Newspaper Page Text
ELEGANT HOMES. A Firm of Helena Architects That Would Reflect Credit on Those of the Eastern Cities-— Splendid Drawings. We, with pleasure, make mention of the drawiDgs by Messrs. Paulsen & McConnell, now on exhibition in Gans & Kleins win dow. The drawings are enclosed in a neat frame, and embrace a perspective of a modern bank and office building; a row of suburban flats, the rear elevation of the Presbyterian church, remodeled, and the front elevation of C. W. Turner's residence on Ewing street. The drawing of the bank and office building shows a structure, for beauty of proportion and design, that is hard to heat. That portion of the building de signed for banking purposes shows a solidi ty of construction, combined with beauty of nnish which, to say the least, is imposing and peculiarly well adapted for the pur poses designed. The wall of the first story of this structure is built of granite, the second story of pressed brick with brown sandstone trimmings. The openings are large and finely proportioned, and archit ect orally perfect in detail. A handsome cornice, composite in style, completes the wall8,the projections and members of which art'ord a fine relief, embellishing the exte rior in a manner perfect in its harmony with other features of the building. The flats are five in number, constructed after the Florentine style of architecture. The buildings, taken singly or collectively, present a handsome exterior and are well adapted for the purposes designed. They are suppplied with all the modern conven iences. Each dwelling has nine rooms, except the centre building, which has • welve rooms, all of ample proportions, and arranged with a view to utility and com f'ort The drawing representing C. W. Turner's residence is truthful in outline and detail, and can readily be recognized for what it represents. This building is now occupied by the owner, and gives entire satisfaction. The drawing, showing the Presbyterian church remodeled, is executed in the Nor man Gothic Btyle: and though the rear view is but shown, it presents an imposing and beautiful edifice. If the trout eleva tion l*e executed in a style in keeping with the one shown, we venture to assert there are few churches between St. Paul and Portland that will compare with it, either for beauty of exterior or the comfortable arrangement of the interior, considering the cost of improvement. The drawings on exhibition will com- I pare favorably with and excel many of the drawings heretofore received from Eastern architects by our citizens. We would call the attention of citizens who entertain the idea of building to this fact. REAL ESTATE. Transfers Recorded to the Amount of Over $2 1,000 this Week. The increasing activity in the real estate market is observable in the amount of transfers recorded each week. These have been steadily increasing in number, and this week shows a large number of deals. While there are no large single transfers, the total amount aggregates $21,622 50, as follows: Cornelius Shea et ux, to Kate Lynch, a piece of ground in block 1, Mar ysville ; $350. Sanford & Evans to T. H Carter, lot 10, block 63, Helena townsite ; $700 J.C. Balliett, Jr., trnstee, to R. H. Klein «chmvlt, lots 1, 2 and 8 in block 1, N. P. addition ; $2,200. Oscar Bradford et ux to R. H. Floyd Jones, nl of ne \ and sw J of ne L sec 28, se 1 of se\, sec 20, tp 10, n range 3 w; $1. Michael Burns, to J. Switzer, lot in b 59, H T S; $1,000. J. C. Bullitt, trustee to W. Matheson, lot 14 b 51 N P ad; $275. Ellef Ellefson to A. M. Thornburg, lots 4 and 5 b 52 H T S; $1,043. J. C. Bullitt, Jr., trustee, to Chas. B. Lee, lot 20, block 45, N. P. add.. $250. Wm. Miller to Herman Wise, lots 9 and 10, block 73, and lots 7 and 8, N. P. add., $ 1 , 000 . S. T. Hauser et al. to J. T. Cox, lots 3 and 4, block 2, Flowerree add., $800. F. R. Wallace, trustee, to Ellef Ellefson, lot 3, block 24, Grand Avenue add , $400. T. H. Clewell to Ruby Piatt, lot 1, block 2, DeLacy add., $300. Michael Leahy to T. B. Warren, Jessie W. lode. Stemple district, $1. J. C. Bullett, jr., trustee, to T. H. Klein semidt, 9 acres in SW. J, sec. 20, T. 10, N. 11. 3 west, $5,000. Walter Matheson and wife to Wm. Pease, lot 4, block 51, N. P. add., $330. Jas. Blake to the Working Women's Home, lot 12, block A, Blake add., $2,750. J. B. Dunton to 'Joseph Cnrrah, lot 5, block 29, N. P. addition ; $275. Jacob Adams et al, to Louis Rehrig, lot 4 ,block 75, Helena townsite, $50. D. C. Rouse et ux, to C. B. Hitchcok, J interest in Eagle millsite, $1,000. D. E. Rouse et ux, to C. B. Hicthcock, £ interest in placer claim, Ten Mile; $1,000. Chas. B Lee to Jas. B. Lewis et al. lot 20, block 45, N. P. ad., $287.50. T. H. Kleinschmidt and wife to Gans & Klein two acres, s. w. ! sec. 20, tp. 10 n, r 3 w., $1,110. Adolph Wirth and wife to Sarah E. Ty ler, lot 6, block 1, Bassett ad., $1,500. In the House. Washington, April 6. —The House this morning entered upon the fourth day of its coutest over the direct tax bill, the legis lative day of Wednesday still continuing, lieed, of Maine, immediately demanded the regular order, which the Speaker stated to be the vote on the motion that when the House adjourn to-day it be to meet on Saturday next. Oates of Alabama, in behalf of the op ponents of the bill, proposed that they be allowed two hours for a general debate, leaving the question ot negotiation as to future stages of the bill to be settled when these stages were reached. Taylor, of Ohio, said that the friends of the bill only asked the assurance of a final vote at the proper time. Any arrange ment that included that would be accepted by them, but any proposition which did not include it would not be accepted. Oates replied that such proposition as suggested would commit those who op posed the bill to its final passage without l egard to whether any amendments were adopted or not. Taylor said abundant opportunity would be given for amendment and the discussion of amendments, but to say that the bill only be allowed to advance one step was nonsensical, &Qd such proposition con Id not be accepted. Oates retorted that that gentleman's proposition was one to the enemies of the bill ; it was the bulldozing process. Reed inquired whether that gentleman was not pining for the cotton tax amend ment. When we proceed in the regular way you will see, replied Oakes. Everybody can see it now, was Reed's retort, amid 6houts for the regular order. The Next Census. Washington, April 6.— Cox, chairman of the census committee to-day reported back to the house his bill to provide for taking the eleventh and each subséquent census. The bill limits the cost of the next census to $6,000,000 exclusive of printing and engraving. I COMPARATIVE WORTH of BAKING POWDERS. ItOVAL Pure)., f * rant's *. m^ÊÊÊÊÊmammmmmm lUtf FORD'S, when .. HANFORD'S, when fresh... WKUHÊStKÊl^K^ÊÊÊIÊÊIHSÊBÊÊ^^EÊ REDHEAD'S................ WÊÊÊ CHARM (Alum It... WÊÊÊÊÊIBÊÊËÊÊKÊÊÊÊÊ^ AMAZON *. CLEYELAND'Sfshortwt.joz.) PIONEER (SanFrancisco)... I CZAR....................... DR. PRICE'S............ SNOW FLAKE (Groff's)...! LEWIS'................... PEARL (Andrews & Co.).. HECKER'S.............. UILLET'S................ ANDREWS&CO."Regar*|*| Milwaukee, (Contains Alum.) BULK (Powder sold loose).... H RUMFORD'S, when not fresh reports of government chemists As to Purity and Wholesomeness of the Royal Bakingr Powder. "I have tested a package of Koval Biking Powder, which I purchased in the open market, and find it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream or tartar powder of a high degree of merit, aud does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substauces. E. G. Love, Bh.D.'' " It is a scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure. "H. A. Mott, Ph.D." " I have examined a package of Royal Baking Powder, purchased by myself in the market, i find it entirely free from alum, terra alba, or any other injurious sub stance. Henry Morton,.P h.D., President of Stevens Institute of Technology." " I have analyzed a package of Royal Baking Powder. The materials of which it is composed are pure and wholesome. S. Dana Hayes, State Assayer, Mass." The Roval Baking Powder received the highest award over all competitors at the Vienna World's Exposition, 1873 ; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1876 ; at the American Institute, New York, and at State Fairs throughout the country No other article of human food has ever received such high, emphatic, and uni versal endorsement from eminent chemists, physicians, scientists, aud Boards of Health all over the world. Note—T he aliovc Diagram illustrates the comparative worth of various Baking Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments made by Prof. Sehedler. A pound can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume in each can calculated, the result being as indicated. This practical test for worth ry Prof. Sehedler only proves what every observant consumer of the Royal Bakin.: Powder knows by practical experience, that, while it costs a few cents per pound more than ordinary kinds, it is far more economical, and, besides, affords the . dv tage of better work. A single trial of the Royal Baking Powder will convint- . un fair-minded person of these facts. * While the diagram shows som« of the alum powders to be of a high r ' e of strength than other powders ranked below them, it is not to be taken u> ; n lug that they hive any value. All powders, no matter how high the:.- otiti.. > e Are fo be avoided as dangerous. EVERY RIGHT I SCRATCHED Until the akin was raw. Body covered with scales like spots of mortar. Cured by theCuticura Remedies. I am going to tell you of the extraordinary change your Cuticuea Remedies performed on me. About the 1st of April last I no iced some red pimples like coming ont all over my body, but thought nothing of it until some time later on, when it began to look like spots of mortar spotted on. and which came off In layers, accom panied with Itching. I would scratch every night until I was raw, then the next night the scales, being formed meanwhile, were scratched off again. In vain did I consult all the doctors in the country, but without aid. After giving up all hopes of recovery, I happened to see an ad vertisement in the newspaper about your Cuti cuka Remedies, and purchased them from my druggist, and obtained almost immediate relief. 1 began to notice that the scaly eruptions gradu ally dropped off and disappeared one by one, and have been fully cured. My disease was eczema and psoriasis. I recommended the Cuti cvra Remedies to all in my vicinity, and I know of a great many who have taken them, especially mothers who have babes with scaly eruptions on their heads and bodies. I cannot express in words the thanks to you for what the Cuticcka Remedies have been to me. My body was cov ered with scales, and I was an awful spectacle ti behold. Now my skin is as nice and clear as a baby's. GEO COTEY, Morrill, Wis. September 21,1887. February 7,1888.—Not a trace whatsoever of the disease from which I suffered has shown itself since my cure. GEO. COTEY. We cannot do justice to the esteem in which Cdticuea. the great Skin Cure, and Cuticuea Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifier, prepared from it, and Cuticcka Resolvebt, the new Blood Purifier, are held by the thousands upon thou sands m hose lives have been made happy by the cure of agonizing, humiliating, itching, scaly and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair. 8old everywhere. Price, Cuticx ea, 50c ; Soap. 25c ; Résolvent. 81. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. Mass. «»-Send for "How to Cure Sxin Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations, a nd 100 testimonials. PIM PLE8, black-heads, red, rough, chapped and oily skin prevente 1 by Cuticuea Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dangers of suffocation while lying down; to breathe freely, sleep soundly and i nd'sturbed; to rise refreshed, bead^ clear, brain active and free from pain or ache ; * to know that no poisonous, putrid matter defiles the breath and rots away the delicate machinery of smell, taste and hearing ; to feel that the sys tem does not, through its veins and arteries, suck up ihe poison that is sure to undermine and destroy, is indeed a blessing beyond all other human enjoyments. To purchase immunity from such a fate should be the object of all af flicted. But those who have tried many reme dies and physicians despair of relief or cure. Sanford's Radical Cube meets every phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the most loathsome and destructive stages. It is local and constitutional Instant in relieving, permanent In curing, safe, economical and never-failing. Sanford's Radical Cure consist« of one bottle of the Radical Cure, one box of Catarrhal Solvent, and one Improved Inhaler, all wrap ped in one package, with treatise and direct ons, and sold by all druggists for 81.00. Potter Drug & Caemical Co., Boston. No Rheumatiz About Me IN ONE MINUTE , ^ j The C'n*i«*nra Anti-Pain KwX Plaster relieves Rheumatic, Scl _ »tic. Sudden, Sharp and Nervous \ l Pains. Strains and Weaknesses. \ T £The first and only pain-killing ' ( plaster. New, original, instantane ous, infallable, safe. A marvellous Ant'dote to Pain, Inflammation and Weakness. Utterly un like and vastly superior to all other plasters. At all druggists, -»cents; five for 81.00 ; or, postage free, of Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Bos ton, Mass. DR. NI. ROGKMAN. PhjtlelMi Surgeon, Acconcheor, Oc cullMt and Anrlit. Member of San Francisco Medical Society, also Nevada State Medical Society. Office—Over Parchen's drug store. Entrance from Broadway and Jackson street. Consulta Qerman and English. diWu-o-sC for Infante and Children. i «Caeterta ia so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior t o any prescription known to me." H. A. Abche*, M. D., 1U 8* Orta* St* Brooklyn, N. Y. CntsHlmw OoHe, OoMUpatioa, Soar Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, I Kite Woran, gives sleep, sad promotes di I WkßStajKfote I THI CEBTTAUB CO., 77 Marray Street, I. T. * Stleof Oittla, H**s48, til S .i The executrix of the last will of John H. Ming, deceased, will sell to the highest bidder for cash, the cattie, about 1,400 head, more or lees, belong ing to the estate of John H. Ming, deceased, and now upon the ranges of Fergus, and other ad joining counties of Montana Territory. Bids in writing at a stated price per head are Invited up to May 1st, 1888. The cattle will be delivered upon their accustomed ranges at the spring and fall round-ups in 1888, in such man ner as may be agreed upon between the execu trix and purchaser. All oatCe of whatever age, sex, or condition, branded with the Ming brand, shall be counted as they run. Sucking calves to be thrown in. Bidders must state whether they desire any certain number of head lees than all to be found, or every head found at round-ups of 1888. Purchasers of all band that may be found in 1888 to have first right to purchase any cattle which may be found in round-ups of 1889 at same price paid in 1888. Payment to be cash in man ner to be agreed upon between executrix and purchaser. The express right is reserved to re ject any and all bids. The saddle horses heretofore used to round-up the Ming band of cattle will also be sold, and bids are invited for them at a stated price per head. Bids for the horses must be separate from the bids for cattle, and the right to reject any and all bids is expressly reserved. The ranches, generally known as the Ming ranches in Fergus county, will also be sold, the property consisting of about 640 acres well fenoed, watered, and well adapted to cattle and horse growing. Bids are invited for the property and must be separate from bids for cattie or horses. The right to reject any all bids is reserved. All bids must be in writing in detail and ad dressed to the undersigned at Helena, Montana Territory. KATHARINE L. MING, Executrix of last will of John H. Ming, deceased. Dated Helena, March 24,1888. w 5 t-mh29 _ [No. 1649.1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF HELIHA. ORGANIZED IN 1866. Designated Depository ot the United States. Paid-Up Capital......................—*500,000 Snrplua and Profita .................... 800,000 8. T. HAUSER, President. A. J. DAVIS, Vice-President. B. W. KNIGHT, Cashier. T. H. KLEINSCHMIDT. Aas't Cashier. Board of Directors. S. T. HAUSER, JOHN O. CURTIN. A. M. HOLTER. B. S. HAMILTON. JNO. H. MING. C. P. HIGGINS. E. W. KNIGHT. A. J. DAVIS, T. H. KLEINSCHMIDT, HENRY M.PABOHKN T. O. POWER. Associated Banks. FIRST NATIONAL...........Fort Benton, Montons MISSOULA NATIONAL........Missoula, Montana FIRST NATIONAL.....................Butte, Montana General Banking Business Transacted. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. POPE & O'COnOR. Have just received and offer for sale Mrs. Harriet Hubbard Ayers' VITA NDOVA or NEW LIFE. RECAMIER CREAM ant POWDER. DR. BUCKLAND'S SCOTCH 0.ATS ESSENCE, GOMBAUTTS CAUSTIC BALSAM, Pope & O'Connor. DRUGGISTS. E. S. KELLOGG, M. D. nrgMD and Homoeopathic Physician. HELENA. MONTANA. Give« special attention to diseases of the EYR. EAR, THROAT and CHEST. Also, All Chronic Diseases. dawly-aug24 A PRIZE FIGHT. Two Pugilists Get up a Mill at the Hot Springs, but the Fight is Stopped by the Police After Nine Rounds----A Drawn Battle. William Sayers and Jack Daffy, two pugilists who have been quite prominent in Helena sporting circles recently, met in the prize ring at the Hot Springs, about four miles from the city yesterday after noon. The meeting was the result of a boat which was arranged for between Sayers and Delmore the other day, bat which came to naught. Daffy then inter posed, and yesterday afternoon an imme diate meeting was agreed to between Daffy and Sayers. To get away from the city and the officers of the law the Hot Springs was chosen a9 the place of meet ing. The news soon got into circulation and a couple of hundred people left the city to witness the fight. Duffy is known as "Mickey the Grecian,' and is a wiry, well built fellow, with con siderable adeptnes in the pugilistic art Sayers is also a well pnt op man, and is said to be an expert in the ring. He claims to bo a nephew of Tom Sayers, the famed English fighter. Both men are light weights. Principals and backers arrived on the ground early in the afternoon and made arrangements for the fight. The ring was made in one of the buildings at the Springs, and the men began to strip for the battle. Daffy was seconded by Jimmy Kelly and Jack Delmore ; Sayers by Ben Wood and Jake Colton. Jack Leonard was chosen referee and B. King time-keeper' Jos* as the prelinaries were effected Under Sheriff Hard and City Marshal Read ap peared on the scene and announced their intention of stopping the fight, as it was forbidden by law. After a consultation, however, the officers concluded the fight might take place since there were no stakes up, and it was not a prize fight in the meaning of the law. The match then began. There were nine rounds fought, and each was short and sweet, the longest lasting only one minute. Sayers drew first blood in the third round, and a major ity of the falls. Daffy got in the most good clear blows. There was but one knock-down, and this could hardly be called such. Sayers led for Daffy's head, bat fell short. Daffy returned the blow, bat also failed to get there, and in recover ing he fell down. It coaid not be claimed a fair knock-down. In the ninth round Daffy was thrown, when the police jamped in and said it mast be stopped right there. Daffy went to his corner, was rubbed down, and at the expiration of thirty sec onds he took the floor again. The officers, however, persisted in their refusal to let the fight proceed, so the sluggers retired from the ring, and the referee declared the fight a draw. The crowd then dispersed and returned to the city. Opinions were divided as to the merits of the principals. Each had his admirers, and neither lacked the claims of baokers that he would have won the fight had it been finished. Bat the decision that it was a draw met with general favor, and everybody is satisfied to let the matter rest undecided for the present. CALIFORNIA! -THE LAND OF DISCOVERIES! N ^ hNSWTljO (9 ronçhit 'Serçd for NFMrffîco.Oimi.£AL EUREKA. The motto of California means, "I have found t." Only in that land of eunshiue, where the orange, lemon, olive, fig and grape blossom and ripen, and attain their highest perfection in mid winter, are the herbs and gum found that are used In that pleasant remedy for all throat and lung troubles, SANTA ABIE the ruler of coughs, asthma and consumption. H. M. Pärchen & Co , Helena, have been ap pointed general agents for this valuable Califor nia remedy, and sells it under a guarantee at 81.00 a bottle. Three for 82.50. 6 moj. I- BY S xmo ran Cl/t-A /1BI CUNT MOM THE 0 JMLY— (Ju^afIteed CUf\E YOT^ Catarrh nRnVU.LF.CAL. California Cat-R-Cure ! The only guaranteed cure for Catarrh. Cold In the head. Bay Fever, Rose Cold, Catarrhal Deaf ness and rore Eyes. Restores the senses of taste 'and smell ; removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, resulting from Catarrh. Follow direc tions and a cure is warranted. Send for circular to Abietine Medical Co., Oroville, Cal. Six months treatment for 81 00; sent by mail,81.10. SANTA ABIE AND CAT—R-CURE for sale by all druggists. _ H. M. PÄRCHEN & CO„ Wholesale Depot, Helena, Montana. _ daw-mh27 A Bargain Never Before Offered. A REPEATINGI RIFLE FOB $5.50. 500 Genuine "Spencer 7-Shot Repeat ing Rifle«" of World-wide Reputa tion, 50 calibre. Metallic car tridge, at 6550 each. Scott's, Purdev's, Westley Richards', Parker's, Colt's, Greener's, Smith's, and all other makee, breech-loading double guns, 810 and up to 8300. Now in stock a lot of second-hand guns, some of highest grade. Bargains ! which will soon be taken up. Send six cents in stamps for illus trated catalogue and second-hand list. Cat this out, sure. Established 1826. _ , WILLIAM REED A SONS, 107 Washington Street. Boston, Mass C. K. COLE, R. 0. J. ■. SUCH. >. 0. COLE t SLIGH, PHYSICIANS AUD S0RGEOHS, HKLESA. ----- ----------- HOBT AHA' Office—106 Grand street, (near Main.) Calls grom|>tly answered, night and day. T e l e p hone, Montana National Bank HELENA, M. T. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital, - ~ - 8250,000 8 urplua Profits, - - 90,000 DIRECTORS. C. A. BROADWATER, . - President A. «. CLARKE, • • • TlccPrcsldcnt E. SHARPE,........Cashier S. E. ATKINSON..__________Asat- Cashier C W Cannon. Herman Gans, S C Ashby, H. F. Galen, A. H. Wilder. SECOND NATIONAL BANK. HELENA,.. .MONTANA. Paid up Capital, - $75,000. Surplus A Profits, 15,000. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. E. D. EDGERTON, President. C. K. COLE, Vice President. GEORGE B. CHILD, Cashier JOE. N. KEKCK, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS. E. D. Edgertou. C. K. Cole. J. B. Sanford. Chris Kenck. S. J. Jones. Geo. B. Child. Wm. Muth. Jacob Loeb. _ Q. C, Swallow. _ STATE MOL OF UK GOLDEN, COLORADO. Fall Term Opens Sept. 28, 1887. oejaplste courses la CIVS AND MINING ENGINEERING. Special ooarses In Assam, Clemical Analysis and Snr rem. The Laboratories and Assay Booms fo praotioal instruction, are the most oom plete of any in the West TUITION FRJDB. For oatologua address BEGIN CHAUVENET. Présidait. THE DINOEE ft CONARD GO'S LEADING SPECIALTIES. ALL 'VARIETIES, SIZES AND PRICE8 FINE EVER-BLOOMING PERPETUAL, CLIMBING AND MOSS ROSE84 NEW AND RARE FLOWER SEEDS HARDY PLANTS, lovKounom, Cloutlo, Spring Bulb,, JAP Aff UUCS.twCkipulko anus, A our WONDERFUL ORNAMENTAL VEGETABLES. *»»»«*■* «»< rnUSR»"'sfeiNO^vPWfsS LnUIvCO I W CAI lotixrw wi n w w » w, —' — —* PLANTS and BULBS« «nd ^ how togrow t/reennoTwru. a ns a*■ sw mb .-r KOSE GROWERS, West Grove, Chester Co., Pa« GEO. K. REEDER, C. E. O. W. HKLMICK, oTh. REEDER & HELM1CK. Brown's Building, Warren Street. </> y atitumi surveyed and patents obtained. Surveys and maps ot underground workings. Farms sur veyed and ditches run. Blue printing and line draughting a specialty.__ HALF-BREED GaUoway Bull I «ART ACTIVE, EHWCTnCITO» land women all over the oonotryto ill the Missocni Steak Washeb. In its rarer aTe numerous and conn nein a that i made with little difficulty, _ I will, ship ■alee are S) weow-augll The Galloway Cattle Co. have for aale 35 head of yearling and 15 head of two-year-old Galloway Half-Breed Bulls. Bulls purchased of this Company two years ago by the Musselshell Association have given the very best satisfaction. Refer to D. Blacker, Helena. As beef cattle the Galloways have no superior and, having a heavy coat of hair, have no equals in standing the severe winters of Montana. The Bulls can be seen at the Company's ranch near Bercail, Muscleshell Valley. For particu tors addrress ANDREW J. FISK, Secretory, daw-febl3 Helena, Montana. SAVE MONEY! by writing for the Illustrated »PEOPLE'S PRICK-LIST S lves the wholesale pri c< ry Goode, Clothing, Hai Saddles, Guns, and all « PRICE-LIST.' It lve« the wholesale prices for mess, ________ ____ goods for personal and family nee. We sell direct to consumer», at lowest wholesale price». This valuable book will he mailed Oreo to any address. THE PEOPLE'S SUPPLY CO., 48 4 50 E. Lake Street, Chicago, H1& IL I PÄRCHEN & Leading DRUGGISTS. Helena, M. T. . :> I IPl II Just Received ! 12.000 lbs. Choice Hontaaa Grown Timothy Need ; 3,000 lbs. Clean Alfalfa Need. In Transit—One Car Load GRASS SEED. Montana Agents for Bn. Dixon and Woods Chicago Vaccine Stable« Bovine Vaccine Virus. Received fresh every 20 days and Guaranteed. Price *1 for package of 10 Points Double Dipper. FarcherTs Corner, - Helena, Mont. A. J. DAVIDSON. Dealer in BAIN WAGONS, HARNESS AND SADDLES Sole Agent for Hill's Concord Harness. Wall and "A" Tents, Wagon Covers, etc. —* Pa« sur line HAT AILS YOU? Do you feél dull, languid, low-spirited, life less, and indescribably miserable, both physi cally and mentally; experience a sense of fullness or bloating after eating, or of "gone ness," or emptiness of stomach in the morn ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth, irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, " floating specks " before the eyes, nervous prostration or ex haustion, irritability of temper, hot flushes, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp, biting, transient pains here and there, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant, indescribable feeling of dread, or of impend ing calamity? .. If you bave all, or any considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffering from that most common of American maladies— Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your disease has become, the greater the number and diversity of symp toms. No matter what stage it has reached. Hr. Pierce's Goldeu Medical Discovery will subdue it, if taken according to direc tions for a reasonable length of time. If not cured, complications multiply and Consump tion of the Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Disease, Rheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other grave maladies are quite liable to set in and, sooner or later, induce a fatal termination. Dr, Pierce's Golden medical Dis covery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood-purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood-taints and im purities, from whatever cause arising. It is equally efficacious in acting upon the Kid neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful medicine has gained great celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Pierce's Golden medical Dis covery CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, "Fever-sores," Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all diseases caused by baa blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medi cine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. Especially has it mani fested its potency in curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof ulous Sores and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease, "White Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in stamps for a large Treatise, with colored platcs,_on Skin Diseases, or the same amount for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. " FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce's Golden medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital Strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula of the Lungs, ia arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken in the earlier stages of the disease. From its mar velous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-famed rem edy to the public, Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling it his "Consumption Cure," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine which, from its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for Consumption, but for all Chronic Diseases of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Bottles for$5.00. (W~ Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce a book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 main St., BUFFALO, N. Y. «The*» Specific! tUad ate»« U tbs prasst s n et rt toi at aediol «cience." S cTUrnts. _ NEW, INVENTION ■WMOBAÇÜÇHLJ ujnsB »SY] Notice o f Fo rfeiture. To Henrv O'Connor, W. F. Colgrove and Henry W Brooks : You are hereby notified that I have expended one hundred and thirty-five dollars in labor and improvements upon the Silver Hill Lode m in lng claim, situated in Lewis and Clarke county, M. T., about six miles west of Helena and one and one-half miles west of the Grass Valley Lode, and the notice of location thereof beinar recorder of said county, and recorded Sept. 15, 1885, in book of lodes, page 255. In order to hold said premises under the provisions of Sec. 2324, revised statues of the United States, being the amount required to hold the same for the year of 1887, and if within ninety days after this notice you fail or refuse to contribute your pro portion of such as co-owners your interest in and to said Silver Hill Lode claim will become the property of this subscriber in accordance with law in such cases made and provided. GODFREY LaSALLE. Dated Helena, M. T., Jan. 14, 1888. w90d-janl9 LADIES ____catty rtmoTe fiiserlnas Hair." * How to redooe RiptilaoM Flea* IS pounds i mouth." - Bow to develop the Bast scieotilleally.'' •* How Lea» Ladles muy speedily become Stoat." E7 Describe your cue fully, mod send 4 ousts for seeled MtsMlMS, WUAVA »PICCU IÜ OO., Phil«.. Pa. TV Cords #r E*"* ban baas sawed by oos msu lu » boors. Haadads he*s aawto t sad Sosads lag. E s dk ***Addra? yiatx^btVpm MAtJBjSp CO aooras »wA*"Ais- - n.n*! Btraat. ChicaEO. UL JL I HOLTER &BH0 DEALERS IN HARDWARE Mechanics' Tools, Mill Supplies, Belt ing, Brass Goods and Pipe Fitings, Battery Screen, Steel Wheel barrows, Iron, Steel, Pipe and Heavy Hardware. Disston's Celebrated Circular Saws, and Bival Steam Boiler Peed Pumps. Agents for Atlas Engines and Boilers, and Leffel Doable Turbine Water Wheels. Catalogues Furn ished on application. ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, STORE FRONTS, ETC. wyl-angl3 Great English Remedy. Murray's Specific. A guaranteed euro for »11 Tnervous diseases,such as Weak Memory, Lore of Brain Power, Hysteria, Headache, Pain in the Back, Her* _ voue Prostration, Wakeful [betöre] nese, Lencorrhœa, Universal Lassitude, Seminal Weakness, Impo tency and general loss of power of the Generative Organs;—in either Sex. caused by Indiscretion or over exertion, and which ultimately lea d to Premature Old Age, Insanity and Consomption, 81.00 a box or slz boxes for 85.00. Sent by mail on re Ipt of price. Full particulars In pam let, sent free to every applicant. HTe Guarrantee Six Boxes [. to cure any case. For every 85.00 order received, we send six boxes, with written guarantee to re fond the money if our Specific d see not effect a cure. Address all communications to the Sols Manufacturers, THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO.,Kans*s City,Mo EM-Sold in Helena by H. M. PÄRCHEN A CO., 8ole Agents. daw-eep26 Debilitated thna Indiscretion! or n. GUARANTRB TO ( I KK by this NXW IMPROVED this specific purpose, CUBE or lENEBAUVE WEAKNESS, fjiv phl WEAK MEN! Par-oc* 90 WE NOHLY InscSn Eiectrio ing them Current _____ tinuous, mild, soothin' currents o ity directly through all v.s^par. leitor •.to health andVigorou, eireiigth. Electri. VUO.UI ^-^v-felt instant!; o- forfeit *5.000 in cash Greatest Improvementaover all other belts. Worst cases per tnanently cured in three niontbs. Sealed pamphlet4c. stami w he Sanden Electric Co. 169 LaSalle et., Chicago G DR. JORDAN'S 731 Market Street. O AND LEARN HOW to avoid disease, and how wonderfully your are made. Private office, 2X1 Geary street, San Francisco. Con sultation of Lost Manhood aud all Diseases of Men. E®-Send for a book. wly-nov5 LEGAL BLANKS. FOR THE USE OF LAWYERS, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, CONVEYAN CERS, SURVEYORS, AGENTS, OWERS AND LESSOB0 OF REAL ESTATE, ETC. (CUT THIS OUT FOR REFERENCE.) THE HERALD has in stock the following blanks. They are neatly printed ou good paper, with red ruling for a border. The forms have bee» carefully prepared by a lawyer, are in con 'jrmity with the statutes of the Territory, and are applicable to any county in Montana. DISTRICT COURT BLANKS. Per doz. Per 100 .50 .50 .75 .35 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 Aff. publication summnos..........75 ...... .50 .75 .35 .d5 Notice of Appeal.................. Undertaking on Appeal...... Aff. ord. and notice for wit... Subpoena.............................. Summons............................. Und. on claim and delivery. Writ of attachment............. Und. on attachment............ Affidavit for attachment. Ord. publication summons.. Deposition............... Execution................ Summons for juror.. JUSTICES COURT BLANKS. Warrant of Writ of attachment......................35 Und. on attachment....................35 Affidavit for attachment.............50 Subpoena................................. [35 Summons.....................................35 Summons for juror......................35 REAL ESTATE BLANKS; Bond for deed..............................75 Qu it claim deed...........................75 Warranty deed.......................... ^75 Bargain and sale deed................ '75 Lease.......................................... .'50 Mortgage ................................. .75 Assignment of mortgage............75 Mechanics leln............................75 MINING BLANKS. Notice of location (quartz)....... .50 Deed of mining claim..................75 Application for patent................ [50 Water Right Location................. SO Lode Representation.....^........... SO Placer MICELLANEOUS BLANKS. Sheriff Bounty certificate (wild an.'mals) .50 Certificate of Incorporation........ .75 Bond........... 50 Acknowledgements.................. .35 Chattel mortgage....................... * .75 Bill of side...................................75 Power of attorney............... .80 83 0) 300 4 00 2 00 3 on 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 Oil 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 60 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 * 00 4 60 3 00 3 00 3 00 300 8 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 2 00 400 4 00 8 00 A discount of ten per cent, made on orders amounting to 85. ana twenty-five per cent, on orders amounting to flO or over. Postage prepaid on all orders. Spécial forma of any blanks made to order at Vow prices. Check and money orders to be mao» payable ta FISK BROS., Helena, loiL