OCR Interpretation

The Anaconda standard. [volume] (Anaconda, Mont.) 1889-1970, December 30, 1896, Image 7

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036012/1896-12-30/ed-1/seq-7/

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ButteNews. ^ SML LAID
ArcStandard Quality,^Reliable, Nicety of Cut,^Honorably Made,^Right in Price, and
Suits- - - $5.00 to $30.00^Overcoats - $5.00 to $30.00
Everygarment must bo to^your entire satisfaction, or^money back.
GovernorRickariis Pnsides tod De^^livers and Address.
The Impressive Ceremony Con^^ducted Under Bright kles-Mr.^Sargeant Makes a Few Ap^^propriate Remarks.
211and 213 North Main ItfMt
AfterChristmas the only shadow on our^holiday enjoyment In that of empty pock-^c tbonk*. We have the only r.m.'iy In^l'.utte for pock. tl^ook cramp: ev. ry fti-^teenth pale the Ml rliicn ami ^ou g.t^your money tack. Come la anil get re^^lief.
NoPay When the Bell Rings
43E. Park Street
Brighterskies never smiled on Ilutte^thun those which attended yesterday's
(^reniony of laying the corner stone of^th^ School of Mines. The sightly hill^southeast of the city h is . as ly m the^afternoon blackened with interested^spectators, muny of whom walked^while some drove over In carriages. It^was warm and sunny and Um trust,km^could lot have selected a more perfect^lay for the lercinony had they llxed^the ceremony for June.
Kromthe hill whege the foundations^of the School of Mines have liven laid^every pan of Uutte can he se.-n. The^site Is a slight eminence rising to the^south of the I,Ik Lull.-, and when the^foundation was developed Into the^stately building designed by the archi^^tect, the School of Mines will lie the^most conspicuous object In the vicinity^^f Ilutte, and will be prominent for^miles around.
IImi.bedsof Butte's best citizens^gathered yesterday to witness the sim^^ple ceremony of thiinr stone lay.
mg.The trustees bail announced that^the ceiemony would be under the^auspices of the public,^ nnd it being a^MaM institution it was litljfig that the^o.i'.tiinny should be superintend.. 1 by^the state's governor. Mr. Kicknrds.^who ib In n I a very tloaMMt address^in his last public appcai ance us gov^^ernor of the stab .
Thehundreds of people who dotted^'he hill were greatly p|. isod with the^progress already tnao ^ and many^winds of con:;i-;itulati^ii were heard^that the building, which has been^wished for so many years, is at lust^well under way. Then is a substan^^tial appearame al^^Ut Ike foundation^promising that the building will be lm-^posing ami substantial, and that the
bomtract ore, Messi.-. Rtddell ^ Roach.
aregiving the people of the slate a^building which will be u credit to the^builders and a source of pride to the^state. Kor the winter the foundations^have been carefully boarded over so^thai they may be well protected from^any stress of weather. Dozens of Hags^graced the walls as the people gather^^ed yesterday afternoon.
K.K. Sargeant, president of the board^of trusties. thanked the audience for^the Interest displayed by their pres^^ence, and congratulated them on the^fact that at last tli'dr wishes had de.^veloped Into something of a. substan^^tial nature. Mr. Sargeant recited the^history of the efforts to obtain a school^.if mines for Ilutte. There had been as^^signed Icn.iKliI acres of public land to be^^elected by the land ooromlMioMl. the
procIs of the sale of which w.re to
payfor the otvi UM of the si hool. No^Otbtf mant was made by the school.^During the first and second sessions or
thetute legislature all attempts to
establisha BChoel bad failed. 1 tut the^thii ^ I session la MM provided for the^establishment of the school ut Unit,^and appointed live trustees for the
schoolMeson. Moooa Kirkpatrtck, R.
IIWHaoa, C, W, 0lale, J. H. L v-
sonand V. B. Sargeant. Mr. Wilson^was absent from the city much of the^time ami resinned his position, greatly^to the regn t or his associates.
Theboard was deprived by death of^Ihe *^ r\ Ices of M. Klrkpatrb k. ti^ w hom^Mr. geigeaal paid a glowing tribute
Besp.de of Jade* Kirk Patrick ns aaa
ofthe legal lights of the state and one^if the best citizens as well, it sell.daily^man, active and earmst In nil edtna.^tlonal work, a nuin of rare nobility of^character. Idolised by his family, loved^hy bis Intimate friends, M teemed nn.I^respected by all who knew him. Mr.
Wilsonv.is so.led by John Qlllle
amiJudge Klrkpatrick by Jades w. w.
Dixon. The board, the speaker
thought,was execediaaiy fort aaats in
Ussslscttoa of n site. That seemed for^a time as far as they roaid go. The^trust. ^-s were let linking in ^.^^!. but^they were confronted witli an empty^treasury. it was provided that the^public lands sit apart for the school^could not be sold for b-ss than M'l per^acre and not any of it bus yet be. n sold^and no demand exist* for it at that^price. Furthermore, no provision had^boon made lo equip the school. In MM,^however, a school of mines commission^was appointed consisting of the trus^^tees, who were empowered In spend^IliMi.OOO for a building and tll.Ht for the^equipment of the school. This ratio^was out of proportion, for those versed^in schools of the sort consider that a^much larger sum should have been set^apart for the school's equipment. I'n-^less the si hool Is endowed by some of^Montana's wealthy citizens the school^must be maintained by a general tax.^Mr. Snrgeant told of the advertising^for bids for the school, the work to lie^paid In warrants for the payment of^which there are no funds now avail^^able, but the warrants ate absolutely^good. Mr. Sargeant paid a compli^^ment to the contractors for their pa^^triotism In undertaking the work with^^out their pay being actually in sight^and for the excellent work done al^^ready toward the BCQOtloa ..f tic build^^ing.
Mr.largsaal then railed do Mm
QllUe,the secretary of the board, to^nail the articles pla.ed In the OsraOT^stone. The list is as follows:
PallyInter Mountain, Christmas ^ .11-^tlon. J*^'.*^: The Holiday Miner. n^:.i;.
The An;nda Standard. Christmas
editionl*^s*^; lttltte Advocate, Dai 1^.^lv.nl: Sunday Ilystan.br, Ivc '^^. ]^sm^:^Mining Ai Hallway Review, Dec :i.
IVtf, The Ilutte Tillies. Dec. II, |W.;
TheWeekly Tribune. Doc. ;^^. |v.^i;
W.st.niMining World, I :'^. lv.cl
WesternMining World, souvenir edi^^tion, ps; Knglneerlng ^ Mining Jour^^nal. Dm iy. ps: Mining ^ Btlsatlle
Press.Pec. Pi. 1V^! lleb na In.hpend^^ent. Pec. :S. MM; Helena Herat.I. Pee.^2*. MM; enabling; act of IN*; copy of^S. Imol of Miit'-s bill. Introduced by^Hon. P. It. p. Irian, legislature of IVin;^essay of Kopool ..f Mines bill inir sluced^by Hon William MeDorssoU, lagiela^Hire of IMS; MOT of School of Mines^bill Introdui ed by Hon. Howard Pa*-^chul. legislature of LfJS; report for MM^1.. slat. P...ml . f . 111. an..ii Ly lb n 1^.^B, Sarceant. cha'rman board ..f trus-^t State School of Mines: third an.^nual report state Istard of education,^p.. 1. P'.O; Ilutte directory for Pl^b.^Itutte Public Library MAaJatMej Civics^of M..ntan^. by John F. Davie* an.)^John K. Pavles; Montana Kducator.^April. tsS^: proceedings of Montana^State Teachers association, Peccmlier,^par.; topographical mrp of Butte,^t'nlted States Ideological survey. Am^^erican Institute of Mining Engineers,^onVers, members, rules, etc., August,^MM.
Specimensfrom Montana mines as
follows:Anaconda. Mountain Consol^^idated. Cray Rock, Colusa Parrot.^Moonlight, Uagnon. Elkhorn, Granite
Mountain,Drum I.ummon, tlreen^Mountain, Mountain View. Parrot.^Kamsdell Parrot, itarua. Alice. May-^dower. Madis..n ^ ounty, Bimetallic,^copper souvenir. Anaconda mine; i..p-^pcr souvenir. Parrot mm.', donated by^Hight a Kairrteld
DepositedPec. 7i, A. D. liM, at MM)^P m.r. B. Sargeant.
W.W. Plxon.^C. W C.iMKlale,^J. H. I-eyson,^John Ulllle.^Trustees and Commissioners
Thesearticles were place.) In a cop^^per box and placed in a bole beneath^the corner MM!
QOTSTaOTRickards was then called on^to lay the stone and Mr. Sargeant. in^tH'half of the l...ar.I presented him with^a Mhror trOWSl made of Montana ma^^terial, and by Montana skilled work^^men. With a few words expressing his^satisfai tion at lielng present on such *^an .s-ecaslon, the governor pniceed.-d^to direct the laying of the stone. The^actual work was iierforme.l by Messrs.^M. J. Holsner and John ilerraru, two^experie.iced masons. The slone Is a^lieaiitlful while sandstone from Dillon,^weighing l.Oun pounds. ^ in Ihe front It^is inscrilied ^Krecicd |S^d,^ and on the^side ^Allltude ;,.T7I feel.
Whenthe w.irk was tinished. Oos^^ernor Rickards de. hired, ihe iorner^stone laid carefully and properly. He
thaiiki.ithe haara for the toko* pre- 1
Sellted which he believed was the only
souvenirhe retained of his term of '^office. He expressed gn at pleasure 111^coning among the people on this occa- I^MM to assist in the laying of the ear-^ner stone of one of our great institu- I^tloiis. He continued^' This day Is one of historic interest
Mthe Slate. All Institution represent- '
aliveof our lending Industry lakes on^the form ..f reality and ne ig. s from 1^an Idea Into a f.n t. To no |. mpb- of^learning will the future .Montana., look^with deeper gralliule llinn to that^which we dedicate to-day. Knoll cdu-^eailonal inslilutlon has Us sphere of^usefulness. Its BjsjfM in which MsM^^lions arc matured into action and hu-
MM life takes oil (lie responsibilities
ofhigher un.l hotter aims. 1 would^disparage none. Together thi y OSMSti*^UTM the forum of ssjMfal conscience, the^gr.al uinphittiealcr of thought frotn^vvliii h must emanate the good, the i^OMejtlful and the true. Hut while 1 pay^to saek the tribute thai is due. and^raise my voice in honor of them all. 1^oann.'t forbear the greater praise for^that vvbi.li as . I.is.-I.v con. ems the in^^dustrial life of our great and glorious^slate. The School of Mite s is Imperial^in its possibilities for H will rrawa with^new life anil energy Ihe future citizen^^ship of the state.
Locatedin the greatest of the great^mineral centers of Ihe world, where^metallurgy finds its natural cradle,^and where the chemistry of the globs^has concentrated Its richest and its^rarest values, (his school tlnds genial^companionship with Nature. Kntn^these walls will echo the logic of a new^revelation to Ihe mining Industry of^MMtana, and those endowed with its^scholarship will become the now heroes^in the warfare waged by man for the^precious metals that lie behind the^buttresses of our eternal hills Tli^^day will come when the expensive er^^rors and costly experiments that now^rob honest effort of Its just reward*
will!..^ displaced k) a technical and^practical Mow ledge of mining In nil^lis phases. The prospector and the mi^^ner are to-.lay sdaoatsd in a SOhoM at^experience so ruirgoil 111 lis discipline,^mid exi.cling in lis methods, that few^diplomas i:re grained anil when they^are held forth as a royal gift from Nn.^lure's t.dm taut hand they represent^iift. n the sacrifice* and the hard^^ships of life's most Mlucd ^en^s. With^^in the purview t'f a S. hool of Mines^falls the duty of chicking effort in^a wrong direction. Hearing our chil^^dren with a scientific knowledge of all^that pertains to the ore belts of our^country, laoy begin the work of seek,^ing for Ihe treasuries of nature where^tka prospector leave* off. What a^world of wasted iff.ill VVOllbl be saved,^what disappointments would Im^ avert^^ed, What ellelxie:! 11 Till hope* |. s- IV . d
forbetter purpose*, did the prospect.^r^in.I the niiii.r start In ii|*.ii their life^aerk with a technical knowledge of^geological COadttioMaad Nature'* sys^^tem in 'lie dlstrib .11. n of or*. Not only^will the School of Mln. s place in Hie
Helda rarpa of well drilled Men, fortl.^He.l against the errors Into which the^out rained prospector must fall, nnd^tints ei on. inlic lime, MMfcMM and la-^bor. MM it will raise the standiinl of^pi.lenient in estimating tin- value* of^eta and the probabilities of Us reduc^^tion when discoveries are made. The^basinCSS side of mining has . eased to^rest Its conclaaMB upon the air castles^if sanguine tempered prospei tors, and^the expert Is as essential as the ore in^Jelei'ininlng the values of n mine.
Ifthe School of Mines converts the^future prospector anil the fulure miner^into experts,^a revolution w ill beeffect-^^il In the Industrial life of Molilalia.^Wasted opportunities will be the ex^^ception rather than the rule, and the^mining Industry will take on more of^certainty and less of loss. More econo^^mical methods In every branch of the^work will prevail, and with larger prof^^its and surer returns, there w ill lie an^awakening prophetic of Montana's^greatness until every mineral field has^vi. l.le.l to intelligent and cureful eg.^ploltatlon. It Is Impossible to foretell^what this will mean to the slate. With^the revival of the mining Industry^must come the opportunity for every^form of commercial activity contin^^gent upon the direct prodin lion of^wealth. Montana would take on low^life and witness a new era of prosper^^ity and happiness. It I* no Idle dr. am^to attribute to such nn institution a* a
Schoolof MllleS the possibilities I have
sofeebly outlined. If a technical edu^^cation Is- ndvantugeuus in oilier walk*^^f life, uddlllg value to the pt.ct .1^^xperiences of the student in the alt. t^field of effort,why should not Hi^ miner^and the MSMMctor. and the great in.^laotry they represent, profit accord^^ingly^ It seems to me that no *ch.^^l^contemplated under the conditions .if^statehood iau conn ibui.* in.^r^ lo Ihe^welfare of Montana than the School of^Mine*. It Is so direct ly ass... late.1 with^the Interests of an industry upon whb h^the futuie glory of the slat.- mbM t^that Its MlMM* Is .me of supremo if*,^portance to all. It will liav. vwtinn it*^keeping elements of sir. lath Imparted^by no other educational institution in^the slate. MT It* mission has to do^with the dir.'! *gMMMM*M of our re-^MtJMM along safe and s^ i.-nthV I'm *.
To-day.Hun. Is an imjiortant date^in Ihe history of the state, a lit e- w lo |^pri le ^ an find an eMdHtl plan In the^heart of every loyal citkW* of this^l great Industrial city of ours. It Is a^I day to l^e pjM*M*ata*^ for It is rich^1 wilh the forecasts of the fat are that^1 mean the greatness of Montana and^I the growth and glory of her eahMSas^I metropolis. Few realize that this s. hool^i Is situated in IJM great tfcgohhMO, h^ an^i of a mineral l^-lt that has already^. produced values greater than the na^^tional debt of the t'nlted States, and^I whose virgin fields Invite the Investor^. to greater triumphs in the years to^come. For more than 30 years muscle^and money have cooperated I* exhaust^these great treasuries of nature, only to^demonstrate their enduring richness.^Decade has followed decade and still
Iheweallh of the age* is yielded up.^and for centuries to cone this inighly^field of opportunity will Invite invest^^ors within lis Isirders. No mineral ls-lt^in the world Is rW her In it* output or^11 its |swsl bill lies than that of which^Butte is the recognized center The^mineral weslth of Montana is beyond^the computation of man^It can 1*^worked for and guessed at but nev.r^realised In Its magnificent entirety. I^'t^us hope that one of the effects of the^Sehool of Minis, when In successful^operation, will bo to educate the people^In the great geological fa. t that Mon^^tana offers better inducements to the^seeker after the precious metals than^do those distant lauds lio.von.l the tea.^No country in the world Is ts-tter equip^^ped by nature for the production of^wealth than Montana. In no land. un.^der the smiling sun. are then- fewer^disappointments for the prospector,^and when the conclusions of science are^added to the rugged experiences of^i nam life who can foretell the re^^sult
Atno distant dav the regal splendors^of our fair state will stand forth like^settings in the crown of majesty, for a^woild of wealth will be registered^among Its prodm ts This school has a^high and noble mission. It will .^on-^tribute to th. welfare of the common-^wealth Its gift of well-directed PMrffcM^and lis store bouses of ambitions to^add lo w force to ih^ Industrial life of^a great slate. These c. rein.niials rep^^resent ihe iktaakaM to a BtartaM fu^^ture, the Initiative of a new era, the^morning twilight of a day resplendent^with brlghier hop.* and better^times.^
Noii... ..f kaskMso*! H*^^Hid* are Invited by 111.' M*tje*j0M*l,
reigaee..f T P Hind of Whitehall, m
IhePMnty of Jefferson. Montana, on
ih.entire Mack of g.^^.^i* aad natures
in.In.led in Hie business formerly car^^te I en bf said T p libel
Forfurther description ,,f above 0100)^oiiy s, e tip- in\ eatery on Mo a Mk ^ let*
andrecorder of Jell, is..n ,..unt^. Mon^^tana.
Forfurther inf u nvit ion apply lo Ihe^undersigned or ai the store In Whin -^hall.. ,,
Th snle must bo for cash nnd all^bids must be submitted before Ft ..l iv^the Slh dny of Jan inv. IMT.
Separatel ids will be received for dm^store and ^xtiii. s.
Theassign. ^^ res. rv. * the right to rc-^itd any and all bids
D.J IIKNNF.SSV. Assignee.
Forrent ^Nice store room. IT.xvn feet,^at '.Mi Fast Park avenue. Anaconda^Inquire of Dr. F I,. St. Jo
UM-I lull I It IH I s^ll
^lI Ii ill fH lif t-' MLB
Prahman'sGreat One Eighth Oil Sale
I th.^ Talk of the Town. IIiin^lr^^ls have already taken ailvant-^aev of prices that ure cut one-quarter and one-third. In addi^^tion Mr vjivc vim tine eiirlttli oil price* that are \^y far tin- lowest in^Mutt.'. To-l)ay\^ Specials lor the (treat One-liiRhth OH Sale:
BlackDress Goods
IIJO BLACK UiKUW. TV.^Choice of Ilia, k Slctlllan*. Lustres,^Storm Serg.s. Diagonals. Cash^^meres. Henriettas. Cr.pons. Iter-^jes, I'.list.r.-.l Novelties, Figured^Jac.|ti.ir.ls- every le w weave and^fabrique know n In the Black ^ !.*.,!*^business Worth II, tl and^11.60. for
MlOwtighth oil 75c
ColoredDress Qoodi
Mpieces .f Preach, Kngbsh and^Herman \..v liv In.ss .lo.sls. in^Silk and W...I Mixtures. Hough^Itoiicles. In |i .1,.gam *s*kJM^Kagikth Covert kultlag, m Ihe aow^Cray and Hliiek. Sllv. r and Hlai k^and i haiigeal.lo inixiures. Friezes,^Cheviot*. Matlalesse, ||.,p Sack^^ing, llroadclolh*. etc, Worth II^and II for
30H, le, . * ^f M^ n * V ^ I Merino.
CamelsHair HalLiiggan and^Lambs W.n.I Inderwesr that^have lm ihrown aioiind and^. onslderably soiled during Ihe^Holiday rush We don t want to^put them hack In M* k. Would^Manor |os^^ money on Ihem.^Worth tl 'M and b M, for
Ose-IIfhth Oil $1,00
,'.n.i INKS F^H I .^:*^ dozen left ov r frees Xmae
rankM HetMtltchesl EMbraMan*^. .I. F*. .ui.q. .1. lain ..^I and^Sprigged designs. Tie fat.rique is^.tear Sheer Limn laxun and the^designs are simply exquisite.^Worth ii^' and . for
OnrI inhlh oil
75 mm I .^luh on I ^^^ Haw
prahhandry goods co.
Waaolieil Mail order*106 Mam MnM, MIj
iiwsm\ in ock.
winiii:oriNiM.. ,i\m\ih i. MM
Atwill li tine SOW etaetea *tH 1rnanMed T yn If! ir may m^k^ srrsnge.
in,nts tmia* late ^. . k and be aMkjnt t '^^ seaper aeeszrMoata
Bali* i. aaea ^ to.- \ c.u.ll.it nn tuibm MCeiei. I i,. all to call and *^^ eur rooms^mm investlgale our fa. liiitt. s.
A.P. RtCEi Proprietor.
i-lBhli^h.'d ts^...^Colk-tC^- J^ uriiMl i PVt.
HolidayWeek CqA
AtomizersCut Glass Bottles^Toilet Cases^Manicure Sets
I'm:sai.k itv
...CutOlaSA Atomi/ers^Celluloid l)re*sinz Case*^Manicure Sets^Traveling- Ca^es
Andother nnwltii *, wliidi M will
Sellat Cost I mil Jan. 1st
ParehenD'Acheul Drug Co
\V. M. VM I.CII. .*^.'^ snJ Mgr.
NewYork i Liir.lr. ssltik'. Manicuring nnd^CkkMMMM Puiiors, In North Wyouilim^Ssllches and hair chains mole from^. i.niblns* for U.r.i each. French Complex^^ion Cream, per Jar.
TMM-tlMill I It*.
Trya Want Adv.
inthe Standard.
Wliole.se MM h^tail Dealer in
Mine,Mill, Assayors* and^Chemists' Supplies
33-33b. Cranlto St , Uutte. Mont.
Whn In s-nnt of r* -l* write for
pri.'* I . airy the latgest MOtk in th*^Norlliwest.
I1 9 North Main StmM
TheLarqest Druq House^In the State.
OermaiiiaLife Contracts Safe as a (iovernment Bond
Isin Its Thirty-Seventh Year.
Jthas 182,000,000 .Wts ;m^l Surplus of if'J, 000.000.
ItlirnntsLoan* on rolicies and Allows ^^ne Month'* 'irai-o for^the Ptiyuu'ut of I'reiniiitiis
,lOEt^ MILkiUe*. Dl^trlt t, Aqnnt
C.B. M'CARTHY. Special Representative,
;t.;West (iraniti- Street. Huttc. Mont.
Ina stock so large as our* a great I^many pieces acannulate that Ma pre^^fer not lo lake slot k of. In order to
Ilean UP II* M*rk US possible I . for. V.e
Iinventory Jan. 11. we will give
TillsInclude* arti. Ma In nearly every^line we carry.
AnOpfortltit] ^^ii tdnnot^Afford to Sli(|lit.
uu i
lS-:0W. Broadway, But'*.
^V^^h^^**^^^ * % %c*^%0a,0^%*J
SpecialNew Year's Offering
ButteDry Goods Cos Store
JI West Park Street
skjMj,^,^^ and X. w T'ar's will Ml all r-malnlng
Of,v|,j, h tl are only a few left, from 1J to ZD per .enl. I^^s than
ActualEastern Cost
Hereis a ^ halo lo avail yourself of the greatest
ClosingOat Sale
Ofnew an I desirable NLYV YKAH S 'IIFTS for your Moth-r Sister^or Sweet heart D* aot MM* thi* opportunitv. lis MM in your^pork i Pezw early and gel some of the greatest bargains ever of-^Mr* ,1 to th- public
\V.would mske spe. lal in. ntlon of our elegant line of WINTER^JACK.HTM and CAPKS. which must in. dispoeej of It oi no,, until^sold out.
IASTKHN i'^ ^ST won t be , onalderod. We have a few IMPORTMD^I1KKU1N JACKKTS which will l~ sold at half their a.dual value,^l b.*..- ii u*i I., see* to be appr*. lat.sl our Klegant IMS .( NUVBLTV^Plii:SS PATTERNS, winch In. lud-'S all the latest style* ot Korelgn^and poin.slb pal io * are KKIM'CKP so as to .... within Ui - rea. Ii^of all. Come early and .onvlnce yourself of the greatest bargains ever^offered to the public.
y s All those holding Tickets on the Pull will pleas- sent them 0^th^ MfA, ahegeal in envelope with nam^ attach*.I. 4

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