRESTORED. ttouoi a famous rivnch phytkian, will quickly cure viuiof all nt t^^Volts or dk^*a^c^ ol Uie ivurrativ** unrant, such m* l.^*i Manhnod^In-bi'miilo.l'ii ; theittwk.i^Bil ^l tiuiagjoii*. Nonnmi IVbllliy.^I'rupl'-, Vnfii!^ ^ t^t Marry, Kximustinit Itrmttta, Vartror* ^- aik|^* ^i. 11 ilop* all l(a*fto^ br day ct nlpTM. Pi^rontn qy^j, ikmoItli^*rharto, which If not rh*vitH 1*hkH tn Kp^*rmiitnrrhn*it arm^^.. tho horror*^ i Impotrnry. ^ l l^l nv.% r. t-irmum* th^ h\, -., uie^k' i n'vsaitft thi' 11Hnary onri'isoi all Lmpunuea.^^ riTDfM: f(orrawniall wwUtorracfc Ttmi-ffMon ^ofTrrrr* ar# pf^t oiml by Ivx-tnrw K bemu^r nln*tT p*^r rrnt ar* MAM with^^^iMtiiu t'CPItil \ Kl^ lh^* rtnl y known r**rn^^1y to ctiir wnln^ui i*m op* rattoti. MWi.-BtiDionU^all A wrllt''Ojru^rnntw^giyru an*t mi.iff iri;irni*d tl ais bnxen do*** not effect a |^criu^i;ieut curft^f*1.00 n few, f'i f^^r |.vdo,hr maiL 8*^nU for raitKciroular and trcttrconlala* .-..' DA VOL MBD1CIX K CO.. l\ O. llox aJTt, 8ao Fraiickco, Cat Jbr Mat* 6^^tin... Druf Co. AaacodUa.^. It*. GaUogl/ * Co., Uutia. CHARLEStMSLBY, Scientitlcand^Decorative DE TO R C an ^ AFTER willquietly rure T^n of all nrrrous^c.i^e^, ^oeh a* lo^( mi i'iood,tu th* b*ek.femlaal MBSMiSa* n*nro i^ drhlilty,^untttiio** tu marry. v\:..iu,l.m dralu^ \m-^poivuroy and all It* uurron. A wr.t'ao^xuiraue* and u. ^^ ^ . ' t-d :f ^Bl botn^.lnw nut *^*c'. a p*.'m^u^nt cur*, t: 00 p*r^b is, ^l\ for IV by mall Mcurely traied.^Manufactured by A. Auit*q Itk. Pari*. Ad-^dr*^* all antl to D M. N EWBKO, DRU0^CO- .v.o Attn;*. BuU*. Moat. MISbOULA AND BitterRoot Valley. $950-4rooin cotti:*. hard nulihed, '.'Ood^e ^ nr. s j Imh '..r hone and enw, :m^be.irluK fruit In et, apples, pear* and^l.iiims Fine i orn-r, ( tu nut** walk^Iroui tiilveriity and P. U. Mult M^auiil at once. $1,100 -room bast* n^^ar Unltrarsltv. lawn^uiul trees, water In boq.e One of^I he pletuantest unmet In Missoula.^A Kood ti*t uf Improved MiHuula proper!/ fir homes. IInu ll from fl.uon to $10 ono In the Bitter lie.1V.lley. Wilts iiiiilui: what you waut an I nowmuch you will lines, tu GhOROBF. BROOKS, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS, MISSOULA,MONT. St.MARY'S ACADEMY MlLake City, Ctab CooiliirtedBy the West-Bound,Tuesdays^tbe Sou and Mrk mi East-Bound,Mondays and Fridays from Uuiuth.^and Fridays from Buffalo. ConiieoUons made at^Island steamers for Lake Michigan Ports. TheNorthern St**m^tilpi a^o exclusive.v for passenger* and make (top* at thi^ 803^ktaeklnac Island. Detroit. Cleveland an d MuSalo. ibes* slilp* are the lamest an l llnstt et) the^irent iaaes and i^lua. la equipment and finish the b*st ccian Sum. The trlD 1,1)111 miles by^w ,ter between ixriutb and Hiiffal* I* mad* a little l^ss than train time, thu arm^1 speed ba n ;^twenty mlies an botrr. AH th* comforts of tit* fln**t hotel* are profiled, with ^ntlre fre-d na^from du^'. nolne and contu^lon. Hon In connection with th* tireat Northern trdas^K^:ern^Mlimes^ta dfivslon, from th* Twin cltlc* aad the west, s.njlo or round trip tlckuti to point*^sunt Visitors to or from th* east should u^o the Bteimsliip uno way at least. FM further iu-^liirmation apply to any agsnt of tbe Great Nortnarn Railway, or addr.*si F.I. WHITNEY, O. P. a T. A., St. PauL^J. E. DAWSON, QBN. AUEM , Butte, Moat. Miss-. 4. -Moat. MONEYIN HOGS. Duroc-Jersey,*arlieat maturing k on^*artn. Weigh: - at S month*. IM pounds^Have bad tbem ^eigh 11; pounds at 4^month*. Addres*: DUHOC JERSEY^STOCK FAItM. Deer Lodge. Mont. NowIs the Time to Subscribe SALTLAKE CITY. UTAH. SelectBoarding and Day School for^Boys. Special Department fur Children^under 10. Buslnesa course complete In^all Its branches. Thorough course in^Classics, Science, German, French and^Spanish. Complete Oymnaslum. Studieswill be resumed Wednesday,^September 4th. Forparticulars, address THEPRESIDENT. WhatNerve Berrien^bave done for others*^they will do^for yon. 30THDAY. 1BTDAY. VIGOR orISTh Day. ENEasily. Quickly^Permanently Restored. Apositive cure for all Weaknesses. Nervousness,^lleblllty. and all their train of evils resulting^from esrly error* anil later excesses; the result^ol overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Develops^and elves ^^^^^ and atmsts* lo the swxaaj *r-^(ana. Msups unuatural lours or ^lejfctl^^emissions caused by ysaihfal errors or eg.^crsslvii use of sosjsseess, owlnui and llsjuor,^which lead to consumption anil Insanity.^Their use shows Immediate Improvement. Insist^upon having the sronulns NatttVE BssKStBtlKe.^Convenient to carry In vest pocket. Price Sl.UU^per box, ft boxes, one fal. trestment, gyon,^iliursnlee* lo rare asj esse. If not kept by^your druggist we will send them by mall, upon re^^ceipt of price. In plain wrsprier. Pamphlet free.^AntlRM'AN WEnir .41, s*'0. f 'lnrlusustl, o. forSal* la Anaconda br tha Smith Drn^ OS Andui bulla uy hi. ^ Ualtogur a Uo. THROUGHCAR. Throughcar service Is appre^^ciated on long journeys. Ii^you have decided to send yout^wife and little ones to the^White Mountains, to the sum^^mer resorts of the St. Lawrence,^to Portland, Bar Harbor, or^points on the coast of Maine,^the through car service of the^Soo Lina from Si. Paul and^Minneapolis to Boston will be^appreciated. Call and see tha^agents in reference to the low^excursion rate iu efteot August^15 to li inclusive. W.R. CALLAWAY, Genera!Passenger Agent,^MlKNEArOLLS. OPIUM^MORPHINE HABIT DR.S. B. COLLINS' PAINLESSOPIUM ANTIDOTE ORIOIMALAND ONU GENUINE REMEDY. Discoveredii IMS. ^THERIAKI^ Book Free, eW0M3^,',,nrat iUM- CHICAGO, III* RHEUMATISM,LUMBAGO,^SCIATICA, LAMEBACK,^DEBILITY, Eta WHYBE SICK Whcaa trifle wil! buy the greatest beaUni^invention! f t^ ^.!... ^ Dr.eiaxsdrss'a Elesllt)^Brit In it rompletc bod) Im.ii ry lor aril^trralntenl. an^1 mwranlfed, or monrj^rvfitnfletl. It will euro without medicici^^ lien sunt lisra. I.ntiihaa-^. pirbttloa. Lsm^^Ilaik. III.In. v antt Llvrr torn plaints^^rtostN tvt Hit . tteiikiirsm TLasss-a^Uraln^ aiul all ed. -^s ol early lissltarro^1 Imi or rarrsa. To svrak mots It Is tlx^ItretUvHvt por.alble boon, as the mild^.'iixitblng- . I. eiile rnrrvatt la appllrsl^dlrrrt to Ibe nerve rt-n|pr* snd improve^^ments are felt KbssSJ lh^ ttrst b^Hir tsseel^A pocket edition of the celel^rated electro^^medical work, ThreeClasses of Men, illustrated,is sent free, sealed, by mail upot^application livery yonDgr. middl*-asrr^^or old aaaui suffcrtnrth' slightestweakncM^rioulrlrread it. It will show in raayr, *r*rv^mil ans^'d.* trey lo retrain in^nsTlh tun^*ieslin wben .' ^ lao bas lailrd TheSAN DEN ELECTRIC CO.. Ma.DM Sis Men I ti Ml., Denver,^ ol.^Ala* Si esr Tork. rbloaujo aV I-ondaa. Ebb^Largest Electro-Medical Concern in tas World.