Newspaper Page Text
r^00^^^^0^^0^^^^^X^^^OCK^^^^M^0 TENPAGES. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 8Q^r,c^ ' OOOO JOOOOOOOO-O TENPAGES. VOL.VIII.^NO. 117. ANACONDA MONTANA. TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 29. 1833. PP.IC2FIVE CENTS .OUREIGHTH... ..ChristmasGreeting.. *||WM pioneers in the path^iAi along which we have steadily^advanced our record of HonestDealings AND Honestfloods at Honest Prices Togetherwith alert public Merita,^keeps us at the front. We have^:in established reputation for deal^^ing only in tirst class pttfli of the^most reliable makers. Althoughour Xmas trade was^the finest we ever Intel, we have^still a fine assortment of goods^suitable for ..NewYear Gifts.. Ourassortment of Diamonds.^Unities, Emeralds and every other^precious stoue, set in Bilgt,^Hrooehes, l'endants, Karrings and^Studs is the finest in the city. GOLDJEWELRY ...AND... SILVERNOVELTIES Inevery conceivable design. Goldand Silver Watches Ofthe Finest American^and Swiss Makes SlerlingSilver Combs and^Krushes. .Manicure Sets, Mirrors.^I'owder and ('ream Bond, Atom^^izers, Gold Headed Canes and I'm-^brellas, Opel',' Glasses of every^^onceiviible design. DRUGSOF ALL KINDS TheWays and Mtans Committee^Gives a Hearing ASTO TARIFF SCHEDULES Representativesof Manufacturers^and Other Interests Involved^Appear to evtako uggex-^tlons and statements. 7lieJeweler OWSLEYBLOCK OUR REMAINING HOLIDAYGOODS 00AT COST GALLOGLYSCO. DRUGGISTS,12 North Nail Strict, Butte. Moot BELLA-DERMA Keepsthe dkin Smooth.^Price,^25 Cents per Bottle. Washington.Inc. L'K-In the hear^^ing on the taulT schedules lo-duy U-^forc the ways and means committee,^W. 11. fhilds M New Voik and J. T.^Schoehlkucpf of Buffalo, N. V., argU'-it^in fa Mir of inert-using the dutlen on^coal tar and dyes from JS p*r Matt, to^^J-1 per eent. ad valorem with a clearer^HusslH.ation of the schedule. J. H.^Page of New Y-ili. representing color^manufacturer*, sunt th^ present duties^were innpl-- but if the duties on chem^^icals were mei eased Hoy desired a rel^^ative increase on eolors. H. C. Stewart^of Philadelphia* appsarsd In Mstil of^a duty on coppcrus, ochre, ochery artt-^OSM and all oxides of iron used In the^manufacture of paints, which, under^the present law. ure admitPd fie... He^read letter* from several paint munu-^faituiets testifying to the depression^of the imlusti \. owing to foreign BOW^petition simc the enactment of the^pri'sent law. James Hartford of New^York, en Lvhalf of tIi^- ChsiBtcal SBC-^linn of the N. sj York hoard of trade^and transportation, turned in favor of^^ KeiieritI * haitu:- from ad valorem to^speeltle duties nil drugs SalllU I MtTX^of Newark. N. J., BIYBsd for a rostora-^lion of the Mi Klnley law duties on ul-^tfl marine ami analytic d\'. \V. \V.^Sklddy of New York, representing IO0T-^wood and nthir dye cxiracls, urged^th. .hinge from an valorem to specific^rai s. ami llM some tnise in nttBB. Thedrag miller, of the Ball .i ^..ii^were re* reamed by (hoqi Hilller of^No. York, who pi ose-nted a substitute^for paragraph i'i'j. liedule A. of tic^Wilson law, makiiiK the duty :l e. i. .1^pound on i.oudei. t chugs. Dm same^rate now paid on powdered spire. Mr.^Hilller presented a eotnpat at i\ a stute-^^Ml Of tlieiost of pro lueiion al home^at 'I nlaoad. showinir an aidVBBtacs of lits in FA* .^r of tile for I 11 mantifaeturer.In tie- present law the^duties are la pet- rent, ml valorem and^tie- in.'nin'ui tii'-tin recommended a ehlltagcto specitM' illllies w llc|'^\er pos^^sible The tariff, Mr. Hilller said, cov-^ered tic differences between the 00. -,t ^I BjHadtBt or powdtrias abroad and^in the ITaltsd ktataa, Put it devel*^ofjod bjt QBSStlofUl that the OOOt of^11 lading iii the trailed States U I eents^a pound and In Londofl Mi cents for^grinding, while He- InaiViB pi Ices on^drugs ramps! as hi^h as ||| aBMta, the^United state 1 prices helng lower, 1^h.iirinan Di 11 c I-- y siiKKe^ted tlM pro^hlbHiosl of tie- ImportaitsSM of a lull -^rated eoodH. hut the druK re|iies. nla-^tives held that sin h a law was impos-^Sihle of NferWMI ii' .1.A. I lean of New York, a i.pivs.n^IStlV. ^f tie- 1 * ^ 1 ^ 1 d niauuf.n 1 ui'i'is.^said IlKMM h^ 1 epri ^.-m. d SrouM M sai-^IflAod with a eonllnuaiu e of th.' preoMl^rate of retlt. a callmi on oil and M^^ 111- a hushel on seed. While a |lStttsf tariRwould kelp Ikeat, they dsend n iM^ lo al;i'ate tb* 'Plestillll In the Itl-^li r.-sts of th^ lUlslllt'SS. N.A. tlverhury of Niagara Kalis, the^only niiiniilai-Hirer of chloride of pota-h inthe Halted states, asked for -i larll ofI eents a pound on his product,^which Is now In the ftee hat, to make^ap the difference in wages paid her*^aad a broad. The Imports this fear^reached MIMM poejpoja. 1' 11 *^ * duty^vera restored in- oovJd reoaea his works,he said. Mr.^chaeffer of New Haven. Coaa..^a manufai * ill* l- ^f ^ aCt-me. said h^ w as^tie- first to BMMUfactMN He- prod ad^and had hash prodtieitiK il al-out one^year. He askeil an Inerense of the^duly, which Is BOW ;^' per eent. II' em^^ploys HI men. His piodurl was us d In^the riHiiufui lure of hronio eaffein and^other nnedlclaea of thnt class, He aahjed fell-a Speeltled duty of 1^ pt I pound. ThomasM. Calbefi of New York. representingthe Ni a Torh Quia has *^Chemical Works, appeared to ask a^restoration of the duty of an per eaaL^;el valorem which existed prior to the^net of MM ^r rtl eirulvalent specified^duty. Quinine was now on the free^li it. He said the effect of the tariff re-^'luetlon had la en most disastrous to^'he Ameiienn manufai tureis and un^^less aaaiathlagj was dene he would haveto (To out of htiKiliess. AsMUHI.. Thompson of llostnn ap-^psart d in behalf of a restoration of the^duty on sal soda and S^'ia from one-^eiuhth to one-fourth or a cent per^pound. He railed attention to the fact^that the decrease of duty had not stim^^ulated Importation. He also asknl thnt^Bpaom salts he mad^ Bailable at one-^fourth of a eent pef pound. ScheduleII ^Spirits, wines and other^beverages was then taken up. John H.^Thompson of Hlliodaburg, Ky.. rep^^resent lag the manufac turers of liqBOT,^said spirits generally was the first to^appear. He ask'd that the duty on liquora,now (Lit par aajloa, ba ra^^it ored to $; .V^, the rate und-r the art^of UM The present law. he said. In^^creased the tax on doeaeattc Roods ^^i^pi r c ent and ISBWCCd th^ tax on Im^^ported poods 70 cents pe r irallon. He^i|s., inped that there should he some reciprocalarraagesneal hatwees Can^^ada and the Dalted Stales. The coin-^petltkM from th^ Homini. n. he said,^was ke nly fell by the doRI artk affairs,^li.. eaitarsd into th** discussion c^f th^^Imr'ortation of adalterated whiskey^from Canada to show that the country^was helng flooded with spurious^Ihiuors. KdwardU Snyder of New York, r-p-^raasajtlag th. National VVlmlesal^ l.i i-^uor Lealers' association, arged llrst |that the same ^outrage^ should !^^ al^^lowed on domestic as is allowed on Im^^ported lii|U^rs sei ond, such an adjust-^tii. nt of diith-s on foreign liepjors as^w ill yield the lar^.. si PSt enu^. hut not [give lm|Kirt^ rs undue advantaifs:^third, no increase of th^ duties on for^^eign wines and. fourth, a penal statute .to puniuh the counterfeiter, of foreign^wises sad hqwor l-raBds. This finished^the day's hearings. Oransotirc.wer* to He Hearil. !1/is Angeles. Cal.. IJec. ^ ^ Th^ cxe-^leutlve committee ap|^^inted hy th^^Southern California orange growers on^Saturday last, met to-day to make ar^^rangements f'^r sending a delegation to^Washington to nppear l*^fore th^ na^^tional tariff committee. H was decided^raise ^10.W^ for the expenses of the one-thirdof a cent iM^r box of^angea shipped during 1X97 and I^per acre for all citrus orchards. Tut V-astL lUIAINtD. tunt. un. I'rotrM i iuki ihr trlleu of^lite I oliouldali tnth.irllie.. Washington,Inc. js. The action of the^fMBMBBHI authentns In detaining the^Anierii an rehoun. r tt hlrford nearly^thrrc week, last aarhaj at Colon, may hi^the tiasis for a cofrei 'n.h of many of the^IH tty ultlclal annoy on e^ ami Ihegal ob^^stacles that tN-en thrown tn the say^of Ainetlcaii fhippluK meriliaui. that^haxe baah dolnc aaslai ss on the Upamsli^main At l.'ast assurance whs given to^^day to p^ rsoti:- lutcn.tid in the Whllford^that the state il* partita nt would move eli- rcKtieaiiy to that dksctbat, ksaaaM Hehsaa of New York, nn ri-hant gad own^^er of the with hi* .ttorner, Al^^fred S S IIk.Intr, lulled at the deport - cunt Iay and laid the puts in the V.Intfoicl case 111 ion an oltl iul. The y tol l hoW the S.'llOOIle-r WilS ^e :e ct HI 1*1.1 tie *'.l- haaaaaasf Baaahdah *^f oofrfkaj araw uncinninuttiliIon. how. upon pcacvli BSlBg^1 ma le, . attaint toicce.s. for lie se OoBKBV^MM oHielals ansert the maalltst ot the^vessel ftus wring, and how t^he | i art a I^i her to **olou and detained la r for^I 1^ days iiKelast gas prole at of the omicis.^i I'lilted Stat* h i'onrul Peareey. wtio Is in^i W.shiuj;tun on Pair, c arreehorabcl these^statenietils. In addition Mr He la pp said^I slneie the 'I, parture of He U'hitford from **oionthe aathsrttlM kars inBBjad up a 'chargeagainst i*apuim Headlfcka unci jtluel him ill'llcteel BBd. r an ollSolrle regu^^lation lor fiillhu: to SBB9 at Colon on his^way to l'orto i'ahello Ho nrseiteel lint Aiiieitcaiitradh hai boss BBSteaMMIesJei*] harassedIn this f.isiilou aiel ellscriini-^natc-el asjaJaBf, as It was nutlc eulelo thai^mine of the : -le-h and Herniuti stclps^weie molest, cl Mr. Hehrpp theretute^etahaxed IB. protection of the BkMS ele-^purtfnent fur Intnselt an^] for other l'nii^'cl^Slate's mercdiants enKiiKcel Pi mule In the^south. Ho far no clnlnt feer inelentnltv in^th^' care of lie Whit font has 1m en Mgod,^BBt the state elepartment Is |MB| UtS^mutter earnest attention , Ir si ANUS. eCaadetreilec'eiil, the He ails em the tcllf/u-^BhW lleicetl ion. Washington.*^'*'.^. -Sei retary Olnoy^had a long c einfen nee. lev a|ipeeltn -^mint, with Sir Julian I'aimiefote. the^liriltsh amteassaelor, relatlva to the^status of th^ Venezuelan tie tv Mr.^I'ln.ys i.ill folic,wad the arrival of^Iflalster tttdraed. af Veaeaasla and^James .1. Htorrow, counsel in th^ Yene-^xtteh* ease. v\hce rem heel WashltiKieeii^lasl .Vetllag. Th results of the' nm-^fere'tice we re guarded v. ith the usual^s cie e y which : revalls at meetings be. I^twHin the see re iarv and the ainhassa- |^dor, hut there is Kc'cecl reasccn to kBwBTS thatit was i)vusiuti for aoitig over ! severalurn phases of the VeBMUelaa l|Ue'Sllectl. Theafwakah arc relic em ami will say^only in generul terms thai the pros,^pi-et cef an acccptuni'e of the settle^^ment le\ \'e in /.uela is ijood. It is un-^derstccoel. heewever, thnt there are im^^portant litnitatleetis to the acceptance j^which appear tee make the ense less j^hope-fiil of a sal ;sfiiciorv 1 oncltision j^than kaj lee. n expected. The re ap- ( Ipearstee he a BSBBftaOB. OS lo the natllle^of Venexue In s nee e piance.^I'reside-nt frc spo unci the government^I authorities have expressed satisfaction^wllh the' general re sults of the settle ^^ment so far as the y ISe ore arl'llration.^jet Kiev have not yet expressed offl' lal ap|I'eevill of all the detail', of the BBt-^tlellletU. YetleZllelail aillheil'ltie'N pic*. ferto see the treaty Itself. Insti l 1 of^an icgteenient feer a treat* and the^pre se nt Indic ations ate that V. in/.nolo^will gt*re nee eptati'cunt il the entire^phraseology of the treaty Is ceim-^pl.ted. This may lake BaajaMsrahh^time. LOSTHIS LEFT BYE CO. M'COHHELL UTS HeA^umrs a Duty That He Says^Dtvolves Upon Him NA.MLSCOUNTY ATTORNEYS HMHff iht* |ntivln^-o ^^f ih.^^^ - .^ -Ii-h a ik-howl fur the t**i^th** Knitltnh UniruuK^ anil Ti- 1 pl^V- nhirnr ti SHEPARALYZED 'EM cIII.' It Is Among HI. Last Official^Moves and Legal Complicatlona^Are Likely to Arcso -No I'e.'nCesettrai t oereiaiMaaal^Balaa, Dm. ha.divided^1 BarBB iei the'^teeine* .hip. ,ll to II.. lie totak^^mat !^ r^At I lie Hia u.l it I vernor.Mei'onnell^the hull Bf Ihe^of the district at- reeellt eleetlcen n eaaaaJtatloaaJamaadBMsii *^as adVn^i^d Ir Vl.lll for 11 precse e uting uttngMS} BdsMSBin nil ef the prim ipal^the country. According tee th' weerd^ing ecf one clause in the general n\-^structions, the reason per this la that^t'hliin. In order to haea he rself ..n^te rms of icquallty anel In touch with thegre all powolS ^f Ulirope. must eelll- ggaaihe masses unci aasweajgasji inven^^tive genius a'l foreign learning. rHUHsiON UN l.UBA. HegaS. He BJsSaafl ^t-llcl tV er. 1.1. Thill^I he rr tic VI ^C .e- 1 till ... i'iaha. I^ee :v Senator ThuiTlon^talkeel on war to-night leefote a large^crowd no nil', is - ihe i h.mlMU'iua einie. He rrsated i iwawiliialili eathu- siasni.The gBMMar iBBMBBjad I'utu*^ficem Ho- siuiulp.'iiil of one who had^fully made up Ins imn l what Hie situ^^ation lalleel for. In tic baajlBSgggJ he^aajaaaBjaafe) his intention to roll for the^ignition of Ind'-pemlene itamb'iuMjW.iIjw Makei^Ac usat.on in Curt. Perbach county Instead ot district at-seBd laWBTda the la.i.r part cef his leerijays The dlsirlii aitorne^s, live In , |, |,|. wurds BBT. the kaaajaaalaa nuo|ler. In the- Hlate. were sistil-,h:1, h^ H,,iild I..' ai little- Lsappoinlid rersjehvtecl every fcci.r ye-ars and th.ese||11|t ^, !^,^ |g(|sd tee I.ring on a nar. Incgflce at th^ Utile cef the ii lie' | ^! loll of | ||a declare'd thnt he dM C^l want war. th iiini iidnient had two ^eins nuere to| Ul |( t|^.ri. Hworse ihltigs.^serve. The question was ^*^aa to whether the adopt adoptionof atsllleere I thenraise ion eef 111 in^ admenl had ahollahe^dlsirh t allotney. and If^i ounty attortie y ts a c^ottlcer. In View of I In dthe ..IIIi in.whether th^^uinty or slate^lint that ati- wah IU I H. l)LA f H.' %Two.I tsfcegM in ilcio* e-^l BBeBcdfaa * allieehe II.coe.a.1 the^I lull e II. WILLIAM WEBSTER l.OOKINf.^ON THE STI.tET FOR IT. Hetl:i^Sii BMBBh Thill He I^ 1.1 le*t liixin thettptie *i. - ajsaafgeaj rraai II.socket. otherconstitutional aincn.Inn til. whic h^was adopied at the same iim.. In enu^^merating loui.iy eetlle i'S, niaele no men^^tion of pros, e in lasj attaf b.|. Hoveriior^I llcCotiin II, after lirsl coining to Ihe^conclusion that the- dlsirie I attorm v^BfRae was aboHsbed, Berktod that the ni'W offices Were State lltlll Hot county. jand be lusissrttd lo day tec nam. the^nu n tec Mil the plac e's for a I. tin eef too^vein.. He named praastSines for lie^out eef ^| of ihe counties BBjd ^ .H ap^pcelnt othcis at uiiii'. This will muse^ejult*' a row. Th- district attorney*, it is said. *wll^refu- e to give up their oltle e s and ecther^legal ecmplli Htlons will arise. Politi^^cs] dislurliaii. es will also follow as tin^deiiio-|.e.puhst fiisionlsls see In lbs gov^eriieei s iiciion on the ^ ve ecf his retiring^from ccthce a little political sialic gy^that they do not at all rehSh. The-nu n appeeint. cl Ul day are as^folio, s ilannecc k, c. A Wain, i Po- cateHo; caissiai. i. s. Howells, Albiaa;^11.. i, it s. sp. acer, ktonlpeller;^Bingham, II K. l.lng'-r. Idewho Palbi;^tine la. I^. C. Me Doiigall. Mnlad. Lin^^coln. V. Btorkower, Msoskone Blaine,^I'. M. Hrui.ei . Halle y. Caster N. J.^Shan p. ChaUts; l.c mhl. K. J. Clowaii. bJbmwCM/; Bhrirr. W, Howie. .Mountain Home Ada. S. I.. Tipton. Boise;('1111*011. j. T MorrlaoM, CaM- \II Washington John \V Ayers,^\\ |arr N^ Heix-e, J unes K. Babb,^U brtoa Kooteaal, ^'. I- HeUasia,^Kathdrum; J, B We -1. .Moscow^I'll. * of notilli at Km in sack In^1ltnr.11 in this form ^Botes, Idaho^lice .'v. Ivtsi lieair I have this day^.t| j, ... 11 ^ 1 you as attorney Tier your^^ccffnu. Tins appolaimenl Is mud^ to^till the 'in amy l.y lbs adoption of lbs .......,.p,,,.i ,,f nn- r east B at tea pcartd' ingfor such an aflksr. and in LSBfurai it* with Hie ptPOtrteloa eef th^ aillell'l mentwhich BTwrMsd lor lie gdjgg ^ ^f county SU|s-l'lllteni|e iii eef pul'llc seIn ois. and sialics that ti e other of^^fices shall is- rs sstgbltehsd lu ad at- lice, these olllcets Hie ollicc of I olllll V attorney**as inet named. cons^'epte nil theectli. e not le lllg II COtMl* BBMBl |M eonniiissloneiscannot till it ley appoint^^ment tllld the eltlly lie VolveS iipoll Inc. Hopingthat my action may !^^^ agree-^aide to ^ecu ami satisfactory to tin- peec^pie .if your eeonily. I am. Wllh the' eom-^pli'cn UtS eef th^ se ISecli. * e-| y le spe l l- fully. 'W . J. Me i'onnell, c.overnor.^^The state prteag bakrd bsM a sp..iai sessionto-day to 1 OBjaMof tin- l-lels sent^in i.y i'ccnie-y \- McrTaaxw. Hie Montana ceellti ac tors, feel* tile lltltjlitclllllll c of the* p.nltentiary. The y offered to take tin^contract. Ineluiling paynieni of all sal^^aries anel BBJSBBgag Kb lute d in running^tin lawtHatlM, at tie- lao of \1% ce nts^per man pe r day feer Hie lirsl lisi prison-^agg ami t.'e ce-nts for all in saeagg of^that nunil'ir. It was rejected and the^matter cef letting a laps**d so^far as this adnmi 1st ration Is concerned Montreal.2V Ui I'.iHiai of this city^cones out to-night vlth a Iws-eohMna^I deliasci of Ihe CiAiholle church. In^, whlc h It calls upon ill I'atholu 1 ,in reveeit. 11 calls the sacorwaiaalra- Honthe l.e ginning .ef a war to the^d. nth. and adfsn Itself and all its llu.iti- ciaiami laleltertual usuarcag to aid in^', th^ war. InBeBVsf ,,| Ifgj. sitoia IV. jOskalcHcsa. Ind . l^e e BJ In the Jef-^I fc rson county neiiit he PS this BflBfasaaj^! Judge Mye rs handed down (. d- . islon^I in Ihe fameeus Simla Ke railroad re-^1 iclversliip ease ill fnvecr of the rallied.I c..tli|ean. He declares thai the all -n I^I land law. under which h^ hud appoint- ,^ed a receiver leer Ihe- pro|h-rty, dia-s not^ai'plv to railroads. Tin decision la a .t ccmplcte \ |e teel ^ fc.C t h^- Sainta Ke ceeni- I Ipany. The other i|Uesli^ins ^f law^j ralse-d ley the attorneys on hoth snles |^' vara mei passisl ii|ion. Jmi Myers botdlagihat tins point alone was suf-^! lie lent lo end tin- litigation The- attor- 11.* s t.o Hie plaintiff, will lake- Sl-'pS atonce to carry Hie case- to Hie su- BfStMcourt ecu an B-BawaX ON TNI I HACK. \isan t raasteBBi H.iiKr.ineise-o, lk-e. ^v H*-*^-u fiuloti.e. -HchccI Tunis ween, Noilehalence seeoll'l. Misslinker third; Inn-. I In'-.. ^ mil*' I'eu't lealiee ftotl. Hi AlgllUll sBd, It.^i inu la third: time. I 17',. Hit fnrlons.i^aXamma li won, I'a.p-ir iw-coiid. Lucky^|eog thirci. lime. I;17\. Hue mil*, unci a^sakteel'th Schlll-r ween, Moultri second.^BgtBf 11 third; BJBM* I M| Mile and a flltleeto; Hill* lie Won. Moll.- I'on-ee sec- oml.I^oe.lale Ihlrd; Ijni*'. 2:^C. ITWAS A DRAMATIC SCLNfc HerVoles blinking With Kmotion,^bho Uotrfand. of the 1 nbunal^to Acquit the Prisoners and^bring in tho Aasaislns. P'.i h* A.-oe l.ct. I Pr. ss. Bswa, Is-. ^ -Mm.- HtamlMeiilotT.^\*i.|c.** of the murdered ex-premier ^f^llulgarla. uhccH, alle-i,.-cl .1:^on trial here, made a short hut In.pas-^si 10 .1 BMSrfe )^slele|a^ lefor. Ihe Imixed 1111.ut ail which I. hearing ihe Ii'Sse. Mine. astalllllMellloff. when the jtrial was begSB, dee llmsl to ailend, hut^In resisiiis- to re |s-at- d reciueata .he^alien.I. .I, sitting in . ^itrl yesterday^heavily *eilcd Wl.*n h i nam*- was j^ Sliced, a deep .lie nee fell upaa lbs as-^aelnblage. The widow ro.e with great^dignity and, m c aking in a *eir shak^Hbj arilk 1 a cetion, said: ^You have lu-^slsie d i.poii my pres. 1.. .^ and 1 am here.^1 have nothing 10 .ay ucause 1 do not^sec arraigned before year hnnora' ie^court those who are known to he the^^re al assassins of my late hue lis ltd. You^kiio** Ihctn. Mr 1'resicpnl, and you,^1^^. Mr. rrcH iiralor OsMfW Is It not^s..' V.eii kino* thcin. as all the world jd... - Wheto are ih**.' I do not BM ;ih- ;n h--re.'' IThen, with a gesture- full of fire and^1 Indignation, she exc laim.el. p.. ' Ins lo^I the sttscsd murelen-rs of her hu.hand^^Ae^|Ull theae iniseralele p-*einl^- Huni-^BSM Is-tore (Ton ihe really guilty in* n^who are at pie cent under the- protection^ot this go*, 1 mm in. I tunic 11. thing hi^acid, ami I will no*v withdraw. Thisaccusation from tin- widow ef^Ih.- gr. at Itulgiirian statesman, known^Bi Hit llismaiek of Itiiagnria. made a dee p illlpl* Ssie ll U|Slt| the HUellcn. ^ . *.huhwhs osagBaasaj of asopte belong^Ing to higloT ranks of gsi 1. ty jh 1 11' '^ 10.1 .cn.i 1rator 0 BM el tpulehiprosecutor or e 1.uns-'l for pros*-,^eiitioni weie so miner*ed Py ihe ^an-^man who thus forclhly den. .1. . d th.^method, smployed 111 the trial of the^alleged 111 anI. lets of her nnshand. Ihat^ih. * we ic ,11. il l.- to put a single que*-^Hon Ice her and she left Hi*- eceuri room,^a plctif grief, demanding ven- laetti.'in las irlbaaal of whlck shu^knew so w..|| that little at nothing WouldI..' ^ x|.e. ted TheBSMpgBt eif Mnn- bj^a matter of *. total c ..mine ni in court^iiewspnp.i e to-elay. But the keynote,.-^their re nun ks. taken linn th.' leading^01 gall ecf Hi*' ministry eif Prince K*-rdl-^tlaml. Is that the wife- and ll lends of Msi.iini'oui.eff ought to kars latent^io. asarss t^ ihs pral.tlisa ^ 1 ifes man whoIh^ government newspapers say^iih-r in. ml under mental derang-^menls. or was so iienvlne e-d of his own mlsde' ks BaagjM ei atk m lha SIreels, tl\* *t^ III lean.. NewOrleans, !^^^*^ It -*i^iie^ mile^f.t. Kilehe II fton. Judge' Hte'lutuiall see on I Lain 1 Catta Ihlrel lime. 1 M. Mil* and a^^Isteenth A'int.' won. Flyr'a second, F'.r- iiicr Is-lgh Ihlrel time t ^l\ Six rurloiiK. H'nit'h e o.-k won. Se nator Morrill sec^^ond, I'uttipaahi thlld; tin.*-. I IP,. Mile^and an eighth Sandoval won, N. wlious,.^second, Coii.tmit tlitre!. lime. I .'-ei1,. Hlx^furlong. Saul, riue won. Him W iwconcl,^I: e; lUn third. Iim, I II'.. S. * ^ n fur- leengs Mimie remAr 0,thirl her won. Hir J-.'in s*. ond,^time-, I A b OLX CI Ihe YDKEAM.^nio i.. o 'I.e. II. Philadelphia.I'cc ^ -A w.||-dr. ^ I^-.^'ai a: nean. giving his nnr-T- as Will-^i^i f^ Wehstrr. wag tak-ti to the Hahnemanrhospital eariy this Btorti*^ii ..^ b* Polleesmaa Rib y ** Ith his left^y ban ham-ing fnon lis soc ket. Illl- y^Informed the physicians a' the hospi^^tal thai h'- found the young man waiti- d*Mingaiml 'ssly about in the neighbor- hI of Broad ami llan o strrota. The- ifllcersneel that he was surprised tee se,-^him w ith his cyelenll hanging ujcon his i^. heek at'd hi- told him that ho would .^tsk. hlBl to ih^ hospital to have it at- |^tended to. Tin- young man. In reply^sii.l that In- had BBM hunting for It. hutw as ttejtSed by ch ink and shoe k leerei'ie Its loc ality. He-was terribly rxkaastrd when he^reached th- hospHal. The doctors ^x^ainimcl the *ye- and fceuiul the hall^sliaitt*-n d. Wehster w as reticent ns to^how he came- hy his Inluties and. cm^being ipiestloneil, saiel that In hud had^a little heeut xvith a frhnd ami that the-^latter had slugged hltn In the- e ye. An^ope ration was perform, d and tin rup^^tured eye-hall was removed Tin- doe -^tors disleelie ve Wchatcr'* story nhout^le* leg hit In the- face. The y say that BS^ordinary idow could ksSSSS th- hall freemthe- ggglBji He Will peso the sight ofthe ey- entirely and partially of the^other through sympathy. Ittlllreiaillee sail MM SiouxCity. Iowa, Dec Donald M.I., nn. projector of th.- Pari lie simi t^Llns, who h was bnlli from this city t' iiNelll. Neli., hut which was planned top.- p. Ogdsa, Utah, has rstara. dto siioux City, saying In has al.scc- ii.iei*^acarad all Iks caaltaJ aaosaaary fortin- completion of a railway line^from Sioux City lee (tan l-'tani isc.. McLeansays; I have comphted^ee ry arrangement for the Invc-stmsnl ofjfjMMJf BasjUah c aplial for lbs isnsf uctlon of a railroad line from^Steeux City. hewn, to San ftaai tef 0 Mv^litianc agent Is the t'outin-'tital^Trust compan y of N.-w York. 1 urn^here to make arrangements for a stir-^\ v ef the reeuto from UN-ill lo the^; W est, I have already had SSegutlatloSta^with repr^-seiitiitl\e- parties freint I'lah^ami other states in Ih^ Woa-t and the^preliminaries are practically setthsd^Noil^ of those- formerly asso^dated with^me ar^- BMsd now In this new deal The^Manhattan Trust company is |. ft .nil.^W. ml II. Ooodwla and John I Wat-i^, luiry hav- passed |a other lie-Ids ami K.^. o. Krt-nch is dead. I am fon*inc*'d^I that If my life is spared Sioux City Is^certain to realize the dreams insplt-el^in tin- clays when we llrst conim-nced^togethe r A.NAWPUL RESULT theplaykul ac i OK a chilu OAWtBlits MftTMi sheHid In n liar XI,.w anil llrr I icllie-r^I IlklotwllO'l) I 111,1.1 ii I'llc hfcelk hateiter Bteafta. I'pperrenter. N. Y. Dag :'x - A pe^^culiar in i ih m ^ccuti'd In this pic^^yesterday ami as a result th*- llttl--^dauiditir of Mr and Mrs. K. Wsaeatl^will prohahly da She was playing In^Bar faith* i s learn, anel In the curs- ^f^her frolics hid to tself lu the hay in^the mow. Shortlyafter her fathe r w^ til t.* the^ham to feed his sloe k. Not noth ing^the child as slunk his fork BOWS int..^th^ hay and BM af the tinoc slim k the^Utile girl In tin- head. Tin- sharp point^petietrateel tin- skull and rotated lbs^brain. She gave a scre-ani eef pain ami^lo r father discovered 'he awful riaeult^of her playful act. Aphysician was BBMBBSBSd anel he-^diil everything powlhle t.i revive and^save the- litih- ecne. Inn she has l.e.-n^sinking rapidly * ver since, am.^err-Men no hcepes are ente-rtalne^r. e ..very. IHE OftCLINtD. Unitel.ortl BB llpporlelcOI. tee I'lil* lie.^ l.aawrll ^.o. Ilrln.titled. Ht-i- IMspal. h lo tin stiind inl ShuKratu isc,.. Ihs- Manager, of the^Ks.miner to-day oft. red to .ouray all eef^the sBasaaai ^r the ituit. remit.all t-um^If It would remain In Ihe city until text YwssBbjaad pis.* th.* Bsg toaai ate thesake eif charity, hill Ihe offer Was lie-^Ill I When Ihe mailer was transmitted^l.y r McMillan to the team a ma- 'leelit) ecf ll,,e l.ctys oteject**! tci re m.lining jIi. ic Iduic,r than gaturclay, the ir hiisln...^, at llutte- requiring their attention. If th- v^i could get action on lteliaiue some da*^! tin. w*'k He ^ ftould .ii. a*ail the-tn- le. 1\.S of Ihe Op|S^riUlill '. to .tleiie.- th. IlaklMlldi-r., hut the l.lttr ale not willing^lo pl.iy tins side of J.uniHry Ne XI E i ! i .^the llultcn ftlll go Hgalnsl a pi. ke.t learn^which ftlll l^. known as Hie Hlyni|ei,s^Laeewcll has not yd hceti*'d In^the llutte tram. thisaft -^^ I f-.r her Iillcll H aler Hied Ct Kieil. INA B'.Q.^It Washingtondelta-gallon on a hasl. of , leaving no trace. Ten I'rrsonx teimplrtelT BBMt-pp.^t.xlrioircllnar* ABair. Pul'lln.Pec. !^.^A family of 10 per-^aona anel a numher of c ollie have been^engulfed by the sul sliling of a hBfl of^loo aires nx-ar Castle Island, County^Kerry. Th*-su' sldence of a bag near Castl^^island. County K-rry, seema to have^lieen an extraordinary affair. There-^were terrible storms throughout the^nietht ami about ;: ^'c IcK-k In the morn-^Ins the people of the district were^alarmed by an unusual rumbling.whic h^they f.-ureel was BBBBWi by an eart'i-^quake. The Isig. whh h was believed to^be 21 feet deep, anel which had long^supplied the whole nelghlsirho. cl w ith^p-at. was rnoveel for several mib-s^along ihe old water roume. filling a^quarr- :^' f- t deep on the way. Hurst-^ing the rtve-s of the country with peat^wat.r and doing a good deal eif dam.^age. At th- I'onn-'ly homestead 1^^persons have completely disappeared. S.h.-n ousrieet i^Uc|Ueeluc t theKrle canal. x*h- tc^^iiii'l .*.sl on lha - ana^Is-dy of alseut IM no^who are unetnplejycsl I*. N. Y . I ^-. . :^ -A s* rl^ce ui re el this aft*-rneeon at an^four mil*', from this i Ity SO . MItalians ar.^Ihiprove-me-ut a^i from this city^mate h*-d -l-.n ti TheIta.lx l uxe Ice 11,1.1,en. ..n.r^-o. ,^.-Aii apis al has BBBB Host takenfrom th d--^ ree of the probate^c.eurt of Suffolk c.unity, whh h recently^I aathjoriasd Aeliulnistrateers Morse ami^' Wells of the .state of Andie w J Da-^vis, the niultl-mlllleenaire of Hull-.^Monl , to sell lo.esmi shares of the Butte^A Boston mining Mot k to W. A. Payne^.if New York feer llxn.unu and whic h also |^attthotiiecl thec administrators to tax, I^posit with the re-organliation commit-^hM or with'the Old Colony Trust cem-^I any certain first mortgage- Is.nds of^the Butte A Boston i.eiupany. amount^^ing tee lirsi.^^^. Th- api-llanls are^Kllxaleeth Ibiwdoln and Harm t W.-- -I^^' Springfield. K.rwin Davis e,f New^York ami Calvin T. Bavls of Califor^^nia. This bring* the case to the su^^preme ceeurt of the c emil l e||w ,-alth. thine-**-In Heceinil- tmeri, anlfed. Washington.l*-c. S* - According^n*-*vs ree - ix es| Iwiih guns, clubs, pie kax-s. etc, tang.^' tug a red tlag. ami rom|ndled the tm-n^to slop working. The- sln-rlff ami a larg-forf lleplltleS C|Ue|l.e| the t|,,t aidarresteel the rlngh-aelers. Tin- .itv^is full cef angry Italian, anel trouble is^I expected. Small pay ami excessive^price-, for fissl are the cause of the^troubles. to rsnrtvedh- re f*-ectn uiioffl- lal^se uree-s l.i Hung fhang's visit l-e Kng-^land and the Cnlte-d State already has^oorne fruit In a iw Hion of the CMaaas^^overnme-nt BHrawaMy to Anglluxe the^fhlnese BBaajBIc a' base a. far as th-dr^I language- Is concerned The 1'e kin^! g.ivetnni^nt reiently issu*s| lnstruc- Ireluicls,,r,-l* teSOStaSsd. Dublin.DBS. 2* - Th-re was a large-^meeting at the Mar'b-n house this aft^^ernoon, ih*- 1 rd r iai^^^r pt* d i ^ !^^ptoti-st against WHIIBUlklB In II^ai* dli losed by lb. |e.*al . tin issio.i . t^financial relations Set wees Knglaml^ami Ireland. Th*- rei ,.rt .hovel ihit^Ire land I. now mi Haisd In the amount ofjJi.Treii.eee.i i|l :.T'1.ruually The m*-ting was attaaslsd by the cajthesllc^and Protestant an hi.lsh'r*. J^hn Dil^^lon. T. M ll-alv I - t r. t.i -,f th-^chaml^ r of eomn ^ - anel leading mer^^chant, of this i ity. TMBOfcOPHCAL - . i l i *. i.. TheI Ir.t line In Ihe New Her lei to H.^t.i. e led 111 I Mllfe*rnl.l. Sill Kiail. lSe ee. De.' .'* ^.V . olle'gH for th--revival of lost my.terle. of antiquity,^.... ti as has not Is-en in existence for :^year., I. to Ih- built In California This State h.lS be e ii choscll bee ailite th-'OSO- phlale.Hud In f.c t all occultists g*-ner-^ally, l-h. ee ii || the ^ radle of a SBBJBJSJ^race. Thee tunel. for Ih*- erection of an oc^^cult temple have already Im.ii suhscrits-,1.^Km h an Institution was the , hert.h.-d^soli of Ma.lHine Hlaxatieky anel It will lee^Ihe only Institution of the kind In the nio-l'111 Solid. The college ftlll h*^ opcli-d^tee .ill Without BkggejBk N'e Xt Mil' 11 B ' ' I bu.lmgtheovophlt.t. who are touring the^woil I ftill arrnce he-re and ..l . the .tte furthe college and dedli-at- IL hhabSlei.ell*..' III.IllUle. haWDaajaxadi io the giandar.i. I'esai.llo. Idaho. Dee al -The bliho Si.etcT'-ache-rs' ass... 1met In thi. .-Itythl. tneerning ut he u clock Professor^K.irteen deliver.el hi. annual ..hires^,^whi' h .as ref, rte el tu the committee on^i, sisluttcen. At the aft* moon Stat.^Sup* rliiiendeni-|ex-t Al.|et^en rea.l a pe^^ts r .el 'UK the lines or needed legislation,^and on-- was I -sad hy Professor Koontx^of th*- Alt.ion normal on ' Individuality lu^lie- Se ll.sei Kcsim.^ Ureal Interest i. ts-^Ins' manifested gild aleo'it ^a tea* her. are^now h. !*^ Hiiel t_- more will arrive to-night.^'I tie e c, inly sut--rinlen-le-nl. ^ef the .tale^loll i -. --h.ii lu SuiM-rtntc ml-nt Arnt-y's^..... -^ i.'.is ceiling, consulting nis^n nee*i-^eel le gislation at the coming Session eef IhH^Idaho i. .l^l itiir-. Tin-l^e^,.r Hank Wrerkrr.. 11-i ^ r. tha-c ^ -Judge Ballet to-dajr^o*erriiled two motion, made t-v attorney,^fori* i; MI'l-r. I^ II I e.ew and Sidney K. cCtarksa,aaBstelsd CkMBMrsM ^a.^ii ^.cI . v fta.'k-r.. Th^ momma wer. rr.deei. r. ley a. a matter of form. a.^I-, liae I' II t ' 1 it. *tci^ y given sot', e^^ hat unb-.. some ylsrtng errors kg thB^'rial w.--- ells. ,**red he would orsmrte all mo' 'Its made on; of the de- I sta Bei'nten^,e, h^^^ -i. xx-.x not^is ..ed. as Judge HahVtt h is alloxsed the^attorney, ur.ttl Jan. ^ ta pre-oare the^-.^*s for prrxentatton to th* soprMBB^sourt of the t'ntlcd Sta-c UiHsr was^takm to Jail this afteriao -i ha.UNJ falk^d^To Und bondsmen tai'Si.cssi In.. Washingten. DtC Th- larg-- fur^^niture house of Julius latnsl urg *.n^N ^**^ York ave nu^ was^lire- thl. ev* ning The I. I.eruiiiuyI. Xr.ciral. Chicago.Dae, :^^ -Th. r^ pre.enta- I..-,of. th-- a.-.-*t- 1 c ^ -s sr^- in* 'crtiieel ihat Sot only has el rmany not^ttia'l- !^ pi - a.'..!,- :^^ W asblngtotl^regar^ling Cuou. as .label In a dU.^,. . i .v-sl I . pati h i^ th*- T'l'tea fro aa Paris Satar.^i -en building. ' duy last, but leerinanv has not st.h-ksan^l alj.c tet stru. 'iit-s lam-^aged will amount to sbuul |l*^e),.ssj approaches]ou this su^^ihe-r |s,wer in any way any w.-.ate ver.