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MONTANA FISHING STREAMS UNEQUALED FOR SPORT WITH ROD; HOW HATCHERIES OPERATE THAT SUPPLY MILLIONS OF TROUT Within a few weeks the first of 3,000 baby trout will open their eyes to the beauties of western Montana streams, when the state hatchery at Anaconda releases the early arrivals from the eggs collected far and wide during the fall. Soon their companions will follow them from the protecting security of the hatchery's cement troughs to the turbulent mountain streams, where they will fight for existence against the marauding cannibals of their own race, the appetite of birds and beasts of tbe land and finally they will match their wits (or whatever a fish has in place of wits) with the decep tive skill of a man on the end of a line. Notwithstanding the numbers of the finny family that are Jerked un ceremoniously from their favorite element by the cunning devices of civilisation, by far the greater num ber perish through the natural tra gedies that lurk behind every boulder in the streams. Without the artifi cial stocking of streams, the fish so familiar to Montana sportsmen today would be known only from their pic tures, unless It were in a few practi cally inaccessible places, and these are few. Nature intended Montana streams a paradise for fish as well as for fishermen, and nature provides fish enough to battle against her forest tragedies, but she did not provide to replenish her streams with fish suf ficient to satisfy the demand of the anglers who by the thousands follow the watery trails each Sunday and holiday the weather'will permit. At present fishing is confined almost en tirely to lakes, where those who care more for the fish than the sport of VJ*.* An Hour's Catch on • Good Montana Stream catching them, find plenty to attract. Fish Find Hard Life It is because of the demands made from so many sources upon the lives of the trout, grayling and whitefish that the fish hatcheries of tbe state are working overtime, hatching fish to stock the streams. In charge of the affairs of the Anaconda branch is a man who not only bas spent his mature years hatching, raising and studying fish, but who bas learned to train a fish to do his will. In the tanks of his workroom, W. B. Gorham has several pets which will respond to taps of bis fingers and motions of bis hands in the wa ter. They will eat from his hands with as little concern as they nibble at the food thrown into the water. The popular impression that a fish has no intelligence is all a mistake, according to this fish culturist, and to prove it he shows the visitor wbat an intelligent fish can do. His fisb can not talk but they show that they appreciate kindness and intelligent Children May Share the health drink— Instant Postum This pure cereal beverage is made of prime Wheat bran anamdasses. Satisfying,jdeasb&and nothing in it to do harm. Instant Postum has a* like flavor. it is economical and convenient Postumoomesintwofbrms Postum Cereal (in packages) is made by boilirçg a full twenty minutes. Instant Postum (in tins) made lx* stantiy in the cup by the addition of hot water. "There's a Reason" Sold by grocers everywhere Ifcdtby hctum Cereal Cosine, Battle Creek,Mich. treatment. The fish he has trained were just as wild as any in the open streams when Oorham first saw them last August. Fish Do Understand But Oorham does not train all the fish in the hatchery. He has not the time. In his charge at present are more than 3,000,000 potential fish and they require constant vigilance of the most painstaking kind. In spite of the care demanded by his charges, Mr. Oorham is not always too busy to show the curious some in teresting sights in the hatchery— some sights that give a fair explana tion of why the trout will still be biting in western Montana streams in years to come. To the uninitiated, the rearing of millions of fish gives rise to innumerable questions, but the writer could Tlnd no question he could not answer. "Nature knew what she was about when she equipped a female fish t< lay a thousand eggs," he explained "She knew that through her gener ous methods ol operation she would be fortunate were she to conserve or evqn hatch more than a very small per cent of those eggs." Only 10 or 15 per cent of the eggi deposited on the pebbly beds of tae streams or lakes, hatch, Oorham esti mates. After this discouraging ef fort at reproduction on a large scale, the members of the family that wig gle out of their eggs diminish rapid ly in numbers during the first weekr of their existence, so that instead of 1,000 offsprings as planned, the mo ther trout, If she is watching, may see not more than two or three score of her family, find their way into anglers' baskets. In the fish hatchery the story is quite different. Considering the green eggs are 80 per cent good, so many as 95 per cent of the eggs taken can be hatched by the culturist, it has been found, Gorham estimates. Thus the year's family of a single mother trout may range between 750 and 1,000, through the aid of the hatchery. Dealers and fish men es timate that a fish weighing one pound will produce 1,000 eggB. "Like the poultryman, the fish cul turist can never afford to count his 'chickens' before they hatch," lie said, "but with modern methods and the right care, the loss has been re duced to a minimum. Some eggs will 'die' through faulty handling, for they are very delicate, aud some will not hatch because they aro not fer tile, but we can aid nature many-fold and that is just what vo are doing, when we collect eggs and incubate them." Eggs Are Gathered The eggs of the different varieties of trout and associated gama fish re semble each other c.o^cly to the eyes .. r-',. *••• * rC- " - % ' ,* s ' 2* gyao*, * mm. A Bill Vogt, champion caster, about to make a cast. of those who are not familiar with them, but they can te distinguished by the expert. The locality from which they come aud the food In the water has a marked effect upon the color. The usual co'.ira are grada tions of pink blending sometimes to amber and als> iun. The Anaconda hatchery obtains its supply of eggs, in as far as possible from the open streams. Traps are maintained at Georgetown lake and Stuart's mill and from these sources Dr. I. H. Treece obtained the local supply last fall. George town take contributed 310,000 and other sour ces about 100,000. Commercial deal ers in Massachusetts furnished about 2,500,000 eggs. The regular price for eggs through these dealers is $1 a thousand. The dealers raise fish for the market and the eggs they ob tain and sell to hatcheries which mean just so much "velvet" to their businesses. Of course to count millions of eggs is an impossible task, but much of the work is eliminated. The commercial dealers usually count the number in a few ounces and use this count for the basis of estimating the lot, for the sizes of eggs vary greatly. The state hatch ery uses the Von Bayer system by which the count is taken in a minia ture trough of tbe eggs that will lie on the bottom. A curve chart fur ther facilitates tbe matter and the eggs are tbus speedily counted by the thousand or million. Tbe eggs num ber from 250 to 500 to tbe ounce. Through tbe aid of cold storage, eggs have been sent abroad as far as Russia and Canada has been a good customer. Commercial fish raising in the west has attained very small proportions, due to the absence of large markets, and so tbe eggs are not for sale in tbe west. Last Year's Record This hatchery planted last year more than 14,000,000 fish of several varieties and may do better this year by the time the spring varieties come in. Last year eastern brooks num bering 2,535,500 were planted in the streams as well as 9,513,500 grayling , 1,714,000 cut throat, (native) trout, 251,500 rainbow trout and 30,000 little red fish, a species of salmon. In long, narrow cement troughs in which are arranged trays with screen bottoms, the eggs are placed for their period of incubation in the hatchery Water from a natural stream is fed into each trough to keep a fresh sup ply always and the eggs are disturbed as little as possible. They are shelter ed from the direct rays of the sun, which would be fatal to them. Every precaution is taken to shield them and the troughs are kept in the most sanitary condition possible. When eggs are recived from deal ers they already "eyed-out," but if they have traveled far some have already died en route and turned white. To facilitate the work of seg regating the good from the bad eggs, a long trough is provided, by which a dozen persons may stand and work. The eggs may be placed in the trough by one worker as rapidly as the others can remove the bad ones. They are removed either with tweezers or glass syringe. Mr. Gorham with Dr. I. H. Treece and E. B. Basset, as sistants, handle the work of the hatchery at present. Trout Are Particular. Stocking the streams with com panionable species is the aim of the department, since it has been found that the trout is most particular about his associations. The bull trout or "Dolly Varden" is allowed to match bis wits with the eastern brook, the rainbow and black spotted or the grayling and black spotted are encouraged to associate in other streams. Fish when young are extremely delicate creatures and especially is this trua when they are hatched by artificial aid. They are subject to ss many, if not the same, ailments that visit the human baby. After the fish hatch «they pass through a period of six weeks when they are said to be In the sac-stage. They require no food to sustain them during the critical period, bnt they do require attention and loto of it. They hunt the dark corners and crevices and would smother them selves to death if allowed to have their own way. They live on the content of the sac and when this is* absorbed, they rise and are ready to feed. They Eat Hourly. Every hour they are fed beef liver, chopped extremely fine and just like the human baby, they are fed exactly the right amount or they will become ill. Gill fever and fungus and dropsy are some of the names applied to the ailments of the baby fish. Scrupulous care is taken to keep the troughs in the most sanitary con dition to avoid infection. Dailv ttaev are cleaned to rid them of the un used food and slime that tends to accumulate. The troughs are paint ed throughout and the whole hatch ery presents an attractive appearance as any laboratory. Bringing up a fish in the way It should go is not merely a matter of| watching it develop, but appears' quite as important to the fish's fu ture as It is to the future of the boy that his parents obey the biblical in junction to "bring up a child in the way he should go." The infantile or ganism is no sooner out of his shell than he gives evidence of his intel ligence by assuming some very near human characteristics. If coddled he becomes "spoiled.'' and too indolent to search for food. He will over eat if he can and gormandizing pro duces a disease that would probably be termed gout if he had big toes in which to exhibit the symptoms. Teaching Them to Eat. "It is of vital importance that the little fish learn how to eat on the start," Mr. Gorham explained. "The little fish develops habits rapidly and as soon as he can take food he should be given it properly, just as in the case of the child. If the fish is neglected, his growth becomes stunt .J 4 Playing with three and one-half pound Rainbow trout on trout stream. a Montana ed and he might forget how to eat. Once bis growth is stunted, he never recovers from it and will never catch up in weight with thè fish that was fed properly from the first day. "In the natural stream the fish feeds, when young, on microscopic organism which it is impossible to supply him in the hatchery, and of course the greater part of the fish in the stream get the right start. In the hatchery we must supply him with the best substitutes at hand. "Too much feeding is as erroneous as too little. As the fish grow older the feeding periods can be lengthened but their appetites become keener at meal time and then they might over eat if given a chance. If allowed to consume too much liver they may swell up and die. Even before they leave the sac stage, they may develop spot disease, a fatal ailment which appears to be due to congealing of the oil globules in the sac." Delicate at« Babies. When one hears that litle fish are subject to dropsy he expects to learn next that they may catch colic, whooping cough and measles. It makes them almost human. Dropsy is merely a swelling of the sac. Care is taken also to avoid an excess of slime on the fish. Science has dis covered methods of combating the diseases of the tender little creatures. Buy Clothing Made From Montana Wool! Clothing for Men anti Boys manufactured by the Montana Wool Growers Ass'n. is now ready for you. We grow the wool—we make the cloth—we tailor the clothes Every garment bears this label— GUARANTEED ALL AMERICAN VIRGIN WOOL NO SHODDY NATIONAL WOOL GROWERS ASS'N. We also make a wonderful all wool blanket and auto robe. The quality of our prod ucts is unquestioned aud the prices so reasonable that vou simply can't resist buying Suits to measure, $36 and $38. Blankets $7.50 each. Auto robes $9.00 each If we have no agent near you, write us for samples. Mr. Clothing Merchant! Address Western Wool Mr. Tailor! Our ready-to-wear line is a business getter. Write us to have sales Growers! Associations Our made - to - measure line will get you orders in volume. man call Room 404-6 Conway Bldg., Write for Agency. Chicago, HL Salt is placed in the water at times and pure apple vinegar is sometimes used in the water as cures for the diseases. Those in charge of the fish hatchery find plenty to do from the time the eggs are deposited in the trough and as the fish develop the work increases. Care Is Ceaseless. Not until the little fish are finally deposited in the stream does the care suspend, for they must be taken to the stream with as great caution as they were fed in the troughs. When they are sufficiently developed to launch out for themselves, they are placed in 10-gallon steel milk cans that may contain from 500 to 3,000, owing to the age and size. To prevent them from smothering in water that becomes stale, for they consume the oxygen rapidly, the water is stirred up by use of a dipper. The water is cooled by ice and must be kept at a temperature within five degrees of the temperature of the stream. At the stream the temperature is brought to as near the temperature of the stream as possible. Value of Nurseries. In some places nurse ponds are in use but fish men appear to be at variance as to their real value in con serving the little fish. The nurse pond is used to care for the fish un til he becomes a fingerling. Some argue that the fish raised by hand to this age is in a better position to be gin life in the natural stream, but this is met with the argument that the little fish, if pampered too long, may become a "spoiled child," de pending upon human assistance for his food. He has not learned to know the dangers of association with large fish. Gorham believes nurse ponds in connection with hatcheries, where they will receive certain care are valuable assets. Nature Protects Variety. The varieties of trout seldom cross breed in their natural state, students have decided and when they do, the productivity of the offspring is great ly lessened. The popular impression with sportsmen is to the effect that "mules" as the half-breeds are called are sterile. This it seems, is not strictly true in the case of the first generation, although the chances are slight that these fish will reproduce. Ukes Our Fish. Concerning the introduction of new varieties of trout in the state, Mr. Gorham believes it is not advisable. The kinds of fish found in Montana streams are ideal, he believes. "The rainbow and black spotted trout are most excellent table fish— as good as any in the country," he declares. "Anglers who have never fished out of the state do not realize fully what is theirs, and with proper care the numerous wonderful angling streams can be kept productive. The anglers are numbered by the hun dreds and as a rule I believe they have keen interest in the welfare of their fishing places. The far away spots in which the fish once found sanctuary, are no longer remote. The use of scores of automobiles has made them easily accessible to those who have a day or more to spare and of cours« Ike trout have suffered." Wie Largest Hatchery. The Anaconda ranch is the largest operated y the state fish and game commission. It contains 60 cement troughs, each capable of holding 50, 000 trout fry each, but as they grow, it becomes necessary to thin them out several times. They will hold many more grayling fry. Other state hatcheries on which Superintendent Brunson reports are located at Dearborn, Emigrant, Low er Madison (temporary), Somers, Salmon lake, the federal hatchery at McAllister and traps at Hebgen dam. A summary or his report for the bi annual period 1919-1920 shows dis tribution as follows: Anaconda, 22, 812,200; Emigrant, 1,809„500; Heb gen dam and Lower Madison, 5,703, 800; Somers, 9,952,200; a total of 39,647,700. EGGS BEING USED FOR POKER STAKE FARMERS OF THE BILLINGS DIS TRICT DISCOVER NEW USE FOR HEN FRUIT Game Was Formerly Penny Ante but When Money Became Scarce Rural Gamblers Turn to Eggs; Winners Would Take Eggs to Town and "Cash In." Eggs have served an entirely new purpose in a farming district near Billings that has been hard hit in the last few years. The use made of them proves the ability of the resi dents of the district to adapt them selves to circumstances. It had long been the habit of the farmers of this neighborhood to ga ther for a "little game" of poker. In the old days it was penny ante. Then evil days fell upon the players and there were no more pennies to ante. There was a genius among them, however. He suggested "egg ante." All of the members arose and called him blessed. The games went on. Nightly the farmers gathered with the eggs gathered for the day, and first one farmer and then the other would drive to town and "cash in" on his night's work. Three or four of the farmers start ed to town the other day, each bring ing eggs for a city friend. It was in evitable that a game should start; When town finally was reached two of the players went to grocery stores and bought "strictly fresh ranch eggs" to take to their friends. GENUINE M BULL DURHAM tobacco makes 50 good cigarettes for 10c