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Fergus County Democrat. [volume] (Lewistown, Mont.) 1904-1919, March 05, 1907, Image 5

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

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Of Local Interest
White long silk gloves. Lehman's.
Waiter Knight, fine tailoring. Op
posite iiostoffice. 2-12-tf
Girls, look at the "Hyde Park" hats I
at Lehman's, all the rage in the East.
Mike Hall, the Maiden business man,
was a visitor to the city the last of the
New black chiffon taffeta silks 27
inches wide, 8oc yard. Lehman's.
Vance Butler of Kendall took the
train Saturday mornifilg for a business
trin to Helena and Butte.
For Rent. Four room house. In
quire at No. 113 First Avenue.—1-29-tf
Justice of the Peace, David Forman
of Grass Range, was a business visitor
to the city last week.
Don't forget the plumbers, Stapleton
& Phillips, temporarily located in
Imislund building. Phone 200. 2-12-tf
Louie Blodgett returned last Thurs
day afternoon from a business and
pleasure trip throughout the western
part of the state.
Tailor made waists with embroid
eried stiff colors and' neckwear to
match. Lehman's.
Bert Martin, the picture man, gave
two pleasing entertainments in Cul
ver's hall last Thursday and Friday
evenin' s. He has a good show and
was liberally patronized in Lewis
D*- Kalb & Mettler, attorneys. Office
in Lang Building.
Lone silk gloves in black. Lehman's.
E. F. Tuttle, a well known stock
man of the Stanford country, was in
the c . y the latter part of the week.
Mr. T.Pile has recently returned from
an e\ sided! visit to Iowa and Color
ado joints.
Waln-r Knight has removed to the
Sloan building, opposite postoffice.
Girls, look at the 1 "Hyde Park" hat*
ait Lehman's, all the rage in the East.
Frank Wright is now in his old
home, Penn Yan, New York, having
gone there from Helena a short while
ago. Frank is rapidly recovering his
former health much to the satisfaction
of his numerous friend's.
New black chiffon taffeta silks 27
inches wide, 85c yard. Lehman's.
Rooms for Rent. Signs for sale at
this office. ' ~ K
County Attorney Roy E. Ayers re
turned the middle of the week from
a, professional visit to Bozeman and
other towns in the east end of the
state. He left Mrs. Ayers and the
baby in Bozeman, where they will visit
for a short while.
Worden & Scott removed their law
offices Saturday from the telephone
buidir$ 4 ' on lower Main street to the
Charters & McDonald building, adjoin
ing the First National Bank.
Tailor made waists with embroid
eried stiff colors and neckwear to
match. Lehman's.
Granville Williams has filed an ac
tion of divorce against Etta May Wil
liams. The complaint states that the
defendant was married to the plain
tiff in Nevada, Missouri, in October,
1896 and that one child was bom to
the union. Desertion is the ground up
on which the complaint is based.
Leave call for Elkhorn. cab at tho
Bon Ton or ring 'phone 55. tf
Oysters any style. Bon Ton.
J. D. Kipe, the Moore hotel and
butcher shop man, was a business vis
itor to the city Thursday. Mr. Kipe
has been in very poor health for the
entire winter and expects to leave
very shortly for some warmer climate,
not having fully decided just where
he will land. Joe has a big, bunch of
friends all over the county who wish
him a speedy return to health.
Worden & 'Scott, lawyers, McDonald
& Charters building, next door to First
National Bank, Lewistown, Montana.
Bell and) Mutual 'phones, both 127. tf
Senator H. M. Rae left the middle
of last week for Helena after spend
ing a week in Kendall and Gilt Edge
looking after his mining interests. Sen
ator Rae is personally one of the
most popular members of the upper
house of the general assembly and al
though he is on the other side of the
fence, we must say that he has made
a good record as a senator.
Fine 36 inch black taffeta silk dyed
in the yarn. $1.25, $1.50. Lehman's.
H. C. Brown and Hugh Wagner re
turned Thursday evening from busi
ness visits to Chicago, St. Paul, Minne
apolis and other cities in the middle
west. "Wag" says that while in the
Windy City, Harry purchased the
post office building for $200, although
he failed to get the deed from the
the gentleman. Harry has one or two
equally as bad on Hugh but requested
that they not be published*.
Rent receipt books for sale at thl*
office, 10 cents each.
Two furnished rooms for rent. Apply
to Mrs. J. E Lane. 3-5-2t
Fred H. Bacon, who for over four
years has been superintendent for tne
Lewistown Telephone company, left
Thursday morning for Helena, where
he will take charge of the office of the
Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone com
pany. Fred has a large number of
friends in this city who wish him suc
cess in his new field. Will Higgins is
now in charge of fhe local office. He
thoroughly understands every detail of
the telephone business antd* will make
a very capable superintendent for the
telephone company at this place.
Worden & Scott, lawyers, McDonald
& Charters building, next door to First
National Bank, Lewistown, Montana.
Bell and* Mutual 'phones, both 127. tf
Girls, look at the "Hyde Park" hat*
at Lehman's, all the rage in the East.
"White long silk gloves. Lehman's.
Joseph Jackson has been on the sick
list for the past week, but is now able
to be around once more.
Latest in Madras flowered curtains.
W. A. Stingley last Wednesday filed
I his petition to be appointed adminis
trator of the estate of G. A. Dawes,
For Rent. Signs for sale at this
office. tf
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bright left the
middle of last week for Chicago and
other points in the east. En route,
they stopped in Helena and Butte.
Now open for business in our new
stand in the Diamond block, next door
to the Fergus County Hardware. Sut
ter Brothers.
Boarders Wanted. Call at 602 Main
street and Sixth avenue.
Mrs. Broulette, wife of the superin
tendent for the Barnes-King Develop
ment company, arrived in this city
Thursday evening and left for Kendall
the following morning.
Carbon paper for sale at the Dem»
ocrat office. tf
Slater has them; Juicy steaks, ten
der roasts, home cured hams and ba
con and pure lard to cook them in.
One of the twin babies of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Eddy died at the Eddy
home on Sixth avenue last Wednesday
Interment was madd the following
day in the citv cemetery.
Finei 36 inch black taffeta silk dyed
in the yarn. $1.25, $1.50. Lehman's.
Wanted; Good, clean, cotiton rags.
Five cents per pound. Bring to Dem
ocrat office.
District court was adjourned last
Wednesday in oridbr to permit Judg#
Cheadle to visit Billings, where he
has some legal business. The Hobson
Belden water right suit will be re
sumed Thursday, March 7.
Spring goods are arriving daily.
If you want to read the official pa
per of Fergus county subscribe for the
Those receiving certificates at the
first quarterly teachers' examination
were as follows: professional grade,
Miss Cora L Brown of Kendall, third*
grade, Misses Sarah Gilmore and
Bertha Trimble of Garneill, Gertrude
Robinson and Della McHugh of Lew
The Lady Maccabees are arranging
to give a grand ball in Imislund's hall
on the evening of March 18th, The
finest mulsic to be secured in the
city has been engaged and the ladies
are going to prepare a nice supper for
the occasion. Tickets, including sup
per, will be $1.00 each.
Spring goods are arriving daily.
Billinfcs Journal. W. M. McGinness,
who has been engaged in the drug
business at White Sulphur Springs
for many years, and who recently sold
his business at that place, is spend
ing a few days in Billings. Mr. Mc
Ginness is seeking a new field* in which
to engage in business.
Fred H. Bacon last week filed div
orce proceedings in the district court
against his wife, Rosanna M. Bacon.
The complaint avers that the parties
were married in Princeton, Illinois, in
1887 and that three children, all daugh
ters, aged seventeen, nine and seven,
respectively, were born to the union.
That the defendant and the children
are now living in Canton, South Da
kota, and 'that* she fails to live with
the plaintiff. Desertion is, therefore,
given as the cause for the complaint.
S. E. Peterson, Attorney and Counsel
lor at law, Moore, Mont. tf
Slater has them; juicy steaks, ten
der roasts, home cured hams and "Ba
con and pure lard to cool? Them "In.
W. O. Hinkley, formerly of the Iowa
telephone company and late manager
of the Deer Lodge exchange, arrived
in this city last night to take the
position of manager of the Lewistown
telephone company, succeeding Fred H.
Bacon, who was promoted to the man
agement of the Helena .company. Mi.
Hinkley is a pleasant young man and
has had several years experience in the
telephone business. He was accom
panied to this city by Mr. M. L. O'Dea,
division chief clerk, who will spend a
few days in Lewistown on account of
the changes in management.
Spring goods are arriving daily.
"Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from
resin from our pine forests, used for
hundreds of years for bladder and kid
ney diseases. Medicine for thirty days,
$1.00. Guaranteed to give satisfaction
or money refunded. Get our guarantee
coupon from Phillips Drug Co.
Great Falls Tribune: Pearson's
grading camp, about 15 miles south
of Armington, is again under quaran
tine, two new cases of smallpox hav
ing developed there during the past
couple of days. The camp was quar
antined about a month ago, when a
man who had been taken with the
•disease was brought from there to this
city., At that time all the men in the
camp were vaccinated, and after it
was thought that all danger of infec
tion had passed, the quarantine was
raised. It is reported by Dr. Stoll,
who is in charge of the hospitals at
the Arminlgton end of the line that
in a few cases, the vaccine did not
affect the men who were inocculated,
and two of these men are now sick
with the disease. The new cases are
being treated at a detention hospital,
erected by the contractors near Arm
ington for the purpose, and there is
believed to be little danger of a furth
er spreud of the disease.
Lost—Brooch set with pearls, be
tween court house and* Fourth avenue.
Finder please advise Democrat Office.
Roy E. Ayers, attorney at law, post
oflee building.
Long silk gloves in black. Lehman's.
Latest in Madras flowered curtains.
"Big" Lehman left Thursday morn
ing for a pleasure trip through
Don't overlook the liberal offer that
Walter Knight is making. He offers
a package of dandelion seeds with ev
ery Easter suit. 3-5-tf
New designs striped Madras cur
tains. Lehman's
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Osweiler return
ed home Thursday evening from a
hurried trip to Iowa, having been call
ed there by the death of Mrs. 09
weiler's brother.
For Rent. Two room house.' In
quire at No. 109 First Avenue.—1-29-tf
Almost up to Easter—March 31st
is the day; so you see the time Is
short to get your orders in. Get busy.
Time's about up if you want these
clothes delivered for Easter wear.
Walter Knight. 3-5-tf
New designs striped Madras cur.
tains. Lehman's
Mrs. R. J. Dougherty, mother of
Miss Theo Dougherty of this place,
has arrived in the city with her three
daughters from Helena and will in
the future make Lewstown her home.
She has taken a house on Washing
ton street between Fourth and Fifth
Wanted: Good, clean, cotiton rags.
Five cents per pound. Bring to Dem
ocrat office.
Ralph Parlette, the funny man, hum
orist and philosopher, ait Culver's
opera house, Monday evening, March
11, under the auspices Lewistown
Lecture Club. Seat reservations rnav
be made by members Saturdtry-T*®!?
General sale of tickets on Monday, $1
Dainty colonial curtain Swiss. Leh
JAMES W. WILSON, M. S. A., Director
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
N. k HANSEN. M. S., Vice-Dikector
Horticulture and Forestry
E. L MOORE. B. S., D. V. S.
.Zoology and Veterinary Medicine
South Dakota
Agricultural College
Experiment - Station
Prexident ol Colli'gc
Botany and Entomology
Brookings, South Dakota,
March 1st, 190(5.
Monitor Drill Co.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
It affords me pleasure to give you our experience with
your double disc drill. We gave this drill a good test
last spring. We run it on dry land and in mud, on breaking and in
corn stalks. Its work in all conditions' was entirely satisfactory
The grain sown with it comes up in two rows, as claimed for
it, come-, up (quicker and more uniformly than grain sown with any
other kind of a furrow opener. I believe that the double disc is
as great an advancement over the single disc as the single disc
was over the shoe drill or the shoe drill over the hoe drill
Five 10 ft Double Disc Monitor Drills sold to one man March 1 1907
A Great Roosevelt Gift
"A most delightful addition to
any library."—Vice-President Fair
"History here becomes as glorious
as a dream and as solid as the
mountains."—Dr. F. W. Gunsaulus,
Armour Institute, Chicago.
"I am glad to possess a copy in
such excellent form."—Joseph A.
Choate, Ex-Embassador to England.
"Comes pretty close to realizing
my ideal of how a book should be
bound."—Jack London
A handsome edition of Theodore
Roosevelt's great American his
WEST, bound in buckskin and
khaki, in six volumes, is given free
to every new subscriber for Current
Current Literature ....... $3.00
Winning of the West free \ 3.48
Transportation of Bookt.. 48c
General Subscription Agent,
- - - - MONTANA
First National Bank of Moore
Capital Stock Paid in, - .
Stockholders' Responsibility Exceed*
Deposit your money on six or twelve months time
certificate and let it earn FIVE PER CENT for you.
Dainty colonial curtain Swiss. Leh
F. H. Bacon of Lewistown. arrived
in the city yesterday. Mr. Bacon comes
to Helena to assume the management
of the local telephone exchange. He
was manager of the Lewistown tele
phone exchange for a number of years,
and was instrumental in making the
system a success there. J. W. Higgins
succeeds Mr. Bacon as temporary man
ager <>f the Lewistown exchange.—
Helena Record.
COUNTY: If you have any grain or
screenings to sell, see Abel Bros., Main
street. Lewistown, Mont
We are now buying
We will pay more than others
Because we have no middle mens'
profits to pay. We pay you the
dealers profits. DO NOT SELL
Hide & Fur Co
Write for prices and state what
you have.
Evolution brings economy to the con
The individual shoemaker and watch
maker are practically a thing of the past
But people continue to use watches and wear shoes,
but the watchmakers and shoemakers by doing their
work in large shops have reduced the cost to the
consumer 50 per cent.
The little tailor with his antiquated ideas and methods
is passing. Master minds with great organizations
in large labor centers are bringing the price of tailor
made clothes, made to individual measure, within the
reach of every man.
We are the sole representatives of Ed. V. Price Lr Co.,
the Chicago Merchant Tailors, the best in their class!
Their work is beyond criticism and their fabrics
$20 to $35 for suits made expressly for you.
Samples of their cloths lie on our front counter—
drop in and look them over, all new, nobby patterns,
no old chestnuts.
Ask to see our fabric Nos. 3220, 3262, 3280. 3297.
| Exclusive Local Representative of Ed. V. Price & Company, Merchant Tailors, Chicago j
Fad Shoe <S- Clothing Co.

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