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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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Trade with the Helena Pavking and Provision Co. Wesley Cottles Senator Murrill and Walter Parker went to Mis soula last week and registered for a chance or the Flathead lands. Arthur Clark brother to Eugeue Clark left last week for his home in Missoula. Mont Lewis made afliyin2 trip to Havre last week. Ward Cole is employed on Mil walkee R. R. and has a run out of Missoula. f. L. Ellis is arranaing to take another trip to nthe Blackfoot country. Arthur Palmer says that he is going to Seattle naxt month to see John and Cns and the fair thrown in. The gentlemeu are going to give a return entertainment to the ladies on the Loth of July at Cen tral Park it will he a bcsket pic nic anb danciug in the evening at the pavillion, The Progress club are makin arrangmenta to entertain bishop Grant when the Pnget Sound Conference meets here Aug. it th. Quite a bunch are going over to Missoula this week to register for the Flathead drawing. Uncle Dave Gordon says he is going to register for the Flathead drawing. L. L. Grisson shipped a carload of ore from his mines lately which brought good returns. Jas. Ingram is working extra at the Elks club. It is only two weeks until the Puget Sound Conference con venes at the St. James A. M. E. ehurch. Miles Gork was thb prince of oonfettl merchants during the Carnival and had the champion Speller to sell his goods. Miss Vera Simmons is still in Virginia City. The Carnival has come and gone; the next big event will be the great State Fair. Chas. Dinwiddie went last Fri day to Missoula to register for the land drawing. Owing to the many social functiorns in honor of the visitthg ladies fiom Kansas city and St. Joe. Mo. The picnic and dance which was on the 30 I th. bas betandefinitily poeqoned. ANDREW CARNEGIE SAYS A man who will not )r cannotsave money will never do anything else worth while." Carnegie is rue of mauy success ful men who depended on savings for a start It is the ONLY way. We a~low 4 per cent lntereit on deposits. Iiior Ba9k9IJrust (,o. HELENA, MONTANA. HOLLAND-OWENS NUPTIALS. Since our last issue Wai. Io0 land. well known throughout the g cast as a era-k imusieian and to set a fast pave all along the line. has been laid low by dame eupid 11 and is now a ienediet. having 5- tarriel Mis. Alice Owens. who ir is well known iji this eity. Ilol s. land's liany friends and acqluaint anees throuithout the country e will he tsirprised at this news. e IIe was k ioin as King I)u-DLo, t t W. M. Holland. Crack musician. Who fought Elks case through Local sld Stata court,gets mar ried. the king of all spenders, striking Minneapolis a few years back, he put the sports to flight and spent in three mncths $16,000.00. Hle was a companion of .Joe Gans and I that gives an estimate of the pace. Since coining to Helena he has achieved fame by being arrested for wearing an Elk's pin; prose cuted and convicted in the lower court he carried the same to the supreme court and won out. Has Procured Jndgement A strenous life it was fer W. k. Holland the greom arrested on his wedding day found guilty and fined, sued in the district dis trictcourt fer $1. 125, 9o and then some: M s. F A. Mitchell having procured judgement again him for that amount in the district courton last Tuesday. Holland did not appear to contest the same Eutertains Visitors. On wednesday ev tnin$ Mrs. II. A. Sanlrbuig and Mrs. Eugene Clark entertained at the nesidence of Mrs. Saulsburg, In honor of the visiting ladies from Kansas City St Joe and Livingston. The even. ing was passed in a social way at games and dancing, Mrs Clay of Kaasas City and Mrs. Hickman of St. Joe Mo. carcied of the hon rs at whist. Refreshments were served in four courses, music by the Imperial orchestra. All d par Led dclaring the evening one of pleasantest ever snd that the gue st's of honor and hostess's were the jolliest ever. I. The Plaindealer Would Like To Know The R :son Why? e They are all ainxious to see ri this issnue of lith' :' indealer. If what thi. llion said was 1t1 ttree. why ,1ould any young alrdrie lady 11 ink it was a hint to thei. - Ouir god frtv l lol not eat that nak" Why did II.., '.t tttc cause such a ioliuiotion ,t the meeting of the lusy It es. The gras w (aine too late to gel ill on ~i ," , ii event. \V. ('. hay L.ý ,;" so sedate and hardly coms.' with the boys. There shouldi 'I' so much com motion as to who will di the hon ors during ciiot 1 ence. The lirehilenlt of the Progress ('bib weiit to .11 ivsoula. Was it to get a new ubii. 1or the club? It becomes n I51Vessary at times for one to s .*1 favors and at I times shelter vruni those whom you have talked ahout. A. P. looks so well pleased since he has got his new name. Conference week should not be the busiest one f iv some time with the St. .lJmes wotukers. Some of our Law-it-all citizens do not take a tumble as to what good deportnit? rt and common decency is. 1 The young loan iought that cake. IN. IRev. Bishop .lbraw Grant D. D. Who will lecture at St. James .4. *. 1 . Church Friday eve. .1 u6. 1 J. Subiect , The,. value of Dis contentment. .ldmissoin 5 0 cent.; Western University QUINlDARO, KANSAS TFIE GREATI EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR KAlNSAS A\D THE WEST i)EPlTFll:NTt: Theoloscal, College, Naoral. Sub-ormeal and State Normal Leading and Best Industrial ohoo of the West Courses Rabantagee Clam icalColler.g Preparatory, Nor Splendid Location, Healthful Clim mal, Sub-Normal, M1usicjl (Instru- ae odIlec.adToog mental and Vocal, includin., Piano, ate, Good le~ueace and Thorough Organ and Harmon ),i Drawing (Fine Teachers. Arts and Mechan cal , Larpentry. Printing and Book Binding, Butinees Course, Stenography and T'fpewrit ing, Tailoring, l*re-smaki-g ai d INFORMATION Plain Sewing. ( ok;in, Laundertig, Por Terms, Price. and Inducemet Farming and Gardt ing Offered write to Shelton French, A. I., Acting President lbonee: Office Bell , West 1423; Residence, Bell West xr. The big debate at St. James lE't week should not be a hum 1s eryhody should not attend J3islihp Grant's lecture on August 1:3t h. T'liere are so many queries about a recent wedding. M. 0. J. was so gallant to the young lady and can he get on for keeps THINGS WE NOTICE Keep your head and you wont lose your reputation. When crossing the sea of public be sure your boat's not made of glass unless all's ship-shape aboard. The woman who weighs her words l is worih her weight in gold. A burnt child may dread the fire, but there are lots of 'em that like the sensation, WhY dont you go the mountains to spend gour vacation-Meet me in seattle in 1909. what ails you, anyhow I'm wise Are there any more at homre at home like you we don't need them. I love my husband, but oh, you kid. why do you go away out to John's Place to catch suckers when there arv pienty of toem in Helenp. Lots of folks get pious when they feel spitefnl. They know of no other way to show what they considcr their "Superiority" There are lots of expert femal knockers in town,but their blows larC no marks except on themselves. Remeber bhat Cod made all the world, and you had nothing to do with it. And lots of us pretend to bear the love of a man within our hearts, 'though judging from the rancor of our tcngues,no one would suspect it. General Observer. TH-E. MA LLO QcRAVENETTý Soft and Stiff Hats are the BREEcj'iifEE & fIap. , FINE CLOTHIE8 G-AN6 &s K LEI5T CQ0 ESTABLI6B:.E2D 1j HELENA PHINI AN PROISION OOP wholesale OYSTERS, FISH POUlTRY FRUIT BUHERI C. J. Bausch, Tinner. TIN, COPPER and SHEET IRON WORK Stove and Furnace work a Specialty. 315 N. JACKSON ST. - Helena, Mont. Strangers visiting the Capital City will be given a hearty welcome at all times at the Manhattan Club, 17 South Main Street Helena - - - Mont. Car Specialiy Diamond Cftting Expart Wlatchwork Monogram Engraqlqa Chas. H. Pratt Watches, Clock ,:Jewelry. Cut Glams aid Novelties 19 N. Iteain Btreet P?. Graud Central iotel Helena,, Mont. 'QR D P ENT Inquire 221 Breckenridge St. Mrs. N. A. Cole Eugene Bourquinr Dealer in Sa'wed and Split Wood and COAL. Yard, 437 W. Main St. Residence. 370 Water St. 'Phone 632-F. Helena. Most. CENTRL BEf HAL AND RESTJARANT Heary Rosana Prep. Phone 286 1 13 3. Main ast. Helena Mont. furnisbeb loomi or Houses by the Day, I1 or Month Apply 1t5 East Cutler Street Helena, Montana C. DUMAS, MGR. Billiard and Pool Tables in CO nection. All Appointments UP- TO-DA TE. 38 1-2 Park Ave. Butte, Most The Unionvilb DAIRY Prompt Dilivery Fe Milk And Cress Wholesale Anb ' P. O. BOX No. 49 J .LL*~d.. 0 TUS EXPER~te TRAD9 CoPYIISY returned from Hot Spr ngs; Mr. Frank HI Yew js Who ducts a place for railroad ment 51st street and Armour Aye, beena very sick.