~ ~i*~1~j r- MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1898. PIEJV
The "Just as good' kind of goods are
not sold at Leyd'. They sell only one
The Best
That is the cheapest kind when it
comes to Watches and Jewelry.
Our Four Packing Watches are the
very best that can be bought for the
The New York...............$1.50
The Trump .................. 2.50
The Sun Dial ............... 6.00
The Waltham ............... 9.00
The two last are fitted in absolutely
dust-proof cases, and all are warranted
good time-keepers.
Our stock of Solid Gold and Gold
Filled Watches, both ladies' and gents',
is the largest in the city, and our prices,
quality considered, the lowest.
In ladies' sises .....$10 upward.
In gents' sizes ...... 12 upward.
Uf fY Wont ai oed Watch Cheap
Call us Us.
More About It in
To-morrow's Ad....
Butte, Montana.
Owaptal F. . Ray's Report to the
War Dspsa tment.
A Serious State of Airs Sbown as
Various Plaoes-Danger of Starve
tion-Failuie to Oet Food
to the Miners.
Washington, Feb. 11.-The war de
partment to-day made public advices
received from Capt. F. H. Ray of the
Eighth infantry, who was sent to
Alaska to report on conditions in the
mining country. The reports embrace
a period running from Oct. 3 to Nov. 3.
and are dated from Circle City and
Fort Yukon. They show a very serious
state of affairs, that trouble is threat.
ened at various places and that there
is serious danger at some points of lack
of food owing in a large measure to the
failure of the transportation companies
to get sufficient supplies.
in a report dated Circle City Oct. 3,
Captain Ray recommended that should
the government decree to establish a
post on the upper river; that the mouth
of Mission or American creek be chosen
as the site, with a sub-post it neces
sary at Circle City. The best interests
of the service, he says, require perma
nent garrisons to be located well sway
from mining towns, so that the troops,
it required to act, will not be biased by
local influences.
On the food question he says: "The
question of food here is a very serious
one and the action of the N. A. T.
& T. company is causing much fric
tion. I used my best endeavors to rec
oncile all differences peaceably and get
all people who are without provisions
down to Fort Yukon as soon as possi
ble, where there is an abundance of
food. I learn that while food is scarce
in Dawson City, the miners in the out
lying camps are fairly well supplied.
The stores (two) are selling very con
servatively. The eating houses are all
closed save one. While I consider the
situation critical. I do not believe there
will be any great loss of life, beyond
that Incident to a climate so rigorous
as this. That there will be much suf
fering along the river and the trail
owing to the rashness and ignorance
of people unaccustomed to this climate,
no well informed person here will deny,
but there is nothing that should cause
undue anxiety or alarm among people
in the states who have friends in this
country. There are fabulous stories be
ing ciretlated and will be published
sheet the prices for food. I have veri
fied instances where $100 was paid for
50 pounds of flour, but such cases are
rare and were outside deals, and, not
the prevailing price."
A report dated Circle City, Oct. 6,
deals with the subject of miners' meet
ings, several of which Captain Ray
witnessed, and noted their action. It
shows that Captain Ray was able to
persuade the men at Circle City to take
no more provisions than they needed
to save themselves from starvation and
that they agreed that the agent of the
company should open the company's
storehouse and check the stores landed
from the company's steamer, no part of
such stores to be removed without
cash payment at the company's own
price. On another occasion, the trouble
was due to the fact that the master
of the Weare would not proceed to Fort
Yukon with 50 people belonging in
Dawson who had come down as a vol
unteer crew at the request of Manager
Healy to handle her for the round trip
so that they could obtain winter sup
plies. The men appealed to Captain
Ray, who says:
"I took them before the agent of the
company who, after hearing their case,
admitted that the company was re
sponsible, that he would furnish them
shelter and food until such time as the
river should become passable and they
could reach Fort Yukon. The whole
matter has been much aggravated by
the drunkenness and inefficiency of the
master mariner of the Weare.
"Great injury will result to the com
mercial interests along this great high
way if some radical steps are not taken
to protect all persons from such inter
ference with their legitimate business.
At the same time there should be some
power to force common carriers to
transport goods for any person offering.
At the present time neither of the
transportaiton companies v~ill transport
a pound of freight for other traders or
private parties, forcing all the people
coming into the territory to be wholly
dependent upon their stores for their
supplies at their prices.
"A large majority of the people now
here are peaceable and law-abiding,
but in the absence of any person in
authority to appeal to for the settle
ment of the many differences, they are
compelled to act outside of the law, and
when influenced by passion, prejudice
or liquor, will commit acts that jeop
ardize great financial interests and
from which there is no appeal. While
here, I am constantly being appealed
to, but can only act as an arbitrator or
mediator in the cause of peace. Miners
complain that they cannot perfect any
title to their mines, owing to the ab
sence of any land office.
"The departments are sending out
commissioners, receivers and registers
who cannot qualify for obvious rea
sons, the principal one is that there is
not an official qualified to administer
an oath within a thousand miles of this
"I am surprised that matters are
not worse. We are facing a fact, not
a theory, as I believe it is the first time
in the history of our government that
it has been called upon to govern an
outlying province where the issues are
vital and important, both national and
financial. for if the transportation com
panies cannot be given protection
along this river they will be driven
from the field and a route opened
through British North America to sup
ply our own people in our own coun
Captain flay, under date of Circle
City. sct. 7. cays that the transporta
tion -'ropanies utterly fail to keep
pr.mises made to passengers: that 546
lpeopl" landed at St. Michael's des
tined it Circle City and about 4!
reached their destinations; tht. balan e
being stranded iet'.-een Circle City
and St. Michael's. or having returned
to the states.
Thea. has tI n le adds. less
than 2_.n~ t''ts of freight. all t+l4. -
ltx"-ae'i ailu,'x Firt Yukon, and th'r'- is
ni-u Iyinc at that point ,,0 tuns 'f pr'
aaiv.i3 auti ;l tkqiu', u.4ckltd b/) stiintir,
that could not get over the iats. This
failure an the past of traxgspouiallo
cempanies to put into the 1m dis
tricts a Oitmceit supply of food hr d not
otwly given a serious check to the mlin
tayg interests but caused sweat sufer
big and has destroyed all confidnce
among the people ia their ability to
supply the demand by this route.
"I am well satisfied that muck mhore
can be accomplished it the etmloyee
of the transportation companies devote
less time to personal traflc. From
what I have learned from mine owners
and prospectors, I am fully satisfied
that the greater part of the gold belt
lies in our territory along the range
known as the upper ramparts. That
along the Tannanah, Mtnook creek.
Birch creek and the head of Forty Mile
there are diggings that will pay from
$10 to $20 per day per man now lying
idle, as they will not pay expenses at
the present period. I am satisfied that
with adequate means of transporta
tion and cheaper food this will develop
into one of the greatest gold-produc
ing regions in the world.
"A railroad from the head of Cook's
Inlet, Prince William Sound, to the
mouth of the Tannanah, from which
point supplies could be delivered by
light steamers along all the navigable
tributaries of the Yukon. will secure
to our people the commerce of this
whole country. It would give a route
to the open sea that could be operated
all winter, and act as a check to the
Canadians, At the request of the citi
zens here, I most respectfully recom
mend that the government make a pre
liminary survey of the route."
A report dated Fort Yukon, Oct 28,
deals with Captain Ray's trip from Cir
'clp City to Fort Yukon, he having left
the former place on the 12th inst. and
reached the latter after a perilous
At Wort x uKon snout 1ee people were
found gathered and there had been
some threats of taking supplies by
force. The report adds: "Lieutenant
Richardson, by prompt and decided ae
tion, had checked all turbulence and by
cooperation with the agents of both
companies had arranged that all desti
tutes should be fed. Those willing to
work were to be allowed to cut wood
for the companies at $5 per cord and
when they had earned sufficient money
they should pay for their supplies.
"The sick and indigent should be fed
without charge and the bills for such
issues to come to me to be submitted
for the action of congress. This action
is now being taken. 1.0. K. orders for
all supplies which the government is to
be responsible for and will submit the
total amounts when the work is fin
ished. Both agents have verbally asked
me to take charge of the caches, which
I have refused to do for cogent reasons.
I shall not force an issue but shall de
fend the caches from violence and pil
lage, as they contain the only provi
sions this side of Dawson upon which
many hundred people are dependent for
existence for the next seven months.
"Should it come to fixing the atuount
each shall receive, I may then be com
pelled to take charge, as I find there
are many lawless and turbulent char
acters here. I have gone over the stock
and manifests of both companies and
find that both have exaggerated the
amount on hand here. The people ar
riving here all agree in stating that
the managers of both companies urged
people to come here, stating as an in
ducement that there was over 1.000
tons of provisions at this place, when
in fact there is less than 300 tons, and
that badly assorted for issue. A ration
of three pounds per day. there can be
fed at this place 900 people until the
1st of June without tea or coffee. I
may be placed in a position when I may
be compelled to take possession of the
caches to save them from pillage and
to insure an equitable distribution.
Whatever course I may be compelled
to pursue. I trust that the president
and congress will sustain me in what
I deem to be the only right course, sit
uated as I am. in using my best en
deavors to save American citizens from
starvation and death."
Apparently Captain Ray left for the
Yukon for a time, as under date of that
place of Nov. 1. he says since his re
turn matters have assumed a very se
rious aspect. The Alaska Commercial
company has a cache of 200 tons four
miles above Fort Yukon. and the N.
A. T. & T. Co. a cache at Fort Yukon.
The Alaskan companies' agent report
ed a meeting was being held to further
a movement to seize the company's
cache. He adds:
"I went up with Mr. Richardson and
soon after arriving there was waited up
on by a committee from g miners' meet
ing, who stated in their demands that
there were 75 of them and that they
demanded they be furnished on credit
with 'an outfit of provisions and cloth
ing for nine months.' This Mr. Davis,
the agent, declined to do. I explained to
them that I would give orders on the
stores for food to feed the destitute, but
as the companies offered work at good
wages, the able-bodied should accept it,
and those having money would be al
lowed to purchase a reasonable outfit of
provisions for the balance of the year.
I came away without getting any defi
nite answer out of them, leaving Lieu
tenant Richardson at the c*che for the
night. I received a note from him say
ing he believed they intended to atteek
the cache at 10 a. m. the nett day. I at
once issued a notice taking possession
of the cache and had it posted that
night on the door of the sto'ehouse and
in all the camps, and early next morn
ing started from here witha 25 volun
teers. I could not arm them efficiently,
being able to raise only live rifles and a
few pistols, so I determined it wise not
to take anything but pistols concealed.
Soon after starting word came to me
that they had passed a resolution to ar
rest me should I attempt to go to the
cache. When I arrived within one and
a half miles of the cache, I was met by
one man (Noblett). who stated the
miners wished to have me c me to their
camp to talk over the situfition, which
I declined to do.
"He then came out in his 'true col
ors and said they had determined to
prevent my going forwar'i by force,
and at a signal from him 2,' men armed
with rifles came out of the timber and
covered the party. Noblett said they
had possession of the each-. Lieuten
ant Richardson was there and as I had
not heard any firing. I knew that his
statement was fals".. and Starting on.
told them they might ot.. n the fight
if they wished to. He then said as
conditions wer'" changed hb my seizure
of the stores and they were loth tI' dis
turb the government property. that if
I would wait a few nioments he woiui'1
coneuat with the comrnittr. and ask d
if I was still wilting to feed th." d.,sti
tute. I stated my terms to fe' I the
destitute and as long as the comtan"ie
would take wood th'- a ere t. go t+
work at the tate of $. t.er cord, and if
they c',uld not a'rk they would t."' fed
if p.os'iol.' until th. rover open "i that
bons thb-L wnunse " culdi obtain tinits.
pru'ov i.ed thy n mrt nt.. the till
lai ,c tw tuautents lie t.SNolt tid te
tirsed , they accepted the
temse, a t on to the cache,
eeee I 30 and 40 men
:wmo M had nothing, and I
halst aR to fed. I have hoisted
the Ut oee - buildings and placed
"Tis i t case of worthy desti
tute taineewt is premeditated rob
bery, and they been able to get
poeaesoa o pither Lieutenant Rich
ardson or my5tf, the cache would have
been lost. A unmber of very desper
ate and lawAA characters have been
forced out of Dawson, Northwest Ter
"There ale quite a number in camp
near the. casise and I learned to-day
that they Ie been quietly securing
arms since their arrival and mean mis
chief. I am eseuring all the arms and
anamunitioti that I can, and shall move
with cautthiad get matters in such
shape as to the balance of power.
I am to to take the responsi
bility to life and property and
to save as lives as possible in the
emergency. ly hope the president
and congress will sustain my action
and treat me with charity should I be
found in error.
"1 believe my experience confirms my
opinion formed on my journey in here,
that some radical steps are necessary
to give protection to life and property
next summer., with the opening of navi
gation. I am tilt of the opinion that
it should be military government
with power to' unt to the death the
lawless element"
Under date of Nov. 2, Captain Ray
recommends that the government take
steps to effect Ily check immigration
to this region all people who do not
come prepared *ith sufficient provisions
to last them for two years. The next
day he submits a recommendation for a
patrol steamer to check the operations
of the lawless.
Accompanying the report is a letter
to the adjutant general from President
Weare and Manager Healy of the N. A.
T. & T. company, strongly appealing
for the protection of the strong arm of
the military, and a letter to Captain
Healy froth Captain Ray, advising the
company that it must take steps to
check the exodus down the river as far
as possible; that provisions are short,
amounting to less than :t00 tons, and
urging the company to use its influence
to secure legislation for the protection
of the country by the military arm of
the government.
It Is Expeoted That There Will Ie a
Stampede to Henderson Creek.
Portland. Owe.. Feb. 11.-J. L.. Schroeder
of San Francisco, who left Dawson City
Dec. 20, arrived on the steamer Oregon
to-day. He reports that just before he
left rich strikes had been made on Hen
derson creek, 70 miles southeast from
Dawson. and that additional rich finds
had been made on Bonanza and Hunker
creeks. He also reports that very rich
quartz ledges have been located on
Stesart river. asid that a party of 20,
headed by an experienced mining engi
neer, had just left for that locality. He
said that the strikes on Henderson creek
would be so rich as to cause quite a
stampede to that locality.
Trouble at Skaguay.
Seattle, Feb. 11.-The steamer Utopia.
which arrived from Skaguay and Dyea
this morning, reports that a vigilance
committee is being formed at Skaguay.
and it is the intention of the commilttc*
to drive out of town the toughs and bun
co men. A number of deaths have taken
place in the past few days. the cause
betpg cerebro spinal menengitis, and oiy
sicians state that the disease threatens
to become prevalent.
"Holdups" and petty larcenies are be.
ing daily reported, and it is tnore than
probable that lynchings will occur unless
the authorities act promptly.
Assoocate Justice iunt Returns From
Californsia-Sixteen Cases Assign e 1.
Special Dispatch to the Standard.
Helena, Feb. 11.-Associate Justice W.
H. Hunt returned last night from Cali
fornia. where he was called by the death
of his brother. Randall Iount, and this
morning the supreme court assigned 15
cases for hearing. commencing next Mon
day. as follows:
Feb. 14. it re Horsfali estate: Feb. 16.
Heinze vs. B. & M. Mining company:
Montana (ire Purchasing company vs.
B. & M. Mining company. Feb 17. Montana
Ore Purchasing company vs. Ii. & M.
Mining company: B. & M. Mining com
pany vs. Montana Ore Purchasing com
pany. Feb. 17, Connole vs. B. & M. Mtin
ing company et al. Feb. 21. Union Mer
cantile company vs. Jacobs. Sultan & Co.
Feb. 23. Kelly vs. Fourth of July com
pany. Feb. 24. WIlson vs. Harris. Feb. 11
Hamilton' vs. Husou; Morrison vs. Ben
nett. Feb. 29, Sherman vs. Huot. March
1, Kimpton vs. Jubilee Placer company.
March 2, Montana Mining company vs.
Mayger. March :. Hull vs. Ditehl. March
4. Gaffney Mercantile company vs. Hop
Keatucky Women Slot to Death While
Resistine Arrest.
Cincinnati, Feb. 11.-A Times-Star
special from Vanceburg, Ky.. says: At
Eacalapia. this county, this morning.
Constables Cropper and Thacker at -
tempted to arrest an old lady named
Crowe, who was at her home with sev
eral grown up daughters. Before the
officers realized it, one of the girls ftle.
at them like an enraged tigress with a
big knife. dangerously wounding both
officers. By this time the old lady and
another daughter drew revolvers and
the officers realized it was a fight for
life. The battle raged for a few inn
ments and after the smoke had cleared.
Mrs. Crowe was found dead and shot
to pieces and one daughter dead. Those
who survived are in a dangerous con
Knlulsni Will Well.
lHonolutii. via Sai Francisro, Fb. It. -
Thb enggi.; iint is anniun, "".1 of a mnar
rtag. thl.t - I."n .irrtio i lh.twe.n
P rim i f i-id a: 'wIninak .a :i, I'rii
nitoria '< I"lat. Thi ormal gn.t'i
rmirelv .:Watt.f , th ign~a~tr, t. I~
d.",di; .f f.,rabl et~thmein' t .f la . -
Qu**~n Kassli,+l.,::. Prin>- lia+t.t _
t i, th I mn :, i. hal i tnu . bt 1. -
a" t, n man 'i Lid ti o.kalin
throbe . low... Perit.. It.t%:. tt- i
a fannous h -e,: hi. II .,., ,.. u , .. ,<,
fiuatn in~ En t Ii
Japai Wants Warshtt -
Niw York Fit. II _.p.
He.rah!l traio 1a," nos Aie
bor.n Rio .la a n t t
"iii . ti.i . J.t. t, ,., r ,, . a ".
7..lta ,* . p t.h;. a =t:: : I t
Brought Forward in an Amend
ment by Pettigrew.
It Proposes to Restore the Old Law
In So Far as It Relates to Indian
Reservation Lands Ceded to
the United States.
Washington, Feb. 11.--Consideration
of the Indian appropriation bill was re
sumed by the senate to-day and after
being amended to some extent the meas
ure was passed. The most important
amendment to the bill was that offered
by Mr. Pettigrew of South Dakota,
which, if finally enacted, will restore
the free homestead law so far as it re
lates to Indian lands ceded to the Unit
ed States, for which lands the settlers
have been obliged to pay the purchase
price paid to the Indians. The bill car
ries appropriations aggregating nearly
$8,000,000. The senate decided to adjourn
until Monday.
A bill providing for American register
of the steamer Leelanaw of San Fran
cisco was passed. Allen introduced a
resolution directing the committee on
foreign relations to inquire whether the
yacht Buccaneer. owned by William D.
Hearst. had been seized and was being
held by the Spanish government.
Agreed to.
The Indian appropriation bill was
then taken up. Allen withdrew his ap
peal from the decision of the vice presi
dent which was pending when the sen
ate adjourned last evening.
Pettigrew offered an amendment pro
viding for the restoration of the free
homestead law. He explained that the
amendment, if adopted, would allow
settlers to secure title to their lands
after a period of five years by the pay
ment of the land office fees. It re
stored the homestead law of 1862. Grad
ually. he said, laws have been enacted
repealing that law until now there is
practically no land left suitable for set
tlement under that law. Mr. Pettigrew
did not desire to discuss the amendment
at length, but as it had been passed
by the senate and endorsed by every po
litical party. It ought now, he said, to be
favorably considered by the senate.
Mr. Carter of Montana supported the
amendment. He maintained that under
the free homestead law settlers had be
come prosperous. Under it the great
state of Illinois had been redeemed and
made one of the most fertile and pros
perous places on the face of the earth.
As soon as the government auctioneer
was excluded from. the land it bloomed
as the rose and the settlers attained
As it was in Illinois, so also had it
been in Indiana. Iowa. Minnesota and
other great states. Mr. Carter referred
to the difficulty settlers in Oklahoma
had had in making the payments de
manded by the government. The
strange spectacle is presented, he said,
of people who are building school
houses. improved roads and developing
what will be one of the great common
wealths of the union, being pu-sued by
the government for payment of homes,
payments which they have been unable
to make on account of the failure of
crops. It is a lamentable spectacle,
contended Mr. Carter. that settlers In
Oklahoma should be forced to mortgage
their teams and cattle and other stock
to pay the claims of the general gov
ernment. After pursuing the free home
stead policy for a generation, it is right
and just and proper that the senate
should faithfully discharge the obliga
tions of the government.
Mr. Allison said be would have to
make the point of order against the
amendment. Mr. Pettigrew then with
drew the amendment and offered an
other eliminating the military reserva
tions which have been opened to settle
ment. The amendment as amended,
Mr. Allison said, removed his point of
order. He thought, however, that the
amendment would do injustice to the
people, because the lands that have
been opened to settlement have cost the
government a large sum of money.
Some of the land is worth $40 an acre,
and yet Mr. Allison held, the proposed
amendment made no distinction be
tween the most valuable and the less
valuable. $houd the amendment be
enacted Into law in a few instances
men who have taken up valuable lands
would not have to pay for them.
Mr. Pascoe held that in the interest
of justice the elimination of the mili
tary reservation ought not to be per
mitted. He explained that if the
amendment was adopted, the settlers
on the abandoned military reservation
would lose the influence of their pres
ent allies, the settlers on the Indian
reservation lands.
Mr. Kyle urged the adoption of the
amendment because it was now evident
that in no other way could the free
homestead he restored. Although by a
large majority the senate had in May
last passed the fr-ee homestead law and
sent it to the house of representatives,
the speaker of the house stood like a
stone wall against any consideration of
the measure and there was not, there
fore, the slightest chance to secure its
passage except as an amendment to the
pending bill.
Mr. Pascn gave nctire that he would
hereafter, in the event of the enact
ment of tnc. antendmnent. press the
claims of the settlcrs on abandoned
military r,_=ýrvations. The amendment
was then adct.gtec.l ithout division. It
is as follow c.
That all settlers under the hccmestead
law- of the tnited States upccn the
cpubite lands acquired prior to the pas
sage of this act, by trvaty or agree
nwnt. from thcc various Indian tribes.
a hcc have or who shall hereafter re
sitdc uccn the ci act enterted in good
faith for the te'riccd required by exist
ing lawcs. cdall bcc cntitled to a patent
for the lands xc ent. r' c upon the pay
me-nt to thc loeal tan-I cthcers of the
uiiual and c castomtarcrc i- and nc other
-r furtho r c hare. c.t cc A kit hatsccc
,- r ::1.11 to t.- tr 0.. ir., such t to
, nt'tith I t . it. , cir, ,,,
~-.i~i Ic- hr -tl ;rlst -. +h _
t r e rt 1~ bt. .sho t . prai-s. t h r..
,t it f~ .ti- --cc'"t ci tr:c I Ii
t I l~tct o I-cc-c nu, tliiiiiilc c?!
ccl iciy f--c -s a * n t * *M
at the- jri .. rx " l, "y ,.rt; ,%,
Lccaii r,";c:_,n in ilI f-c e .
t"r...vt... hono.V."1 that+ all ,-ums `f
-n.- \. rcc-caltcc hVc l h c i -uc,- r4
t.=,i t. urld. bh net, . t. th*" In,- i l o tti"
shah h.- l.tubltoI h i :0 tt, b
th*A 'i t. ma1 Sta-t--
!!0* it. " r" ý. hr,.n , ti
t.. "i .. tl. p hr ire. t , . : ":
by Mr. Pettigrew in support of the
amendment. Mr. Allen made the point
of order against the report, saying it
was new legislation. and the point was
sustained. The amendments to the bill
were agreed to and, as amended, the
bill was passed. Mr. Allison moved
that when the senate adjourned to-day
it be until Monday next, and toe mo
tion was agreed to.
Bills for the establishment, control.
operation and maintenance of the
northern branch of the national home
for disabled soldiers at Hot Springs,
S. D., for the relief of the sufferers by
the wreck of the United States reve
nue cutter Gallatin off the coast of
Massachusetts in 1892, granting to the
state of Kansas the abandoned Hayes
military reservation for the purpose of
establishing Western branches of the
Kansas Agricultural college and of
the Kansas State Normal school there
on, and for a public park and to pro
vide for the revision and adjustment of
the sales of the Otoe and Missouri res
ervation lands in Kansas and Nebraska
and confirm the titles under the sales,
were passed.
On motion of Mr. Cockrell of Mis
souri the senate then, at 3:40 p. m. went
into executive session and at 5 p. m.
adjourned until Monday.
Deubled the Appropriatien.
Washington. Feb. 11.-The senate com
mittee on appropriations t9-day com
pleted consideration of the fortification
bill. The committee recommended an in
crease which doubles the figures of the
bill as passed in the house. The amount
carried by the bill as agreed upon is a
little over I9,000,600.
Presidestial Nominatieos.
Washington. Feb. 11.-The president to
day sent the following nominations to
the senate: John H. Burford. chief jus
tire, and Bayard T. Hainer, assistant
justice supreme court. territory of Okla
homa: Edward S. Cunningham of Ten
nessee, to be consul at Aden, Arabia.
Rank Restored.
Washington. Feb. 11.-The house com
mittee on military affairs has reported
favorably the bill to restore Major W.
W. Wham to his rank and pay in the
corps of the army. The report fully exon
erate Major Wham of the charge on
which he was court martialed.
Stilted the Bllu.
Washington. Feb. 11.-The house judi
ciary committee to-day killed the senate
hill to permit the state of South Caro
lina to control liquors brought into the
state in original packages. The motion
to report favorably was lost oi a tie
Favored by Carter.
Special Dispatch to the Standard.
Washington, Feb. 11.-Senator Carter
announces that he ftvors the Yellowstone
park extension hill. Senators Warren and
Clark of Wyoming and both senators
from Utah are strongly opposed to it.
"itlger Attended the Meeting.
Washington. Feb. 11.-The president and
members of the cabinet were surprised
ht tie appearance of Secretary Alger at
the regular meeting of the cabinet to
day. This Is the first time in eight weeks
he has been able to attend.
Every Demand Conceded My the Board
of Arbitration.
Denver, Feb. 11.-The state board of ar
bitration rendered its decision to-night
on the question in dispute between the
miners and operators of the Northern
Colorado coal district. The board found
in favor of the miners in every particu
Early in January the miners employed
in the Louisville and Lafayette district
submitted demands to the operators for
an increase in the schedule paid for labor
in these districts. It was finally agreed
between the Lafayette men and the op
erators to submit their case to the state
board of arbitration. On Feb. 2 the board
started its investigations and since that
time has been engaged continuously until
to-night, when its decision was made.
granting to the miners of the Lafayette
district each and every demand made
by them of the operators.
We News Received of the Missiag Man A.
I. Sweetser.
Special Dispatch to the Standard.
Pocatello. Idaho. Feb. 11.-Lewis Sweet
ser returned from California to-day. Hir
reports that no news has yet been heard
from his father. A. I. 8weetscr. who was
carried out to sea by the tide in an open
boat from San Francisco on Nov. 17 last.
Out of 40 vessels that left San Francisco
harbor that day all but two have been
heard from without any news of the
missing man. Those two were sail'ng ves
vessels bound for EIngland. and Mr.
Sweetser is still confident that his father
has been picked up by one of these and
that he will be heard from safe and sound
in a couple of months.
Corbett's Trainer Kneeked Out in the
Sixth Round by Mexlean Pete.
Cripple Creek, Colo., Feb. 11.-Eilly
Woods, who achieved national celebrity
as the trainer of Corbett at Carson City.
was bested by Mexican Pete Everett. the
champion heavyweight of Colorado. in a
contest before the Cripple Creek Athletic
club to-night. The knockout blow was
given in the sixth round.
Both men were In prime condition. The
sixth round opened with no advantage to
either man. Suddenly Everett landed on
Woods jaw and Woods went down heav
ily. Rising to his feet with difficulty as
the referee counted lt}, he received the
finishing blow.
Leaves Pulpit for the Stage.
New York. Feb. 1L-Rev. James H. W.
Barry. a fully ordained minister of the
Protestant Episcopal church, Is going on
the vaudeville stage. Harry is 38 years
'ld, and up to a short time ago was pas
tor of the Church of the Holy Redeemer
SOtkland . Cal. lie will make his pro
-,stanal dIbut i: .a hurl . sue of "An
and Ibatrc in Boston, on F b.
ýuuk in a Collisin.
I,! . e.. F-b. 11--The passenger
.:, amn r .1 r .1itd hound from here for
SI.,ntmurc. was sunk by a c'itaion with
thp lrit:'h warship 'alatea. in Ilull
rels last ."vaink. The passengers and
hairs In Iudia.
h itt. Fxb. it - -Fxci elle t ratli ti
N vrt k rt jta "'.ntrs! tn.iia insure so -
S !st rm t roe The pl.gu "Is <spr, ,t
1 -: a l . l.luttti l itt l'U j~t4.i*
Morton'. Moves Story
It Looked as On Tme as If
tire Block Wao Do0 IS,
smt om-The sawme U
New York, Feb. 11.-LevI P.
11-story office building, with
on Nassau and Ann streets,
the Nassau Chamber buildiag
stroyed by fire to-night. The
had a hard battle and for thrie
there was every prospect of a grt g
flagration. Every fire copeajr .
city, from Fifty-ninth street to the
tery. was called out.
The Derby Desk company
both the Nassau and the Ann
stores and the basement of the
ing, where the fire originated,
cupied by the Herald Cycle
From the Nassau chambers theo
spread to the four-story blda
Joining and the clothing store of
uro Brothers, on the ground felow
quickly in flames. The loes hwer
be practically complete. Sevet l
men were badly cut by
and debris, but none serfonsly
The Murray stationery store
a small frontage adjoinin the
Desk company on Nassau aluet
the concern has very little, it
left. The upper part of the
chamber was occupied by Li
offices, and a number of mes
concerns also had offces there.
them stufferedsev from
The Bennett ath
west corner o at , ,And t
caught fire several timesý bt
tinguished. The loss is
half a mailliob. 4th lage
which will be borne by tee
terests, although it Is sti
well Insured.
The Derby Desk company er
Maduro Bros. are mentioned $s
next heaviest losers.
The World this morning s
the loss from all soures
reach $1.000,000.
Greeted With nelMt Oceth
M~e theM Cee.. :.,
Paris. Febt 1.-M. ZQla
Pe~ietas wre gke e t
when test 'wer at
to-day. Th e~ was
abet. forntqr
desired a iai t e
Blillot, minatster foir war,
to be secret. Neverthe - the
added, the court martial aectsed
the entire proceedings seeteo t
it was Imposeible to cociteadtha
hasy was acquitted by order oft
On Peilleux leaving the eaRy
said: 'There are several ways ar
tog France. You, geeal Amud. t
campaign: but I will bequet to
terity the ofme of 3mii. sol a
terity will my judge."
Colonel Picquact saerated be
found fragments of a telqgeag
the card in 158, andeoe
from that staterasy was
with susplcioue parties.
Mareea.'s Wessese Phesege as
is use Wraseiss.e Saeae
San Francisco. Feb. R.L
tive fire occurred Ia the 10 a
Ing, a large five-stoey stu .
Juncture of O'Farrell ein `
streets, this afternoon~ whitb
1n the loss of Marcea's' ta pie
tograph gallery and serious
several other occupanta. A
alarm was turned in, but
fire department could get to
the flames had commcnitatea
elevator shaft to the fourth
stories, and had galned geod
At firt the firemen enea rgh
difefulty in getting at the 1*
Ively. but after holew had
through the walls sa ntlmmtem
of water was peaied $the las
abd after half au hoye's
blase was under coatrol.
A Chicago Mas Vuweeao S.
Profamor Maw,1;P «
Chicago. Feb. iL-A novel
as to obtaining a vompromse
herents of the gold standag*
opponents Is being adaai.4
Herbert of this city. Tbh isS
circulating medium conaeatlg G
titcates payable halt in gali ad
silver-a two-dollar certltt fo.
ple. to be redeemed by $1 In pe$
in silver coin. If the relatifv
one-half shall dimialsh the
other half. accordiag to )e&
would relatively marease. mate the
of certificates payable Ia oth.
jointly would be substantially
uasies In ia.
Portland. Ore.. Feb. 1L--The
state central committee has agent
dress to the people of Oleea ;
is set forth the advantages of
the populiats and tree aliver
at the coming eleetlee. T.e
"We welcome the hope that t ese
organizations may make ce an e
against the common enemy. arn - W
nestly trust that sime- plea way her
covered upon which all three at
may unite in some manner which is
fair and honorable to each at al
them. so that without any ageuiee I
pritwiples iho common people may pean
sent a united and unbroken feat it
.4r of government `by the peegle.' "
A Two-Days' 3aes.
Lewiston. Idaho, teb. 1I.-A -e#eWt
day run on the Crescent mIll at
City yielded more than StC6W This
I is operated by ex-Congreegmas
Sweet. Pierce City Is an blatedse e4 Mop
rý=r ramp.
A County for Brpan
Frankfort. Ky.. Feb. Il-Ose of thi
hills intr etued to the holWs
Iii tir Mount. isip propotsng to
thp namit in f it ilr uounty to
Jesn.up 5 r.04u conti}.