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Helena weekly herald. [volume] (Helena, Mont.) 1867-1900, September 30, 1875, Image 5

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reported specially for the herald by
]»farylnnd Republican State Convention.
Baltimore, September 22.—The Repub
lican State Convention reassembled to-day.
Archibald Sterlin, Jr., Chairman of the West
minster Committee of Conference, submitted
a report that they found the organized friends
of reform consisted of an organization known
as the Citizen's Reform Party, and the com
mittee appointed by a meeting held at the
Masonic Temple, Baltimore, on the 7th of
September, known as the Merchant's Com
mittee. After a full, frank, and harmonious
conference with the committee of said organ
ization, your committee have agreed upon the
selection of the following candidates for
Governor, Attorney General, and Comptrol
ler, as the Reform ticket :
For Governor—J. Morrison Harris.
For At'y General—Gen. S. Teackle Wallis.
For Comptroller—Edward Wilkins.
The gentlemen named have expressed full
sympathy with the movement for reform.
The report was adopted and the ticket en
dorsed. No delegations were present from
Cecil, Charles, Nicomico, or Worcester coun
ties. The committee on resolutions were not
ready to report, and recess was taken until
2 o'clock p. m.
On reassembling the committee on resolu
tions reported as follows:
That we, the representatives of the Repub
lican party of the State of Maryland, in con
vention aesembled, while adhering to those
principles which that party has in the past so
triumphantly vindicated before the American
people, nevertheless being satisfied that the
first and most imperative duty of every Re
pul)! ican is to co-operate with the patriotic
citizens of Maryland, who have so nobly
ignored party ties and party questions, and
are engaged in an earnest effort to restore an
honest and pure government to our State, do
therefore declare and resolve, that we are
earnestly in favor of an honest and econom
ical administration of government, both State
and National; of the fulfillment of every
pledge as to the payment of ©ur State and
general obligations ; of a return to specie
payments at the earliest practicable moment,
and cessation of all further expansion of the
currency ; equal taxation of all property of
whatever kind in the State ; the appropria
tion of the State money for State purposes
only and improvement ; of liberal support of
the school system ; that we deprecate the cor
ruption existing in the administration of the
State government of Maryland, and hail with
joy the uprising of the people to destroy the
rings and cliques that have fastened their
fangs upon the vitals of the State ; and we do
hereby pledge ourselves to expose, denounce,
and punish venality and corruption among
public officials whenever and wherever it may
be d'seovered, and to this end we invite the
cordial co-operation of all Republicans
throughout the State, with those who have
nominated and secured the acceptance of
Morrison Harris for Governor of Maryland,
S. Teackle Wallis for Attorney General, and
Colonel Edward Wilkins for Comptroller;
and we heartily recommend them to the
voters as men eminently suitable for their
respective positions, being both honest and
The resolutions were unanimously adopted,
and the couveution adjourned sine die.
Anîi'Monopoly Convention.
St. Paul, September 22.—The Anti-Mon
opoly Mass Convenfion, which assembled at
Owatona, was attended by 18 delegates. They
adopted extreme inflation resolutions, includ
ing the 3.G5 convertible bond scheme and de
manded that the United States debt should be
funded in 3.G5 bonds, which should be taxed for
local purposes like any other property. They
nominated the following ticket: Governor,
D. S. Buell; Lieut.-Governor, J. B. Tuttle;
Secretary of State, A. Bierman; Auditor,
Patrick Rahly; Treasurer, E. W. Dike; At
torney-General, C. M. McCarthy; Railroad
Commissioner, A. J. Edgerton; Chief Justice,
L. Emmett; Clerk of the Supreme Court,
Sherwood Horch.
Tbe nittsifwippi Troubles.
Washington, September 22. —The Attor
ney-General has received several telegrams
from Mississippi from persons of both politi
cal parties, commending his recent letter to
Gov. Ames, which is described as having a
very salutary effect. Telegrams also men
tion that perfect quiet reigns in the lately re
ported disorderly portion of the State.
Gov. Kellogg, of Louisiana, called upon
the Attorney-General to-day, and had a long
conversation respecting affairs in the South,
especially regarding Mississippi and Louisi
ana. Goy. Kellogg expressed to the Attor
ney-General his entire approval of the course
of the latter in the Mississippi business, and
coincides in the views of others that the let
ter to Gov. Ames must exercise a good effect
not only in Mississippi, but in Louisiana and
other parts of the South. The Governor also
stated that political matters in Louisinia were
now remarkably quiet, and there were no in
dications of a renewal of such disturbances
as some time ago characterized the condition
of affairs in that State.
The New Ronds.
Washington, September 16.—There now
: mains only twenty-eight millions of the
ew 5 per cent, bonds for negotiation. No
jrther call for the redemption of the old
onds will be made until demanded by sub
eription to the new.
New York State liberal Republican Con
Albany, September 22. -The Liberal State
Convention to-day adopted a platform, includ
ing the following resolutions:
Resolved , That we consider it self-evident
that there can be no sound currency but coin
or paper convertible into coin on demand,and
that without a speedy return to which a na
tional disaster threatens; that the whole sys
tem of our civil service needs reform; that
the military authority should be subordinate
to the civil; that a single Presidential term is
enough; that local self-government is the ba
sis of free government, and that forcible in
terference with this right of the States usurps
it; that the social, civil, and political tests
discriminating between race and color are
fatal to exact justice to all men; that the orig
inal and the amendments to the Federal Con
stitution are obligatory in their text and spir
it, and in their judicial exposition subject
neither to executive caprices nor to the exig
encies of a personal government; that a free
press is the bulwark of freemen; that muni
cipal rights be respected, monopolies repress
ed and economy in public expenditures ob
served; that we condemn the National Ad
ministration for its illegal and oppressive acts,
for its retention of corrupt men in office, for
its shifting and unstable policy in the admin
istration of the finances, for its inflation of
the currency, its fraudulent pretences to the
contrary notwithstanding, and for its fradu
lent expenses and general disregard for intel
ligent public opinion; that the Liberal Repub
licans in the State of New York do not think
it necessary or useful to nominate a State
ticket, and they therefor recommend to the
Liberal and Independent voters of the State
to support those candidates already in nomin
ation whose clisracter and experience they
most approve, and who, in their judgment
will earnestly and efficiently co-operate with
Gov. Tilden in his work of administration
Barkis Not Willing.
Boston, September 22. —The following was
published to-day:
Natick, Sept. 22.
To the Editor of the Boston Journal :
I find in your paper of this morning a dis
patch from Worcester, stating that Vice-Pres
ident Wilson would accept the Republican
nomination for Governor, and would consider
it the greatest compliment ever paid to him.
Highly as I should value such an honor, a
sense of obligation and duty to the country
would not permit me to accept a nomination,
were it tendered by the unanimous voice of
the convention.
New York Markets.
New York, September 22.— Governments
dull and steady. Money, 1£@2. Stocks active
and unsettled. Western Union, 75£; Pa
cific Mail, 35£; Quicksilver, 15; Wells. Fargo
& Co., 78. N«w York Central, 102£; Erie, 16;
Panama, 131; Union Pacific, 70£; do. bonds,
103^; Central bonds, 103 3-4.
The Branch Mints.
Washington, September 22.—Dr. Linder
man, Director of the Mint, has returned from
his visit to the Pacific Coast, and expresses
himself satisfied with the operations of the
several mints, including that at San Fran
cisco. ^ | ^
General Order.
Washington, September 22.—A general
order, just issued by the War Department,
restores from the 1st inst. the allowances o
fuel and forage, prescribed by orders and
regulations in force by the order of March
13th, 1875.
---- ^ — ------
Tbe Storm in the Gulf.
Cincinnati, September 23.—The Times
Southern special says that parties who arriv
ed from Indianola last night, and who were
there during the terrible cyclone,fully confirm
even the most sensational reports of the de
struction of life and property there. Out of
three hundred houses only five were left
standing. During Thursday night when the
storm was at its height, the water in the city
rose six feet in two hours, the wind blowing
at the rate of 88 miles an hour driving the
water and breakers through the city at the
rate of 15 miles an hour, sweeping everything
in its way and covering the plain in the rear
of town for a distance of ten miles to the depth
of seven feet. Several small settlements,
numbering a total population of 150, were
also swept out of existence, making, with the
250 lost at Indianola, a total of 400 lives lost.
The gentlemen conveying the information
gave the most harrowing accounts of the des
titution of the surviyors. When they left
Indianola on Monday, 90 dead bodies had
been recovered. The stench in the city from
the putrifaction of those.dead, with the stench
from the dead animals, was most intolerable.
They also said that parties of Mexicans on
Sunday began to rob the dead bodies washed
on the plain from four to six miles back of
the city, the scoundrels chopping off the fing
ers and ears of the men and women to obtain
the jewelry. As soon as this was heard of in
the city a party of citizens went out and kill
ed five of the Mexicans whom they caught at
the devilish work.
_ ^ I IMI i m -*
Forgery of Deeds.
St. Louis, September 24.— R. K. Turner,
who has been charged with forging deeds,
was taken from Quincy, Ills., yesterday, to
California, Mo., on a requisition from Gov.
Hardin. He is charged with forging a deed
to about $20,000 worth of land two years ago
and it is expected that some startling devel
opments will be made at his trial which will
begin next Monday.
Henry Clews & Co.
New York, September 24.—A meeting of
the creditors of Henry Clews & Co. was held
yesterday at the office of Edgar Ketchum,
Register in Bankruptcy, under an order of
the United States District Court, to show cause
why they should not be declared bankrupts
and discharged from all their debts and
claims. Objection was made by a number of
creditors to their discharge in bankruptcy and
several specifications in opposition \^ere filed.
Among the claims presented was one of over
$100,000 by Mr. Cheever. A number of
notices of appearances were put in, after
which the meeting adjourned.
-- m -m *' m ----
A Final Settlement.
Baltimore, September 24.—The creditors
of Sterling, Ahrens & Co., have generally
signed an agreement in connection with the
assignment of the affairs of the firm to Enoch
Pratt and Robert T. Baldwin as trustees. The
matter under consideration was understood
to be the obtaining the necessary bond. The
proposition involves the payment of $450,
000 in full of the claim of the Calvert Sugar
Refining Co., for $1,042,000. Outside of
this item the net liabilities of the firm are
stated at $2,416,000, of which $1,705,000 is
secured. The assets available to the unse
cured creditors, are $957,000. The account
is complicated w ith items amounting to $1,
250,000 on both sides of the account with
Calvert Sugar Company, which are scaled
down upon a basis not clearly stated but in
dependent of the remainder of the account.
Crooked Whisky.
St. Louis, September 24.—The case of
Adeler & Co., of St. Joseph, Mo., charged
with emptying certain barrels of whisky with-
out cancelling the stamps, came up yesterday
In the United States District Court for the
Western District of Missouri, now in session
at Jefferson City. Quite a number of wit-
nesses w r ere examined, and so far as the case
has progressed the testimony show's that
about 200 barrels of spirits, received from
Sheehan & Long's distillery, were emptied at
Adeler& Co.'s rectifying house,and the same
barrels returned to the distillery with the
stamps unobliterated, refilled with spirits
again and sold with the old stamps upon
them, thus defrauding the Government out
of some $8,000.
- m h 1 1 ^ -
Yalue of a linn band.
Baltimore, September 24.—Mrs. Hogan
recovered a verdict of $8,000 damages against
the Cumberland & Pennsylvania Railroad for
the loss of her husband by a locomotive ex-
plosion. The suit was brought for $20,000.
---^ - ----
An Arkansas Vendetta.
Memphis, September 24.—A special to the
Appeal from Helena, Arkansas, says: During
the latter part of last fall two men named
Deason and Strader had a difficulty at Forest
city, Ark. Deason shot Strader in the arm,
causing it to be amputated. To revenge him-
self, Strader went to Deason's house in the
night to shoot him. Having reached the
house, Strader went to one of the windows,
raised his shot gun and fired. He missed
Deason, but emptied the contents of the gun
into a young man 19 years of age named
Thomas Horton, killing him instantly. Stra
der then fled the country,
-—i1 -
President Grant and Party.
St. Louis, September 24.—President Grant
and wife, accompanied by ex-Secretary Borie
and wife, arrived here about noon to-day.
The President will visit his farm to-morrow,
arrange for the sale of his stock, and leave
for Des Moines, la., on Monday evening to
be present at the soldiers reunion there. The
party will then start for Denver via Omaha
and Cheyenne.
Paterson, (N. J.) September 24.—The
woolen mill of George Jackson, near Little
Falls, was burned to-day. Loss, about $80,
000 .
Detroit, September 24.—A fire at Monta
gue, yesterday, destroyed Torrenson's Opera
House, which contained 15 stores, of which
two were empty. The loss on the building is
$10,000; contents, $4,000. Turnbull & Rap
ley's boiler shop was also burned. Loss,
$5,000. _ _
Fatally Injured.
New York, September 24.—A man and
woman at Robinson Hall last night, fell head
foremost to the floor from the ceiling whilo
attempting the trapeze movements. Both are
believed to be fatally injured.
Fire and Dreadful Loss of Life.
Marshal, (Mich.) September 24.—A fire
broke out in the office of the Herndon House,
about 2:30 a. m., cutting off all outside com-
munication, and burned very rapidly with a
very dense smoke. The names of the lost
are Claude G. Avery, jeweler; Antoine Gru-
ber, cigar maker; Eliza King, dining room
girl; Martha Norsden, cook. Several persons
were hurt by jumping from the windows.
Dr. Wm. Woodruff, ankle broken and cut
on the head; Mr. Avery was burned about
the lower limbs and bruised somewhat; the
hotel porter, Nick Renks, both legs broken;
Mr. and Mrs. Colwell and child were slightly
burned about the head and neck, but not ser-
ious. Several agents lost everything in their
rooms. The house with its entire contents
was destroyed.
- m »► • ——
Tbe Health of Memphis.
Memphis, (Tenn.) September 24.—During
the past few days, letters and telegrams have
been received here inquiring if there was any
epidemic prevailing heie. For the inform
ation of all concerned it can safely be assert
ed that this city was never more healthy than
at present, and there has been nothing like an
epidemic of any kind during the year.
The District Ring.
Chicago, September 24.—A Washington
special says that one of the worst chapters in
the history of this badly governed District is
the recent exposure of the corrupt manage
ment of the local courts. The Attorney
General is doing all in his power to reform
the former evil practices ©f the courts, and if
given time will bring them up once more to
the level of respectability. Some of the
friends of Young Fisher visited Mr. Pierre
pont and tried to persuade him to show len
iency in the young man's case. He in reply
stated that Fisher must be prosecuted to the
full extent of the law; that while the young
man's social position entitled his father to the
fullest sympathy, all considerations of this
kind would have to be foregone with the
view of making an example of a public offi
cer who would so wantonly prostitute his of
ficial position. The case is now before the
grand jury. In the present state of public
opinion nothing but a sentence to the peni
tentiary will satisfy the citizens here that the
ex-Assistant District Attorney has received
Senator Morton on the Currency,
Pittsburg, (Pa.) September 23.—Senator
Morton, in his speech to-night reviewed the
financial question, claiming that the original
issue of paper money was a necessary war
measure, and a repeal of the act which limits
its issue would be disastrous to national in
dustries. In speaking of the national banks
he said the only safe and legitimate way for
the transaction of their business was under
the limitation of law. After showing the ad
vantages of the national banking system over
the old State banks, he considered the Demo
cratic platform of the State.
Stonewall Jackson's Statue.
Richmond, (Va.) September 23.—Foley's
statue of General Thos. J. (Stonewall) Jack
son, presented to Virginia by the Hon. Ber
esford Hope, M. P., and another English
gentleman, which arrived here last night from
Baltimore, was formally received to-day by
Governor Kemper. The people turned out
en masse to witness the reception.
A Republican Majority.
Bangor, (Me.) September 24.—The nearly
complete returns of the vote in the Fourth
Congressional District give Plaisted, Repub
lican, a majority of 977.
London, September 22.—The amount of
bullion withdrawn from the Bark of England
on balance to-day, was £119,000. The rate
for money at the Stock Exchange on govern
ment securities, was 1^ per cent.
The steamer Mosel, which sailed from
Southampton to-day for New York, took
£40,000 in specie.
A South Australian telegram of the 20th
states that the harvest prospect was unprece
dented, and that the wool clip is good.
A special from Berlin states that the case
of Count Von Arnim has been fixed in the
higher court for the 17th of October. It is
expected that the Kommergerchts sentence
will be confirmed. The Count, who is seri
ously indisposed, is still in Switzerland.
London, September 23.—The bullion in the
Bank of England has decreased during last
week, £538,000. The amount of bullion gone
into bank on balance to-day, £301,000. The
proportion of the bank reserve to liabilities is
now 52| per cent. The rate of discount in
open market is 1£ per cent., which is £ below
the Bank of England rate. Gold to the
amount of £46,000 was withdrawn from the
Bank yesterday for America.
London, September 24.—A special from
Berlin says that 1,500 Ural Cossacks haye
been banished to the penal settlements
of Turkistan, for having resisted the new
military laws. Many more are likely to go
às the laws meet with much opposition in the
Ural colonies.
The recent rains have been very damaging
to the English hop crop.
The Vienna correspondent of the Times
declares that the roads have been opened
thoughout the insurrectionary districts, and
that the transportation of the mails has at no
time been interfered with. The Porte has
notified the Powers that he has issued strict
orders to the army to respect the neutrality of
Servia and Montenegro.
A Vienna dispatch reports that two mem
bers of the Servian Ministry voted against
the address to Prince Milan, and favored
The Times this morning publishes a special
telegram from Bugneres di Luchon, France,
containing the following: 2,500 Carlists are
blocked by 10,000 Alfonsists at Viella. They
will probably be forced to cross the frontier
at Pont du Rue. The Carlists at Gavarnie
have been interred.
The text of the circular addressed to the
Spanish Bishops by the Papal Nuncio at Ma
drid is published. The Nuncio says he has
been directed to communicate to the Bishops
the substance of the protest sent by the Car
dinal Secretary of State of the Holy See, to
the Spanish Government, upon the Pope's
attention being called to the toleration clauses
in the new constitution proposed for Spain.
A special dispatch to the Daily News from
Madrid says the Pope's recall of the Papal
Nuncio, Cardinal Simeoni, and the implied
disavowal of his acts, have occasioned con
siderable surprise. Monsignior Rapella is
more liberal than his predecessor.
Berlin, September 24.— Gerhardt Rolf,the
African traveler, sails from Bremen in a few
days for the United States.
Madrid, September 22.—A Ministerial cir
cular to the Prefects urges monarchists of all
shades to take part in the coming election.
The Correspondencia , of this city, says that
Cardinal Simoni, the Papal Nuncio, addres
sed a note to the late government demanding
the execution of the Concordat between Spain
and the Vatican, the payment of arrears due
to the clergy, and that nominations to 6till
vacant bishoprics be made as soon as possi
ble. Don Alejandro Castro, the then Minis
ter of Foreign Affairs, and Don Pedro Sala
Verria, Minister of Finance, replied. The
reply was couched in conciliatory but firm
language. The Minister endeavored to con
vince the Nuncio that the circumstances of
the case no longer permitted him to put for
ward his demand.
Madrid, September 22.—The police have
discovered several secret repositories of arms
and ammunition, which are supposed to be
intended for societies' rising.
The Spanish Envoy at the Vatican is in
structed mat the Madrid government will be
firm but moderate. It will respect religion,
but at the same time protect the rights of the
State. It is believed here that the Vatican
will finally abate its pretension.
Henday, September 22.—The northern
army has cut off all commuuicatiou between
the Carlists in Navarre and Aragon who are
compelled to cross the frontier. General
Dorregary has concentrated his forces around
Madrid, September 24.—Monsignor Rapel
la is expected here to replace Cardinal Sime
oni as the Papal Nuncio. The latter leaves
for Rome, shortly.
The ministerial newspapers announce that
the Government will soon reply to the note
of the Papal Nuncio. They say that no con
cessions will be made tending to prejudice
the independence of the magistrates in deal
ing with the bishops, and especially the Bish
ops of Seo de Urgel.
Ragusa, September 22.—Advices from
Sclavonic sources state that the insurgents
under the priest Larko have been joined by
fresh bands of Servians. The insurgents are
said to have burned everything between
Novawarsch and Vishegrad.
Belgrade, September 23.—The address
of the Skuptoscbina in reply to the
the speech from the throne is published to
day. All means necessary to protect the
liberty ot the «people and security of the coun
try are placed at the disposal of Prince Milan.
Referring to the insurrection in Bosnia and
Herzegovinia, the address says : Perpetual
suffering has compelled our brethren to take
up arms. Our hearts bleed for them. We
shall give your Highness every means to
enable you to assist in restoring peace to
Bosnia and Herzegovinia, and confide in your
wisdom for the accomplishment of this noble
The Servian Minister of War has ordered
five batteries of artillery and four battalions
of infantry to proceed to the Bosnia frontier.
Turkish troops are stationed on the other side
of the line.
Belgrade, September 24.—News from
Sclavonic sources announce that the forces
under the priest, Zarko, have been increased
to 7,000 men. These have been divided into
four corps at Tjenitza and Prezerne, which
they intend to fortify and hold.
Paris, September 24.—A special says the
Prince Imperial is to make a tour of the
world, ostensibly for his health, but really
for political reasons.
Madame Jeanne Louise Tarrenni, the cele
brated musician and composer is dead. She
was in her 72d year.
A crowded meeting, composed of the prin
cipal manufacturers of Paris, was held to-day
for the purpose of inducing participation in
the Philadelphia exhibition and of furthering
the interests of the exhibitors. M. Dietz
Mounin, member of the National Assembly
from Paris, presided, and delivered an ad
dress, in the course of which he took occa
sion to refute the insinuation thrown out by
some German newspapers, that the goods on
exhibition in Philadelphia might be liable to
sequestration. He insisted upon the neces
sity for French participation in the exhibition.
A resolution was unanimously adopted declar
ing that the representation of French manu
factures at Philadelphia is to the interest of
France in a patriotic as well as an economic
sense, and the meeting engaged itself to do all
in its power to attain this object.
Vienna, September 24.—Private telegrams
report that Dervish Pasha has been surround
ed by the insurgents near Ravno, and lost 200
men killed.
M. Gambetta was interviewed while in Vi
enna by a correspondent of the Presse. He
said he was not uneasy with regard to party
divisions, or Bonapartist and Monarchial in
trigues. The number of Bonapartist Depu
ties might almost be doubled in the next As
sembly, but they would not be able to seize
the Government or transfer the army.
Havana, September 20.—Sharkey, the
murderer, attempted to escape from the
Kingston steamer touching at a port on the
north coast of Cuba, and he has been brought
back to this city.

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