OCR Interpretation

The Anaconda standard. [volume] (Anaconda, Mont.) 1889-1970, July 18, 1897, Image 14

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036012/1897-07-18/ed-1/seq-14/

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greenRoom TaTI
Butte,July 1^^.^ The Hiintlnateeii^Hrnadway com pan* rtom^*^ Ha prea-nt^^acaaetnent at Meiaulrr * to-night^Durum Ha atay la Butte four playa^were produced, ^^m* preaentln* a dif^^ferent type .if elramellr lntereal The-^playe were The Dial rid Allornej
Turned Pp. Moths'^ and 'The Sil^^ver King.' The ^-i^inp^n^. while ai^-^peaium to excellent ^dv cent**-- In the^three Aral named, were not *o HtrunK^aa a whole In The- Silver Kln^. ^ hlcli^clearly show* that they Hre ^i .heir^beat In the aorlely ami modern plays^In the ' Dlatrli t Attorney.' Mr. Hum^Infftoii did hi^v.. ^ k ax did ^11^the sentlemen of the company hi^^Turned I'p^ every member waa ee|usl-^ly gtmd. In ^Motha.^ however, th- la^dlea tarried the palm. Mis* Sarah^Truax and Mlaa Lillian Andrews ex^^celling. The perform*m e of ^Moths^^waa aaauredly the moat tlniehed nf all^The company leavea to-morrow morn^lim for a two nisliie' e-nsan-nic-iti In^Helena and will play the remainder eef^Ihe week at Crcat KhIIh. under John^Maituirr'a manatement. They will re^^turn here for a two wrote* engait' -^ment on the '.'*th Inei . upe-nlaf In the
verypopular ^ty pluy. ^Tw|
TonyWard, one of the pioneer i Ileal-^rieal men in the Northweat. and who^for years ^n li-cii^in i of Mhkiiii- -^opera houae. la at preaent c-nRagcel in^nun in* In the Madiium country Hh-^cently he contributed an Interesting^ptory to the MadlKonian on ihe curly^day thaatrlcala In Alder Llulch. lie^wrote aa follow*:
Iwill give vim. as far us my mem^^ory aervea me. a hrief hitOory of the^theatrical ata^e in the earl) day* of^Virginia City. When I nay early daya^I mean 1x41 and e*i. The only i lie* 11 e^1 knew of at that date, where arara^inent legitimate Theapjan srtlSts ap^^peared, la alill standing on Jackson^at reel, a relic of bygone days, and was^known then as the Peoples Theatre^and was managed fay Klihard Johnson,^aucceeded by John S Portar of Pklla^delphia. the father of Katelle Porter,^of dramatic fame Among the tlrsi at^^tractions were Funny Morgan ('helps.^Mr. and Mrs. Irwin. Mrs Irw in's stage^name was Marie Halnforlh: Julia lieun^Hayne. Waller uml Flora Hray. the^t'hapman family Martin, the ^-'/.^sard, who ufterwanls a'enl Kuat and^became quite prominent us an Illusion^lat under the name of Martlno, f, A^Lyne. a trage^liaii of the Koreai school^He lived in Salt Lake City, hut If I^am not mistaken was from I'hiliiile-l-^phla. (leorge Panclfont and Miss Fan^ny Morgan I'helpa carried an exc-cl-^ltnt company, ihe main support be-^Ing Lon and Kalph Phelps Uoa Phelpa^was killed on a vessel bound for^Australia, a spar falling on him. kill^^ing him almost instantly Mr. and^Mr*. Belwln Irwin, and h i son hv her^first hushaml. Hart^) Ralafoe-th, were^^real favorites with t',.. Virginia City^people, and did an ex e-e ile-n t bvatMKS,^Before they c losed their eic^tgmnil^they were given a henelll ami pii-sinl^ed hy their many admirers with a solid^gold brick valued at IWMi Tli ^ pre^^sentation speech was made hy the^Hon Thomas Francis .Mcaghei then^acting governor of the territory, and^the speech was the most beautiful^plec^ of word palming I have ever^listened to. Harry Kalnforth was the^comedian of the company, although n^young man. he was quite funny and^popular with the masses Mrs. Italn-^forth was the greatest protean artist^I have even seen. She is si ill living^and playing old woman's pans some^^where In the Esat Harry Ralnforth is^manager of the Qrand opera house.^Cincinnati. ^^hlo. Mr. Irwin died a few^years ago.
JuliaDean Hayne lame to Virginia^from Halt take City under cugagi riciii^to John S. Porter She was considered^the Hernharl of America at that time.^Shi' had u good supporting company,^among them wer Tow nsend. Mori I -^mot. Shields. llrshatn. Clark. Norwood.^Ward. Mlas Belle Douglass. I.listc^Shields. Mrs. DeWItt VVaugii. Miss^Perkins. Mrs. Davln. Miss ^^rternor^and some others w'hose name* 1 cannot^readily call to mind She played to^good business h.ire and In Helena ^ln ^^In sui h plays as lirWelclns.^ Leah.^^' Camllle.^ she had no eiiual In her time.^Of the sup|Hi:ilng rorapany, nil are^with the silent majority, excepting IM^win Clark, son of the old liowcry ac tor.^Miss Belle Douglas. Miss Llxr.le Shields^and your humble servant.
WalterHray ami Flora Hi ay. his^step-daughter, gave a very enjoyable^performance for the peopl- In Ihoac^days, as It was merriment from the^time the curtain weni up I'll the tlnale^It would be considered rather an^unique performance for these modern^times. The curtain rose on a llrst par*,^minstrels. Walter Hray on one end and^Ned Ward on the other, with Joe Mat*^hit. a most excellent ballad singer, as^Interlocutor Walter Kray was ex^^ceedingly clever In negro and Dutchdo.^llneatlons, and their llrst part was^clean and amusing. The minstrels first^part was followed hy an olio In which^the various members of the company^appeared in their specialties, ihe en^^tertainment concluding with that good^old musical comedy entitled th.- ^Loan^of a Lover.^ which gave the beautiful^Flora Bray a chance to display her^ability In the c haracter of ^^Sertrude.^^and Walter Bray as Peter Hpalk, a^broken Dutch character In which he^was hard to excel. I have seen many^play the part, but none like Walter^Bray The whole performance was^very pleasing
WalterBray Is. I think, still living.^Flora Bray mairh-d Unltad Slates^Marshal (ienrgr M Platte^ and was^brought Into prominence a few years^ago In the courts of San Francisco,^t'si.
Whatold timer doea not remember^the Chapman family'' old Uncle^Ueorge Chapman, the comedian, par^tlcularly Their entertainment consist^ed mainly of the most laughable of all^farces, Mortons. With a Dlvertlsc-^ment.^ Mrs. Chapmanand her husband^^t'nele Oeorae.^ aa they used to c all^him. were great friends of Hrigham^Toung. and played a aeccussful en^^gagement at Brlghatn s old Halt take^theatre. I heard Mrs. Chapman resale^an amualng anecdote about a casual^conversation she and her husband had^with Brlghatr the night they clewed^their engagement. They were chatting^about theatrical matters. uhen Brig-^ham suddenly changed the conversa^^tion by remarking to Mrs. Chapman
*'^I have faith to believe that you^and your husband will become one of^ua yet and be baptised In the river^Jordan.'
Mrs.Chapman in reply asked liiin^why she should be baptised and be^^come a Mormon
Brifamanswered In hla good-na^^tured way: 'Why, Mrs. Chapman, to^help build up the kingdom and multi^^ply and Increaae the earth. You know^what the good book aaya^'
Blessroe!' replied Mrs. Chapman.^^I am the mother of twenty-one chil^^dren, and they are all living but two.'
Bligba/nlooked at her amased. final^^ly remarking In a Jovial manner: Mrs.^Chapman, you have certainly done^your duty.' /
Mrs.Chapman waa over 79 years
ofage then, and she eaajM make up for^the stage su ihi Mould look hIhiuI M^years old This I think remarkable^w hen they had only vermllllon Ink and^rhalk In those days. Mrs Chapman^died In San Prane la 'i many yesm ago.^Cncle tieorcc chapman died in Hac-^taine ntee Belle Chapman, their daugh^^ter, urcd to play at the California^theatre She- lias sinc e married and re^^tired from the stage. T. A. Lyne. the^trag .1ih.ii I b'li' died at Halt take-^City He was ^ n 'ed star In hla day,^slow of speech ami with th- stage^maun, iimh ^ I ibe old Porrcst type
Whilehi Virginia City a few days^ago I waiuli'ted oiic evening through^.la. kaon sir. et to tin old theatre which^now stands Si tell I and lenantbss Next^to the tbe-niie- es iin old tbeettre patnofi,^kepi, ill the ..Id .la\s. by Hutch High!^raasaw is KcK-fcy 'Aiaiiiaa la.oceos guin-^hllng ragart, when many an ouaet of^g. lcl elust ^us won ami loat. Across^the load is Con orem'n celebrated^dam-e house, all dark and life less, bill^still slandinrT. As my thoughts go^back la the lime when ihls street wan
amass of . rowellm: !pi^ - w hen theses
oldbuildings were ablnxe with life end^itloi\ w hen who women and KsBf^ruled ihe hoin. I almost wish that the
tlepuiteel spirits eef all the old llllliTC
couldreturn and take possession of^:h old baHdlngs feer an lie.nr. and^hold high icie !^^ ,c i of yore- What i^trsnsfortn.tlii.il scene the llrockni^tercne In ^Faust would cense to be at^tractive-after witnessing this pic^^ture.
omine. th' celehraled Tcnklsh dan^^cer, who opens .in engagenienl al th-^Casino LJaeatra to-aMNTOW nighl. is also^a wcinderful pei former of niagle and)^will give e xhlbltleins In I...Hi during^|Mr Itulie eiigagenteiit Yeeu Aineri-^cuns Itri.e- saaU here many styles of^dancing-the old ballet. Hie Jig. the^skirl. Ihe ece enirie. Hie dalle lug at the^girls of l^indnn. Purls iiml eef Madrid,^but III Ihe Turkish dunce you will ^e^^somethliiK differeiei,^ salel OMCie yaa^terday. ^I belle-m' I eatt Hhov\ yeeu^i..methliin ilKTere-nt.^ said omeiic yes
withal,beeth Mietriahtlitef and anisii.
Voume licet familial Wllh this ihinc
Itlgeef Which I ^IH'ilk. It is s. e|| .IS a
rule..lily in Tin key. and ^ \ en there^only by these who. e-njee\ power ami^special privilege- H was tlie-re I learn^^ed Us steps unci motions: li was IhffU^I elanceel it, as Othoeg now are elane^ing feci tin- sultan uml his suite
I IlUVe seen ull HeertS eef llall. illR
whichrag have seen hen wt luie. i
have be*ta leefore Ihe feeeil lights my^^self, peeslllK Slid llllislng ,11 entiling lo^the ways of Italian, Fre-iie It and Span^ImIi leaehers and \, ilhoul rOBcl'SlI I ma
claii.ilo knoi' aoatathlna eef ihjr art.^And clalmlni tiiis i gay thai th* danca^of Turkey af I ha harem if you peWaac
Is tile high. Si feet 111 eef nil I MOUld
saythis even If the Orient were- nut^my home I ahatsM sat It as n critic,^as a Judge. Mgslfl ^Ihe ha.. ^i'ii^Hie lances eef rail nations In RUTOfaS
amiHi Hast ^^^^ tin- s.c thing, inn
tin! also say unless Ihe Turkish
ciHiiceshiv understood the spectator
doesnot at Ira) sight like llv tn
TheNew York Herald sp.eke of^omrne In (his \\a^. upon her iippeut-^ance In that city:
Omrneenters, la t tile Violin bli ml^In their sctflesl, sweeiest. most gap*^suous strains on the gppraarh of the^fair o da Hague. She brings with h^r the^intoxicating lucj-nsc eef ih - Oil*lit, the^suggestive giinv and manners of the^harem. She approuches noiselessly,^wllh the grace ful. cutlike tread, a veil^^ed vision half concealed, wholly sug^^gestive.
Sheciuiekly Ihrows aslcl.- th* hetavy^shawl, reie-allng her perfect body. As^she walks clown towards Hie center eef^the slugc It Is observed thai she wafUl^dainty led slippcm. bin Ihfa* she kle-ks^off, . \posinu her leeaiitlfully formed^feel, the nulls eef her toe ; like, ihoso of^her lingers, me tinged in deep carmine,^a Uiameeml ling mi-.i. n- upon one of^her toea.
Dili'ne's elane Ing Is Wholly ^Viiilike
theusual siage petrformance. it is aii-
seelutely eli void of high kicking, and Ih ^^feci play In It an unobtrusive unci com-^parathiiy insigtililc ant piiei. It pur-^IKerts Ice lie methliig more limn the^poelry of mieiton
Asshe aparoai hat ihe tootllfhtg she
leiuievesthe he iivv \ II adefled Willi I III -^liuoise A little lie'Ki.'SS in lit lellcla lie'^^Bti-ps forward uml hands tier a small
lloeep Willi II glass III let-eel with %^ 111'-
icstim:upon IM lower p.iiiinn of lha^circle, and the danc.. begin* Round^and renin.I her head Otaoaa iwills the^heKep. her whole tsidy swaying In rylh-
Shethen takes a Jingling tnaibor-^Ina and glides down tin- iloor. in puu-^loinlme she shows a woman i- . ^ ^k in^ilie- gaieleii, a sntike approgchea; ah^^tteanolaa with terror, the vciieinmus^leptile- Is killed, she rises lo celebrate^her deliverance, shaking Ihe MM cm^broidery from her li-ad ami plae inn^the tsmlMirini. In Us place, her Body^writhes, and every muscle'dunc e s w hig^^her head elreiops forward and bile k^ward. It Is the dansc du venire, with^Inllnlle variations a ciiiioslty lo sc.-.^an impossibility to cle-scrilie more fully,
isomc-in* pretty .' \\'e-ll. yes. anel^makes up the bust and than) Bl skill^^fully us any a. tress ever did. In Tu'^k. y ami Kgypt making up U a pai I of
thec-eiiieatiou of all woman, particu^^larly the eyes, oinene has had h varied^life. Her moihei was a Circassian ami^her father a Turk, w he-n only twelve^and a half she idiar-el the fate af all
riantalgirls unci hitanis the wife eef
anKngllshmiin. who took her In^Kg^iu. where she Hired tor many years^before going to Kiiglanil Sh.^ has I^daughter lo years aM, who is being^ecltieut 'd at the convent of the Sac red^Heatl in Paris, whic h Is one of the- line^ee hoeilie affeite l by we-Hlthy Ameri^^cans
ll.iwhole- appearance- nml every^motion is an Illustration eef grace- why.^she thinks a woman eeughl to even^le'arn to be graceful when she hands^her husband a hanclkerrhief. c imene^has Is-en ciulte (he rage in Xe v York^since- she e-aiitc hack freem Kgypt slg j^months ago. She np|^eare-d in a ium^^ber ef privat ^ entertain awnta be fare
thepublic saw her oriental dances.
Tin gre ate si CWtMMy pre\sils^HHM Hll cinsses regniellng t h- .,(, n^Ing of the verisc ei|ie at Mngulic-- aa-^era license to-morrow evening As a ]^^cieattsV work It Is well warth the at^^tention of all classes of people. In^this Instane^^^ it has a niosi latfaal in- !^teresl. as nearly every one is anahnM^to see f.ir themselves Just how the^(real light between Kllislmmons and I^Corbett did come- eeff at Caraofi last !^March. This the veriscope picture gc- J^compltshes to a most faithful pirtl-^cular. The opening of ihe exhibition^gives a fac-simlle of the ring and Its^surroundings for Ave minutes tee for*^time Is called for the flrit round Then^can be seen the looks of anxiety In^the face* e^f the crowd, the . xp. I .,^^^game of the timekeeper i-f, ant|^aeconds of the two prim tpul^ Fltg-^slmmons. clad In a l....s tt..w inn robe,^walking to and fro. whll- Carhall la^nonchalant and coolly talking to a few^frlenda on hla aide of th- ring Slier^at last gives the word. There Is a hur^^ried movement at the re-s|eee ii\,. cor
ners,men holding sponges and towels^ate in raadlaess, there Is a squeezing^mid i tailing of necks among the audl-^ind at a slgnnl the first round^begins. This .mis the llrst view.
These i ..ii.l pa-1 gtv.'H the second,^third and fourth rouada, and so on. a^certain numbrt of .^unds being given^during so many mlnutag, so as the eyes^or the people in the audience will he^test .1 frcem the qlllvtr of the pictures^which is unavoidable-on account eef the^many thousand pIctUTUa In transfor-^matloii. The last round, how eve r, is^the all ahanrtlng one. It Is said that^both in New York and in ChloaefO the^audiences goi wildly excited un seeing^the- finish, each of the combatants^having their own admirers In the au-
el!e and many of Corbett * say
thatthe- pie lure surely exposes a foul^when c oil, it was knoc ked out. oth-^era ate posiliM- in maintaining ihe^eantrary, and thus the excitement is^still mi leefore Ha mimic niagii al ap-^paraltM M II wag at Carson ^c ben^Ihe otginals we e Is-fore them in life.^It is a most we nd iful exhibition and^It is certain Hint MaauhVa will do an^exl.acerillr.ai^ large business during^the week
Ktilids i f lha late Old llosa^ Hoey^al Irast have ihe satisfaction, melan^^choly though It may be. eef kaowraf
Iheiliml came suddenly Paicdsis
milalways so kind to its victims, says^a wilier In the Chicago Times -Herald.^William J gcaalan, the liisli ceime-^cll.in. who was one uf the llin-st sing-^e-is ihe American stage hns vet- pro-
1,1' * . I. has for Mele-rul .ear:, been ..itl-
dsmatdlo a living death with thai^dread disease, ami his CBae, iveya from^Hi- flisl, has had not Hie slightest^gHsagser of ho|M'
Seanlununci Ibeey were warn per^^sonal friends, ami since the- laiier's^death it Is recalled that een one OOOU-^:inii severnl years ago he slaiil-d^Hieiaclway one alMfMaa lev waM^.rag ii hand nf crepe on his ana and^telling iiis theatrical acqualnlaaeaa
lliulScanlnn was elcael Wh-ei Sean-^Ian heard of this, ns he did within an^hour, he Wgl very much astoniah-'e!^and fiirteeusl.e, angry. He lost no time-^in finding Hat! and ilcinundluK an ex
Wei, sai.i -old iiohs,^ dryly,^^when yog burrowad thai Aefty eef m ^^lase weak yaa said you would pay II
laicicThiiisduy It you were alive I^lutein ! si i'ii you sine ^ then, and Ice-day^i^ Siiiuielay.
aihmirioal man who feet many yearn
.'.IS USSee. laleel Sflth 1 lie MM 11U gl-l ii ^ U t
of Siiiiiliin vai'l the- olhi-i diiy:^Shortly alter cVnlilun's le-llr.-iaenl I
acvompnnledhis glatgr, poor Beadle
Se-unlaii.I., se e- liittt in i lie asylum. We^entered the visitors cage and w,tile.I^while an attendant went Inside to see.^wh - her the acteer was In u condition^tee receive us Tile sltiiatleen wag one^full al horror lo me. The place was^as forbidding ns a penitentiary, with
it.-,beita uml bat.- ami -deem will's.^Friiin within eunie lha scuiiul of voiced
mockinglaughter tnd empty ohat-^i r Sueicie-.il^ above ail the din rang
ante!^Uel ami gureal and i l^:n aa a bell,
tin-mate ni. ss v. ica eef Iranian, lb-
wassinging 'gwaai Molllc. t)' a'tel 1
eh.ui.twaether In ever eiiei it better.^Siuii- went in to sc.- him. I rouMn't^after hearing thai ^ ^ i^ i familiar gong.^^PareaM is populearly ragurdad an lha
NMlll e.l vic ious exc essec, but it la
caunedquite ns often ley dtaatpatlaa
amilitgh nerve his ( nsicui. As has re-
eentiy baan pointed out hy mm who la
ina position lo speak with author!!1^mi that subject, John McCullough'g at^^tack eef parc-eis was clue in overwork,^tne-nial exhaustion and MfOefTy over^the lavages of an In. grahla diaaai^lim y n cieeth w as clii^ tee drink ami fast^living. Se anlan w as eeverthrow n by^laaamuM ami his passion for gambling,^which iii his case always ggMMMed t
Theenmity existing between Hetty^ilreen unci Ituasc-ll Sage has been ulil-^ized hy- Lillian Lew is ami Law ren.-e-^M a i si on In their new e eiinedy. ^The
widowOaUaMMu^ Cyrus Ruaaell win
he-made up In exac I luiltatlien of th^^i elelitnteel |ihllRnthtoplsl and Betty^leoldstcin will he a breathing pe nce
ofthe i leiit-st waaaag |m ihe world. The
11pre .dilution of Cyrus Husst-II will be^lo the exlenl of presenting Sane hi i|^as he is. wllh all his BecuHarltiee, sc.^i e-iiltit-itlc s. and iippetlte for apalea.
ofinurse n pi.iv aeaMng unit ihaag
tweei clel.riti.-s iiiusi lin v ! for its en^^vironment Wall slice I Tht key mil^^of the piece Is money, w hec h Is un up
pnrtcnanceto ihe eavlrowaienl ahaa*
llltelyllecessni v. ('veils I-, Hie e eelel.^steely eyed villain with g Lilliputian
eiome Mrs. Hatty i^ the aavtng
gngalwho iiuuiiy Btrikeg th. scheming^villain in lha region of the bunk lie^count for at.on1 fourteen million dol-^lain and tiae lures his MM) li M
TheSunday night perfot ma m e^s at^the I libhi Pavilion theatre will be clls-
rowtlattadtun h farther ntHlct TIm^regular pe i4mnaaeag win be given
c-vervevening ami Siitiinluv itiutinee.^Commencing to-motrcew night, July II,^eelle eef Ihe slte^nge^sl bills y l pt'esellt-
adwin be given. ln^ludhig i ksarleaaue^basing match by four ipM ^^( prom-
InaacO;also several slrotm e-nsl-rn^novelt) gc ta ami entirely new lo gatte,^im iuiiiiig tba MaghghM farce, ^China-^town At Ceeiumbiii Oardeaa this af-^tcriinon ami evening the- wonderful^giants Johnson ami Lundln, lha^Mraagacl men llvlin;. will appear with^a . einpany eef jii peopl|
WritghlMHntlagtem of ih* Branda-ay^company win eep g a school of acting
lillele'b-llltieen oil his |.'111111 to the , ity
froma Inur of Hie state with his com-
ThatIs, (Unless (|ou Are^Figures by
aMulti-Millionaire^Startling^an Expert.
Aiiiun ni Virginia rode forty miles, to^Fairfax Siailon, fen ihe exnr ss pur^^pose of getting Chamberlain's Cough
Hein.'ilv.ami tnnk home with hmi g
deexe-n battleg eif the medicine The
druggistwho relates the IneMent, aiels^Tear remedy seems to Is- a g in ral^favorite wherever known^ Its rffeeptl^are indeed waadilfUl In all lung and^threat troubles Procure- a Lottle at
An\esfnl -ii-sre.
I'roniihe San Krancise-o Argonaut.
Anold revolulleenary sol,|i.-t in Part-^laud had u gmall pensiuii. of which hf^w as very pi on,I, and by deeing su. h
workas be reaM he gaeui'tg ^ mul
elent Income la provide feet in^ motteal^wants. On. elsy he slipped at the lop^of a flight of stairs and fell almost to^the bottom The mistress nf the hous^^hurried tee him in great alarm, ami^asked If he- thought he was m I liiaaly^lnjur^*d I muss not. ma'am, lie inbi^ilslng stltflv in his fe-et and gasping^with fright I (Inn i think I'm killed^Hill vv h ii I v.^s half way clown the^stair, ma'am, thinks I. I'm a going to^lose m^ pension, sui-c!
Klectriclli;ti-r^ to g ^gdtflai suited f,i-^any season, bin p, rh.cps mm, x-n.-a .^needed when the Lingual, exhausted feel^^ing prevails, when the liver la torp'.d aad^sluggish and the need ol a tonic and al-^tersilve Is felt A prompt use of ih'j^medicine has often averted long sn.i Mrs^hsps fatal bilious fevers No m ||^will set more surely In e.ounteraetlng anel^freeing the system from tht malar! el (^.^son. Headache, indigestion, constipation^tlxxlneas yield to Mttetris nitter,. fjijc ami^tl.W per botllo at any drug stors.
Ifyou feel a crgvlnR. as s.e many^men uml women of all limes ami cuun-^lin. hit. . i^ own a t'icing a Li^either to gtatlfy your love for the sport^of kim; or because yak hope- lo eater^soclet) b] way eef the turf and Hi^^pii'Moe k 111 beciiuse you have visions at^wonderful coups and fabulous returns^ami k oil upon your prospective Htable^us a le gltlmate Invi'Htinent-it will be^wise feu you to pamler, to do a lol of^addition and a very idle subtraction^before you choose- v.utr racing rotors.^The adding will be of up- agpgnii ii mi
and^ ill take you as long us y u gam^your atablei the subtraction will be^your earnings from your etpenaea. ami^' on may mel have to ill It more than^inn e- or i v. Ice in your rating e nrcer.
Itwill .cist you mure to i-ducat ^ one^horse fur a turf classic than it will to^e due aie your son in n-^|he classics of
universityceeursc. morcove-r. your^horac is much h ss llkelv tu t-cpny you^for his education
liileics your liny lie .|tlres lha! e olle-^glule huliit of c hangltg his raiment^four times a clay, his tailor's bill will^be less than your horaalgllor bill: and^unless he Is Is a sheer dlot Ills tutor's^bill will lee less by many dollars thnn^the bill of your liens ' |ralii^i's under^^study.
ONLYOLORT IN IT^I'nless vein are a Ha.-noni. a Lorll-^lard, ur a Keene. and Intend to race^your stable purely for ihe glory there^la In it. or tinlesH you a'e a^ ghr a-^a Dwyer, a Plttaburg ^hll, 01 a ^Pa^^Hill Daly , and arc goiiK to make your^living from the turf, g racing stable is^unc of the finest Invedments be leave^alone which can be feegnU in tie.- coun-^i nr.
Homebodynol long w^^ asked Pltta^^burg Phil. Ihe kei-ne . t lurfmun ^^l^ them^all. what he- thointht eif rac ing as u^business Venture, and he replied ihm^it wo- tin- weu-st t tin I possibly i i eii Id be^inude. ' Looking at It i'om u liiuinclal^poliii of vl w, there- lalnothlni! to hope*^for, You may muke laiyre winnings fot^n year, or live yearn, or ten. but yen
neverheard of an out ind enie tiirfmnii
\\llee clepe-l'ale el Upon tie gpoi'l for Ins
Incomewho die^i rich, or even moder^^ate!) well off.
Racingis the- louvMeM gams ever^devised ley man. You must sm- every^momanl of yoear time to It; you must^msaaure your btulna igainsi the can-^nlngesl and rraftiesl mln.ls In tin^country, fou must fngav ever) move-
incutof veetir horses, nirse gajd pamper
tli-:11as you could a imhy, and than,^after you have Mudleej it nil -nit until^youi brain rc -ls gnd our hulr uirns^gray, Ihe e-hn.uea are- to much against^you thai ^eet DM Rial In a thousand^can win.
No. unci then a man with peculiar
aptitudeami knoniciia- of the game^wins, bul lha geniuses if th^ tun Ma^lew. r and further betWtM than in any^other ^ glk e f life.
Afew- dayo ago the xrlle r asked a^viici,in lurfmun a man who lias hud^un Intimate knowledge nf nil the Ins^uml cut.-, of the gattM fen yours, and^who now owns u stable of his o-.vn^to^give him in detail the expenses eef
maintaininga moderate lacing siring^for a year.
OeSn'lwont any cratkajtv-hr no^Hastings -el- Rrqulthla or Henry of Xa-^varrug in your itakMT' aggag [ha un-f-
Noerackajackg NataiiM or He-^qultala
Welt,then, suppose that Wg begin^w llh a string of l: horses^fairly good,^honest ran is. w Ith n proinlse of iiinding^some- stakes bi lore tin- ac-asien Is over.^Your nrlgi'iiil c-i-pitnl will lee I^e,0n0:
lb.: Is the lowe -t peessillll- slim for
whichII suc h boesce gs ymi want can^be beeuuhi. You will see how low Ibis^eatlmate Is - hen I r^ ^1 you thai In cine^ycni Ai-!.: ' Ue-lme e-.t paid ^ !c;..^.'iii for
lourhoi as s; Henry of NavaVre cost him
$JT,null.Hastings ceesi him *tT.^.00. Keen-^on gts.cem. ami Dorian S1In thet
namerear \v. p. Thornpaotj paM Mt,gM^for Requital.
Havingbought your loraaa, ymir^lu-xt big item win in- your iralner, At^lha leant, you grill have ta pay htm an^annual salary eef |t,^Mde ^^i provide^home' ami board for hlmaell and family^the.year ansund, A man wan can rom
ii'amln mlary ^^^ .- ^,'^^^ will w ant to
livecut tip- best thai the land atforda,^unci in Ogurlnt W.MW more for his liv^^ing i xpenseK yeeu are met rtv errstlmat-^Ing It, Lc-sicles IhM yeeu iiiitM pay your^trainer -. hi-IhIi: pen-e-ntn-a of the- net
earningsof your eta Me. The- four or
livereally tirst-clnes train is in the^country to-cluy receiv g su le rv eef from
eightice twenty thousand icvitars, and
te-ffreini Ti to in per rent, eg the earn^^ings of their sluhle-s. Take John Hy-^lit ml. for example: he reeylved from^QMcott ^ Duly. In Uk% llHi'im unci 10^par ^ nt. of the winnings It 1\^MI Aug^^ust Belmenl rngugad him. and the in^^ference is thnt he t-.oiv rtcmvW ^ ma^^te lially larger sum.
JOCKKY WANTS \ KIN'iS lUUffs^Si 111.
Yea:-next inipcniant Itgm will ho^your I. key No rider nin e skill is
suchi ha I you dare intrust your horaca
tohim in I stake event, can be had for^g rntalnar one cenl i-.cs than jT.jo-e for^tin aeaann. which, according tee the^iisphI eont:nei. lasts from March 1 un-
ti!Dec. i. in addiiloa to tins retainer,
yoll tllllsi ,,i(^ j,,.,,, Jockey ^ flga ee, U|
torevery winning mount be i id.-s feer^vou and |1U feu every losing mount^Then there is your Jockey'!- board bill
toseltie. MilI of III train, rs Insist
thatih.- tide: shall live In the Stable's^'raining quarters itut we will include^that under a separate head later. Tie^giving of pre- nts, toee. Is just about^as Imperative I as tipping a porter^or a waiter.
RI.DBRBKI.MoVT'S UKNF.ROSITY^it has become an established cus^^tom, and the- Jockeys expect 11: you
i- rtVl ! ^ ^ i be le. st V Ol-k cent eef
them\iiku-i Belmont, sr pishahlj^was the n.ost lavish of all lha turfmen^with his giris this country has ever^seen. When old line e land w een the
uburbai i be alSMBl pMststid
Januslime,'. Lis 11-.^ir;t-|- anel Snapper'^Oarrlson, his Jockey, with diamonds.^Th. n he ciJSc in i dinner at Delmonl-^en's, and with it more diamonds. An-^^^^'^ ' ^ ^si was w hen Ills Hlghn-ss^won th.- Futurity. Hlexssn and Paly^t. i.i McLaughlin and Bsrgan thai the
stablehsd ilel.iNSI to divid- between^th- in after Ihe race ami ii!th..ugli Me^^n Mauarcb tan fourth. Itergen. who
hadthe mount nn him. rccalvad his
hlllfeef the ^;el chic,
SOMKlli:i'!-:.\T III TAIN-HRS.^^Hy recalling nam* of the retainers^whic h Jockeys h- nvcued 111 the Inai^few years you will see how cheaply^you sr. getting your liev for ,'T.iVeO. iii^l^^^ August llelmoni paid Oiiflla 117.-^Mk and ihe y. ar la bire Hldron ft l^r.lv^paid hint a JiKeisi retainer. This yen'.-^Fred Tarsi risen,,. |,,,,^ Mart-US I'sl^a retainer of fllisse TlM)- .sionr.e. who^Is riding for Pittsburg Phil, gets II.Y-^Fred UttlefleM's annual retainer^from ih. M.ui i i- ui eei.it lin.noo. ami^Thorp., wh.e is plleetlng the Bromley
string,gets no less than ts.000 H Is^hard to ssy what the Dwyers pay their^Joe l.. vs. as they have always been^most reticent about It. In the eePl^days, heiwc-ve-r. the brothers always^used to Invite McLaughlin .end Krana^MeCabe, their trainer, to dine with^them on Raw Year's day. and. When^the guests lifte-el theli- ;elales they In^^variably fecund a cbeck for Itf.ggl ly-^Irg under sack, The other day Mlk
Dwjrafdeelarsd that his jockey cost
Inni more- money than McLaughlin.^SS It Is ssfe 10 presume thnt Willie^Sims gets more than IHMWO as a re-^miner.
Toursecond traineri or foreman. Is^the next Item to consider In raw ex^pe use acc ount. A thousand dollars a^veue. with his hoard and ke^eie, will^dispose of him, and he will be the only^under-paM man In your establishment.^I'nder praettcally the sume head comes^the exercise boys. For a stable eef 12^horses you will need threa boys at^least, and you will have ta pay them^t'-n n month and hoard.
Thisboard, mind you. la not the^sort of stuff that boys of their class^ordinarily would have. gVOry good^still.; has l:r. own l-.ite ben. whir.' the^men eat. Your chef^and you will hnve^tee have- one^ will buy the best that the^marke t affords, and he will pry race^^track prices for It. whic h are leg per^cent higher than any other prices. Your^i-tink will cost you |SU a month ih-^year round.
Theshoeing eef there mag horses of^Viiurs Is another Me-m which will miik-^u cavity In -.our pocket hook, fog will
haveto bay dMferenl pMtss far them^for dMferenl kinds of weather, on a
fast,dry trac k one kind eef a plate will
beat tdad. and 6 t bauvy going another
kilielWill be required. Nee own. r is g i-^ing to run th^ c hance- of losing n rut ^^in BcTdsr i^ sccHeumtkH in bis shoslag
hill:uml alihough IhM expense t.ei-is-
sartlyvaries Mdardlug to the number
ofI inns your horse-:' un- slat led. it is^fair lee say Hint MM a | ar will not
ie IhM ^ out It.
Thekeep eif your liurs'-s will amount^to ahoul $x a day whic h dues not In-^e hide a stall rental of nbuut It a naerith^Her eac h animal.
Neesadelle can be bought now for^less than mife. and you will have lo have
martingalesand dMNisnl sets af bits
forheusts with sore or hard mouths^and spec ial seddl-- to III the hac k.:^of ! pe. ail horata. And then th-re will^be the bill fur the clothing-n winter^suil feer outside work, which Will COS!^till: a winter suit for the stable, w hic h^will nisi aitietlicr fill: a rubber suit for^wet greathee, at Mil nml the- boatl unci
bandageswin amount to abaul IM for^each horse Eight hundred dollars will
notmore than pay your saddlery bill.
Theveterinary surgeou will coma^higher than your family doctor. In^waim weather your horses w 1.1 eat^well. Work well, and yet go to plesceg
afterg raoe. Then tba surgeon wlH be^^jiieci in. and he win rhanfe just as
muchas your doc-tor elee-s. At any^moment your horres arc likely to go^rule- or contract n splint, and then br^^ing must be performed, and the- vet^^erinary sc ads in his hill for that. The^lot tans^W Hog haaat. skunk oil. arnica,^and other liniments^all cost money;^nnd If you get off with less ihnn a^thousand-dollar eloctor bill you may^consider yourself lucky.
Probablyyou have not considered^It. but starting vour horse s is gielng tee^count up before the raring season is^over. The cost varies all the way from^110 for an overnight event, to 150(1 f It^the realisation or futurity Kve-rv^lime a horse starts and does nol win^the- lowest possible expense1 is Mb; lift
forentrance gag no for ihe- Jesekey's
fee-.There- Is also u mini! fee for reg^^istering your colors.
Th^colors ihcmselves will cost you^Jlikl n set: nnd with your propose.I
itabMyou w in Bead three sets. They^are of woven alike ami have- in bs man-
ufacttiredto order.
TllltlSJlotfut loll. toee. is e-oS*!y. esiie-
edailyif ycer ihi c your bOTncfl eer tra ks^far apart from on- another. The an'-^nials must al! lee sent by express, ns^Ho i is loee much risk nf their ticking^cell1 and 'going wrong' When shipped
Why,I could sll bare and pile up
therxpenoe account nil night; bul Hie
liein.- I have mentkmed are the prin^^cipal one-!i. of course, the winnings of^certain stUbhM more than offset this,^hut those stables ure few- and fat*be^^ta cell.
Ofm.tnkind^c^int^(fious blood^noison^cisimeil as its victim Mr.^Frank li. Martin, 92fi Pennsjlvani.i^Avenue, Washington, D. C., and^the usual physician's treatment^did him not the slightest good. H is^oandltloa reached lhat cle|iloral''e^stage which only this terrible dis^^ease can prodnw.
Afterall else failed, wts it last^fonml in .S. S. S.^the greatest of^stl bluiHl remedies. Eighteen bot^^tles removed the disease permsn-^cntly. and left his -kin without, a^blemish.
B.R. 8. Is gtisranteed^niirelr regttable; and^IsHieeieilvkneewn cure^for tins most terrible
ils.-ae...Hooks free;
aelre^^. Swift Specific Oeimpan v.
HESTANDARD vnth. pleasure announces that^h ivin^ made special arrangements with the pub^^lishers, it is able to hz first in o'iering its readers^th: great oorctolio o: h-ilf-tonjs, ^The Fight ot the^C:ntury.^ Lovers the manly art o. sen defense,^th^ friends of the men. and thos: interested, will find this the^best publication yet issued concerning th: great Corbett-Fitz-^s mmons battle on March 17th. The portfolio is mad: up of^81 hafr-toms made from photographs taken at th: ringiide and^training quarters of the principals. It is printed on heavy cal^^endared paper, with a tull-page p'itur: of th: endinj of ths^famous figh\ Life-like photograohs of all the national celeb^^rities of the ring, with fu!l-pag: pictures of the training quarters^of Jim and Bob are the featur;s oc tht work. The history o:^the match, with records o: both men, and special articles by^eminent writers, make this work the best of its class.
Toobtain a copy, cut out th;s coupon, send or bring it^with 25 cents to our of ice in Anaconda or Bu'te.
nrPsatS ant IMS CtOQSa SSSStSI^ii O one c-.py ol tht
AtCarson, Nev., darch 17. 1*97.
TheFiglit of the Century
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tedto tho at'.n bj^-inncti'l; it to all la.'.i
TheFight of the Century

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