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THE HAVRE HERAL VOL. VI, No. 10 HAVRE, CHOUTEAU COUNTY, MONTANA, WEDNESD)AY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1908. 2.00 PiaR YEAR. .~·=1l - - FINE PROGRAM CHINOOK FAIR The Chouteau county Fair, to be held at Chinook, Sept. 16, 17 and 18, promises to be the most successful meet that has yet been promoted by the enterprising people of that live town. The program is interesting and varied, and the races promise to meet all requirements of lovers of that sport. $1,000 in purses has been hung up for the races, and many of the best racing horses in the coun try are already on the ground. A feature will be the daily ascen sion, and weather permitting, semi daily ascensions of Prof. Fred Rugg, the famous aernaut and parachute jumper. Music will be a pleasing feature, the management having secured the Indian Boys Band from St. Paul's mission, who will keep things lively with parade and concert work. The cowboy relay races, and buck ing contests will add to the excite ment, and the display of live stock and farm products promises to excel anything of the kind ever attempted in Northern Montana. Don't forget the dates, and remem er that the investment of a few days recreation for yourself and family, is pne of the best that can be made and to 'the young fellow who wants to say the words but dassent, we would say: Take your girl to the Fair, she will . enjoy it, and may remember that it is leap year. l Negotiations are under way, looking A the setting aside of one of the I days, to be dsignated "Havre Day," and it is hoped that arrangedflents | can be made to insure a goodly at tendance from our city. A fare of one and one third has been secured, and complete arrange nients for the card and comfort of the visitors has been made. d)eputy Customs Inpseetor Brodirbk left Monday for Galata, on hasid~s? connected with his department, .Mrs Etta Dewar entertained a haappy throng of about :we.ntycouples at dncii "g rn F"'c day evening, at the Hotel Havre. the guest of honor being 'i ) f V'' '- "'d nt' Helena, who has been visiting her brother at Chinook. Miss Richards returned to Havre on Friday, as the guest of Mrs. Monroe who will accompany her on her return to her home for a vis it with friends at the capital city. MONTANA GAME LAWS UP TO DATE Synopsis of the Game Laws of 1908- Open Season for Large and Small Game--Must Have License--How to Ship Game--Number Limit. Open season for the following, Sep tember 1st. to December 1st.: Elk, limit one per person per sea s(m, antelope, limit one per person per season; montain goat, limit one lm r person; mountain sheep, limit one per person per season ;grouse, prairie chicken, fool hen, turtle dove, pheas ant, partridge, limit 10 per person per day; wild geese, duck, brant and swan no limit; deer season open Septem ber 1 to December 15th, limit three. Fish may be caught at all times with a hook, line and pole. It is unlwful to sell or offer for sale moose, bison, caribou, buffalo, quail, Chinese pheasants, meadow lark bluebird, thrush (robin) oriole, wood pecker, mocking bird, goldfinch, snowbird, cedarbird, stork or any other small birds known as singing birds or hunt any of the above large or big game with dogs. It is ulawful to sell or offer for sale any game or part thereof, or trout, grayling or black bass or the eggs or spawn therefrom, except that the sam come from private ponds; to catch, trap, or otherwise restrain any buffalo, elk, moose or mountain sheep for the purpose of sale or do mestication; to destroy the nests or carry away the eggs of any birds or wild fowl; to hunt upon the premises of another without first hav;ng ot tained permission of the owner; for any person, railroad, express or stage company to receive for transportat'on or carriage or to sell or offer for sale any fish or game that has been killed conrtary to the law; for any person to ship or offer for stipment DEMOCRATS NAME THE WINNING TICKET The County Convention at Fort Benton on Thursday was Enthusiastic and Har monious--Not a Hitch in Proceeding, and Democrats of County Unite in Endorsement of Work of Convention--Delegates to State Convention and Candidates Nominated. The Democrats of Chouteau c3unty held their county convention at. Ft. Benton, on Saturday last. In the abFence of Chairman Harris the convention was called to order at 12 M., by Jos. Sullivan, vice-chatrman of the county central committee and proceeded .to elect L. Newman tem porary chairman, and Ed. M. Allen, temporary secretary. A motion prevailed that the chair appoint a committee of three on each of the following: On selection of delegates to the state convention; on credentials, and on order of business and resolutions, . and the following delegates were named on the said com mittees: On selection of de'egates: D. G. Browne, Tom MlcDevitt and A ,W,. Zie.:arth. On credenials-F. A. Prosser, C. W. Young and Chas. Lepley. On order of business and resolu tione-Thtas. I)oven, J. E. Fox and T. iudd. Aft;er the naming of the committees .hl convention adjourned until 3 p. in., at whi h time it re-convened and the reports of the above named cori= mittees were adopted, The committee on order of busi ness and resolutions recommended that the temporary organization be made Jetrmanent, and cuti'lned the ortde~ of business generally in vogue at conventions, and submitted the following resolutions: Be it resolved, By the democratic party "if. Chouteab county in co vep; tion assemliled, tfelt, reco6gizing t e fact that our p)resent county treas urer, Hon. L. O. Hudson, has by the earnest npanner of performing the du ties of his office, and in his unpre cedented action in voluntarily turning over to the public interest on the pub lic monies, earned the gratitude of the. people of Chouteau county, and we,. the democrats of Chouteau county or for any transportation or common carrier company to ship or accept for shipment any big game animals, game birds or fish out of this state or any part thereof for transportation out of this state, except that such consign ments be covered by a shipping permi issued by the state game and fish warden. All packages containing arnme ,r fish must he labeled in plain letters on th a l`r s; side of the package, so as t, t.i-: lse the con tents thereof. It is required that all persons who are residents of this state who desire to hunt shall first procure a license therefor from the game warden or a justice of the peace, and pay for the same $1. (This includes all persons, children and women and all members of a family and people hunting on their own land, who were exempt un der the old law.) To obtain a resi dent's license the person must have resided in the state for the 6 months last past. Such license entitles the holder to hunt all kinds of game, and said license may be secured by ap plication from any one issuing them in your county. Any prson who has not resided in this state for the six months last past shall procure a non-res:dent's license, which are in three classes the "gen eral," which entitles the holder to hunt large and s'a.l" came :nd to fish. and est s $25: :hr "';'mited" which entitles 1 he holder i) hunt small game and fish only, and costs l1('- e.ld "fishinx "' which entit'es the holder to fish c nly, and costs $'. Non-resident licenses can be prscur d either personally or by appl'eation tco (Cet'nued on page eight ) would recommend him to the people of the county for their suffrage, also Be it resolved, By the democrats of Chouteau county in convention as sembled that recognizing the faithful services rendered the democratic par ty at all times by the Hon. L. New man of Chouteau county, and his em inent fitness to hold such office, that we hereby instruct the delegation from Chouteau county to the demo cratic state convention at Anaconda to present his name for the nomina tion of railroad commissioner, and the delegation is hereby instructed to use all honorable means to secure his nomination to said office. The resolutions were unanimously adopted by a rising vote. The delegates and alternates to at tend the state convention, at Anacon da, are as follows: Delegates - David G. Browne, L. Newmaf, John Harris, A. W. Ziebarth Jos. Sullivan, W. C. Broadwater, J. V. Carroll, L. J. Christler, T. J. Told, C. W. Young, Thos. McDevitt, W. 0. Kester, Thos. Dowen and H. J. Meili. Alternate-Chas. E. Duef, J. C. Bailey, A, C. Strode, A. S. Lohman, Jas, tBartley, Simon Pepin, F. A. Prosser, Frank Chestnut, L. K. Dev lin, John Lamey, C. W. Gardiner, R. B. Ganaway, B .F. O'Neil, and Jas. E. Fox, It Whag further certified that the above named persons were elected delegate:s and alternates to the judi cial convention of the Twelfth dist rict of the state of Montaa to be held at the same time and place. after the report of the commi tee on state convention del egates, the convention took up the regular order of business, and made nominations for the various offices as follows: Representatives-L. J. Christler and Jas. E. Fox. Commissioner-Thos. Dowen. Treasurer-L. O. Hudson. Sheriff-I. M. Rogers. KEEP IT OUT. 1 / S in Y Sa N -Scar i New Yok Globe BRYAN AND KERN CLUB MEETS MONDAY The legular meeting of the Bryan and Kern Club will be held at the city hall next Monday evening, Sep tember 14th. All candidates, club members, and the people generally., ladies espc!ially. are requested to turn out. Mr. Newman will tell us what be knows about "getting there" and Mr. Christler will stir things up a few himself. ':d. Barber, of Chinook, is visiting friends in the city this week. Clerk of the District Court--W. C. Kester. Asseeoir-H. E. Loranger. Attorney-J. K. Bramble. Coronur--R. B. Ganaway. The chairman of the central commit tee was authorized to fill the vaca cite left vacant on the ticket or that might arise before election from any cause. At the first meeting of the committee all vacaancies will be filled and a full ticket placed in the field for the November election. John Harris was unanimously elect ed as chairman of the central commit tee with authority to name the mem bership of the committee. It was worthy of note, that all of the candidates, with the one except ion, were nominated by acclamation, the exception being in the case of the ,'-didates for sheriff, which norrinh tion was decided by ballot, a count of.the baiiots showing that I. M. Rog r- was winner over Charles Crawford by 1 vote. The convention then adjourned afte xcending a vote of thanks to the ,hairman and secretary. If anyon6 entertained 'iy doubt Lt to there being complete harmony within the lines of the democratic party; it would certainly have been dispelled by an attendance at the where naught but the best of good feeling was in evidence, with not' the semblance of a clash or dispute to mar the smooth running of the mach inery of the convention. The placing of the name of the Rev. Leonard J. Christler at the head of the ticket, was precisely like throw ing a 14-irich shell into the enemy's camp, that action scattering them in all directions, and they are surely leading a strenuous life while trying to recover thier breath, and wonder ing where they are at. As one of them aptly put it: "You have certain ly dropped a bomb shell into our camp, and, to tell you the truth, we t.' afraid the durned thing will go ADD TO PIANO FUND ST. MARKS DANCE '1'h. regular Friday evening's lanc of the St. Mark's Club was held on F.r:day evening last. at Swa-iton's ',t and ,was thoroughly enj:syed by a goodly number, of the disciples of the delightful art handed down to merry makers and fun lovers, by tha ancient god, Terpaschore, he of the nimble feet. The orchestra was in chlarge of Director IIilla, a:d ttat the music was tuneful and time'ul goes without the saving. The pre ceeds were added to the piano fund. oft'." Yes, you bet it will go off, and 1Mr. Christler's election is only a ques tion of majority. I'he lprsonel of the ticket through out is good. It is composed of wide awake, progressive, conservative member, of the party, and is going to win out. Put a pin here, and an X over forninst the names printed above, when you enter the little booth. With Bryan at the head of the na tional ticket, Norris, the state, and Christler on county ticket, the s:t nation listens very much like VICT ORY to the Herald., from'the presi dent down to the precinct officers. CONVENTION NOTES. Chairman Newman's benign coun tenance beamed with a continuous performance smile, and there was nothing of sadness in it, either, 0, my. no. Secretary Allen was busier than a cranberry merchant and he was deal ing in a brand of dope that sure car ried the hall mark of "been there be fore" a few times. ..... ._---. Shorty Young grew two inches in height, and added three more to his chest measurement, under the stimulous of a keen appreciation of the way things were working out. -4- "Brod." attended the convetionn, and rumor hath it that those figures just represented his shrinkage when he read the handwriting on the wall. -4-~-- The delegates are unanimous in treir expressions of the courteous treatment accorded them by Mine Host Stephens of the Grand Union hotel, and incidentally, of the people of Fort Benton at large. It is sure that this list includes Johnny McGraw for as an affable entertainer he is tihe solid metal-no plating. NEWMAN FOR RAILWAY COMMISSIONER Democratic State Convention--Norris for Governor---Long for Congress-- Newman for Commissioner- Others Nominated. The GCemocrats are fully and wide ly awake in this year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred ad eight. Never in the history of Montana was a convention so complete in attend are of delegates, and so replete with enthusiasm, as the democratic con vention that was called to order yes terday, in Anaaconda, by State Chair man Browne. The convention met at 12:30, and at once got down to bus iness, by the appointment of a tem porary organization, lion. T. J. Walsh chairman, and Harvey Bliss secretary. After the naming of the different committees, the convention adjourn ed until 4 p. m. After reconvening, the reports on pe:manent organization and order of business were received. The tem porary organization was made perma nent. The credentials committee re ported that there were no contests in any delegation. The report of the pltform and resolutions committee to be received later. The convention ad journed until 7:30 in the evening. At the evening session athe first nominations were for presidential el ectors, and resulted in the selection of W. G. Conrad, Cascade; Lewis Pan well, Lewis and Clark, and Tom 3le Teague, Powell county. Then came the real contest of the convention-the choice of a congress ional candidate which resulted in the nomination of State Senator Thomas D. Long. of Kalis;:ell. With unbounded enthusiasm Gav ernor Norris was unanimously nomi nated to succeed himself. Tom Swindlehurst of Livingston, was noniated for lieutenant gove rn or. SOCIAL LIFE IN HAVRE The interest in scc'al functions is rapidly reviving, under the stimulus of Autumn's advent, with its days of bracing air, and nights of refreshing coolness. On Wednesday last, a delightful af terncon was spent with Mrs, T. J. Troy as the entertaining hostess, and was thoroughly enjoyed by Mes dames Walker, Devlin, Carnal, Ham mond, Newman, Carruth, Dewar, Hol land, Dunn, Allen, Ed. Broadwater, J. McKenzie, W. McKenzil, D. S. McKenzie, D. H. Boone, Kendig. Bosscut, Taylor, Broderick, Rathbone, Weber, B'own, Skylstead, and the Misses Jeffrey and Dunn. At the fea ture of the entertainment, cards, Mrs. Dewar was the fortunate one, and treasures a prize of a beautiful hand painted plate. The enjoyable lunck menu comprised rolls, olives, chick an salad, cake, ice cream, coffee and ion blons. Mrs. Troy was assisted in her duties as hostess, by her sister, Miss Maude Bronson and Miss Imo gene Allen. A goodly number of friends of the hostess were entertained at Five Hundred one afternoon last week, by Mrs. R. L. McCulloh. The air of the rooms was charged with the de lightful odor of sweet peas, the frag rant little posy being in evidence on all sides, in the artistic decorations. The invitations included Mesdames E. T. Broadwater, Wright, Kendig, Bossout, R. B. Morris, Sutherland, Morris, Rutherford, D. H. Boone, D. S. McKenzie, E. H. Campbell, Tay lor. Brown, Devlin, Broderick. Misses Leppecr, Wright, and Clink, of Havre. Mesdames Ashburn, Bowman, Wasscl, and Misses Houghton and McQuistlan. of Fort Assinniboine, and Mrs. R. M. Reichell, of Malta. Toothsome refresh nenti of veal loaf, olives, potatoe salad, hot rolls, coffee,canteleup, nut and loaf cake, marshmallows, punch and bon bons, ailded to the enjoyment of the gaerts. Ed aInd Arthur Broadwater don't waste any time fooling 'round when they go hunting What we mean to say te. that when they want chickens they ju,,t go out and get 'em. Date, Suinday, Sept. 6; time, 5 hours and i., minutes from town; score, twenty chiclcene (thei limit): place, further depioneih saith not. W. MI. Johnston, of Billings, was nomiated for associate justice by ac clamation. Ciiarles P. Nevin of Silver Bow was nominated for the six year term as railway commissioner; A. J. Vio let of Missoula, getting the non;na tion for the four yar term. For the short term, L. Newman of H-avre was placed in nomination by Rev. Christler and his name was re ceived with enthusiasm by the cinven tion, heing nominated on the first ballot b: a large majority. At the night session, the ticket was complletedi with the following nominations: For secretary ;f state--Mi'es Rtom ney, -lamilton. For triasurer- -. C. Goodwin. of iutte. For attorney general-John HI. To lan, Anaconda. For Auditor- HI. I,. Sh rlock, of Boulder. For superinlen;dent of public in struction ---Wiley Mcuntjoy, Virginia City. After passing resolutions of respect to the memory of the late Daniel J. Hennessy. H. L. Frank, T. E. C31 lins, Henry Muller and O. Y. Warren, th., convention adjourned sine die. The state central committee met at the Thornton hotel in Butte, to day, and elected the following officers Ciairman . W.B. Gecrge, Billings; sceretary, Harvey Bliss, Big Timber; treasurer, Gro. L. Ramsey, Helena. Harry Calway, Butte, vice- cha'rman for Silver Bow, and C. B. Nolan, vic., cbha.iran fcr Lewis and Clark.