Newspaper Page Text
I Ü VOL. 6. DUPUYER, TETON COUNTY, MONTANA, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1900. NO. <2' ^KE S EIiVAT ÏONNEWS. * 4>. g 99®3»9.90»®3SH^S«««M^' Kipp, Montana June 10, 1900. A temperature of 80 decrees was registered on the 15th, breaking the record for heat so far this summer. This was followed in the evening by a tine shower of rain the precipitation amounting to 0.51 inch, George Cook with much patience and labor put in a line garden this -spring and the favorable weather and frftf] ueot showers wore encouraging. Every thing was growing finely when an army of gophers attacked tho crop and-, laid waste tho vegetables. has poisoned, shot, trappad and. drowned Hi of tl\e pests and still there seems to be no decrease in the number. Some of the boys have just returned from Lethbridge where they went with a northern horseman to help drive his purchase. While theio they witnessed the celebration of the taking of Pre toria, and describe the fanatical orgies of the cockneys .'is disgustiug and barb arous, Oom Paul was carted through tho streets at the head of a howling mob, his elîigy suspende I by tho neck from a gibbet, and afterward was bound to a stake and burned on tne public cquare, The Durham cut oil on the Great Northern Which Caughren <fc Reilly have been working on the past six months is about completed. Thousands of pounds of powder have been used in blasting in the great cut, and the con tinual booming of the shots night and day has sounded like a cannonade. The fiat has gone forth that the in crease of all cattle on the reservation shall be illustrated with the I D brand and any one refusing to allow this has thirty days to remove their stock else where. As a general thing there is but slight opposition. Messrs Puriy and Matthews are in from S:. Mary's and are highly elated over their coppir prospects'.' They re cently disposed of a small interest in one of their u good figure and refuse I good offers for mora of their ground. L;)uis Cabell and family departed for Lethbridge on Saturday to visit old friends and eïpaat to be g-uia a week or ten days. Mr. C j'jj II 's lo^g service as scout with the mounted police gained him an excellent reputation and ho is a general favorite among both oîïïccrs and men. Dr. Martin received a hurry call from Cut Bank on Tuesday to attend a man who had fallen from the steeî bridge being )>ùt in there. The unfortunate workman was suffering with concussion of the brain and had cot regained con ciousness when the doctor returned to Browning. Over 100 lodges of the Blackfee t are i;<>:v congrega.;d no.-th of the agency preparing i ;r their annual Medicine lolgo and sun dance lo be held on 'tlio -ich. Beef tongues are being collected, cuyetic rileji jjerfurmod, and a continued dancing kept up day and night. Active preparations are being made for a good Ith of July celebration. Quite a sum has been raised for- -purees to be racod for, a game of base ball will be played, and tho day will end with lire works and a ball. The frantic efforts of the Great Palls base ball team to win a game have almost inspired our local club to send them a challenge. With Van Senden at the bat,-.Gober i pitching and Aminen on first base, wo ) think that the counter hoppers would be like the small boy who had been indiscreet, after the game they would have nothing to say. Ed. Matthews while at Blackfoot was asked if any one observed the recent eclipse of the sua at the copper camp. '•Eclipse, No" said the mayor. "There's two much brightness there now for any thing to be eclipsed by sued a small thing as that." It is not expected that work will be commenced on the now school piart be fore the spring of next year, when every thing will be rushed to ^omplotfon dur ing the summer months of 1001. The prorpeets for an enormous crop of hay are very fluttering. With the nor is ou of a mal précipitation for the balance of this nb.l Jul;,-, «m will «mtimw, gro.. i;.gr until ha.any set " U ^ Saturday afternoon there was a terri fying electrical storm with heavy rain. The water came down in sheets aad the thunder was terribly loud. Dan McGowan and family recent ar rivals from High wood have not yet found a satisfactory location for a home and are now living on the Coe ranch. The travel nowadays to Swift Current is steadily increasing to the delight of ou r hotel keeper-, who are all doing a rushing business. There was never a more congenial lot of young ladies employed at the Wil low creek school than at present. They are mostly from the east, and vie with one another in making it pleasant for all who visit that institution. The political pot has begun to boil and a lively interest is being shown in the questions of the day. About twenty young men will cast their first vote this fall and most of them express them selves in a manner which shows that they are satisfied with present conditions. The round up has made satisfactory progress, and the branding of calves < goes merrily on. Three outfits have | been at work in different localities and are now nearly done. j i Hence forward ye scribe will endeavor | to catch all items of interest in his net, j and forward them to tho l'usure county seat whenever the catch issufflcient. ' Kipp, June 20, 1Ö00. I John Eldridge has about completed a neat residence near Blackfoot in which he can pass his hours of ease and calculate the size of his roll after beef shipping. The manv friends of Mrs. William Samples are assisting her in the erection of a cosy frame house at Browning- The generous hearts of the reservation peo ple always respond when assistance is needed by the deserving. The whole country i3 over run at pre sent with the freshly branded dogies shipped in and unloaded at Baltic by the big outfits, and are an intolerable nuisance. They car* no more for wire fences than if the strands were so many spider webs, and are continually gettiu into meadows. Lost summer seven head of domestic : sheep escaped from their owi.-er in the \ vicinity of Swnt Current and rambled iuio the mountains. This spring four or . , , . ... ' , , five of them have been Kihed by hunters , ,, _ , . , . at various places, all of which were in good order having withstood the perils I of wild beasts and storms during the ' entire winter. I The classical features of the enowy ] Goddess of Liberty oa the stupendous I peak called ''Going to the Sun" are now ' visible in all their beauty, and the phe-! nomenou is a matter of wonder to all new comers. For ages she has gazed down upon the oroppings *of the great leads of copper, sometimes wrinkling her brow in despair at the slowness of man- j kind, br.t since the hardy miner has be- i gun to rip open the bo .vela of the earth ! ln that vicinity, a smile of delight ilium ii*;* her countenance which w observbie foi many mdej distant,. An eat the lost cabin placer diggings the interest has not abated, and Mrs. Dickinson sister of the men who- wore murdered by ladians years ago, and who came here a year «:• to ago, and spent somo time in searching for the location, will return this summer and make another attempt to find tho place where her brothers took out so much gold. A large number of peoplö' who are favorably situated for s uccessful butter making "started in tho dairy busings this spring, and for a month obtained a fair price for their products, but now the hotel keepers are able to get all the cow grease they want from the ranchers of Flathead county for from a bit to fifteen cents a pound, hence the home industry is in a state of L:>-;i-or. How ever the price of meals has not decreased and it costs a man four bits iO sleep ia any of the public houses of entertain ment, The lightning seemed to be on the prod during the storm of last week. It struck a lodgs in the big camp near Browning and killed a woman instantly. Two Indians were struck at or near the old agency and badly shocked and a cow in the round up stray-herd was killed by a bolt. Now an Indian is posing as a i lightning protector and is making lots of money by Sellin;; a cerf, kind of pdnt wh.rt, issaid to bopon! ojaioot oloctri < | sister of Charlie of Milk river is visiting him Miss Julia Cobell is enjoying a well eurned vacation Charlie Buck looked after the reservation equines during the recent horse roundup.... Materia! is being unloaded at Carlow for building purposes to be used in the future town at that point. Wc would like to tell the rea ders of the Acantxia a wonderful piece of news j about a recent strike in the Swift Cur- ; j rent camp but do not wish to encroach upon the Copper King's domain knowing that he will soon report it in his usual versatile style. straws . Archie Macdonald dispenses liquid re freshments at Cut Bauk bridge The new steel bridge i3 about eight feet higher than the old one, making it 165 feet above water, and is 1200 feet long So much rain and good weather has prevailed that grass is growing on spots which were never green before The Willow creek school marms have started a townsite of their own at Swift Current S. D. Somes has received news of the death of his brother Robert an i engineer on the C. P. R. who wa3 in stantlv killed in a wreck... .Peter Burns the veteran pump man has gone to Cut | ßank tQ work for a whilo .... Mrg . John j jsfacdonald is very expert with the fish roc j an( j recen ti v landed a 3% pound ' trout....Cattle were never in better I order at this time of year than at ; present... .Joseph Kipp has turned : farmer and is encouraging a large field , of grain with water ... .Mis3 Thomas Swift Current Notes. ^ making arrangements June 13th, 1900. Mr. Harris made a flying trip to St. Paul last week. Mr. McNeil has caught another silver tip, and it is a dandy. Swift Current is soon *o have a 'washie' house. John chinaman is in the camp fere French Pete was in the cunp ths part of last week. The Lippincott boys are erecting a jr 00( j sized building on the main street Altyn, which is to be a lodging house. , ,, . , r „ , ... Work on Mr. A. M. Esler s building , . , , . „ , , ° has been stopped on account or delayed j um | )Cr Messrs. Boucher and Cassid) were in ^e cam I> the fore part of last. week. A,Joa who have been cutting cord wood ^ or ^ r * Harris, report having made a C0U P^ e °f quartz locations on Mt. Allen, Mr. Reynolds has opened up a first Class barber shop just across the creek from George's place, and on the main r oad to Altyn. His prices are reasonable, and all who can afford a shave should j not hestitate to patronize him. i Bob Cameron has been prospecting ! for the last 'two weeks on Boulder creek, j Fraak S.evenson is camped at the . head of Huckleberry basin, where he is i doing discovery work on a couple of his 1 quartz claim's. j Me3Sra Archer aQ(i Watson have started a tunnel on their coal claim, 1 where they o s pact to show up a line body of coal. ! Mr. Thompson has been clearing a lot ! on tho west side of main street, where parties from Kalispell intend to^erèct general merchandise store. The stage arrived Wednesday evening with Messrs. Harris, Winters, a couple ^gentlemen from Kalispell, and a china \ 1 ' wagon loads of freight arrived tne J ^ a ^ cr P art wr ias ^ woo ' : ' which consist of ; ' ,iUV an d concentrating machinery, j Mr. Kennedy, the custom collector I visited the camp last week. The census man visited the camp last week, and he says that she will run fcomevhing over 100 people. Something over '10 feet of a tunnel has been run on the Bull's Head in the Boulder creek district. Mr. Hansen, proprietoi of Hotel Han sen, i3 prepared to accommodate the traveling public. j Mr. Pritchard lias been appointed engineer at the saw mill, which began operations lust Saturday, everything running nicely. I Bottling still «mthraa and it looke ns though vvt uii'^ht hnve n g, av u» boom in.the near future.. June 20,1900. Mr. Esler is again in camp, and ex pects to stay for some time. Mr. Brennen of Kalispell, is here look after the interests of the reserve. It is reported that there is to be a miners' meeting the last of the week, for the purpose of considering the road question; all will be requested to attend, It is predicted that there will be all of 5C0 votes cast here this fall, this being the case, Swift Current will cut quite a figure. Several pack outfiits arrived during tho past week. A crew of about 13 men are now em ployed at the saw mill. Mr. Boucher and family of St. Mary are in the camp. Mr. Boucher has with him about 30 head of fine milk cows, which he thinks will be a sufficient num ber to supply the camp with both milk and butter. Such a man as Mr. Boucher has been in demand for some time. Mr. Cassidy arrived last week with a load of furniture for Mr. A. ii. Esler. It has been raining for the last 4 days, and as a result the streams are all quite high. The Josephine mine continues in rich ness, and is now considered the richest mine in the district. Work on the Cracker concentrating plant has been somewhat slow on ac count of delayed lumber, but now tüat the saw mill is turning out lumber for all mining purposes, work on this plant will be pushed steadily to completion. Mr. McNeil and Frank Stevenson made a trip to Browning last week. A couple of good sized houses are being erected in the vicinity of the saw mill, v.hich are to be used for mess and lodging. The Kipp four horse stage makes the trip from Blackfoot via Main, twice a week. A building is being erected on the first lot south of Hotel Hansen which will be used for a saloon. The sound of the hammer can bo heard in the land, and carpenters are numer ous. Parties from Helena report having made a quartz location near the summit. Archer and Magnuson have completed their representation work, and have left the camp. Mr. Archer returns to hi3 home in Minneapolis for a visit. Soii:e of the boys were down from the Bull's Head mine last week, and report everything looking fine. The district in this vicinity is getting pretty well prospected, and while'some have been fortunate enough to make some good locations, others have failed to make the expected find, and are now cursing the country. Every one can not expect to strike it, but those who have struck it are well pleased with the future prospects of the camp. Mr. Sherburne of Browning, and a couple of gentlemen from Minneapolis are in the camp. Joseph Kipp of Blackfoot visited the camp iast week. Bob Cameron has made some quartz locations in the Boulder district. 'Charles Peters is doing work on Swift Current falls. Frank Stevenson having charge. Three, wagon loads of liquor arrived last week, also 5 wagon loads of concen trating machinery. A bunch of about 20 work horses were driven into the camp last Thursday. Chas. Peters has completed his dis covery work on the Blue Grouse quarts claim. The Swift Current road a-a s never known before to be iu as good a condi tion as at- the present time, but it couid be improved. C opper K ing. Tkoroî2iyIibr«d Bulls for Sal«. We have just imparted frpm the east a car-load of Registered Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bulls. They are pronounced by all who have seen them to be the best lot ever brought to Montana for sale. All partie3 interested in the cattle rais ing business should call and inspect them. Prices right. G rkat F alls V eat Co. Get your boots or shoos, half soled at tne Dupuyer harness '! L. A. ENDERS & CO., We carry the largest stock of Wall' Paper, Ready mixed House Paints, Boof Paints, Marking Paints,> Brushes, Varnishes, Stains, Enamel's*. Window Glass, Alabaatitie; Gypsir?,. Pictures, Picture Mouldings, Etc. of any house in Northern Montana. There is no order too large for us to till 1 or to small to command our immedi ate attent on. Leave orders at Jos. Hirshberg & Co's.' L. A. ENDERS & CO.,. 119 Central Ave, Great Fails, Mont. J E. ERICKSON, dttornc^akiaux Choteau, — — Montana. j G. BAIR, attorney. Clioteau, Montana. \ft{ H .STEARNS, Physician anb Surgeou, Dupuyer, Montana,, DV Successor to BROOKS, AM8LET t B2,001 physician anb Surgeon. Choteau, Montana. w. H. TITUS, physician anb Surgeon. Dupuyer, - Montana. QLAF FJELD, 'urr-eyor. Land Surveying, Ditch Work, Kto.'. Choteau, Montana. QEO. W. MAG EE, United States Commissioner anb Horary public. Land Filings and Proofs..... .... Mortgages, Conveyances. Etc;, Etc,,« Duyuyer, Montana. j_j C. KUNKEL, CLonsoriai CTrtisr.. Hair Cutting, Shaving, Shampooing'.. Hot ar.d Cold Baths. Dupuyer, Montana. Tersiis of Court Für IfKX). teton county. March oth, June 4th, September Srdl December ;ird. !?lati-it:ad county. March 10th. JunolSth, September 17 th* December 17 th. D. F. Smith , Judge. Filed Jan. 5th lüt-0. S. M c D onald, ___ Clerk -c II otice. I will sell my irrigating, ditch taken from Birch creek, and carrying 2551) inches of water to the right party. This. ditch irrigates some of the bos* : land in Teton county end 1 will sell either the 1 whole ditch or an interest thereir, as m;;; > be desired. Taos. M c G ovl'sn, Du payer, M je t-