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Mtlm fteMg Mi FISK BROS., - - Publishers. R. E. FISK, - Editor. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1883. CONSUMMATION. The presence in our city on the 7th of hundreds of honored guests, each one of whom is a tower of strength and a center of wide influence, drawn from every portion of this and foreign coun tries, bears witness to the consummation of an event that is recognized to he of world-wide importance. To us who have dwelt in the seclusion of these mountain fastnesses for a score of years, beset with perils, fenced in by trackless deserts, de prived of most of the luxuries and many of the comforts of life, who have borne up through long years of weary waiting the heavy load of hopes deferred, it is easy enough to understand why our hearts glow and throb with unwonted en thusiasm at the splendid consummation of'all our hopes, but it is not equally clear why such a throng of the world's com mercial princes should have seen in this event enough of significance to draw them hither. This is not the opening of the first railroad, not even the opening of the first continental railroad. Other roads have heavier cuts and grades, higher trestles, costlier bridges and longer tun nels. Yet after conceding all that may be claimed for other similar and former achievements, the great fact remains, clearly discernable from any point of view, that in the fullness of time, in the most durable and substantial manner, the great natural route of commerce from the Atlantic to the Pacific, by way of the great lakes, in the very center of the North Temperate Zone, along the line of the world's progress and empires has been laid open and made ready for the world's manifold uses so long as the world en dures. No one can rise from a careful study of the world's map without being convinced that the North Pacific occupies the most natural and valuable commer cial route across the continent ; where it stretches out to its greatest width ; where its great rivers east and west have worn away and tunneled the main range in anticipation of this event ; through the heart of f he best wheat land and stock ranges of the world, connecting at cither end of its track with the best harbors on the continent, at points where ocean streams turn away from the coast to carry the lines of traffic and travel to Eu rope and to Asia. It was not the richness of our mines, the fertility of our soil, the fame of our bunch-grass, or the salubrity of our climate, that drew this great high way of commerce through the very heart of our territory and along the verge of our Capital City; it was because we were fortunate enough to be located along that route, which nature had designated and been preparing patiently through centur ies of storm and sunshine, fire and flood to connect the Mississippi and the Col umbia, Lake Superior and Puget Sound. Not only we have occasion to rejoice, but rightly understood and interpreted, this event gives cause of rejoicing to every peasant in Europe, and every toiler in the human hives of Asia. Just as the fisher ies along our Atlantic coast show signs of failing under the increased demands up on their resources, the way is opened to the more extensive fisheries of the North Pacific, so that the supply of brain food is not likely to be soon exhausted. Just as the country is viewing with ab.rm the waste and shrinkage of our northern for ests, and anxiously inquiring, what shall we do presently for lumber, there comes up a reassuring voice from the North Pa cific coast, "here is plenty, come and get all you want". Those familiar with the seas and forests of northern Europe, are the very ones to settle along this northern route, and develope the Alaska fisheries, and fell the west coast forests. Montana is indeed now well repaid for being the last of all the territories to be visited by a railroad, that within her borders the golden spike is to be driven, typical alike of the fruits of our mines and soil; but it is also the type of something still better, of the golden chain of peace and enlightenment that is not only to unite the hitherto widely seperated parts of this country; but is to unite Asia to Eu rope by a new tie of mutual interest. It marks the approaching end of Indian wars, the elimination of frontiers, when the finest Pullman car, with an increase of luxury finds itself safe and at home in the most remote northern corner of the con tinent, and on the summit of the main range of the Rocky Mountains. Some strange coincidences of history are suggested by this route. In the dark days of our great struggle for national life and unity, the dawn of final success broke from the west. When the captor of Vicksburg took command of the armies before Richmond and Sherman began his march to the sea, the great heart of the North cast out all fear and filled full of courage and confidence of victory. So it was in the fate of this great enterprise whose completion we have witnessed and are now celebrating. It remained for Henry Villard, who had successfully or ganized the transportation lines of Oregon and the West Coast to place himself in lead of the eastern division of this lagging enterprise and with the neatness and celerity of magic almost, unite in two years what seemed separated by a score of years. When a Roman General returned from the conquest of a new province, it w'as cus tomary to give him a triumph. The wealth of ravaged countries and capitols, with trains of illustrious captives swelled the triumphant train that rolled along the paved streets of the imperial city, and the brutal populace reached its hight of joy in witnessing the cruel sports of the amphi theater. We are witnessing a nobler triumph of a grander conquest, which has cost no loss or suffering to any one in the world, one that will carry joy, relief, prosperity, safety and enligntment to hundreds of thousands now living and to generations unborn. [From the Daily Herald of September 8th.] THE RAILROAD CELEBRATION. Opening Ceremonies of the Northern Pacific at Inde pendence Creek, Mon tana, To-day. DRIVING THE GOLDEN SPIKE. The Addresses of President Henry Villard and Hon. William M. Evarts. The Hekald this evening is enabled to lay before its readers the leading addresses delivered to-day at Independence Creek in celebration of that magnificent event which future ages will recognize as of vastly more significance than all the seveu wonders of the ancient world. No man who has stood erect to-day under our genial September sun has had a better right to feel proud and self-satisfied than Henry Villard, through whose energetic and skillful management this great enterprise has reached such early fulfillment. Ambitions have been realized, hopes fulfilled, and promises redeemed. The seed time of twenty long years has been completed and the harvest time for all the future begun. As in the eyes of faith and devotion the Crown of Thorns has become more precious than the richest diadem that ever glittered on royal brow, so the goldeu spike that has been driven to-day, iu the prophetic vision of this age of peaceful con quests of mind over matter, becomes more significant than royal scepter and closes a more eventful conquest than Alexander, Cæsar, or Napoleon ever achieved. Not con tent with the favorable reports of the gov ernment inspectors, as if the Northern Pacific had been built principally to earn its laud grant. President Villard has invited the in spection of the best experts of all lands, that the assurance may be spread everywhere that here is a road constructed for the use and ready to serve three continents. The president speaks with modesty of his great share in the accomplishment, and generously bestows upon others much that more justly belongs to himself. Men feel mean now iu referring to the suspicions which were freely uttered when it was first announced that Villard, representing the Oregon Steam Navi gation Company, was in the market seeking to secure a controlling interest in the great Northern Pacific enterprise. No, lie did not seek its control to strangle it or subordinate it to minor interests, but because be saw as others did its great capacity to do business and profitably to serve those who well man aged its affairs. The government receives, as it well de serves, acknowledgement for early bounty and patient waiting. It gave an empire for reclamation and enrichment ; it gets in re turn payment a hundred fold. The day laborer, who wrought for wages and received his pay according to contract, is admitted to an honorable share in the glory of this achievement. With more propriety than when first ut tered, we could attribute to Villard the words of Cæsar —rc ii, ridi , rid. His coming aad seeing were the precursors of enduring con quest. Future generations will read this modest address and do honor to the memory of one who was able most fully to grasp and comprehend the importance of this grandest enterprise of associated private energy and capital. Henry Villard has not only won laurels for himself; lie has honored and served well his native and adopted country and given a pledge that the work begun will in his hands be carried forward to full fruition. With especial fitness Win. M. Evarts, the great legal representative of the commercial metropolis of our Western World the statesman on whom the mantle of Seward falls, whose wisdom has guided and presided over the foreign relations of this great na tion in its eventful march to the front rank among the powers of the earth, was selected to portray the commercial and political sig nificance of this great work. In graphic terms has he traced the growth of this work from the seed of the earliest suggestion till the ripened fruit is ready for garnering. As the threads of history, prophecy and in dividual endeavor are gathered up in this masterly detail, we fancy we can hear the grand, stead} tread of destiny marching on till its star now stands above the spot where the glad, triumphant throng assembled to day have witnessed the completion of Bishop Berkley's prophecy. "Westward the Star of Empire takes its way." ******* "Time's noblest offspring is the last." A man like Evarts, whose mind is accus tomed to gather up and group the striking characteristics and grander relations of events, was the fitting one to interpret the prophe cies of the past and utter those that future generations shall see realized. Those gathered at Independence Creek to day were but representatives of that vast andience of continental proportions that within the circling of the son will have listened to the glowing words of ex-Secre tary Evarts with solid satisfaction and delight. Governor Crosby, in his introductory re marks, gracefully delivered most eloquent elogiums on Mr. Villard and the gentlemen who appeared as the central figures in the grandest celebration of the period. He ac quitted himself with high credit and re flected nobly the character of the great Ter ritory over which he presides. The text in full of the addresses are presented in the order of their delivery : Address of President Villard. It is my agreeable duty and very great pleasure to offer a hearty welcome to this distinguished assemblage on this memorable occasion and in these remarkable surround ings. To you, the representatives of foreign nations, the members of the executive, legis lative and judicial branches of the United States government, the Governors of States and Territories, the representatives of the European and American press, and our guests from abroad and at home generally, to you, one and all, I beg to offer, in the name of the Northern Pacific Railroad Com pany, profound thanks for your kind pres ence and participation in this, the most im portant event of our corporate existence. Our work means the conquest of new fields for general commerce and industry. It cre ates a new highway between Europe, Amer ica and Asia. The population of the States and Territories traversed by our road is largely made up from the European nation alities represented here. We deemed it fit and proper, therefore, to bid, so to speak, both the old and the new world to this cele bration, or, in other words, to arrange a sort of International Festival. Many of you have crossed the ocean, and all have traveled great distances, in order to be with us to day. Be pleased to accept my assurance that we greatly appreciate your sacrifice of time and comfort. In return, we earnestly wish to do our guests all possible honor and to give them all possible pleasure, and we trust that this transcontinental journey has been and will he an unalloyed enjoyment to them. We hope, moreover, that as in this hour a new and indissoluble bond will be formed between the countries to the east and to the west of these Rocky Mountains, this gathering may also strengthen the ties of good will and friendship between the Republic of North America and the parent countries of Europe. Thanks to the foresight of President Thomas Jefferson, well nigh four score years ago, Lewis aud Clarke toiled through these mountains as the first explorers of Auglo American origin, and lifted the veil that hid from civilized mankind the regions watered by the Upper Missouri, the Yellowstone, the Columbia and their tributaries. The exploits of these gifted and fearless meu were the rich germ, the full fruition of which wc cel ebrate this day. More eloquent lips than mine will describe to you the long and singular, but interesting process of evolution, by which our enter prise slowly grew out of the discoveries then made with so much courage and intel ligence. They will tell you how the record of these discoveries first gave rise, as long us nearly half a century ago, to prophetic vision« of a transcontinental railroad algon Lewis and Clarke's route, and how, within ten years after these visions were first em bodied in print, they filled the mind of one man with such fire of enthusiasm as to move him to go forth, like another apostle, and to spend the best years of his life and all he possessed in the propagation of his faith. You will learn how he became in the end a very martyr to his belief, but how the pro ject of a railroad to the Pacific, despite the failure of its first prophet, made couverts, spread widely and grew into popularity, un til it finally attained to the importance of a leading public question and object of na tional legislation. You will be shown how the northern route, which at first was the only one thought of, gradually lost prestige and other routes took prominence. You will see the (piaint figure of an honest visionary appear upon the scene, first as the promoter of an odd illusion, and next as the moving spirit in the formal birth and christening of our enterprise through the congressional charter of 1864. You will hear that the charter failed to give real life to the corporation, owing to certain abnormal features engraft ed upon it, and that it passed eventually to the control of wise, experienced and influ ential men, but who, however, also failed at first to attract the needed capital until those features were eradicated by congressional amendment. Then the brilliant episode in our history will pass before you, iu which an able, bold and resolute man was the central figure, to whom, most of all, the company owes its practical existence. You will be reminded how the hopeful brightness of that period was eclipsed by the black cataclysm of 1873. Our fabric seemed then to be lost in a bot tomless pit. Yet an entire resurrection fol lowed, owing to the inherent vitality of the prostrate body, and to the resolute applica tion of the heroic remedies of foreclosure and reorganization. There was no immediate restoration to very active life. Years of slow recuperation followed, until the advent of the extraordi nary revival of commerce and industry gen erally, and of railroad undertakings espe cially, in the years 1879 and 1880. The s i gacious men who then directed the com pany's affairs saw their patience rewarded and the time ripe once more for the resump tion of construction work'on the road. They began cautiously, seekiug what was possible rather than wfiat was desirable. All at once, Fortune smiled with intense radi ance upon the company. A financial alliance with a great syndicate was formed. Its con clusion meant nothing else than the assur ance of all the capital required to complete the road, and thereby the end of all uncer tainty in the prospects of the company—a leap, in short, into assured success. With a flood tide in the company's treas ury, there arose not only the possibility, but the necessity, of pushing the construction of our transcontinental line with the utmost energy. 1 hope I may be permitted to say that we have striven to do our full duty, and to obtain the greatest effort of which human brain and muscles, stimulated by unlimited capital, are capable, in a given time and in a stated direction. Work on the main line was first resumed west of the Mis souri river in the spring of 1879, and at the confluence of the Columbia and Snake rivers in the fall of the same year. The distance between the two starting points was 1,222 miles. The 217 miles from the Missouri to the Yellowstone were completed in June, 1881 ; the 225 miles from the Columbia to Lake Pend d'Oreille in November, 1881. The completion of the 340 miles of the road in the Yellowstone Valley took seventeen months. The 194 miles up the gorges of Clark's Fork to Missoula, nineteen months; is j a a from the head of the Yellowstone Valley Helena, and thence to this junction, months. Thus, the first 442 miles of total mileage to be completed—that is, Missouri and Pend d'Oreille divisions—were finished in two years and eight months, while the other 780 miles were completed less than two years. In this time, the great structure of the Bismarck bridge was erected. The continuation of the main down the Columbia for a length of more miles by another company to Port land, and a thousand additional miles lines of branch and allied companies were finished. Now these figures are easily quoted, ond apparently speak a very simple language. But their true meaning goes beyond the mere space of time and mileage of completed road they indicate. They form a great sum of human patience perseverance, energy and bravery, hardship and privation. They express long and hard tests of the power of human ingenuity and endurance in a mighty struggle of chanical and manual force against the direct obstacles of primitive nature. They mean a painful record of bodily sufiering and loss of life by disease and accident. You have seen enough of the work to form an idea its difficulty, its vastness, its costliness. You have the testimony of your own eyes that this highway had to be carved, as were, out of a very wilderness where found nothing to help us—no labor, food, no habitations, no material, no means of transportation. You see the evidences of triumph over every hindrance. But you perceive only finished results ; the dramatic incidents of their achievement are not closed to you. Rolling along smoothly, merrily and luxuriously over the iiue, how can you k now that the bridges over which we pass were built while the subdued rivers were hidden in ice or swollen to perilous depth and turbulence?—that defiance was bidden to the seasons, and the pick shovel kept flying, though the way had be cleared through thick crusts of snow, and on frozen ground thawed by fires? I have not said all this iD a boastful spirit, but solely in order to give proper credit where it belongs for the great deed now well done, and thus discharge, by this pub lic acknowledgment, as much as possible, the heavy debt of gratitude that weighs upon me. Let me theu own. on this solemn occa sion, that our edifice could never have been reared but for the liberality of the people the United States, acting through the Fed eral Government, in providing a solid foun dation in our land grant ; for the devotion and sagacity of the men who steered craft iu the days of distress and danger; the generous forbearance of our stockhold ers, the confidence of the public, the power ful help of financial allies; and last, hut from least, for the ability and faithfulness of the officers and employees of the com pany, aud for the myriads of honest toilers who earned their bread in the sweat of brows lor our benefit. And thus we are permitted to day to hold this mighty task as all but finished. was my proud privilege to exercise the chief direction over its later stages. No light duty it was, but wearisome, and brain and nerve exhausting. Still, its very grandeur inspired the will and the power to perform it, there was comfort and elevation in thought that we have built what caunot ish, but will last to the end of all earthly things. Let us hope and pray that as great work of man will stand may also forever be an immortal honor its founders, a noble monument to its build ers, a permanent pride and profit to its own ers, and, most of all, an everlasting blessing to man. _ Address of Hon. Wm. M. Evarts. Mr. President Villard and Gentlemen, Fellow Citizens and Foreign Guests: I shall find it easy to conform, for share of it, to the distribution of the entire time which has been accorded for this strik ing ceremony, to mark the date and place of the completion of this great public work. Your own address of welcome. Mr. Presi dent, has recalled to attention the principal steps and methods by which this noble con summation has been reached, and the emi nent gentlemen who are to follow me illustrate, from every point of view, magnitude of the achievement, and give quent utterance to sentiments of admiration for the great qualities and congratulation npon the fortunate influences which have secured the result—sentiments which I as I look around me, swell every breast brighten every eye. Indeed, I am very glad to feel that thus placed between what gone before and what is to come after, short speech may be fairly treated as a mere parenthesis, which, the grammarians say, may always be omitted without injury the sense. It is true, if I were to make the very brief est allusion to the manifold interesting inci dents, if I were merely to touch upon even the many great things which have marked the progress of this enterprise through its vicissitudes to its final success, if I were to exhibit only its most notable contests with and triumphs over the difficulties and stacles which nature—human, alas! as well as material—had put m its way, I should transcend all limits of time and your tience before I had got as far as Helena, starting at either end. But of such enlarge ment, even, the subject has no need. In the long route from St. Paul to Portland and Puget Sound, the work has spoken will speak the praises of its conception, projection, its completion, in more impres sive tones, and with a juster emphasis, than words could express. If I can only run single furrow through the wide field of servation and illustration open before us, I can barely mark the bright track of phecy, faith and works which have wrought out the grand consummation, the demands of the occasion, I cannot but feel, will quite satisfied. I have spoken of prophecy, faith works as all contributory to the success this enterprise, and so indeed, they have to in It to a if been. Neither of them could have been spared from this, or from any weighty and imposing task of human endeavor. Fore cast, confidence and labor will accomplish whatever is within the compass of man's power. Let us consider a little the part they have each played m the work complete, which now, in our presence, its builder, the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, has "crowned with its last hand." Fortunately for us, neither English nor Spanish explorers of the West coast had discovered the mouth of the Columbia river before our independence was established. Fortunately, also, after that event, though both the English and the Spaniards con tinued their explorations on that coast, it was a New England trading captain, Robert Gray, of the ship Columbia, that first penetrated the mouth of this river, to which he gave its name, and verified and recorded it as a discovery which, under the rules then prevailing, carried to his country the sovereignty of the region drained by the river and its tributaries. The accurate and circumspect entry made in his log book by this intelligent New England shipmaster, was the title deed of the United States to the re gion embraced in the State of Oregon and the Territory of Washington against subse quent claims of discovery made by Great Britain, and, in some sort, by Spain. It was upon this title that we maintained a footing of joint occupation with Great Britain, and, finally, by the treaty of 1840, of exclusive title up to the division line of the 49th parallel. By the Treaty of Wash ington of 1871, under the arbitration of the Emperor of Germany, our construction of the division line in Puget's Sound and the communicating channels, was established. Until the acquisition of California, as the result of the Mexican war, this region was our sole footing upon the Pacific ocean, and this excited the interest and ambition of the nation for an overland communication with this remote and unpeopled possession. Im mediately upon the Louisiana purchase in 1803, the forecast and energy of Jefferson was shown in the project of the survey of the vast wilderness intervening to discover a practicable route for migration and traffic. Congress voted the money for an expedi tion to trace the Missouri to its source, to cross the highlands, and to follow down the water courses to the Pacific ocean. Lewis and Clarke executed this task. Starting from St. Louis in May, 1804, they wintered fifty miles above the present town of Bis marck, and came in sight of the ocean on the 7th of November, 1805. Commencing their return in March, 1806, they reached St. Louis iu September of the same year. ; Thus, under instructions drawn by the hand j of Jefferson himself, the route now occu pied by the Northern Pacific railroad was opened to the attention of tie people of the United States, and has from time to time engaged their interest, till the dream, the prospect, the project and the effort have ended in the work here and now. Hence forth the transit from the Mississippi to the mouth of the Columbia, and the return, will be made in nine days, for the round trip, which occupied the first explorers two years aud a half. The prophecy and advocacy of a railroad to our Pacific coast possession, to the Col umbia river and to Puget Sound, followed close upon the first introduction in this country of this system of traffic and travel. As early as 1834, when the arrival or de parture of a railroad train had still some thing of novelty even in Boston, a village physician in western Massachusetts, Dr. Samuel Barlow, the father of Mr. Barlow, of New York, well known on both sides of the Atlantic as an eminent solicitor, pressed upon the attention of his countrymen, in ar ticles showing great forecast and sagacity, the vast importance and the clear feasibility of such an enterprise as that whose comple tion we this day celebrate. He writes, in 1837: "My feeble pen would fail me to ex patiate on the substantial time-enduring glory which would redound to our nation, should it engage in this stupendous under taking." Dr. Parker, a distinguished mis sionary to the Oregon Indians, who had re peatedly traversed the route, in 1833 to 1835, asserted that there was no more dif ficulty in such a railroad than in one be tween Boston and Albany, and proDbe BÎnrl that the tune was not far distan, when tours would be made across the continent as they were then made to Niagara. Willis Gaylord Clark, in 1838, in an eloquent ex position of the subject in a leading maga zine, asseverated that "the reader is now living who will make a railroad trip across this vast continent. " Penetrated with this feeling, the missionary, Whitman, in 1842, started on a winter journey t© Washington across the Rocky Mountains, to awaken the State Department to the movements going on, in British interests, to alienate from us our Oregon possessions. Under this im pulse diplomatic negotiations were pushed and guided till the treaty of 1846 drew the boundary line between the two nations, and terminated the joint possession. Thus, all the early instincts and aspirations for this transcontinental connection fastened! them selves upon this northern route. The spread of knowledge and zeal in the minds and hearts of our countrymen had to do with this project and no other. But the acquisition of California, the dis covery of its till then hidden gold, the ab soiption of people and government in the terrible struggles between freedom and sla very for the occupation of our new domain, and, finally, the civil war, aroused new motives and new argumenta which urged irresistibly the transcontinental connection, but diverted the first compliance with the political, military, and popular exigencies from the northern to the southern and cen tral routes. Thus, once more in human af fairs. the last was made first, and the first last. During this period, however, the agi tations of the subject before Congress and in public meetings by Asa Whitney, the convention at Chicago in the spring of 1849, and at St. Louis in the fall of that year, the vehement and persistent propa gandises of Josiali Per ham, all had to h with this northern route, and the fri and interest thus awakened and develo I T with this object, were, no doubt, eao' transferred to the service of the other route ' when paramount motives gave them the ' cedence. In 1853 Congress made anf^ priations for the exploration and survey all the proposed routes, and a valuable °.i adequate exposition of the northern p a q * way across the mountains was secured The survey from the East Un der the charge of Governor g te ens, and from the West conducted ) Captaiu McClellan, met near the point who* we now stand, and these surveys have f t . r nished the basis upon which the calculations and combinations, corporate and financial ever afterwards proceeded, till the point va reached when actual construction needed t be provided for. On the 2d of July, 1864, the bill for the construction of the Northern Pacific Hail road was signed by Abraham Lincoln. The enthusiasm of Perham, which anticipated ) rush of his countrymen that would bring q need be, a million subscribers for $100 0 f the stock apiece, induced the insertion of t clause of the act prohibiting either the issue of bonds or the creation of a mortgage in aid of the construction. This financial folly and much time and labor spent iu trying to obtain from Congress a very moderate aid by the Government, in the shape of a guar anty of interest for a limited period, held the whole enterprise in abeyance, till, i n 1870, the obnoxious section was expunged from the Act, and some other beneficial pro visions inserted, and the Company took the resolution to build the road on the faith that capital would show in the enterprise itself, and in the prospective value of the Govern ment land grant, should the construction be carried through. Perham's popular subscription having proved wholly abortive, bis organization of the company was transferred to one made up in New England in December, 1865, of which Governor.!. Gregory Smith, of Ver mont, became the President. The financial agency of the enterprise was offered to, and after careful examination aud a new survey, accepted by, the eminent bankers, Jay Cooke & Co., then in the highest repute from their wonderful administration of the immense Treasury transactions in the issue and distribution of bonds of the United States. The wisdom of the selection of this emi nent financial agency and the immense en ginery at its command were quickly demon strated. During the years 1870 and 1871 the Company received nearly $30,000,000 from the sale of its bonds conducted by Jay Cooke & Co., and the money was rapidly applied to the actual building of the road. The source of supply, however, proved not to be perennial nor inexhaustible, and the Company was pressed for funds in the sum mer of 1872. A change then took place the Presidency. The financial outlook for the enterprise became less aud less cncour aging, till this gloom spread over all our fairs, and the general panic of 1873 swal lowed up the Company and its financial agency' in the common insolvency'. But this brief period of plenty and prosperity was well employed. Never was the prudence making hay while the sun shines more clearly illustrated. In this period the road was built from the east to the Missouri river and on the west between the Columbia river and Puget Sound. Upon this firm basis, the pou sto of Archimedes, the skillful en gineers of the Company's present prosperity have lifted the heavy globe from the cata clysm in which it was engulfed, till now blazes upon our eyes, ' 'totns in seipso, tem, atque rotundas.'' General Cass succeeded Governor Smith as President, and skillfully nursed the en ergies of the enterprise during the inglori ous period of its eclipse. He became its Receiver upon the decree of bankruptcy in 1875, and, through the actual cautery of foreclosure and sale, the property became vested in the present reorganization under the honest, generous, substantial and suc cessful scheme of conciliation between the disappointed interests of the past and the hopeful interests of the future, known as the "Billings" plan. This eminent gentle man, who unites the unusual distinctions of credit as a lawyer amena lawyers, and a financier among financiers, became a direc tor in tbe company in 1870, and has con tinued Ln its management ever since, suc ceeding Mr. Wright, of Pennsylvania, iu 1879, and succeeded by Mr. Villard in 1881, as President, after a temporary occupancy of the place by Mr. Barney. As Mr. Bil lings dates his connection with the com pany from before the deluge, he will be able to correct the impressions of any who, m the glorious sunshine of to day's prosperity, may imagine it was not much of a shower. The- restoration, however, of financial confidence and strength, was by no means immediate or unchecked. The preferred stock after the reorganization commanded only twenty-five or thirty cems on the dollar in Wall street, and at one time fell to $8 a share, and the common stock to $1.50. Ap peals to Congress to aid its securities b) guaranty of interest were again resorted to and again refused. But ia the mean while the good management of the fragments 0 completed road showed net earnings 0 some $300,000 in 1876, and some $. 500,000 in 1878. This kept alive the organization and confirmed confidence. The merits 0 the route and the value of the lands wben the road should be finished were courage ou8ly relied upon by the experienced and able men who put their own fortunesin | * enterprise, to attract the confidence of capd^ and give credit to the bonds and value the stock of the road. And, now, the flood of the tide of h . cial prosperity 0 1 the whole country this enterprise which its ebb ha sLanded. The resumption of specie ments by the Government in 1879. the conversion of the public debt into •H»' and 3 per cent, secutities, the rapid r g