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S RED LODGE PN1D GK O1 --. .,ý _KE T VOL. 1. IIEI) LODGE, PARK 0COUTY. MONTANA. SATURI)AY. PECElURER R 21. 18F.> W. F. Meyer. ATTORNEY AT LAW ANT) NOTARlY PUBLIC. X 'LAND) OFFICE BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . _,d Lodge, ,__Oit. Allan R. Joy, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. COUNTY ATTORNEY MONEY TO LOAN. INSURANCE-§-REAL ESTATE. O()IE AGENT FOR Riverside town lots, N, 1. Railroad lots and N. P. Railroad lands. U. S. LAND OFFICE BUSINESS A SPECIALTY. Livi.gaton, .Loat.-. Land Office Business. J. V. Bopget. Practices In all matters relating to the Public Lands before Montana U. S land offices and the department at Wasting ton, D. C. Special attentiox given Entries and Con tests. .t"Correspondence solicited. 1-8 Eomsnra, Montana,. J. F. Rowe, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rod Loage, MXattana. Houses for sale and rent. F. R. MUSSER, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office next door to the PICKET. Geo. W. Monroe, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at II. J. Armstrong .& Co.'s Drug Store. EI:I) LODGE) , MONT. H. M. Woodward, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Collections promptly attended to. RED LODGE, MONTANA. E. E. Batchelor, NOTARY PUBLIC Office in Conrad & Co.'s Bank. Red Lodge, - - Montana. W; -M. Frost, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plastering and masonry work. WORK GUARANTEED. l'lans and estimates given. RED LODGE, 1MIONTANA. George W. Devin CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, Billiard and Pool table repairing a specialty. Bet.XLoake. MoAtana. R. J. Philpott, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. Work Warrant~d. Job Work a Specialty. Tenam Work done. House Logs for Sale. Mrs. E, A. Baldwin TEACHER OF VOCAL AND) IN STRUMENTAL MUSIC. &od Lodge, Montana. Report trios, i , T mnd, «cr L ajjpl Thvns tc; & n4 orr's. c.i 's A. S. DOUGLASS, IEFI) LIOD(;E,, - MONTANA. Rough anl:(1 Lttced Lum ber Latih, Moulding, 'ash:, doors,Wia(o ws, Etc., i1c. Red Lodge, M0ontana. P. MIll, Prop.L A1 khind of ShLACKSMITHING and WVAGONMAKING Speocal Attention Civen to HORSESHOEINC. 1e-1. Loge, onzt. Patterson house. BOAR.D BY DAY, WEEK 1OR MONTH. --Everything irstclass-. THE TABLE IS SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Cilbcrt Patterson, Prop. Western Union ["ai and Stage Company. C1 a. Grabmr, Division Suyer intondent STAGE LEAVES RED LODGE EVERIIY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY FOR ALL POINTS IN WYOMING AT 1 P. M. G-O EL,_ST -VIA TIIlE Northern pacifi AIILREOAD. TIIE DINING CAR ROUTE, AND GREAT SHORT LINE TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. 175 Miles the SHORTEST Routeto CnIICACO 4. ALL POINT' EAST, -and the Only Through Car Line. LOW rIATES! QUICK TIM3I! Plllhialu Panl&e, ctarIs. TIME TABL_ý. Atntlllh I treas for the lEast- . . .lytt uls ll ............. . ....... . i, I. Arrtvos ut . sulla ot ........................... n 135 i , 111 ultte I }ll," l .- trrie.e l hI lissl a ......................I 1) p. II hlenl Exprler-. le nv es ntiasos Jp ................................ 70 n. l C. S. FEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., St Pau', A. D. EDGAR, Gen'1 Agt., I!elena, Mot. r..i. J. AI .MST. G & . CO..... HEADQUARTERS FOR Druga. Window Shades. Paints S , GOils, Fishing Tackie, Wall Paper, Stationr.'y, Cigz;s, Spectaleas, Perfumes, ..: - '.> Toilet Articles, Window Glass, .ALn± ererythi-ing its o lur o l . --0---- PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY CO',i?'OL'ND O. ah lr. I oa. ied Lodge. ltna. WHOLESALE A : E TAIL DEALERS IN Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, A . [1 r T -. AGRICULTURAL IMYE&MENTS. IWHEN IN NEEI) OF A W\VAGON DON'T FA\IL TO EXAMINE TIHE \WICH FOIL STRIENGTH, I)URAiILITY AND LIGHTNESS OF I IDRAFT CANNOT BE EXCEL.LED. EMrn Builders T-Iaravrare a shpezia1ty..g5y WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF THE FINEST*LINaEOF V EA:PTEARS AND RANGES EVER SHOWN IN MONTANA A.MONG WHICH ARE THE JUSTLY CELE3RATED Cha.t'r OE GUNS and fA.U.NITIO . Red Lo~dge, Montana. P. YE GE N 0. ORODERS. M}ai OCdrsra fecite Priomp2 a ten tion. OUR .COOS ARE ALWAYS FFRESHArD OP FIRST QUALITY SEND FOR OUR PRICES. You will find them the LOWEST. P. YEGEN & CO. BILLINGS, MONT. 0. I P Sadler .A BILLINGS. ONTa NA1T. .L'T C,ý.LIFORNIA BITS AND SPU.S.--ENUINE FISHER RIATTAS. Sing'e and Douh!o Rigged Saddles to Order. Orders from a Distance Receive Prompt Attention. STAR RESTAURANT. ~Re Loa', ont.l.n SAIRD BY DAY, WNE:.i OR €MONT9. Table supplied with the best the mudk:t a.flJ:d'. - TT.Ty_._ Wf-l. 7..,OO02, T-" rt, AnL 2iENU . w ture. .. l l 1 'Et - c t o; in t : Ei:: s r ,-,ntll v T .. iib d the I niio:i -!: .r.. de I n i s it t was e. n - Si-ughes, i, t":- e f illow ig wortteei: I: '"\'Lon Cal;pt. lugiilie.s dioveredi, that its friids had co:,e to fight he tc 'E aml ' "mph. eof slic vds---lOth of 1.!D -, Il ,.! --an:' roased as fart as pI.ýible to the battle oround. 11e gt there in time to ee tie fight ,c:ur as fol . v.., un t not to ci:t;p iti, s was his hope: ailt:l a111d liirr were each to ,ire iwie or ti.::ie at one anoth oil A\t t, w'cr of -coitnain.t for the fir; t re: Iai; .iltun f iii:l a ' iurr o :, lcon1:.r - i, :i:i 'g ,nrr- liuti at t e second firing ;l.c'iioon fiored in the air anld linr' shot Hamilton. llaniioutI thio. it- L.r m .int i to kill l:in pis lie ilntvit to kill Burr: thercfr, I:t:,iltonh at ,ti firt t lhrin¾ aimnd t.!h, .ot J airr. Bur:, deitemi ig that aion lton ;wou!di, o: cts., a: the nlxt is0ot illo;ear!" a:ai c to! Nhon of hiui, of eon ; ie ia d h: t eties and shot l L.tinii.n i. :tin ilton, not wi-hing to he outlo. byi Burr. and presumin g that ieurr would again makie niio i'irt ito nhl-l t himt, fired his pistol of in the air. This is the true history of the du i fought by these two great then." H, w- to ,eep fo.r H..h. Never i gin a.journy untiln break. fast lits -een enltcon. evierlean witlt your bai k against anything that is coll. Never oisit regular b-atline for unless the skin is in ictive condi tion the cold wll ilnse the pre and favor congestion ani d other dis cases. After exercise of any kind never ride in an opin e nringý, r tier tici .:-indow of a citr for a loitei , ; it is dangerous to ht,e lth, or evin life. When hoarse sp !ak a:; tittle as po - sible until the he bl'sn,.,ss has disap. pOe Il d. elSe 11:'!. vi loo I bi:hli e per i i te tly i lu' st or lii a '.utit of th thro0 t id pro" . i p h e ,re ial to , c o o le r o :;e k e ,:,lp t h ' monutith clo.:,,l. So t:!at the :lip' bray be warmlledl on its p g, ltrotgli the nose ear it reaches the tings. Merely warn) the back by the fir. atndi nevI ,r rut:timue key'tin .; the back l }:o:..ed ltb tic hlt t ":a.ýor it h , otherwise is M Lilitat~i.g. Keep the back, -I.peei;?ly be tw¢.en the shoulder 1bd,,*, well covered ; also the chelt well protected. In sleeping in a co'.l r ra ll c. lish the habit of Lre-athinig thro loll tth nose ahnd never thr'ou;gh tts: open imouth. V iive.· . The principal "wat." arc within and adjn::ent to tle royal palace walls, writes a Moro,: co c(iirreslponent. These wlls re studded with small f'rts, and u n.lo -e a 5(,:t .ri ·iu' r. in Ithe c. intirq 'of w rich is situated the palace icsel'f- struc tiue obininig Italian and Siam ese rlchitectnre with very insli!er ent results. It is a long. tieo-story building; on the first floor are the royal library, stored withii volumnt i (bought u)rincip:ily on the system -a yard of shell, a ;'rd f loos:) i the audience chamber anl hi i Iniu jesty's drawing roomIs; on the up per floor, shut in byhv jalou.iOs, live the queen, the favarate wives and aI feLw children. The king has over five hundrcd gives and, strange as it may seem, this people with many yearningsi and ill-reg culated strivings after civ ilization and culture, still cling to Ihabits and customns which mu:lt cripple all their etfrits at thi very outset. flow can a nation rise where poly:gaimy i. r lnpav:t, bhoi e ivwoeiin are c.:r eluc::cd or t:1ight, 1 t!heir ore and on!y i," a ibcing to be-; come a "'avorit"' wifi, while their] greatest ambition (and the giddy i hight to whichl, -al"::" oI too ,!1an-11, elimb) is to be com:: a ;agie wif- '- -a r'!i d t (: i Then 'the 1ry burs diaon it4. dresse= her clihidroien i gaudy ciiot.. and sits in h.r ' dravi:.g romn"; h0lling hi r book up i l-doi'in. in'ily rclko ning up ihr slives and fullyv heli\evig hIerc-'f to a correct a:il inli.stinui1hable iop" if her Eurnpean sister, the 5l'em n f:arang.' DRI.EAMY 3I. '.'I)'l:'. TlO.NS.; Facetioes Pich itin,.;s. IMlrn Fill - n: to 31.the I'."P,:y A lank sp.cim in i of lt e1i min species liassdp I litth m in :ve:ie yesterdla with an empty fi've allon oil can attached to his rudd' r. TIhi can was bulikier than the i(in, conl seqnuent'ly tii pin-i brute draggedl the tilwitrr along l:t a vr sl:ow pace adl frequeiitly rested', ivwhe hi.: gaze would rev''rt rearwards to the craft h. in tow and in doubit wondering why it was so at tached to him. Now there is no sport in such a proceeding an] the wretch wo would be guilty of pserptrati ig a cruel act like this, is surely palinl through the ripening pr ,i.Cs fir t! e tropical cliiie. It is not only ii cruel, but a s.,nsilss trick and dis plays the glaoring ignoranee of ?h: lipratved c artist who would un!i,llli ingly hitch a live 'tiilon can to s :;e gallon dog. Col. George lee, Davis, who has arai nch on the crow rleservation near Laurel, will soon he in tlhe midst of a little Eden. Ve' glean foio a letter sent by the Col. to a lied Lodg'' friend That he has set out twenty apple, lesids a numbier of pltu i rind i-terry tlees, lie ao has a choice lot of stlativherry plants ready to eact out in in thei sprilg. TheCli ol. has lu'e several im li'provenieint aind contenip!la's inak ing greater Oines during the .ol ing seisol. ilis hlay crop turneic out well, havinhg sold his loose bly to the amounit of one thousand dol lias. while hlie Iihas a large q(iantidy of old hay bialed and eady foir mllar ket. lhe also writes that lhe has reciveid a ptenteit fruii tle g'neral'l overnfrl"llm1t for his large tract of lanld. The Cuo. is quite a itild character and eyis that difforel:;t parties aie anlixiouls to give to tlhe pullic a sketch of his ev-itfuil ca ret'. As Ihe los inot coulrt ,.utei ivy lie refuses to give the points :' ii fo:. The tio1. i to ie ',a'gritu:lated ol hi? vi:n anti , rl''rai l r1t'l ties lne, oni 'iC'. in'ii i Ina u'.iul fa il li the: re s terva'ti , whien is a just ri euke to th1,. e who claim that squaw amen lack a'ntrrprise and are indolent and shifdnss maortiba at the best. iviirNe:Ta I'i-iT. The foillIoing miinig saleP have been recorded during the past week: 1)avid Noble to Steward L. "Mor', W. C. Thrall and C. A. Clark of St. Paul, the Tre:.tell. Extms on, Little (raite ,uartz lode, horn -ii v r lode, .Ilyllo,ver, one third ,.f the Gold I.e iu nd o:ie-half of the llount:ain View claim in the New W\orld district. Consideratio, i $2,000. iDr. W.'l'.Collini has eoun awarded the contract for for furishin the eoun try potor with medicine iud medical I attenlilallnt e d. iig thi,' Glntig year for 1,2,)0. The following r'ining deals hava L.en filed with the. co'l,try ,-h-rk. Thi.omicas McKeever to I. Ii. Norton of St. Paul, three-cighths in the "Ella" lode; consideration, $1,0'0, I Thol' "s Mdeiever to W. C. Gordon of `t. IPaul, o, e-eighth interest in th'e "la" lode ; consideration $250. .Major Geo. O. Eaton has I ode Icd a lihe sixtlis interest in the Moun ; Sheep and Grbaham quartz lodes in the Sheepeater district. This lode is o,'i;ed Iby Joseph llrown, James Gourley, Neil Gillis ':i(d Charles I1. \Vymin. The bond is for i2l4,0-00 and is dated Nov 21st ian expires August 1st, 1St0. LivisonSTuS: ENTEaPcuSE. John T. Lily, one of Rid Lodge's prosperous lusiness Ioen and well known in this section of Park coun ty, i: inl the city shaking hands with friend.1. A mining deed was filti with (C.ity Clerk ):utsch this morning, co::,e'ing from Mrs. Zo:na Frazee :i n undivi;de one-cighth interest in' the Concordia placer mciiong claimt "a'' -,i i hthti itt-- at ,n thn So,; - -- ---- .- : IT, tt p ".; .,.r uni .i;:; cl :im . bP,: plropirtits siiitittd in the Now W\or], district. tt h a cunsidtr':ttion cf $(t' A d,,al wi:.s m:ade, whr by I . A. ('lark sold to A. T. Frent! if tim _n, ar hIis transportation lit., etw ,,n lr nith i liot Springs an, Cooke t it. This includes the lho t -it. coaches. waions, way station "ind everything ustd i'n the tram, .iportaiit of fr ;liht. Mr. F:r- ,ia also tInks the inail tintr-act t, coeke from (Ma1tmo:h eI t siri and will hecreaiter carrt iheo ie tween these points. Art e'es ofhincorporation were file-, to-day in the county clerk'~ o: i f the suiler K iing , iti .:ingsn ---i-tar to *) u c I. I l" : or.,, , is ,:t . :ol 3 \t'(',erthy, -Run a br ~whL i tm,.s M. . r :In,; i.. .:.,. t'. . -n ,i ". lh,, h., J,,i:, L. Fn'\x. S unmm. "hah.. w i: ,i ' i Ti,,.r :.n i _\Andrn,, h-w - .t l T i... i.n'.,') '.t" .;e i::iI ,I . . , . ,., y, h. u in l ( ,h , 1, 111mum , Sit. Paul ':,t. n, t.,i otic of theicotnp a y wilt ne i' L.ivingsto , vith a birun.n h of rice in Stiltlwate., Minnesota. Lil 'Ul A I iAtl& 1 AUTO Clillo :. A rtd iet in TtitI 1i hlte Irou lItrs.-, ::ill II, it the ('n )p Ne't i par, (let. Carver. ithe Livingston me - chant, who has 1 urge and varied it tere:ts inl eiastern Montana, was in the city on WTedit'sd:ay, says t.. Uozenan Chronicle, attending it some mattcrs hibfre the court, whtn he was asked byi a Chroniclt It"pre sentative if the inltediate pro..-pet for -t raodl to Cooke wais s god , "M,.t assuredly," rclpicl Mr. Car vtr, "('oke will htav, a road front the Nothern Paific matin line next, stilettr inld no mistalike." "Will it le I uilt frotm ina art?'" "W !d, that question I tint uitpre "The :ttlhcrn Pacilh,, however, i in fi-vo o.i' tf o (li itint;hTF r" tite 1t the ver'y good and suftlicient reatoti I that it notw hais a hranch from the re in line ii (the tlirecti.n t f the 'ark, which it na- :t ki e'p utIl ai c',itl! ru.t tlh , fi^," a".,!ilimnal 1 .ih > f r'cd th... t s ci lw ,ly s it no, ,p .: a . i th e 'in ',,: la r b ra n c h . " If th e ro a d r'L i:, hy a :;y i t, . : , :.: m it i- built via 'in aii :r, it it itt , inuprssi.,n that it will ie l ::e:t tway of the S.tillwater. The rlhlt at the head ofthe Stillwater at, I AAbundance is one of the 'prettiesI ti have ever seen and people h: v , :il ready iaide looantion thtre it antit. ipation of the road running, via' ilul water. Lake Alunal;ntce is fit,; mih s ftt nt the pA eset tinvstite o, I -ke." Mr. Carver further ad"lded that considilra;ll of t he opposition ; hib,! hadi confronted the Cinnabar routi had been reuli,v!edl during the y:;ai and it would not be nicessary t make as hard a fight for t!c righ' of way, but that a strong fight woul. be made juet tb he amie. The surveying orrp: is still at. work onii the line to Cooke by th11 way of the Clark's Fork:, connectingl at IRed Lodge with the Rocky Fork. road. 'hlis prolpsed route has noi: been abandoned, says Generic l M.rc. ritt, chief engineer, and will not b,. on arcc.unt of its ilmpracticaubilit: It bogins to look as if the royd t Cooke must go by Red Lodge, un. less congress consents to the righi . of-way, which is not at all likely as4 long as another route to Cooke i deci:r rd is practicalle, which is' g ing don: by who do not dclsi, to see a railroa1l pass alon:g the Ior-. ders of the park. Mrs. Snodgrass, "I sie by a scier, tific article in the Picket that water contains a certain perc:etge of a'. cohol. Aintitperfectly ,:im-arful." Mr. Snodgras., "woiderful, Mrs. Snodgrass, wonderful? why it's per frctly awful. You can now mily dear for rnmy straing conduet the other night. With your a;s\ 2 an:e Ituci.:da, I wiil turn over 0 new leaf, shake off the dread incu bus and I now swear by thte nelo ory of your miother who is cnrinlg to morrow for a prolonged holiday, that I will only use the vile stij: Sfor niediinc or bathing purpose:: and never under any circusustancc a ihibjbe a drink of water straight,, "Hear me swear." 1But Lucinda htad. lerhi3 hij . b, fore