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usit Ro NoMlto isesses Jene t so me as. ae edite~ 4mai *e wR s feom tmrer shadese stame tree - he thei b.ts toe skr the beautful abeml ews belseed state 4t aft raMses et the year. gait angerday the weahr (sWy bhat kame ass the moa .1 amesaMtb @a~ere4 greatly ea geles bare hr tnem heour s e l- a bet iad. Thus far :00 aWvel it the smeteas eist b. am bean as ralf to epeak as sim= u Prig to amn awn thdelighttl sad the It Imsebsety. Tily " stars bountifully r ae mas meurishiag as a peopte as -a be !ased in it he worl AU a caister with a patrietie seal SThe peopie here ge "o sadhesltible gale but 1eir sesrts to comfort rse tir as steeps that have bee >AWg aglagsresent wees be" san prehiieagy sue mewh btl-ono ,ed Wsle easisads of beautiful ' an seesbe !lnse artioes of ap Smet sgreassetesem. ss th~~ es ezmls lca -at mte emiutty sad lefty eve witnessed he the Utaked ti t Ocest work to sot being kemfs; the lady la silk with dimoeads brings her sm L tr atte os laer carriage e tae h eart to test with the M4 de snerses. disgrat-ing hemeats ut their threlee tai 5t7dly bhearts The street esa at them t arry the ` - a" Fliefet at charret SCea rs reoi ha ee rated c - th se Ti tm e a te f one o er mag oV the e egiment bis g U lmWeofaheem aees can fair iltegy aeg apent lyo ges have occrredty give the elaWand Mbegal Macrasts on eesrataeMgpossilet Is be Sthatherecas aloo of this Sme. ourmthe bhraens SThe bad oett gallant o=es see M response to me a barr toge Gharais has fairi se heart d every soldier from 0t to a matter eor shncere conwratul time that hodtaed's coitingent remains 2311111 abighpae t hal Thas far there a MlgAs amoeidu ofs the Moo ebai bny ether regiment ste h'w be lated thrap. of the ren aer 6 oeaslateed as they are to a. it camp lIfe and correc~t agaged itGevim have eurrered much date ia Ai ssits thea have the men area the esure state. None of the ages at as Meeosm rethment are oerl Sallnal, set ee iet them is confined to iri .Wspil! they are all apparently al e rheaeteer aed growing stout. gam thave oocfrred in other . egtiar that have east a gloom over tin eath e eaps. Your men have died 6- - gageaAL She body of one brave ragh saggsest Sallvae of the Colorado gsaghaet, was sent home to-day for Celeael Wallace is working ale a beaver to get his command in gagr , and be is succeeding admir s~p ee ag have shows a vast lm ageoameat is drill sad discipline during t da das As as evidence of the obtalged by the Montana regi be stated that last Sun **atale*4 an Interview Geeal" Merritt. in which 1a eft the Meetaas regiment for e es emeplimtent Re said he was peee et the men from It usems Iliely that this regt MMe WE heel Its wewith the beet it !he vretleaer , and will be fdameag the abet for important 16uet was eutitted with guns. r ith dst haversacks to-day ib thse will hereafter drill fully the gpus taraished are the old rice at the model of 'Ti. and Oheare somewhat antiquated. -n ia their ets. Ihe uni Asi bome sot yet bees provided. but g wos"to Is Wre ,oon. Many of re Is need of new clothes, the =let4 hemie In having become asttent Ike uniferms to be pro 9e m ade of brown duck canvas ea$ ase dmeehe sad comfortable. They meewn overalls and are very Wa style regulation blue yjse g wiE net be worm on the trip Y dhe r-eE Philipplans. Just when oh as aeglmeat will leave for the IIMAAArIs the USethers seas is still a at spetladea. Nothing has oc daitg the past iS days to pigAthea the beliet that Montana will neaat rwa4 fr least two weeks pat. It to absmet osatals we will not Zan the ast epeditlom to Manila lbe tgages comprSS that party have abawly named and Montana Is not (Se Mit. These Is a story out around t. ~ap i- to the effect that the t Iad the 12th United wllB sortly be seat to M dd duty n Qeene LUt.a for MW ýAabeha It is lmpossible to veri do A Ms ; sestheg has been heard 5M t at Colonel Kessler.s ~ b be astl~aaei at Hawaii aameoewarde" with disfavor by -o m fer that it a beautiful bhs a delghttully healthy Of eemss the boys would is be seat on to Manila ew a tbew at the Deas. g n*lWti awaiting the re t-readseved a -- hf the homee is April. Siggs to haw eeme the last day bt a ist at here yet. sad every ateness wasee eeme Is dead. m -e eSessa repert their barh agmsts I ea ts. It is sow Sit born will be pal eaot at Se its ahedlatly as Is wed Segheet w3 walk. easae vmisaeebser tn .may at the Maaes and had wedked for two weehe fer the state. In answer to the governor's call, they were net paid a cent for the services rendered up to the day they were mustered into the United States service at Helena. That was somewhere about May 7. For the Urne previous to May 1. during which the men were un der arms at their armories or on their way to the rendeavous at Helena or at Camp Smith. they are to get no pay at least not new. The men complain of this treatment and they have good cause for eempllata. Uvery other state in the union that seat volunteers to the Pa dlac eoast has paid its men for the time they were under arms previous to being maustered into the United States service. Montana stands as the unenviable ex ceptice. All 1t the edcers both M.1 and line. si the Montana regiment have united In seeding messages to Monteaas' repre sentatives In congrees. asking that Colonel Kessler's appointment as briga dier general be made permanent. It is the uaiversal feeling here In army cir cles that the authoritis in Washington would he doing the right thing by thus recognlming the great state of Montana sad heooriag a soldier who is babked by a splendid military record and a successful and honorable business ca reer. The bald fact that Colonel Kessler Is the ranking colonel of all the volun tesr army of the United tate. the Mon tana regiment having been the first to be mustered into the service, should give him title to recognition when the men at the national capital who are in charge of afairs are picking out sol diers for promotion. General Merritt and General Otis, In command of the Philippine expeditionary forces, give ready testimony to Colonel Kessler's qualleations as a soldier. It is a mat ter of general comment that Colonel Kessler's regiment is one of the very beat drilled and beat disciplined here. The regulations governing the camp of the Montana men are probably more stringent than the rules prescribed for the guidance of any other volunteer or ganisstion in this corps, and yet no complaint Is heard from the men. The discipline, while strict. is not made ob noxlous. Colonel Kessler has the happy faculty of ruling with firmness and kindness. In the doling out of military plums at Washington Montana appears thus far. at least. to have been unable to reach the pie counter. One brigad!er general is not too much to ask and ev ery Montana soldier here hopes to see Colonel Kessler promoted to that rank. One ofcer said to-night upon this sub ject: "Montana should bombard Wash Ington with telegrams asking for Kess ler'a appointment. The matter Is now in the hands of the authorities at the capital and I'm sure that prompt and energete action op the part of Montana's people would sea re this promotion'for Colonel Kessler, which would be an Im mense advantage in a military way for every mate in the service from lton tana." Colonel Kessler declines to discuss the matter with the newspapers. He says he has no ambition other than to care fully discharge whatever duty is as signed to him. THE STORY RETOLD. N*w i*wey Ram the Mines and Whipped the Spanish Fleet. Special Correspondence. Copyright 1t90 by Assoclated Press. Manila Ray, May 4. via Hong Kong. May 10.-With decks cleared for action. guns shotted. crews all at quarters and eagerly peering through the port holes, Commodore Dewey, having previousty made signal to follow the Aagship, headed for the entrance of Manila bay. between the batteries on the islands of Pule Cabello and El Fraile. at 10 p. m. on Saturday night last. April 30. Here were the guns that were to blow us o'i* of the water, and the much-vauntt1 water mine field that was impossible to pass without a skilled pilot. At 10:20 a signal light and a gun on the tweach announced that we had probably been seen. The night was bright moonlight, but the dark green paint and the inky darkness on board ship prevented any estimate of our character being ma le. The Olympia and Baltimore slipped through unseen before the gunners cn El Fralle, but a sudden roar, a flash and an 18-inch shell whistled over the Raleigh and exploded close alongside. The Baltimore opened fire, and a five Inch shell from her broke the silence of the American fleet, but the course of the ship was not changed. Three more shots were fired at the Concord and Boston, and they were promptly replied to. after which the ships were out of range. Speed was then slackened and the eolumn headed up the bay for Ma alus, U miles distant. The commodore skirted the city at early dawn, but the Spanish fleet was not there. Soon afterwards It was dis tinguished drawn up in line of battle off the strongly fortified arsenal of Cavite, seven miles from Manila. The Isignal. -Prepare for general action and ulos up." was then floated from the t flagship Olympia, and the bugle and drum called to "general quarters," and the glorious stars and strlpey waved out from every masthead and gift of the six t ships of the squadron as the Olympia headed for their line of battle. Our formation was in column, 400 yards apart, with a slackened speed of six knots. The fullness of day revealed the Spanish fleet of nine vessels, the Reinas Christina. flagship. the Castilla. Don Antonio de I'lso. Isls de Cuba. Isla de s Luson and four small gunboats. The Spanish mall steamer Mindanao was al so in line, having been hastily fitted with guns. Each end of their line was protected by batteries of six and eight Inch guns on the peninsula of Cavite. L The Castilla was moored head and stern. and the other ships had steam up in or der to be able to retreat behind the mole and batteries of Cavite to repair aec. dents and take a breathing spell. Thb shore batteries opened on us long f before we were in range. Our guns L were sIlent until at 4.101 yards, when r the Olympia swung around her port r broadside and let drive her four eight I inch turret guns. The Baltimore. Ral 5 ei Petrel, Concord and Bostee. in L sseasstion. followed the flagship and elp*sn Ire as soon as their guns would r bear on the enemy. The engagement 5 was general as the Americans swept i down parallel to the Spsaish liue. but W wee feit, at long range., owing to ear sips hen kept away from the enemy i. by shallow water. The modern high s poer guns and emlseat gusamery of e the Amtessans showed its efect, while if .4s oa -e a at u M. e Mitte ass *M sgs were fired was ltoueeealv a I nsem at the mate " wMs had a bat try .4 tem five-sech d atesese VmSt mta" u abuet as lt ghip me the enemp. s we e aam umesere led the fseet or sash down the Saniese lm, after wbob we hauled eat to breahfast. but the vitery wm su-a The Castilla was riddled and beralag. A shib threWgh the steam prie at the Relia chriestia showed she was is treMble. Two hours later she burst latot ames, sad both aMps were burned to the water edge. The other spaab craft had been hae die d aererely that they had retired heesnd the mole e the Navy yard. 2he Mindana. was beached. A Serpse best, early to the fight. tried to elip out and attack ear reserve seuadren. comapsed .f the McCufloeh sad the trasporta Nan Shea and dn Gro which had bees left out at range of nation. She had hardly aide Clear her purpose ine the small rapid-ire guns of all our shipe were concentrated on her, sad she was fairly blown out of the water oa to the beach. At 7:32 the eemmodore made Signal to retire to give the crews a rest and breakfaet. They had been standing by their guar all night. and had been fght leg them for three hours. The rest was welcomed by all. After breakfast and the council of war it was decided to attack and destroy the shore hat. terses at Cavite. On signal the Bal timore led the ray, ran up to within 3,00 yards, reserved their concentrated fire, and literally amothered them with shell. The other abips quickly took their places, and within 30 minutes not another shot was fired from the shore. The Don Antonio de Ullso still floated the flag of Spain and fired a few ahots. Her decas were swept of every living soul and she sank riddled with sheiL The work of the ships was over. The Raleigh. Concord and Petrel were then ordered inside ad "destroya hip ping." But the draught of the Raleigh, 30 feet, was too great to allow her to get over the shoal water, and after get ting aground twice the attempt had to be abandoned. The Concord ran over and found the Mindanao. while the Petrel went up to the navy yard. The enemy. however, had anticipated them, and all the gunboats were on fire or scuttled. The arsenal was in ruins from the shelling. At 10:30 o'clock the Spanish flag was hauled down and the Petrel signaled. "The enemy has surrendered.' A mighty cheer went up from all the ships. A most extraordinary victory was ours-not one man did we lose and there were only six men slightly wounded on the Baltimore, while from last accounts, the Spaniards lost be tween 900 and 1,100 men, killed and wounded. The Spanish commodore was wounded and the captain, a lieuten ant, the chaplain and a midshipman were killed by a shell striking the bridge of the Reina Cristina. She lost besidee N0 men killed and had t0 men woqnded. The Castilla lost 110 men killed and wounded. The shore 'bat teries suffered badly. Had we been able to engage their ships and batteries at short range. the battle would have been more quickly over: but our tosa of life would. in all probability. have been considerable. As it was, the Spanish fleet was destroyed without ono death on our side and only º few shbt holes through the upper works of our ships. That night we anchored off Manila. leaving the Roston and Concord to watch ('avite arsenal. Negotiations were opened with the authorities ashore and it was earnestly desired on our part that it would not be necessary to bombard Manila. On the lunetta in front of Manila is a battery of 10-inch Krupp guns. These guns opened on the fleet as It passed in the early morning. and by so doing ex posed the city to a merciless bombard ment. which, but for the humanity of our commander, might have put to death thousands of the inhabitants and laid the city in ruins. Even after the first half of the battle was over, that battery kept firing. But after the final destruction of the naval station and the silencing of the Spanish ships off the city, a white flag was hoIsted over this battery and not a gun was there after tired after fired. During Monday. May 2. the Raleigh and Baltimore were sent down to de mand the surrender or to destroy the forts at the mouth of the bey. Arrived off the principal forts and headquar ters on Corregidor talande. a flag of truce was sent in and the surrender of the Spaniards was demanded, where upon the governor and the colonel com manding the forces came on board and arranged the terms with Captain Cogh lan of the Raleigh. We have since dis mantled their guna. destroyed their ammunition and put all the Spaniards on parole not to bear arms against the United States during the war or to at tempt to fire a shot at our ships enter ing or leaving the bay. As this dispatch is closed. on Wednes day, affairs are at a standstill. Old plorv floats over the naval station at Cavite and the garrison and employes have evacuated the place. The hospi tale are full of wounded and we buried those who died: 115 were buried yee terday. The Insulting and bombastic proclamation of the governor of Manila has evidently borne trfpit, for when the Petrel first searched the navy yard the doctor and a deputation of soaters of mercy from the hospital came down to beg our men not to kill the wounded or fire on the hospital. They seemed surprised and delighted when they were assured that such practices were not in our style of warfare. The wrecks of nine splendid vessels are dotted around in view of the ship on which this dispatch to written. The Snanish transport Manila was found in three feet of mad up near the navy yard. but the Petrel was able to tow her off and she came out under her own steam and anchored near the squadron. She I. a beautiful little steamer of 1.000 tons. On board were supplies for the navy and 1M tans of coal. The Ralkigh is now fIling her bunkers with the coal captured on this steamer. In addition to the latter. about a dowen small tugs and steam launches have been seised and are now being used by the Americen fleet. The terms of the surrender of Manila have not yet been fined. The commo dore wants to avoid a bombardment in the interests of humanity and to keep from Inflicting terriMe losm on un offending neutrals. Usmides this, the rebels are massed near the city, and. should It be bombarded, it would he the signal for their descent to pillage and burn. The following is as accurate list of the damage and tujrhe sustained by the Americans dupiga the battle of Ma nila bay. Daltimege dhe balst hblss in her upper works and elk wen wounded by a 47-inch shod elsiblgs an explod ing a three-poseder sheMl: iajries not serious. Raleygh. ien-peeader shell through her whalsheSt. mow repaired. Dnetou. Petrel. Osease . no damage or Injuries. The Spanish aet was slightly over matched in e to e. hut not no such a degree to asosunt tee the marvelous ra ves wes e. tIp aogu k a- sem mp tbresaisnssse epidesme i-a the eldawe at ap Merritt, and S . iemea @wum, is and Pngs be hare at so. ad hospital, an bead ing an ihieWi lperuIce to 55Oait rh further "I~dm the malady. 1'I cases an now daear their cura durinthe Ueht two or three days s to sew patilents a day have been turned eve ts them. Portunately the disease is Is a muad form and all the patients ae asiks nleety. Major GSmeasd Merritt has e- yet issued eegalwe orders directing the em basbatdos of tegps for Manue. but hee sent verbal lbetrsetions, threegh Ms ter General Ois. to colonels commass lag regiments sad battalioms desigastee to sail to have uabhed by Tueeday af ternocs the placing aboard shies of all camp eqalpage and to be ready to em bark their troops by soon os Wednee day. As a result, in the camps of the regiments that are to eal, the peebeng has begus. and every article not acta ally necessary for use between new and the time for departure Is being packed. mes~ to sear. San branelece. June 12.-The second expeditios to the Philippline is. q!most ready to sail. The So@d guns, amum nition and camp equipments of the Utah battery were to-day put on board the Zealandla, the last of their suSiese were loaded on the China and the - tor was being coaled from both sides. The Morgan City may have to go on the dry dock. In that event she will not go out with the Zealandia. Seta tor. China sad Colon, but will be added to the fleet composed of the Ohio. In diana. City of Pars and City of Puebla. The China, Colon and Zealandia will probably receive their quota of ammu nitlon to-morrow, and with the Sena tor, will sail on Wednesday or Thurs day. Left fer sam Frasesees. Special Dispatch to the Standard. Cheyenne, Wyo., June 12.-Captain Linacott'a troop of Nevada cavalry sent here from Carson City for muster, left to-night at 11 o'clock over the Union Pacific railroad for San Fran cisco. The troop was escorted to the train by the Almer light artillery and given an enthusiastic leave-taking by several thousand people. A substantial luncheon for use en route was sent with the troops by the ladles of Chey enne. Will Prevent Bombardment. London. June 13.-A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Nagasaki, Japan, says: "I have trustworthy information that Germany ie determined to prevent a bombardment of Manila." CONGRESSIONAL FORECAST. Eswalian Ansnexatie Atraeetag Mote Attestlen Than Any Other sebjest. Washington, June 12.-The first days of the week in the senate will be de voted to miscellaneous matters on the calandar. and the last days of it to the Hawaiian question, If present plans are pursued. The Hawaiian question is at tracting more attention than any other matter now before the congress, and upon its disposition largely depends the date of fAnal adjournment of the session. Senator Frye is determined to get the house resolution up in the sen ate as soon as it passes the house, and asserts his ability to hold the senate in seaslon for a reasonable time or until th. matter can be disposed of. It is conceded on all hands that there is a majority in the senate favorable to anrexation, but some of those who are fre-ndly to this cause admit the difft cuilty of maintaining a quorum of its friends and expect the opponents of an nexation to refuse to assist them in mnantaining a working senate. Among other measures which there wil' be an effort to have considered during the week are the bill for the in corporation of the International Ameri can bank. SenatorPettigrew's bill regu lating the a,'ounts of the public land states and the quarantine bill. The con ference committee report of the Indian appropriation bill I likely to receive attention. and it Is understood that .f opportunity offers, a portion of the time will be devoted to private pension and house bills on the calendar. Sen ator Morgan hopes to have a favorable report on the Nicaraguan canal bill to present to the senate late in the week. S1ill Be Passed WdasedSay. Washington. June 12.-The debate up on the Newlands resolutions providing for the annexation of Hawaii will con tirue in the house this week until Wednesday afternoon, when at 5 o'clock a vote will be taken. Meantime. cqp ference reports upon the sundry civil bill, Indian and District of Columbia appropriation bills may be presented and considered. but owing to the great desire to speak upon Hawaii these re ports moat likely will be delayed until after Wednesday The general deft clency bill is expected to be taken up Thursday. and will be disposed of quickly. Aside from the quarantine bill there are no measures of much Impor tance likely to come up, beyond appro priation bills. LESSONS OF THE WAR. Ediasd itStill sae Ships With Mussia Leading aeas. London. June 1. -Rear Admiral Lord Charles Bereeford has issued an appeal to the press for an increase In the navy. He says: 'The war htween Spain and the United States has taught us useful lemons. It has taught us the absolute necessity of complete and thorough ergasiation pie vious to war instead'ot trustaUg to chance. It has taught the value at a proper supply of cruisers and the ineaeetlveasas of ob salete gues against the reasp and aees ':racy et modern weapons. Ne ether natlen has a ship upon the efastive list armed with sssallosdtng sgum, whereas Mg land has 5 Any n , tio that seat mme to fight oa blue water or aM far harber pro t tectieo with such weapeas, would oer tainly get short shrift." Bihs RUeeeds Lowered. Desver. June I -' two werds bhke ree ards were lowi*.d at Chutes part ai this city. to-day tt W . Hagiltoe. who pre viotualy held the worli's paged and on paced mile re. .,rde. ta4ay reds an on paced nclie It the remahlarabe thie *f I r minute and 56 seconds, thus s.pping 8% aseceas from the record. aMEN& the aoe will nut a* **now as oi nI becaue sanae sie bd bead agred ter.* A. 3. ugiteie knocked .3 is iseands from the three-mile uapaced reserd. tidies the distance in a Sa His ltast S id **e W s deS bIB. A regular meet will be heM >mday -est and Hamilton and Hughts ow at t tgmpt t* make aew recerds for dM msn t al thsee-mile sape" dtma. AN EFVECTl IL a a i - V 1 - a agek as gnUnsM5-A Leadem, 3Sum i-The MadriM es speadmt K the Dally Ma. In6 Smay, says: "An wetimn* 1 had Impreedeon is current to-night as to the result of events. u3M are Inclined to the belief that the war will be short, probably only lating Si. other moeth. Military mea held the opposite view, conslidering that Spala eaa put much reflace' ea the elbn ments. "At the cabinet counoil te-My Dubs Aimodovar do Rio, the foreign minister. had a short coaferesce with the am bassadors of the powerf. It Is ander stood that nothing dednite has been ar rived at. Captaia Aunem, minister of marine, telegraphs from Cadis that the recruiting for Admiral Camara's squad ron is being accelerated. "While the American landing In Cuba is officially denied, the authorities as sert that even if It were true It weuld be unimportant, as the Spanish army would give a good account of Itself. It is believed that the question ef feed supplies, so far as the peninsula Is ern corned. is settled, at least until Oc tober." AN EFFECTIVE BLOCKADE. seaer Osma P!Ms same getessu to She Geveramemt. London, June 12.-The Madrid corre spondent of the Times, telegraphing Saturday, says: In the chamber of deputies to-day Senor Oems, a highly respected deputy, questioned the gov ernment, among other matters, as to whether a blockade can legitlpastely be made effective by obstructing a port with sunken ships, mines or torpedoes; whether It Is allowable for a belligerent in this fashion to obstruct a port which is not formally blockaded; whether an effective blockade once Interrupted must be formally re-proclaimed, and whether it is legitimate for abelliger ent to employ as allies seml-lvind natives living under the jursdicetion ot an opponent, especially when there is reason to apprehend that the latter will commit all manner of ezcess now bap pily unknown In civilized warfhre. Duke Almodovar is Rio. the foreign minister, in the course of a very guarded reply, expressed the opinion that ay Inter rupted blockade must be proclaimed. He said the question as to whether the block ade from Cardenas to Bahia Henda was formally proclaimed had been submitted to the powers, but they had not re plied. America. he said was operating against Santiago apparently on the assumption that a blockade of that port had never been formally proclaimed. Duke Almo dovar said he would not conceal his opin Ion that the blockading of the entrance to Santiago harbor was unjustifiable, adding that the use of mines f(q such a purpose had been condemned by buch em inent authorities on international law as Sir Richard Webster, the British attorney general and Des Jardinc. the French ju rist. With reference to "exciting and aiding bar barians," the foreign minister was careful to avoid accusations against the Washington government, but he gave the chamber clearly to understand that in his opinion a nation professing humanitarian sentiments would certainly, by instigat ing rebellion among a population capable of pillaging, devastating and torturing, incur a "tremendous moral responsibility in the eyes of the civilisee world." Silver seised. Algeiras. Spain, June IL-The Spanish authorities have discovered that'a contra band trade in silver coin is being carried on from this port. A large consignment to Gibraltar (across the bey) has been seised. BASEBALL YESTERDAY. At Chicago-The Browns defeated Chi cago to-day in one of the prettiest games of the sense. Both pitchers were hit hard, only the most brilliant fielding keep In the score down. Ut. Loist scored their runs by bunching hits, aided by two basea on balls. Attendance. 11.U . Score: Chicago ....... .................. BI 1 1 St. Loals ........ ................ 4 14 1 Batteries--Callahan and Donahoe; Tay lor and Uugdes. Umpires- mlls and Curry. At Louteville-Wagsers beore-rum with a man on base won the game for the Colonels is the eighth iseing. Powers. whom the Colesels secured trea Notse Dame sniversity. made his but appeer ance. Attendance, 4.U2. Uses: Lousvflle ................. * I 4 Cincinnati ................ 4 1 1 Batteriee-Cusaalgbam and Powers: Breiteastein and Weed. Umptrei-8wart wood and Weod. At Cleveland-The OMt kuaday hai game here this -as was played this afterseen at sanite Deac absm iles free the esty. A arew" of 0a0 wee pros. sot. A seiere thuadsreteor lWrrua" the games. bet there was as teaebenee by the astheetles. The latter pert eo the aftb isetpg was play"i In the reii sad the ball was as wet the pbhers eoasiS do nothing with IL Seore: a. a. a Cleveland ................. 1 1 * Pittshorg ........... ......0 0 0 Datterlee-Poweil and Crgar: Gardner sad Uasiever. Umpiew- der and 0mm nelly. At Taceme-Two errors by Orei, who drespped esaar aS o the ssese gIMI. sre eatten a ob to rl b. . 'M vases Ubetteoso 11tetM to i e tIM Isang.U~oeNexsWm rindbred a do cisies is vielmla sm a the weis and Ile coma - a" So - '. An mette. ............ ... ...* a Tesema..... .............. f I drum~~ anti MeSrreS. UmphSMeoS At b bn - 5dbe wim ayseve eteer leapta soem oh sn wabw Pertlesad semed these* phabS~o Useos: Spehes............ ..... MON. a.A...... .. . I..... i e hem re sd CIh s sbm seS5 meet of So s of e p o . rupea sasI 'mbi bwee boa-arahwowea oagdhem osebd0 ren et amrthen A v msant bomtes beegs"" rv weellm - -eass a seueaethnes .s w - as rme..s suemIes seem ae a 210 b o basseet a m tro. aremb baes eml rsei w3e" sasins d hl &uese mlivse masd e X emes ewemer Zcbhttlefers caly X hke Atisei MacCallm & Clot ier GCe. Park Ave. aid Chesitat St., * Amasemis * Strong Vitality. - The basis ot all vital power is the Uoetricity Is yoer body. If you are weak, you have wasted it Dr. Saudea's Ulestrle Belt will restore it and make you as vi,* ereas as ever in three months. Read the book, "Three Classes of Met," with full ltformation, free. SANDEN ELECTRIC COMPANY sa Wesumae se.6. foreaUs. *e.... CAUTION L:,N::":2"r ;"..: w l".' - * IM a mes~i ****e******* em*e JUNE 15 That Ii s 1h Tim !*t tr Our Free Bicycle Drawing . ON THU £NDRAB It's elen. at bad. Dea l fad to get a .hMae.. Wen't mest yes a eLat. Kve rbody weleomed. J. T. CARROLL CO. est Pkrk Ave., Amedssa. Aseda Livery Stable D. 0. UOWN.LL. Peopaut. Smlgi, m s a gd sadik m la sd e t.fUtm Asoe wtM all temtam 0.esel *.4sene ass meant~s Aamaes WUMm L Mes. K.3. arwa es 3. . 4 ibasfe.g Dali. 1. L arseesat. W. K. Therates. KUNE, DALY & CO., hikers AXNACOWWA MONT. a" a- usA Deaeste sas Perelgs Da s.e+s traasse a esersl 3amssM 3asiness Cselltt -oemptly st= V. Dxeheage Slaswae Legases E.-Wl W mae Av eas a» the~s teea mms tasse a ato .wean . at $ ... .....ew er Vi... I. . . ...............m t s to N "lpa ama«.............. =wow THE IfONTANA ANACONDA, MONT. e. it as ** ws marn * ;rafma ** a1mrma . 5* an- m -eat. agein I~! GO~rs t.atNO I~ La~ w TEDO. 333T Undertaker and Babelme Kr v~*a~*. eind Prey se a..s and Dyeis ACUSlWA SlAI DU WlSs s- West Cmmaisnal Ave.. *Assmade THE GOLDEN RULE 211 E. 8'I A., A fia The Her.. Thak eves Pair Treatment t. AN; P~ekresss o NsAs. The Warm Weather KAS DUGUN Nothing will keep you egoler than a aice Summer Negligee Shirt. The next queeses is, Where can you buy a Moderate Prioed'Bhirt which is well made, np-to-date patern and of good materal t We ean All the bill bselling yon the Best Summer ort'be the I e Passible 5hirt ' Sale --mf.=UM l111 WEEK SLY Ness psimel. *1118. bine scrtpme collpr sad cuEs attached. negular pertes $: -ew...... Me'ss best black inteen ehrts, reg slar 7ie value; sew ..................... - Mesas stlerhd esterse *kte. with estr pair cus, 15 nest stripes and plaids. regular $1.71 values new ................ MMe Fs h flanam"e *1rs, In -t segiesgee wish neckseu e to Ua dteerest paleersm. regsalr vaite ILM; new.......... .......... .. Men's while laumdered shirts, with soft colored boorn. the latest tad out. fer bicycle riders or fer ball use. regular Lm val ue: new .................... We have are in ~st vearity $ .7. SAm 3Lm and LM bisrts, :.e newest kind t the masteSt imeiy 49saMiy lefmts d --- .