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Fergus County Democrat. [volume] (Lewistown, Mont.) 1904-1919, January 09, 1912, Image 2

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Fergus County Democrat
the official paper or feroub county
TOM STOUT, Publisher and Proprietor
Entered at the postoffice
at Lewis town, Montana,
as second-class matter.
One year-
Six months-
Three months
. 1.25
. .75
Subscribers, Notice.
In ordering your papei
changed to a new ad
dress, mention old ad
dress also, to insure
prompt delivery. Sub
scribers failing to receive
their papers will please
notify this office.
___JANUARY 9, 1912.
«WHO 18 WHO."
Samuel Blythe usually makes the
"Who's Who" page of the Saturday
Evening Post rather interesting read
ing, at least to the political fans. He
also made quite a reputation as a po
litical prognosticator by a series of
three articles appearing recently in
the Post, supposed to accurately por
tray the political situation in all parts
of the country. Mr. Blythe's summary,
insofar as it touched the situation in
Montana, was fairly accurate, and the
people were about to accept the pic
ture as painted, when along comes the
Post of December 30 with the "Who's
Who" page adorned with a picture of
Dr. O. M. Lanstrum and a fairy tale
about Helena's political doctor, which
shook to the very foundation that
faith, inspired by former articles, rela
tive to. Mr. Samuel Blythe's accurate
knowledge of politics and politicians.
Prior to Dr. LanBtrum's advent into
Montana politics, tne Post biographer
might be correct, but when he says
that the genial doctor is "liked out
there because ne is a clean-cut, two
fisted, red-blood fighting man," and as
serts that Lanstrum fights out party
differences "open and above board,"
there are those in the republican
ranks, representing the progressive
element of that party, who are ready
and Willing to place their bets that
the Helena doctor has been grossly
libeled by such erroneous assertions.
It is so well known that Lanstrum is
a professional performer when it
comes to pulling off dark lantern po
litical stunts within the confines of the
republican party, that mention of Mr.
Blythe's article is certain to provoke
a smile upon the countenance of the
average republican in this section of
Of late there has been considerable
shifting of dictatorial power in the re
publican party of Montana. Events
bearing upon the management of the
party in this state have been crowd
ing each other during the past year,
and the matter of supremacy has not
yet been settled, at least in the minds
of the progressives and the rank and
file. There never has existed any
doubt in the mind of Lanstrum, how
ever. He has long since picked the
Amalgamated as the dominating in
fluence and is always found more than
ready and willing to do their bidding.
He is one of those Amalgamated lead
ers who feel sure that Dixon's down
fall is coming and is endeavoring to
kick out a prop here and there from
under the senior senator's support
whenever and wherever possible. And
this endeavor is being vigorously pros
ecuted in all devious ways, diametri
cally opposite to the "open and above
board" style referred to by Mr. Blythe.
Mr. Blythe predicts that Lanstrum
is "a republican comer" in this state.
Lanstrum being one of the valuable
Amalgamated lieutenants, it is evident
that Mr. Blythe is of the opinion that
the Amalgamated will dictate the poli
cies of the republican party in this
state. In the light of recent events,
tliis prediction is pretty well founded.
Before this prediction becomes a
reality, however, there will be one
great struggle enacted, the influence
of which will be felt in the republican
ranks as far as the most remote sec
tions of the state, and should the
bosses emerge victorious, they will not
do so without irrepairable loss when
they face the people next November.
Personally, we believe Mr. Lanstrum
is all that Mr .Blythe says of him, and
had the political aspect of the genial
doctor's career been omitted, it would
have been a pleasure to subscribe our
If there is not an open rupture be
tween Roosevelt and President Taft
before the date set for the republican
national convention, it will not be the
fault of Colonel Roosevelt. It is held
by such unbiased authority as the
Minneapolis Journal that Roosevelt is
looking for an opening to break with
the president Regarding the New
York peace dinner, the Journal Bays:
Opinions differ as to whether the
peace dinner in New York produced a
spirit of peace in the world or a spirit
of war in the republican party.
The significant absence of the Wash*
itoosevelt, whose presence had been
earnestly sought, serve to stir up all
nlnds of speculation. The absence of
.he dip.omats, alter they had accepted
invitations, may have been due to
hints from home to avoid being wit
nesses of a break between the presi
dent and his predecessor.
The absence of Colonel Roosevelt
was not significant in itself, because
Lhere never was any assurance that
he would be present. His insistence,
however, on making a new argument
against the Arbitration Treaties in the
evening papers on the day of the din
ner appears to have been inspired by
a desire to give the president some
thing to chew over. It has been ac
cepted by the president's friends as
distinctly hostile.
The dragging in of the abrogation of
the Russian Treaty by Colonel Roose
velt appears to have been intended as
a veiled taunt to the president that,
while he was seeking arbitration with
all the world, he was holding an atti
tude toward Russia inconsistent with
his professions. The Colonel is not a
good logician, and the president had
no difficulty in demolishing his con
tentions. But this was not the point
with Roosevelt. Apparently he was
perfectly willing to set up a false ar
gument that the president might in
knocking it down make an issue that
would divide the friends of the two
The Roosevelt plan, if there is one
—and a few weeks will determine
whether there is or not—is to bring
about an impasse between himself and
Taft on a question new in politics,
itoosevelt shows a disposition to
coddle the senate and to force the
president into an attitude of coercing
it. This is a novel position in politics
even for that master of the unexpect
ed, Colonel Roosevelt. No president
has kept his hands off the legislative
department more scrupulously than
Taft has. But the president has said
some things about the senate's atti
tude toward the Treaties that indicate
impatience with mere technicalities.
Therefore, he is bulldozing the senate,
while Roosevelt, the veteran bulldozer,
is protecting that venerable body from
assault and battery.
The situation suggested would be
humorous, if it were not full of grave
These must be genial days for
Colonel Roosevelt, says the Anaconda
Standard. He revels In publicity and
that, for him, is meat and drink. His
name is in all the newspapers; he at
tracts crowds of people who have
time on their hands; the reporters try
to get him to talk; he has everybody
guessing; he affects an unwillingness
to speak about his intentions; he must
be having a bully time.
There was one bad break last week
—it must have annoyed the colonel.
In one New Jersey county a thousand
republicans, led by an ex-postmaster,
signed a petition addressed to him and
asking him to permit his name to be
placed on the primaries ballot If
Roosevelt ever becomes president that
former postmaster—his name is
Mackey—need never ask to be re
stored to the postal service. Mr.
Mackey, in the eyes of the colonel,
certainly is a enump. He queered the
whole play by doing that which may
compel the colonel to say "yes" or say
That is precisely what is not wanted
at the present moment It would spoil
the mystery and end the guessing and
solve the riddle. Mackey is a Passaic
man. A Newark leader said: "I knew
nothing about the petition, but it
seems to me to be the wrong way to
go about it What the progressive re
publicans of New Jersey should do is
to go ahead and put Colonel Roose
velt's name on the ticket without his
That's more like it. This Newark
man is Mr. Colby and he is onto the
job. He aspires to the federal sen
atorship. In the light of the policy
he is pursuing Colonel Roosevelt will
set the Passaic man down as a fool
friend. But the petition itself will
give him wide opportunity—if he
wants It—to say whether or not he is
willing to let his name be used In the
Along with the story of the New
Jersey matter came new word con
cerning Bryan, in connection with the
candidacy. Nebraska fnends decided
to file his name for the primaries.
Mr. Bryan's brother let it be known
hat he had received a letter from
William J. definitely objecting to the
use of his name. The letter, it is said,
declares that under no circumstances
will 1 'Bryan be a candidate.
Then, too, in last week's news was
a Taft bulletin which stopped short a
ot of persistent talk by republicans
who were insisting that the president
should step aside and let the nomina
tion go to some man who has a chance
of election. This bulletin was direct
the White House. It was definite
miannouncement that Mr. Taft will cer
. .
tainly seek the nomination and that
on his behalf the convention will be
asked to nominate him for a second
term. Thus the anti-Taft republicans
must adopt new tactics.
Judith Gap Journal: If the press
dispatches are to be believed, Presi
dent Taft has gone on record as say
ing that he will not appoint Judge
Cheadle to the federal bench in Mon
tana on account of his radical in
surgent views.
Judge Cheadle has been endorsed
by nearly all the leading lawyers of
the state, and thousands of laymen
have signed petitions to the president
asking Cheadle's appointment to this
important position. A majority of the
republican newspapers of the state
have come out strongly for the ap
pointment of Mr. Cheadle.
In the face of all this, it is reported
that the president will not appoint Mr.
Cheadle for the above mentioned rea
The idea is prevalent that the real
opposition to the appointment comes
from the Amalgamated Copper com
pany of Butte. That gigantic cor
poration seems to intuitively realize
that it cannot control Judge Cheadle's
official acts, and believes he will
make a dangerous judge because he
has pronounced insurgent views, what
ever they may be.
The matter of Judge Cheadle's ap
pointment has gotten beyond the per
sonal stage. It is not a case any more
of a desire of his many friends to ele
vate the efficient and popular judge of
the Tenth judicial district to a higher
It has resolved itself into the ques
tion, rather, of whether or not the
Amalgamated Copper company of
Butte and Wall Street, New York, is
going to run the politics of Montana,
or whether the people of the state are
going to have anything to say about
If the Amalgamated Copper com
wishes of the people whenever the
company feels like it, it is time to
stop and think calmly over the situa
If there is no remedy within the
two parties as organized, then it is
time that the insurgents get together.
And when they get together there
will be a shake-up that will amount
to something.
The Amalgamated Copper company
is no longer Montana.
A communication received this week
by a Lewistown gentleman from
Washington is to the effect that it is
the intention of Senator Dixon to con
tinue the federal judgeship fight to
the eud. According to this communi
cation. there is to be no compromise
on the part of the senior senator. If
Senator Dixon pursues such a bourse,
he will have the unqualified approval
of nine-tenths of the free and inde
pendent thinking people of the state,
irrespective of party. The scene of
the storm center will be shifted to
Washington, and the citizens of Mon
tana who believe the Amalgamated
should not be permitted to assume
the role of dictator in this state, will
expect to see Senator Dixon make his
last stand on the floor of the senate
in opposition to the confirmation of
the name presented by the president
at the behest of the big corporation.
It would seem from this distance
that Senator Lorimer's term will have
expired before the sedate old senate
will have taken any action. Is it any
wonder that the peop'e are losing
faith in the upper branch of congress?
In the first investigation the white
wash brush was applied. This action
brought protests from every section
of the country and it was decided to
hold another investigation, which was
a long-drawn-out affair, bringing out
the same convincing facts, only a lit
tle stronger, tnat Lorimer's seat in
the senate was obtained by fraud.
The committee has been through for
some time and uie people await their
report with misgivings. Procrastina
tion appears to be the long suit of
our federal senate, especially where
wrong prevails and justice is pleading
for an inning.
vent his backers lrom working over
time to bring about his nomination.
President Taft says that death alone
can prevent him lrom being a candi
date beiore the next republican con
vention. The activity of the Colonels'
cohorts made this declaration neces
sary. While Teddy is saying noth
ing, be is also doing nothing to pre
a the Itoosevelt boomers can convince
the regiment of southern olflce-hold
ers that Talt cannot win and lorcibly
impress them with the fact that Taft's
deieat means their removal from the
pie counter, something as effective as
death itself will interfere with Mr.
Talt's candidacy.
From all sections of the country
comes the deplorable news of suffer
ing from the extreme cold and gen
eral storm that has prevailed through
out the United States and Canada. In
many parts of the country human life
has been the toll assessed by the
storm, and in nearly every section
stock losses have been heavy. In
Montana there has been comparatively
,ittle human suffering and the stock
men of this state have evidently
learned the lesson of preparation, as
losses thus far reported are insig
Mr. Bryan says that he is not a
candidate and that he believes there
are other men in the party who can
poll more votes than he can. He op
posed having his name put on the pri
mary ticket in Nebraska and gave
every other evidence that he is out
of the race. He stated, however, that
he is not out of politics and will be
lound working for the election of the
democratic nominee. If Teddy would
make a similar clear-cut announce
ment, how happy he could make the
president of these United States.
From the facts being brought out at
uic packing trust investigation, some
of the biggest hogs escaped slaughter
at. the Chicago packing houses.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate.
In the District Court of the Tenth Ju
dicial District of the State of Mon
tana, in and for the County of Fer
in the Matter of the Estate of Rosa
L. Chase, Deceased.—Notice of Sale
of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given, that in pur
suance oi an order of the District
Court of the Tenth Judicial District
of the State of Montana, in the County
of Fergus, made and entered on the
third day of January, 1912, in the mat
ter of the estate of Rosa L. Chase,
deceased, the undersigned, the ad
ministrator of the said estate, will sell
at private sale, in one parcel, to the
highest bidder, upon the terms and
conditions hereinafter mentioned, and
subject to confirmation by the said
District Court, on or after the twenty
fifth day of January, 1912, all the
right, title, interest and estate of the
said Rosa L. Chase, deceased, at the
time of her death, and all the right,
title and interest that the said estate
h as . by operation of the law, or other
wise, acquired, other than or in addi
tion to that of said deceased at the
time of her death, of, in and to that
certain lot, piece or parcel of land,
situate, lying and being in the County
of Fergus, State of Montana, and more
particularly described as follows, to
The houth half of the southwest
quarter (STA SWA4). of section five
(5), the northwest quarter of the
northwest quarter (NW14 NW*4), of
section eight (8), the northeast quar
ter of the northeast quarter (NE^
NEA4L the southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter SWA4 NET4), the
northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter (NWA4 SEV4), the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter
(NE14 SWA4), the southeast quarter
of the northwest quarter (SE*4
SWA4), find lots numbered two (2),
three (3), and four (4), of section
seven (7), all in township twelve (12)
north, of range twenty-two (22) east,
Montana Meridian, and the southeast
quarter of the southeast quarter (SE14
SE14). of section twelve (12), desig
nated as lot numbered four (4), of
said section twelve (12), in township
twelve (12) north, of range twenty-one
(21) east, Montana Meridian; together
with all and singular the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise ap
pertaining thereto.
Terms of Sale: Cash, lawful money
of the United States, ten (10) per cent
of the purchase money to be paid at
the time of the sale, balance on con
firmation of sale. Deeds and abstract
at the expense of the purchaser.
All bids or offers must be in writing,
and may be left at the office of Edgar
G. Worden, First National Bank block,
Lewistown,. Montafia, attorney for said
administrator, or may be delivered to
said administrator personally, or may
be filed in the office of the Clerk of
the Court, to which the return of sale
must be made, at any time after the
first publication of this notice and be
fore the making of the sale.
Dated, Lewistown, Montana, January
6, 1912.
Administrator of the Estate of Rosa
L. Chase, Deceased.
Edgar G. Worden, Attorney for Ad
First publication Jan. 9-3t
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is herebv given that the reg
ular annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Fergus County Hardware
romnanv will be held in the offices
or the company, In the City of Lew
1«town. Fannin County, Montana, on
Monday, February 5, 1912, at eight
o'clock p, m., for the election of five
directors and for the transaction of
Commodious and well arranged offices, am
ple resources, and a spirit of accommodation
combine to enable this bank to offer excep
tional facilities for handling Fergus County
business which we solicit and which will be
given the personal attention of its officers.
------- ~ FQR ...........
Physicians Prescriptions
There is a particular care which has to be exercised in
filling physician's prescriptions. Pure drugs and chem
icals must be us ad. We give you this extreme care
and the most scientific compounding. If you are re
covering from co d, la grippe or pneumonia, we can
supply you with the exact drugs which your physician
Eastman Kodak Agents, LeWistoWn, Montana
We have just heard from our eastern office
stating they have a number of buyers for Ju
dith Basin lands this coming spring. If you are
wanting to sell your farm call or write and list
it with us. We are now making up our list to
send east. :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
We Have Money to Loan nn Gnnd Farm Security
' "
such other business as may properly
come before the meeting.
Dated, January 9, 1912.
PHIL A. CHASE, Secretary.
First publication Jan. 9-4t
Order to Show Cause Why Decree of
Distribution Should Not Be Made.
in the District Court of the Tenth Ju
dicial District of the State of Mon
tana, in and for the County of Fer
in the Matter of the Estate of
Oliver G. Allen, Deceased.—Order to
Show Cause Why Decree of Distribu
tion Should Not Be Made.
On reading and filing the petition
of Charles D. Allen, administrator of
the estate of Oliver G. Allen, de
ceased, and which prays, among other
things, for an Order of Distribution of
the residue of the said estate among
the persons entitled thereto.
It Is Hereby Ordered that all per
sons interested in the said estate ot
Oliver G. Allen, deceased, be and ap
pear before the above entitled Court
at the Court Room in the Court House
in Lewistown, Fergus County, Mon
tana, on Saturday, the 10th day of
February, A. D. 1912, at 10 o'clock a.
m., then and there to show cause why
an Order of Distribution should not be
made of the residue of the said estate,
among the heirs at law of said de
ceased, according to law.
It Is Also Further Ordered that a
copy of this Order be published for
four successive weeks before the safd
10th day of February, A. D. 1912, in
the "Fergus County Democrat," a
newspaper printed and published at
Lewistown, Fergus County, Montana.
Dated this 8th day of January, A.
D. 1912.
E. K. CHEADLE, Judge.
Ayers & Marshall, Attorneys for Ks
First publication Jan. 9-4t
Notice to Holders of City Warrants.
The City Treasurer of the City of
Lewistown, Montana, will redeem reg
istered warrants in the different
special Improvement districts as fol
lows: Boulevard district No. 1, war
rants No. 8, 11, 12, 13. and 10; district
No. 2, warrants No. 2, 10, 9, 8, 7, 11,
12, 14, 17. 16, 13. 15 and 6; district
No. 3, warrants No. 2, 10 and 11; dis
trict No. 4, warrants No. 2, 16, 22, 12,
20, 14, 19, 17 and 24; district No. 6,
warrants No. 1, 2, 3 and 7; sewer dis
trict No. 21. all registered warrants;
sewer district No. 22, warrants No. 1,
3 and 4; sewer district No. 24, war*
No Red Jape
Having lately associated ourselves
with one of the largest farm loan
companies in the United States, we
are prepared to take on an un
limited amount of first-class farm
Remember, we can close a loan In
a half hour without the usual red
Hilger Loan ft Really £o.
rants «o. 1 and 4; sewer district No.
26, warrants 1 and 2; sewer district
No. 27, warrants 1 and 3; sewer dis
trict No. 28, warrant No. 3; sewer
district No. 29, warrant No. 4. Inter
est ceases on above-named warrants
January 9, 1912.
City Treasurer.
First publication Jan. 9-lt
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned, on behalf of the
relatives of the late Mary Louise
Stone, desire to extend thanks to
friends and neighbors for the many
kindnesses shown in our beloved one
In the hours of her last illness. We
also desire to extend thanks to the
members of the local Woodmen lodge
and Rev. White, of the M. E. church,
for their kind sympathies and valuable
assistance in the hour of our bereave*

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