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THE Bank ofFergus County THE BANK OF FERGUS COUNTY is now located in its new banking rooms, corner Third avenue and Main street, Lewistown, Montana. Patrons of the bank and the public generally are invited to examine the safety deposit vault. If You HaOe Valuable Papers, The possession of which means much toyou, for instance £ Insurance Policies, Deeds, Title Papers, Receipts, Notes, ^ Stocks, Bonds, etc., prudence will dictate the selection of our safety deposit vault for their safe-keeping. The ^ expense is nominal and the safety absolute. ifc DuCLOS & WALDEN M: Practical Tailors M; $ Opposite Fair Store Main Street Big Reductions In the following lines of goods for the next twenty days: Men's, Ladies' and Children's Woolen Underwear. Men's, Ladies' and Children's Cotton Uhderwear. A big line of Men's Good Year Welt Shoes, Heavy and Light Soles, any style of toe and any width, $3.50. A nice line of Misses' Heavy-Soled Shoes, Spring Heel, sizes 2 to 5i, at $2.00. A good line of Men's Blanket-Lined Pants, Canvas Vests, Chamois Lined, Corduroy Vests, Chamois Lined, at reduced prices. A good line of Youth's Corduroy Pants, heavy and well made, at $1.95, Boys' Long and Knee Pants, good and heavy, for cold weather, at reduced prices. Buy Your Groceries at Shannsn's ONLY THE BEST IN GROCERIES. Home Brand Cereals and Breakfast Foods, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Teas and Coffees, Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Syrups, Molasses, Honey, Butter, Eggs and Cheese, etc., etc. PETER SHANNON GENERAL MERCHANDISE 'to"! 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOovuOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl ! Black Diamond Coal ; J A , 6 Office with Great Falls Stage Co. ! a Coal delivered to any part of ? city in any quantity..... | ...GIVE OUR COAL A TRIAL... | Archie Harrigan, Manager 0000000000-000000 OOOC OOOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOOOOCHXKI 0-00000 > Bring Your JOB PRINTING To the Fergus County Democrat Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office.—Lewistown. Mon tana, .Tan. 11 1905. A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by CHARLIE L. WI'NROD, contestant, against homestead entry No. 3394, made Feb. 20, 1904, for the wi net, wt se], section 13, township 13 north, range 15 east, bv JOHN FRANK HANNAH, contestee, in which it is alleged that the said John Frank Hannah has failed to establish residence, live upon or cultivate said land: that he has been absent from said land for more than six months last past, and said absence was not caused by being in the army or navy of the United States. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on February 25, 1905, before the register and receiver at the United States land office in Lewistown, Mon tana. The said contestant's attorney hav ing, in a proper affidavit, filed .Ian. 11, 1905, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal ser vice of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice he given by due and proper publication. Edward Bhassey, Register. First Publication Jan. 1" Notice to Creditor's. Estate of Francis L. Laubender, an nsane person. Notice is hereby given by the under signed. guardian of the est ate of Fran cis L. Laubender, an insane person, to the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said insane per son. to exhibit them, with tlie nec essary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this no tice to the said guardian at his resi dence near Utica. Montana, or at the office of Huntoon, Worden & Smith at Lewistown, Montana, the same being the place of the transaction of the business of said estate in the county of Fergus. . Dated at Lewistown, Montana, Nov. 15, 1905. Leonard B. Divers, Guardian of the Estate of Francis L. Laubender. an insane person. First publication Dec. 27 Notice of Publication. In the District Court of the Tenth Judicial District of the State of Mon tana, in and for the County of Fergus. In the matter of the estate of Jacob I. Corbly, deceased. Notice of Publication of time ap pointed for proving Will, etc. Pursuant to an order of said Court, made on the fourth day of January, 1906, notice is hereby given that Thursday, the twenty-sixth day of January, 1905, at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at the chambers of the Judge of said Court, at the Court House in Lewistown, in the County of Fergus, State of Montana, has been appointed as the time and place for proving the Will of said Jacob I. Corb ly, deceased, and for hearing the ap plication of Hattie D. Corbly for the issuance to her of letters testament ary, when and where any person in terested may appear and contest the same. Dated the fifth day of January, 1905. John B. Hitch, Clerk. By Petek J. Osweiler, Deputy Clerk. First Publication Jan. 10. Sheriff's Sale. First National Bank of Lewistown, Montana, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Herbert Atkinson and Pauline At kinson, defendants. To be sold at sheriff's sale on Thurs day. the 23d day of February, 1905, at two o'clock p. m.. at the front door of the court house, in the City of Lewis town. County of Fergus, State of Montana, to the highest and best bid der, for cash in hand, the following described lands and premises situate, lying and being in Fergus county, Montana, to-wit : The southwest quarterof the south west quarter of section four (4), the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section five (5), and the west half of the northeast quarter and the south half of the northwest quar ter of section eight (8), all in township fourteen (14) north, range twenty-one (21) east of the Montana Principal Meridian in Montana: also the south half of the southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, section live(5), in township fourteen (14) north, range twenty (20) east of the Montana Prin cipal Meridian in Montana Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, appurte nances, easements, water and all other rights belonging or in anywise apper taining the-eto. Dated at Lewistown. Montana, Jan. 31, 1905. L. P. Slater, Sheriff. By Ed Martin, Under Sheriff. Blackford & Blackford, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First publication Jan. 31 4t Sheriff's Sale. Judith Hardware Company, a corpo ration, plaintiff, vs. William A. Shaules, Mary A. Shaulos. Joseph King, George S. Wells and George W. Anderson, defendants. To be sold ai sheriff's sale on Thurs day. the 2.3d day of February. 1905. at one o'clock p. m.. at the front door of the court house, in the City of Lewis town. County of Fergus. SI iite of Mon tana, to t he highest and best bidder, for cash in hand, the following de scribed lands and premises situate, lying and being in Fergus county, Montana, to-wit: Lots three (.3) and four (4) and the sout h half of I lie northwest quartern!' section five (5), and lot one (1). and the southeast quarter of the north east quarter of section six ((I), of town ship seventeen (17) north, of range eighteen (18) east of the principal me ridian of Montana, containing two hundred and forty-four and sixteen hundredths (244.1<») acres, according to the government survey thereof. Together wit h all the improvements and all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anvwise ap pertaining thereto. Lots three (3) and four (4) and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section one (1) in township fourteen (14) north of range eighteen (18) east, and the southeast quarterof the southeast quarter of sect ion t wen ty-six (2ti), in township fifteen (15) north of range eighteen (18) east of the Montana Meridian: also, lot ten (10) in block (21) to the townsite of Kendall, Montana, ac cording to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Fergus count y, Montana, together with the buildings situate thereon, and lots one (1), two (2) and twelve (12) in block fourteen (14) of P. & I). addition to the town of Lewistown, Mantana, considering the said block to be subdivided to cor respond with block thirty-one (31) of t lie said Partition and Distribution in the estate of Francis A. Janeaux, on file and of record in said county. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, appurte nances, easements, water and all ot her rights belonging or in anywise apper taining t hereto. Lot numbered ten (10) in block num bered twenty-one (21) to the townsite of Kendall, Montana, according tottie plat thereof on tile and of record in the office of t lie Clerk and Recorder of said Fergus county. Together with the buildings thereon and the tenement s, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Dated at Lewistown, Montana, Jan. 31, 1905. L. P. Stater, Sheriff. By Ed Martin, Under Sheriff. Blackford & Blackford, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First publication Jan. 31 4t Notice of Bond Sale. Notice is hereby given that upon the first day of March, 1905, at the school house of District "No. 40, in Fergus county, Montana, at the office of the clerk of said School District No. 40, of Fergus county, there will lie offered for sale one coupon bond to the amount of five hundred dollars ($500), upon the credit of School District No. 40 of Fergus county, Montana, said bond to lie due and payable in live years from the date thereof, in lawful money of the United States of Amer ica, and to bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable annually. Sealed proposals for the purchase of said bond will be received by the un dersigned clerk of said school district at Lewistown, Montana, until 2 p. m. of the day of sale, and the right to re ject an.v or all bids is hereby expressly reserved. By order of the board of trustees of School District No. 4(i, Fergus count v, Montana. If. If. Kingsland, Chairman. I*. S. Glenn, Clerk. First publication Jan. 24 Notice of Annual Meeting of Stock holders. Fergus County Hardware Company, office new Lang building, Main street. Lewistown, Fergus county, Montana. The regular annual meeting of t lie stockholders of this company will be held at tlie office of this company on Monday, Feb. ti, 1905, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. By order of the acting president. Dated this Kith dav of January, 1905. J. P. Barnes, President. Ladies, Take Notice! A gentleman of good character and habits desires to form the acquaint ance of a lady of suitable age. with a view to early marriage. Will ex change photos and full particulars in first Tetter. Address Box 145, Lewistown, Mont. Delinquent Assessments. Notice is hereby given: That ac cording to the provisions of the stat-| utes of tlie State of Montana, made and provided for the collection of de linquent assessments for public im provements made in improvement j districts in cities and towns, the un dersigned, t lie City Treasurer of the City of Lewistown, Montana, will sell 1 Friday March loth, 1905. the following I described lots pieces or parcels of land in the said < it.v of Lewistown. to liqudate a lien for an assessment regu larly made for the construction of a sewer system in said city, held against the same by said city, as follows, towit: Lot 3, Block E 7 of the Original Townsite. against which there is a, lien for 832.05: one-third of lot I. Block F 12 of the original townsite, against which there is a lien of 812.00: One-third of Lot 2, Block F 12 of the original townsite. against which there J is a lien of 812.oo, which said tracts ! are owned by Bernard McDonnell. Also, one-third of Lot I. Block F 12, I of the original townsite, against which | there is a lien of 812.00: one-third of | Lot 2. Block F 12. of the original townsite. against which there is a | lien of 812.00; lots 1. 2 and 3 of Block j P 18, of tlie original townsite, against which there is a lien of 823.10, which said tracts are owned by A. M. Sloan Also, lots 5 and 0, block P 18, of the original townsite, against which there is a lien of 805.00, which said t ract is owned by J. \V. Kearney. Also, lot 5, block (> 17, of the orig inal townsite, against which there is alien for 818.80: lots I, 2 and 3, of block N 10, of the original townsite, against which there is a lien of 898.40: lots o, 7 and s, of block 3, of Mora so addition, against which there is a lien of 832.80, which said t racts are owned by (J. II. Williams. * Also, lots 4, 5, o and 7, of block N 10 of the original townsite, and fraction of lot I, block 3, Moraso addition, against which said lots t here is a lien of 8131, which said lots are owned by t he Presbyterian church. Also, lots 7 and 8, of block 15, Staf ford addition, against which there is a lien of 870.20, which said lots are owned by Jennie Warren. Also, lot 9, block 15, Stafford addi tion, against which there is a lien of 838.10, which saitl lot is owned by Lot tie Raw. Also, interest on the above amounts at the rate of 0 per cent per annum from the 15th day of July, 1904, will be charged. Done at the city hall of the city of Lewistown, Montana, this 31st day of January, 1905. Gordon O. Shafer, City Treasurer. First publication Feb. 7 Sheriff's Sale. Bank of Fergus County, a corpora tion, plaintiff, vs. J. B. Washburn, defendant. To be sold at sheriff's sale on Wed nesday, the first day of March, 1905, at two o'clock p. in., at the frontdoor of t he court house, in the city of Lew istown, Fergus county, state of Mon tana, to the highest and best bidder, for cash in hand, lawful money of the United States, all the right, title, equity and interest of the a Give named defendant in and to the follow ing descrilied real estate, to-wit; Lots 1!* and 20, in block 33: lots 15 and l(i, in block 24; lot. 32, in block 24: lots 21, 22, 23, 24. and *i, 7, 8 and 9. in block 33, all of said lots and blocks be ing in the original site of the town of Gilt Edge, Fergus county, Montana, according to the official plat of the survey thereof on file and o' record in the office of the county clerk and re corder in and for Fergus county, Mon tana, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and also the "Eagle'' quart/, lode mining claim, as recorded in Book 5 of Lodes, at page 8<i t hereof, official records of Fergus county. Montana. Dated at Lewistown. Montana. Feb. 7, 1905. 1.. P. Slater, Sheriff, By Eu Martin, Under Sheriff, lluntoon, Worden & Smith, Attor neys for plaintiff. First publication Feb. 7 -3t I)an corona Sclicme. The Mother—How can I get my hoy to do right? The Friend—Give hhn good advice. The Mother—But he always does just the contrary of what I recoin mend. The Friend—Then give idm bad advice.—Philadelphia Bulletin. Oat of the Qnewtlon. Her Husband—I suppose a woman would have to be quite a philosopher tu be indifferent to her appearance. She— She'd have lo be n lunatic.—Brooklyn Life. A Sppnkinc Llkenem. Mrs. Fondmar—Don't you think baby grows more like me every day? Fond mar—Yes, dear, especially so since she began to talk.—Life. EFFECTS OF CLIMATE. Health nail Knernj I'loui-lnli Ih-Kt In tlie Temperate Koiuqi, Grant Dexter in bis book on •■Weath er Influences" says that "inhabitants of list climates are usually listless, un inventive, apathetic and improvident. An equable high temperature, ('special ly if moist, weakens body and mind. No long established lowland tropical people is a conquering race in tlie broadest sense of tlie word. Fur tlie inhabitants of the higher altitudes, even under the tropical sun, tills may be true, for as we ascend the tempera ture lessens about 1 degree every 270 feet on ail average, and even at tlio equator we may have a temperate climate. The most, favorable tempera ture for health, which carries with it an aggressive energy which leads and which lias led the world inarch of civ ilization, is about 45 degrees on an average, and tins is found In the tem perate races. From there have come the brawn and brain of martial con quest and intellectual attainment. The dominant peoples are shown between tlie latitudes of 25 degrees and 55 de grees. "During the London fogs and on days when tlie weather is particularly de pressing in the Bank of England cer tain sets of books, an error In which would be cumulative and produce dis astrous results further on, are locked up and the clerks set to tastes less In tricate and important lu character. Experience lias taught those In charge that the percentage of error Increases many fold during such climatic condi tions and that It Is money In pocket to yield to them. The same necessity for cessation of certain lines of work during lmd 'spells of weather' is recog nized by tlie larger hanking institu tions lu New York and tlie other east ern cities. "It lias been the universal experience of the superintendents of prisons and asylums for the Insane that the per sons in their charge varied so marked ly with the meteorological conditions that no man could doubt that the rela tion between the weather and emotion al states was any other than that of cause and effect. When asked, how ever, what definite conditions of the weather tended to he the most pro ductive of emotional abnormalities no satisfactory answer could he made." POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Do the best you can and you will be surprised liow well you do. It Is one sign that you are all right when you believe that others are. Tlie smartest man we ever knew nnd the one who could use the longest words could not hold a Job. Bo many of us act the fool while thinking we are acting smart. Look yourself over. Do you do It? Don't he too confidential; don't tell every one the story of your life. It will he soon enough to tell that when you stand before St. Peter. They talk about getting Into the rut. Remaining in the rut Isn't so bad. Most successful men are found lu the rut; most failures are found outside of it.—Atchison Globe. HUMAN BRAINS. The Difference Ileiween Those 4»f tlie Mule mill Female. The female brain in human creatures Is smaller tlmn that of the male and it is also lighter. The difference in weight is considerable. The a eerago man's brain is between four and five ounces heavier than the average woman's. The reason, it may he said, is Unit the woman herself is smaller than tlie man in size and weight. That accounts partly for the difference, hut not entirely. The diminished size and weight of the brain are said to he a fundamental sex ual distinction in the human species. It is not peculiar to civilized men and women, hut is found universally among savages, wherever sufficient ob servations have been made. There is said to he also a difference of balance between tlie various parts of tlie compared brains. The occipital lobes, which preside chiefly over the physical functions cf the organism, are declared to he more voluminous in the female than in the male, a physio logical fact which is contrary to com moil belief. It appears to he unquestionable that in purely intellectual endowment the man is superior to tlie woman. On the other lined, In the equally noble emo tional capacity the woman in superior to the man.—Home Advocate.