OCR Interpretation

The Anaconda standard. [volume] (Anaconda, Mont.) 1889-1970, December 05, 1896, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036012/1896-12-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOL.Vm.^NO. 93.
IsAlmost Here
YourMother,^Father,^Sister^or Brother
Remindthem of a loving relative^in a distant hind. One of our^beautiful gifts now on display will^just serve your purpose.
EarpWill Wait (or Time to Justify^His lo iiion.
buyfrmi th
Gent'.14-karat Bolid Oold Watch.^Ladles' 14-karat Solid Hold Watch.^Boy-. Solid Silver Watch.^Silver Tea Set.
Ticket*given with every purchase^and repair.
....7he Jeweler
BAUERft BLACK, Makers, Chicago
Don'twait until July to^buy a
NOWis the proper time to^wear one.
50cBuys a Good One.
Herhands were rough and9
Theyalmost made her scream.$
%But two bits made her happy,\^Spent for
Bella-Derma Cream.
Gallogly^ Co.
12N. Main St, Bu'.te, Mont.
S5.00.$$.00. $10.00.515.00. $^0.00
Anumber of subpoe-^e tern lr^u^d for employ**.^^I t-jllrv id officials wr.o tray^^ I hi ^w 1 ght on the rul'Jer-t.^vV cast* m :ne last twn ^*^wvver, *. ^'.*^ In being expe-^^ ^ n. r! e uitii -.- - most^^nd Chris fatt may balk the^the grand jury to go into tile
TheThree Principals In Wednes^^day's Fight ^. ivo the Public^I heir Views - Bank He-^fu.es to t-ay the I- urse.
SanFrancisco, Dot. 4.^Wyatt Karp.^the m.-.-l talk. 1 of man of^the hour, takes a philosophical view^of the critMstus that ar ^ being heaped^upon Mm for hi. decision on Wed m s -^day nljrbt, and says that he will wait^for time to .^, t h.:n right with the pub^^lic.
ifI had any fears that I erred In^my decision, they would have disap^^peared when I s iw Shark, y to-day,^^M .--aid i'ist night. ^Sharkey did Ml^strike a fi^ul blvw to my min i. At the^br.-.ik he struck Filz aa soon h:s^aim MM free, but that is fOttowtaf^guten-.hury rules. It is true trust N^was agreed there was to M no light^^ing ait the break, but my instructions^from Me due w re sot to be tooonlooJ,
butto give the audience a g. id light^for their minify. I have onj r*gret^about tin- whole matter, and that is^that I did not have .a ling when^Julian objected, to me. I thiuglu of^d ilng so. but It occurred to me it would^be Knowing tin- ycl.ow to do that, 1^would be quitting und -r fire, and I^made up my mind to stay until PTdof*^ed off by the club. I am sorry I acted^a^ referee at ail.
Theonly in onven nee Fitzslmmons^Is ruff-ring as a r.suit of h s m eting^with the sailor Is a painful siv lllng of^the Ji.lnts of his hands. ^I have noth^^ing more to say in explanation,^ he^said, ^except that we know for a cer^^tainty what we only surmis I yepter-^day, and that Is that the members of^MO club w. re in tlK- deal w!;h Lynch^and Sh-irkoy to rob us, and. wh it is^mm e, v. e nr.- g^^r..r to pi. ve it in court.^Had it not been that I was saving my^hands as much as possible I would^have put Sharkey out in the second^round. His hud ^ M hard as a bull, t,^and 1 MMt have landed on him there^fully 40 tim't^. With n.y light with^Oorbett In view, 1 did not think It^worth while to punch my hands out of^shape. In a rough and tumble scrap^Sharkey mig'.it do a man damage, as^he Is stocky and strong, but in a box^^ing match no tane man would ever bet^a dollar on him If there wn a referee^prei 'lit who kn:-w his busl.ass.
PoliceCommissi .... r 0MM Is satis^^fied the fight was Jobbed. So dis^^gruntled Is he with li general result^thiat he has announced th. re w ill be^no mure prizefighting In San Francis^^co.
Th--mystery of Sharkey's injury has^not yd. Ureu ^^Hi*facto.rily solved, and
itis intimated that Sharkey submitted^to an openatkm for the purpoA of^manufacturing evidence necessary to^back up his claim of a foul. Certals^ft is thiut w hen S'hwrkey was Mk n to |^his nx.m at the Wlrud.-nr hot* I, n ^ one 1^wan allowed to even speak to him tin- '^til Dr. Lte had worked on him. When |^Dr. Ix-e MMH 'd his examination I^of Sharkey portiorrea weie closely |^drawn across the I* J room door and |^pinned. A few minut. s later, after^some low talking was heard. Sharkey^began to groan as If in pain, and^many 1 M*Te th - injury Sharkey re^^ceived was given him at this time.
Tomis still In bed. watched by three^physli Inns. They say he is improving,^but It will be at least a week before he^recovers from the effects of the injury^he says he received from fllMinimum^In the eighth round. At bast two of^the doctors who have examined Shar^^key since the light do not I., lleve his^Injury was received fr. in Fitzslmmon.-^or that It was caused by a blow at all^The generally accepted belief now Is^that M was accidentally fouled by^Fitzslmmons. D. J. Lynch. Sharkey's^backer, made another attempt to haw^his certificate of d-poslt for ll.l.OOA^cashed by the Anglo-Callfornla Hank^to-day. The bank manager told Lynch^of the superior court's inJunoi|..n re^^straining the bnnk from cashing the^certificate pending an effort of Filzslm-^mons to ^prove fraud and conspiracy.^^and declined to pay the money. Lynch^threatened to tiring suit against th'^Lank and the MMHI lor the nninunl^of the certificate and also for damages^for refusal to nib it.
Sharkeyhas M days In which to an^^swer the complaint llbd by Fitzsim-^mons and It Is not expected the I. gal^fight will lie hurried. Fltzsimmons is^taking matters ojuietly and Is making^arrangements for his appearance at^various places of entertainment In this^city and vicinity, where he w ill give ex^^hibitions In boxing. The pool rooms^ar.d bookmakers decided to cash U ts^to-day and holders of wagers on Shar^^key were made happy.
Asensational story is told In sporting^circles concerning an elleged telegran^sent Hast, It is said, by Danny N. d-^haiu, advising the plu* .ng of larg.^amounts on Sharkey, with the intima^^tion that the tip was valuable.
Ire(inrges Continue in llnek the Witter,^Hut the Mont I- Putt.
rh!pp^w^ PaJle, Wis . Dec. 4 ^The^waite:- went MM -*lx Inches lat-t night^and the ftors of t9*e people were^n u. ii aJhiycvl bv learning that the^en. r is fa!! ^ g i'ontinur^l cidd weaith-^^ :^ : .h a tcr.dency ^ ^ nui -t tiiclr feaT-s.^i ' I. .. I .I t s .-^ ^ .i. .. . I ,' u :i I'; ^ U~.tth !^^1 i - of ta- Miilwaukie ^ St. IMul road^t ^-^Ja/y, g ilrur along the lomks of the^tiver sex. raj milos .n further Invewti-^g-aticm of the g. ix... He disa|^pcoVi-s^t'he use . f d^namite ir oilier explo^^sives *a u-nr.-c-vsary. The worst Is^urnd ^ul i illy ovi r
S'h.wan -. Wis.. Dec. 4. The situUlon^u.t Keyhtii.'V grows s. li. iis At Kesih-^. . x V ills, tw . miles up I l*e 11\ T, th^^ice is piled l^.*^w the falls ;tn f-vt high.^T.^e ^ett^ir ba- ka up so that the fWM^aj'i^ covcrfNl. T'he i^ e Jam exb-nds two^aird a I i!f mi' s tl-nvn ^:^^ ir.tr. The^wa-1.ir is bi king up til;.^ ci ek at the^village ami MM Of the place is un.ter^waiter. At the MMMMl pMOsMJ^mill t'he waiter Is ft \ ^ n fecit deep. Atl^I r ^;^, rty is in dsin.g-.-r.
Mtlwaulcee, Deo. 4.^A sprelal to the^WW or - 'ii^ from MflMMMMO, MM.i^says: ^An Wv gvirge formed in tl^e^M^n it ':^.^^ tivtr ; Fit her and the^rlvtr 1 m ov.i iiowt.l in ^^^vi r-il pi n es^a^ far up ns Twin latsBds, Al . v..^Pi*^!., r MO riv.-r 1 is virtually eMssfod^ills ckjui.-^ an^l swept 'Into th ^ (Ndar^river ohMMOt Much prt^perty has^in en ili * : n.y. 1.
I.realKoIIh A' MMMsl Road MM Itepurl^to Inter Ma e ('miiiiici if i ^iiu.iii.h.1111.
SpecialDispatch to the Stainlaid.
II.ISsO.Dec. t^I'nltcd MBtea District^Attorney Leslie Is alter the Ureal Kails^At Canada railroad. He tloes not want to^own the road t r assume th. management^of it, hut wunts to compel It to furnish^an annual report to the interstate com^^merce commbs'on. To seek the desired^end he III. d i p. titlcn of man.late in the^llrtHtf St til s court to-day to eomnel th^^auditor of the mail to make the afor. sal l^Htatm.nt. In the iietltlon I^slle claims^that in June Inst K. .V. Mosely, secretary^of the commission, sent to Auditor J. li.^I,. thin i.lge the necessury blanks for such^a report, and that he has failt.l to com-^I 'y wild tin- l 'w In rtgnrd to the matter.^The commission desires Information as^to the amount of capital Issued, the^amounts paid UtOreOSJ and the manner of^paying the dividends, the flouting and^funding debts, intt rest paid thereon,^number of employes, etc.
I.c.1sou Johnson, who was Indicted by^the grand Jury for .elllng beer to some^Indians in liutte, was oirsjjned before^Judge Knowle. In the i'nTieil Stale,^court to-day and ordered to plead In^MrttO Ml .Monday.
twoLewis and Clarke County Cnndhhlicn^M Oltlet ^ I'lt llT Cheaplv.
MOfalDispatch to the Standard.
Helena.DM I^Lewis and t'lnrK'.^county tnloys the distinction of having^at least two successful candidates who^i i.i not spend a cent In the last cam^^paign. John \V. Wad^, ilt.tcd county^surv i vor, and D. I BMMM rman, OWOted^pllbtto administrator, l-olh on the MOJ ^^cratlc ticket, have filed MMMM which^sbOW that they esVOI ''^ 1 nothing during^the eaaMMM and nuo'e no promises^The stats MeMMtMR lampalgn, accord^^ing to the it 1MB ni of K. M. Qardat r.^titasunr of the sti.tt (' lit nil OOSsMlttee,^ccst only J7..VI. The M.MMMMI tlleil Willi^tne s, erilary of -tate to-.lay show the
rlowing oampalga .xpeadtteree : Re*^piibllcaiis of Swt^ I tlrass county. fN.T'i:^owe nothing. DemiH-rats of faseade^cciinty. JT^o OOJO nothing. I'njiullsts of^Cascade ttemty, ffn-n; no .l.a.ts. R. puli-
iieaiisof Cascade county, 1141.1:1: have ^^bilar.ee of KJ cents In the treasury. Dem^^ocrat, of ITathead, (C3: OW^ 144. Republi-^t mis of Chot. au eo'inty. $. '^**^; no MM.^Democrat, of f'hottau county, V'C'i; o.ve^not slag.
WUliit.'i Say. He 1% lino) ^t.
Wichita,Kin.. Dee. 4^ In K75, Vy-^a.'t arti. bile rffei.e of th - Fi;z ni-^mons-S.-erkey fight, was a p. m.'.i^in W eMM under th^ r ^' I;. Ill rtUsjf-^of-poHce. Mike M.Myher. Dick CogaU,^w !. . su.-e. si ^^! M ik.^ Mt ^ i ..s still '.^soys: ^K.inp Is i man W: ^ r v r^rmll.sl or kiug'hcd. He w .is th ^^feailes.^ man I ev r k.ir' . He was^mars iml at Ellsworth. Kan., wh-tn tihiag^I'a ^ w j.s a t *ttie thippin^ pc'r.t. and^h^ MM * tu. MIX II^ I. an I :i -:^n 'i^i.^ All th^ officers h-re who were^n-f ..-ia.t 1 wit l him, d- dare he is an^honest man and wruld have d^xIded^acvird'.rg to his htji.tf in the fave ^^t^an arr .Ml.
ManA gab. ^t llrnr.
Credo,W. Va.. Dei-. 4^A match for^le.'kc a side ha. been made between^Thomas Stevens of Ktntucky and a vi^^de u. 10-montha-r'd ^ear cub. Stevens I.^to be provltl d with a huntinu km' - w ith^a four-Inch blsf jtlXbe battle i. to take^place at CMtssMMM ChrHmas rfeMBfJ^In the optra house.
f .
BetfTrn-t to He Inventigalril.
CJhJcairo.Dec. 4.^Troj*W^ I. slid to^be In ^toie for th*- ailcg. J bc. f ttUM-..^Th ^ federal irrai ' jury. a::h -ugh^thnugh erfch 'is ^gt)b:- bu^. i-
n^ a-k-l to he 'i t e g i ^ ^ I it '.s^snWI It Is x^f~\v+^-KO lrn^estig*t' tV^combinaOnn rha.t 'fir* tit t a sell big^pacgen. for the |^U^|- se ff ^i -gula-^ting^ prices ami iMCMol dealer, to
Tt^ Hrltlge. tie 1'nrtiully t arried \^a^^-Trniinfer-. Mill He Made.
4;..rial Dl^pat. h to Hi'1 Stan.ho !.
PagTun bee, Deo, i - th.. esse Mather
ofthe past few days started the let la^the Yt llowstone rlccr a few miles iiIki\.
lurela-day, Whao ooajoaMo I ale town the
leegorged and I he water spread OVet ii^^llat ^ii Hie north sld- of th- river. About^. 0'cJOCk the guru., niovt tl dow n the rlv r^red carried away the brltlge across I!.^feUevstOSje at this point, which wa^^testing on MM work MM. the piers^were being prepared for the string, i -^for the nt w bridge which Is U lng erect^ed. The river Is fordahle and the f.tltl^will not be materially tnUrftred with
Woidr. ' i lvcd hi re to-night says that^the gorge has earth d away bo feet of^the oWj-foot Norlht rn fst-lfle bridge^MM 'he Yellowstone at Merrill. ^^mile, below here. A steel bridge Is being^put In there and the pel ton swept away^was i. Ming on false work. The damag ^^annot N ni.ulred for several days st^' tist and passengers and msll will ha\.^to be transferred.
Favoran Kxtru. ht union.
Wat'.ing'ton. Dec. 4 ^C ntrressrnan^HsMMMl ^t L^wa. eehc'midn of rii^I u^^ i immlttee on Vmterstste coni-^., ,. ^. ^^ l i .to.^ -vn.nn Hr^^lerlrk ^f
;^1..-s4. I ;h ^ f w*-. ^ artlvetl to-diy.
rein fsiwr of an extra MMl an.I^th^ tmr si: -te \i nr' -.f a n-iiubli,-in^.fiff bill. I! plti'n favors a mo-l. t c.^tive measure. Representative^i.k i.^ V t'hlcir says senttint-Pt in^V.t ;'gn is dt 'd d.y In f.ivnr ^^ t^-^^nn J'^ ^ i i ige of a mi'i'^t;ire t^^... a ' 1' il r-v- i lie. Th ^ l irrb y^'{'.:. h ^ rty.*. v'^h s-me ir. ^Itflte.U. ^^:;^.^w^u'.d be MUffa-tory.
CanMill Hen. in.I rinlil.
Atl'ititi.('a . D . ' Th 'ta;^ -.^i.'e y. -^ ^.' ly I y a v .. i -^\ !^^ is, re-^)ox-: d a bill Wtrodue-si by Senas^ r^Cui\ rt^ d-e^ar ^ tall ail \ ^M all ..; -^Bsr ii.'cTis and coiMriota which maty be^n ide i iyal'.^in any ^|,t Hie . h..i:a -t r^.-if rr ^n. v. w r ;h^r th - . nv I ^ ^s^.n . r^MM So far as th. g 'aial a^-^^^ nt'y is coegstiTied. thcr- f. r.. g I^(.-ntrarts may stiH l^- uanle In ^;^^ :
TheAna^ nda Standard on^ y ar $1
Then or. ^ co hound Fii torial Wonde:-^land goes free as a premium.
ecretaryFrancis Presents His Report^of Interior Department Mat^is.
TheSecretary 1 hlnks Ho Has a^Plan for solving the Vexatious^C. P. Problems - Indian^Landi Discussed.
W.i-hngt n 1 . I The annual re.
Pi t . f s. r. tar^ . f the Int. re v l'ran-
tvswas niauV public to-day. It ^t^ale 1^w ith all of the varttais brata-hes of the^Mtertor department during ^i ^ pi-t^^e,ir and leak, s .. number of uni^oit-^ant r s omnw-rKsattkin*. It |^ropuaas a^solut; n of the vexed problem of botnl-^a I .1 i. ids. da Is exhaust .veily with^p. n-i.n a.lmlnls'ti-.iu .ii. reviews ih^^pi gr ^ f th^ Dawes ^. mmlss-i.-n^n goniationa and touches upon various^ma.titt rs uf sprx-ial plgnafUajnv in the j^W. .-t
Tl^ r-'D'rt op-ois ^ :th i dis. us-s n^of the public domifcs, It shows that^tiv tutaJ r.iimler tf gM dlspoetsi of^up I t June :!0 last, was 946.^xm^. i iv n g^I'ttblic d n.ai'i vi act MMMOMsJ at^nv. r ftki.rtiHi.iKKi, v ^: includlmg the dis- |^titct . f Alaska with an ai a of over^3M.000.UOO an-no. Sin'e .ehe homt*tc^i| ,^a t wis pa I In M ay. D^'^-. ih -ro^haw b n 16:'Sill, 1.12 a.-res ^ntered by |^) meoteaal ^tti.-rs. of this, alnioet j^lo-.O'Mi.otXi n^ r, w ill all I ^ pat i I I^w h^ ii the legal condition, have b. ti^made. Of the remainder 42.OO0.ett i^i n s represent emtrlcs can.-. II si and^aim^t 1K.oon.noo acres commuted to^. i -1'. Tl.a \ munis r ..f mbn-ral ^ti-^trii-s op M d.it ^ is 29^20; patents to |^^ a : \ ,\ s a- I w :ic n r ads sin .^ tic^fir^t e; nn made rub sr..72!^ T'.l .
Thtrealso hive Kt-n M.'t.lWl.- |^TH a^Tt^ disposed cf by pnswptlon,^i ash ra.lts. scrtb kxemtions. military^' ui'Iy hind warrants, townsites, tl s-^.'i MM IMMM iiiltare. tJMMff and^^ P '^^^ t-ntri. s, Ditlian a'iolnientts^.1- rail's.' to - ^!tiers. T'lu-i ^ are^due t . r.t.'Iroi.N ami w ig ttt pads,^.i ^ ^^^^ :r grints, H4.;;tfi.t'.:i^ acres^OjM i n. t MM t^tan 60 |^er cent.^swttlHhl ^ fee i iti'-e.lng under th
odbetng the pro|ier one to adopt In^llspos4tien thereof. In my fpinbtn.^hnwevt r, the Imlians have no interest^tit these Ihah lamls. If there Ik not^aufiicb nt agricultural lands within the^limits of the t't ih ren-rvatl ^n to pr.^^vide for th.ir allotments under agree^^ment of Ismi. the g.ts eminent w^uki be^uu t -r obligation to furnish agricultural^lands elsewhete for allotment to the^lTncompaa;hrt*.^ 1 he secretary mak |^M conini'nt on work of the Dawes In^^dian com.iniN.-ion, but tncludrs In his^report a initial rvi-ort of the eommis- I^.Ion.
I'nderthe hend t^f bond-aided rail- i^nil.Is the secretary say. he has com- I^pile I with the J. lnt r. s-.lutlon of June i^10. IMsS. reiiuirlng him to continue ihe^issue of patents to bona tide purchas-^eis of Ian Is sold by Ismd-ablt d raii-^issi ls, but. he saws, he declin d lo lasue j^the patents to all .iiirn y.tl uTads on'^applit tgJM of the Central Pacific. He^ssiys; Tb^ repi.-s- ntatlv ^^ of the Cen^^tral Patatlc fr.rihtr tontembd their^r. ad is m t In detault to the govern^^ment mill that if it were, the lands^are n t . ..\. r d by government mort-^gagts and cannot b.' held lo s^vure the^sa me.
1do n.tt agree w ith either of the*-^stat. a. :. is foe laid- ^ present, d eiiaf-
lysh w Ma Oaastrai hMM i^^d *^ in
defaultto the government, but win titer^It Is so or not It uit'itt. stiorutbly wlH be^on Jan 1 next. ;ttl days hence-, when^$2.4:i2.otia i id :. tnal in I. In - '^ 1^getli r with oil years' int.i e.-t there .in,^w ill fall duo ai d n ust be red. cmed by^the goceninivnt. In answer to th. . .n-^MMk n tint the government lien Is not^ae-curt-d by lands gianted to the Cen^^tral and I'nion Patillc ct.mpanles, se.
Vn zuelan Se.tiannt Wi'l Be Rnowa^Upon ^nor Andrade's Arnvil
SoFar There Is No knowledge of
Howthe ireemant s Looked^Upon In the outh Ameri^^can i. opoblic.
Washing-ton.D . 4 -illnlster An^^il i'- .f V.:. -/.u U will sail from^I.a.i;uayra. on the loth Inst., Hrrivletaj^at Neiw York so :t the Hth, and com^^ing direct e ingl li Ut |tress4Vt in^p t.-t.u t^ S.y the posMoai^v . ifar as de-^tormlnetl at pre-*-nrt on the BMsp^V. /a . ! n t.: .i inn* J.
Siir. ^, who . i paasl l him. is ex-^M t. . 1 : t tUii^.^They went to i .-ep^MI^purpose of laying before PreakdeoR^Cresepo and bis asavc'jat.e * uowr Of^f. ^ i . .-i ^ i; f Ttioir
piojna.,i . .i-l) i. .tin u a great sur.^prtsn*.
Thatthey have determined to return^:nt l is . uly u4^ without awaiting the^; i t I ^ V r. zin :^. i it.gress,
nsldcftd Indhaitlve that the meat-
. ; w th 1 rea.dt nt Crespo has devel
tionI of the a. t ..f IM piovi.les that ^l^ ^^ aurne dVtknllte Bne o^ action on^on r fusiil fallui.. of the company ^ ' I *1 *^* \-n.-tuela. The only -^^^to rtslesm Us bonds, or atn I act Hit ts -
d':.'^ rtn i f |h^ mt^its.beat |MM
1. via ^ ^ t.r'' - atiid I. ' ^ It rlt s no ^ v^M .u-. ,i 21 Mat. MSMOjMo ULJMJM^tint ^ In adtt'Vicm t^ agrtgwiMiojral col- |^lego st rip fi r T.sJO.Ols) acre*. The t.^fi.l ,^of all la ^^ I- .- gi fit I fr ai the pub- ;^' e e* m i'm agrregaiteo 9K!.::IH.I^I0 e^irt*.^Th i ^ it s ivs: ^(if .fho lH.ooA.nmi^MM g^rr'isl to railroads, but not
Iit ^ ' ] d i,. in, i,,. no objts'tb'n to^ti i' -f -timf |b'*s^ -^-Ion and ccntn.! of |^wt ^!^ Ttt port.l.^n his been earned by
lying w Mi the grants, and that ,^wftttl h miy I^ evaf*.h#j tlieeenmd v^It t n it I at 7ii.niMi.00ii) whh 9m muh^i r. ^^ lOtteeis a** |n.-^'b.le. Hist until^Mi sv grants ire aKtJUMed no adiKtlwil^i n s sh^ old bo mild^ During th*^\ .;-. I.^. Tc'7 s11 a r - w . re i it. ntetl I .
niP under contfreF-lorHl grnnts
.[I-,. f,t^^Mft rewtrs'lons.^tihie rennet seys no i^Trn'ts to cut tmv-^i r . a publ'e ' ' ^Is e-'h'-u'd l^e gna.ii,i.-l^f, ^ rny i in ^ s ojjw than to supply^wis nvrda of MMl NMkW sVMOMfl^l*i ^^^^^^ org s iir^'-n OOasJMM th.- n ^-^. ^ itv f^ r I .i^'-'i.t: 'U for rs-l-im.il! ^^^^.... I ('lyjwal if lands wi'h'n arltl r-
ITgdetMMM 1' 11 I ^ ^' t ce-u'd Ivo^SUM ^ ltd 00 M to give st ^. - p^tw. r to^i I age binds f. r lib *r r'cls.msti' n. b
ivs '^^ w ul I I. ^ 1- !t r t ^ pl-^ ^ hinds i^land p . dir. MM of ovit-s only m
IIr as may I n. .- I ry I ^ secure I h- i -
t^'^^^^ -r '-in f r th ^ b.-m lit of octu.i.1 I^^^MV'i,
T'^ I ' '1 Ml int paid by Mie gov-^t ^m'l In p. r^ 'ors am.1 the cti^t ^sf^#he%*sgn re.-ri'^ of ^s^^o fi-r the MHl 111^v. . '^ $2.f'S4 RIT.Trs Tlie i r-sent^nOtohrr of P^ '' rs wis 'h Is 970.ST**. Is^^ .^ i-v i.t'.t-i; i^- m in I MM. wh.-n^ir'tvimutn :^^Ui' cost was is u-h-
I. and is gr '' ^' t' l'i ever before,^^nv-is t^ ^'e ^ i i MojftiOJ of old taVMM^n-rd loninifl i tvno n,t of Atlownn.*-*^t , t . ^^^ r 'Irs. w'.He sHo n r 'Hill i ^ i.i^i,. a r. ..^ I fbre.ti.rh th^ tl -e'h of ln-^\.niTd r.e- . --^ |. l^-,^n^l; n t ib-te'ml-
Tn i i--- .^f from IS to 112^t- r re--irnv' i^ MieMlsjssaM] for nil^v he .' - 11 I and ib *i1iti^to Mex'ein^w ar -uevlvors.
I'eI r lie. h a 1 ^ f Indian affii'rs the^Mns ''ry IMMM th ^ rt^^mmep.i-ni^.n
if b's pi. I r f r a r tTii'-'sl a of
the..-.or^ cf w^p^Stn slh.tll |.e M army^gMestp, to tiVe ih^ t'sce of the r-^m-^m4**: ^er ^e.| 8^|e.|i( csimTtis*1' p -r^i f in'b'f Hfs'rs MM reagatnf Mdssesjla
iv. r l*t^ ^^ mi ^^^^'^^^^ Ip ^an res^rv i ^ a^In l'^,p'. In asharh vafhaihle d tsv-nti e^f
.1-1h.'i' e h. \e |^ . Tl |Os.- V. i^I ^^^
rsMffT Fri*^ Is cvr'r..*r.d th^ eti.'r' a^th.^t t*-e cm^nil.-^(on whhh tr^ i'. I^w-'t'h lb' Iptlliej for th^- nit tint-it of^t^- 'r lan.ls totslly mlsimd. **s-t ^ I ;^'^^li.er. -i ^ . of DS^^. l,y w hi h Mo Indl-^I ^nis w-ere rwn^,ved from P^-4orado. Tlie^li^l'^ n .1 ^^'in I to ray 1125 n-n a^ re^I for the bip-'s si' ittMl to t'os-m Isstatr---^' they w-eT^ |ee| f % bc*r^Ve Ihe pMMMM^| Irwin- y w-.u'tl o ^tw^ ctrt of tbelr truwt
fiis-di f II Ho MaW41 furnish-* tie-.,
-nooo i - anisum. This is n^^| (he cane.^[ The i.net *-i^-. iite.it v w ni'd I'-if d's-^| tthrh th^ tni.-t fur I but ^ u'd even'ii-^i illy o^ *i^. etot etf the r^-- -teh f tb^'^s i ..';'^ 1r ^' ^' r id ^ lands. Th tom^^itt w is ^!'^^ dv d la'V February^^It Is my Judg'iiaeiKt ^ says the e-ere-^tatry. ^thit MM! IcgisHelcn rhotild be
| .t^.fi ^ty t'. ^ |n-ip|e of
!' fed S' il ^ em t s-i lailv i!.t ^^bav f-^^fsf t* ^ se vib; it ' ^ and
.-^fill iVi-'!1^. It is d'j'me'l that a^^^hi- r-t' !^^ i -fh.n .^:' the l'i ^ mpa-^i ^ I- I tih res.T' Ttl.m. known n
. 'jvi I- ' *. ^^'^' ' ^ ^ i a stii - 'sr ^'
I^ ti'-'c'i Is a r.'lu' Ion r-^-
^ltly t*'^r- ver^'l a-1 m.rkes a v.hi-^i,:,. |..-,v.. i- | '^ 'i-u'i'tr uf |n-^. n-. - ih).. qix-u\ty. h'tvh MMMMl ^ *^^ii n.p- i ;^ elstrrHe are of ravre o n^r-^PMOOj In fa/; I know ^^f nt MM I^w th a th ^ llrr s . ' the ptrtle d-^rr^i^v 1 '.e-irr rt MM con^;n *s en-^t-Htrr'ss. the e-prr^|e' ^^rt of avneth^r
Tti-eVeito n-s .^'^^^^ with the DaV^. TT.-,^--r,^ rT^i , Tt i^ ^ t , e:-,-n h ^w^ih- la- Is stl! 1 ^ ii be paid^f. ^ w t --I^d i ' t'rg thXr
trMfund snd that nf;hortty b^ given^^o h r immiss! m t ^ s i sub), t to Ihe^ipproval '^' the s crt ts-y of the inte-^ilor, tV r malnir.g port'm ^ f 11!s of
he i.t;.^n '^^ Ih - ^.ikht^.^^ I Id. r.^to b ltht m. or to negi-tlat- with i -^T)'^n-^4ble partle* f*r the art rVIng ,.f^th.- dep-sits !n on!, r that the g .. r:i^me-nt miy be fairly compensated and^;^^ the end that th- pnbll- Oreiy . ajao^t' ^ aMMMI ' f a highly useful gift of^aatarV If these lands were th ^ prop-
r^f th^ ImMaps there could be no^.|i:.-u^i ai to abo.v prescrit tl m -th-
ittint mist or all of ] restrictions on t losing^I of lh.se roads n opt. Aside from the
of.the secretary of lib- treasury muy^take possession of all lands which at^the time ,.i -ail default shall remain^In tlie ow nershlp t^f the company. For^th.- alNi\e reasons I have declined to^pat i.t the lamls to the I'nion Paclllc^railri^d or th^ Central Paclllc rallr.anl^.\. . pt in Mas I win:.- it can lee shown^that tin- lands for which patents are^aok.-.l have been sold to Isma tide pur^^chasers. Inasmuch as Ihe subsidy^bunds is.su. d by tli^- go\ ,-n-iii. nt to aid^In the construction of these toads are^falling tlue from lints- to ttMh anil^must Im^ redeemed by the government^as tiny mature. Msllo the rtwds are^unable to r.-iinliurse the treasury for^the amoutiits so paid and for the fur^^ther n ason that a bid Is n.^w pending^in congress providing for mini.eg this^ill.lebte.lll.--s, I deem It a |^aiT of prU-^deoOl for this g ^v. rnnit-n.' to r. lain^w hatever plop, ity of the ivads it may^have In lis p...-s..fsii-n or In lis control^until then' shall be adjustment of the^amount tlue Mo Ml sTMMM.
Iii ^ s. on iary says h- has IMJMMM]^an opinion from the stsretary of the.^treasury as lo wln th.-r the Central Pa-^o li is in default and from tin- attor^^ney general aa to whether. If In de^^fault, ho is authorized lo MM Iambi^granted to l*iii.l-aldcd ralln.atls even^when Ihey haw Ml sold to I- -na title^piarchasers. It will be n^4b etl here^that the secn-tary, by MMlsMtmMi^qu^^tloii.s the authority of the concur^^rent re.-,.,lot Ion diivcting him to isov-^t i aa as* tb ^ issuance' of pai.-nts. Re*^f.-rriiig to the railroad c-itiiinK-slon -rs'^r.'o..mni^n.lat ions for a t ..mi'i.sslon to^settle the lielebti tint ss uf Is.nd-alde.l^rtsids. tBe aevretary says 'X'otigr. ss is^nut likely to ib MfaMo l^ any ooMMis*^sloll III ' power to s It!^ tbla il.dt Idetl-^ni sa w ithout m iking such a settle^^ment subjt.t t^ its approval, but^wlii'tln r (smgress MMl do so or not,^the tb-lay ctHlSei|Uent uis.n the appolnt-^in. ni of a o.n-.mis.lon and its w ak^w hi id Ik' ss gr
the Is.llds iNSUt'd 111
woiiblic,it ii.- and Hi.- government be^QOjkd ii|^ n to r^d em Ihem. In the^in m iiiw OfJstr bills woiibl ls^ Intro-^atM -I .-. eking to t ffeet oth. r wttle-^IllelltS, OJsl 111 the end the govenim*^nt^asiuld rtsvlN ti I. ss for lis claim than^it would If a compromise, by a. t ash^MJTMOM of a lump MM should ..- , f^fee ted in iIk^ MMMMMo fmure and tie-^g-ov.-i r.fiii nt be ^iii^ relieved thereby^fNM all cimntelit.il with these roasls^T*hU iiid'-bt'sln. -s has leen the subj.. t^of att. mpti d 1 gislati'in for many \t ars^past, and it s ems Impowdblo t . frame^any rene wal or extension of ihe loan,^w hich W ill be acts ptable to tsdh legls-^latons and th- Intb-btid companies. A^funding of tin debt which contemplates^the government accepting long-Mmo^In.mis lor lis udvaiu-.s, will not re^^in, .ve thle troilid- mmiv subject fmm UM^t oimnlei atlotl of Mngress ami would
roKiblyresult In i.-newetl MMMMM^for the relief of roads being propoe- 1^MtsaMB Uuids appi .ii -li maturity.
Inmy Jii'lginent It Is rau.-h better^for the govcinment to accept a lump^sum in c^sh f.^- its 4 ^ against^Ihes^ rtsads If b^ doing st^, that claim^can be settled and the ronneotlon 1h-^tween the go\.rnm. rt and the only^risids it l^ia^ e\ -r al.bd by direel OM*^eMy I..- effts-tually OOIOJM. Su h a on*
listi' ^ll of this Vexed .|UeStlon W Mild
met tb^ hs-arty tMfMOj of the peo^^ple gvnerully and relieve leglslut.as^and ail branch s of th- government cf^a in.ua.; . sue- piobl'-m and a trying re^^sponsibility.^
Chicago^ .apitollsis Will MMMMl One on^lb.- I'ik lb.^Chicago, Iss-. 4^There Is^any doubt as to the Identity^tn-' n:^^\ .ii^T s! arils In the^tr-ina-'pui-iho a ^ ainship line^1 ^ -i ^ *r. i ^ s d- ^^' the t^Net .^toI Ikimk. prutlcally^aillvaug'h !ve d lain d |t^ n.-ake any s|s--^. i^V m'i' no Hi! to tl; it effect, that his^n n. V.. C. Pgt.-r, waa t iiglnee-rirg t'he^b g pn-J t. A. II. Ilutkr Is als i a^pi MMl hei .renin. The Jur.hM-^I'.gter. t .r^lh^ r with BoUer. I. now in^Aun l/i-ego m the Inter -i of the en-^tut rise. It is also known that n -go-^t fir svnr* ar^ utadar way arjth the Auh-^T apeke. ^ Bvti a F- Hi - I^0 gepMM ksAi/ig t ^w rd utilizing the^lutt.r pi a OOM BtiasJ I nk Ih^iw. n
the lit. he Ml 1*1 At iriitlc t .lis.
of^si^ ^4^I r..|s^ d^i' W
MmMMOMb]sehruie ^ i.ppr.l.
Washington.Die. I -Postmaster .t.n-^t ral Wilson le-day cheeked Ihe op. ra-^tlnnaof an eiiteiprlre that has been send^^ing Insult ii.' 'it.d threatening letters^broadcast by issuing a fiaud order^arnmst the Western Lett, r DrokeiaK.-^it an pa n ^ of Chicago. Tie c ^ em claim-^to passe-sa a host of OMMMHMMJ ^MV^ical litters. arJ'ln OMi ^f refusal to pay^nancy demanded threatens to deliver the^It ttt rs to arhrmlrg blackmailer., ^band,^ti , h.lM- i .. in* r *^ aatl ^ll' st.sip to .^icon any irlme on the calendar.
f,mitto*^ Meuloble at the state de-^li- a a. is i brief cablegram an-^n a i .iing the msialster*a early return,^I ,.s ^ .s - in ^ ^ -li i '.ii ai is ,.n TJiurs-^i! iy. Kr .in i .: u;i-Iant s attending^' . ^ mJssb^n ^f Andra le an.l Rtorrow,^It is f.lt that th.ir n-tum meana ono^..f two tiling's.a satlsfae-tory un-
d.OMmMMJ,ir else a desire on tha^pni t of the Venezuela goi-.Tnrtnent to^sesnin- som-. chaaige In the terms ot^flgrecmm-L Th - issnrbte silence of^V. n. MetMa O0W i ris up to the present
I.mo h us tee n i mat!-i- of 11 nslderable^so; | i ^ ir. I . iji . lure am eg offl-^i ali lull*. The neiwapatpera of Cara-^i us at; I MairaclftN), th* principal cities,^h iv.^ Is-.-n r.xs-ivt.l here, but no rr.eiv-
II.in is nitdtle . f he i^u.bllc aarvx*nce-^mont if the tirrr. e of the ng-reerneeat.
Apparentlyihe only topic of discus^^sion In Venezuela at this time was the^election of a presld nl lo succeed Oen-^etal Crespo. who is Ineligible under the^constitution for reelection. It had^bt on expected that speedy action would^he taken to have the Venezuelan con-^grons pass upon Ihe agreement. Upon^this, however, a complication has^arisen. The regular session open. Feb.^no, - i a delay until then made It unlike^^ly thai the entire question could be^closed up before Secretary Olney's ad^^ministration of the state department^closes. This led to the belief, among^officials, thai President Crespo would^cnll a special s. s-mn of congreas. but^this developed another complication.^Tli^^ ts.nstltntton of Venezuela provides^I bat a notice of .10 .lay. shall be given^as to any extra session. Ai best, there^^fore, congress could not be got together^until about the mldillle of January.^Thus far no word has been received^th it an extra session will be called. In^a i . .-vent, any action by the Vene^^zuelan congrrss will have to be within^a few weeks of Olney's retirement.
Thetlisinnre between Washington^ami Curucits ami lack of fai llltlee for^reudy comuiunieatlon Impose further^up the settle-^actlon of the^Venezuelan congress on the agree^^ment, as a whole. It is believed the re^^turn of Senor 0.0x110do will muke clear^the position of all parlies as to the 50-^yenr clause, which is the essential fea^^ture of Ihe settlement. Schomburgk^In -gun projecting k4a line In July. 1*41,^-^^ that If Ihe territory within the line^Is to be treated ai ^occupied,^ the oc^^tal p a n ^ dotes Matt H years anil is five^y^ ars more than the arbitration agree^^ment re.iulris In order to con.tltuts^law Ml posi-es'i. n From th- lirltlsh^atnndpolnt this .' i-yenr clause Is mi^st^favorable to th -m and It has ls^en fear^^ed Venezuela .could take ^ x. -ptlon to^It, as affording a prOtOSl for the ac^^ceptance of the Si lu.mliurgk line aa^MM. _
Millionaire'*Hon Arretted fur l.arreu^of OHM).
Chicago,Dec. 4 ^The son of a mill-^it i air., bred In luxury, tin Iy educated,^liberally crdnwed with intellect, M. F.^COMB. OCCVptOO a coll in the county^Mil. without Mend* and unable to give^bond.. He K pe'iinlless. The prisoner^i* charged with the larceny of *40u from^the Nt iw York Uf* Insurance company.^(Jeorge W. Rlggs. local agent, la the^complaining witness. It la .aid that^severid charges ire pending against^Chen In the West, His arrest this^morning recalls lb* career of Sarah A1-^tbe-a Hill. who.-., name was coupled^with that of MMior Sharon. Califor^^nia, s millionaire statesman. In a sen-
.n.il divorce suit. Cohen is the^in phew of the u maa ami waa a Ms^MM at the trial His fu'tier and mother^are wealthy cltlz. n. of Houston. Teres.^I und ho had all Ihe money he wished.^ID- ut a docld d llgure In the West^in l on the ^on:^t. As u nephew of the^Hill aonian th- young man became^a bb^!^^ known. Finally his career of^high living cam- ao an t ad He was^disinherited by his father on account^..f his luisdetsls Hlnce then he lived^by his wits. It la ^ harge.1 that he de-^la ulted ba^l In the Indian Territory. St.^Louis, Houston and tlalveston.
AISsn I'raiiclaeo.
SanFrancisco. Dee. 4.-Five furlongs
l; ilrc won, I I Mercutto
' - Sever furlongs-Sal-
V1 - '.ratity
third-Ime. l:MN fc.rlongs^ UsMsaOO^an ai. \o Light s. ond, Lot-nguui third;
IMas,l 14*4 One nail, uad i ftirlong^Cap^^tive s^n Oetkar J . neood. I^m Uard-^.. Ime, ^ Sta 'urkngs^Santa
I'.. . im, iioo.1 i'ir si'ond. Sport Mc-^I Alll.ter third, tine, t:!^- Klve furleno*) ^^; ini.-y won. S. ^ '^ lliw- st-coiid. Shy^third; time. I;^1V
mbs*!Total Voir.
m.OOO., D^c 4 ^The oiM.ial can-^vns*^ ^f th-- \. ^^;' uns^ni in the late^j.n -I ' .i! ^-...-. a ,-.iiui that S7. tlii^v.g.-i w :e east.l^sl ** follows
MeKlnby.4sT!t: Itryan. 4*,T:^; Palrai-^:^: i \.-i ^ ^ !'.*. McKinley'a pht-^r.tity. I.'.'72.
MaWai1^r leans.^New Orb-ana. Dec I^flee furlongs-^It. orl a won. I' Me Dummy second,^\ , .[-or tha :^^7. Seven fur-
palate hie ^.in. Will bUlloU 0J0^^. nd. Pitfall third tlate, 1.^. Six furlaoM^^J. H. Krapton wen, Krank J. Aukart^^ lie \'bird time, 1:||.
Ig^- Bantiuo II. won. Viscount^. ond. Sir Robert llonnrr third: time,^Sl\ furlorts l.lzaetta won. Billy^Jordsn second, Jim Hogg third: time,^IUS

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