17 /^ic m anb XD3HC«K Suitings •Everything the Newest and the Best. |G. W. PAI^NBLiL^ I Merchant bailor Ghotsau, £ I Mont. The Choteau House livery stable. WM. HODGSKISS, First-class accommodations for Stock of all kinds. Good Rigs Furnished at Reasonable Rates. ÎDupuyer —Choteau £3x.xisra3. Stage Leaves Dupuyer in the Morning tor Bynum and Cho teau, Returning to Dupuyer on the Same Day. i Proprietor. I j Passengers and Express Car Reasonable Rates i /ied at j 1 Offices at Jos. Hirshbera and Co's, Dupuyer, and City Drug Store. Choteau. S. L. POTTER, Piop. T»e "MINT, 55 Cor, Main and Conrad Sts., Choteau. Mont., Miller & Longmuir, Props* DEALERS IN Wines and Liquors, Imported and Domestic Cigars. Solo Agents for the Famous Lexington Club Whiskey. Terms of Court For 19D1. teton county. March 11th, June 10th, S: plomber 9th December 2nd. flathead county. March25th, June21th,September 23rd December lGth. D. F. Smith , Judge. Filed Jan. 4th 19?I. S. McDonald, Clerk LOCAL IT BIS. When at Choteau next week, drop in at the Mint and be enter tained. Dance in Jones' hall next Friday evening. Chairman Perkins has been in Great Falls for a few days, looking after coun ty affairs. Deputy sheriffs Leech and Jeffery are busy rustling jurors and witnesses for the district court. B. R. Fowler of the lower Dry Fork is i in town this week, renewing old acquaint ances. Chas. E. Moore is now in charge of tho City Meat Market, an I is an expert in Lis line. Eli Guardipe came in from his ranch on Cut Bank yesterday to attend to some business matters. There will be a dance given in Joues' Hall Friday Evening March 15th. Get your boots or shoes half soled at the Dupuyer harness shop. When you are in need of any business caidsor other job printing, patronize your botne printer. Mi. and Mrs. James Smith of Phila delphia Penn., are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Jos. C, McCuaig, aud Will remain during the summer. Don't forget the free ball aud supper at the Riverside Hotel next Saturday evening, the eve of St. Patrick's day. Matt. J. Mause, who bought A. H Morin's ranch last fall, has sold it back tu Mr. Morin and leaves this vveelj. for a visit in Ncrth Dakota. W. D. Hägen has purchased an inter I est in the Riverside Hotel, and the trav j elling public are assured that the best 'of accommodations will soon be at their disposal. C-roner Titus was called to Shelby yesterday by a telegram from Judge Dawes, stating that an unknown man had been found dead in a coulee near that place, under circumstances which make an inquest necessary. J. B. McCollum Optician and Eye specialist from Great Falls will be in Choteau March 15th for one week only. Persons desiring properly fitted glasses for any defect of the eye&, should see him. Examination free. J. W. McKnighthas returned to Kalis pell and has about completed arrange ments to purchase property and engage i in business here, but the .details are with j by request.—Inter Lake. Calamity Jane, a noted character of 1 Western border life, a friend or Buffalo Bill and a participant in many oE the early Indian campaigns, has been admit to the poorhouse in Gallatin county. James Rutherford, the son of Jas. C. Rutherford of birch creek, died at tlie Fort Shaw school last week from the effects of rheumatism. He was a bright boy of about 12 years, and his untimely death will be regretted by the many friends of the family. 810 Reward .—For information leading to recovery of one brown horse branded monogram seventy-six on left hip. Got away from Pondera with saddle on Jan. 22d. Jas. W. Fryer, Raymond, Mont. Alex Yule was down from tho saw mill early this week, and said that he is now prepared to furnish all kinds of rough lumber in quantities to suit. The mill is better prapared than ever to supply customers with a first class arti cle of lumber. See ad. Jack Miller, the well known stock man. was in town this week from his ranch on Cut Bank. The passing years make no impression on Jack, excepting perhaps to make him jollier than ever, and Dame Fortune still continues to lavish her smile3 in his direction. As we go to press we learn that R, M. Steele died at his home in Pondera this morning, from pneumonia. Mr. Steele was well known ad over northern Mon tana, and his death will be regretted by all who admired his sterling qualities. The sympathy of the entire community will be extended to the widow in her ! affliction. Taken Up —At the government bull cor ral on Two Medicine, one brown horse, white star in" forehead, both hind feet white, saddle marked, branded X on left shoulder,!: on right shoulder. Owner may have same by this advertisement. Garrett White, 27-4t Family, P O Mont. When you have cold feet, sore throat head ache, or chills chasing each other up nnd down your back, and you want to make dimes look as big as dollars call at the Q and L saloon and get a drink of that old standard brand, Bond aidljillàid wliiskej. 1 1 i ! ; paying for [ The Ladies' Industrial society of Cho r .eau will give a Mirth and Mystery en tertainment in tho court room on the evening of the 15th. Allsorts of nov. 1 features will be introduced conductive to the merriment of the evening. Refresh, ments will be served after the program. An admission of 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children will be charged. All are cordially invited. Passenger train No. 3, west bound, was wrecked a few miles west of the summit lafet Friday night, but fortunately no one was injured. The wreck occurred on the brow of a gulch nearly 400 feet deep and the escape of the passengers was al most miraculous. The accident was caused by the spreading of the rails, the tender leaving the track and two bag gage cars being knocked almost to splintfers. R. J. Croff was in town this week, on business relative to the Blackfoot stage line, which has been under his direction since last November. He promises the public to continue the present efficient service and will increase the equipment so as to run a four-horse stage, as soon as the business will warrant. Mr. Croff is associated with William Kipp in the handling and slaughtering of cattle, with headquarters at Blackioot and markets at Browning and Cut Bank. time ago, the Iudians gathered cattle that did not beiongon tin Joe Kipp has at last taken up the ed itorial quill, having become editor, business manager, proprietor and pub lisher of tue Howling Wolf, at Frozen Dog, Idaho, a copy of Wùicn lies on our des«;,. The H. »» olE has a lioeral adver tising patronage _nd is edited vvith the vigor wnicn characterizes ail of Colonel i Kipp's undertakings, vivid illustrations helping to amphasize the burning prose. We would suggest that intending suo scribers would do well to place their or- ; ders with the National Sportsmens' ex- i position, no v on the boards in Chicago. ] Court is in session this week at Cho- 1 teau, but the trial of jjry cases will not begin until next .v.onday. There is a long list of grand larceny cases, involv ing the alleged stealing of cattle and horses, and the term promises to be un usually long aud expensive. The follow have been summoned as jurors, from this vicinity: M. H. Burd, Jos. Bissonnet, R. D. An derson, R. S. Brown, Jas. Miller, Calvin Stewart, Harry Marks, Benson English, J. V. Da vies, R. P. Dean, B. F. Embody, Gene McCarty, and Wm, Miller. It is reported t.iat stock inspector Lund was at the agency last week, in quiring into *-he alleged killing of a num ber o£ range cattle by the Indians It appears that during a roundup a short all ti.e the reserva vation and in driving them off, shoved a bunch over a cut bank onto the ice cov ering liirch creek, resulting îu the death of several. It is generally admitted that ail Indian agent has certain duties to perform in order to earn the salary which provides his uniform, but tho wanton destruction of property in the spasmodic attempt to display authoiity, is ardly such a duty. ' Dr. Barringer, the dentist, left for the county seat, Tuesday morning. Ha did 1 a rushing business while in Dupuyer 1 and all who patronized him express themselves as thoroughly satisfied with his work. Dr. Barringer was post sur geon at Fort Assinabo.ne in 1878, later serving at Belknap, and has diplomas as i a demist from several neighboring states as well as from the Montana board of dental examiners. That the doctor travels occasionally and makes his com ! ing known by judicious advertising is a direct beuetit to those who need his ser vices, and his return next fall, provided his practice in Helena will allow it, will be welcomed by all who appreciate the ; services of a first class dentist. were: Sheep Commissioners. Governor Toole has appointe«! mem bers for the state board of sheep com missioners in tho different counties for a term of two years. The appointments J P Murray, Beaverhead; R H Clen deuuin, Broadwater; Frank Raid, Cas cade; Daviu Smothurst, Carbon; C B Toole, Choteau; Frank O'Neill, Custer; Wm Lindsay, Dawson; Henry Davis, j Deer Lodge; David Hilger, Fergus; Wm 1 Mullaney, Flathead; John Works, Gal la i i ; Edward Lanaghen, Granite; Er 1 -! ward Card well, Jefferson; T C Power, j Lewis and Clarke; S S Bufford, Madi- | son; D E Foison, Meagher; David j Mosley, Missoula; SO N'C Brady Park; Wm Williams, Powell; D Humble, Rs valli; James Vestal, Rosebud; David Mc- : Gilbrav, Sweetgrass; F C Miles, Silver j Bow; W K Flowf l-ree, Teton; L II Mills j Valley; P B Moss, Yellowstone. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office Helena, Moutana; Feb. 20 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed noticeof her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before Geo. W. Magee. U. 8. Com'r at Dupuyer Mont, on April 1.7,1901, viz: ,• Annie Rose Manix. For H E No. 7927 for the s2 nw4 and e2 sw4 sec. 2, tp. 27 n., r 8w. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Raymond D. Anderson, Timothy Connor. Peter O. Bergland, J. Fiank Leech, of Dupu yer, Mont. „ 0 GEORGE D. GREENE, Register. First publication March 14 1901. Remarkable Cures of Rhuema tism. From the Vindicator. Rutherfordton, N. C. The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber lain's Pain Balm twice witn the most re markable results in each case. First with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he sufferedtexcruciating pain for \ ten days, which was relieved with two appneations of Pain Balm, rubbing the the parts afficited and realizing instant benefit and eDtire relief in a very short time. Second, in rhuematism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two applica tions, rubbing with the liniment on re tiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by Thos. B Magee. QEO. W. MAGEE, Untteb States Commissioner anb Hotary public. Land Filings and Proofs Mortgages, Conveyances, Etc. Dupuyer, Etc. Montana. QR. T. BROOKS, Successor to WAMSLEY «5t BK00KS, Physician anb Surgeon. Choteau, ❖ Montana. yy H. TITUS, Physician anb Surgeon. Dupuyer, « Montana. Dr. EA,RL STRAIN, OCULIST AND A.URIST. 317 First Ave. North, GREAT FALLS. Office hours: 1 p m to 4 p m. J. E. ERICKSON, Qtronicy=at='£aiT>. Clioteau, Montana. •J. G. BAI.R, Attorney. Clioteau, Montana. Tlie Eclipse Livery Stable. j 1 j | j j}} BllV, Sell 0Ï TiailC : J j j PIOTSCS j. M. LAUGH LIN, Proprietor First Class Accommodations fori Stock of All Kinds. 'Dentistry.. C; J'. B. Stephens, D D S G. H. Chase, D D S Associate. We practice modern dentistry only.. Sign The Golden Tooth, Ford Block Great Falls. \ Lumber! —WRITE TO A. M. Holter, GREAT PALLS. MUNT. —FOR LOWEST PRICES LUMBER, SHINGLES, BUILDING PAPER AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Car lots F. O. B. your station get SPECIAL PRICES. GEO. R. WOOD, Mgr. THE CITY MEAT MARKET. Fresh and Salt Meats. GEO. MORGAN, Prop. Dupuyer, Montana. SHEEP AND CATTLE WANTED. I have buyers for Lot me know what with price. sheep and eattN', vou have for salo D. A. RICHARDSON, LIVE STOCK BROKER. Great Falls, IVïont. Chccker boards, crib boards, puzîf.s and games at the Drug store. The famous ABC St. Louis bottled beer at the Q & L saloon. If you need the service of a dentist call on Dr. Barringer at the I>upayer Hotel. For good first class cigars, Queen Maty and Modern Flora. Call at tho Q. &, L. saloon. Onll fit the Q fr Ti Ff loon for a cord drink of ale and porter, fine drinks tu build up your health with. The very latest styles of Stetson h«l Jos. Ilirshb&rg <5b Cos. *