OCR Interpretation

Fergus County Democrat. [volume] (Lewistown, Mont.) 1904-1919, April 11, 1905, Image 2

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036220/1905-04-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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atch a Vehicle'* Front Wheel.
"Watch the front •wheel," said a ven
erable citizen the other day just nfter
lie had witnessed a serious accident on
Pennsylvania avenue, In which a man
had been knocked down and run over
by a wagon. j
Those four words constitute a whole
warning chapter, and if people in their
hurry and seurry would only heed them
there would be fewer broken bones,
cripples and fatalities.
"Do not," be cautions, "look at the
horses or the driver. The animals may
be turned suddenly in your direction by
a quick jerk of the reins or some other
cause, and the driver's gaze rarely in
dicates the direction his team is going
to move in. The attention of the aver
age driver is usually attracted by mat
ters that are happening about him—
passing teams, pretty girls and the
like. But watch the near front wheel
and you will find it an easy matter to
avoid an approaching team, even
though it be a runaway. The next
time you go across the avenue try the
experiment of watching the front wheel
and you will agree with me that it is
'a saving clause,' as they say in con
gress."—Washington Star.
The Odloo* Boot.
If there is one thing in our civiliza
tion more odious than butchery it is
our footwear. It is an additional crime
Of flesh eating that it condemns us to
the use of its byproducts to cripple, de
form, befoul and enfeeble our feet.
What would our hands be like if we
carried them about in leather boxes?
The foot should be as presentable ns
the band, as healthy, sun burned and
almost as pliable. It needs the purify
ing access of the air and the stimulat
ing effects of the outdoor cold and heat.
Instead of allowing it this freedom we
abut it up in a stiff, foul, unventilated
prison, where its clammy pallor sug
gests vegetables that sprout in a dark
cellar. We bind the toes together and
doom them to atrophy until a foot is a
tiling to weep over. Happy the day
when there will be no more leather for
boots! -Humane Review.
Deaf Persians Don't Get Seasick.
"Strange thing, but do you know that
deaf persons never get seasick?" said
an old surgeon in the employ of one of
the transatlantic lines recently. "This
was found out," he said, "when a whole
class of deaf mutes went abroad some
years ago, and, despite a particularly
rough passage, none of them wanted
to lie on the deck and beg somebody to
heave them overboard.
"That's the seasick feeling, you
know. A little investigation proved
that the stomach nerves are mostly
controlled by those of the ear, and that
deaf persons are not nearly so liable to
the nausea that comes from the rolling
motion of a ship as are others.
"The experiment of saturating a ball
of cotton with cocaine and thus dulling
the hearing has been tried by ship sur
geons since. It gives relief to those who
dread any sort of a sea voyage; but,
after all, the best way to do is to 'feed
the fishes' and get over it."—Philadel
phia Press.
Biset'* lied Ribbon.
Bizet, the author of the popular op
era "Carmen," who died a month after
its first production, was net at any
time a lucky man. He was even dec
orated through a mistake, says a writ
er, "for his friends, presaging the fail
ure of 'Carmen,' bombarded the minis
ter before the production and begged a
decoration for M. George Bizet. 'Bizet?'
asked the minister. 'Who is Bizet?'
'A remarkable genius,' was the reply,
'who has nlready produced several ex
traordinarily fine works. Among them
the most popular is perhaps "L'Arle
sienne." ' ' "L'Arlesienne?" ' interrupt
ed the minister. 'Why, it Is a perfectly
fascinating book. I rend it with ex
treme pleasure. Tell your friends that
the thing is done.' The minister was
not muslcnl, but he hnd read a novel
by Alphonse Daudet, and Bizet won his
red ribbon."
The First Siege Guns.
It has been stated that It was in 1CG7,
at the siege of Candia, in Crete, that
siege guns were first used. This state
ment is contradicted, however, by a
writer, who says that Just before the
siege of Constantinople a Hungarian or
Wnllnchinn cannon founder named Ur
ban cast in 1452 at Adrianople a can
non "which remained for many years
the wonder of Europe and marks an
epoch in the continually increasing
power of guns." Urban's cannon was
dragged by sixty oxen to Constantino
ple in 1453 and threw a stone ball of
1,200 pounds weight. It was fired sev
en times a day and once each night.
The Turks used at the siege two other
cannon nearly as large and altogether
had fourteen batteries, each containing
four guns, along the length of the wall.
It Pleased the Composer.
A curious story is told as to how the
Rothschilds supported Carafa, the com
poser. The latter was far from rich.
His principal income was derived from
a snuffbox. And this -was the way of
it: The snuffbox was given to the au
thor of "La Prison d'Edinbourgh" by
Baron James de Rothschild as a token
of esteem. Carafa sold it twenty-four
hours later for 75 nnpoleons to the
same jeweler from whom it had been
bought. This became known to Roths
child, who gave it again to the musi
cian ou the following year. The next
day it returned to the Jeweler's. This
traffic continued till the death of the
banker and longer still, for his sons
kept up the tradition, to the great sat
isfaction of Carafa.
Marking the Boot*.
A great many people ou staying at
an English hotel for the first time won
der how it is that "boots" can return
to the different rooms the footgear
placed outside the bedroom doors to be
cleaned. This is quite a simple matter.
All he does is to take a piece of chalk,
mark upon the sole of the boot the
number of the room from which he
takes them and then sends them down
stairs all together to be cleaned. When
this has been done they are sorted,
taken upstairs again and deposited
outside their respective doors without
the occupants of the different rooms
knowing that they have been removed.
The Best Tonic.
Ordinary sour buttermilk is a better
tonic, is a better food, than was ever
bottled or boxed up by the chemist or
doctor. Many a farmer drives miles
away to see a doctor, to get a bottle of
pepsin or cod liver oil or beef extract
when at the same time be is feeding to
his calves good, rich, nutritious butter
milk, a thousand times better for him
than the stuff the doctor will give him.
—Medical Talk.
Even Mice Were Scarce.
Brother Bill came home late and went
down to the kitchen to look for a bite.
He found the larder empty and started
back to his room, when the front door
opened to admit his brother Jim.
"Anything good downstairs?" inquir
ed Jim.
"Lucky if you find a mouse," said
To Live In Fact.
Life is what we are alive to. It Is
not a length, but breadth. To be alive
only to appetite, pleasure, pride, money
making, and not to goodness and kind
ness, purity and love, history, poetry
and music, flowers, stars, God and eter
nal hopes, is to be all but dead.—Mal
thie D. Babcock.
Both of High and Mighty Way*.
Miss Woodby—My great-grandmother
on my mother's side was noted for her
proud and imperious bearing. Miss
Newitt—Indeed? Our servant girl's the
same way. — Catholic Standard and
There are men who finally consent to
go to work when they can't make
living In any other way.—Philadelphia
Hilger <t Busenburg
The Pioneer Real Estate and Live
Stock Commission Agents
Land Office Attorneys
Conveyancing and Life ,
Accident and Fire In=
surance Agency.
Phone 81
W HEN you are thinking or repairing
your house that The Big Red Shed is
there with the goods at the very lowest
prices, and can fill your wants on short
notice. ::::::::::: :
The Big Red Shed
MONTANA LUMBER CO., Telephone 77
Lewistown meat $ Provision Co.
..Wholesale and Retail Meats..
The company is again owned and managed
by John Borgh, who solicits his old cus
tomers and a share of the patronage of all.
Main Street,
Opposite Day House
Subscribe fsr the Democrat
Do Not Fail
To examine our
before you purchase
elsewhere. We can save
you from
$2.50 tO $5.00
on every suit you buy
from us. We have just
received a few nice and
Stylish Suits from J the
celebrated makers,
» New Yorlt Store
Next Door to The Fair
Land Attorney
Beal Estate
Notary Public
and Insurance
Fiftli Ave., rear First National Bank
Lewistown, - - Montana.
Lewistown Coal Company,
Wood and coal delivered to
any part of the city. R. E.
Hamilton, manager.
To call the attention of the public to Bank Drafts as the cheapest,
simplest and safest way in which to transmit money to any point in
the world. We need only one illustration of their cheapness. The
charge for a postoffice money order for one hundred dollars ($100) is 30
cents, for a Bank Draft for the same amount it is 15 cents.
As to their simplicity, we call attention to the fact that the pur
chaser of a postoffice money order is obliged to till out blanks, giving
name, address and amount before he obtains it. In purchasing a draft
this is obviated and requires only half the time.
Again, if a postoffice money order is lost, the delay and red tape
incidental to obtaining a duplicate is very aggravating.
A draft is casii throughout the United States, and a money order
only at the office where it is payable. A draft is absolutely sate after
it is issued, and in case of loss all that is necessary to do is to notify
the Bank issuing it, and a stop payment is at once made and a dupli
cate given.
We give special attention to our Foreign Exchange Department,
and assure our patrons that our facilities for the quick transmission
of funds to any portion of the world are the best and at the lowest
rates. We receive quotations on China by wire and furnish them on
It is not necessary to come in person to purchase drafts. Send
your money to us in a letter, giving us the name and address of the
party you wisli to send the money to, together with the letter, and we
will forward the draft in your letter without loss of time. Any fur
ther information will be gladly furnished by the
First 'National Bank
Corner Fifth Ave.
and Main
Bank of Fergus County
Csrncr Third Avenue and Main Street, Lewistown, Msntana
Invites correspondence and personal interviews with those
contemplating forming banking connections in this section.
Receives deposits subject to check.
Makes loans on approved security.
Interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum paid on deposits
placed for either six or twelve months.
Issues Money Orders, payable at all paincipal points.
Offers all facilities to patrons, and solicits business.
S. S. HOBSON, President P. E. WRIGHT, Cashier
L. W. ELDRIDGE, Vice Pres. AUSTIN W. WARR, Ass't Cashier
Do You Eat?
You surely do, and you want
the best that can be obtained.
You Mill get it at
Quick and accommodating
service. All of the good
things the markets afford.
Located in the building formerly occupied by the
Fad Shoe Store.

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