OCR Interpretation

The Mineral argus. [volume] (Maiden, Mont.) 1883-1886, August 09, 1883, Image 4

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036227/1883-08-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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W o o d .1T fl D Y BYmL L & V R O O M A N . `
1 n .o e y mr - 1..... .... ...... ... . ia
T onth ............................ X
t i . .. . ... ... 1 .e
v r a diversity of favorable and
.-o circumsiances and 'navoid
. dela}* in getting tlh necessary
nOiptacnts rppert.'ining to the pub
shiug of a newspaper, shipped here
from the East, we present our first
issue to the public, hoping that our
a effort will be appreciated, and prove
a mnaterial benefit to our camp. the
551 mines and surrounding countr.
We liave Mtarted this pubiihcation at
'solheitatiofl )f the Iliuilaug and
ow eret of the Warm Springs
,t, u .9t ndt za:+ t)Le Q(fWt cudl of
/ teagioer County, anu pr pose t( make
our allat not only a ine \ lflper but
a large portion of it de~votel to wuin
no«. cl-aziniZ and agiriculture.
W'e earo.:atly ,oljc~it the co-opera I
Jireceflº) an'i generous a.id Of the inunj
* pllt "er id ' 1k1inter(sts ot this locality!]
f ain',! 4ut ejv ounity. and .re w ill
t l nt~ne title to Fn.e-9fiill fill the
ff~d '-C have ciiotieu, and umak'e the
. O .f 2. Ai vi fill f\j)I nft of till
,lver ity of it(H')urce's that here1
,b )ind, and pflrtit'JlflYl the grreat
C ~ n iii.ra iut~re t~.
- c shail aii to be independent in
i e but the beat
D j t ,ay in power
` ra: i'S a.jpiring to power, as no
arty or faction has any elaim on us.
A iaVI a are here to build up the material
1 s,ý uocial interests of this re ion, but
.c champions of no clique or ring.
a. ;e fcd confident of the ultimate
en e of our ventre and know tL. t
1h 'natits to be derived to the busi
eii interests here and eliewherv are
s ý nd CiAn computation.
e* interests here and elnewnere are
Sý and computation.
9 A ilhtrai th,
. e tslV in reed of a good
i onee, doing a regular bank
Iusiness. The inaugurators of Ir
fl an establish.,nt in our town are
D ti to dos4 large and constantly ,{
using business. A great portion
e employee of the various mines
r o aid off in ftrats, and to readily
ht t.rt these ixjem into 1'. S. cur- "
the ; ioldezg would gladly pa' n
count t imoney changers ask.
merchants and buhinesa
1 d, and would appreciate v
:j~tss advantages derived, as it
wive the risks and deleays in
"money in registered letters
e" the necessity of keeping on
t great amount of ready cash,
nIsh a secure place for such as
ted to office safe, for monies, chat
abbW., in case of fire. The Geld is
a mbraasig ý
ia oeapparent
mashae crowded
fad a dagizuaa.
' Va go
Lager. Whet wib the TiM
AdvertiUSer. the new deal and the tel
esraph cgeratnrr still out, the citisens
of that berg ought to be happy.
And lm papers are unkmd
to intimate- that Preiddent
Arthur'a trip to the National Park is
an advertising scheme in the interest
of that resort.
In this our first issue we have en
deavored to give as near a full and con 4
cise description of the Warm Springs
mining district as space would allow.
A large number of locations had to be
omitted. but we intend to make men
tionof all in succeeding issues.
Next week we propose to give a
full and minute description of the
camp, the number and class of busi
noss houses represented, and its early
history down to date.
1t .dill be of material henetit to our
camp to get this and the next issue as
widely circulattd as possible, and the
business men should s e to it thit 'h,-e
two issues reach parties desiring infor
mation in regards to the mining dis
tric and camp.
*What's in a "anme ?" In naming Ti
a newspa{er. generally, the place. in
whi& h it is estahli hed, the surrounding on
country, or one or another of the inp
dustrie ~or resources decide the iluc,- pat
tion. The Mineral News was decided in
upon, but before the heading was se
llated. (. K. Barnes, general passet
ger and ticket agent of the Northern thi
Paciti road, su'gt'cted the sul'stitution In
of ".Argut' as preferable to "News. I
The siggestion was adopted. and we th
trust the MINERAL ARWus will be the
direct cause of bringing nann mnoe
than one lh.r ; wr the
mineral that
rock. mount;-; 1 "
Helena i, to h:ni as :trtestan wt
l liings h., organ/ed a ride !hit. i
Ga au 1:ev < op irn I cat" s
xc.llent. I
The new nationJ-I h ; ' k in 1k
Selena will cost :8).OD0.
The I trim Lumnmn Tunne' ,;Is ad
anced 335 feet into the t)untiW:u
The a were nine f. tres in (latun
luring the tiret , iv nt h, a t'.:,
There is great . xI r x me.t I "t t n(I I
mineral dito, ric . it -ow (reel in
the At ntana [ tru t
Mile" City has f nmcd at. arteutin
well company. flillitg' and Ilozr-t.an
are awake in the same direction
The Ca-tner mine. in the tarker
d(strict, has for hi'pnent 40,000 har.
of luilion, meirhvng 0co 1t(unf(seach.
'The Helena and I)eeer lodge stage
wa, stopped by roml agents on the
night of July 28th I'uie robber, hate
NiUiamu Rigney, a notorious layout
vas lynched at Miles City on the 2zd
it., for housebreaking, with intent to u
L,sau1L a female inmate.tt
Drum Lummon mine has a new
So-stamp mill in transit between Deer o
Lodge and the mine it is said to be
one of the finest mills ever built.
Acting Secretary of the Intenor
Joslyn, has rendered a decision in favor
of. Barret in the case of Barret vs.
Linaey, involving the title of a quarter
Capt. Webb's body has been found
Cairo and Calcutta are cursed with
cholera, hundreds dying 11jy. i
St. Louis coopers are out on a
strike to the number of 2:5.
l'he great telegraph strike still hangs -
fire, both sides fully determined to stay
to the hitter end.
The Toledo, Cincinnati & St. Louis
Railway is bankrupt and stockholders
have called for a receiver.
Kittson's big mare defeated St. Jul
ien, Edwin, Thorne and Trinket in
Cleveland, on the 2d inst. Time 2:1711
Jams C:;rey, the informer, was
killed rm.Lentiy by one O'Donnell
There is great joy in Ireland over his
..utden taking off.
er7t e FortIough in
of 'the
hq de wow received in the
Montana while caring
the distact ; of the Yeilowatuee of
lostile Indidns. It is 5 feet 6 inches
high, of a i4autiful redish hue, and
will be a fit ttibute to their memory. u
ic 1me ntrscreDUt hurled a stone'
through ihe ar window at President
\rthur while en route to ILouisvilc.
T he president seemed much alarmed
n Th. first professiozid rowing reg.:tta
g on tie waters of I ake Minnetonka,
partipated ii by Ilo:inmer, Ilantan,
Lecu "r an L.e... am won i'y Ilaelan
0 in twenty three minutes and three
iS econdo.
Tht Louir;vilkt Exp.,,tion was
thrown ofefl to the people August ist.
In iik:e otauner %i, (h Grant at the
Centennial, Presilint Arther setac
ye the nia by oupn.t thi throttle valve
lie to tic notice is L
suno1". u't Iih t!'L fined riitt
Jt b liu c" tea jar-'
tIlL Ii' 1 he xidintg
(je trc' I a 1an 'It' 'I' o)1 the silant!
o1 Isa h i,1 lt \ic~lt.'ratianf sea. anti
tthecu ~ (~t~adtlOa, Fatit, and
LAScct v crc cnitteIy enrolled. I hrcc
thtu5,tI" IxKl )jIC ust theitr IIVCes, and .t
Iarge ,tum~l er who sought safety in t~le
(I. urd, *w.tc&I.
Hon Nartin Maginnis has gone
Earl. He will shordy return with the r
Congressional Committee to negotiae
with the Indian tribes of Montana foret
a reduction of their reserahin.
A petition is beg ad
Milies City, urging the ssralty Rthe'
interior to tke rs we
Mog the Cow ladibas to k
reseratinUs, tad les t
the Cheyemse froa
"dations us the dock bekon .s
ite 'les m4W apper 3'ed
Ina Iti 1 ,' at ttith a t'hir.tg.. lei-i
(tune rt I n -t"n;nlice, mr. MOM, Hl:n. I
ttitL ('utt ret-nluu IlaskcII of I.:u -;+,".
tta- hero utited t', urtontl:mr IILt
-euatt' r,.tnntitt,"t", t"ttn:'-tiu;; "fr \\tiý
itr; Itie."-. t.oýntt. footer"e "f
t ou+iu, ýI, , .1Ct:Itd \'. eý1 Lti . t. tl"a;
the lu"at tiý":ýt cstiu,"ti .u u; , ,"nt,";Iiul;'
ha-l utadc t lick.t.-:.try t"
fur the Intli:t'lt+whit v.ere no I:mt r alai
utrntxist bytuuttinr. .\ II:, inIt ,t
the rt"ýt'I't,"tl'tnt"-t""tt"''i:tll" Iii.it 4 ti
;[t nc-cun.i.ttvl of linit iu;: i:un1-.
it hut' ttIiiiiiiii ýtorti.m tt' i ttt"I" 11ut"t1
fur arirul;u:.I Iunl :t. ut; I ur:uit-.
'1'hc }utrnuneut'ý to -tt;n tta, '.tt I ur
cha'e a W1011 of tl trtation+.
I "tlteu theta up to +ttt!t ,nt tt ,iii It ate
the, Indian- in lops>+t"-t.i-t if tot - t f the
l:tntlý wt tit ll udalde l 1.n t:u'it t twin},.
','1'hcre it alre.uh" a Irt.it% tti:iitheTittue
tvltit h pto'.dt - for tis 1.ntt"liute": by
the govertlult"nt an'I :Inv ul"jwt of tie
euulutittet', :tte+ttrr,;ual tta- t., tttk
into till tilt' 1, tail- ttf ;in lut",r m.ciriit
the ditl't"rt"t.t r - rvauon., untl report
upon th ' aitf :1.;htý :.ud t sit nt t.f the
evil14 tiun.. s It"" Itri1 l Ie route of the
tout nittttt . t 'ht.uLt wuull he from
here to St. I'.tu: anti thence "wt"rt over
the Northern tluoul;h the IM
I, koto And Noel na IL-( rvatitou- a t
which would r' .ably voil+unua nºoot
tterhalw (lm-,tr.
" 1 on are t:dkin;t out to Mtt utaua
About ýt t'kut"ý :ulun"-it to :t."t it "+tate, are
u "Oh. t yet : WI' l tilt
"t rt I t int di;eust
that que-lien fir sonu" time, wt"I will
,r civet a t"otlaatut.ottat contention for
that puritottr, which i+ Nt matt tu t
"Have ty ou t*b reqtiitcýteI 111111a""11
11No allceieit Zutnfht'r of people i
requireýi. Tie platter is one Whiuh is
left, whltbl to die diswcrtion of (.ongreaw.
and an auut it becoiue, a p.urely IY~lit
"" ~~V 6)atdoU thimik of the brow-"
I sgenerflly cowiis
whedielr its l
(lit eithtut I
1 ~ o *he bunlffit
-i. *
N h S Main St., IY ' ;,
A Complete ine of .all
Goods a ays on H,
Store Head of M ' treet, F
Keohand f, in o Groceries, Dry t
*iof- HatsCa , Clti Cie L Furui~hilib God
Ha are, &c
Farming Impi of all
Fresh Goods l w
1 OrdeI s by mail wil r
Will be Opened

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