TheMethodist Revival Stirs the Ris^^ing Generation.
ALong Felt Want That Rov. Mr.^Healv and Hit Friends bx-^pect to Fill - The^Salutatory.
TheMethodhrt revival niiitinues in^farvor and Interest a.t the ^^ak street^ehurrh under the direction of R*V. Mr.^Kuster. who has mH with (trvvM sue-^eea* in thla sff.wt. Th* order wu^varied last evaaing by holding a tes^^timony anil experience meeting and the^iiwual appeal to rant to the altar ^^^^^oa_fcted. In lieu of Uhia tin- m ^ ^^^ 00^-^varta were called upon to testify ami^give their .-x|i^ n.-n.-.a In Hi. i mw life.^Tl. ^ result must have be. n v.-i\ man^tying to th.^ |^ator and church num^^bers. Koi nearly an hniii th-n- vv^* a^Htream of joyous tltanksgiv nut ami ur^^gent ap|^^la to compan-i- to mart^iU the now life with th.ni poured out^Uy more than 100 .4d and yenng Olirl*!-^ian^. most of tin in convritt-d at thla
Thefurpilalng feature of the meet^^ing to those aiho were present for the^flrat time wan the number of young^men and young lad'i^en wlii h.iv, *lgnl-^n^d their Intention of living a to n life.^They apoke bravely, with i :n-neslne**^and ervthiwlawm, and It would WWI^that a g^Kd work h^^ been gect mpltoh-^ed. WMh nu^1i ^ hand of young and^wlTn-ere riirlnthin worker* at h:^ righl^h*nd, Rev. Mr. Kuater ha* a | i^1'hat will Im^ fe;t now and In the future
IgthiHcity. His teX't laxl eve'iniK watt
Iam not a^'huiiied of ihe , ..,1 f^Ohrlat, it la tin- i*^wwi of ik^l unto^aalv-tlon to every mm thu't belleveln.
Themibject for tm-nkj-ht In a popular^oae ami the topic will undwihtt^.lly^draw a larga attendance. It la outlined^as ^-ambling, dancing tvillx. dancing^maagera ami * usual theatrical*, In^Abelr ratal km to mooalltv. culture anil^Christianity.
ThoughIt ha^ been announced that^the services will close Sunday night,^there Is a strong sentiment for their^continuance among the worker*, but^many mf th^m are alnvowi worn out by^their effort* and will reet Ht leant for^u time. The amioune^ments for Sun^^day and next w.vk are u.- folkrwe The^subject for Sabbath morning will !^^^^The Foundation Stone* of rhiwtlan-^lty^; In the evening the subject will^be ^The Harvasg I* Pa^t, the Summer^l.t Ended, and We Are Not Saved.^ Th^^last Illustrated ssrOMM will be given^Ruw.luy afternoon at '^! o'clock. The^official board will meet Monday niaht^for the trunaaetlon of buainaaa The^K. Jj. meets Balbbalh evening at ^:30^o'clock p. m.. The ohi'lr meet* every^Tu^ ^ lay and SaHiUilay evening* W.il-^tieadUy evening there will be hel.l a^MTvtae partle.ulaily for ull believer* In^Ohriat. Thursday evening thv paetor^vviil give a lecture relative to a very^Important topic eapectally a* related to^all young people wiho desire to grt^Into the beat auclnty. The l/idle* A til^noclaty meets Thursday aftern^*^n at^11:30 o'clock. The Junl. r l.-iinue in.-ei*^Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Ib'*i-^dence of paator 712 fheatnirt street.
TheMontana synod, which met re^^cently In Anaconda discussed pro and^ton the feaaihlllty and advisability or^establishing a newspaper for the stat^^work^an organ, no to speak. The long-^felt want was urgently expressed, but^the clergymen were timid about enter^^ing upon an enterprlae of this charac^^ter and a roll call fur guaranteed sub^^scriptions fell short of the desired num^^ber.
MontanaMiatlonary A. K. Hand him^been for some tint* printing a type^^written paper, which he styles ' Our^Snyod.^ that resembles a letter more^than a newspaper. The pastors ex^^pressed their deep appreciation of hi*^efforts In this direction and urged It*^continuance.
Amongthose who strongly favored a^newspaper was Hev. (leorge W. Healv^of thia city, and he whs disappointed^when the matter fell through. The^Idea clung to him. however, after the^synod adjourn, d and finally he decided^to start a paper hlmselt. nnd he ha*^done so. the tlr^t l*^he appearing yes-^ttrday. The new paper Is .ailed the^Anaconda Presbyterian, and Is to ap^^pear every Friday. Hev Mr Ibuly's^name i* nl the musthead as editor, ami^I.. It. Skinner and K. Iv Littler a* pub^^lishers. The mechanlcHl work I* done^by the Standard Publishing company^i'nder *uch ein uinataiu ^ s. with so tal^^ented an editor, such enterprising pub^^lishers and the most artistic printer*^In the Northwest laboring to push it
AWonderful Medicine
ForBilious and Nervous disorders .such aa Wind^and Pain In theHtomach, Sick U-..:^ ^ .^, StMV^osss, Fullness and SwslUng alter Baats, Dlul-^aessand Drusalnses,Oold Ctillls, Flusulogs ot^11 ^at. Uws ot Appetite, MiortuiH of Brestli, Cos-^UTsoeis, Blntchssoa the Bkln, Disturbed *K^ep,^FTIfbtful DrenmasoilallXerrnus and Tremh^linggepsatloD*. sc., when tie ^ s; mpteni* are^cauaeJ by constipation, aa ef them are.^THI FIRST OOSE WILL CIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY
minutes,tihsudo nciioa. e^ery aataaat u
saroMtlyInvited to try one 11' x of thetn rills^K^d they will be ackaow lcdged to be
BEECHA H'* IMLIA liken aa directed,^will quickly restore Females tucompleto be^ua.^They pr^ni|^tty reruors obstru. tioun or lriet;u-^larltlss of Uie s^ttem. For a
WeakStomach^Impaired Digestion^Disordered Liver
theyact like magic^^ few ^].^.-^ will w. rk won^^ders upon tbe Tlial Organs; ^treugihenlng ttis^musentar ojstem. r^s'ortng the long lost com^^plexion, bringing beck the keen e^l|,-e of appe^^tite, sol aruutlng with tbe Uoscbud of^Ilealib the whole ph)steal energy ot^thshuniin frame. Ttiess are tart* odmlttisl by^tbousi.n :^, la sll classes ot n ^ ^ ty, aud oue ot^the best cuiraine^s u^ the V rsaW Slid Debllt-^Uted is that Beech a la's Fills bava lha^Lt ^ ^ si Sale of any Pslrnl 'I.dlcluc^la tbe World.
AnnualSaks more than 6,000,000 Boxes
Vcat DragItores, or wit' be sont by C.a^*f^^^^ n V ^U-1 S CO.. ., I'aoal lit . New^lort, r^^' piM. 0|in reoelt t of price, boufc^frca Bi*^. i -
alongthere is most assuredly a suc-^cessful future ahead of the ventun-^The salutatory says:
TheAnaconda Presbyterian begins^Its career this week under favorable^circumstances. The business men of^this city all desire the patrons of this^pap**r to buy goods of them for the^holiday*. The new Hoe press at the^publishing house ha* Just been put In^splendid shape. The editor Is under^high pressure and Is therefore able to^write more weighty editorial* than he^will be when he Is more at leisure. It^I* certain to create a sensation, and^while It will not for several years shine^a* brightly In the Journalistic firma^^ment a* ' Our Hnyod.^ ^*r other exten^^sive church paiiers. still we trust we^hsve a place in our little field and^hope to fill It with credit. Sul^strlp-^tlons will be gladly and cordially Wel^^comed at any time. The price at prea-^ent will be 30 cents per annum. Should^our subscription list Increase at so^phenomenal a rate as to further bur-^d^n aw o\ei.workvd darks, the price^may M raised. At present, however,^we offer the paper weekly for M cents,^i Who will be the first to subscribe un-^I der these terms^
Amongthe local notes are the follow-^' lllg:
Tbecommunion siiviio will be on^the second Sunday of lie. ember in^^stead of the flr*t thl* quarter. Mem-^| bSfl will receive the communion cards^saiiy next week.
Mr.J. W. Podd and Miss Blanche^Auld. Imth of this city, were quietly^married by the pastor at the home of^Mr and Mrs (leorge F. I.yinan on^Saturday evening of last week.
Thepreparalory service will be held^In the lecture room of the church OM^Wednesday evening next week. Any^who wish bi unite with the rhtirch^either by letter or on confession of^their faith, should hand In their let^^ter* to the paator or be present at the^meeting next Wednesday evening.
TheSociety of Christian Kndeavor^In lil their monthly business meeting at^the mans, mie evening last week, snd^the following officers were elected for^tbe next six months:^President-Mr. 1... H. Skinner.^Vice President -Ml** Ida Murchlon.^Seen tat \ Miss Morse.
Traaaarar-Mr.P. it. McDonald.^Superintendani of Junior society^^Mrs tl. W. Healy.
Thepresident and other officer* will^be Inaugurated with ceremonies on^Sunday evening at the usual i.'M meet^^ing.
A11 standard ^ of '^H l'*ge^ for Sunday,^llr.-rmber :o.
At'hrlstniH* edition of the Standard^1* in prepartlon which Is to be the finest^newspaper ever sent out In Montana,^tpaclal features are being prepared by
rotf the besl known w i tt^ rs of the
Baaland West, and very Interesting^reviews of the year in Montana are be^^ing written by Montana writer*. In^addition to the usual amount of new*^matter that accompanies a Sunday^Standard, these Interesting subject*^will be handled, frowning, or OOVartBf^all, I* a handsome lithographed cover^In six color*. pr^ pared by the publish^^er* of L'.in k and Judge.
Thl*grand edition will consist of 1!S^page*, seven columns to the page, and^w ill be l**ued Sunday morning. Uec. :0.^A* an advertising medium, the Stand^^ard, every day In the wear, is the be^t^In ihe Northwest, but thl* issue 1* the^best paper and at the most opportune^time for all ndvertisers. It will reach^every family III Montana before Clirlst-^mas day and to all seeking a share of^the holiday trade, it offer* a Held thnt^Is complete and perfect, as a high ( lass^and general medium for scattering the^news of goods, ware* and merchandise.
Thecirculation of thl* edition will^|m^ between IMwl and lK.oao copies,^' which give* to every patron u clientage^that can be reached in no other way^with such pleasing and powerful effect,^i Advertising rate* given on application^at any ofth e of this paper In Anaconda.^Hutle. Missoula or Creat Falls.
.induet'litgeiabi Mvaa ^Mi IMn m4
aShorl Sentence.
MamieSnpieuant, the notorious, wu*^drunk again and a nuisance M the^, slteet* when sirested by onieer n ltrlen^She bad not much to say when arraigned^In court, but claimed she had only come^dewn the street for something to e^t.^She was sentenced to in days 111 the city^jail and Jndue Kitxuerald salil to her 111^a signlHciint lone that when In r time^wns ti|^ It would be letter for her to^If ave Anaconda.
Thl*winter *eems likely to he a bad^winter, kUaa .Mamie,^ said he, ^and you^can, I'm mre. Hud a MM more salu^^brious and healthful tor you than this.^We know you so well here, you know. If^you MM up M your old Hick* we would
bavato ataa m^ in vkajkM ail winter.
butI don't want t^ do that. Miss Mamie,^and I think you would better go el*e-^v here
SoMamie went down the stairway, but^a* slu went b.ied vh iously at (Meal^ii'Ilrlen and muttered a curse or sonie-^liunu as slie vveiit to the cell, her heme^for tin in xt l*da^ *
AMM Address.
Postinast.r Edward* received a letter^vcstei lav leldiess.-il as follows: ^Nurt^Kmcrlea, M. Silvio Pcrtrlnl. Onondaco^Co.. S|dit HafcO Hex i7.^ A strict study^,e the address .onvlnced blm that It was^not Intended fat Ami.Mas^^ and n* he
:..babi ra it. the U tter I* meant to go la
M Silvio. Darttltl Stdlt lto,k. Box R,
OaoadegScatiaty, K. V. At any rate that^Is where the missive sill I* sent belei.^Kiilng to the d. ad letter office.
T'- W ild nrvu.1 bill of hive ltri^k-
S*jraand M^* r^^ Irtf-rr I'i.T'il union^No. 2, Ar i t. !i. w ill be heM a^: tlis^Aud't rlum 'Ti Th'.i:- '.ty . v.-nlng. DM.^It. Pt-if. Kct-p:. tit's whT'.sita tvta^b^v:i .irgngesl for rv ^ - cv. l. :i. S^ .^^'i-gc i^ v-^te;s^ w :'i ftrrthcT Inf. nw-
Sdlded Hocks ' If I live a few years^longer I ex|^ert t' die a rich man.
S.Ilium Fedd - How yer boIb^ f work^It^
SoiledHaaka^'^W'F. iMk at M mon^^ey I'm savin' by not buy in' soap.
SlieVli.de llle W reck.
FromPu. k.
Magistrate^I^o you mean to say^such a physical w re. k as he Is gave^you that black eye'
ComplainingWife ^ Shure. yer hon^^or, he wasn't a physical wret k till after^he give me th' black eye.
\ I i eiu h .Inke.
Froml.c Masiiue dc Far.
Apro|s^* de la HIM lutte anierl-^calup ou Ic cnndldnt d. I'or I n emporte
SUrcellll de 1'alKelll
t'ela prouve une fol* de plus que^tout cc qui est Itryan n'est pas or!
tlaktcoal 1^ the^Dr. Ctrlaman^painless extracting Me.^Dr. Rlnehart, Painless Extracting two^Baths^Montana hotel barber (hop, tto.
fleeYoung ^ Dexell about plumbing.^Com'l College, new Davidson block.
Forfurnace, range or heater, use^tialt i al.
Santa Cbtui haa a mail box at
Dryfir and pine delivered. J. T. Car^^roll Co.
(Irelg'sHttle bird will Mng at 10 a
m.on Saturday.
Fngravedcalling cards at the Stand^^ard office.
M.Wines of Ihj'tte waa in Ana-^c. ml i v. .-leidav
Hearthe wondrtful singing bird ait
Ureifr'son Saturday at 10 a. m.
Hoto Maban Uro*. for all klnda of^glass and weather strips.
Don'tforget that (irelg's little bird^.Mints at 10 a. in. on Saturday.
OMpaper* only 2j centa a hundred^at the Standard office.
Don'tforget to mall your letter at^ilrcig's f ^r Santa ('latin.
Haveyour plumbing and repalra^done by Young A Dezell.
Anelegnit new Hrr- of MMkHMJi^and plcturea for Xmas at Wright's.
ChtMp'--'t 'amd ' t -iiailt coa.1. Crys-^m Ice Co., ion i:. C minirTi'lai avcaiw.
('lineand heat H w -Tiderful sing^^ing bird at til rig's on Saturday at 10^a. m.
Anew line of cut ijlass Just received^at Hammersloiigh's.
S.H. ilreenvvood was slaiting oidt-ra^In .this .It \ y. sit nils y for a Ht. lunula
Clisrance(liiing'of the Aetna Ixsmi^gM i n; ti, .-ante over ytwterttay from^Ktitl-
Tellyour mamma slie must take ytvu^to Qreig* on Saturday to hear the^little bird s'ng.
Hardand soft oral delivered in^quantities to suit purchaaera. J. T.^Carroll Co.
n.A. Ivuke, lite well known Insur^^ance in-iii . f llr'hma, was in Antwond'a^y^ st. rdav .
Hemem!er Morris ft Forsyth's holi^^day opening, Thursday, the 11th. Sou^^venirs to each piurchiaaer.
ThTeare un^1i Hvercd messagea at^rh ^ W. -te' ii i nt'in fur Samuel Joyma-^siun and Mrs. J. A. Khoad*.
Mr.and Mrs. Henry Volker of South^Sixth *lreet ate the happy parents of^a ilaiiKhter, imrn last evening.
Grandsale of choice Jersey cows^commencing Thursday, Dec. 3, at^Warm Springs stable. Anaconda.
Grandholiday opening at Greig's on^KatiirdHy. Kritiir all the children with^you. No trouble to show them the
I.It. -It no\ eltl. ^^. *
JoePlla*h bad two Hngera squeezed^between two tars at the lower works^yesterday. He will lose one digit en^^tirely ami the part of unother.
Tobeyand P.urke. the hoboes caught^in the act at attempting to rob Oaorga
Itaricli'sstore, vveri- sentenced to :I0^tlays In Deer Dodge by Judge T. D.
TheFair of the Seasons closed last^evening a very successful social and^financial meeting, netting the Presby^^terian ladles a handsome sum for their^trouble and labor*.
Passengertrnlns on the R, A. ^ P.^road now stop at the Fast Third street^crossing for passenger* In the eastern^part of the city. A suburban depot^will be built there In #he spring.
AHie I* wor^e than n goat or an os-^t rli h. It will eat anything or nibble at^anything. We have a few dnxen suit*^left that were marked for cremation,^but saved In time, and will sell them^cheap. Kaufman Mros.
JohnStuart, the victim of the acci^^dent on the H . A. ft P. high line, wa*^burled yesterday morning from St.^Paul's church. High mass was aung.^Friend* of the deceased among the rail^^road men had charge of the obsequies.
Whenthe tlremen turned the water^on our stock during the late fire they^were rude enough to squirt some on^the shoe department. Only slight Im^^perfections were caused by that, but^we want only perfect good* and the^shoes will be sold at half price. Kauf^^man ggM.
Willithe ileorgla minstrel* this year^(-ernes Finest Hogiin. the popular Hnd^well-known comedian. The company^Is otherwise strengthened and Is re-^pi rted as very much superior to last^season. They appear nt Kvans opera^bouse next Monday night.
At|M M^m^^r.a: it. A. I*ike. Hel^^en; c. i. mmsv Oaaaka; k. l. wax-
tgajjNMJkee.XVI*.; H. Comftouvc.^I'r.cigo; J. K. Dsnvaon, C. iU irire.
;^; A. F ,1 H Hurt..n. cnt-^. i^ i S H tin ^mv^s-^|, st. TyuM; P.^.1 Rragty. C. H. H^~kins. M. 1. Wm- s.^Mrs, C, D, nnl -k. Ibttte.
TheBest Rrmedy in tbe World^1^^Makes Peoph Well.
ThereIs one true specllic for diseases^silslng from Impure blood and a detdll-^ta'.d nervous system, and that is I'alne s^celery compound, so genernlly pres.Titn-d^by physicians, lt Is probably the most^remarkable remedy that the scientific re^^search of thl* country has produced.^Prof. Kdward K. Phelps, M. D., U_ l^.^of Dartmouth college. Ilrst prescribed^what Is tmw known the world over a*^Pnlne's celery compound, a positive cure^for dyspepgls. biliousness, liver com^^plaint, neuralgia, rheumatism, nil ner-^vous disease* and kidney trouble*. I-Vi^tbe latter Palt e's celery i omp^ and kM^siieereded again and at'aiii where evcry-^tl.inu else has failed.
Specialtiesfor This Week
250pairs Blankets at prices reduced to the lowest^possible mark, consisting of
10-4 Gray Blanket* 75c quality at...40c
11-4 (!ray Hlankets SI quality at....T.V;^10-4 (Iray Kersey lilankets S1.50 qual^^ity atS100
10-4All Wool Hlankets Sr..'H) quality at^13 50
11-4All Wool S7.50 quality atS^ 00
10-4 All Wool SS.50 quality at15.00
11-4 Extra Heavy California
S1200quality atSI0 00
25doa. Qullta, all qualities at 75c. SI 00.^S150. 1- mi S3 50 up to Sa.OO.
40Ladies' heavy weight Cloth Capes at half price.^'AO Ladies' Jackets, just received; the very latest out.^All must be sold regardloss of profit.
...1 lO Main Street...
TheAnaconda Standard one year SI0.^Tbe more. , o bound Pictorial Wonder^^land goes free as a premium.
lolln t.rssons.^Pc.f iMson. ^1T ch.rry. P. t^. l^ox 754.
ThisI* tho ili^mn of the skin of the^pig.
Shavenand slippery, smooth and big.^Hounded and sewn and blown utid^light
Forthe grime und grind of the gridiron^tight.
PtMCk.brother, punch with glee!^(Bat not In the presence of the referee!)^An elbow gouge If his ^ bin Is free;^If you fall on his stomach, use your^knee!
Punch,brother, punch with glee!^(But not In the presence of the ref^^eree!)
ThisIs the rhyme of the gridiron hard.^Trimmed and cut and measured and^barred.
Wateredand rolled and Hvvept and clear^For the bank and bounce of the leather i^sphere.
Punch,brother, punch with glee! |^(Hut not In the presence of the referre!) |^OkaTW an ear If an ear you see:^A thumb in his eye the best may be!^Punch, brother, punch with glee!^ll'.ut not In the presence of the ref^^eree!)
NewYork Press.
HowHe Made Known His Wants.
Fromthe Chicago Chronlole.
liedrifted into the music store with^a wild liirht in bis eyes and determi^^nation in his manner. He glanced^avef the array of clerks and dually^s i.-tied one whose features betrayed^more Intelligence and less beard than^those of the majority.
1want to get a piece of music,^ he^.-.lid. as a starter.
Yea,sir; black or white^^ asked the^clerk. ^What's that^
Oh,I merely wanted to know If It^wits a negro melody you were after.
No,It ain't. 1 wajit some music.
Voiceor string^^ asked the clerk,^turning hi.s pale blue eye toward the^pretty cashier
Well,1 don't know the nanw* of rt.^but It goeti like this,^ and the man^with the wild eye lifted up his voice^and filled the store with a maddening^sound. The clerk paled slightly, but^held his ground.
Howdoes the second bar go, once^more^^ he aaktid.
Thecustomer with the rolling optic^Voiced his heart's il, sire onee more^and a mandolin fell from the wall^with a crash.
Oh,y^ s, we have that.^ snld the^cb-rk. ^That's 'Whispering* of Love.'^Forty cents, please.
Andstill there are vacant rooms at^1 lunning.
SomeTunny Ailvertiaements.^From Advertising Kxperieneo.
Wanted,a room for two gentlemen^about 3D feet long and L'O feet broad.
Forsale, a piuno, the property of a^musician with carved legs.
Mr.Brown, furrier, begs to an^^nounce that he will make up gowns,^copes, etc., for ladles out of their own^skins.
Bulldogfor sale; will eat anything:^very fond of children.
Wanted,an organist and a boy to^blow the same.
WidowIn comfortable circum^^stances wishes to marry two sons.
TheAnaconda Stnndard one year $10.^The morocco Isiund Pictorial Wonder^^land goes free a* a premium
Raisinseeders at O'Neill's. Some- I^thing new.
Weare now opening a beautiful line^of plain and decorated Havlland china^dinner ^et^ for the holiday*. Anaconda^^'o|i|s^r Mining company, hardware de^^partment.
TheAnaconda Standard one year $10.^j The morocco bound Pictorial Wonder^^land goes free a* a premium.
Forreliable plumbing go to J. A.^Hasley. Sit Oak atreet.
Whenin Butte lunch at Shermaa'a. ;
Mostbeautiful line of calendars and^CliriatlMg cards in the city M I* A.^King's.
1*4*4if iWWWTWP't
Porkand Beans
Youall know that Seinse'l Pickles are thfl^best, but unloss you have tried his Porit and^Beans you cannot say that they are the best.
TryThem and be Convinced,
1-poundCan Pork and Beans IOC
_-poundCan Pork and Beans IgC
Jl-poundCan Pork aud Beans;... 20C
Ifyou wish to try them at these prices you wil^have to buy quick.
MacCallum^ Cloutier,
501aud r^0:J Park Avi iuip.
SpecialFeatures for Saturday.
Specialprice Inducements will be shown to-day In every department,^which will enable seekers of winter ROOda to puicha.se at bargain prices. Be^^side* the store is full of interesting t'hrlstmas suggestions for everybody^and everybody who buy* can save money.
IceWool Fascinators. In black and^white; rial value 85c. for.
Ladles'Kid Gloves In black, tan*^modes and browns; the regular t\.'ll
uuaiityMr65c each
Q5 I Ladles' white Lawn Aprons, a good^Kveiv pair guaranteed.one for
Ladles'line, soft Wool Mittens, the M||^sort forI
20cand 25c a pair
Ladle*'lined Kid Mittens, $1.25 quality At 25(* a pair
Largesize Lawn Apron, with deep in^^sertion; the regular o5c kind for
Ladlea1AU-Wool Hose, good quality;^heavy weight.
Ladle*'T'ndressed Kid Mittens, lined;!. At 7OC
theregular $1.65 quality forD I^MM1 All-Wool ribbed Vests and
| D Pant*, the regular SI quality.
Exceptionallystrong values are shown^Fasc inator, made of Berlin Zephyr j| to-day In Ladle*' Sw iss embroidered^Yarn, a good size; full or colorsI and hemstitched Handkerchiefs
25c b \-k, 81-3;, Ik, 15c and 25c each
**** s ^***^
TheSalo of Capes and Jackets yesterday^was so successful that we have decided to con^^tinue the
HalffPrice dDim ^sijpes
W'Ik'o ^*s .11 ...!, nJ^^' i'mi I f'*r * 4*:^^rU.^Wbea ^h*^ total..** Vis^*, ^tit** t'ttin*^ to CmMojkk,^U'ufti hiu^ 1 lihiltliv*,*\w gmwlh'-m Cattoria,
Frontnow until January 1st wo will make
pocinl Prices for Gash,
Onalmost every article in the Store,
Amitherein- facilitate our animal stock takinp. Come early ami^MM ajanajMj; vrlien yon o;iti.
C.5TBUBRNAOE3Li The Cash Orocer,
111I MR I'vkk AYS.iOUemOA, Montvw.
SpecialSale all week on
Inall the newest weaves.
HotStdfr iu Hen's Underwear, l-j off; also^1-3 off m^JrVomen's and Children's Under^^wear.
WV 4().^ East Park Avenue
Trya Standard Want Adv.