Newspaper Page Text
—DEMOCRAT WANT ADS CJNE CENT A WORD To avoid extra bookkeeping, the Democrat does not open new ac counts on Want Ads and terms are cash with order except to those having a charge account Wanted WANTED—SEALED BIDS FOR FUR nishing lumber and material for a school house on section 23, township 12 range 26. Plans and specifications can be seen at the home of J. J. Rich ardson, Flatwiilow, Mont. Board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. J. J. Richardson, Clerk. Lott or Strayed. STRAYED —A BALD FACED SOR rel mare; wire cut on right front foot; branded like cut on left thigh; weight about_ 1300 lbs. $10 for Information leading to return to A. K. Randall, Moccasin, Mont. 12-21-16-lt LOCAL BRIEFS John Wilson of Stanford is in the city. Mrs. L. D. Smith of Windham is in the city. E. Miller of Denton was in the city Saturday. P. Stockholm arrived Friday from Geraldine. S. S. Hobson was in the city from Great Falls. S. L. Wilson of Buffalo is a caller in the city. Tom Perkin left on Monday's train for Melstone. A. S. Wright was in from New Year Monday. F. H. Clinton of Anaconda spent Fri day in the city. Wade Stillwagen of Roy is in the city on business. Clarence Nixon of Denton is in the city on business. J. H. Hooseman of Denton spent Friday in the city. Jack Summers, wife and children are in the city from Roy. Mrs. I. I. Koenigsberg of Cotton wood bench is in the city. George Van Cleave of Fergus is a business caller in the city. C. H. Steele is in the city from his ranch on upper East Fork. Walter Kojetin of Danvers is a busi ness visitor in the county seat. County Commissioner .Barney and son of Denton are in the city. Charles H. Newton of Alice, Mon tana, is a visitor in Lewistown. J. B. Holmes of Benchland was a business caller in the city Tuesday. Farm loans; lowest rates; no cash commission; no delay. B. A. Gum ming, 406 Bank-Electric building, Curtis Peck, a Winifred realty deal er, is transacting busness in the me tropolis. A. R. Frame, a prominent rancher of the Roy country, is a visitor in Lewistown. Morris McLaughlin, a clerk at the Buffalo bank, is in the city visiting with relatives. C. W. Nelson and wife of Grass Range were in the city from their ranch Saturday. James Lowe, a business man of Moore, was transacting business in the city Friday. Homer E. Gies, the Winnett attor ney, was a business caller at the county seat Tuesday. Mrs. Harrison of Denton is in the city, having disposed of her restau rant at that place to a Great Falls party. Joseph King, Jr., who has been ill will pneumonia, is improving rapidly and will soon be able to leave Wood lawn hospital. Fireman Ramsey, who was severe ly burned in the recent wreck of the Milwaukee at Harlowton, is reported as getting along nicely. Ben F. Hills and G. M. Falls of Cof fee Creek, are delegates to the Farm ers' Federation at .Billings which meets December 19-22. Mrs. Beatton, formerly Miss Edith Dawes of Lewistown, spent Friday in the city. She will leave shortly for Spokane where she will make her future home. Zensal stops the itching of eczema. Sold by Seiden Drug Co. Farm Loans at 7 Percent We have recently made ar rangements for unlimited funds to place on good, desirable farm land. We can now make you the lowest rate and offer op tional payments. It is to the Interest of anyone planning on making a farm loan to see us before placing your loan. We make loans promptly and you get your money quickly. No red tape. You deal direct with us. We Make FARM LOANS at 8E, With Optional Pay ments. Lewistown State Bank H. L. BILLS, President | 1| Dick Sehinidt of Winnett is a visitor in the city. R. \V. Ross of Billings spent Friday in Lewistown. L. P. Sharp of Moore is a business caller in the city. John Parker left Tuesday for his home at Stanford. Frank Wadsworth was in the city from Roy Tuesday. Mrs. Archie Harrigan of Grass Range is in the city. Rudolph Miller made a business trip to Moore Friday. J. C. Ford of Denton left for an ex tended visit to Omaha. Lois Wiper of Winnett was visit ing in the city Tuesday. J. W. O'Brien of Hobson reported for jury duty Monday. Miss Frances Peacock of Lennep is a visitor in the city. M. B. Boarman, the Roundup attor ney, was in town Monday. N. W. Clayton, the insurance man of Salt Lake City, is in town. R. M. Murray of Billings is trails -1 acting business in Lewistown. A. Stockpol and M. Fintch of Den ton were in the city Monday. Gus Peterson of Natal was a busi ness caller in the city Tuesday. Miss Minnie Nelson of Maukato is visiting in the city with friends. Mrs. Frank Stephens from the Ma ginnis country is a visitor in the city. Miss Jessie Boles, a teacher of the Utica schools, was in the city Sun day. William E. Woods, a prominent j rancher of Beckett, is a visitor in the ; city. Frank Barta jr„ a prominent ranch er of the Moore country, is a caller In the city. Attorney T. W. Church of Great Falls, is in the city attending to legal matters. P. L. Terrell, a prosperous rancher of the Moore country, is a caller in Lewistown. Mrs. Effie Potter is in the city from Spokane visiting with her sister, Mrs. Sam Weaver. Mrs. Gill Koolistra left Tuesday for Chicago where she will visit during the holidays. E. V. Alexander, editor of tl\e Win nett Times, was a business caller in the city Saturday. J. Wernick, special agent of the Milwaukee with headquarters at Seat- | tie, is in the city. ! Charles Packer left on Monday's | train for Denver, where he will visit j for several weeks E. R. Cobb, a prominent real estate man of the Geyser country, arrived on Monday's train. C. E. Lowrey, a prosperous farmer of Windham, was a business visitor in the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Parker and chil dren of the Hobson country are in the city on business. Tom Erickson, a fireman on the Milwaukee, left Sunday for an extend ed trip in the east. Mrs. B. F. Gordon left Saturday for her home at Straw after several days' visit in the city. State Game Warden J. L. De Hart of Helena attended the meeting of the sportsmen here Friday. Arthur J. Harding, a prosperous homesteader of the Sand Spring coun try, was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. A. E. Mortz of Moore left on Saturday's train for her home, after Saturday's train for her home, after visiting for several days in the city. For eczema try Zensal. Sold by Sciden Drug Go. Mesdames Quin Pierce and Burma Davenport are in the city from Moc- | casin visiting with Mrs. C. W. Wil son. John A. Anderson left on yester day's train for St. Joe, Mo., where he will spend the holidays with relti tives. Miss Lizzetta Stokes, who formerly attended the local business college, is in the city from Big Timber on a short visit. C. B. Ainsworth, the well known real estate dealer, returned to Lewis town last evening after a business visit at Ryegate. A1 Stroebehlin of the Montana Ele vat or company returned to Lewistown last evening after a few days' visit in Meagher county. Eighth grade examinations will he held in Lewistown on Jan. 10 and 11. Leila M. Baker, County Superintend ent of schools. 12-21-3t. Mrs. T. A. Berkin, who has just re turned to the city from a visit in the Flatwiilow section, leaves today for a KMKS™ Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Hornick. la., are Lewistown arrivals, coming' in on last night's Milwaukee. They are en route to California for the win issued Marriage licenses have been issued to Charles Petranek and Miss Mar garet Moore of Roy, and Elmer W. Beck and Miss Elsie Anderson of Lewistown. Charles Rish and J. J. Gallinger and wife left yesterday afternoon over the Great Northern for Pittsburg, where they will visit for some time. Julius Barney, the laundry magnate, has returned home from a stay of some length at Helena, where he has been looking after his interests. Minnie Peters, a homesteader of the Denton country, left on Mon day's train for Omaha, where she will visit for several months, returning to her claim in the early spring. County Superintendent Leila Baker hgs taken advantage of this season, when the country schools are closed, to run down to Salt Lake City to spend Christmas with her mother. Thomas Marlowe ,a prominent at torney of Missoula, attended the sportsmen's convention here. This is Mr. Marlowe's first visit to Lewis town and he is greatly impressed by the size and activity of this city. Mrs. A. M. Peterson of Grass Range spent several days visiting in the city. Mr. Peterson formerly worked for tlie Milwaukee here, but at present holds the position of agent at Grass Range. Judge Carruth and wife of Havre represented the entire northeastern part of Montana at the sportsmen's convention Friday. Judge Carruth is a prominent citizen and an en thusiastic sportsman of Havre. This is his first visit to Lewistown and he is greatly enthused over the size df the city. Plenty of money to loan on well Im proved farms and ranches at 714 per cent, and on second class farms at 8 per cent,. No red tape of any kind. Come in and see me or mail me your application. John M. Howland, Imis luud Block, Lewistown, Mont. Montana, $1.18 Lewistown Markets Corrected daily by the Lewistown Chamber of Commerce for the benetit of the farmers of Fergus county. Wheat-No. 1 northern, $1.41; No. [ 2 northern, $1.36; No. 3 northern,; $1.20; No. 2 hard Montana, $1.33; No. , wt x : . , , 3 hard Montana, $1.26; No. 4 hard No. 1 durum, $1.39; i No. 2 durum, $1.32. Flax—No. 1, $2.50; No. 2, $2.45. !____ J. Chester and wife are in tlio city from Winifred, Miss E. Brown arrived on Fri day's train from Straw, O. C. Osburn, a real estate dealer D f Miles City, is in town. N. Straatrma of Coffee Creek is n caller in the county seat. Charles M. Barnes left Sunday for his ranch at Tiegen, Mont. Jim Shoemaker of Helena is tran g ac ting business in the city. Hans Nelson, from the Castle creek] country, is a business visitor. j Forest Pribble of Winnett was a business (taller in the city Sunday, \v ,c. Wright and wife of Harlow Won are business callers in the city, William P. Sullivan and wife of Square Butte are business visitors in t | le c jty. a. W. Beck, a prominent rancher 0 f Castle Butte is in the city on busi Ilegs matters. Albert Faelin, a prominent farmer of tlie Ross Fork country, was In the city Saturday. Mrs. N. J. West left yesterday for Denver, where she will visit until after the holidays. Galen Heise, salesman of the Hart Parr company of Great Falls, spent Sunday in Lewistown. Mrs. Harry Lay left Friday for San Francisco and other California points to spend the winter. George F. Baumgartner, a brakeman on the Milwaukee, left Monday for Texas to spend Christmas. Cole Pear, formerly employed at Lehman's department store, left on Monday's train for Chicago. L. G. Parsons, assistant cashier of the First National bank at Moore, is | a .business caller in the city, ! J. H. Kidd, a well-known liomestend | er 0 |> me Brooks country, was in the j c jt y Monday, making final proof. George Wigelanda, one of the leus ors of the Cumberland mine at Maiden, is transacting business in the city. Emil Kdman passed through Lewis town yesterday on his way to Winnett after several weeks' visit in Minneap olis. P. J. Osweiler returned Saturday from the western coast after visiting at Portland and Seattle for the past Mrs. Tobin and daughter, Miss Mabel, have returned from a pleas ant visit with their friend, Mrs. Hat ton, formerly a resident of this city, but now located in Lewistown.—Har lowton Press. Douglas C. Morrison and Vera R. White, both of Pine Grove, were mar ried Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock by Rev. A. Pfaus at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford White, 313 W. Bebb street. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison will make their home at Pine Grove. SIX LEWISTOWN°in HAVE SUCCESS IN HUNTING ELK Each having bagged an elk, a party ot - six Lewistown business men re turned Tuesday after a week's hunt ing expedition near the borders of Yellowstone National park. in tlie party were Philip Laux, James Weaver, John Gilkerson, Gus Hodel, Charles Woodworth and Ed Weaver. Each man got his. It is said that Gilkerson had a thrilling experience and a lot of trouble in landing his elk. He used the last shell and only succeeded in wounding the animal, it was then up to Johnny to run the elk down, which he did after a valiant effort. -----O-- SNOW IS DEEP. Reports from various parts of the county indicate a heavy snowfall the past week. In Lewistown it snowed considerably yesterday, and sleighing is good. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lake of Natal, who were In the city yesterday, I asarJTJJaris: s = this early in the s ®® so "' " of the Gr ® at men in places drifts are twelve feet deep, Eugene Howe of Beaver Creek, who is living in Lewistown, reports the heaviest snow in years in that section. The heavy coating of snow is wel comed by tlie farmers. ROUSH FUNERAL HELD. The funeral services of the late Robert Roush of Denton were con ducted Tuesday from Creel's chapel, Rev. Chas. M. Donaldson officiating. The deceased was a workingman who at various times had been employed by Mr. Eagan, Mr. Miller and others , near Denton. As the whereabouts of relatives was unknown Mr. Eagan and Mr. Miller arranged for the funeral, j FOR THE CENSUS. Born—December 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walsh, a son. Born—December 14, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Byassee, a daughter. Born -December 14, to Mr. and Mrs C. O. Barmore, a son. AT LAST A CURE FOR RHEUMA TISM. I have a simple German herb tea that has proven wonderfully effective in cases where all other remedies failed. Write or call for information concerning this wonderfully remedy. MRS. M. BUDDE, (Reg. German Mid-Wife) Box 183 Great Falls, Montana Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, Dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zen sal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal— 75c a jar. Seiden Drug Company Catarrh Cannot He Cured with LdTAL ArriilCATlONs. ihe.v cannot roach the scut of the <llseu.v . t .ten h id a Mood or constitutional dlaeuse, and it. onlri* to cute it you must take internal remedies Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts direct!* upon the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. li was pro scribed by one of tlie best physicians in this rSl'J.M"''Si ~ btned with the best blood purifiers, netinir di- I reetly on the mucous surfaces The perfect combination of the two Ingredients | s what pro duces such wonderful results In curing catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY * CO. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, prlis Take flail's l .iuiUy Pills for cousti[>at!oa. lit THE LICENSES ROOMING HOUSE PROPRIETORS WHO WERE CONVICTED ARE CITED TO APPEAR. _ CITY IS TO HAVE A POLICE MATRON! The city council Monday, after listening to a summary of the result of the trials of rooming house keep-] ers by City Attorney O. O. Mueller, decided to cite all of those convicted to appear before the council on Jan nary 2 at 2 p. m. ami show cause why their licenses should not be re voked. The rooming houses making up tliis list include the Sapphire, Elkhorn, Acme, Beaver, European, Weaver, Majestic, Judith and Silver. The entire list of persons convicted lias already appeared in this news paper except Col. C. li. Sliomo and Mrs. Sliomo, whose cases were hold under advisement until yesterday morning when they were adjudged guilty and a fine of $150 each imposed. Previous to that the total lines im posed were $1,950. Police Matron. The police committee reported in favor of the employment of a police matron to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Berkin. Mayor Symmes announced that he would make an appointment in a short time, to be submitted to tlie council. Mrs. Julia Snyder filed her petition for appointment as police matron. Tlio Woman's club submitted a pe tition signed by 495 members asking lor the appointment ol a police matron. To Lead Grand March. An invitation from the Lewistown be given by tlie union on December 28, was. accepted and Mayor Symmes was instructed to accept the invita tion to lead the grand march. E. E. Carruthers was appointed cus todian of the municipal skating pond with police authority . Judge E. W. Mettler was given leave of absence for thirty days. Pay Detectives. The bills of Detectives J. R and W. H. Thompson, brought in here I to investigate the rooming houses, j amounting to $330, were allowed. The park committee and city en gineer were instructed to take up the matter of constructing ditches at the old city park and surveys of the new city park were ordered. Tlie Great Northern was instructed to open Prospect street, in Judith place. A petition for a street light near I jnl( , J ' A petition a tlie easterly end of Judith place was referred. Mrs. Sadie Milter and Mrs. flora M. Roberts filed petitions for rooming house licenses, both being referred. Community Tree. ( A. A. Franzke represented that plans had been completed for a community Christmas tree and asked that tlie committee be allowed to place tlio tree, next Saturday night from 6:30 until 8 o'clock, on Main street be tween Fourth and Fifth avenues and to rope off a space for the school cliil dren, who will sing carols and hymns. Granted. Charles J. Marshall, representing the Empire bank, called attention to certain warrants issued on boulevard improvement district No. 1, in regard to which some complications have arisen, and asked that an adjustment be made. Tlie bank had bought tlie warrants because tlie city had pledged its faith and credit to hack them and ♦he bank had not made any particular profit from tlie deal. It would be un just for the city to make the bank stand the loss, if there was to be any j loss. The mayor stated that he would take the matter up with the finance committee at once and make a report. Chief Bebb. reporting for tlie fire department for November, stated that there had been five alarms during ♦lie month, witli a total loss of $25. The expenses of the department were *573. The cost of maintenance for the auto truck was $5.55, as com pared with $38.60 for the fire team , attending last night's meeting jn a( j(jition to Mavor 'Symmes, were j Attorney Mueller. City Clerk Fit ! j e"y E>igineor Birkland, Chief Ray, and Aldermen Matthews, Ves trem, Smith, Kindschy, d'Autremont and Wentworth. DEATH OF MRS. CORRELL. Mrs. Anna Correll, widow of David Gorrell, died Saturday at her homo it the corner of First avenue and j Dawes street, after a long illness. The ] decedent was 42 years of" age and is j survived by two grown daughters here and one residing in tho state of Wash ington. The funeral was held at the Rev. E. L. Kechley of the Chris | tian church officiated. -O MR. CHASE LEAVES. F. H. Chase of the agricultural de partment of tlie college at Bozeman, who spent the past week assisting Carl Peterson with the farm work meeting, left yesterday for Great Falls and Helena, where he will hold con ference meetings with the agricul tural departments. —------O SHED IS BURNED. A shed on Water street, above Tentli avenue, next to the J. W. Sei den residence, caught fire Friday afternoon and the fire department was called out. The shed, a cheap affair, and some furniture, were destroyed. The total loss, however, was very small. SERVICES IN HONOR OF THE GREAT DAY TO BE HELD HERE ON SUNDAY NEXT. THE COHIMUNliY CHRISTMAS TREE Arrangements have been practical ly completed by all the churches for , the usual Christmas services to lit Held next Sunday, December 24. Thei't will also he elaborate i lirtsimas Decs for the children of the Smulay schools. Community Tree. Tlio most uotahle feature of tin tilt whole observance iIlls year will be the community Christmas true, to be set up on Main street, near Filth avenue. All the churches and the SEW? <=^1 and u special eommltleo is working] diligently to make tile tree a success flic exercises will bo somewhat out j .if Hie ordinary this year. On Sutur ; day evening next the school children.] who have been specially trained b> j M iss Edith Foley, superintendent ol | ! music in the public schools, will carry j out a program of carols and hymns around the tree, this singing to Iasi I about half nil hour. Copies of tile j songs have been printed for general distribution. Then, when (he singing s over, Santa Claus will come down Main street hill in a gorgeous equip age, provided with hundreds of lit sacks of candy that will be distrib uted. The tree, of course, will he beautifully Illuminated and tastefully decorated. Following is in brief, an outline of the Christmas observances of the various churches; Episcopal. Sunday Regular morning services at 11. Children's Christmas tree at the Parish house at 7:30. Monday Cigporato communion ol ho parish at S. Morning prayer fol I lowing at 8:20. Special choir and ! music at 11, with second celebration i f the Holy Communion. Tlie church will be decorated by T U. llaller and | committee. Christian. Saturday Christmas trot primary grades at 3. Sunday Special Christina at 11, with special music for tlr a service by Mis Til ," r ' I Methodist. Sunday- Christmas services will b< held at il, the subject being, "Christ's Message of Peace." The White Gift service will bo at 7:30 with a special organ recital and a tree for the children. Baptist. Sunday Regular morning services at 11. Christmas tree and enteriatn merit, by tlie Sunday schuol children ' at 7:30. I peelul I bserved ! i Presbyterian. Sunday - The White Gift service will lie observed with special music by the choir at 11. The siilijed of tlie sermon will be, "Tlie Prince of Peace. Sabbath school at 12:13. Special song service of Christmas carols at 7:30. St. Leo's. Sunday Mass at 0:30, 9 and 10:30. There will l)o no other special Hcrv ices. German English Lutheran. Sunday—Christmas program and tree given by the children ol this church will take place at the old lx. of r, hall. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The program given by tlio ehildroi will be as follows: German-English Lutheran Sunday school program— "Tlie Wise Men From the East. Hymn Congregation. Responsive reading. Prayer—Pastor. Recitation, "Greeting," Geo. Wagner i Song—Sunday school and class "The Christmas Story........ Questions] $500.00 REWARD i The undersigned, members of the j Fliitwillow and Tyler ( reek Stock I're- ! fe.tive Association, offer a standing reward of $500.00 for the arrest and ] conviction - killing any OWNERS ('. A. Erickse Stealing or belonging BRANDS - _ , Ge ° rK <' "• Jn " k8,,,, | John C. Fishburn Perry C. I loath Dorman Jackson j ] j | William 1* Kizer C. A Nelson Man us Nelson on right shoulder on left shoulder I on left shoulder III left shoulder James II. Newman Thomas G. Nielsc us right alder in left shoulder T. K. Nichols F. D. Sheeks N. C. Nelson m left shollldel On l ight hip EDWARD C. RUSSEL, Secretary. C. A. NELSON. President. , The First National Bank Of Lewistown. UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTROL RESOURCES.....$3,000,000.00 STRONG PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL Interest Paid on Deposits at Four Per Cent and answers. Sunday school class. Address ol welcome Helen Roe,ike. ■tecitutum, "Thu First Christmas Tree'' Frieda Brinkniann Why Did lie c ome?" Exercise for six children Marian Patterson, lal liun Tubbs, John Faust, Edith Pool ter, .lack llengluml, Leona Spiess. Recitation, "Only a Fair, Young Mother" Edith Poet,or. .Song, "Christmas Morning" Lucitu and Narniiie Hii hard.. < 'hrisi mas Class. Recitation Itoi-tint imi story, " I'lie Sncphcrds I j Fred Wagner The Christmas Sermon" Dorothy Wagner "I'lie Wise Mon in Jerusalem." The search. Sunday school class. Recitation, "Tlie Christmas Star" Dorothy Jo Dialogue for one large girl and n small children—Elsie Jcnni, It Jennl, Lillian Tubbs, John Faust,fane ltoyce Percival, Kenneth Syverson, Marian Patterson, Edith Puotter, Lois Poet ter, Leonora SpicsH. Recitation, "Pence on Earth" ............................... Arthur i'nttersoi "What Jesus Brought" Lncile Richard Song Sunday school class. Recitation, "Holy Balm" Caroline Wagin' | i] , il Recitation, "Why Do Children Sing'." | citation n Recitation in Hernia: lit llaller citation, r ilia u Anna Boniigriiolioi "Welcome to Earth" Edna Rout her Recital ion, "The Wondrous Story" Margaret Jcnni Song, "Silent Night" Sunday school and olasii Recitation, "Tlio Wise Mon From the East" Elsie .lentil Recital ion, "la There No 1 tooni ? Lds Pocttor Recitation in German Herbert 1 Insider Recitation in Gorman Selina Boniigrio'lier Dialogue, "Christmas Spelling l.ns soil," nine children Kenneth Svver son, Selma l.arson, George Wagner. Leonora Spiess, Arthur Patterson, Emma Richards, Ro.vco Borclvnl, Dorothy Irwin, Alice Rout lo r. Recitation, "And Worshipped Him" Edna Rentier Song Dorothy Irwin, Selma l-araim and Alice Tubbs. Recitation, "Merry Christinas" .......................... Lena I'orvlcnl Recitation Narinne Richards "The Wise Men to" On the way. Class. Recitation Recitation Address by pastor. Hymn Congregation Distribution of gifts. Alice Tubbs Male-la. Kroll wault SERIOUS CHARGES AGAINST THE FIVE HOBSON MEN FALL FLAT Five Hobson men were exonerated Tuesday afternoon in Judge Bras Key's court when they appeared on a hearing charged with criminal as Phe men involved were Reno Wudley, Ollie J. Rosenland, llessle E. Palmer, Do yd Sedgewlck and .lames Maloney. Tlie charge filed against them by tlio state was criminal as sault The defendants were represented by j j. c. Huntoon and Charles J. Mar- j shall. Judge Brassey granted the . motion of the attorneys for the de f.mse that the cases against tlio men j |„, dismissed on the ground that prob a b] e cause was not shown. -Q— .. | OFF FOR CALIFORNIA. Mr. and Mrs. Wasmansdorff and children left this morning for Santa Barbara to spend Christmas with Mr. WasmunsdotTPs mother. Mr. Was mnnsdorff expects to return it....... ... ately after the holidays, and Mrs. Was niailsdorl'f, with children, will probably extend tlie visit over several months, During IPs return trip Mr. Wasmnns-i dorff intends to Inspect all tlie hotel buildings of recent construction along: tlie const us well as Halt Lake City. acquainting himself witli everything In the way of new conveniences along hotel lines. ------- O --- MRS. CORRELL'S FUNERAL. Tlie funeral of tlio late Mrs. Anna Correll, which was set for tomorrow, is to tie lie'd at 2 o'clock this after noon from the Creel chapel, n brother having arrived here last night, some what earlier than was expected, Friends of tlie family are respectfully invited to attend. ------ ty ...... W. Cochrane and wife of Winifred are in tlie city. Farm Mortgages We tire prepared to make conservative loans on well improved farms in 1 lit; Judith lTasin til very reasonable rates. We can save money for anyone who is pinning a new loan or changing an existing mortgage. Empire Bank and Trust Company LEWISTOWN, MONTANA DOUBLE WEDDING, WITH BRIDES AND GROOMS ET.OM WEST SIDE, IS THE FEATURE. and both of ( I'eter Otilniir ol Colt Julia '/onir POPULAR SCHOOL TEACHER WEDS A double wedding occurred ut tlio Methodist parsonage Tuesday alter noon, the contracting parties being Ra perl McCnlTorty and Miss Ethel M. Creek, and mil and Miss >k of Deaton. The two were performed by the s M. Donaldson. ■romonli Rev. t'liarl Mi-s I red. CILBERSON—CUHRAS. •sdiiy evening a! 8 o'clock the ago of Henry I., (lilherson mid Charlotte Curias, both of Wild occurred at the Methodist par o, llie Rev. Donalds.....d'fielat liig. MARTIN—HARRIS. Ernest L. Martin and Miss Marie 1*1 Harris of Kuchin, Mont., were married here Tuesday afternoon, Judge It. II. Foley performing the ceremony. LONG—DUNAVAN. Tuesday morning occurred the marriage of (I.....'go II. Ling and Miss Nancy I >un:i van , both well known young people of \iileirii, Mont. Tlie ceremony was performed at. the Moth edict parsonage in tile presence of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. lxi/.er and Mrs. Donald, en, all warm friends of the bride, and Mr. Donaldson officiated. The bride lias been a successful teacher in Fer gus county for several years and the best, wishes of ninny friends are ex .t-mlcd for her future happiness. Mr, Long Is a well-known rancher in the Roy country, where they will reside. DICKSON—GATES. Ward It. Dickson, a well-known randier of Hecket section, and Miss Minnie Cutes of Tyler were married at the Day house Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. H. P. Crego of the Baptist i hiirdi performing Hie ceremony. One of the biggest ranch deals re corded In a considerable time lias just been dosed up through tho Empire Lmd compuny, the concern selling to I). S. Thompson of Ovaiido, Wash., for $65 an acre the fine J. W. Puernor ranch property of 750 acres, located between Lewistown and Moore, near the water tank. Ids is considered one of tlie host j | arm properties in tho Judith basin j M| . Thompson, tho purchaser, has . )(0 ,. n over all sections of Montana and H „ VH hl , f aV nrs the Judith basin to j uny otlior part of tho state. THREE NEW CONTESTS. | Three new contests were filed yea torday In the local land office, in each j instance abandonment being allegeu. <'| U -[ Bergtson of Winnett has filed |. t contest against August F. Kteuger, | a ,j,irons unKnown, for laud situated in j :n-16-27. 11. E. Gles Is attorney for contestant. C. Henry Lewis of Roy ] | 1!ls niod a contest against William j p,. av ,. H „f Winifred, involving home Hte .„j f|n„g in 32-33-22-23. McKoin & i Cromer are attorneys for contestant, Wallace J. Craig of Grass Range has ] filed a contest against C. Yates, Mr ] Kolii & Cromer being attorneys for | contestant, J -------3--— CHRISTINA BOOMING. ! j am es McDowell and Paul Knots, j two well known business men of Chris tina, were in the city Tuesday. They report business in their town good, a new hank and another elevator being 1 at present contemplated for tliut city. j -----------O--- ] Mrs. William Ogle, an employe of j the Power Mercantile company, left j on yesterday's train for Pierre, S. D„ where she will spend the holidays with ' iier parents.