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a:i N , .. ' . ý., . , ý That there :ere e:once camels in this state is a statement that will be a mat ter of surprise "to the average tender foot and it will doubtless be received incredulously by many of this genus, yet it is a fact that at one time in the early 'days of transportation in Mon tana, there was a herd of camels which threaded its way through the winding passes and along the valleys of the western part of the state, carrying huge packs of merchandise and heavy loads .of gold dust. These. beasts of burden, novel for this part of the world, were imported as an experiment by the United States .government- for use in Southern California and Texas. With the discovery of gold in Mdntana'* gulches, the subsequent building' of towns and the development of mercan tile enterprises in the new state, the problem of transportation became an important one. There were mule trains and horse trains, wagon trains and bull teams, but there was still room for im provement. As a railway was at that time out of the question, some ingenious fellow, hearing of this herd of camels in the Southwest, negotiated for seven of the animals and brought them up to Montana.' Most of those who were in Montana, in' the early 'S0's remember the excite ment that attended the arrival of these queer pack animals when they first came to the state. When it was known that the camel train was due, there was sure to be a crowd to see it come in and there was always a good delega tion to witness the loading for the re turn trip. It is said that the expert ment was successful and that the owner of the herd did a good business .with his peculiar property. The camels did well in this climate and the loads that they packed were the marvel of old packers. Tney were used principally to freight out of Helena first. They carried mer chandise to the camps in the gold-pro ducing gulches in the western and southern parts of the state and the miners in Bear gulch, Alder, Gold creek and Deer Lodge became accustomed to the arrival of the camel train. At length the train was put on the old Walla Walla trail out of Missoula and made trips to the western country in stead of doing local work among the Montana camps as at first. Then came another change and they carried bur dens along the coast south forqp Wash. lngton. ... - As has been stated, there were seven in the herd that came to Montana, but there were only six when it went away. The fate of the camel whose remains were buried in this state was related the other day by Charles W. Cannon to an interested audience. "I can't recall," said Mr. Cannon, "the name of the man that owned the cam els, but I remember that they used to load in front of the store of Gaston & Simpson at the upper end of Main street in Helena, back in '66. They used to carry tremendous loads, too. They would be loaded with sacks of flour un til you couldn't see anything of the camels except their heads and legs. They would carry all you could pile on them, and never show that the pack was any load for them at all. They would go up and over the mountains in the roughest and steepest places and never refuse to keep moving along in their slow way. They would be loaded at the gulches with gold dust in nail kegs and bring the dust into Helena. "One of the camels met his fate in Montana, and the way it happened was peculiar. The camels were grazing one day somewhere on the route between Helena and Deer Lodge. There was a crack shot from Kentucky who was a great hunter. His name was James MeNear. He got sight of the camels and mistook them for moose. He crept slowly and carefully over the brow of the hill, fearful that the moose would scent danger and run away. He took careful aim at the nearest one, blazed away and brought down his prey. It died without a struggle. McNear was just drawing a bead on When Pay Dirt Was First Discovered on Gold Creek. Hon. Granville Stuart. who is one of the recognized authorities regarding the occurrences of early days in Mon tana. gives the following account of the first discovery of gold in what is now Montana: "In 1852 a Scotch half-breed from the Red River of the North. named Fin lay, but known among his associates by the name of 'Benetsee.' who had just returned from California to the Rtocky mountains, began to prospect on what is now Gold creek, in Deer Lodge county, and found some light float gold, but as his prospecting ,:wae necessarily of a very superficial oharacter, he found no mines that would pay. The fact of gold being found here, however, became noised abroad among the few mountaineers still in the country, and in the spring of 1856 a party, among whom were Robert Hereford, late of Helena, John Sanders, called 'Long John' (he could throw a stone with al most the force and precision of a rifle ball); Bill Madison and one or two others. who .were passing 'Benetsee' :'',,'.. "-it; :' ! .y ýaGm.,. 1 .+ý{iQ1. ":ý:. .ý" '\ i ý 4Tr '14" ';(,ý,~lj ;.r. _ .t+,N,ý..t.: , 51ý .ý ` ý. \ ý\ý ` 41. ýý :,"."lIlri/'l Y "d a/ý\. '.. . r'^" ( 1h" 7X ,19 1~ the next one when the irate owner came running up. He began letting out a string of oaths. " 'Hold on.' cried McNear; 'aon't bother me, and I'll get more of them.' "When McNear finally realized that they were camels instead of moose he was repentant, but that didn't pacify the furious owner. McNear was coln pelled to give up his gun, ammunition, watch, all the money he had about him and the deed for a claim whi.h he owned in Ophir gulch. Then he was compelled to dig a grave and give the camel a decent burial. You can depend on it that McNear was very careful to find out what he was shoot ing at before he shot after that. He also quit drinking-in a measure." "What became of the rest of the herd?" Mr. Cannon was asked. "The other six," said Mr. Cannon, "continued packing in Montana for about a year. Then they took a load of gold dust and other stuff to Walla Walla. They never returned. They stayed in the vicinity of Walla Walls for some time, and were then taken down into Nevada. The last I heard of them they were still down inl Ne vada and were increasing in numbers." Old timers say that the mistake of McNear was not a strange one. To a man who had not known that there were camels in the state, it was a big surprise to come suddenly upon them in the hills. It is only natural that he should assume that they were wild ani mals, as they resembled no pack ani mals that had ever been used before In this region. McNear came upon. the herd unexpectedly, while the camels were grazing in a little valley. They were not loaded and it has been insin creek on their way to Salt Lake from the Bitter Root valley, where they had spent the winter trading with the In dians and prospecting a little, found more gold than had been obtained by Finlay. One piece weighed about 10 cents, and they gave it to old Captain Grant, who used to show it up to the time of his death in 1862, as the first piece of gold found in this country. "The matter rested here until the spring of 1818, when Thomas Adams, now of Washington City, Reece Ander son and Granville Stuart searched for gold and found as high ast0centstothe pan of gravel, but, as they had nei ther tools nor provisions (they were living on wild meat straight without salt), they could not accomplish any thing, more especially as the fBlck feet stole four of their horses and so harassed them that they abandoned the country for a time, returning, how ever, in the fall of 1860, firm in the faith that this was a rich gold coun try. "In the meantime, during the sum-, uated that McNear was. His mistake, then, was not a remarkable one. The camels were never popular with the other packers. In the first place, the loads that they carried were too big when compared with what a horse or mule bore. More than that, there was many a horse and mule stampeded by the sight of the strange animals. More than one packer has used severe language while rounding up his scat tered train, which had left the trail for almost any old place as soon as the animals discovered the camels. There are many amusing incidents told of the experiences of both horses and men when the camels first came to Mon :tana. There were many accidents resulting from these experiences, but none of 'them were as serious as the adventure of poor McNear. He lost all that he had and then did not dare to meet the camel man afterward, lest he should be compelled to give up what he had accumulated after be ing stripped to pay for the camel. The Indians regarded the camels with amazement. They had never heard of any such creatures and it required a whole lot of explanation to induce them to refrain from shooting the imported stock. When they be came more accustomed to the camels they would still regard them with wvonder and awe. With the advent of the railway the camel's occupation was gone in the sections where it had been most in demand. The camels were turned loose in Southern Nevada and thriv ed there. Some of the experiences of packers on the Walla Walls trail with the camel herd have afforded abundant material for fireside tales by those who mer of 1860, a mining enthusiast by the name of Henry Thomas (but who, as soon as his peculiarities became known was dpeignated 'Gold Tom,' by which name he ever afterward went), came up by way of the Pend d'Oreille lake to 'Benetsee' creek and began to pros pect about one mile west of where the town of Pioneer now stands. Almost unaided, he sank a shaft 30 feet deer in the glacial detritus along the creek, getting a little gold as he went down, He also washed some on the surface at this point during this and the fol lowing summer, put only made about $1.50 a day, owing to the great disad vantage under which he worked. His windlass and four little sluice boxes, hewed out with an axe and now fast falling to decay, may still be seen (1876) where he worked. "In the fall of 1860 and the spring of 1861 Anderson and the Stuarts pros pected in the dry gulches that come into 'Benetsee' creek and found what they considered good paying mines, but did little toward working them that season for two reasons-first, they had few and imperfect tools and no lum ber till they could get it whipsawed; second, all the members of the party except the writer went To Fort Ben ton for the purpose of purchasing sup plies from the steamboats that came up the river that year. The one boat I -· participated in the occurrences. One man tells of having an entire pack load of breakable stuff completely wrecked by the stampeding of his train when the horses spied the camels coming down the trail toward them. It was as easy to stop a blizzard as it was to head off a train that had been frightened by the. camels. But few horses or mules would behave when the humpbacked pack train showed up. A lot of whiskey destined for Missoula was scattered along the trail for a long distance on one occasion and the Mis soula people, who then lived at Hell Gate, were compelled to drink we ter for a long time afterward. These camels packed a lot of gold that started, the Chippewam, was burned near the mouth of Milk river and the summer was lost waiting for her. On this boat were Hons. William Graham of Philipsburg and F. L. Wor den of Missoula. Early in the spring of 1862 the Stuarts. Anderson, Burr and Powell began to mine, having had lumber sawed by hand at 10 cents a foot and picks and shovels packed up from W\alla Walla, 425 miles distant, by Worden & Higgins' cayuse pack horses that brought their goods to Hell Gate, and on the Sth day of May they set the first string of sluices ever used in Montana and began to mine by the old pick and shovel process." Mr. Stuart then follows with a de scription of life in the new camp, whose population was augmented in the summer of 1862 by a large delega tion from what is now Colorado. This party had started for the Salmon rivrr country, not having heard of the Pioneer diggings on Gold creek. Many of them stopped at the new camp. among these being Samuel T. Hauser, who has ever since remained in the state. In this year were discovered the Bannack diggings and those on Prickly Pear creek, where Montana City was built. Lively camps sprang up at all these discoveries and con tinued in a more or less prosperous ca reer till the discovery of the Alder, dust while they were In service In Mon tana. The dust and nuggets were packed in nail kegs and slung upon the backs of the camels. One of the animals would pack a good many thou sand dollars. Among the famous loads that this camel train carried was the first shipment from the bonanza claim in Alder gulch which Edgar is said to have sold for $14.85 and a plug of to bacco. This claim turned out to be fabulously rich and the first shipment of dust from it was sent out on the camel train. It has been said that the use of the camels in this part of the country was discontinued becaus they were not adapted to the requirements of the gulch diggings in the following sum mer. Then the famous stampede de populated these towns and but few men remained to operate the diggings which had been thought at the time of their discovery to be the beginning of rich mines. There is a story current among old miners that the first pan of pay dirt was panned at Pioneer by A. S. Blake. known to all old-timers as "Sterney" Blake, who has since become a re spected citizen of the Bitter Root val ley. This was 10 years after tile first discovery of gold on the creek by the half-breed, Finlay, but there is little doubt of the truth of this story. Mr. Blake had had experience in mining and in prospecting along the creek he found indications that he thought were good. tle at once dug and the first pan that he washed showed pay ing quantities of gold. This is believ ed to have been the first pay pan of gravel ever washed in what is now Montana. It is a fact worthy of mention that placer mining is still carried on profit ably on the creek where the yellow dust was first discovered in this region and the yellow flood that comes down the channel of this stream during the summer months evidences the fact that considerable work is being done up the stream. The mud has a distinctive col mountain trails. This statement is not borne out by the testimony of old timers who describe the train. They say that the only reason that the an imals were not used here longer was that their owner found a good packing contract elsewhere and took his train to the western trail on that account. It was common for packers to change their routes. This change was made for business reasons, according to the statements that are made by men who were familiar with the camels and their employment here. The climate here seemed to have no serious cffect upon these Imported animals and their well known frugality In diet made them deairable for long trips. or and gives a tinge to the waters of the Hell Gate river that can be traced all the way down the canyon to Mis soula. Merely a Question of Spelling. From the New York Tribune. He was the engineer on an ocean liner and prided himself on his knowl edge of electricity. On one of his brief stays at home he accompanied his wife to a party. The subject of elcctricity coming up. he indignantly combated the idea that it was possible for two people to produce an electrical current through the body of a third by simple physical contact. His wife and a friend said they would prove it, and, leading hintm to a window, told him to pull up his sleeves and place both hands flat on the glass. They then, on either side. took a firm grip on his wrists. At the end of a few moments his wife said: "Don't you feel a.pain. Willy?" "No!" he replied, and returned a like negative to a second and third inquiry. At his third response most ,of the company began to laugh. and it sud denly flashed Into his mind that the pronunciation of pain and pane was the Football Is Seven of Them, From the Chicago Record. Supposing General Sherman's definition of war to be correct, what is football? OF THE ETRIES FRENHiMH Leaves From the Ledger the Oldest Merchant Virginia City-Necessiti Made Big Holes in Pooket books and Luxuries Were.. Out of Sight, GOLD DUSTFOR GROCERIES: The oldest merchant in Virginia City, 4 to-day is O. D. French. There were merchants in the old town before Mr. French, but all have disappeared, and Mr. French is the oldest one left. Back in 1866 there was started the store of French & Thomas. Mr. French's partnet. being J. D. Thomas, for many yeard a leading merchant of Butte. In theL , year 1879 Thomas and French divide up. and Mr. Thomas moved to the ne town of Butte, while Mr. French cont tinued in business in Virginia Clt. where he is still to he found doing bus ness at. the old stand. Mr. French still retains the first ay book kept by the firm. In those day books of all kinds came high and every; page of a blank book was carefully utilized. This first day book of ties firm had been used previously, the used portion had been torn out, and the 1at ter half of the book is the portion in which is contained the record of the' first business done by the old firm. As showing the marked change In the price for staples in the old Montana' days and at the present time, the old book is of curious interest. Here are sonme of the items which appear in the book in the month of April, 1866: J. A. Browne (nuw of Browne's Lnke): Two plugs of tobacco..............$ 3 80 Fifty pounds of flour.............. 9 30 Dr. O. B. Whitford: One sack of flour... .........$16 0 Twenty pounds of bacon ....... 12 00 One drink of whiskey............. 25 Twenty pounds potatoes.......... 2 60 Four pounds apples............. 2 40 Other sales to various customers were as follows: Forty-four pounds lard..........$ 22 00 One broom..... 1 1 Onebroom.... .... ......... ...... 1 One-half gallon whiskey ..... 5 000 Five pounds sugar................ 1 00 One pound coffee................... 1 00 One pound butter............. 60, Two pounds beans .............. Two dozen eggs................... 2 00 Can of oysters .. . ...... 1 00'' Ten pounds salt............ .. 300,. One gallon syrup ............... 7 0Q-: Five pounds nails............. 2 iOo Alex DMetzel: One pound pepper ...............:$ 2 2" One-quarter pound tea............ One pound starch ............. 75 3,570 pounds barley ............... 652 50" One shovel ..................... ... 5 50. Shovels just before that sold for $7. The first conmers to the old town were glad to pay $50 for a pick and shovel, but there w: .re few to be had. The day book shows that $1 was paid for a pane of window glass. A hamn brought $27: :97 pounds of grapes were sold for $277.90. The grapes were dried; of course. The firm bought a wagon load of dried grapes in California. By starting in the spring the grapes would just about reacrh Virginia City before everything was frozen up. A thous and pounds of oats sold for $80. One pound of soap brought 65 cents. It is 60 cents cheaper now. Rice which now can be had for 10 cents a pounl, then sold at 60 cents per pound. The first potatoes brought 35 cents a pound. Two pounds of dried currants sold for $1.80. A sack of sugar brought $42.50. During the flour famine in Montana, he got a train loadofflourin SaltLake. He paid about $9 a hundred weight for it there. Some of it he sold in Vir ginia City for as high as $100 a sack. In 1868 Mr. French went to New York and Boston and bought $10.000 north of goods there. He took the goodg by rail to Omaha, by boat from Omaha to Fort Benton and by team from Fort Benton to Virginia City. People had some delicacies even in those early days. Oysters frequently appear in the day book. They were canned oysters, brought from Omaha. They had honey,. too. The record shows that 33?.; pounds of it was sold for $21.78. Eggs brought a good price, the buyer taking all the risk as to whether they were eatable or not. The eggs came from Salt Lake, packed in oats. They brought $1.25 a dozen readily. A pound and a half of cheese sold fol 90 cents. The record shows that R. O. Hickman bought eight pounds of sugar for $2.60. Other sales recorded in the book are: Teln gallon.s coal oil.............$7.5 Half dozaen shovels ................ 24.0 Seven pounds salmon ............ 3.56 On'e pound nut. ................ 1.15 One oud prunes ................ .945 Eighty-two pounds ham .......... 41.08 On e case oysters .................. 20.00 The French and Thomas store was. originally at Nevada, a short distance down the gulch from Virginia. but it was moved to Virginia in the early seventies.