Newspaper Page Text
PARKER'S ELEC TION IS ASSURED Basing the Returns on Present Indi cations Parker will Win by 17 Electoral Votes. 256 .VOTES TO PARKER'S CREDIT r r (y This Report is Sent out Erom Demo cratic Headquarters and Consid ered a Conservative Estimate. New York, Oct, 20. That Parker will have 25(1 votes in the electoral college is the belief of the Democratic managers. The Democratic policy throughout the whole campaign has been that of a still hunt. The. cam paign has been conducted upon the lines of that which Samuel .1. Tilden nearly 20 years ago, pursued wit It such astonishing success. Conference matters have Iteen with held from everybody, even within committee headquarters, while the work of thorough organization has been persistently followed. No claims have been made. There has been, in deed, no attempt to arouse local work ers by promises of success, and the blare of brass hands. < )n the contrary it has been impressed upon t hem that the road to success lay through con stant work in organization. Proceeding upon the assumption that the independent vote of the country was with the Democratic candidates, they hammered at the building up of the organization that eight years of continuous defeat had laid on the ground. These policies have iteen attended with a success that lias more than justified their labors and expenditures. As a matter of fact more than25(i voters are imped for. Wisconsin, it is held, is quitc 1 iko 1 \ to cast her vote for Parker, and there are even hopes of Washington. Here is Lite list, counted on by Democratic -managers: New .lerscy, 12: New York, 3!): Con necticut, 'll Delaware, 2: Maryland. 8: West Virginia. 7: Indiana, 15: Mon tana. 2: Oolorado, 5: Idaho, 2: Wyorn-(exact ing. 2: total. 105. One hundred and lifty-oui* votes from southern states are conceded by the republicans to Parker. Add these and the result is 250, a majority of 17. These are tin* real figures of close mout hed Demo cratic managers. Concerning Montana, Oolorado, Ida ho and Wyoming, the utmost mystery has been maintained by Democratic managers :d. headquarters, and it is doubtful whether admissions that they count their it electoral votes would have been made if representa tives of each of the states had not come to New York and boldly pro claimed their slates were committed to the Parker cause. COLONIZING VOTERS. Republican Leaders in New York Are on Trial for Colonization. New York. Oct. It). Richard Van Cott. son of the postmaster of New York, and republican candidate for the assembly in t lie Fifth district, and Bankson McAvoy. cashier in the general post office and a republican worker in the Fifth district, were ar raigned on the charge of having col onized in the district non-resident citizens with the purpose of their reg istering and voting at the coming election. R. 1>. Levy, who is said to have made a confession relative to the case, was a witness in the proceedings to day. lie was an employe in the New York post-office for several years, lie testified that he was commissioned by Tan Cott, and McAvoy to secure 100 men. whom rooms were to lie fur nished in tlie Fifth district. Levy said that the bargain made between him and McAvoy about procuring thr men was "one dollar for registration, six weeks board and a couple of dol lars for tlie vote on election day." Tiie witness said that alter lie re ported to Van Uott and McAvoy that lie had the men ready, they told him that they had washed their hands of the matter. The examination was adjourned until next Monday, witli Levy still on the stand. Indiana Is Ready. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 20. "Tiie dem ocrats of Indiana seem to be ready to vote now," said W. .1. Bryan, when lie concluded his tour of that, state at New Albany tonight. The closing day of the tour through Indiana was regarded by Mr. Bryan and his party as tiie most successful of all in respect to the size and enthusiasm of tiie aud iences. and the auguries of success furnished in the reports of campaign workers. Subscribe Democrat. for Tiie Fergus Comity Democratic State Platform. '■We, the democrats of Montana, in convention assembled, hereby adopt the following declaration of principles and pledge the nominees of this con vention to he governed thereby: "Believing in the principles of dem ocracy as taught by Thomas Jefferson, we indorse the platform of the na tional democratic party as adopted by the St. Louis convention and declare our allegiance to the nominations of Alton B. I'arker for president and Henry G. Davis for vice president of the United States. "We acknowledge with gratitude the public services rendered by our two United States senators, especially in securing the passage of hills open ing to settlement, the Crow and Flat head Indian reservations. "We indorse the system of national irrigation provided by the Newlands act. We believe that, it should be carried out by competent engineers in a nonpartisan manner and without fa vor to special localities. We are glad to learn from the congressional records that among the earnest, advocates of this system were Governor Toole and other democrat ic represent,ativosfrom the territory of Montana. "We indorse the wise, conservative and judicious administrat ion of Gov ernor Joseph K. Toole. W'eespecially commend the action of the state board of equalizat ion, under his chair manship. in increasing substantially the assessments of railroads in this state. "We favor reducing the state and county officers and hoards to the smallest possible number consistent with the proper transaction of public business, and to this end pledge our legislative candidates to a careful in vestigation and revision of existing laws. "We denounce the action of the re publican governor of Colorado in at tempting t.o legalize the crimes of a lawless moi) under the pretext of mil itary necessity. "We denounce the unlawful depor tation of citizens and the destruction of private property as the greatest crime ever perpetrated against our American form of government. We pledge all officers elected upon the democrat,ie 1 icket to forever refrain from so turning the machinery of gov ernment into an instrument of op [cession, but instead thereof wo pledge t hem to so administer the law as to secure as nearly us possible equal and justice to the weak and [lower ful alike. •'Indorsing Governor Toole's recom mendations to the Eighth legislative assembly, we demand: "First Ail initiative and referen dum amendment, identical in all ma terial provisions with the amendment adopted by the voters of Oregon and sustained by the supreme court of that state, and we pledge all members of the legislative assembly elected upon the democratic ticket to vote and work therefor. "Second A state railroad commis sion. to be elected by popular vote. "Third A direct primary nomina tion law. conducted under the Aus tralian ballot system, covering all state, county and municipal elective officers, and providing for t he printing of the names of all candidates upon one ballot, under proper party titles. "Fourth Anefticient fellow-servant aw, guaranteeing adequate protection to all classes of workmen engaged in hazardous occupations, and expecially to all railroad, mining and smelter employes. Fifth Election of all important state officers by popular vote. Sixth A constitutional amend ment empowering the state board of equalization to equalize property as sessments in the state. •The period of employment of work ingmen in all underground mines and in mills and smelters for the treat ment, of ores is now lixed by law at eight hours per day. ft is proposed to embody this principle in a consti tutional amendment, extending its scope so as to cover the works or un dertakings carried on or aided by any municipal, county or state govern ment, and on all contracts let by them: and to prevent the employing of children under iff years of age in underground mines. We favor tlie I adoption of this amendment at the ensuing elect ion. "We favor tlie election of United States senators by direct vote of t lie people. "We instruct our candidates for congress, if elected, and our United States senators to vote for a strict Chinese exclusion act." The Firtit Iron flri<tj-c. The tirst iron bridee ever erected in the world and whieli is in constant use at the present time spans a little river in the county of Salop, on the railroad leading from Shrewsbury to Worces ter. England. It was built in the year 177S and is exactly ninety-six feet in length, rin* total amount of iron used in its construction was :t78 tuns. Stephenson, the great engineer, in writing concerning it, said. "When we consider the fact that the casting of iron was at that time in its infancy, we are convinced that unblushing au dacity alone could conceive and carry into execution sueii an undertaking." Montana llumber Co < o CL UJ r </5 COAL 73 n a r" O o a rn Moore, - Montana E. L. PATTERSON, Manager S Daily Trains St. Paul to Chicago And each lias a good connection for St. Louis, also for New York and all Eastern points. at 8.30 a. m., 4.00 p. m.. Il.oo p. in., via tin; They leave St. Paul 7.20 p. m.. 8.25 p. m.. Chicago, Milwaukee » St. Paul Railrtay Three of these are electric lighted: all of them thoroughly equipped. The Fast Mail goes at 7.2() |). m. The Pioneer Limited at 8.25 p. in. W. B. DIXON Northwestern Passenger Agent 36S Robert St.. St. Paul Write for Rates to St. Louis Contest Notice. Depart,merit of tiie interior, United States Land Office. Lewistown. Mon tana, Oct. 15. 1004. A sufficient: contest affidavit having been tiled in this office liv ANDREW .1. BRI DEWATER, contestant, against homestead entry No. 2204. made Feb. 20. 1004. foft wj iiej, w.J sej, section 12, township 12 north, range 15 east, bv JOHN FRANK HANNAH, eontestee, in which it, is alleged that tiie said John Frank Hannah lias not, at any t ime made tiie aforesaid land his home; that lie has not established sett lenient, improved or cultivated said laud, nor built a habitable house, and the land is in its wild, original condition, and that the said John Frank Hannah lias been absent, from said laud for more than six months last past, also that the said absence was not due to his employment in the Army. Navy or Marine corps of the United States. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said-allegation at 10 o'clock a. m., on Nov. 25. 1004, before tiie Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Lewistown, Montana. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, tiled Oct. 15, 1004, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this no tice can not tie made, it, is hereby ordered and directed that such notice lie given by due and proper publica tion. L. W. Eldkiduk, Receiver. First Publication Oct. 18. Contest Notice. Department of tiie Interior. United States Land office. Lewistown. Mon tana, October 17, 11*04. A sufficient, contest affidavit having been tiled in this office bv GROVER C. BENNETT, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 1021, made March 10. 1000, for Lot 4. swj nwj, nwj swj, section 1, nej sej. section 2. township 15n. range 20e. bv JOHN R. SHAW contesteee, in which it is alleged that said John R. Siiaw lias failed to es tablish residence, build a house or im prove said land and the said John R. Shaw lias been absent from said land for more than 0 months last pasi and said absence was not, due to his em ployment in the army or navy of the U. S., said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at In o'clock a. m.. on November 28. 1004. liefore the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Lewis town, Mont. ! The said contestant, having, in a proper affidavit, tiled Oct. 17, 1304. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of tiiis no tice can not, tie made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publica tion. L. W. Eldridue, Receiver. First Publication October 18. Notice. Bids for coal, to ix- furnished School District No. 1 during tiie present school year, will Ik: received by W. B. Miner, clerk, at the First National bank, up to Nov. 12, 11104. Reward. For information leading to a know ledge, of any one driving my stock from their accustomed range or pas ture; or mutilating or changing the brand of ray stock. it. C. Matters. Forest Grove. I Contest Notice. Depart incut, of the Interior. United j Stales Land Office. Lewistown, Mon tana. Sept. 20. 1304. A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office bv ALBERT BARDEN, contestant, against homestead entry No. 2220. made Aug. 10, 1002, for the sej nej. nj sej, section 1. township 12 north, range 20 east, bv OLIVER W. ANDERSON, eontestee, in which it is-alleged that said Oliver W. Anderson lias failed to establish a residence upon said tract, of land, or to make it Ids home: that there is no habitable house built, and that said claimant has failed to culti vate or improve said tract, as is re quired by law, and lie Lis been absent from said land for more than six mont hs last past, and absence was not caused by being uilisttd in the army or navy of t he. United States. Said parties are hereby notiffei to appear, respond and offer evidmee touching said allegat ion at 10 o'c v >ck a. m. on November 10, 1004,before lie register and receiver at. the Uni >d States land office in Lewistown. M n tana. The said contestant having, inij proper affidavit, tiled Sept. 30, laOi, set forth facts which show that at - due diligence personal service of t notice cannot lie made, it is her ordered and directed that, such no ••• he given by due and proper ptibl t ion. HmvAiu) Ruassey, Registei First Publication Oct. 4 ! Contest Notice. Depart ment, of tiie Interior, Uni States Land Office. Lewistown. M tana, Sept. 30, 1304. A sufficient contest affidavit hav been tiled in this office by ALBERT BARDEN, contestant, against desert entry 1 2332. made Aug. 10, 1303,for lots 5: (i, sej nwj, ej swj, section 0. towns! 12 north, range 21 cast, bv OLIVER W. ANDERSON, eontestee, in which it is alleged t! said Oliver W. Anderson has failed t make t lie (irst annual proof on or I lore the tenth day of August, 1304, is required by law: that lie lias i expended t iie required one dollar [ acre, and said land is now in its wi! and original condition, unimprov and uncultivated. Said parties are hereby notified appear, respond and offer eviden touching said allegation at 10 o'elo a. m., on November 10, 15*o4. before U ■ Register and Receiver at tiie Unit ■■■>■ States Land Office in Lewistown Montana. The said contestant having, in I proper affidavit, filed Sept. 30. loo set forth facts which show that aft' due diligence personal service of tl notice can not lie made, it, is here' ordered and directed that sueii notu ■ be given by due and proper public tion. . ■' Edward Brassky, KegisU.ip First Publication Oct . 4. Cyras Brownlee Newton.. Cyrus Brownlee Newton, t he nott c California humorist and comedian w give another entertainment in tli city on Friday evening, Nov. 4th. M Newton was in Lewistown winter b fore last and gave two entertainment which were pronounced among tl, • best ever heard here. He is a gifted elocutionist, possesses the rarely d< veloped trait of humor and is iniinut; ble in impersonations. Tickets wi soon be on sale at the De.lzell 1 »ru store. You will miss a treat if yo fail to hear Mr. Newton. ANDREW YOUNG DEALER IN Harness, Saddlery REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY .MACHINE HARNESS AT COST.... LevQistovOn, ^9 Montana The INew York Stare Special Values in all Lines of Shoes..... CALL AND SEE US LEWISTOWN, MONTANA G. W. COOK LAND ATTORNEY Real Estate, Employment Commission Loan Agent, Notary Public. Scrip for sale. I make a specialty of Land business. List your live stock, city and ranch property with me. Best service for least money Main Street, Opposite Lehman's Store LEWISTOWN. MONTANA Just received, a fine assortment. All prices. Call for sample of our PASSION LINE E. F. McKECMINIE Porter Block DRUGGIST THE NEW r IDEAL AFE AITTJt^EOPLE Irt Fergus County Eat at the Neti? Ideal Cafe., > Because it is Mo only place in tiie town for me best service and the most up-to-date place. Come and Try Our35c Dinner. . LEWISTOWN. Montana j< •**ss , V $ pr tiNTSN the Fer; uni/ i.'emot ■ ■«*••, ***«&»%% > # ' .f.v • t-Z ■*