WR[D'S K1W8 SUIMMARY CULLED FROM ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. A Review of Happenings in Both Eastern and Western Hemiepheree During the Past Week-National Historical, Political and _Personai Evenlts Tersely Expounded. ýWyoming'$ recent blizzard was the worst ever known. Ambassador Tower has presented his credentials to g~mperor William. Fire recently partially destroyed Ful ton market at Chicago, causing a loss of $100,000. Harry mk. Stanley, a well known min ing engineer, is dead at Mexico City. Aged 4b years. A semi-official announcement now places the Italian claims against Ven ezuela at $2,000,000. Winston Churchill, theO novelist, re cently elected to the New Hampshire legislature. is ill in St. Louis. Alfred B~ouvien. Widely known through his connections with theatri cal affairs for many years. is dead. E. A. Nickerson and others of Ever ett have purchased 200,000,000 feet of standing timber in western Washing ton. Governor Van Sant, republican, re ceived 155,044 and Rose. democrat. 99,022 votes, making Van Sant's plur alit) 56,527, in the recent election. Four hunored thousant' persons are reported to be destitute and starving as a result of thie crop failure in Fin land. French authorities have become con vinced that the death of Mrs. Ellen Gore was accidental and have de cided entirely to drop the case against M. do Rydzewski. Volairine Le Cleyre, a noted anarch ist and teacher of languages, was ABSOLUTE SECURiTY; Cenulno Carter's$ Little Liver Pills2 Must Mear "SInatuh N i. w- -'- we.,,.e Ss.6nt FOE TOPII LVIFR. 703 SOUSTIPATIOU. Fos SALLOW SKIN. FOETHE COMPLEIIOU a '' CURE SICKC HEADACHE. s BEST FORTHE Iae -u rn-urnýtMe.T ~mmiem~.~. Ud. bU~. CEANO~ BODY CLU g gi~rl _ I I KNOWN [ MKAD! LLY IMIwe9RT0ue GUARANTtt A4 6 YOUR DfiALEK. MtKE CIýA AlO4UE] Of GASM1h ALD tAi AJ.i W 0 ON fASý RRUABLE ASSAYS ..7 Gold fld Oliver.. .5100 4e".... .7. IGold, Silver Cop'r L6 OWDR ASAY COnlPANY~ S. N. U. No. 52. 1902 Cmshb w.ioeti UrN '"um ` v~g~I shot and fatally wounded re ently at i-'haiadelphia, by Herman Helscher, a former pupil. It A~as been learned that R. C. Whayne, a Louisville business man, wº5o was found dead recently with a gun shot wound in his breast, carried 1240,000 life insurance. After long conferences trafmc offi cdals of lines east of Chicago have determined to make extensive changes Iin commodity rates, which will amount to a general advance of aboutL cent7Tb e new schedules will be placed in effect as soon as arrange ments can be made alter January 1. and by January 16 all changes will be operative. Ely Hyman, a Jew who begged for admission to the general hospital at Toronto recently, is dead. An exami nation of his clothing resulted in find ing scrip worth $31,000. Other papers showed him to be worth $100,000. For 20 years he has slept in sheds and stables. He sold papers and begged. His heirs are his wife and daughter, living, it is thought, in San Francisco. President Roosevelt attendee. the funeral services of Mrs. Julia Dent Grant, held in the Metropolitan Meth odist church. Members of the cabinet of the diplomatic corps and of both houses of congress, and representa tives of the G. A. R.. the Loyal legion, the Union Veterans' legion, and the Army the the Tennessee, the Army of .'ire Cumberland and the Army of the Ohio were also present. The church services were short.. Dr. Lorenz has for the first time since his arrival in New York operated on a club foot. The patient was a four year old girl. Dr Lorens knead ed and twisted the crippled foot until it was aioft and pli~able as a piece of putty, 'then he deftly moulded it into its proper form, and announced that the operation was completed, and a plaiter cast was fitted on the foot. The doctor said that the child should he allowed to use her foot as much as she could after three or four days and :that it would be necessary to kteep the cast on for six or seven months. after which she could walk. Crazed From Their Sufterings. Boston. Dec. 24.-Almost crazed iiozo their sutteruogs, froat bitten and ajeipless, it0 men ini a bOust were pick d up by the scnooner ManhbaseL 4, wilies oil iiigiulaod light. 't'hen for thu ýrst tame it was leat ned that the ,tiiooLCI5 sl'rank A. Palmer and Louie .s. Crary had been in collision ano *at the-y bad sunk off Thatcher's isi .aznd on Wednesday evening. Thle survivors were ianded today. Of ~he 21 men who made up the two rows, six were carried down when the vessels sank, four died during the t(-ri ible three days' drift in Massa chusetts hay, and another became in sane and jumped overboard. Princess Leaves. D~res~den, Saxony.-The crown prin cess of Saxony fled from her home on , ,e night of December 11. The Dresdener Journal says today: "'f he princess, in a state of intense metiual excitement, suddenly deserted hýcr family at Salzburg and went abroad. The Saxon court functions or the winter, including the New Veal's reception, have been canceled." Seattle Pressman Suicides. Seattle, Wash.-William J. Blurdette, a well known newspaper pressman, committed suicide by shooting himself while in ~iis own yard. Gambling losses, followed by despondency, is sup lposedi to have been the cause. Bur dette was a native of the Isle of Wight. He leaves a widow and sev eral relatives here. - - Wrecked Near Quincy. Wilson Creek. Wash.-A Great Northern eastbound extra freight was Swrecked near Quincy, 40 miles west of Ehere. Thirteen cars were ditched, hut no one was injured. The cause is un known, but it is believed the rails spread. The wreck delayed trsffiP' nearly 13 hours. Passengers were transferred. I Marconi Announces Success. H~alifax, N. S.-After eight experi ments conducted with the greatest se crecy, Marconi announces that he has solved the problem of wireless trans Ioceanic communication and has suc s ceesfully transmitted wireless mess ages from the shores of Canda to the Icoast of England. Tacoma Public Building. War1'dngton, Dec. 24.-Assistant Sec retary Taylor of the treasury depart mo;it has selected as tht te for the public building at Tacoma. Wash., the west side of A street, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. The price is $96,000. Byron Wreck Death List. San Francisco. Dec. 24.-The death list of the railroad collision at Byron. Cal.. Saturday night is swollen to 25 by the- ending of the life of Miss Stella Howard of San Francisco. tOpen Colville Reserve. R'ashington.-Congressman W. L. __ Jones of Washington has introduced -a bill in the house to open to settle ment the remaining portion o h Colville Indian reservation, in the state of Washington. containing 1, 5t00.000 acres. - Winlock Freight Wreck. __Tacoma. Wash.-Northern Pacific Sfre-ight train No. 53. engine No. 460. was wre~cked at Winlock. A poet of the right stamp is one who sends return postage. Bronchitis "I have kept Ayer'a Cherry Pec toral in my house for a great many years. It is the heat medicine in the world for coughs and colds." J. C. Williamna, Attica, N. Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. b Use it also for bronchitis, * consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. ?batRss b: Ik..N5$aS. whtalqdts5. Oaw dya~ eetee. it MNL talkeft. A AReal Joke. "I hope, Mr. Starrborder," said the a smiling landlady, "that you are satin.i f fled with the table." t e "Indeed, I am, Mlirn Scrimpen. g tl These prunes are delicious, and Ii you t 'lease, mia'am, I believe I'Ul take an e ot'ier of those luscious chicks. wing!." CASTOR IA o "T Isntalk s abou hinv rentin hem .0 inuriou tolao HIAlas al nnene" ad 1 Hea. "W hy so"akdtegad "Bcas it capis. optn t bu a alarm wuz the cause o' mes gittin' five id years at hard labor." ki LOWSe THIS? S'We o~s OaseHundred Dolisar Reward foe 11~ ease sf Cattarrh ithat can ne toheezed byBahll' lc Catankh Cure. F. J. CHtENKY &Co., Prob~. Tolede,O. It We the undersigned, have knows lý. J. Ches., lu forth.epast 15 est,, and believe bims perfecCy bon'rable in all bu-i,,ess transactions and fin. it ancrally able to carry oulany obilgatiem made by thtei firm.Wi-hTu. ýf Wholesale iDresgista, Toledo. voWALmODI KIti ass & 1MaJYn. '0 Wholesale Itrnggisis. Toledo. 0. to all'sOatarrh Care In taken' Internally,sctin ýe reotlyon the blood and nileons surfsees a the * system. Price 7h per bottle. sold by all a- orngistat. Testlmn,'lals free. Heall's Family Pills are the best. Apricots sad Figs. The apricot. it soaked in its own bulk of colt! water for 48 bourn, is said Lu- to be almost like fresh fruit. Figs Dn should be immersed In hot water for an hour. 50 ou On Get Allen's Peet Hae U ed Write Allen it. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y, for a free sample of Allen's Foot Ease. It cures clit 'nt blatns, sweating, dtamp swollen,, aching feet naIt makes new or tight shoes easy. A certailt cure fr turns aond lunions. All druggists set 1W it 2.e bunt accept any sul-stitute. C halra Usned by Royalty. Two oak chairs made for the use of te, the king and queen of Englanud when in they visited Middlesbroughi, in 1899, elt have just been sold for £4 Es each. °g The best way to cure indigestion ie to isremove its cause. This in beet done of by the prompt ueof Dr. August Koenig as Hamburg Dirops, which r'egu tv- late the stomach in an effectual man -- ner. - - - Lessened Coat of Travel. 'sat Before the Siberian railway was as available, a trip from London to Shang. of liai cost frmo $325 to $475. Now it lut can benmade for from $65, third class,I in- to $166, Jfrstelass. The kleptomaniac takes things as Why BecaL'Jse~ S y u fIt acts gently Iwithout unpleasant after-effects. I th b * f 41 la x iv It Is wholly free from objectionable substances. ýh. + fa r~l lax tlYIt contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It Is pure. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. It is gentle. It Is pleasant. All are pure. P All are delicately blended. It is efficacious. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. It is not expensive. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to It is good for children. the orginality and simplicity of the combination. It is excellent for ladiem. To get its benefiial effects- buy the genuina. It is convenient for business men.Mauctrdb It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.t It Is used by millions of families the world over. AL R I i 5 k P( _ 4 t stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. 5 I IiJ i ) IV r1 3 If you use it you have the best laxative the world San F'rancisco. Cal. poue.Loulevltie. Ky. N~w York. N. Y. -- 705 SALE BY ALL LEADING D2UGGJSL ALMIRA'S IXflB[E MURUER '1 JUDGE J. A. LEWIS AND WIFE MET iC DEATH. Robbers Beat the Life from Theirl Bodies With a Cluh and An Ax-Mr. Lewis Was a Pioneer of the Big Bend Country-Owned Two SectionsI of Land Almira, Waah,-Judge J. A. Lewis. a pioneer 76 years old, and his aged wife were murdered in coldest blood by unknown robbers who, after a struggle, brained the old man with an ax and then murdered the wife by besting her to death with a club. The double murder was as coolly planned as it could possibly be, and jthe object was doubtless robbery, as the judge was worth $20,000 or $25,000, and was supposed to have money in the safe which he kept at his coun try home, five miles southea. t of here. The theory is that the terrible crime was committed by some visitor who came on the guise of doing busi ness, as the safe was found open, and had evidently been unlocked by Mrs. Lewis, as she alone was able to work the combination. The hand of the aged judge, palsied with age, was una ble to turn the tumblers successfully. The crime was discovered by 0. J. Williams, a tenant of the judge's, who found the judge's body. The job was evidently planned with the utmost care, for the back door had been barricaded by a table and two charsr piled against it. Lying on the floor was a bloody ax. The judge had been pounded to death with the blunt side of it. Evidently after completing the search the robbers went out the front door, locked it behind them and I disappeared. iBefore leaving, however, the rob bers went to the corral, where Mrs. Lewis had been milking the cows, and waylaid her with a club. There was evidence of a fearful struggle, but at last the poor old woman was beaten lifeless and her body was buried un der a heap of hay and snow in the center of the corral. Her body form ied the little mound which Williams 11 saw on Saturday. Judge Lewis was a pioneer of the I Big Bend, and was formerly a probate Sjudge here. He owned two sections of e land. There are no children. Dr. Lewis of Wilbur is a brother of the dead judge. 5 New York.-The body of Mrs. II Ulysses S. Grand now lies in a sar cophagus beside that in wdrich the re mains of her husband rest. ST. JACOBS 'LOIL POSITIVELY CURES Rheumfatismn e;Neuragia Backache o Headache Feetache ,.All Bodily Aches AND it PAIN. r~H~XU. S. MINISTER TO ENGLAND Commends Peruna to All Catarrh Sufferers. I 1 ar d \ Ch at Ron. Louis B. Johnson Ia the sou of the late Reverdy Johnson, who warn is United State. senator from Maryrland, also attorney general under President ye Johnson, and United State. Minister to England, and who was regarded as~the id greatent constitutional lawyer that ever lived. In a recent letter from 1008 F Street, N. W., Mr. Johnson says: S "No one should longer suffer from Catarrh when Peruna Is idaccessible. To my knowledge it has caused relief to so many of as my friends and acquaintances, that it Is humanity to commend Its use to all persons suffering with this distressing disorder of the Lu. human system. "-Louis B. Johnson. Catarrh Polsoms. Catarrh is capable of changing all the life-giving secretions of the body into scalding fluids, which destroy and in-. flame every part they come in contact with. Applications to the places affected by catazwh can do little good save to soothe or quiet disagreeable symptoms. Hence it is that gargles. .qrrays, atomizers and inhalants only serve as temporary relief. 8o long as the irritating secretions of catarrh con tinue to be formed sc long will the membrane. continue to be inflamed, no matter what treatment is used. There ii bat one remedy that has the desirable effect, andl that remedy is BlIzzard in Colorado. Denver, Col.-While Denver was enjoying a calm, mild winter day there was raging within a few miles of h~e city the worst snow and wind storm since the great storm of 1893. The blizzard was general throughout eastern Colorado and Wyoming and western Nebraska. The average snow fall was 11 inches, and a 45 mile wind blowing across the prairies piled the snow in high driftc. In Cheyenne business Is at a stand still and the snow is piled In drifts from ithree to six feet. Knoxville's Blg Fire. fKnoxville, Tenn.-Fire that broke Eout in the Knoxville mill building, on Commerce avenue, has caused a loss - of $200,000. TIhe fire spread quickly Fboth east and west, into the Broyles. t Lackey & Co. implement house and a Swholesale hide and commission house. I All the burning structures are four Fstories high. The block in which the I fire started is the same that was burn Fied out in 1897, with a loss of over I $1,000,000. It is in the center of the hIwholesale district. Peruna. This remedy strikes at cons to the roots of catarrh by restoring to the capillary vesselatheir healthy elasa ticity. Peiruna is not a temporary palliative, but a radical cure. Bend for Dr. Hlartmnan's lwates bok, sent tree for a abort time. Address The Peruina Drug Manufacturing Co., Co. lumbus, Ohio. If }ou do not derive prompt and ust isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at cnee to Dr. H-artman, giv ing a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valu able advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of the Hiartman Sanitarium, Columbus. O. Good For Little Folk.. Ihtti otrtttre the childiren with liquid and ptill jliuts' 'The tall imfe, agreeahie laxative i~r little cýt" is t'ataret~tattdy t'athartic. All Play Both Ends. In Gutatenuala, the Indian population Itries to double its chances for the effi. II acy of ptrayer by wutrstiiriuah at a ('hristian altar with inttiigs of its hea titan decities htiddteni behind it. hrQ smaamanesO os go eta arsarsU rs aI .ter ltinS 4ay's smtot Dr. K1tmeuO..tmAUUU Zsesr SeedS for uKRIS5.ee~~tt~ No woman has really ever thought the photographer succeeded in doing her justice. Ftr ctttgtttt attd ,itdo there ta no better nmedicine thatn l'iitt's Cure for Conautnp tion. ltrice25 cents. An easy way to find out how a man stantds is to get on a crowded street car with him. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup the beet remedy to use for their children during teetbIing pen d. The intemperate florist finds no salt ftor his whisky blossoms.