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The Western news. [volume] (Stevensville, Mont.) 1890-1977, June 11, 1902, Image 8

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

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I Bitter Root Brevities. |
Swew iMumm i mtcr
Any sobscriber who fails to reoeive
•ho Western News regularly will con
fer a favor by promptly notifying
this offiee. _
Hamilton'« thermometers registered
98 in the shade last Sunday.
Albert Whiteaell, of Rye Creek, did
business in the county capital Friday.
Roadmaster Frank Mayne has been
transferred to the Wallace division of
the N. P.
A washout near McKeen's spur de
layed Monday morning's Sun Cure a
few hours.
Sr. Geo. McGrath has been appoint
ed local surgeon of the Northern Pac
ific railway.
S. V. Bean expects to move his saw
mill from Burnt Fork to Missoula
wicinity shortly.
Rev. M. L. Rickman, of Bozeman,
attended the funeral of his little niece
at Victor last week.
Mrs. Margaret P. Daly and guests
are expected here about June 20 to re
main until next October.
Miss Virginia McCrackin arrived
home Saturday evening from an ex
tended visit in the Rast.
Misses Lot ta and Mabel Markte, of
St. Regis, were the guests of Hamil
ton friends the past week.
Mesdames M. M. Humble and Robt.
Heaves, of Willow Creek, were among
the shoppers in town Friday.
A. Lundgren, the prosperous Lost
Horse ranchman, did business in the
oonnty capital yesterday.
D. L. Cannon, a republican wheel
horse of Stevensvilie, was greeting
friends in the county capital Friday.
Miss Ethel M. Bruce, of Victor, was
granted a state diploma by the state
board of education at its recent meet
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Robbins, of
Rye Creek, visited friends in Hamil
ton and vicinity several days last
Foreman H. C. Lindsay of the Clark
mill at Lothrop, spent several days in
Hamilton last week renewing old ac
Horace Ramsey, a farm hand, was
drowned in the Bitter Root river near
LoLo last week while attempting to
cross with a boat.
A telephone lipe, connecting the log
ging ramps above Camas with the A.
C. M. Co. offices in Hamilton is to be
constructed shortly.
Corvallis played ball at Grantsdale
last Sunday and was defeated by a
score of 20 to 1. Stevensvilie will play
ball at Grantsdale next Sunday.
Camp No. 3, with R. A. Byrne as
foreman, started up last week with a
full crew. It is expected that work at
Camp 1, will also be resumed shortly.
Miss Bessie Cardiff, one of Hamil
ton's popular teachers, departed yes
terday for her home at Galva, 111.,
where she will spend the vacation.
Seattle papers give the names of
Mike Smith and Russ Downing, for
mer Hamiltonians, among the passen
gers who departed on last Tuesday's
.steamer for Cape Nome.
Miss B. May Million arrived in Mis
aoula last Saturday from Chicago
where she recently completed a post
graduate course in the Chicago Uni
The dance given last night at the
opera house by the Catholic Ladies
was a very enjoyable affair. Some
thing over $30 was netted for church
J. K. Hardy and family, of Grants
dale, depart this week for Seattle
They will travel in wagons and will
•pend the summer on the road and
hope that the trip will prove beneficial
to Mr. Hardy's health.
«* Wedding Presents,
* Graduation Gifts,
3, Birthday Gifts, ;
«fr -- «
ijf No handsomer and
-S- more useful line can
^ be found in any
IJf store in Montana. J*
«fr —............
t wiivfrwuff
«fr »MBe,
«fr Clocks,
egr ßat Glass.*« ,
afr The newest line of
* •W
at prices ranging
from (LN and up
wards^ J» jS J* J*
Eattst Baadlks ia itwtlrv
•mat m Um* W»
I Do You Want.... i
Comfort in
More popular than ever this year, and never before shown
H in such a variety of Styles and Kinds. We have them aii,
I Light, dainty hand turns,
Heavy welt manish soles,
i machine sewed, in all grades
Light turn FINE VICI KID—one, two, three
and four strap, Fedora Two Button, Princes
Gored Front. Fancy Lace Effects—Prices, $2.00,
$2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $2.85 and $3.00.
Heavy Hand Welt in Vici Kid with Patent
Leather Tip, a very swell shoe—our price $3.00.
Heavy Hand Welt Finest Patent Leather—
no more up-to-date shoe made—our price $3.50.
Machine made, all new Styles and the best
to be had for the money—onr prices, $1.75, $1.65,
$1.50, $1.25 and $1.00.
All Fine Goods in B, C, D and E widths,
chine goods only in D, E and EE.
If you want the BEST for the SMALLEST
gWe Place on Sale This Week *° d , T
for up-to-date Men. Come in and see them. Also 500 Pair of NEW SHOES for the Boys and Girls. ^
Misses and'Children's Sandals and Oxfords in Black, Cholocaté and Red. The largest assortment of
these goods ever shown in the valley. Our Prices, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.65. Sizes from
Infants' 4 to 2 in Misses.
j Hat Special
§3 Our Entire Stock of Ladies' Dress and Street Hats at Special
Prices THIS WEEK. See south show window. All go at
I big reduction in price.
Ravalli County Mercantile Company.
Next Saturday, June 14, is flag day.
Gov. Toole, by proclamation, recom
mends that it be properly observed.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cameron arrived
from Butte last week, where they
have resided for more than a year past
and are now domiciled at their ranch
West Fork.
O. C. Cooper and Matt Blindauer
left for Hughes Creek yesterday morn
ing. They will probably take a look
at the Indian Creek mines before
Chief Freer, whose crew of Northern
Pacific timber estimators are now
operating on Rye Creek above Darby,
made a business trip to Spokane last
D. Lorriaux, of the Corner Drug
Store, departed Friday for Ottawa,
111., to attend the wedding of his
daughter. He expects to be gone
about three weeks.
The Rice family is down from Over
which. They have some fine looking
rock taken from the Silver Plate, one
of the most promising of the Mineral
Hill properties that, speaks for itself.
Mrs. L. L. Wood, of Seattle, and
who formerly resided at Woodside, is
visiting friends in the valley and is at
posent the guest of Mrs. Chas. Mac
Rae at her pleasant home near Wood
side. '
Dr. Fred Ellis arrived from Pony
last week and will look after the den
tal practice of his brother, Dr. Ellis of
this city, while that gentleman takes
little vacation of a couple of weeks.
Ice cream and cake will be served at
the home of Mrs. Terpening on the
'boulevard in the Riverview addition
on Tuesday afternoon, June 17. All
are invited to come. Only lOcta,
Come and bring the children.
Mrs. Samantha Wells died at her
home above Darby, June 3, after a lin
gering illness of cancer of the throat.
She leaves a husband^nd large family
to mourn her loss. The funeral was
held at Darby cemetery on last Wed
Mr. and Mra. R. A. O'Hara and
children left las( Saturday for Port
land, Oregon, where Mr. O'Hara will
attend the meeting of the Supreme
Lodge of the Workmen aa one of the
three representatives from the Mon
tana Grand Lodge.
A benefit baU will be given for the
Grantsdale ball team nest Tuesday at
Steele's hall ia Grantsdale. Tickets
cents, fee cream and cake will be
served for 14 cents per dish. The pro
ceeds will be devoted to defraying the
expense of visiting team«. Everybody
invited. —
The engagement of Miss Sadie Cat
lin, of Missoula, and Chas. M. Sum
ner, formerly of this city, now of
Butte, has been announced. The wed
ding is to take place the latter part of
Jacob Helwig is moving his bakery
today into the old postoffice building,
and is prepared to look after the wants
of his patrons at the new stand. Mr.
Helwig will serve' cold lunches, ice
c ream, coffee, etc., at all hoars during
the day and evening. A choice stock
ot confections and bakery supplies will
also be kept constantly on band.
L. T. Hunter, of Holton, Kansas,
arr ived here Wednesday evening and
1 eft the following morning for Darby,
to visit his cousin, George Miles. Mr.
H unter has been working over at Boze
m an. He is a brother-in-law of Geo.
J ones and was somewhat disappointed
on reaching Hamilton to learn that
Mr. Jones had left some months be
fore for Seattle.
The Weekly Sidney (Neb.) Republi
can, of which Thomas G. Romney is
editor and manager has reached our
desk. Tom for several years was
connected with the Western News and
has a host of friends throughout the
Bitter Root valley who wish him un
bo unded success and predict for him a
bright future.
Miss Amy Galeener, who has just
completed a year's study of kindergar
ten work, arrived from Helena Mon
day to assist Miss White and Miss
Mathias in the kindergarten depart
ment of their summer school. Miss
G aleener spent last summer in Hamil
ton and hàs many friends here who
will welcome her back. She will make
her home as formerly with Mrs. R. W.
The cover of the circular exercising
track, jnst east of town, is being torn
down by Contractor Carlson. Part of
it was recently blown down and as it
was of no further use for the purposes
for which it waa designed, Supt Shan
non ordered it torn down. The old
lumber, 200,000 feet of which was used
in its construction, is being sold. Part
of it will probably be utilized to build
a fence around the ball grounds.
Cards have been received by his
friends in this vaLey announcing that
W. B. Spoonar, who was at one time
connected with the hardware depart
ment of the Anaconda Copper Mining
Company at this place, will be married
on the 16th of this month to Miss
Amanda Lalonde of He Perrot, Quebec,
at the latter place, and that the young
couple will be at home to their friends
after Ang. 1 at their home sear Vic
tor, ia this valley.
Dr. George McGrath contemplates
the erection of a dwelling in the near
future on the lota opposite the fire hall
on Third street that he recently pur
chased of the Daly estate.
Birdie Gray, a member of the local
demi monde, was arrested by the Mis
soula authorities Monday at the in
stance of Sheriff Watts. She is sus
pected of having relieved a visitor of
a valuable diamond ring but upon
being searched no such ring was
found. She had,however, a round trip
ticket to St. Paul from Hamilton and
persumably intended to return.
Articles of incorporation of the Val
ley Clothing Co. were filed with the
Secretary of State at Helena last
Saturday. This morning the follow
ing officers of the new corporation
were elected: President, J. F. Har
tenberger; vice-president, John W.
Nelson; secretary and treasurer, W.
O. Fisk. Mr. Fisk will also have the
active management of the business.
A meeting for the purpose of organ
izing a cemetery association will be
held in the near future. The ground
now occupied by the cemetery is owned
by the A. C. M. Co., the management
of which, it is understood, has offered
to donate the same whenever a ceme
tery association is formed. A fund of
$127.50 has been raised by the Ladies
of the Maccabees to help defray the
expense of fencing, etc. An associa
tion should be formed without delay
and which can go ahead and secure a
deed to the ground and fence and
beautify the same and which can
furnish deeds to private plots to who
ever desire the same.
The Eleventh Annual Convention of
Montana Christian Endeavors met
here yesterday and will continue in
session today and tomorrow. This
morning 53 delegates, from all over
the state, had enrolled. A big
crowd of belated delegates is expected
tbis evening. Last evening a recep
tion was tendered the visitors on the
beautiful grounds surrounding the
Summers home. Over 200 people were
present. Refreshments were served;
the band played and a very enjoyable
time waa had. An interesting pro
gram was rendered at the M. E.
church, where My. E.E. Smith, in the
absence of Rev, McJunkin. delivered
an address of welcome. The day aes
aions are being held at the M. E.
church south, and evening sessions in
the opera honae and which are being
largely attended by the citizens of the
town and vicinity.
In many instances attacks of cholera
morbua terminate fatally before med
icine can be procured or a physician
summoned. The safe way is to keep
at hand a reliable medicine for nse in
auch cases. For this purpose there ia
nothing so sure as Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
W. E. Bos worth, of LaFayette, Ala,
says: "In June 1900, I had a serious
attack of cholera morbus and one dose
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy gave me relief in
fifteen minutes.'* For sale by Corner
Drag Co, T,
Stanley: To Mr. and Mra. Dean
8tanley, of Corvallia, June'3, a son.
McKay: To Prof, and Mrs. J. G.
McKay, June 4, a daughter,
Clinton: To Mr. and Mrs. Frank
•Clifton,, of Woodside, Tune 5, a daugh
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Lyle, of
the west side, June 10, a boy.
Miss Eva C. Heldt and Mr. E. J.
Kerlee, of 8ula, were happily married
June 10th at 7:30 a. m. The ceremony
took place at the Hotel Hamilton par
lors, Rev. W. D. Lear officiating.
Shortly after the ceremony the happy
couple departed for Sula where they
will make their home. Miss Heldt ia
the charming and accomplished daugh
ter of Mrs.Mary Sherrill of Sula, and
Mr. Kerlee is the hustling young mail
contractor of the upper valley. Both
have a host of friends who wish the
worthy young people a long life of
connubial blin.
Tot man—Beckwith Wedding.
Miss Eva Elizabeth Totman and
Mr. George Henry Beckwith were
married at the , Episcopal church in
thia city last Wednesday evening.
The church waa beautifully decorated
with white lilacs and snowballs and
ferns and palms. The bride, a tall,
stately blonde, was gowned in a beau
tiful creation of white satin striped
crepe elaborately trimmed with heavy
allover Venice lace, / and carried a
graceful bouquet of white bride rosea.
The bridesmaid, Miss Bessie Totman.
w aa prettily attired in white embroid
ered mull, trimmed with pink ribbons,
carrying a bouquet of pink roses. Af
ter the ceremony a reception was held
at the Totman home, the house being
decorated in a moat elaborate manner,
the color scheme being carried out in
pink and white. At near midnight a
sumptuous supper was served at small
t ables. The bride's table waa round
and in tbe center stood a cut glaas
b owl filled with pink and white car
nations, while festoons of ribbon in
the same colors added their artistic
effects, streamers of smilax and ferns
fell from tbe chandelier. The wed
ding was not a large affair, but it was
beautiful in all i*s appointments and
t his popular young couple have the
well wishes of a host of friends.
The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. McLeod and two children, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Keith, Mr. and Mrs. George
Briggs; Misses Sadie Beckwith, Elenor
McDonald, Louise McDonald, Anna
Travaille, Anna Hammond, Jimmie
Mills; Messrs. J. W. Walker, C. E.
Beckwith, Harry McLeod, Herbert Al
ward, all of Missoula; Will Lubrecht,
of Bonner, and Messrs, and Mesdames
C. E. Dow, C. M. Crutchfield, Geo. H.
Taylor and Messrs. J. W. Tisdale and
D. W. Hughes, of this city.
Filed for Record.
Deed— F. H. Drinkenberg and wife
to Elizabeth J Nicodemus, lots 1 and
2, block 30, Riverview; $450.
Deed—R. Gwinn and wife to Asa
Stenyem, lot 5, block 23, Stevensvilie;
Deed— E. P. Shivel and wife to
Samuel Marks, 40 acres near Florence;
Deed—Jacob Helwig and wife to
Hans Folster, lot 2 block 35, River
view; $1.
Deed— M. J. Allison-Reinkeh and
husband Amos Decker, lots 2 and 3,
block 13 and lot 4, block 38; River
view; $1.
Deed— F. H. Drinkenberg and wife
to Amanda Thrower, lots 1 and 3,
block 24, Riverview; $590.
Deed—Ravalli County to Asa Sten
yem, lot 6, block 23, Stevensvilie, $4.
Deed—Anna Ryan to Anna B. Lan
phier, three-fourths interest in 80
acres west of Grantsdale; $750,
Deed—John Buck to Mabel Corley,
lot 8, block 1, Pleasantvale addition to
Stevensvilie; $50.
Deed—Frank L. Bean to A. L.
Bank, lot 1 block 17, Riverview; $300.
Deed—Minnie Cameron and husband
to Chas. Edwards and W. H. Thorn
ing, 160 acres in Ross Hole; $850.
Deed—Chas. Edwards and W. H.
Thorning to Chaa. Mac Rae, 320
acres near Ross Hole; $1500.
Deed—J. W. Nelson and wife to Val
ley Clothing Co., 40 acres near Victor;
$ 1 .
Placer Location—Neversweat placer
claim, Hughes creek by. Albert V.
Water Right by B. J. Cooper, 100
inches from Whinnery & McWhirk
Articles of Incorporation—Valley
Clothing Co., capital stock $25,000'di
vided into 500 shares. Incorporators
J. W. Nelson, J. F. Hartenberger, W.
O. Fiak.
Sacred cowa often defile Indian tem
ples, but worse yet is a body that's
polluted by constipation. Don't per
mit it. Cleanse your system with Dr.
Kin g'a New Life Pills and avoid un
told misery. They give lively livers,
active bowels. good digestion, fine ap
petite. Only 25c at Bitter Root Drag
Co. *
Fia* Jab «oik $f«tm Now*.
b hot all
•el* better
where ebe
in the world.
So don't atop taking
what you
free asm
Wanted—Good ranch butter @ 20c
per pound. A. C. M. Co., Mer. Dept.
For upholstering go to Maynard 8c
Wheeler. 23-tf
Furnished or unfurnished room«
Call on J. D.Powers. tf.
Sewing machines repaired at May
nrad & Wheeler's. 23tf
For painta and wall paper see Mag
ni À Harvey, Pell'a old stand. 30-tf.
LOST—Diamond setting for ring.
Finder will be liberally rewarded on
returning same to Western News. 31 tf.
Wanted—Good ranch butter @ 20c
per pound. A. C. M. Co., Mer. Dept.
Money to loan on all kinds of secur
ity. N. Farnsworth, Hamilton Mon
tana. tf
Cabbage, cauliflower and tomato«
planta for sale. S. A. Crabb, Grants
dale. 28-tf
Maynard & Wheeler's is the place to
get your bicycles repaired. 23-tf
For painting and paper hanging call
on Magni & Harvey, Pell's old stand.
' * 30-tf.
Bicycle material of all kinds at
Maynard 8t Wheeler's. 23-tf
Cabbage, cauliflower, tomato and.
egg plants for sale.—J. P. Hughes.
For Sale. —Good standardbred single
or double driving horse, six years old,
and family buggy. Call on oraddress
Louis Peterson, Hamilton. 32-tf.
For calcimining call on Magni St
Harvey, Pell's old stand. 30-tf.
If you want anything repaired in »
workman-like manner take it to May
nard & Wheeler's. 23-tf
For rent to the right party before
June 15,1 will lease or rant my dwell
ing house, on South Third street, for
a period of one year, either furnished
or unfurnished. For further particu
lars call on Louis Peterson. 32-tf.
MILLINERY—My mid-summer se
lection of hats ia now here—a nice,
freah line of goods for women and
children. You are invited to inspect
them and note my price«.
Mrs. McLaughlin, N. Second St.
Mrs. Lafond's old stand. 31tf
Co. if you want bargains in ranch
property with title guaranteed; city
property, lowest possible rates on in
insurance; houses to rent; money to
loan; property ot all kinds listed to
sell. Call and see us. . 33tf
Four Eastman Kodaks, good as new
Will sell cheap if taken at once.
J. G. Showell, Photographer.
A 160 acre improved ranch in Bitter
Root valley. Located on main county
road. School house on tbe place
Firat class water right. Thirteen
hundred fruit trees, two-thirds of
them bearing. Put up 70 tons of hav
last year. Good comfortable house,
stable and outbuildings also 5 head of
horses, 6 of cattle; road wagon; light
wagon, mower, harrow, 2 clows; har
ness and all kinds of farjn tools; chick
ens, fruit and vegetables. Every thing
goes for $3,000 cash. Call] on or ad*
dress the Western News, Hamilton,
Montana. _ 23tf
Now ia the time to provide yourself
and family with a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It ia almost certain to be
needed before the summer is over, and
if procured now may save you a trip
to town in the night or in your busiest
season. It is every where admitted to
be the most successful medicine in use
for bowel complaints, both for children
and adults. No family can afford to
be without it. For sale by Corner
Drug Co. - 2*.
The Farmer's Twice-a-week Tribune
of Minneapolis, Tbe Western News
and your choice of a superb portrait
of McKinley or Roosevelt or the "The
Horse Fair'' for Only $2.50. For all
kinds of clubbing arrangements, call
on of addrëse the Western News. tf
"One Minute Cough Cure beats all
other medicines I ever tried for
coughs, colds, croup and throat and
long troubles," says D. Scott Currin,
of Loganton, Pa. One Minute Cough
Cure is the only absolutely safe cough
remedy which acts immediately.
Mothers everywhere testify to thegood
it has dpne their little ones. Croup is
so sodden in its attacks that the doctor
often arrives too late. It yields at
once to One Minute Cough Core.
Pleasant to take. Children like it.
8nre care tor gr
Hamilton Drag <

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