Newspaper Page Text
5Twelve^* Pagesl * * :Pages :^I 1 to 8 I * **O0O'J0^000C^OOO ft VOL.VII.-NO. 58. ANACONDA, MONTANA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31. 1893 p-tn3-FIV303NT3 Htl ADVANCED IN^PKICE. THEJEWELER Willsail his present stock of silverware^at * SPECIALREDUCTION THISWEEK ONLY ! Ifyou want anything In silver for^your own use or for GIFTS..; WECAN SAVE YOU.MONEY. RICHCUT GLASS AT VERY^LOW PRICES. MAILORDERS SOLICITED.^^7^ JEWELER,^ff'f/Zd' Owsley Mock, Butte,Montana AchievementPharmaceutical. GALLOGLY^ CO.'S Asolution of Citrate of^Magnesia in which we use^water from the celebrated^Pipestone Springs. Theimpossibility of pro^^ducing a stable solution of^Citrate ot Magne-ia with^water fromvarymg sources^and the further f;ict that^city water, when distilled^even under a high pres^^sure, refused to part with^its odor, induced us to con^^duct a series of experi^^ments, which resulted in^the discovery that Pipe^^stone water, from its pecu^^liar mineralization, was^admirably adapted for^combination with Citrate^of Magnesia. Forprotection we have^adopted a pipe and stone,^the imprint ot which, in^red, will appear on each^bottle. Look for it. Priceof Pipestone Mag^^nesia, 35c. Sold by 12X. Main St., Butte. \^ 1 ASynopsis of His Closing Speech at^the Durrant Trial. SOME DRAMATIC BY-PLAYS ItIs Considered One of the Strong-^ost Arguments Ever Mada to^o California Jurv-1 he In^^different Prisoner. RanFrancisco, Oct. 30.^District At^^torney Forties to-day appeared as the^central llgure In Che last scene of Dhe^trial of Theodore Durrant. While t'he^si^ :.ut .rs in fh ^ crowded count room^ci'ined thfir necks'to catch every wont^of the .spdjkir, at delivered what is^considered Un many respects one of ithe^strongest arguments ever made to a^California Jury. Aside from being log^^ical and convincing In nts dlsou^s,l n^of tin- t ^^^-^. iKniy. he mud ^ ;\\o or tiuve^ifMMtao -j-iplays tihait put to a se^^vere test t'.ie 'Iron nerve of the prisoner.^While lookling Intently at it')ie frame^Ixiaring Miss Lamjut's dress, Which^*^ 'i^' ir the Jury 1. ^x. and telling^how, through the longdaya of fhe trial,^he had seen tin e young school girl cloth^^ed In all her Innocence and purity,^Barnes reached 'the climax of the scene.^Turning upon Durrant, who was seated^only tihree fceit away, the district at^^torney, with clenched fists and in a^voire of thunder, exclaimed: ^I aee her^now: there stie stands behind him at^Ithls very momenit, not praying for ven^^geance lor her deep and remedyless^wrongs; not for the law of retribution^upon her murderer, but with uplifted^hands and streaming eyes, praying tihat^God irlH not put it into your hearts by^the mockery of a verdict of not guilty,^to set free this MOOMof to pn y upon^other souls, pollute with vile 'hands ithe^OMOUIod snow of other children, and^defy anew that God ot Justice, whose^^mln'.st rs you are. DurraniWis the iMOs affected person^In the court room. W.iiile Mrs. Noble,^the d*ad girl's aunt, wept silently, and^everybody else wag 'thrilled with t'he^Impr, ssiveness of it.lie scene, Durrant^was rftolid land Indifferent. As 'the ^^*-^trlet attorney s la,st word^ were uttered^the prisoner whispered sornet'hlng in^Um ear of l.iis ffWQktr, who sai near^him, aj^J smiled, 00 if phased at the^wit of his own remarks, liarnrs began^Wis argument by dwelling upon t ie^lei'! iii'illties of KOH Limont and Dur-^irant and outlining the grounds upon^which the state liases Its oomenitilon^that no otic but DurrtuVt could be the^aurdoror. He fp 'ke in part as fol^^lows: Th^'Individual who perpetrated t'he^hi 1 OM murder with which the defend^^ant stands Charged, and whl i.i 000^harrowed tthe soul and frozen tile blood^of this c immunity. Is no ordinary crim^^inal, and his crime, in every aspect In^which It may 'be considered, Is without^parallel. It woo In every sense a cold^^blooded, vicious murder. It was with^^out the sUphitest provocation or appar^^ent excuse or palliation. The aoooooln^Chose for his victim tan Innocent maid^^en. She w is un level,.p ^J in mind, pure^In l'.fo and thou-'ivt, .^f simple and un^^suspecting nature and presenting in^body none of the qualities which are^supposed to 'arouse the Mil JMSsMM of^the seduc^r and libertine. Forthe scene of his dreadful asstiult^the murderer selected an evain -telioa 1^church, dedicated to the worship of^God. He took the life of his victim,^rimt with ithe savage mercy of the quick^pistol or the silent knife, 'but tortured^hor with the linn, ring procs.s of stran^^gulation. Bo hid km remains w!i N ki^|,,|i \ -I v w olid remain undiscov^^ered and have no premise of a Chris^^tian bur.Ml. N ne saw the crime save^God. wh'im he feared, as he extended^the naked and slender form on the bel^^fry floor, laid the thin arms across t'he^undeveloped besom, propped the head,^and stnaiglttemd ihe body in the dust.^Not a human King had beheld his re^^treat from the awful presence of death,^which was his wrk an 1 safely^locked in his own breast. %M murderer^went his guilty way, with his undtvulg-^ed crime, unsciPhed and unwhipped of^Justice, while the victim lay In the spire^that pointed lt^ slender finger to the^sky, as If reproaching Ms ruler for His^unm 'Ving Indign V.'Ion. Earnesthen related the circum^^stances in connection with the discov^^ery of Miss Lamont's body, and from^the facts drew the conclusions that she^was murdered by some member of the^church who had keys to the building^and In whom she had confidence. The^murderer must also have been a man^whose cunning was sufficient to t n:i^him to stifle the natural feeling of tim^^idity which always accompanies Inno^^cence and Induce her to go alone with^him to the darkened eihumii in which^they both worshipped on Sunday. Such^a man, he said, is Durrant. Only a^monster capable of taking the life of^an innocent girl, he said, could remain^col. Impassive and aim, en i Man:^when accused of such a crime. Gentlemen.^continued Uarnes,^^such a man Is of such rare quality^that If confronted at last with the^proofs of hla crime, whose recital has^sho. ktd all civilization, he could and^he would, ao 00 has done, sneeringly^smile In the awful presence of relics of^his victim, torn by his hands from her^stiffening body, and fxiilblt neither^passion nor emotion, neither sympathy^nor re^Tet for the unfortunate child he^had brought to a premature grave.^Such a man could well lie in Jail await-^lng his trial for murder and clothe his^villainy with the mask of pretended^trust of Jehovah, wnom he had defl-,1.^and play saint with verse and phra^-s^atolen from holy writ. He could listen^With g In: ti : i i ^ ney when his coun^^sel struggled to Weave the *Mh of sus-^^Moa and accusation around one whom^he knew to be inn. cent, and ttOOO MM^teginnlnc to the end of his trial for the highestcrime known to law, revc.i.n^the same nevertheless, an Impassible,^smiling villain. Durrant'stestimony Is a maas of^contradictions from beginning to end.^^said Barnes. ^Xot only has he contra^^dicted the testimony of the prosecu^^tion's vvitnt-ssi ^. Put he tins contra I' t-^ed the testimony of his own. 1 submit^to you. gentlemen, that there Is noth^^ing In the testimony of the itlMdonl^or of any vwtn ^-^^ :^: .- -nted by the de^^fense to establish the alibi that the \,^.^fense has tried to build up In this^case. Rarnesclosed with an eloquent ap^^peal to the Jury to avenge the MWdOf^of Manclie Ij^mont and protect tko^women and girls of the state by return^^ing a verdict of guilty of murd r lo^the first d'gree with the penally of^death. ON THE TRACK. AtiM.irr'u Park.^New York, O^st. Sunmsries at Mor-^ris Dark: Two miles and a half, tan hur-^dli's^Fngirlve won, MaMr second, Day-^OMOji MMMi time, 4:.'^^!. Twu rndoo and a^half, ren ihurvltas^Cu-acas won, San Jo i-^quin second, WlnsiVp Jhlrd: t,.m^ 4 17^Four n.:,ei, steepi.xshase^ Deke or ita^^corn 0100, Duks cf Woo^lf^rd O^Sam D. oh.rd t'.me, 8:13. Koiwth OOtVOV^ehaJM, aheirt threo mlhiS^Ui iarls won^May Blossom secortd, La Kayxtt*, |^time, 6:02. Two m*r^^^Bmma C. won,^Deer Slayer ssooredv third; Cm^,^3:31. CLARKECW HIS MAN TheHot Springs Sheriff and Bib Are^Arrested. CORBETT'S MEN ARE MOT FltzWill Appear Before Chancellor^Martin To-Day Urady bays^Ih o Australian Doos Not^Want to i Ight. lu(lat-lti t il I. Cincinnati,Oct. ^.^Sus^Wlon that a^rtngwr lbs 1 brer, workvtl ' ri';o ^':^^ first ro-^^ aitUan..^ to-,lay cause l aho Jadoes ro^r.fler all !^^^^ he' ! pendlTg 'i.v * on^WCM HumtAnOin Is the her-v un'fer sus-^p.ei'm Six furNrrg-i^\\^,.UJ llutiitsmani^,v,rti. Si!nr. i *,,'^'! Monnii^ ti ird; ^^'me,^1:11%. f'.Vf and a half furlonvs^MarqtOsa^lOOoo, Ia Oa'.^tjgne ^^eoon'd. tivan-Mftajj^ifjme, l:l!''j. HactftBoap, null'^Hairtsputi^w. :^, I tasso spooisI, Uo Creole Nri. IhOO,^1:41^. ilve fnrtanjM^ 011' OOMRfO won,^T.uTair ^c.'otid. *.t^ Mar-a 'fh.i-J; time.^1:(C'4. Six f.irlongs^ Mmry K.ttnie won.^Da .iroore avoond. Balk Litre rli ttnn, InSun Fr,nrU[^a.^San Frtanclscx 0.^t. 30^Ttcsulta of to- vlnysru-n; F.vo furi,r.-4'S--D^.ly 41 iv^von, 0an Marcus second, OorakO rh.ri:^tiJme, 1:02V4. Five and a half furk.t.g*--^lOOOO Terry won. Miss MHoN OOOOnf^(^,vK^i fcUjpaa i-MM: titne, 1:'^'^. Vestal^O'lkea, nijle an^l a qn..r:vr^i'iir ' .'II.i won,^t'trunila second, iSr.ivura thirl; :ime, i:U.^Five an I a hailf furJom'gs^Gold Itug won.^Three Forks OPOOtsa. Crawford third;^li.'nio. I:^*'^. Nf.'.f and Mverfty jrarvl.s,^hT^ fje.-ip-DIt :^e Cr pple won, Chani'er^s^ on I, MeDighlt third: 't'.me, 1:45%. One^mile^ - ini wen, Elmer st con'd, Ajrtta.^thlrVl: ttiilue. 1:I^V^- Ovir Ho- Mg Htrl'..e.^Wai^h'inWJon, Ocft SO.^ AtOurmey GmersJ Hdi-me.i-j,^-3.iiy mad, \ ;ui arguinenC '.Si (Ciu^United Ora)5*^ ^ap^^:n^ OOOIt tn the eats '^of \V. il. Ckmo Mooe H,.ss and Vh :p '^Vsoonrood vs. The d Stafw. T.i^^plairtJifTs In error were Identified w i'l ii^t'he hj^ Vic m California In t'he smtm.r^of lV'l I ire ;i:e'. -r son^,.-ice ,;f en sjoOkHO1*nprtf^nmiiw on the okorgo ot '^conrspirtng t^ obs-truct the I'm i.l S atea^ma ^ Col. Robert Chrtaty appean 1 for^tlie Sir*era, lliirlrlKh'nl.ue - v Ye^r. P'T'ie. W ir.h.. Oct. St.^Ju lire Hmford^lOM fixed ^he sajary' of Iti e, ver B ill (Il^^ ^' ^ Nun Jhenn Facile ra iraa.1 a: tl\*M^a ^ ,ir. MISSEDHER GUESS THEYCARRIED HER NOT INTO^A BARBER SHOP. Nowthe OsM Want, to ^Ort Kten^ by^Suing the Ntre^t 4 Mr 4 ouipjuy^for Tex.trkano.Arl; . Ooi ^Sheriff mi^^lord and deputlea of Miller eoun:y.^who 1,-ft Texarkana on the Iron M nin-^taln cannon ball at :. ::d o'clock, au--^c clod In bigging tile pugilistic gam^^tney wore after. Ihtisitikmone and ..!^^ :^ ^ f^ ,i: r -- I lo ;'i 'to an I^taken off the train at Fulton. Thevarrived here about 7.15 o'elook^and the sheriff and hla deputies, wltth^Ht^iiiynitthis and Julian un b r a:: ' .^left TitttrVana at. 7.;!,^i o'clock b'-niu','^for Little Hock. They took'this POO ^^to avoid 'anv 'trouble 'that might arise^at Malvern, If the Iron Mountain route^wis used. The associated prctss cor^^respondent InterroK.i: id Fltislmmons .^and Julian vvthilo tliey were here. U.Cli I^said rhey were roadv for the tight, but^OOMM not ^ay when or where tt could^talcs- place, as t'hev were under nrr,--,:^BNk denounced Corbet t and the Florl- i^da Athlntlc club for doing cverytirlng^In their power 'to prevent the light ^:^'^a later day. Thev bs-lired OOfWM^was not In condition now tind hen ^,^^desired to put It ofT. FltOOfcMMM fold^he had trained continuously and was^never In finer form. He and Julian^will claim Che $2..100 forfeit to-morrow^If rhey oan get throiurh to Hot Springs.^The 'trial of their ^^ isi s under 'the war^^rants issued by Chancery Judge M h -^tln at Kittle Ho, k will be OoM to WOf^row. SheriffHourit of Hot Ppringa Who^sought to carrv Fl'tzslmmona and^Julian 'through 00 iihut city under Ml^guise of arrest, wis |ool In Um siuiffle^vviien ko dls.iHited Sheriff Dlllard'o au^^thority. The hitter arrsotot him on | i Iron Moun't.iln train, but wiion tile^rrowtl got off at Fulton Houpit re-^maln^xl almard. but g,,t off at ll^pe.^the next station nbove w*iere he tele^^graphed Diltard that he was no: try^^ing 'to get away and would come bu k^,n E!ie llrst train and give himself up.^Sheriff Dlllard has been assisted by a^deputy sheriff fr,^m LftOtto Hook and^every move has 1y^en made aconllni;^to wrltton lnkstru.itIons from Governor^Clirke. TlieKovernor or b ri'd Sheriff Diflar l^and Deputy Heard to gel a big imsse^of men to'take FKzslmmons and Julian^at all hazards and a: any cost and^produce them before Judire Martin nt^Lltitle Hock as soon as p,,^s !,'^^ if:^Mooting them. The ottlcers and pugi^^lists will arrive at Li::!e Roek to-inor*^row. There was .an Immense crowd : ^^meet 'the ofllcero and pugilists as they^came In from Fulton and the party^could hardly get through ,t'h^' Jam at^t lie I' smon !:^ m hotel ^ , ^^ire sup^per before starting for Little Hock. BY CORCFTT'S MEN, lainon 'the Wneiuelan boundary ques^^tion. Sir OfeMfJi was MM upm his^arrival by a repr.Hientalrve of t'he'as-^s.elated pri-s*. who sougllt to obtain^his views uoon ^Jve Veneiuelan ques^^tion. He oald: Iregard the frontier outrage ^he^S'-'-cnlled Frusn Incident! as a purely^Individual act. as the British subjects,^fl irti -s and Daker. who were arr.^^ted^by the TOMMOkM officers when^brough^ before the hUrtier rcpreaenta-^tlves of the Ven^iutdan ^foA-ernmeti',^were asked hv them to return to HrV.^Iflh territory. Hut they declined on^the ground thaf there was no means of^ti:.ri.-it l^aek. TheUruan ln^-lderft referr.^d to by^Sir Charles was thsjt upon which the^!^; :^^^,! itrl.i-'i ultimatum to Venez^^uela w ' !^ i ^ I A llrttlsh serreant i f^pdiee, ltarnes. above referred to. and^two a*tistaii:s, crossed fhe river at^I'man and plant I ::ie ltritlsh ft.ig on^the V lOOMOkM side. The^pOOsM tore down the flao^. drove the^Intruders acr.iss the stream and sub- |un ;v iirr-i 1 'eon \\ :..! ^ 1 a^tie ir way to Ciudid. Holivla, with^their prisoners, thev were Instiu-: I^from t\ira^-as to n-leaae the KngUsh-^men and to permit them to return to^Hrltlah OuCnea. The HrltLih govern^^ment dnnanded reparation for theae^a nests. SirCharlea was asked If he thought^that anv ^, rlous affilr Would oi-cur In^the even: of a crisis, 'to whlcih he re^^plied: ^I think not. as there Is only a^very em ill poli c station on tiu- Veiu x-^OjokM frontier. The Venezuelans tried^their utmost to persuade Harti'-s and^Hp kit to r.cnrn I i liritish terrlt 'ry^.'tier tiiev Imd 0O00 uiresited. I have^no Idea that there will be any serious^ivs.s.anee to 111' Brl'.lsih demiuids^growing out of th-' I'ruan Incident. Washington.4Vit. 30. -The s'ate de-^I ^ ^ nt tin nt has been furnished furt her^il,-! ids of tile status of affairs In Brit^^ish Utilnea concerning tksl boundary^agitiution. H covers i:he jireas publica^^tions ^^: DMHWI ^t^ t^ Oot, 14 In^pursuance i^f the p-,llcy of the British^foreign otllce. Cai tnin Mar.Vi'il Inspec^^tor Covle of the British c con-^ptabiilarv ^f ml lit.a has b, en dis^^patched to llispeoit the \*^*t at Frutn.^where ;'.ie eontli,.: w't.'i Ven.zueiati.i^occurred. Seml-otll ial ann nine, m nt^W mad1 nt D.-tnerera rha^ the depar^^ture of the otn-ens and ihelr panty Is^In ciinneetlon with a recent dispatch^trooi Htakstor ClOMoMrtola. i'p to^the Idth. when fhe Ml clos^nI, the no-^tii'-a'ion ,.f Lq-.l Salisbury'* ultima^^tum to Venezuela had n 't !^ I I^Demerern, hut Krong pressure was i^^lng exerted on the h one government^for ^ niovf of 'tliiis kind. Kmm i LaaOs Vomm*^^chbago, Oi-t. r.o. -A apeclal from^WookioMM nays the OOMIf OtlfiQ that^an iirmed British foros was OMIKklM^tiiiough Brazilian territory to that^p.n t ,,f v, to .mi ia olokaod b| QroM Britainwill. It Is said, bring the Inter-^ootl n il dispute to a crista at once,^in fonie quarters f^ ars are expressed^ the negotiations be prolonged un^^til Kngland gets u 11 the soldlera she^wants In the dlsput'd territory. Pos-^seaslon In diplomacy, as In law, Is sev^^eral p^lnta In favor of the aggress r.^and for possession Kngland, It seems,^Is playing the trump cards. MRS.PITE SPEAKS TouchingSc^iw it the Trial of the^Arch-Fiend Holmes. ITIS A PITIFUL NARRATIVE CletvefandLOtt, so^A damage OM tat^fi'O.'jmi was n-ivntly Irstl'tat.d ag. ^ ^^ '^-v^J: g Ooi ^ lated by Jennie M ii tn,^a west side '. ^ nj; woman. The plah ff^a .. u - tha.i she sustained ser. mis Injur es^by t:nn^wn from n OtfOM 00T. Anatlemm will be mad- to how that^she purp-.sely ohrew herself from the car^The girl's sei^*imonjts toward a I. .^^^ .^,.^^ barlhT ar- of the '.^^ ^^. ;,:,!^wW.le the tonsorfaJ arttst occasion, ^.ly^v s'.rs her, he !^is manlfe^tel much^t. rest 1n a'n^4ther. The bartwr's laek of^.,iitlor. for her eousiel th- unlocsl onemu,1h patn. A'ilh^r endeavor* to gain h'Vs kOTS foOV^ing. she. M -ia Cla.lm^d, ennelided than If^an OOrtJcnt befell her tn close proximity^to *the barl^er ,4'iop. slie wool I be e.,n-^veyod kMO his plOOS of kOOkMBO She^was, htoaever, carrlevl ttvt ^ a groe.-ry store^T^ext door to th^ barber. THE CRIMINVL CALENDAR. Au lioi.i.i N OaOOO ot l'a,i^4 N^t for TrU,,l ore - for IMftOsOi^Special to the Stand irl. lilimn^i^t. Jo^T-w MMMkl ealTShr I^of She Fnited MM oonr. m i , , I^^0^-lky by Jiltse KtDwleo. Ti'er^ w.i* an^unu^ini mim'wr it .-ases for w. il f ,r^tfiJs ;^sm, three of ,jti,^m )^er:g for n- .r-^der. The trial of Tn ^^. i^ It, t^*t-^4er ki-tm as ^OM Man Ro k'' I^mnM^r Nov. 1 i' Drui^r's trial tor Mo rrrirjfr of^h s fw ^e'h'-r.r- en -he t'sjtr r- wrvi-' ir..^will bo commo ,e.^l Njv. IT*,. iTiarl.* A.^Ft^ ^bard, who shng and k..Ied a squaw,^w.'.i be tr.ei Nov. 11. Twove .jr- ^ for 3^ .-ttpt. ea'h w^r- l^'j -!^by jie ootirH fVir trial jurors. One vn r^-^con'ta^no Oha names l, w-s i- i ,-k^^co^ii-s^v men ex-!usrv^^|y. Th ^ orher ts^ma^te up of name* of mm from nr^wr^parts of fhe Orate. Tlxre ar* eOrtrteen^eri-rlnal *a^^*i to h^ ^:t:^^I. M-^st ^^f^ar^ t-~r- oifT*r~jr4 ^vn r^^^r\^i't 2 ^n^. There I^are a f**w cases upoiki-H af^ood vSotatoro^ef L'nJrel kOttSS timb-r OOd larst klWO Fir*in M ^x.'rtiu-Bi t..^Millero Falls. Mas^.. Oct. 30.^A fire^which started in a Main MMOl I ^ rv^stable at 10:30 o'clock to-night has al^^ready swept away eight buildings. In^^cluding a big hoxe! In the business !^^*-^tl ,n. f.n l hu.^ lure: ^ ' a - .^^ th- str-'-t Innd Is destroying other Lull lings Tkt^' d.-partm, nt proved utterly mud- -^qu a--, and help -was summoned from^Oreenfleld and Northami't n. At f^o'clock the loss reached Ua.OOO and a^number of other blocks and the d ^!^^..!^ore oure to go. TheySay II o, Ntorr MaoOOO la Flght-A^ll'eitpi obite.I I, it. HotSprings. (ML 8^.William Brady^said to-night. OTOM Informed M04 Fftz-^ilmmons had refusal to 'hike the ^|k^-^clal train Which vv ul 1 have brotigiit^him to Hot Springs in time for a tight kiKnow ^TkM mm ooowt lottaod -l^to tlg*Iit Corbntit. and he did ict mmo^here hei-ause he knew tha't n 'thing^would 0000 him from ^i llgtlit 1f he ,| ,|^so. QmWM Is rlcht now In Hot^Springs and htus been here since 1^o'elo k Mo is roi ly to light a^: a mo^^ment's nolleo. and I lnve $I'.^'m) In^bills In th- safe of the Arlington hotel^waiting to be put up. Allof Cor!^ *fs seconds. Donalds ,n,^Delan-y tnd rhe OtkOM came up fr^m^Stiring Like io-nljrh*t and wa!;,^d to see^If Fitz-in.te tin would put In an ap^^pearance. They were r^idy for a llg'Iit.^and af:er being convinced that tthere^wis mi chnnee of a fight to-nlghjt, went^back to Spring Dike Corbett will re^^main here until No*/, 1. Wh^-n. as Brady^says, ^we will I.^ open for proposi^^tions.^ HO fOOl :^ fald that O rl W'^id M Willing 'to go itO U.ftio l: , K Olea I.'.'^,' 000 I I^ml and MOO lgM^In defiance of 'the bond. Isrke'* Ti le^rsm 3hlcaro.Oct. 30^4^overnor Clark^^i f Ark ,^^ it ' r m '^.- 11y wire I^th^^ as,^ itf'l pr^^^ as f, li ,ws I,^: ^ It k ' ^^ ^ '.^ ^A ^ Mot Springs^Ait^^rney ilenenil Kln^n^.irthy ha* t^.^r-^fected an agre-ment by vMok 4^,rfrb ^t^and Brady will app^ir here to-morrow^to answer a writ prepared by Chan^^cellor Martin. The militia will not re^^ceive funher orders until the result of^this |ir^--' ling Is known. (Signed)Jam's P. Clarke. Fill^^ A r.l I. -.ys er,,|y. HotSprings, Dot. 30.^Kx' itement ran^high In Hot Springs all day. Manager^Brady smiled sarcastically when loM^of Fltzsimttcns' capture. M- a-l i I^^He carefully evaded the H,^t Springs^offlclalo. aa their success In capturing^him would have assured battle. C r-^bett Is althln OOM reaeh and will Mgn;^for JIO.WW a si lo anyb.^ly ^-ho waniV^W.flght on the jlst of October. That Is^the orig.nal jt, gramme and ^^^ ar'^sticking cl 'Se to our m ore. The long^and short of the story la laMMMI^la afraid to fight IN v nTzUuLA. Thelutrn. e -.1 ^ ^ ^^ l'^y Coin.- lo MOMsssaOsn HoooMofe^Copyrighted 1W kf Asio-tatel Press. Lemdon.^^-.. ' Sir Chad s ( 1-1 r-^oa Lees. K. C M. U.. governor of Urtt-^lah ^^ulnea. arrived in I'lym ,u:.i at^midnight, having been recalled to con^^fer wdjh Colonial sJecretary Chwmber- THEVWILL GO PUKE THE PARDONS OF LEHMAN^AND WILSON CONFIRMLO. BOOOMkJO4 lrm-ncr Was R. quested by a^Long Mat uf M ii, IV, II Known In l-DlIr. po ' 1 Dispatch to thi-Standard. (Mask,4^a. JO.^Th- wt\i^ board of^;^ , v ,.-(Inn.*! the jiardon* ,.f C'tl.,,' L'thtll.ltl .1O-: ir.m \\ '.^*. r.'..n ly gra,nttsl by ^^rv^rnor It. -., ir ls.^I^*r^ma'i was oonv^tt^l ^rf acm ill wtiii a^d.teliy wespon un Hd O'Dmiell on Nov.^11. l*i. in tJ^e di-sn-ivt ivnuit all liutte and^^ ^to ''ir,... y.nrs th* Dear UOM*penOtentlary. Wilson wis s^n)t up^fr-nn Ile^c I^^.l^e tn May. DM, for six^yews Dor criminal a^eiult. Ilia term A', 1 ' ^ X ' ^ ^ ' ^ \ 11Ilf^ jKtrdon*don ,otel.'.,,n that be abstain^f .rover fiom the use of tnitox1^w4'*. Iiorh^partHoHi were grimted on ^us.turly backr.i^petti Ions. Allof tlh* Juror* -wbo bni'igbt In tihe^v.n*B n oratiMt lohttan per.lltonnsl early^l.i*4* ws^'er for h'x* tnrf*Km, i*' e tng she'.^''. -., w-re ej -^ i.i- ^- - ^ .tr-* inoes in^h.s ftwnr. 4^ther e.or^ *ljrni^l by tn-^M'sstMal cOrToene a^ ir.i';^^ mil the same^^ :i. ^ r^-^ ei. c-m, I..1 .-^.^^,t ve e!ern,*n.-y. *'ai*v.r fhut i-h* aasoaik nsita by lsOwnon^e i O'fVimsslI waj, n (^ *^'r^rut pr .v.^. a-^1! ,^^ i CD'I a -e ^ rsiiisly 1n- ro^ tbajt Lehman bail its* reputosKon^. .. ^ ^'. h-e vJ'. ^^^'^^ t. heird-sn -s ^ .-^ and that 'hey )^ , .-v. ho WAI! make^a rood oMorn tf r^waa^d to Hh^rty.^Am-'ntg thoae slgr/.^w be p^4:'- ^^^^ .wrty^winter srsre: Jatrr^s W. FVaSatni. IPm.^II trry OaoMOgkam. a't.^.tf 8. J. Iley-^OOkM DMM MsrM W. R. Toung. OOW ^y^, ' ,' g JOttsMkj Majnsr E. il. Imgan.^r;.rk of C'eitt II. A. N^*l^!rt^ofen.^Ai^lerman J. E Dasrsim. Ail.-mi un j^^*n^Ki ^. W I. It -Hit.!. Fayrtt'e II irrtno-^'^i. A-'jr^4w DOOM J- A. Ta^V^ and^C.e. iic W. IrVJi. WKb ^0^o.l m^^^LeOtnnwi's OOOtoMt wou^l ba\w expired^May 13. 1^W. WILLIAM COX DEAD. OWas Well Kikiwu, BooMl Come In^M o in., in i si::, B[ ' i! D.-^p^teh 'o the Standard. H1-na. OcX. SO ^ Cox. an ^ld-^|!m r. tiled at his In this city to-^j|f*^bt of dropsy. He came to Bannock^!:: ^^'.: from ^^^ I ! . i- 1 was kn jw:i^In all the early cam;* of the territory.^He was born In C rriwall. England, SS^years ago. A wife and two daughters^mourn him. beside many friends. Workllejlfn on the New Road. SpecialDispat.h to 'he Standard. OM30.^ The wnagriiflAtm^i' ^ ill f-.^n -be Harvey etv^k mmtsj^^ it ha,s , ummel.ved and *J^e n*w^town of OoUJin. situated so MoOsMO^ri^k Ik'-o* :h- mux*, -a b^Ct^r sur.eyed. ruJ-Miui*tut a Intho Opinion of All, the Evtdonco^Of the Day I* Strong Enough^to bond tho Criminal to^tho Callows. Phlladetphla.Oct. SO ^Tn th* Homrs^trial ito-duy under ch* ooruflnlili.f gats^of a court ro -m crowd^d wrtth strang^^ers, a pale woman underwent an or^^deal which would have broken the^nerve of many a ^rmg She sras^Mro. Carrie Alice Pitiel. With bravery^and fortlitule she stood the teat. In^spit* of th* faot MM her physical sy*-^tim had been oo olio tit* red tf the bat^^tle of woas under whi. h Ohe has all but^luorumbed. that ^fh^ atio obliged to lo-^terrupt her plMful nirra'tve a. fre-^^luenl lnterv*ii* to accent opoonful* of^meduolne from the 'train, I nurse who^attend^d her. In a VOkM broken with^grief she toM the whole distreoslng^story of how her husband wws spirited^awuy from her and murd ered out of^sheer greed of gain; how she bade her^Utile ones goodbye, contl Ving rhem to^the care of rhe man Holm^*. In all^truthfulness, kale 'thinking that when^4(he next ahoul l see th- m the t^u little^'girls wouM b,^ lying side by side on th*^marble slab of a MffjMk MM In death,^a p,ircel of m,^uMeri^g boneo. Il.-tweanher kWof * 'ba she relate-1^every detail from the first meeting with^II dmes almost up Pi to-tlay. and w^aff^^otlng was this that Dlstrlot At^ot-^ney (Ir.iham. I mg used to lale* of dlo-^krooi and grief, paused in rhe examina^^tion lo MM away a few tears. Th*^woman's physical OOoMtl I was *uch^that the court had to repeat her testi^^mony aXter her. I^^cause , f her weak^voice. Throughout tt all the shrunken,^pallid creiture in the dock who. to on*^unfamiliar with the shocking story,^would neve.- be taken for the oreh-^OftJOlMfl of tiie age, s.ut uipmovcd. N^t^a mu.^-le quivered, not a lash moved,^even when the stra.n hecame so great^that the hearing halted to give tlh*^wretch-I woman an opj-irtunlt) to re^^cover herself. Indeed, one* or twice,^as some ototement from hor 11 po struck^'a chord In his breaat. If Ch iris fh^n^ b*^in such a man, a malicious sneer piay-^^^d around his thin, bi,, -lie* lipa. but^never once did the wtnan look towanls^MM During every movement of th*^long examination Oh* kept her eye* riv^^et e. I on ^th^ ,','mm 'nw^*Hth'o officers^or the coutvsel for t'h^ defense, as If^fearing toeiMft them to elthsr side, lewt^In their course rhey should fall upon^flie flues of the man In She dock. Ther*^were other wltnes^e^ calle.l, but nntur-^nlly, Mrs. Diliel'0 testimony waa tba^f uture of the day. .-^^ * went atk th*^stand at J il'^ o'clock !n the afternoon.^Immedlait'-ly upm th* reassembling ot^court after th* lunch rece** and re^^mained there, exceipt for th* ev*ntng In-^termlsalon. until 8 30. Theother Incidents of tlh* day srero^fhe reading of aratementa mad* by^Holmes to th* Hooton poKc*. whan ho^first arrived flier* on Nov. IT last, ^ ail^^ing the story of th* conspiracy to^swindle the Insurance company out tat^the 110.0^0 on PMMfk llf*. Th* cro*s^-^examination of tthe witness^* was coei-^dU'ltol letively bv M -s--s S'toe-.tiakor^and U'Stan, the lasryera wtiom Holm as^dlsmlsesd on Monday and reoalled loot^night, but U wu* aiUMr^tut thsit lit woo^really Holmes himself, who was con-^due^lng the defense. He continued to^t.ik^ ^.nil his n,,'.es and almost momen^^tarily his attorneys were at the dock^side, accepting ouggestloni frum hlrn.^Intentrt In the case, instead of flag^^ging, has grown wl'h each sueceoslvo^se^! Hk and tt Is not confined to a^n. 'rl ! Ily curious general public, for^during tlh* greater port of tie daay^Judg* Am ^11 was at fntemals receiv^^ing wefl-kn, am m^n on Oh* bencb,^whtle within ah* court clerk* encioo-^ure. ssrt a group of gaily dr^*i^ed so^^ciety kidie*. friend* of the MMMtM^wealth, gazing curt^mly at fh* various^actors In th* cat.* and drinking In^every word of the testimony. Intjie oplnfcm of afl thoo* who heard^tt er'-ept posotbry llolmeo and his At^^torneys. Hhe MMMM of fh* day lo^strong enough to send him to the gad-^low*). Btowly. but none the I.jss ourety,^wws th* chain forged around htm, o^chain ulliil will be Hani to break. Therewill be a pre ^^^ point of low^In the case If aav^soclated wsth tt can be called oo. Ther*^Is a law here that a wtf* oanont tes^^tify agalnsit ^her husband. In spite ot^thts. Mr. Graham declared that ho^would call Che aged Mro. H dme*. or^Hovvsr-i. to She otand. Tha Is why^h^ oas b*en comba'itJng Il 'imea' as-^.: tlh ^t this woman, who Mr. Gra^^ham persists In calling Mis* Yorfce. lo^his lawful wife. Oua (harxe of Libel. Denver, Out. 30^ Hon. Thotnao m. Patterson,proprietor of Mi Rocky^Mountain News. w\is arreoted this ev^^ening on a charge of criminal libel pre-^ferr^\l by the officers of the Denver^Tf i tiv.ay company. Th* complaint Is^based on an article in Che Newo ot^Tuesdtv. which claimed June* in th*^cases where the Tamway company is^defenvkuu are oystoroatjeadiy corrupted.^Damages amouoting to Jieu.MO ^r*^asked. ToCo^ Uaiah, C^ntr ii SpecialDispatch to the Standard. ',..., ,vi:^-kvols tx^- dayapt^^:ii;tsl tlhe Mkowrlnat d^l^wa:e*^to i ^ i^-4: i.n '.-. ^ i cv'C.grv*^ to b* baldM OBMaOa. Nor. aV Oo M the r*^^coJmi iwis^sJ by t!^* rvwarraialima:^I .^ is St rv. ,r . Oal.a-ln Ati-Irew^^ ^ v ^ ^ i cot. .o. ,v... un Mao)