1 anb
; Everything the Newest]
and the Best.
MsrG^ant bailor
The Choteau House
WM. HODCSKISS, Proprietor.
Firct-class accommodations for
Stock of all kind3.
Good Rigs Furnished at
Reasonable Rates.
Dupuyer-= Choteau
Stage Leaves Dupuyer in the
Morning tor Bynum and Cho
teau, Returning to Dupuyer on
the Same Day.
Passengers and Express Ca.'. ied at
Reasonable Rates
Offices at Jos. Hirshberg and Co's,
Dupuyer, and City Drug Store,
S. L. POTTER, Pi op.
T"® "MINT,"
Cor, Main and Conrad Sts.,
Choteau, Mont.,
Miller & Longmuir, Props.
Wines and Liquors,
Imported and
Domestic Cigars.
Sjle Agents for the Famous Lexington
Club Whiskey.
The very latest 3tyles of Stetson hats
at Jos. Hirshberg & I os. *
Dean hotel June 27tli and 28th. Mc
Collum the Optician.
Headaches pass away when fitted with
perfect fitting glasses. Call on Sic Col
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKnight are
visiting Great Falls, this week.
Cbas. Blackman was in town Tuesday,
on his way to Swift Current.
For a nice glass of keg beer, call at
Medicine Lodge saloon.
A new way of mavcricking branded
cattle has been invented at Choteau.
There will be no Sunday school or ser
vices at the school house, next Sunday.
Raymond Gilbreath was here yester
day, from Cut Bank.
Commissioner Connelly came up from
Shelby yesterday, with Chairman Per
The Great Falls Meat Co., is prepared
to supply our stockmen with blooded
bulls. See ad.
J. F. Laech commenced shearing yes
terday at his home ranch, with a local
crew of shearers.
Thos. J. Dean and J. W. Burrows left
Sunday morning for Butte, to attend the
democratic convention.
You can call for what you want in any
old saloon, but at the Medicine Lodge
you generally get what you call for.
For stale beer, rotten whiskey or cab
bage cigars or any old thing, you can
find it at the Medicine Lodge a oon.
F. C. Begin is the busiest man in town,
having all the work he can attend to in
the line of painting and paper hanging.
Mr. Ed. Forrest is remodeling the
Gillette residence, and will occupy it
soon, upon the arrival of his family.
Dr. Brown, the dentist, was obliged to
I c.mcel his engagements on account of
sickness, but expects to return in Octo
Miss Ida Thomas of Helena arrive 1
Tuesday, and will visit for a time with |
her father, Cnas. P. Thomas, at Rjbire.
Correction of defects in children 's eyes
caused by scarlet fever, uiCasie3 etc. a i
Bucks herded on the Dr) Forks, good I
shed, range and water. Satisfactic n
R. Dixon.
As a good preventive for smallpox |
take plenty Bond & Lillard whiskey, find
it at Medicine Lodge saloon. Cure
R. M. Steele has leased the new hotel
now being erected by E. H. Morison, at
Pondera, and will take possession July
The Shelby News, is billed for its
initial appearance today, under the man
agement of C. E. Trescott former editor
of the Acantha.
The publication of the commissioners
proceedings, compels us to carry over a
quantity of interesting correspondence
until next week.
Married : *At the home of the bride on
Birch creek last Friday evening, Ma
tilda Buckley and Benjamin Short Jr.
Rev. A. W. Hammer officiating.
X. Dodds leaves today for a prospect
ing trip in the mountains on the other
Bide of the range, where he expects to
find a rival to the Klondike.
There is a movement at Raymond to
subscribe funds for a hat to be presented
to a certain young lady as a testimonial
to her fearlessness in self defense.
Astigmatism the worst of'all defects of
the eye corrected by lenses ground to
order. McColium.
O. G. Cooper, customs inspector at
Coutts, on the international boundary
"line, was in Dupuyer on business, this
S. L. Potter is receiving daily a large
quanity of rough lumber, including
sheathing and dimension stuff. Orders
can be left with Jos. Hirshberg & Co.
The schedule between Dupuyer and
Blackfoot has been changed so that the
mail leaves each place at 7 o'clock a. m.
and must arrive not later than 5 o'clock
p. m.
Dr. Stearns was calledgto attend the
young jhild of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jones
last Tuesday, and arrived just in time to
save its life from a severe attack of
20 years experience in refraction and
up to date methods, insure satis
faction to all those who are fitted with
glasses, by McColium.
Dr. W. H. Stearns has found it r.eoes
svry to-establish his residence in Cho
teau, in order to give his attention to his
patients under the contract recently
awarded him by the county commis
Married at the Hotel Morton today.
Judge Taylor, officiating Miss Annie J".
Embody, and David Howe. Miss Em
body is a daughter of B. F. Embody, and
both of the young people are well and j
favorably known. The best wishes of the |
extended to the happy
Acaniha are
The program for the Fourth will bo
announced next week. Arrangements
are being made for three races, for one
mile, one half mile, and one fourth mile,
open for all saddle horses, and a free
dance in the evening.
J. B. McColium the Great Falls, Opti
cian and eye specialist, (Graduate Chi
cago Opthalinic Col lege) will be in Cho
teau at the Beaupré house June 23, 24
and 25, and the Dean hotel Dupuyer,
June 27 and 28. Free tests, free examina
tions. All work guaranteed.
Wanted : An experienced girl to do
house work on a ranch. Apply to
Jos. C. McCua g,
Dupuyer, Mont.
All the cases against Shelby people
for selling whiskey to Indians have been
dismissed on motion of the U. S. district
attorney, it appearing to the satisfaction
of the court after the acquittal of Henry
Lenstra and Charles Shildt, that con
| victiog in the other cases is impossible,
—so the boys will be compelled to cancel
the orders for bridles which they booked
just before leaving for Helena.
Last Friday night during the electri
cal storm, the lightning struck an Indian
lodge on Badger creek killing one
woman and stunning three others. It is
repoated that this event had been pre
dicted some time ago by Mr. Medicine
Bul,l and now that he has proven his in
fallibility, he should extend his horizon
of effort, and open a general information
bureau. What a boon to the political
aspirant in the opportunity afforded for
a straight tip from Mr. M. Bull!
There has been aripple of excitement
for the last few days o:i account of a
small pox case at Choteau, but no
danger is apprehended, Dr. Brown the
Butte dentist had been exposed to con
! tagion while in Choteau, and left last
Sunday on his way home to Butte, ap
parent]} ill from a light attack of the
disease. On arriving at Great Falls he
was promptly gathered in by the autho
ities, and remoued to the pest house.
E. E. Leech has a large force of men
and teams ditching for the Conrad In
vestment company.
$5.00 Reward.
The above reward will be paid for the
recovery of one sorrel horse, branded
P H on left thigh,—is broken to saddle
and harness.
Wm. Miller,
Dupuyer, Mont.
Lime lor Sale.
The undersigned is prepared to fur
nise a first class quality of lime, on short
notice, and at reasonable prices.
B. P. Embody.
Thoroughbred Bulls for Sale.
We have just imported from the east
a car-load of R3gistered Thoroughbred
Shorthorn Bulls. They are pronounced
by all who have seen them to be the best
lot ever brought to Montana for sale.
All parties interested in the cattle rais
ing business should call and inspect
them. Prices right.
Gkeat Falls Meat Co.
B»n Swindle having got through re
ceiving F dogies, has rigged up an out
fit for ploughing fireguards from Willow
creek to Cut Bank.
Dan Flowerree, general manager of
the F Horse, Cattle and Sheep Co., is
looking over the ranges.
P. H. Somers passed through town
last week, and billed a show for che 27th.
Dr. Clark is puttiug up a residence
and office.
Wm. Dawes made a trip to Pondera
Mr. Nasmith, general superintendent
of the G. F. & C., was here this week, in
specting the company's prorerty.
County commissioner Perkins was
here a few days, this week, trying to lo
cate the different round up scamps«, for
the purpose of having the McNutt cat
tle gathered.
A young man by the name of Mike
McHale, a relative of commissioner Con
nelly, was killed by lightning last Fri
day, at Joe Berthelotte's ranch at Mic%
dle Butte. He was buried Saturday at
Goid Butte.
Deputy sheriff Hughes arrested two
young mea from Chester last Sunday,
on a charge of horse stealing, but they
were subsequently discharged, for lack
yf identification.
A young couple left for the Falls Tues
day, and did not make known their in
tentions, but it is Bafe to bet that they
will return bearing the same namé.
Congratulations, Fred
Dfln Sallivan arrived home from
ena, where he had been a central
in the whiskey cases.
The Shelby News is sure "bornin".
Editor Trescott expects to have the first
issue out, Thursday. Its politics we
guess, will be strictly prohibitionist, as
we think that every toothfull of good
red liquor that attempts to amble by the
office, will be prohibited from going any
farther; aside from this, we are in the
dark as to its policy.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Kun
kel, of Dunkirk died at this place, last
- Chas. Schildt is very sick with brain
fever, and is in a very precarious condi
tion. The doctor expects the crisis soon
and if he takes a turn /or the better
his life will probably be saved.
An unknown man was killed at ^Ches
ter last week, in a freight wreck. Papers
found on his person showed him to be a
spotter for the rail road company.
The sheriff sale of goods attached in
the action of Sullivan vs. E. D. Ortman
& Co. were sold Saturday, Wm Meade
bidding in the whole of the goods for
sixty-two dollars, a trifle more than
enough to pay the costs of action.
Shearing is progressing rather slowly
for lack of shearers. Escallier is offering
10c for ewes and wethers and 25c for
bucks, but at those prices is unable to
get shearers.
Notice of Forfeiture.
Teton county Montana March 8th. 1900.
To H enry F. E dgak , his heirs, executors,
administrators and assigns:
You and each of you are hereby notified
that we have expended one hundred dollars in
labor and improvements upon the Black Chief
quartz lode mining claim in Swift Current
Mining District, Teton county Montana, dur
ing the year 1898, and one hundred dollars in
work, labor and improvements of said claim
during the year 1899, in order to hold said
premises under the provisions of section 2321
of the Revised Statutes of the United States,
being the amount required to hold the same
for the year ending December 31st, 1898 and
the year ending December 31st. 1899. and if
within ninety days after this notice by pub
lication, you fail or refuse to contribute your
proportion of such expenditure as a co-owner,
your interest in said claim will become the
property of the subscriber under said Section
The Michigan and Montana Copper Min
ing and Smelting Company.
first publication March 15, 1900.
Will Be Given by
Gtvmp JVo. 234,
Woodmen oî the World
Fourth of July Night
AT THEiR HALL Dupuyer Mont:
Fresh and Salt Meats.
Dupuyer, Montana.
The Cascade Bank
Incorporated under the law* of Mon
tana, April 5,188C.
CAPITAL $75,000
SURPLUS 25,000
S. E Atkinson President
F. P. Atkinson Cashier
W. W. Miller .Assistant Cashier
E. Atkinson, F. P. Atkinson,
Peter Larson, W. W. Miller,
John Ellis.
This bank transacts a general banking
business, pays interest on time deposits,
buys and sells exchange, and loans mon
ey at lowest rates of interest, Invtec
correspondence and offers its per vices to
responsible parties, and will extend the
accommodation and courtesy usually of
fered by a conservative banking house,
C. J. B. Stephens, D D S
G. H. Chase, D D S Associate.
We practice modern dentistry
only. Sign The Golden
Tooth, Ford Block
Great Falls.
Stage Line.
Office at Kingsbury's Store.
Daily Mail Between Dupuyer
and Blackfoot.
Passengers and Express Car
ried at Reasonable Rates.
H. Î. Stcmefyouse, prep
I will have arrive at Great Falls, May
22nd, two carloads of choice yearling
Hereford bulls. Prices will be reason
Great Falls, Mont.
Lumber !
Holter Lumber Co.
Car lots F. O. B. your station get
GEO. R. WOOD. Mgr.
lîaiich for Sale.
ol0 acres of good hiiy land, well fenced
good buildingp, well watered, f> riiilea
east of Dupuyer. Enquire a Ao/> a
office. î f