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Fergus County Democrat. Vol. I. No 4. LEWISTOWN, FERGUS COUNTY, MONTANA, TUESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1904. Price 5 Cents. DEMOCRATS IN CONVENTION A Representative Body of Democrats in Convention Assembled Nominate Good and True Men for Fergus County Official Position—Every Democratic Candidate Is a Representative Citizen. TICKET INSURES A SWEEPING VICTORY Every Democratic Aspirant Has an Excellent Chance of Election—The Convention Was Enthusiastic But Harmmonious From Beginning to End of Proceedings. The Democratic party of Fer-1 gus county held its county convention | for the nomination of a county ticket and the selection of a delegation to represent Ihe county at the si ate con vention last Saturday, and from many points of view the gathering of those representative Democrats was a most successful prelude to the unbroken line of victories that will greet its standard bearers at the November elections. The work of the conven tion was harmonious throughout and at no time did there appear more than the usual amount of feeling usually witnessed at similar gatherings. A strong comity ticket is presented as a result of the convention's labor: one | 1 hat will make the enemy hustle to | overcome it. The platform of the; convention is resplendent with true j Democratic principles, and it is easily | discerned that the incomparable chief j executive of the state has furnished ! llie foimdati n for • any of the mea sures and principles which it advo dated. Numerically the convention was was larger than it lias been for many years, only a few precincts in the county being without representation. Sixty-five delegates responded to their names when ttie roll was called by Secretary M. I). Kimball and several others appeared later on. The convention was called to order hy Chairman of the County Central Committee W. E. Cort at 10:30 a. m. After reading the call the chairman announced that that the convention was ready to begin the transaction of business and called for nominations for temporary chairman. The names of three sterling democrats were pre sented, J. AT. Ralston of Kendall, be ing placed in nomination by Delegate Robert Mungall of Gilt Edge, A. W.' Schreiber oi Garncill, by Mon. E. C. ! Worden of Lewistown, and former j Sheriff T. AL Shaw ol Jborest Grove, j hy George Kilpatrick of Box Elder. A | motion for a viva voca vote was offer- j ed by J. E. Wasson and the motion | prevailed and this form of voting pre vailed throughout the work of the convention, each delegation announc ing its vote as its name was called by the secretary. But one ballot was used in t lie sc-1 lection of the temporary chairman. The. vote stood Ralston 32. Shaw lft and Schreiber 17. When the result of the ballot was announced Shaw with drew in favor of Air. Schreiber, and immediately the latter gentleman] moved that tlie nomination of Mr. Ralston lx; made unanimous as he did not wish to assume the duties of chairman even if elected. The mo tion met the approvol of the conven tion and Air. Ralston was announced! as the duly elected temporary chair man. Attorney II. L. DeKalb was appointed a committee of one to es cort the new chairman to hisstafion. I 11 a few felicitous remarks Air. De Kalb introduced the chairman, who responded briefly and announced that the further pleasure of the convention was the next order of business. Nomi nations for a temporary secretary fol lowed. the names of M. I>. Kimball. ILL. DeKalb and E. O. Busenburg being presented. The two latter gen tlenten positively declined and Air. Kimball was unanimously elected. Following the perfecting of tlie temporary organization a vote of thanks was accorded the retiring chairman. The first step toward permanent or ganization was made by Delegate J. E. Wasson of Gilt Edge, who moved that the chair appoint a committee of live on rules and permanent organ ization. W. E. Cort offered an amend ment which would change tlie motion to permanent organization and order of business leaving out rules. After some discussion t Ta amendment was changed so that permanent organization, rules and order of business were included and prevailed. A motion for (he appoint ment of a committee of three on cre dentials also passed without objec tion. as did a motion for the selection by the chairman of a committee of live on resolutions. Delegate John Dobson of Kendall. moved for the appointment of a emo mit tee for t he apportionment of dele gates to the state convention. lion. E. G. Worden ottered an amendment that the chairman be authorized to appoint a committee of five to select. the delegates, but as his motion was not seconded the original motion was put and carried. The committee on apportionment, as explained by Dele gate Dobson, was to consist of one delegate from each precinct repre sented in the convention, the demo som e\vhat slow eratie vote of each precinct forming the basis of representation. A recess of 2o minutes t hen follow ed in order that the different commit tees might meet and confer. immediately ahei the convention convened the temporary chairman an nounced the following committees: Committee on permanent organiza tion, rules and order of business: E. O. Kusenburg. .1. E. Wasson, R. C. White, Arthur T. Dennis and 'I'. M. Shaw. Committee on credentials: A. W. Schreiber, Wm. Corley and J. E. Lane. Committee on resolutions: ILL. De Kalb. Charles Sloane, John Burke, Timothy Crowley and Robert Sharp. Following the announcement of Ihe committees, an adjournment was tak en until 2 p. m. The delegates were convention was i getting in and the not ready for busi nes S until 2:30 p. m. The report of tj, e committee on credentials was fallecl for but tlie committee had not yot completed its report and 1111 ? names of the apportionment commit tee were announced hy the chairman iti t lie interim. The report of the committee on or der of business, rules and permanent organization was read hy Chairman J. E. Wasson and adopted as read. The report of Chairman .1. E. Lane of tlie committee on credentials was read and unanimously adopted after one slight correction regarding a proxy had been made. The report of the committee on permanent organization was again taken up and the recom mendations of that committee regard ing a chairman, secretary and assist ant secretary were acted upon. E. (). Busciiburg of Lewistown was chosen permanent chairman, Mark D. Kimball of Lewistown secretary and John J. Dobson of Kendall assistant secretary. The permanent chairman was escorted to the chair by Messrs. R. W. Blake. 11. L. DeKalb and Will iam Graham. Mr. DeKalb briefly in troducing the chairman to the con vention. Fpon taking the chair Air. Busenburg addressed the convention in a ringing speech of ten minutes. Mis remarks sounded t lie keynote of tiie democratic battle cry in Fergus county and of tlie plan of campaign that will be pursued by the party throughout every county in the union. The barest mention of Judge Barker and Gov. Toole evoked enthusiastic applause, and the convention was evi dently in hearty accord witli the re marks of their speaker. The address of the permanent chair man was followed immediately by t lie reading of the report of tin* commit tee on resolutions, the report being read by Mr. M. L. DeKalb. The truly democratic phraseology of t his plat form again stirred the delegates to uproarious applause and Mr. DeKalb was nore than once compelled to de sist until these emphatic marks of ap proval had subsided. The report of 1 1 it* committee on re solutions was adopted inspirit Indore the motion was put to record its ap proval. The next order of business following this report was the nomina tion of candidates for office. The first in order was tlie nomination of two representatives in the legislature. The roll call at this time produced but one nomination, Mr. A. W. Schreiber of Garneill being presented. The nomination of Mr. Schreiber was made unanimously but t ne gentleman, while thanking the convention very gratefully declined to become a can didate both on account of his health and his business affairs. This order of business was then passed as was tlie nomination for district judge which was tlie next order of business. Tlie next order of business being the nomination for tlie office of clerk and recorder, W. E. Fort, in a nice little two-minute talk, placed tlie name of the present incumbent, Frank J. Ma/.en. before tlie convention and that's all t here was to it except the shouting. Mr. Curt's remarks touch ed the delegates in just the right spot and if there had been another aspirai for the nomination he would have quit at once. The nomination of All. was made unanimous and tiie convention madi him stand up and say "thank you." E. G. Worden then dominated the horizon for three minutes while he presented, in one of the neatest speeches of the day, the name of Aliss Ady Aleyersick for superintendent of schools. There was no opposition to Miss Meyersick in thedemocratic con vention, and her splendid record dur ing tiie past two years precluded op position from any other quarter, so that estimable, young lady has been made the unanimous choice, of every body everywhere in Fergus county The first contest for a nomination appeared in the next order of bust ness when a candidate for sheriff was to he chosen. When the name of Box Elder was called Chairman George Gilpatrick of iliat delegation "gave away" to Lewistown and ILL. De Kalb placed in nomination Sheriff L. P. Slater. John E. Wasson of (lilt Edge presented the name of Joint II. Cooper, and numerous delegates from different precincts seconded the nomi nations. A roll call being ordered by tlie chairman, resulted in the nomi nation of Slater. the ballot being 4(1 for Slater and lti for Cooper. The successful candidate in this case very courteously acknowledged his grate fulness to his friends and received an encouraging applause. R. W. Blake of Gilt Fdge was then placee in nomination for treusurea but declined, and this nomination was passed for the time. An adjourn ment of 15 minutes was then taken. Nominations were resumed at once when the convention reassembled, the first order being nominat ions for clerk of the district court, lion. B. ('. White presented tlie name of John J>. Riteli and as t lie roll call proceeded delegates from several precincts sec eonded the nomination of Air. Riteli. No other nomination for this office was made and it was made unani mous. As with all the other success ful candidates Mr. Riteli was made to express his thanks, and was heartily applauded. Roy E. Ayers was nominated for county attorney by K. G. Worden and no other nominations being made was unanimous choice of the convention. In response to numerous calls Mr. Ayers addressed t lie convent ion in a stirring speech of ti\c minutes. Me is a ready talker and has an attract tive style that commands attention: his talk won a regular hurricane of ap plause and cheers. Frank Pick was next nominated for county assessor. W. E. Cort making the nominating speeeb and Mr. Pick making the speech of acceptance. Roth speakers won applause. The name of Mr. Pick was the only one presented for this nomination, and very properly too. A. T. Goodspeed was nominated for county surveyor by M. L. DeKalb and the present incumbent in the office, Abram Mogeland was placed before tlie eon vent ion by E. G. Worden. The tirst ballot settled this contest but during tlie roll call tlie friends of both candidates said many nice things of them while seconding their nomina tions. 'I'm vote resulted in Mr. Moge land receiving 42 votes and Air. Rood speed 25. Nominations for coroner and public administrator were passed as no can didates could be found to administer tlie functions of these positions. A return was then muda to nominations for representatives in tlie legislature. t , Mon. I!. White placed in nomina t' Mon. David llilger. the present Democratic representative and H. L. DeKalb presented the name of Arthur T. Dennis of Kendal!. On motion of ('. A. Drinkurd of Cottonwood, the roll call was suspended and the nomi nations were made unanimous. These nominations were a regular least of oratory. Roth Air. White and Mr. DeKalb made the old court house resound with the praises of the two nominees, and it was not Hat t cry then Mr. llilger responded with an interest ing account of his legislative serv ice, injecting a graceful eulogy on t he grand work Governor Toole lias done for tlie common people of our commonwealth, and also outlining some of tlie legislation that, is much needed by the people of Montana. Mis remarks were frequently inter rupted hy applause. Mr. Dennis fol lowed in a broil' talk and was cordial ly received by the convent ion. The nomination of a county I rea suror was next taken up. B. F. Gor don nominated G. W. Cannon and as All'. Cannon had not signified his wil lingness to become a candidate for the office a committee was appointed to wait upon him. in the absence of t hi 1 commit t ee t he elect ion of a slat 0 eominittonian was made the order of business. G. W. Cannon and James A. Weaver were placed in nomination for 'his important party position. Mr. Weaver received 33 votes and Mr. Cannon 22: Mr. Weaver was declared elected and the committee having re turned the nomination of Mr. Cannon for treasurer was then made unani mously as the gentleman had indicat ed his willingness to enter the race. Tlie apportionment commit tec t him submitted their report, the object of the committee being 1 o give all parts of the county proportionate representation in the delegation which will goto t lie state convent ion. After the reading 04 this report by Chairman.). E. Lane, there was a roll call of the different precincts and the following delegates to the con vention chosen: John Alengolkoeh, William Flanagan, J. 11. Daiiils.J. E. Wassen. J. A. Weaver. W. E. Cort. T. .1. Johns, W. Kearney, J. W. , R:. ' ton Dobson. T. Dennis. A. K. Ross. C. A. Drinkurd, I!. F. Gordon, S. .1. Belcher. Aliles Lyons, T. At. Shaw. J. S. 1 *1 li I lips. B. Gray, B. C. White. A. W. Schreiber. E. G. Worilon and J. E. Binkley. The democrat ic central committee was then decided, each precinct delegation choosing their own committeemen, the choices being ratified by the convention. The committee is now made upas follows: Box- Elder. George Gilpatrick: Cottonwood. E. At. Drinkurd; Edge-water. S. 15. Butcher: East Fork, .1. B. Cooper: Everson. L. F. Bonier: Forest Grove.T. M. Shaw: Flatvvillow, Frank Millsap: llighfield. C. Battams: Gilt Edge. B. W. Blake: Grass Range. J. 1). Mabry: Gunton, Ed Massy: Kendall. J..I. Dobson: East Lewistown. M. !). Kimdall: West Lewistown. M. L. DeKalb: Maiden, J. Frank Sage: Aloceasiu City, Ed Nave: New A'ear. Gus Schcibclhut: Ross' Fork. S. .1. Rowell: Rockford. George Belcher: Stanford, A. 11. Bess: Stuart. Al. S. Drydeti: Trout Creek. B. F. Gordon: i'tica. John Diiltield: Cpper Cottonwood. William Davis: Chet, 11. R. Daws: Yogo, miles Lyons. Whisu-y Gulch. M. Burnetii-. I!. C. Whitv next took the floor and read a ringing resolut ion endorsing I he honorable David llilger tlie choice of the democrats of Fergus county for nomination of lieutenant governor on the state democrat ic ticket and pledging the delegation from this county to use all hoiio.iable means to further the candidacy of M-v llilger provided he permits his name to go before the state convention. The reso lution was adopted with a hurrah. t 41011 mot ion. t lie cent nil commit t ce was authorized to till all vacancies on the ticket for township officers. There being no further business, tin convention adjorned sine die. And thus ended the best convention ever held in the history of Fergus countv democracy. E. W. Ruy Inlurcd. While doing some work over near Roberta last Friday. E. W. Ray. as sistant chief engineer of the Montana Railroad company, had the misfort tine to have his knee thrown out of place. Some of the men put the knee hack in place and. after a few hours. Mr. Ray was able to walk alioiit although witli difficulty. Me left Monday morn ing for Helena where lie w ill visit for a short while and if his injured knee permits, he will leave this week for tlie World's Fair. Read tlie Fergus County Democrat. REPUBLICANS NAME A TICKET Very Much Cut and Dried Affair Is Pushed Along With Expedition in Culver's Hall—The Same Old Ring in Absolute Control AH the Time. THIRD TERMERS GET NOMINATIONS The Smith family Made a Determined But I utile I ffort to Prevent Suicidal Action on the Pari of Convention— lack of fnlhusiasm Marked the l ntire Proceedings. The republican comity convent ion was called to order at Pi:lo o'clock Saturday morning in Culver's hull by W. D. Kyinmcs. chairman of the county cent nil commit tec. Secretary Horace A. Moulton read the calls for tiie county and state conventions. About forty delegates were present when the convention was called to order. When the chair announced t hat t he first order of business would be the election of a temporary chair man, (V. Beck of Deerfield, with a commendable alacrity. nominated Frank E. Wright as the heap big sachem of the powwow. Fred War ren of Ft lea, hastily seconded tin nomination, it was pul to the house and unanimously carried. Mr. Wright thanked t he convent ion i for the honor, made the usual sun-j I» prognostication of a sweeping 1 victory in Novcnihci anil then got down to business. \V. A. Hedges of Yale nominated A. (Greene of Greene for temporary secretary.; Moulton of this city seconded the nomination and, there being no other nominations, Mr. Greene was unani mously elmsen. Motions were made that committees on credentials. 1 <<• r maiieut organization and on hr of business, resolutions, for tlie selection of delegates to the state convention, and precinct organization he appoint ed. Motions carried and, after a re cess of lo minutes. Ihe following com mit tees were announced by the chair: Credentials Stack. Stanford, Smith. Roy and Slayton, Lavina: for the se lection of delegates to the state con-I volition, Eldridge, city, Beck. Deer field and Boland, Gill Edge: perma nent organization and order of busi ness: Moulton, city, McEvony, Gilt Edge anil Warren, I'tica: resolutions Von Tobol, city, Hedges. Yale and Neill, Garneill: precint Young, city. Badger, Gilt Edge, and Clifford, Trout Creek. Slayton of Lavina stated that he was not. a regularly chosen dele gate, no primary having been In id in Lavina. < >n motion of Von Tobol, Slayton was declared Ihe delegate from the Lavina precinct. A motion was thereupon made and carried that a recess he taken until 2 o'clock to give tin- commit tecs t inn-to prepare t heir reports. fpon assembling in the convent ion hall a I 2 o'clock, the members and visitors were regaled with some mu sic from the Lewistown hand. The committee on permanent organization announced that they were ready to report. They recommended that R. von Tobol he made permanent chair man, A.C. Greene permanent secre tary and Gordon < 1 . Shafer, assistant secretary. The report of the com mit tee was accepted and Frank Day and .1. M. Camptiell were appointed to escort the new chairman to the plat form. Responding to applause. Mr. von Tobel made a brief speech, thanking the convention and bespeak ing success at tlie polls in November. B. E. Stack of Stanford read the re port of the committee on credentials. The following are the names of the delegates who presented credentials to the committee on credentials: Stanford Frank Mitchell, B. E. Stack. Rhilbrook Henry Montgomery. Jas. Raw. A. Arkwright. A. C. R. Warren. James AL Utica—H. Greene, Fred Uampixdi. Cottonwood G. II. Longeman, Matt Wannebo. Trout Creek Roger Clifford. Garneiil Wm. T. Neill, B. F. Duffy. E. AV. Marl. Cpper Cottonwood C. E. Alaliana, B. F. Jones. West Lewistown — F. E. Wright, Horace Moulton. Gordon Shafer, Rich ard Young, Rudolf von Tobel, Jeff ip, |-, Tubli, Frank Day. L. W Eldridge, B. C. White, John Arthur. A. I!. Leh man. East Lewisl own Emil Jensen, E. W. Norton. George Bradbury. Chris Wiedman. William Medigar. Moccasin W. A. Akcly. Moccasin Cily S. D. Garlick. Forest Grove Daniel Bean. Sam Tyler. Stuart Fred Goos. Civile Stephen',. Box Elder Nat T. Smit h. Gilt Edge II. C. McEvony, W. W. Badger. Charles (i. Edwards, N. L. Boland. ('buries 1 Minn. Flatvvillow George F. Wright. Gunton W. \. Hedges. George IMrrie. New A'ear Joseph Meredith. Ross' Fork Ion. King. Deerfield C. V. Beck. Findon \. Morrison. Sapphire I. F. David. Edgewatcr T. II. McMahon. Grass Range Louis E. 1'lace. David Foreman. East Fork .1. M. Weldon, E. C. liuscb. Kendall Baul Smit h, Thomas Riser, John Jackson, Jr.. William Newton. Moore A. Fleming. ('ruse Fiank Sehull/.. Whiskey Gulch C. T. Dnri-ll. Malden J. II. Wert. From the following precincts dele gates have appeared without creden tials: Bine Grove. Richard W. Noble; Rockford, R. T. Elston: Cruse, Frank Sehull /.. Your commit tcc respect fully recom mends that the last-named delegates lie seated. Respect fully vours. It. E. St vck. < 'hairman. Nat S. Smith. I >.\n W. Si ,a vni\. Report adopt ed as read. After some changes were made, the report was approved. The report of precinct commit I ee nut being at this time, was deferred until later in t.lie afternoon. W. Hedges, chairman of tIn- commitee on resolu tions. read the report of his com mittee. The report was read with an al I empl at orat ofii-al effect, probablv for ihe purpose of arousing the somewhat lethargic delegates but, it was all lost and tlie well rounded periods, proclaimed with mega phonic gusto caused hardly a tremor to go through the convention until it was elosed when a lit t le hand clapping was manufat-t 11 red. Nominat ions for county offices were then declared in order. Fred it. War ren of I'tica delivered a well conned lii 1 le speech and closed ii by nominat ing George J. Wiedeman for the- legis lature. Mayor Eldridge seconded the nomination with a few oratorical twisters. Will Neill named W. A. Hedges anil t lie nomination was sec onded by N. L. Boland. Frank Wright then moved that the rules he suspended and that the nom inations of Messrs. Wiedeman and Hedges he made unanimous. The motion carried and the gentlemen named will head the republican tick ,.| during 1 he coming campaign. Tin- chair stopped long enough here to appoint Fred Warren and II. A. Moulton tellers. Next in order was the nominal ion ofa candidate for the office of district judge. Frank Wright in the best speech lie ever made in his life, presented tiie name of Edwin K. ( beadle to tlie convention. This provoked the first genuine enthusiasm of 1 he day. Hedges seconded t he nom ination. Calling Hedges to the chair von Tolxd also made a seconding speech. By a standing vote, E. K. ('beadle was unanimously nominated for another term on tlie bench of tlie Tenth judicial district. Being called (Continued on eightli page.