Newspaper Page Text
3 ANACONDANEWS. TCVPW GregsonSprings Enters Another Field ofUsefulness. PLUNGEPATH A BAPTISTRY th* house, and R^M^resentatlvee P. Sh..vlinand Jamei Marcum were vis^^itors in I^.-.^!^ UoOM to-day. J.B. McCormlck, representing the^New York Life Insurance c..i^.pant^wu doing business fop his company at^the county seat to-day. I: A. H. Mluh.ll returned yesterday^from a business trip to Helena. AFTER FORTY YEARS. ItMakes an Ideal Institution of^tho Kind and the bcheme Is^1-lkely to Become^Vgry Hopular. Thcplunge hath at Greg-son Springs^Was the scene for a proceeding MM to^that resort, and If it were, possible for^the natatorium to feel the sensations of j^surprise which humanity experiences j^over strange occurrences it would be |^Interesting to hear related what that j^gay establishment th^Utrht of turning^Its hlg basin Into a baptismal font. The^Springs, by age and experience, how^^ever, are blase to all sensations. The^ripples that ran over the steaming sur^^face were only such as always murk^the advent of Invaders of Its depths. ConHayes, the lord and master of^the place, however, was considerably^taken back wtvn OMOM Tempest of the^Mormon church applied for permission^to immerse two converts to that faith^in the Springs' natatorium. He grant^^ed the request ttith that courtly grace^and hospitality which he extends to all^guests, making them feel as though,^when he grants their requests, he wi re^the one most favored. WithHost Hayes' kind permission,^therefore, the ordinanc e w as pet formed^yesterday afternoon. Klder Tempest,^clad In the robes of his church, went^down Into the water, followed by W,^J. Sanders and wife, who varied the^cider of things only by arraying them^^selves in bathing suits. Ity this wise^Innnovntlon they were able to be dryly^clad within live minutes of the closing^of the ceremony. Theevent was witnessed by only a^few steady boarders and persons who^chanced to be visiting at the hotel, as^this is a season t hen attendance is not^as heavy as during the summer^months. TheIncident hns given an Idea to the^enterprising manager of the resort, who^expects to add this branch of business^to his establishment. SIrange, Indeed, that It has never^been thought of before by the wide^^awake pastors or the managers of the^plunge baths, to take advantage of the^many conveniences and advantages of^^fered by such places. They are pro^^tected from the weather, the water can^be hail at any temperature and there^is ample accommodation for any ordi^^nary audience. Sincethe establishment of the cere^^monial no place so well adapted to the^purpose has been discovered and Joseph^Smith never even dreamed of such a^ci mplete and well-appointed baptistry.^In those used by most of the churches^there is but little room and the^preacher often barks his elbows or^bumps the head of the convert on the^edges of the vat as he lowers him Into^the water, but in this there is ample^room. Somany times, to,, are converts seiz^^ed with a desire for baptism In the dead^of winter and when the evangelist has^no baptistry. There have been in-^wtani'vs of cutting holes In the Ice^wherein to perform this chief of re^^ligious rites. The effect of the chilling^waters is all right spiritually, but phy^^sically It is reactive and the recurd of^souls lost because of the cold weather^putting off salvation and the spirit un^^til spring, when they changed their^minds, has not been kept by mortul^hands. Thereis no need of that now. Man^^ager Hayes very kindly offers to the^public his big pool and the It., A. A V.^will. If proper application Is made, give^excursion rates for the purpose to any^preachers or people or sect or creed de^^siring to visit ilregson s for the pur^^pose. Now, since a beginning has been^made, perhaps liefore winter closes^there will be advertised: GrandExcursion to Gregson Springs.Two Hundred People to Be' Immersed.Rev. Mr. Duckem, Pastor.^Round Trip Tickets$1.00. Thewinter season at these pleasure^resorts has been dull heretofore and^the business for the greater part con^^tributed by rheumatic patients anil oc^^casional sleighing parties. This new-^idea has given an Impetus to business^and a boom for Gregson's is being^nursed by those Interested In its popu^^larity. JURYDISAGREED. Thelleranti Cane Mutt Be Tried Agnln toDecide. PeerT^dge, Dec. 4.--The jury in the^Heraud assault case, which was on trial^here since Monday last, was discharged^this morning after deliberating upon a^verdict for 42 hours. They reported to^the court early this morning that it^was impossible for them to agree and^the court concluded that it was Inhu^^man to hold them any longer locked up^in the dingy quarters reserved for them.^In conversation with one of the Jury-^n en this afternoon the Standard corre^^spondent learned that the Jury stood^in to 2 for conviction on the final ballot,^although several ballots were taken,^showing that at one time they stood 11^to l for conviction. On the first trial^of Heraud the'Jury disagreed, voting 7^for conviction to 5 for acquittal. The^two trials of the case have cost the^ccunty a large sum of money. The^county attorney was assisted in the^prosecution by W. B. Rodgers, who^was appointed a deputy Vv Mr. Trlppet^In this particular case and every ef^^fort was made by them to obtain a^conviction. Heraud was ably defended^by T. O'Leary and O, H. Haldorn. The^court fixed the defendant's ball at^11.500. Inthe district court this morning^probate matters were disposed of as^follows: An order was made settling^and allowing the final account In the^estate of John M. Hayes. In the estate^of Jane Stuart an order was made ad^^mitting the will to probate and ap^^pointing W. W, Stuart administrator^upon his filing a bond In the sum of^$4,100. In the estate of Paul ON rtrles^John Hauswlrth was appointed guard-^Ian upon his filing a bond in the' sum^ot $1,100. TheIXH'cmber term of the district^rourt of Granite county will open at^Philipsburg next Monday. Several^Deer Lodge attorneys will be In at^^tendance. FrankCon ley went to Rutte yester^^day as a witm-ss in the United States^court. JohnR. QuUjley cf ltlackfoot City,^accompanied Ly his daughter. Miss^Anna Qalgiey, superintendent-elect.^Here visitors her. to-.lay. J.M. Kennedy, the te-xt speaker of AM one Man Unit. lli^ Kindred, and^riraunt Reunion* Follow.^ThlPty-nlne years affo the late DHM :^ residedat latoag U nit net m Glouces^^ter, Mass . Jos-hua Tear of Philadel^^phia, tjuite a frl-rvdsiiip swans up l^e.^ th ^ two m.-n. r. Up - the K ^ I. ^^li^ l f. nr. r. wh li l oil!. I !n M '^Tear asking Mr. fa; 1.1 n t ^ take^charge ^t his (Tear'si nephew, a little^fell t\ 34 yv.irw ^^td, named l^a\ d I'^SnpplI! ^ it I fatfh*rtva^ anxious to gt t a tv^me f.^r^th^ little fellow. Mr Oarteton. on see^^ing the boy, cone nt d to take him.^and when he r. turned to lsl- an H int^David K Stippli ^ aceotnpinieil him.^Mr. Tear promised that if he camp f'*r^the boy before he was 21 he would^pay for the toy's board up to that^time, and h ^ fifth, r promised tint no^op ^ Shi ill I I ike the tn^y but hltn'elf Wh-nthe bey w is 7 years old the^tin I^, Ml TMr ^^^^!^ - t'H's .in I w .uit. .1 the Isiy, |) i\ id Sup-^plee. or David (Mrlnton. as tn^ wis^kni'W-n. to a ^e. iv| .iny him I' ^m ^. but^the I i^v w :-^ w irmly att n-! d t^ his^adopted pareru and refused to leave^thrm. The unci^ c^me again in 12^yvsrs, when the boy was IS. and again^tried to Induce him t^ go with him,^off. ring him a h.-me and a chip^ to^get an education. The boy, however,^did n^ t seem to fancy his uncle, and^again ivfusi-d to go It may lie said^that the I iy w as u'v. n indirectly to^understand that it would he useless^for him to attempt to find his rolttives.^He received cards at one time on which^were the MM of hi^ lirnthvr anil sis,^ti r, tt hi. h M ^ nr. fully MX NTf i M^^a:-M 1 .trued from his uncle that his^folks lit . .I : Lad lit d In S-ie a Falls.^N. Y. Mr.Gatlet ^n. or r.tvid Supple.', who^Is one . f It ^-kland's well-known rill^^s'., ns, h is In -n ai M..ii^ lo lip I his r I i-^Mves, or at l ast to llnd what BMMM^of them, while his wife lias h. n a tu-^at .1 by the HMM il 'ire. X w Mrs.^Carl, ton is nut a spiritu.ill-1 and never^has been, but on th I advice of frietlda^c. sainted Mr. Wlggin. the spiritualist. w-i b I'll:^* d In it'' k' mil ^ f. w in mtha^ago. BtM tot k Mm ^-ard^ 1 ^ w hich^wi re the names of bar husb ind's bftMa^^er and sister, and gava them to Mr.^Wiggins, seated up In an envelope.^TI ^ ' 1 iir\. vant |iut th ^ i nv.d ope to^his 'In ad. and. without hesit Hi ^n. an-^MMtM the natr g 80 MM c uds and^slat d that 'the panics Ml alive and^lived In the West, and t'ha.t the sister^had a ijeslre to MM her brother. Mr.Carl. ton.then wrote to MM gnat-^mias'ter of Seneca Palls, asking if th. re^was a family named Supphv living^t'hetv, and recelv. ^! a tetter staling^that he ha I a sister. Mary Elizabeth^by nam-, who w as married and resld ^^!^In Bethlehem. Pa. These names coin^^cided with. ,t'he nam s on the cards. Mr.aril Mrs. Suppl'v. or Mr. and^Mrs Oarleton. ns y^^u choose. Imm.'li-^ably started for S.p ea Falls, arriv-^Ing Mjaf* ^^ot. 14. They went g) the^hotel, and called first on an uncle. Hub^^ert Tear. In ith.-rof th^ man who found^the home for the boy and tvho had^since died. The at P arance of the long^lojtt nephew was a great surprise, for^it seemed that the I'ncle Joshua, who^tvw* s. mew hat put mi* with the other^Mgggbera Of the family, had giv.n hint^to understand that the boy David had^found a home in Newfoundland, and^the family had nvadc diligent search^MMM in quest of him. Th y n. xt . ill. 1^on the brother. Chart, s 11. Supplee, a^well-to-do Seneca Falls citizen, who^was d, lightid to see nhi. m. and ticatnl^thim In the most broth rly way. After^a very pleasant Kijourn In Seuer-a Palls^they |M^eggfM to It-thlehem, Pa.,^when' thtf n e'ived another affection^^ate welcome from the sister, Mrs. M.^L, Cortrlght. wife of a prosperous^llithlehem dry gi^Kls merchant. Heforgot Her Nam.'. Say.please hold on there, my friend.^Walt till I go home an 1 get her \dft^name. I'll be buck before long. Thiswas the funny exclamation^made by a man In the probate court.^Thursday, after he had entered his own^name and the gitvn name of his pros-^pi etivo wife on Mm license book, says^the Cleveland Plain Dealer. ClerkSchwab, who was dispensing^the young mans wants, looked up^startled. It was on -ef the m. -t amus^^ing things he had run across in his di^^versified career behind the counter.^I After vainly trying to MMM the^missing name he agre. d there was^I nothing lefs but to go home after it Theyoung man was F.ugi n ^ Mur-^I phy. He dictated and ggeOtd ^ ut the^name Of Ms Intended. It was A-u-^g-u-s-t-a ^. Hut there it guddenly^stopped. Murimy blush, d. I k. 1^slightly^Just slightly--disiturl^ d. turn^^ed all sorts ^ f .^ilors in a minute, and^finally thought he'd give it up. That^Is pnvtsely w hat CI rl; Schwab did^Aft. r tarrying with his pen in hand^for a few minutes he told the young^man to come back aft t he knew whom^he wns going to marry. Meanwhile,an Interrogation point^tv is I. ft ns g siibftitute for the trouble^^some, apepndoge. ^Hotter make it^'What d' you call h. r .^ ^ suggested a^byrfar.der. Pi rh:tp^ It would have (it-^ted the cast- to a ^T. Wereyou ever In such a PlwIVtM^ment^^ mildly qu.Ti.^l Murphy. ^Say.^It's tough. Ivoys Sh tiiink I am fi^r-^g.ttlng her thus early Hut I'm not.^I h 'pe you will fare better. Thenhe d t^l!'ti d to ^i..l\v th ' fateful ]conundrum. iIt s--.'ins Murjvhy did solve it. T,ater^I in. th^ day th- missing nap..- was found^| on the register. Only the difference tnt'hv shade of the ink remained to M^! the tale of a prospective hushMMftl^I plight. The full name was Augusta Krentz1 That.t... 1.11 IVrllng^With the exnilarating stnte of renewed^health and strength an ] internal cleanli^^ness, which follows th* uia of Syrup^of Pita). Is unknown to the few who havs^not progressed beyond the old-time medi^^cines and the cheap substitutes some^^times offered but sever accepted by ttas^well lnfoi*med. TheAnaronda Standard one year $ln^The moroci o bound Pictorial Wonder- 1^Und goes fre ^ as a premium ToHoliday Seeker*. Don'tfail to call and examine our^new and beautiful line of cut glassware andbric-a-brac. Just received. Ana -^i-onda Ooppgf Mining company, hard^^ware department. i.i-i IL'C*M%t'd. Anotherhandsome line of parlor and banquetlamps, brans and onyx renter^tables at the Anacntda Copper Mining^company hardware fMfMftMMMt, TheAnaconda Standard one year 110.^The morocco bound Pictorial Wonder- |^land goes free as a premium. IThe Copper City A y^wi ^ro the sole agents in Anaconda for ILord ^ Taylor's;;. GOODI^THING Wenot only know a good thin* when we^see It. but we also appreciate merit when^tte in. et It. That's Just why we make fur^this Wick some Sl'KCIAl. OPFBJUMOI^^ tiled we know w ill des. rve tnstuiitaneuus^n cngnitiuu^and get It, too. ONYXBLACK HOSIERY Th.v are perfectly fast color. They^wear well and the cost Is no greater^tha'i Is asked for Inferior goods. For15c Wecan sell you a Black, Ribbed Wool Hose, all sixes, for Girls and Boys, At25c Women'sBlack, Ribbed Wool Hose, full fashioned, soft and pleasant to wear./ At35c an^ 50c Women'sBlack Cashmere Hose, high spliced heels and Free., h feet. MERCANTILEMILLENNIUM. Aflood Fleeced White Blanket for Mi pair. aHeavy Orgy MaMM for 90c. ASoft Orgy Wool Illanket for $1.10. AnAll-Wool Blanket for Wehuve about twclto Cine White AU-^Wool Blankets, slightly soiled, worth^ju;..ii pair; will close them out at $2.H.^i^pair. AtJooil Calico Comforter for 6.1c. AFine Large Sateen Comforter for fl 1.^.. AnKxtra Utrge I'lne Soft Sateen Com^^forter, the kind you pay }3..ri0 for, our^price $L'.r^o. AKlnc Down Comforter for $1.95. Cloaksand Furs. ^iirHe, Ma and ,10c CU W and Boys' plain and rlbhed Cashmere Hose double soles, high spliced heels and reinforced knees, making them^very durable. Inblack nnd fancy Cotton. I.lsle and Silk Hosiery we carry I^trd * Taylor'smoat gaatrabts aura ben from a !.'^^ black Cotton Hose, made afMa. o tarn, la gggge, wnh high spliced heels and double feet, to pure SilkMoetuagai trartli |a At$1. fXM and t2 t. .^ bat.- aMM nnd Richelieu ribbed Silk Hose. In^solid and fain t colors, that would make very acceptable holiday gifts.^Cotton, Silk plated and pure silk Stage Tights; black and colors. Infants'Cashmere Hose Black, white, light blue and cardinal; very tineand mil, J.'.c. ;fac and fine. Blacklie .1Cotton Hose for I.ndles and Misses, !5c and 35c. Wehate Lord * Taylor's Silk. Wool and Silk and Wool mixed T'nder-^graar, Vesta I'nnts, Union Suits and Kipiestrlenne Tights. The most^sensitive skin would not be Irritated by wearing them. Ladies'and Misses' Silk Mittens, 50c to J2. Wool Mittens, 15c to 35c. 1 THE COPPER CITY I Forthis seek we are making special of^^ferings, not on one or two leaders, but^our whole stock has been marked down. Men'sClothing. Weare going out of the rlothlng busi^^ness and will sell you a suit at about bait^price. We can give you a lino All-Woel^business Suit for $10. ONE-HALFOFF ONE-HALF OFF^Dec. I *Dx 11 Jos.Peters GreatOne-Half Off Sale CommencingTtoc. 1 L W*Ib'tve derided lo |$)fMri if HM^Clittliino; ldisiiicss, and to qiake tjllickstiles We sllllll (ifTcr Olir t'll- fin-stock of Men's Fine Iictuly-ti^-^Wooff Suits at just ShieldsBlock. Woman Ouralready low pricps. The Sale^starts Tuesdtiv, Dee. 1. WhatSeared Wryler. Fromthe New York World. Thevoire of the Spanish colonel^tiembled. Ifear It Is all up with us,^ h^ con^^tinue.!. Allup with us^^ echoed General^Wet lor. his face purpling w ith anger.^^ Ity the lmnes of Chrlstoph r W Co-^lumbus' sayeth thou this because a^paltry band of PWlHMlm have Ian.i d^from the I'nlted State^ and the^Insurgents .' 11a! I'll swe.-p them from^the island! Thelips of the colonel whitened. Youforget, your excellency,^ he^said. huskll^. that among them are ^^couple of college football teams. Clarodel maduro!^ gasi^ci| the g-n-^eral. staggering fmm the apartment. Andseising a Is.ttle fiercely by the^neck he gurgb d in it s.-wral times for^the lienrflt of his hot and thirsty^tri aha. TheKiagof I ill. it Betchira'.^r.KEC/HAM'S. TheAnaconda Standard one $11. Th.-Maaaaaa aaoBi Flataftal wonder^^land g.*s free as a premium. 1HMMAM1Sthe idml^ration of^both mm anil^^um^.u. N n^does u^thorough^man. a man | whoIt nibl^ strong anil MMM^Waal r.ertrslti' I^tnrn are ncv.r ailmlrM for tti. y la. k th. uu i^rlemfr.t of character which goe* to natkrlhrm^grand and true ^pe^ Itnena of manhood -vlto !^for.c. at anal manm ilnn. IP.w fajy It la to^rrgaln thin wonderful un.res power can onh^be resllied by r.adinic what the thnuianda of^men who were MM weak, but who ar^ now^^trong. aay of Dr.Sandsn's Flectric Belt. Itia hard to make iome people kMMM thl:^beraua* quaikerj la io prevalent during the^paat few yeart that ^^ery one li luapleloua of^an advertiaed remedy, but Ueaa facta are^gradually becoming trown. far Dr. Sander. ^^K'..iri. Kelt uiakea new frlenda every day^^All the people who are uiing your belt here^^ peak well 0f 0^^ wrltca Thomaa Slatlery.^We^t Uranrh, ral. ll^^ ^uld they apeak^otherwlae, for It alwaya git .-a .atihfartloi..^^ou nee only one thing la claimed for It^that^It fitea strength and In that you know what^great poaslblbtlea attend its me. It la Im-^* to be Mat when every organ of your^body 1. .trong and anfve. therefore mam^disease, are rured by It. Aik for Dr. la*,^den', book. ^Three. r\^,^ of Mfa- . ^ Wl|,^^* aent ciosely aeaieil, free. OM or addrcsa. BAXOOOIOUOIOMC co,^S3 Washington St.. I'ortl .nd, Ore. CUTEXPENSE THEPOMINO TKAR HV SITSrHlBINfl^POM ciNi: PAPKR MTHICH O1VM0 ACL^THE NKW8 ^^K THE STATE AM' 'COl'NTHV AT LAK^!E THE I'AI'EK^THAT OJCALLT ImiKS rCKXIOH THE^GKEAT1.S T i ;i mil T^ ^ TH E UREA TOT ,^KCMBER THE AXACtiNHA ST A XI'^A HI1 CAMttMS AMD TltAIN 0ER- 'vit'l^. st l KitloR To ALL OTHBRg^THE HATE IS $1^ A YEAR OOM THE^PA1I.Y r^'lt OKM TaBAR. IT'S A (ii^in IINVESTMENT. ^K IT QIVBO YOl'^IT'LL YAl.l ^ THE YEAR ROUND. J05.PETERS OtfWfMttln Strf^^t ut'I I'timnifrcial Av^ ntiM. THECLOTHIER MontanaMeat Co. Bitnnd Venison, Trim:Beef and Pork Loins^Hams nnd Bacon,^Choice Lard. FultonMarket (iiail. Turkeys, ('hiVkt'iis, Diu-ks,^Trout ami Oysters; Navel^Oranjjes, Strawberries, Toma-^tues, Cuuumbera, Celery, Cran^^berries. Xmas Gifts... Abeautiful and artlMI. tins nf Holiday^flood., now on dlnplsy comprliilng all th*.^latent and most desirable design. In Jew^^elry, Silver Novelties. Rare lilts af I'oroe-^Uln snd other thtnes. Assortments In^moderate-priced articles unequalled In^this city, snd In the more, eipenslte MM^grander goods our display Is unlike other^stocks. KEPPLERJEWELRY CO. NOTICE. GOINGOUT OF BUSINESS. Allpersons Ind. bt'd to C.eorRp M^- hellch,on corner ClMatawl nnd Third^streets. Anaemia, are r^i|uest'H) to^ci Mt and settle their bills lie-fore Dec.^1^.. if not, 1 shall place them in the^hands of a BoMm i t. GEO.MEHELICH Trya Want Ad in^THE STANDARD |UMala Stree Anaconda W.II THORNTON, Bepr^sntlDittti. Leading ^r*.'reign and ^^^Aatericao '|.a u.'i. ' ANACONDA,MONT. WilliamI. Hog* M ft. nrownlea, R. a^Chambers, .Mir.-us Daly, F. O,^tUrgeant, W, M Thorntoa. Hoge,Daly ^ Co. Rankers ANACONDA.MONTANA. Buyand sell Domestic and Foreign Ex-^change and transi t a I'cneral Banking^Bualntsa. Collections promptly att.nd.d^to. Kxchang. drawn on London, Bdln*^burgh, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast; Parts,^Hamburg, OarUa and ail th. leading^cities of Europe. CORFt KS PON D F. NT8. - NationalTark BankNew Tork OmahaNational RankOmaha FirstNational flank.....It. PguJ Well.,Fargo St CoSan Francisco t'tahNational Hank Ogdaa Hoge,Ilrownle. A CoButt* Merchants'National Laaxabl*Bros. A CoDe.r Lodga BeautyParlors,.,. Removedto 209East Park Street. MADAflEYOUNG. D.U BUOUMII I. i'roprlctor.^Busjirs, Horses sail baddies for Hii Alsof^oprlntor of l'i --n er. Bagtag, at iiprvtsLlii' lonneetlooi^with all trains. Officeand Stab... 1 Ual fUMC, anaconda CLASSIFIEDBUSINESS DIRECTORT. OLUMBINO Suani and Hot Watu^* H.atlng. E^- : i. s furnisher] on as^^pUcatloo. Addreii J. A. IL\SU^T.^Oak stre.t. AnaconJa. Montana. PKunnaittXAL^ AHD3^J^R. N. b. SMtDiilt. I Physicianand Sur^eoa of 3\ Ana's Hoa.^pltal. to M ' i t Hot.l. Anaconda,Mont. F. M.FOX Subscribefor the^Standard. JUSTICEOf THE PEACE.^NOTARY PUBLIC^Room U. Bldr. Anaconda. Most. UBSCRIBE IOR THE TANDARD SWEET'5 COMMON 5EN5E BOB 5LED5 Portlandand Sw^' Body Cutters foksale by J.T. CARROLL CO., .\nvcond.v. Tr.lf.rnoxE 19