Newspaper Page Text
10 THE ANACONDA STANDARD, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17, 1895. lUcstcn.Aontana flews TheWestern Montana Hurenu of the^^tan.Urd t. at lt^v^m ^, I^aly Ulook. Mi*-^aou',a. Telephone N. at, Advert.aini^rat--. furn.*;u i on api^!i..*ation. ATTHE BIG SCHOOL TheAffairs Are shaping Themselvts^Favorably. WEARING OF THE COLORS ProfessorMorrlU's Sufrn-estlons nt the tioarrl of Trade Meeting^should Meet WHIi Hesponses^^college Yi-ll dowlng. Missoula,^^d. 16.^Over across the^rhvr Pf wi ;nt CralB and the other^memK-rs of tihe university faculty are^working quietly but ^ ffectivel}'. and^the aflalrs of that Institution art' shap^^ing UmmmItw favorably. The univer^^sity IsM ^I^ t ^ l under C 'itditions which^are much m ira le than even^t]i^ sjsos^ Hiiflni teratl hoi* sal^month* asro. More than IM young men^anil wvmen are In diily attendance,^ttie quarters of Mm school are comfor^^table and vonveiiunt and the working^^qu;t^ment ii I sntllaal The recogniz^^ed ability and the earnestness of the^Instructors is Infu.-lng -a college spirit^into tb^ young inn:! t utlon, and the stu^^dents already manifest that pride In^their alma mater which la always es^^sential :^^ a successful university. Thestreamers of c jpper, gold and^blue, the university colors, which adorn^the lapels of the male students and^which flutter promiscuously from the^attire of the young women, attract the^at: -nflon i^f even the moat casual visit^^or in the city. They are In eveidenee^arerywhere, and they .serve to Indicate^to strangt-i-s within our gates that there^at a big school here. This indication re^^ceives freuuenl substantiation from the^complex and confusing combination of^Bounds which constitute the university^yell and which are hoard at Intervals^In all p.irts of the city. Missoula is as^^suming many of the aspects of a uni^^versity town. The experience is a new^one and Uie town has much to learn in^this respect, but it is learning reason^^ably fast and, b^ f re Lhe school yaM^closes, Own w'ill be a, marked im^^provement in this rcsj^ at ThereOsfM to be no relaxation of^Interest on the part of the citizens of^Missoula in the university. The school^la essentially a part of the city and^there should be a constant and earnest^effort on Mm pari of the citizens to^further the 'interests of the school^wherever and whenever it is possible.^The request of Professor Merritt, made^at the bo nd of trade meeting the oth^^er night, shows one very simple way^In which Lie people of the city can be^of service to the school, professor^Merritt Is preparing a museum for the^sclenrttic department of the university^and will be glad to receive any dona^^tions whatever that will add to the in^^terest of the collation. Nearly e\er^-^body has some mineral or other speci^^mens, and can spare some of them^easily. Thrse should be sent to Pro^^fessor Merritt at once. TheUniversity of Montana Is destin^^ed to become a great school. Its ex^^istence for a few years will not l^e a^particularly easy one. There will be^the need of close economy to make^both ends meet. Hut. once i^ast the^crucial period, there will be plain sail^^ing. The land endowment of the school^(s a princely funo. and, as soon as this^Is available, the prosperity of the Insti^^tution will be assured. But it is clear^^ly tho duty of all people of Missoula to^lend a hand and that willingly, in or^^der to keep things moving as they^should In the big brick building across^the river. ONE OF THE FINEST. Ilib Ir Ha. a ^ ablnet ^f carlo* That ImHunt lo ItfiAt. Mi'rwonU,Oct. 16 ^One of lhe finest cu^^rio an! mineral taMMi In the state is^that ^I't ^^^^ Hoi.^ Poster, and It never^falN M ksMWfJI visitors who chance to^son It. The 11'rje ,-a.-- ^ c mt.ilns sp.'-'.mem.*^of SM from all the Mir tn' *ies In Montana^an! many fine paSSM from Ncvadi. C'ok^-^vn'in ami the filocam country. There are^oovper orw from Hnr: \ silver ore* from^OranUN:, Iron Mountain ant oth^^er rich c iir.;^- . riH vre- ironi the Drum^I.immon a:.l e-'h-t famous Mon'ana bo^^nanzas, and lea 1 ores from all around the^state. 8om ^ of the goM and silver ores^are very h.ii H^u^. N ing rich in the .na^^tive me'als Tvto are nitw beautiful^speelmen-s ef w re a- l Lrys'alllxej stiver^and it^ gold nuggets. Mr. Poster has^^me remarkable ^ample* of what Mon^^tana gravel can produce. Thereare afJasf irteresttlng mineral^er^,'c!mers^ssit'-f. J.rper. aaBattfcjratS,^sapphires and p .u'lsr crytatline forma^^tions. whVh hiv- Vx-en gatherM from all^pans of the won.i. In one corner of the^cabinet Phere are ^m,^ rramiflcem eptv-^tnreis o* shells from ttM p.u-lflc ocean, as^well aw a OM vair'ety of a raj. Or.e p'e ^^^^of monument coral is especially beautiful.^It Is pure WW^, abssM IWa foet tall and^Is nearly a. j^ ^ . ssavi tit shape. Inthe cur: ^ lltw the cabinet oonta'n*^aome ran- BJktcaSMftl Thara are stamps,^oolns, qua*:., pictui .^ and historic m a ^^papwra. Tn ^ ^.^r-.pes and poisonousrfp'ib* :' -^ti Mexico a.n.|^South America; revolt-m a.nd guns that^h*v^ tragic sior ^ .^ c eir.f ;^ a th. m,^^ rirs af many ttM a-.d lolora; the rkln^of rhe PhlliiMib.irp mien who sheds his ep-^Idarmla every y^.ir;.u^ artistic figure of^a% lij im la wax. osOtMai by Hit-*.11.^^Jie ^Cowboy Arii*!.^ and hundreds of^qua-imt r.-:.cs that are of d.-ep Unerest. Amongthe r, ni addto the col- Isct.oaare ttHI from Net- leyabbey. ]^:-^.^: i 1. a- i -he fern^aome of the Etta-Hat royai pa'acen, both^of arteoa were m.-rit.o.-.-i tn the Standard^|aaf Msski Thecab net contn'he a eoV.ectlon of^brilliant speeimen* of axurfte and mala^^chite that cannot be surpassed anywhere. Thecabin*-' u^ the esix-ctal pride of its^owner, aa* is the aVaa speclmon of a Rocky^mountain goat tha* tnandk in a ease near^by, and well it mar be. Tears have l^eeti^spent in the collection of th* contents^and there is no more Interesting private^oabtanet in the statu. Initrumrn'lHied. M'ssoula,Ot. 16 -The following Ine'ru-^m^-^ ^ :^^ were flle-1 to-day with the county^cl rk: Deedof snlnieig claim^R. B. Hill and^James Constable to Milton Pierce (^h^-^iwy. one-sx ^en^h of ih^^ir interest in the^Eagle pUeoer claim* No. 1, No. t. No. 3,^No. 4, the Ge^e:4 placer claim, the P irl-^^an placer cla'.m, the V.gllant placer^claim, the 1*1:tie Joe placer claim, '.tie^R.chmon-i placer clahn and th- Hon Ton^placer claim, ail in fit. It. ^.s J.sTiet,^9T.-J). Dod of mining eiaia. it. ii. Hill oni JamesConstable to George Burdette. one-^einhth of their interest in aame claims. I), 1 ef mining claim^James Constable toIt. B. 11.11. one-half his intcreat in^s-iiii*. cla iik*. tl. 11,I of mi'-.'.ng claim^R. 11. Hill and^Jamea C *^;*bl ^ to A. D. Murray. on^-^e e^^th of tiKlr XSMNal in same claims,^^l-'.- I. el of m ning claim^R. II. Hill a^Kl^Jam ^ (Vr^*:able to W. H. Dil'ingham,^on* alxteetita of their Interest in same^clainw, $*I7.rrf). Dataof mining cla m^R. It. Hill and^.lie - (^.it.-utile to ('lira Hr ley. on'e-^e.ithih of their interest to fame claims, lot. Ie.-d r^f mln'r* claim^R. B. Hill to^IVMM t'onetable, one-hilf his interest In^ha ^^ o el , .ms. $1. I^ed ef m.'n 'ng rln'm-Jo^^;'h Mra Ib y^to It. n. Hill tun I James o.r.-: ible. one-^eighth tnterect 1n ltiehmciwl placer, tl. Di1 ef mjiilcig claim^Kzra I laird to R.^13 MM and Jam s Constable, one-s i,'hth^lr.'ter^*t n Richmond placsr claim, liij. Dwd^f mlr^iig claim A. D. Murray, H.^L Bniey, W. H. D.ll'nanim and ^!^ rge^Hirte'.w to R. B. Hill and Jam s ^',^n-^^^able. all their Ln:^r^s:s in illchmond^pi a e,^r cla im, $1. BRIEFS AND PERSONALS. Mihsoula.Oct. 16^Robert Ranioue of^St. Paul, a .represeintative of the North^^ern I'aciflc, is 1*1 town. HermanKohn returned from Iron^Mounui. this eveiniug. He reports that^the sAirk of deepening the shaft at ths^Ironi Mounta.'n mime will be continued^next we -k. The pay roll will be increases!^12, UR). Amarriage license was Issued this^aft^*nneKin to Donald Currie and Agnea^Kirk Held they were married this eveai-^tag by Father GiiKdi. Thisevi'njng J. C. Browm' of fitevens-^vilie applied for a'c license for^M. L Head ami Kthel A. Hrvawn, a^daughter of the applicant. Tho peculiar^feature of the application ia the age^s of^father and daughter, he be.tig ^ and s^he^16. Therewill be a special meeting of the^board of trad* at the usual place to^^morrow, Thursdiar/, evening. A matter of^^Bfti al importamee :'s to come before th^s^me-tins; and President Francis desires a^lar^i attendajice. atateIjind Agymt Page Is among the^\L-.:o^rs In the cfty. Confuctor Jenkl'n* left for the west end^Vh^^ afternoon. Prof.A. I.. 8teele* who has been a^valued member of local musical eiTcles^for sev-i-ra.l years, will leave in a day or^two for Dennison, Texas, where he has^an engagemont as ba.n1,!master. His de^^parture will be greatly regretted, as he^^M .'.vrftrlhiited ge^nierously of his ^erv-^le,^s while here and is an artist of un-^us,ual aleli'y. Inthe case of the First National bank^vs. J. L. Cell et al., Mr. Cell to-day eet-^U**J his portion of the suit by Lhe pay-^^mm of |-j60. D.II. Markell left tMe evening Por^Hu' ^ and Anac'.uda. Tlere should be a large attendance at^the iMiaini of trade m.-etiing to-mon-ow^evening. The matters that will come up^for consideration are of gre^at Importance. lintel(lue.t*. Missoula.Oct. 16.^fluests at the local^hoteta .ire Atth- PIerenee -Hen Oreenlwml,^Helena; II. Ilunion. New York; C.^R. Cilbert. Hirtle; J. M. Page, Helena;^W. I.. Mas.n. New York; F. It.^lohmitt, SL Paul; M. K. Knowles,^Hiimilton; C. fi. Hmoks. Boston; Peter^Winne. Helena: F. M. Bain, PhtUdal-^phla: B, \V. Matson. tigden: Oatsrgl II.^Francis, Helena: A. R. Jackson, New^York: W. J. Morris. Detroit; C. 8.^Pierce, Minneapolis; O. O. Wlnhelm,^Chlcigo. Attho Hankln^James Allard, Ra^^valli: J. A. Marian. Frenchtown: S. W.^Weedon, Arlee; Frank Lynch, Clinton;^J. D. Richards, Potomac; C. Houlle;^Oliver Stlngley, But'te; II. W. Olcege,^Monroe. Wto.: K. S. Woods, Bear^Mountain. Atthe Kennedv^Samuel Young,^Newark, N. J.; Joseph Menso, French-^town; Thomas K. Moore. Seattle; p. J^Taylor, Heleiui; Dan Rtol, Coulee Olty;^Oeorge B. Twohv. (Mbbonsvllle; James^llogan. Butte; D. V. Jordan. Garrison;^L. E. Samuels, New Y'ork. TheUrldge Accepted. MNsoula.Oct. 16.^The board nt^county commisslonein spent the larger^part of to-day In the Hlg Hlaokfiot^rnnyon examining the new bridge and^road around ithe Mine Slide. The work was accept, I. I he c, ils-isoners being theroughlysa:istied with tkt MM^In which the contractors have paf^^f.Tined th^ir work. Commission, r^John Rankin sal I ito-nlght to i Stand^^ard reporter: Tha new bridge Is a^splendid one. It Is by long odds the^best hrMge In the county. TlMCOflsjok IkW Of tkll work will he^appreciated b\ all who have occasion^to travel up the Hlackfoot. as it ob-^ I the tissi'v of making the par-^Li iui SToaslJM ^f the Blue Slide, a^hicb^w W the most luigcrous piece of road^In the county. ISaKaa*^Uies nml i'.rrrvn. Missoula.Oct. 16.^In sd.Httom to the^mops which are th^ fall feaartaa^w'.tn-ss to the very excellent quality of^the climate of Western Montana this re^^gion is turning ou; the llwwt article in^th^ way of w-ea'th r th it can he lm-iglnvt. EvenBill Hi rry lis f,^rI to admit that therewas no het or weather than rhiat In^early days. It 1* all right In every re^^spect an 1 the farmer* are making the^most of n In their preparations for win^^ter, li is a'.s-. MM fav.rahle for the^builder* and c er raot.vs, who are crowd^^ing their wsork t^^ get M finished before^the w.-ather clerk ch.instes his mind. PUKESOLD) FACTS TheCity Is Not Insolvent by a Very^Long bhot. LF:T THE HOWLERS HOWL MayorKelth'a Statament to tho CouncilWill Hold Water. While^the ling Hipes of Calamltylte8^Are aorlously Hunctured Missoula,Oct. 16.--M',^'or Keltli raised^the paJaebjaf with tlie calamity howl-^era last nigut, wiieii he gave them the^true sfitus of the ci:y s llnances. To^^day MM 1 o.-al naper Insists upon maln-^tainlug its original position and as^^serts its beli'f that the mayor Is^wrong. Tiiis paper Is determined to^have tile outside world believe that^.Missoula is on tne verge of bankrupt^^cy, when such Is not the case. Tlie^ity's linunces are In much better shape^than they have been for years. The^mayor t^ address last night set furlh the^facts In the case. The ileus of ex^^pense were this year s Items and were^not bated upon the exp*ndituies of last^ye^ar. Hut tne paper which attacks the^mayors position to-day says in sub^^stance: ^What we want is estimates,^not facts. ItIs a source of no little satisfaction^to the real friends of the city that the^mayor took the position that he did^last night. His address was made, not^to diseourago lhe tendency toward re^^trenchment which has characterized^the action of the council recently, but^to giva to the council and the public In^general the true facts in the case In^order that whatever measures of econ^^omy may be enacted shall be wise and^In accordance with the actual necessi^^ties of the case. Economy is always^necessary In the administration of mu^^nicipal affairs, but no city which Is^seeking to advance Its position can af^^ford to be niggardly or to practice a^false economy,which Is more disastrous^In the long run than extravagance. ItIs admitted by everybody that^Missoula Is in better condition to-day^than she has been before In five years.^There are good prospects that new In^^dustries will be established here,which^will result In adding materially to the^city's prosperity. To make at this tlmo^any absurd changes and reductions^that are not actually demanded would^be suicidal. The common sense of the^majority of people of the city is a safe-^guard against any such foolish action.^But it is welj to make certain that no^mistake is committed which will result^la 'njury to the city. Missoula Is all^right She Is not bankrupt and Is not^li ible to be, In spite of the waila of the^calamltyltes. Alleelslon Rendered. Missoula,Oct. 16.^The local United^Slates land office ha^ received informa^^tion that its taoMoa .a the contest of^Tilimain |* Admr and Harry MeNsiU^against George O. Oriy has h.on affirmed^and the content becomes final. This case^is of local celebrity as it haa cost tw\^^lives, the contestants hiving, about two^years ago. ailimpted to adjust their^claims by the us^ of Wttsak* Mae rifles,^llr.ay was killed a.n I McNeill so badly^wouindad that he died amd, .since the con^^test was brougnt before the land otflce,^rb^ third party to the casie has died a^natural ^Veath, so that of the. original^contestants, not eiroe Is inow living. Thedecision or the local land office^divi^led the l.wvd between the claimant*^and this finding is now attiimci by the^guneral office. AnAccident to Mr. Pepper. Missoula,Oct. 16.^A man named^Pepper was brought In from Horse^Plains this morning on itraln 34, with a^badly shattered foot. He was tlaken to^the sisters' hospital, where he was^treated by Dr. Fitzgerald. The Injury^was received from the accidental dis^^charge of a abotjrun, the trigger of^which was pulled by striking against^a projection. A heavy charge of buck^^shot entered the man's right heel, pass^^ing around the heel bone and Hearing^the flesh of the outside of the foot. The^phalangal bones were badly shattered^and one of them had to be removed.^The man is resting comfortably. COULDN'T17|VE~APART. Columbia.Several hundred people had^Joined in ths diase when the lads disap^^peared around the corner of Colutn^-'^^^treet. Every one of Hhe crowd waa^ Catchshe kidnapper*! Twomen were stopped on Columbia^street by .ithe leaders of the moth and held^until Mrs. Mmsel and the other tenants^of line llroome street 'tenement had ar-^r.v .1 T.-i ^ m- n ^.re p. i i eg ^^ re^^leased, claiiming that the} a id done noth^^ing wr ,ng. ^when Mrs. Man sell caime up^and explained that she was after two^boys. In the meantime lhe boys had got^^ten away. .Mrs.Mansel returned to her apart-^m^ a s and found i.he little stranger -to be^a pro :y lintle girl of IMhratc cast of^coun.enance. She was well dressed and^w oe May gold earring*. She cried for^her mamma when Mrs. Mansel tried to^question 'her. She was taken to the De-^la no ey street s-uatiOn. An ambulance^from (louverneur hospital was 'there ait^the 'time, having been called for an old^man Who had been pi ked up on 'the^street. The ambulance surgeon looked at^the iihill and said: Why,Sergeant, than liftle one has^he. n starved. I ha is Mf wick and looks^as I'hoiiglii she can't live many hours. Sothe lift la Strang r was l.fted into^tine ambulance alt the station house door^and earned away to the hospital. CopperMarket. FromEngin.-erii.g and Mining Journal. Themarket for copper was fairly^ateady, with furthev sales of Lake cop^^per at tta For other sorts the demand^has beon rather slaek. There have been^some inquiries for electrolytic copper, but^no business 5s reported, and the quota^^tions remain nominally the same as last^week, abuut ll\e. fasting copper is ob^^tainable somewhat cheaper, ami the quo^^tation must be reduced ro HViSBSiC. All^manufacturers report that they are very^well supplied with orders. There Is a^very good demand for furnace material,^Which remains scarce. The exports of^cop[m-r con':i,ime rather light. inI/cmdon the market wais rather un-^eet'tled. and g. m. bs. show a not incon^^siderable decline, being affected some^^what by the heavy drop in South Afri^^can mining shares, which caused some^si^culatrve holders of copper to sell, and^we quote fit! Yjs/uK 17s. 6d. for three^morth- prompt. The tlner sorts have^kept fairly steady, and for retlned' and^manufactured we quote: HngUsh tough,^fall 10s.(^51; best selected, ^51 bs^jl 15s.;^strong sheets, ^56 10s.^57: India sheets,^frot).13 10s.; yellow metal. 4Hd. Timhas shown a very llrm tendency,^and five market has rath-r Improved m^spite of the bad atatistieal position which,^however, It Is anticipated, boa about^reached the limit, and a diminution of^ti: li avy stocks now held is being look^^ed forward to. Good busi'tnesa has been^d 'ing all along a't 147^e. for S|K^t, and 14%^ii toe-, for November-December. InLondon tho market op ned at ^66 15s.,^d dined towards the middle'of'the wee*^to ^65 IDs., are! doe I w ^66 7s. 6i.tj66 leas.,^f ^ ^ :, and ^66 lue.566 17s. 6d. for three^moiKbs prompt. ChileanCopper Market.^Messrs. Jack-^aon Brothers write as follows under date^of Aug. SI. Under the influence of the^rl--'.'ng quotations from Europe and ad-^v.ces from the IJMtad Stains snvedhers on^tiiis side have me't the market freely, dis-^pii-lng of nicest ^ft their product as far^forward as December, and even for Jan^^uary, tlx- present curreney price s being^ri-mutM'ra'ove and gladly accepted. We^quota ealea foi the fortnight of 18.774^qui ^lis. We quote for bar copper. $.',11.45^Chilean currency) per metric quintal, f.^o. b.; for re^ulus, 60 per cent., $'J5.3S per^nuiric qulmtal, and for copper ores 10^per ce'n't., $3.33 per metric quintal. 00^K^oo^^00^^0^^OOOOt^0^^000 B.R. D. CO., tTHBORIGINAL DEALERS IN EVERYTHING^**^^*^ 8HIPPER3OF HAY, OATS, WHEAT and all kind* Of Farm endRaruti Produca. Write us lor prices. M-jrcbanta, Com^^mission Men, Consumers, who MM or ban 11a any ot lAo abava^or iJ j , i, Fruit, ii--: in and Oardin P.-odaos in quantl-^ues will find It to advan.agj to n v ^ us their ord;rs. We ti au^^dio a large part ol tho product of the Bitter Root Valley; are in^position to maka prtcea to auit the market, and Invite oono-^^pondenoe. I MercantileDepartment.Hamilton, Montana. OS^0^^0000^^^0000^^0^K^00^X^0^^^4^0^^ o : Manufacturersand Wholesale Dealera In D I a a Allkinds of Mining and Bridge Timbers a specialty.^Large Dry Kilns in conneo lon with the mill Sash a id^Door Factory. Sash, Doors, Mouldings. Cedar- fahinglas^and Pine Lath Interior Finish Haid Wool or Pine.^Hand Ralls, Balus ers and Newol Post3. Scroll Sawing,^Turning and Fancy Brackets Ova^ 2,0 13,000 fe^t o No.^1 Clear t lnish in Stock, either Yarl Seasoned or Kin^Dried. Estimates and Price Lists Furnished on applica^^tion. \Hellene Way of Putting It. Toomany men make it a rule never to^look in a mirror ex mm through a mag^^nifying glass.^New York Mail and Ex^^press. trusthim Youwant Scott's BflNll* Fion.If yoiuisic yotti drug-^i;ist for it and get it^you^ran trust that man. Hut if^he offers you ^sonwthing^just as gO0d*N lie will do the^same when your doctor^writes a prescription for^which hi' wants to j^ot a^special effect ^ play the^pune of life and death for^the sake of a penny or two^more proiit. YOU can't^ftUSt that man. Get what^you ask for, ami pay lor,^whether it is Scott'l bmttl*^^ioll or anything else. |a*nft ftawaaj ClasatMsi Mm tfaaai |a*^aja1 ^ j rnnalewho were l^i*nreed a Tear Ago roneluileloTry mxtrlmnnv VBSM more.^Taeoina Cor. Sin Franrlsro Ohronlele. Aninn reeJilng romance wa* endel on^Monday in San Poanelson b-hen Frank^Carroll of Taenma, was marrleJ to hi*^forme-r wife-, from Whom he was divoreed^only a few mom'hs ago. Ills bride was^Miss Winifred Snead of Dixon, Cal. She^1* a pretty liru;;^e, 20 years old. Two^y, irn ago, while visiting In California,^young Carroll met her. It was a ease of^lovo at tirst stffct In itwo weeks they^HN -^'-^ I imI a week later they wei- Sktmat r: lire niiwl murth surprise^among Carroll's fr., n.lw here. He i^ 22^yarn old and rleli, his father tielng^:^ MM Carroll. a^'.ee a dene. -1 ,^^ ean-^di late for congress In gills .l.-'triet. But^th.- happiness ,,f Mr. and .Mr* Carroll^was .m tlrsn ^h rt. They lived In a big^aouse ^IJ.nlrriTig flte ^'.irr ^ll .mansion.^Hoih tmt t. mp. M ^ind wan';. 1 their own^way. The re.-ul'- was a seipaerion, and a^year ago Mr-, i irroll uvured a elivree^on the ground of lHeosnipatiliility of tem-^p^rament. 8:ill they loved etaoh otlher and Che sepa-^rat on tie' iiened the ir ardor. Youtur i'ar-^r.^il waa taken iivto his father's la.w firm,^but Vi was eieM ^happy and business rares^wi ^^i. I heavily uiH^n hiin. Three months^ago he went', to California, anl. It 1* ^up-^fO s*V retold hi* tale of love. lie was^M I ' d. Monday's marriage was ;!u re^^sult. Theannouneeni.-at mn mi l^ feafaj ^ ^ *-^terda\' anl eau-,-1 annlhor snppr:-e. Mr.^an.I Mrs. e'arro'll will re'tairn next iweek^avt are t\^ tes.d,. In rtn-r former home,^llo.h (save many fr ends here. QUUEH Di SERTION. lour Opened, Itaiiy Tnthed laeM^ a .A^MM* I wo I.Ill I ^ Hnr* Kan \way. Kro,mt lie N'.iw Y'.rk Pun. TwoMule boy* earrte I a well-dress'vl^S-year-oid girl up the stoop of a Mg^double t.-nenient at No. 1U1 Itroome street^last ntamt, and. after climbing two tlghi*^of atairs, push, I open the door or Mr*.^Nellie Mans. I s apirunenta and put the^little girl down on the floor. Mrs. Mansel^wa* sitting In a ro. klng ehair nursing her^baby when the rtran^^e boy* entered h, r^roxwias. K.'p fh^* little iftrl trrrtll to-morrow ate!a mm w 1! .\u1 for her.'' said on. of rheboy*. Mrs Man*-I Jumpe.1 up anil grasep. d oieof the l^ y.^ by the arm. He br^Ke^awi\ from h r. l a p,tr^tie.:i ef li -^Jai-ket eleeve In her hand, and nan down the,-ea.ra an l ,^ut trsto 'the street. His^Ceimpanion folleiwed. Mrs. Mans-1^ i for help, and one of .her eh I-^dr.-n. Ile-s.. a-'.-l II, oh**el after the^!^^^^ call.:., to hem to stop. All the^t .Jiangs tn file ho t-e Joined In the rh-iee.^Tne boys ran dan i liioenino airee-t lowafd ONUKiVJOYS Doththo mrthod ami rosults when^Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant^ami refreshine; to the taste, and acts^gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,^Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys^^tem effectually, dispels colds, head^^aches) and fevers and cures habitual^constipation. Syrup of Figs is the^only remedy of its kind ever pro^^duced, nhtlllfl lo the taste and ac-^| ceptahle to the stomach, prompt in^| its action and truly ImmmW in its^effects, prepared only from the most^I healthyand agreeahlosubstances, its^many excellent uualities commend it^to all and have made il the most^popular remedy known. Syrupnf Figs is for sale in ,10^cent bottles by all leading drug^^gists. Any reliable druggist who^may not have it on hand will pro^^cure il promptly for any one who^wishes lo try it. Do not accept any^substitute. CALIFORNIAFIG SYRUP CO. S*NHANUSCO, CAL.^LOUISVILLE, tr.HEW tOKK. ILL BOX264 - - HAMILTON, MONTANA S UUULSLMSUIJlJLASULSL5ULJLSLSUUIJL #*.*^**^*e^. MANHOODRESTORER CUPIDENE 'it (treat Vegetable Vitii, r-r.ttjcprwrjp- tionof ft faUm^uh * rflnch physician, will quickly cuie voiinf all n^ r-^\^^Ui or dni u^ps of the fcnerauve wean*, such m LoM Mnulmoil,^Innnmnlo, rulmiln th*' l.-v'k, Hcmu.; J i.iuU^lnni-. Nf rvoun lii't-illty.^FlmplPH, unfllniiW Ui Marry, Kinaustii.i( Prntns, Vmrlrrtrrle a ti^Coiihtlnathin. ] t atop* all lo^srn by .:., v or hvkI.L I'veventn qtiirte^B( sjof RftWfln H I'ich If not cht^rk#^rtto ripprmatorrbosa atiu^1...*....rrrs Ml tho horror- of Impotwcy. ITPIDKSIE .''viiuih UiellT^r, un IlifVRI *^0 r\rifcn itidtiprnand thftKinary ortennnof alllmpuritloa, CXPIOKMRiitivnfthenftnnareMorFrnallwertlcorKan^. . Thereason RiifTtTrr* are rot cur*M by lh,r\itrn in btvuurw nlnpry p*^r mnt are troubled with^ProatallHa CVPl DKNK1* tho only known r-nn-ilv to enre without un operation. IMUOTaVME {UA written a*n^rant^'o|rtvpn4Vid Dionev rrturnt'd If n'x twiJiM ^Jo^ ^ not eifect u porrnauoiJtcure.^100 a box, rI* fi^r |V0O, bv mull. H*nd for mr. ctrcuhir and testlmoutala, AdireasDA VOL flEDIC't M B Ml| P. a Box 2tC8, San FraNClsrf, Cat For Rni* hit^Smith Drug Co, Anaconda.E. ^ OallocUr A Co., Butt*tv NorthernSteamship Company ^-\;;f. J*, fCT'-S H ^' ' '^.^^ y ^ ^W,^e SteamshipNorth Vest and North Land. SEMI-WEEKLYSERVICE, 1895. West-Hound,Tuwdaya^the boo aud Mack.urn Easl-Botind,Mondays and Fridays from l 'ninth,^and t'ridaya from Bttatalo. UOMAOOtiooi made at^Island steaiters for Lake Michf7.n1 I'ort. TheNortlisrn Stennn up* *ts exclinireiy for asaasaMfl and malis ^top* at ths So^^MaeklaM Is'and. Detroit. Cleveland and UnlT.ilo. 1 lie-.e nnp^ are the iar,'e.t and flne.ton tha^treat la^en and '^^,^^ 1,1 eqitl'nr n: and IlD.-h lhe Iism c 11 I u r- I'll^ trip 1.0u mll-s be^W tsi be.we-'ii Iiiuuth an l i.ultalo ii ma le a 1 tile lit* thai train time, tha tfafaf* ^Psjj M uf^(wentv an lioiir. Al th^ conumti if the Un ^^'. note., ro 11r ^vl lo I, e itire fre d 11a^from ^lii^t noise mid eon'u-on K ^ In connection w.ih tho Un a' Northern tr Ins^has.em^M lines ta d'iT^lou. from the I vpIii i i^o^ and h^ wit. simtin or lasiafl trip llcken to poimi^eist Vlntor* to or trom the-an snoiild u-e tne sto mis i p one way nt loasi, for furthar la^^tonaailoa apply to any agent of in^ Qfatl Nnri icrn its .^ y. or laVffM F.L WHITNUY. Q. P. ^ T. A., St Paul. J.B DAWSON, OHN. AOENI , Butte. Mont. BITTERROOT VALLEY RANCHLANDS $1,000$1,200^$1,500^$2,000^$2,500 $4,000 Wrlt^ me^\.-t. ISOa re*, ^0 fe'if'd. food water^n.hi. small on-hard. cash^inn aerea, mea taw. |aaa water rltht,^all f^ uoe 1. near seuoo.. tj si cash,^en mil s. ill. leiice.l. to .d wat -r 1UM,^lot tult tree*, so.ii^ stock,^so acres. ml c from town, new 5.^r.'Oiii cottane. ttable .111,1 orchard.^MS sere*. In heart ol Ta l -y, nood^wa'cr rh-ht ,ind tmprov incuts. Kisy^to mis l#laerat. ml taffarea, orchard,^water ri'.'hl. all crops, too s and^y;,.c. aeal -ch'o, tastaSaBS and^On o . liaas terms,^^rhai ^^U want and what you will in- BoulderHot Springs. TT5)EMKMBERthat September and October arc the two plcasinteit montli^Jj^ in the year to vi-it this famous rn.ort. On y hotel in Muntnia he^t^.i^by uatural hot water. Waters excellent for all ailments. A'idrev G.G. BECKWITH, Manager. . MOMTANA QUORQEF. BROOKS, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS, MlbbOULA,MONT. Mltten.a,Montana, Ht^gint Av.. Oneand one-half blocks from H P de^^pot One and oue-h* f b oc^i from^iius.nes. center. Kxce lent tHOte,^I earn Be^t. E.ectrle lath * ba as. 'rat^bus. Mtn e. roomt tor eouuntrcial men.^Kate* u.OU. !Win. Kennedv, Un i CHARLtSbMSLEY, SrientiQcand^Decorative .a. MonL Trya Want Ad in^THE STANDARD.