Newspaper Page Text
Breidenbach, J. A., lot 7, blk. 4, Sunnyside Lew......................... Breidenbach, J. A., lot 8, blk. 4, Sunnyside Lew................^..... Cook, Walter, lot 1, blk. 7, Sun nyside, Lew.............................. Cook, Walter, lot 2. blk. 7, Sun nyside, Lew.............................. Cook, Walter, lot 3, blk. 7, Sun nyside, Lew.............................. Cook, Wafter, lot 4, blk. 7, Sun nyside, Lew.............................. Lewis, C. C., lot 10, blk. 5, Sun nyside, Lew............................... 35.20 35.20 35.20 35.20 35.20 35.20 35.20 Miller, Grover, lot 11, blk. 7, Lehman's Ad. No. 2 Lew..... 35.20 Mabee, Sylvia, lot 5, blk. 10, Lqjiman's No. 2 Lew............... 16.04 * Wilson, Albert D., lot 3, blk. 9, Lehman's No. 2 Lew......... 35.20 Day, Prank, lot 12, blk. 32, Staff. No. 5 Lew..................... 28.68 Weingart, Mrs. W. A., Ely 37V& ft., lot 11, blk. 32, Staff. No. 5 Lew ................................. 21.76 PAVING Mackey, T. H., lot 1, blk. A-9, Orig. Lew................................... 105.18 Tubb, T. .T., tract in Lewistown 61.84 C. M. & St. Paul Ry. Co., tract in Lewistown ............................ 98.30 Sloan, A. M„ Sly 30 ft, lot-1, blk. F-12, Lew. Orig............. 43.46 Fergus County Creamery, NW 15 ft., lot 12, blk. 7, Lew. Ld. Co. Ad........................................ 28 05 Slater, L. I'., tract in Lewistown 163.32 Sloan, A. M„ Sly 30 ft., lot 2, bik. F-12, Lew. Orig............. 130.69 Sloan, A. M„ Sly 30 ft., lot 1, blk. B'-12, Lew. Orig............. 130.69 Dunn, Charlotte, lot 12, blk. G-19, Lew. Orig....................... 130.69 Dunn, Charlotte, lot 10, blk. G-19, Lew. Orig....................... 130.69 Dunn, Charlotte, lot 9, blk. G-19, Lew. Orig....................... 130.69 Knapp, Lottie, lot 8, blk. G-19, Lew. Orig............... 130.69 Knapp, Lottie, lot 7, blk. G-19, Lew. Orig................................... 130.69 Knapp, Lottie, blk. V-20, Lew. Orig......................................._... 260.37 Janeaux, Odelon & Evelyn Desy, tract in Lewistown........ 35.11 Littlejohn, N. J., SV 2 , lot 7, blk. 2, Park Ad. No 2 Lew. 48.91 Rogers, Lorena E., tract in Lew............................................. 96.83 Vrn Tobel. Rudolph, lot 6, blk. S-22, Lew.- Orig....................... 179.70 SANITARY SEWER Littlejohn, N. J., lot 5, blk. 16, Park Ad. Lew........................ 23.40 Dysart, Lee, lot 6, blk. 12, Park Ad. Lew.................................... 26.00 Littlejohn, N. J., S%, lot 7, blk. 2, Park Ad. No. 2............ 13.50 Littlejohn, N. J., SV&, lot 8, blk. 2, Park Ad. No. 2...................... 13.50 Wadsworth, Lena, lot 4, blk. 4, Park Ad. No. 2 ........................ 25.99 O'Hara, Bessie, lot 7, blk. 8, Park Ad. Lew........................... 25.99 Martin, Morris M., lot 7, blk. 7, Park Ad. Lew......................... 25.99 Martin, Morris M., lot 8, blk. 7, Park Ad. Lew........................... 25.99 Gaither, C. L., tract in Lewis town ....................... 25.99 Melton, Jennie, lot 10, blk. 5, Park Ad. Lew............................. 25.99 Schultz, Mrs. A. A., lot 9, blk. 5, Park Ad. Lew. ...................... 25.99 Beck, A. W., tract in Lewistown_ 25.99 Eastman, Geo., tract in Lewis-' town .............................................. 50.98 Hagen, Ellen, lot 4, blk. 8, Stone Ad. Lew......................... 25.99 Beck, A. W., tract in Lewis town ..................................... 25.99 DeKalb, H. L., tract in Lewis town ............................................ 25.99 Farmers' Elevator Co., lot 13, blk. 7, Leyv. Ld. Co. Ad. Lew............................................... 10.95 Farmers' Elevator Co., lot 14, blk. 7, Lew. Ld. Co. Ad. Lew............................................... 10.95 Farmers' Elevator Co., lot 15, blk. 7, Lew. Ld. Co. Ad. Lew........................ 10.95 Farmers' Elevator Co., lot 16, blk. 7, Lew. Ld. Co. Ad. Lew-............_................................. 10.95 Farmers' Elevator Co., lot 17, , blk. 7, Lew. Ld. Co. Ad. Lew............................................... 10.95 Farmers' Elevator Co., blk. 18, blk. 7, Lew. Ld. Co. Ad. Lew-.................................. 12.95 Thompson, Marie, lot 8, blk. 5, Ouellette Ad. Lew................... 11.39 Thompson, Marie, lot 9, blk. 5, Ouellette Ad. Lew................... 11.39 Thompson, Marie, lot 10, blk. 5, Ouellette Ad. Lew................... 11.39 Trapp, Arthur E., lot 5, blk. 6, Ouellette Ad. Lew-................... 11.39 Trapp, Arthur E., lot 8, blk. 6, Ouellette Ad. Lew................... 11.39 Twiss, Samuel B., lot 4, blk. 4, Ouellette Ad. Lew................... 11.39 STORM SEWER Mackav, T. H., lot 1, blk. A-9, Orig. T.s..................................... 21.80 Shannon, Peter, lot 1, blk. 2, Staff. No. 1 Lew. ...„............... 21.80 Shannon, Peter, lot 3, blk. 2, Staff. No. 1 Lew. .................... 21.80 Shannon, Peter, lot 1, blk. 2, Staff. No. 1 Lew..................... 21.80 Dunn, Charlotte, lot 9, blk. Q-19, Orig. Ts............ 21.80 Dunn. Charlotte, lot 10, "blk. Q-19, Orig. Ts......................... 21.80 Dunn, Charlotte, lot 12, blk. Q-19, Orig. Ts......................... 21.80 Sloan, A. M., SE 1-3 lots 1 and 2, blk. F-12, Orig. Ts................. 14.86 Tubbs, T. J., tract in Lewis town ............................................ 2.89 Slater, L. P., tract in Lewis town ..... 21.80 Knapp, Lottie, lot 7, blk. Q-19, Orig. Ts.................... 19.80 Knapp, Lottie, lot 8, Blk. Q-19, Orig. Ts....................................... 19.80 Knapp, Lottie, tract in Lewis town ............................................ 19.80 Woodworth, Mary C., lot 7, blk. 10 Janeaux Ad. No. 1 Lew..... 19.80 Janeaux, Odelon & Evelyn Desy,, lot 1, K-5, Lew. Orig. 1.35 1916 TAX PERSONAL A Abney, Wm. K ............................ 16.52 Allen, Conrad ......................._....... 5.83 Allen, E. J..................................... 91.10 Anderson, A. G............................ 23.77 Anderson, Gus W....................... 7.90 Appleton, C. A............................. 9.15 Argensinger, E. H....................... 4.27 Arisaman, R. R. ............................ 33.53 Austen, H. W............................... 22.93 B Bahr, O. K..................................... 16.60 Bailey, Jim ............. 13.30 Baldwin, Whitney ............. 10.15 Barber, J. G................................... 10.29 Barnard, Ray ........... 12.64 Barney, Julius ..............................12.76 Barrett, A. J................ 2.20 Barrett, *L. B............................... 10.10 Barrett, Maud ........... 2.3o Baxter, Havre ........... 8.63 Bean, W. N............. 17.09 Beauchamp, Roger ...................... 9.10 Beck, J. Chris .............................. 5.53 Bedmar, Paul ................................ 6.45 Beecraft, J. W............................ 13.65 Beecraft, Arthur ............................ 6.02 Beecraft, Josephine W^ ............ 1.24 Beedie, James .........................«... 7.85 Beedy, John .................................. 20.17 Belknap, H. H............................. 25.00 Bengtson, C. F........................... 18.64 Benjamin, E. J............................... 36.40 Bennett, C. M............ 8.86 Benton, R. A............................... 9.45 Bidgood, Geo..............-......-......... 15.71 Bishop, Mrs. Gladys .................... 2.89 Bishop, John .................................. 18.09 Black, C. S..................................... 8.04 Blaine, J. W................................... 12.80 Blankenship, Howard .................. 6.39 Blacizh, Daniel ............................ 16.38 Boiler, E. 0..................................... 10.96 Holies, Joseph F........................... 6.02 Boos, C. C............-..................... 8.83 Boughton, H. C............................. 10.95 Boyd, Frank T............................... 35.39 Bradley, Herbert H..................... 18.40 Brady, William ........... 5.90 Brandon, Rudolph .........-............. 5.90 Brash, Walter .............................. 5.84 Bratland, Olan ............................ 10.51 Bndger, S....................................... 5.84 Bridges, Cole .........-................... 5.90 Brown, Alfred .............................. 8.02 Brown, Clara .................................. 4.55 Brown, E......................................... 5.84 Brown, John .......................-......... 8.01 Brown, Merrill ............................ 6.50 Brown, Merrill B........................... 6.82 Brown, Van .................................. 13.10 Brown, W. P. ................-......... 8.62 Brooks, Jess .................-............... 5.83 Brooks, Toney ........... 5.83 Brostrom, Chas............................. 28.52 Bruce, David .........................-....... 17.46 Brumberger, H. A....................... 8.82 Buller, Mrs. C. R............-............. 13.29 C Cabbage, Jack ...............'—....... 5.90 Calderwood, Chas......................... 5.84 Caldwell, Ed............................... 6.20 Collolf, N. V................................. 13.50 Campbell, H. H.......... 22.84 Campbell, J. S......-....................... 8.63 ^ampbell, R. A............................. 6.57 Cannon, Victor ............................ 6.01 Carroll, Seth ................................ 19.80 Carson, O. R..................-..........—- 14.69 Carter, L. M................................... 13.86 Cerbin, W. N.................. 26.57 Charpentier, Ludger .................... 6.01 Chausse, F. D............................. 7.36 Christman, Paul ............................ 24.92 Christian, Joe .............................. 6.45 Christie, Claud ..............................11.31 Chrusteff, Rode ........... 5.84 Clark, John .................................... 6.39 Clapp, Ray ...............................-..... 11.30 Clarey, Harvey ........... 5.60 Claybaugh, C. T......................... 10.78 Claybaugh, E. J.................. 5.50 Claybaugh, W. J......................... 6.34 Clegg, Wm................ 12.75 Clickner, G. L. .............................. 8.86 Coiner, W. E................................. 7.54 Cole, Mrs................ 1.33 Collier, Berten M.......... 5.65 Conley, Mrs. Frank ...... 19.10 Conner, Ortie .............. 11.00 Conrad, G. W............................... 2.71 Conquergood, Robt..................... 14.47 Cooley, Marion ..... 6.20 Coon, W. T.......... 6.57 Cooper, A. B................................— 25.29 Cooper, Bird .................................. 10.83 Corcoran, Dan H......................... 5.84 Corth, W. M. ......... 8.39 Covert, Eugene ............................. 11.00 Covert, Robert ............................ 15.23 Crocizer, Wm.............. 6.21 Cunningham, P. J......................... 56.95 Curran, J. G.................. 6.25 D Dailey, Proctor ............................ 6.20 Dalsman, Peter ............................ 13.06 Daly, Walter ........................... 6.28 Dougherty, F. W......................... 22.77 Davis, F. E......„........................... 45.20 Davis, Ira ..................................... 6.20 Davis, Leonard S...................... 5.58 Davis, Wm............ 6.75 Deeks, Anton ....................... 10.03 Deering, Ralph .........:................... 5.84 Demo, Alphonse ............................ 9.02 Denton, Robert ....................... 5.90 Dhone, F. R. ................................ 11.50 Diener, Anton ................................ 7.60 Dimitroff, Chris ............... 7.14 Ilinwiddie, Horace ..........._......... 11.45 Dixon, Robert .............................. 21.75 Doan, A. L............ 8.77 Dobson, M. L................ 7.70 Dougan, John ..... 6.01 Drake, Wm................ 5.90 Duke, Robert R.................... 6.20 Dunn, Chas................................... 10.85 Dunn, W. R...................... 12.27 Dunnington, J. W....................... 7.14 Dunphy, John ................. 26.60 Dupere, Lewis .............................. 11.96 Dyer, C. E.................................. 15.03 E Easley, T. L. .......................... 10.68 Electric Shop ......... 6.09 Ellsworth, Mrs. A(ia ..... 15.37 Ennaas, John .............................13.08 Enos, Alonzo ................. 10.98 Epley, Chas................................... 6.20 Erwin, John ............... 17.40 Evanof, Peter .... 6.02 F Perda, Paul ................... Perris, John B.............. Fisher, Chas. M............ Piske, N. O.................. Fitzharris & Robinson Flanigan Bros.............. Fleischman, Moritz ..... Pleury, Edward ........... Fleury, Fred ............... Pleury, Sam ................. Plinn, Dr. H. J.........'..... Flint, Harry ................. Ford, G. E„ Tr............ Poster, J. H.................. Fountain, Jos............... Fredrickson, P. B...... Frenberg, Oscar ......... Fritts. Geo.................... Fry, Sidney ................. Fuller, C. O.................. Fuller, E. H.................. Fullerton, John .......... Furman, A. H............. G 7.01 7.21 12.47 11.05 7.60 20.60 7.19 13.33 11.90 5.50 22.82 6.01 25.42 17.73 3.65 12.70 10.48 8.43 26.55 19.87 5.50 6.39 4.79 Garner, H. L. ............... 6.05 Gates, Bert .................................... 5.91 Gaunt, Claud ................................ 8.15 Geary, Bert .................................. 12.26 Gifford, H. H................................. 5.65 Gilchrist, Lewis P....................... 6.02 Gillbank, J. W. ............................ 24.92 Gilmore, W. L..........„................... 13.40 Glasser, C. M............................ 7.17 Gloeb, Mike .................................... 7.01 Gooch, Wm................................... 11.87 Good, A. S................................... 30.42 Goodman, Chester ...................... 7.17 Gorman, Cyrus ............................ 11.20 Gperde, Wm................................... 10.53 Graft, Charles .................-............. 6.08 Graham, C. W................................ 8.63 Graham, H. G............................... 21.21 Graham, J. L............................... 6.05 Grant, E. S.................................... 19.67 Grant, Geo. W............................. 23.73 Grant, John L............................... 23.17 Girayce, W. S..........-................. 6.99 Great Northern Express Co......... 8.04 Green, Ann E................ 14.73 Gregory, W. H............................. 23.63 Gregory, Will ................................ 9.93 Griffin, E. E........-..................... 15.22 Grobe, W. H............ 5.77 Gronlund, Neils .......................... 9.77 Grover, Bollie ........................... 18.89 Gunn, J. W..............................-..... 9.85 Guthery, L. F.............................. 12.34 Guyer, E. M................................ 12.62 H Hagerty, James G......................... 7.17 Haaland Bros............................... 19.77 Hamilton, Stephen ...................... 9.61 Hall, R. W................................... 8.79 Hallock, Victor A......................... 8.25 Hales, J. H................................... 2.82 Hall, R. A............................-....... 6.01 Hammer, J. W......................-..... 11.36 Hanna, Frank .............................. 6.50 Hanna, Walter .............................. 6.31 Hansen, Arthur A....................... 8.98 Hansen, Stella ............................... 7.38 Hanson, Ed ..... 5.84 Hanson, Herman ....................... 6.60 Hanson, Theodore ........................ 6.01 Hardin, Fred .................................. 8.44 Harmer, J. W............................... 19.15 Harrington, G. N......................... 8.70 Harrison & Burdette .................. 15.38 Harter, Wm................................. 5.67 Hartford, Chas. F......................... 17.33 Hartman, James .......................... 6.39 Harvey, O. H............................... 5.69 Haugen, Henry ........................... 12.68 Hawkins, Albert ..._..................... 21.26 Hayfield, Emil .............................. 8.21 Hazen, H.....,..........................._..... 6.06 Heggem, Rasmuss ................. 8.22 Ilellaland, Ben ................. 9.62 Hendricks & Van Dinter ............ 30.18 Hendrickson, Fred H................. 8.06 Henneman, W. H......................... 6.39 Hesler, C. B............ 5.65 Hesler, G. F................................... 19.29 Hess, Mahlon, Jr......................... 19.98 Hill, Mrs. Burr ............................ 4.21 Hill, Melton .................................. 16.19 Hines, Paul .................................... 8.87 Hinkley, Mrs. Geo....................... 9.5? Hirschner, Elmer E................... 12.62 Hitchcock, C. W......................... 20.95 Hitchcock, L. C............................. 17.80 Hobart, W. E............................... 7.21 Holland, Geo. W........................... 5.79 Holliway, Mrs. Bertha ...........8.19 Hollowell, J. F............................... 8.60 Holmes, Hattie ............................ 3.57 Homedew, Fred ............................ 18.20 Houck, E. C. ..._............................. 6.76 Houser, Mrs. A. L. ........................ 3.87 Hovend, Halver ............................ 7.70 Howes, Lewis ................. 14.28 Hubert. Pete ................... 10.79 Hudson, Willis .............................. 10.57 Hughes, James H......................... 5.88 Humble, J. O.................. 6.39 Hummel, H. D............................. 15.52 Hunt, L. ........................................ 15.00 J Jackson, Newton L....................... 9.43 Jackson, Orin S........................... 5.26 Jacques, Miss Bertha ................ 13.81 Jenkins, Harry S............ 6.09 Jesperson, Hert ...... 7.97 Johnson, Carl ........... 5.73 Johnson, Gus ..................... 6.50 Johnson, J. S..................... 5.55 Johnson, James E...................... 7.50 Johnson, John ............. 6.01 Johnson, R. W. El ............... 19.18 Jones, Griffith .......................-..... 1.62 Jones, H. J............-..................... 21.27 Jones, J. J......-......................... 5.69 Johns, Mrs. A. B......................... 12.94 Judith Auto Co. ........................... 112.70 Judith Cafe .................................... 18.39 Judor, Joseph ......................-..... 5.09 K Kalal, J.......... 9.13 Kerr-Harlow ..... 5.84 Keithley, H. G................-........... 12.67 Kelley, J. W................................... 23.29 Kelley, Mark ......... 10.85 Kennedy, Wm................... 28.16 Keys, J. B..................................... 13.12 Keyse, O. L. .................................. 23.75 Killiam.Wm. I....................,...... 5.50 King, Bill ............... 11.18 Kinny, H.......... 11.10 Kirtley, R. F.................. 11.60 Knouse, Geo. Franklin ................ 24.93 Koeff, Lozar ............... 10.12 Kohl, Frank ..... 6.63 Krinke, John ................_............ 5.46 Krischke, Ed.................. 5.67 Kruger, August ........... 10.36 Kucera, Frank .................. 15.14 Kudzia, Wm................................ 2.36 L Lackey, James ......... 11.60 Lake, W. H................................... 12.69 Lamping, Fred A______________________ 9-32 Lamping, J. C. .............. 14.75 Lane, John ................................. 6.39 Lange, John H___________________________ 24.56 Langhausen, Nick ......:................. 11.20 Larson, A. L. ....................... Larson, Christ .................-..... Lau, John ..._........................... Lau, Wm................................. Lauderbeck, J...................... Laverdure, Frank .................. Laverdure, Ralph .................. Lay, D. I................................... Lebklcker, Miss Marie ...... Leclair, Joseph ....................... Lewellen, G. W....................... Lewellen, Z. H....................... Lewis, Dave ............................ Lindsey, W. W...................... Livingston, Chas. W. ............ Love, Carrol, ............................ Lowman, Dr. A. M................. Lucas, T. H............................. Luchsinger, Fred, Jr............. Lundwen, J. A. ........................ Lutz, Clarence ...................... Lyman, Mrs. Ed....................... Lyons, Chas........................... Lyons, Jack ........................... M McCabe, L. T.......................... McCabe, Louis ....................... McCallum, J. N. ..._................. McCann, Leo ......................... McClure, D. P......................... McCollum, W. A...................... McCune, R. W......_............... McDermot, Mr......................... McDonough, R. A................... McDonough, M. C.................... McElwain, C. S..................... McFarland, Otis .................. McFarland, Robert J.............. McGuire, P. A......................... McKerlie, Robert .................. McKinnon, C. F....................... McLaird, Len ........................ McRay, C. E............................. McVay, J. C........................... Mackinney, Fred .................. Mahony, Robert ...................... Malcon, L. C............................. Manuel, Oscar ........................ Marinoff, Hirsto ...................... Markland, W. J....................... Marks, Harry ......................... Mars, B. S............................. Marshall, E. D......................... Martin, H. E......................... Mason, Herman ...................... Mathers, H. D. ..................... Matson, Charlie ................. Mathewson, Jasper C........... Mays, Robert .......................... Meager, M. J.......................... Medalen, E......................-..... Meloe, Edw. ............................ Mendenhall, Ben .................... Meserve, H. O....................... Messenger, Frank .................. Miller, C. L................_........... Miller, Royal .......................... Minor, Jacob A....................... Misculin, Phil .......................... Mitchell, R. S......................... Mitchell, Mrs. Verda ............ Monore, E. H........................... Monroe, R................................. Moore, D. T............................. Moore, David .......................... Moran, Martin ...........-........... Moreland, Fochion .................. Morgan, Frank A..........-....... Morris, Mr............................. Morrow, J. W......................... Mortensen, Chris .................. Mowris, Thos. O................... Murphy, H. A......................... Myers, H. L............................. Myvoldson, Ingvold ................ N Nadeau, Albert ........ Naujok, August ...... Nelson, A. V........... Nelson, Anton ........ Nelson, Arthur ...... Nelson, E'rank ........ Nelson, Geo. W..... Nelson, Nels ............ Nelsop, Rasmus ...... Nelson, Wm............. Neylon, W. P......... Nicodemus, Julian .. Nicewander, Alma .. Nicholas, Wm. A. Niederer, Arnold W. Niemiec, S............... Nolen, Edmund ...... Norton, T. J............. O O'Neill, John .......... Ode, Ole .................. Ohlin, A. E.............. Olson, N. P., Estate Orsbom, D. E...... Osborn, J. S............. Oster, Jos. .............. Ottran, Leo .............. P Palen, Lowell ............. Parat, Geo..........-.......... Parker, Geo. V............ Parlaman, G. G. ........... Parsons, Ed.................. Patterson, Andrew W. Patterson & Brighton . Paul, Elzear ................. Peacock, N. E............ Peebles, .John C.......... Pelot, Antone ............. Penoff, Ivan ................... Pentacost, C. E............ Perkins, H. T.............. Persons, E. O.............. Peterson, Fred ............. Pimlott, Winifred ....... Pinneo, L. H................ Porter, S. E.................... Potterf, Oscar ............. Powell, J. L. ............... Pratt, C. W................. Pratt, Jasper ................. Pray, Stewart ............... Price, Wm...................... Prickett, Will ............. Pritchard, Harry A...... Q Quigley, J. W. R Radey, John .............. Ramey, Dr. ............... Randall, Kenneth .... Randall, Leon ............ Redline, Geo. W....... Reed, John .................. Reed-Miller ................ Reid, R. A................... Reper, Albert ............ Rice, R. E................... Richardson, Harvey .. Richardson, Mrs. L. Ridenour, C. L. ........ Rigg, W. P............... Rizor, H. M............... Roach, Robert .......... Roarty, D. E........,_____ Robins, J. A............... Robertson, John ...... Robison, J. T. ............ .. 7.17 ... 6.03 ... 5.90 ... 5.70 ... 6.55 ... 9.60 ... 10.94 ... 12.03 ... 2.72 ... 23.85 ... 9.25 ... 17.25 ... 5.90 ... 9.42 ... 9.73 ... 6.39 ... 7.18 .. 6.46 ... 36.74 ... 13.33 .. 10.49 ... 4.97 8.99 ... 8.99 .. 14.74 .. 10.49 8.35 .. 5.97 .. 18.78 .. 12.71 6.50 .. 13.81 .. 20.62 .. 22.87 .. 14.70 .. 6.01 .. 29.67 .. 36.89 .. 6.73 .. 12.05 .. 6.45 2.10 .. 16.63 .. 8.41 6.09 ... 11.41 .. 10.67 ... 6.01 ... 29.01 .. 9.84 ... 9.15 .. 11.65 ... 12.06 6.21 .. 8.99 ... 8.20 ... 14.55 ... 28.44 ... 6.82 ... 10.87 ... 5.73 ... 5.84 ... 12.65 ... 7.65 ... 11.22 ... 7.79 .. 6.95 ... 5.90 ... 6.21 ... 4.37 ... 9.38 ... 9.82 ... 5.84 ... 9.64 ... 8.99 ... 5.90 ... 13.11 ... 9.35 ... 6.50 ... 14.27 ... 10.94 ... 6.56 7.40 ... 7.80 ... 8.29 ... 13.58 ... 26.32 ... 10.94 ... 5.09 ... 25.63 ... 26.46 ... 10.14 ... . 30.59 ... 10.19 ... 5.46 ... 6.02 ... 15.72 ... 6.01 . 6.22 ... 6.45 ... 6.21 ... 12.24 ... 1.85 ... 7.27 . 7.19 . 2.35 5.84 6.39 ... 6.02 ... 6.25 ... 10.83 ... 6.45 ... 10.24 ... 20.94 ... 11.97 ... 5.33 ... 7.17 ... 13.47 ... 6.15 ... 16.84 ... 19.61 ... 9.98 ... 9.25 ... 8.20 ... 12.25 ... 6.21 ... 11.41 ... 5.90 ... 4.63 ... 16.10 ... 75.14 ... 5.84 ... 5.84 ... 29.33 ... 10.98 ... 8.95 ... 6.12 ... 9.35 ... 7.91 ... 9.97 ... 9.00 ... 8.61 ... 6.24 ... 5.09 ... 9.80 ... 14.09 13 60 ... 10,52 ... 12.69 ... 2.35 ... 8.32 ... 8.73 ... 19.69 ... 5.84 ... 27.71 ... 8.30 ... 6.31 6.57 Rodgers, U. G......................... Rolf, Hyram Dellbert ............ Rawlins, Frank .......................... Roof, Lewis .............................. Rose, Mrs. J. M...................... Roseland, Carl ........................ Ross, Roy ......'........................... Ross, W T m. & Chas. Deland .. Roup, G....................................... Rowden, Fred ........................... Russell, Wm............................... Rutledge, James ...................... Ryon, Albert .............................. 8 Samuels, A. G. .......................... Sandor, Joe ................ v .............. Sandman, Carl ........................ Sanger, James .......................... Satry, Steve ............................... Scanlon, John ............................. Scharff, R.................................. Scheerer, F. C............................ Schlickelmann, Henry ............. Scholfield, W. T...................... Schrader, Dr. H. F.................. Schufelbein, Carl ................'..... Schwartz, Tony ......................... Scott, Wright ............................ Searle, A, V........................... Seefluth, Wm............................. Seroy, John ............................... Sharon, E................................. Sharp, Bcrtice M.................... Sharp, Cyrus G.......................... Sharpstein, A............................ Shaw, Bert ................................. Shears, John ............................... Sherman, Fred J...................... Shiell, James ............................. Shiell, John .................."............. Shiller, Robert ......................... Shinnick & Lawler .................. Shipley, Chas......................— Shirtley, G. A........................... Shranger, S. W......................... Shuster, Albert ........................ Sias, Will ................................... Siebolt, Walter ........................ Simonson, C. C......................... Skinner, Edwin ....................... Skinner, J. O........................... Sloan, Elmer .............................. Small, F. J................................. Smiley, R. El............................. Smith, C. E............................... Smith, Cleveland ...................... Smith, Elma .............................. Smith, Gilbert .......................... Smith, John C........................... Smith, T. E.............................. Smith, Wm. .............................. Soderquist, Bros.................... Soper, Jos. H............................. Sperry, E. F............................... Sperry, Spot .............................. Stapleton, Wm............-........... Starkweather, Wm................. Steel, Chas............................— Steinbrink, Wed ...................... Steinfadt, Gust ....................... Stephens, Albert ...................... Stevens, R. C........................... Stewart, Harvey ........................ Stewart, Vernie ...............-....... Sttngley, G. A.......................... Stitz, A....................................... Stivens, John R......................... Stone, 1-ars ................................ Storm, O. O............................... Story, J. H................................. Strand, John .............................. Stump, A. J.............................. Stumpf, Phillip ........................ Sullivan, Mrs. J. J................. Sullivan & Robbins ................ Sverin, Harry ............................ Swanson, R. F........................... Swartz, Carl .............................. Swartz, John ............................ Swartz, Toney ............................ T Tavasinski, E. C....................... Taber, J. F............................... Tennant, Chas......................... Ternan, Alex ............................ Thompson, Chas. S................. Thompson, Earl ........................ Thompson, Gordon B................ Thompson, Construction Co. Thompson, Jas. & Andrew.... Thompson, Oscar A................. Thompson, Oscar C................. Tomson, O. S........................... Thomas, Leroy ........................ Thomas, Roy .............................. Thomas, Wilford .................... Tliorson, O. A......................... Thyron, Axel .....-......-............. Thyron, Eland .......................... Tobias, Chas. M....................... Torrison, T. T......................... Townsley, F. M......................... Trafton, Geo........................... Treadway, C. W. ....'................ Trusty, E. L............................... Tubbs, Harry ............................ Tuttle, Jas. H......................... Tuttle, W. W......-................... Twilliger, L. N......................... U Underdown, Walter Y........... V Vallery, C.....E........................... Vanaman, W. F......................... Vandenburg, C. A................... Vanhaur, Jerry ........................ Vickers, Dale ............................ W Wadman, Walfrid ...... Walden, J. W............ Walworth, P. M........ Ward, Friel .................... Warner, Roy H.......... Warner, Walter H...... Warner, C. G............... Wasc.l.ek, Anton .......... Watkins, E.................. Watkins, J. C............... Watson, D. C............... Watson, D. H. & Sor;s.. Watson, T. C................. Weaver, Frank ............ Weaver, H. H............. Wells, Bert .................. Wells. M. T..........-....... Welsh, Frank ................ Westerfield, J. A......... Westveer, Claude ........ Wetzig, John ................ White, Claude H......... White, John .................. Wheeler, W. W............. Whidden, Albert............ Wiedeman, W. A....... Wilde, Chas................. Wilder, Dr..................... Willis, Geo..................... Wilmore, Luis .............. Wilson, Alex ...........— Wilson, Allan .....-......... Wilson, Mrs. Ora .. Wilson, Robert M. — Wilson, T. F. ................ Wilt, Mrs. Mary ----- Wise, O. W................. Witte, Thomas —....... 8.89 9.38 3.43 6.21 7.21 5.84 9.35 9.49 17.90 7.44 5.90 6.01 14.27 .. 12.24 6.45 .... 9.12 .. 6.34 5.27 .. 9.35 .. 5.84 .. 5.84 5.84 .. 10.17 .. 12.34 .. 10.10 9.07 .. 10.00 5.90 5.46 .. 27.87 .. 9.60 6.34 6.01 5.84 6.75 .. 19.76 6.57 .. 10.90 .. 6.05 9.82 .. 21.19 6.76 .. 24.12 .. 10.87 8.57 .. 10.74 ... 10.91 5.33 .. 12.00 .. 7.64 ... 9.92 .. 11.61 .. 20.40 ... 7.00 ... 6.34 ... 5.84 6.64 .. 23.15 ... 5.73 ' 9.73 .. 63.20 ... 6.05 6.66 ... 7.98 ... 5.33 ... 10.57 ... 9.13 ... 6.82 ... 9.20 ... 7.17 ... 7.02 ... 10.90 ... 6.05 ... 8.27 ... 6.45 ... 6.01 ... 5.27 ... 28.22 ... 3.70 ... 5.75 ... 11.95 ... 8.01 ... 27.33 ... 33.01 ... 6.75 ... 10.24 .. 16.78 7.13 ... 9.18 18.47 36.78 5.65 6.39 11.50 14.24 6.20 34.04 102.88 7.22 14.75 7.29 13.45 13.30 6.20 6.10 13.17 . 9.09 12.71 18.64 10.93 6.39 22.30 19.98 6.32 14.26 5.84 6.02 10.43 ,15.27 23.15 5.84 9.94 6.39 11.86 6.95 5.00 ...4*18.99 8.38 8.00 .. 18.90 ... 12.71 6.02 ... 19.37 70.67 119.55' 10.08 6.57 5.84 10.76 14.11 11.90 41.45 5.75 13.10 6.01 15.09 6.50 5.84 13.00 6.39 20.96 9.45 6.21 6.10 14.25 7.87 5.46 13.30 5.75 11.56 8.13 i I 1 Wolfe, R................ 5.84 Wonti, Erick ................................ 6.45 Woods, Wm.................................. 7.94 Y Young, Mrs. Emma ...................... 1.49 Young, Frank .............................. 9.80 Z Zahradnick, Zoe ..... 5.78 Zalud, Chas................................... 11.02 Zella, Andrew................................ 6.01 Zibell, Homer ................................ 6.01 Blalsdell, Alfred .....................:.... 20.59 Healey, Ed................................... 33.61 Ming, W. H..................................... 9.04 Bishop, J. M............................... 17.34 McE'errin, W. B........................ 6.36 Kooistra & Jonker .................... 180.15 lusic, O. C. & Wm................... 40.46 Dorres, Mrs. W. E....................... 17.99 Emerson-Brantigham Co........... 16.28 Unknown Owner .......................... 8.01 Anderson, W. E.................. 16.53 Agriculture in Fergus County By Carl H. Peterson Fergus, the third largest county in the great state of Montana, is located in the geographical center of the state. It is about 115 miles from east to west and 60 north and south, con tains 7,178 square miles or a total of 4 593,920 acres, nearly half of which is deeded land. One may get a comparative idea of its immense size when one realizes that F'ergus county contains 938 square miles of territory more than the combined area of Rhode Island and Connecti cut. The county is naturally divided into two great divisions, the western or Ju dith Basin, and the eastern or plains district. The former is a large level plain between the Snowy mountains to the south, the Belts to the west and the Moccasin to the north and the Ju diths to the east. Including the moun tains within this boundary the basin comprises about one-half of the total area of county. The eastern half of the county, as stated abo" lies at the western border of the great plains area of the west with the Judith and Snowy mountains forming the back ground. The average elevation of the basin is around 4,100 feet and that of the eastern half around 3,300 feet above sea level. Drainage. The streams of the county arising in the mountains all flow towards the north and east, emptying into either the Missouri or Musselshell. These numerous streams provide am ple drainage for surrounding country, water for livestock and for irrigation purposes along the valleys. Minerals and Soils. The mineral resources of the coun ty comprise both metallic and non metallic. Gold in ore quantities ' has been mined in the Judith and North Moccasin mountains. Great gypsum deposits are found along Big Spring creek both above and below Lewis town. Large gypsum plans are be ing established at Heath and Hanover. Building stone is obtained from the Kootenai sandstone near Lewistown and elsewhere. Clay for manufactur ing high quality brick is also found in many localities. Coal, the princi pal non-metallic mineral, is found in many localities on upper Sage creek above Windham, Buck creek above Moore, Big Spring creek above Lew istown, Judith mountains east of Lew istown, and McDonald creek, Forest Grove. The soils of Fergus county are very productive, containing the principal plant food elements, nitrogen, potas sium and phosphorus. The surface soil usually varies in depth from a few inches to several feet. The sub soil is of a gravel limestone forma tion. Climate. The climate of Fergus county ap pears to appeal to all who have lived here. The winters are not as severe nor the summers as: hot as those of the eastern central states. The eastern part of the county be ing lower has a longer season than the basin, but has perhaps a lower precipitation. The precipitation is well distributed during the growing season, about 70 per cent falling dur ing that period. The average rain fall at the Moccasin substation ap pears to be 16.6 inches during the past 18 years, which is ample for the production of bountiful grain crops. Nearer the mountains the precipita tion is still greater. Another import ant factor that enters into the crop growth where climate is considered is the low evaporation of this section. Crops Grown. The Judith Basin and part of the eastern end are essentially winter wheat districts, having become famous for the yields and quality of Its Tur key Red. Spring wheats, both durum and Marquis, also do well. Flax is an other cash market crop. Barley and oats are grown for feeding purposes and are of exceptionally good qual ity. Corn will become one of the lead ing crops of the Musselshell district when that section becomes developed. Potatoes of excellent quality are grown in all parts, as well as all root crops. When the two irrigation proj ects in the Whinett section are de veloped sugar beet raising will be come one of the leading enterprises of that district. The principal forage crops grown are alfalfa, sweet clover, timothy and in some eastern districts Sudan grass corn for fodder purposes is also grown quite extensively in the Roy, Grass Range and Winnett sec tions. Practically no irrigation is practiced in grain growing, it being confined entirely to alfalfa and other grasses along the valleys. History of Agricultural Development. The history of stock raising in Fer gus county dates from 1880, when James Fergus located on the head of Armells creek, driving in that fall with 1,000 head of cattle, and Governor Hr P. Brooks, who located on Warm Springs creek with a large herd of cattle representing the T. C. Powers interests. During that and the following year J. D. Waite, Fred R. Warren. Sam Phillips, Major Wal lace, David Hilger, Bower brothers, Leslie Hamilton, Crowley brothers and others brought sheep into the Judith Basin. The first sheep, how Office of the County Treasurer of Fergus County. Lewistown, Mont., December 21, 1916. Notice is hereby given that the fore going list contains the names of the persons and a description of the prop erty which is delinquent for the taxes due the county of Fergus, for the year 1916, with the amount of taxes with the penalty and costs added, opposite each name. Unless the taxes delinquent as aforesaid, with the per centage and costs are paid, the real property, upon which the taxes are a lien, will be sold at public auction, on Tuesday, the 18th day of January, A. D. 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m., in front of the county treasurer's of fice in Lewistown, Mont. Given under my hand and seal this 21st day of December, 1916. R. G. POLAND, Treasurer of Fergus County, Mont. ever .that were brought into the county were brought in by Robert Sullenger, the preceding year, and wintered on Spring creek above Lewis town. Frank Stoddard drove in from White Sulphur Springs in 1882, lo cating in the foothills of the Judiths. Among the other early stockmen of eastern Fergus were Oscar Stephens of the McGinnis and Roy section about 1SSU. Oppheim and Tiegen settled on r.he McDonald creek in 1883, later the 0. H. and S. outfit, the N-Bar and oth ers followed. There were hundreds >f thousands of cattle and sheep roam ing on the open ranges of the county. During the winter of 1885-1886, known to all oldtimers as the hard winter when an unusually heavy loss of cattle was sustained, the sheep in dustry from that date flourished un til for the next 10 years Fergus re mained the banner sheep county of the state. While farming was carried on to some extent from the advent of the old stockmen, yet it was not carried on to any considerable extent until the year of 1900, when a number of Gallatin valley farjpers emigrated into the Judith Basin, settling near Moore, and demonstrated that grains could be grown profitably on the benches without irrigation. Among these early settlers were Penwell and sons, John Gaston, Clarence Robin son, Dan Caffman, Bob Shaw and others. Immediately following, the settlement near Moore others came in and took up homesteads near Lew istown, Glengarry, Hobson, Bench land, Stanford, Coffee Creek and Den ton. Later others settled near Hil ger, Winifred, Roy, Grass Range and Winnett. Perhaps no like area in the world saw such a rapid devel opment during a few years as this region did, due in a large measure to the introduction of labor saving im plements and the large yields of grain received. During this home stead period the cattle and sheep range was gradually cut up, with the result that no longer were the pas tures dotted with livestock as in the past. Stockmen disposing of their large holdings, but 'no county has yet been able to build up a permanent agriculture without livestock, and Fergus county was no different. Grad ually the farmers began to increase their livestock holdings until it may not be long until there will be more cattle and sheep shipped out of the county than there were during any year of the palmiest days of the open range. The following data gathered from the assessors' files indicate in a meas ure the recent growth of the live stock industry: 1913—Horses, 17.275; assessed val ue, $760,550. Cattle, 5.917; assessed value, $141,786. Hogs, 2,863; assessed value, $14,315. 1916—Horses, 25,342; assessed val ue, $1,070,986. Cattle, 52 797; assessed value, $1,218,399. Hogs, 8,402; as sessed value, $43,002. Prior to 1^(13 practically all of the dairy products used in the county were shipped in from outside points. The following statement of the Fergus county creamery from June 1, 1914, when they began operation, unftl September, 1916, indicate the growth of that industry: Amount but ter fat bought, 419 102 pounds; paid farmers, $132,190.68. In addition, much was sold as butter by farmers during this period. Farmers' Elevators. During the past two or three years great strides have been made by farmers in the matter of forming their own marketing associations in the form of co-operative' elevator companies. There are at present 20 farmers' elevator companies, nearly a,ll of these being operated on the patronage dividend basis. Fergus county schools also have a splendid rural school system and one county high school and several vil lage high schools. These schools are fast becoming noted for their many services rendered by then^ to the people of the county. The following indicates their growth; Jan. 1, 1913—No. rural schools, 87; enrollment, 1,379; village schools, 6; enrollment, 610. Jan. 1, 1916—No. rural schools, 158; enrollment, 2,117; village schools, 20; enrollment, *1.275. Rapid as may have been the de velopment of Fergus county during the past, the changes that will take place during the next decade will be even more rapid and striking. Every thing that will be done from now on is to build up a permanent agricul ture. -O-- FROM THE MUSSELSHELL. George Burke, of the firm of Burke & Son, arrived from the Musselshell yesterday morning over the Milwau kee after swinging another one of his big deals. He reports seeing prairie dogs and state there has beta no snow whatever down there. He also said that the country has developed wonderfully in the last two years and is fast coming to the front as a corn country. -O-- O. C. Osbume, a prominent land man of Miles City, is in the city on