OCR Interpretation

Red Lodge picket. [volume] (Red Lodge, Mont.) 1889-1907, December 28, 1889, Image 3

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036276/1889-12-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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Mail arrives daily by the ilocky 'ork
,k Cooke City railroan at 10:30 a. ro.
Mail leaves daily at 1::i0 p. m.
'The southern mail arrives Wednesdays
and Saturdays and leaves at 1 o'clock p.
m. same day.
Mail closes W) minutes before depart
ure. CAts. PATTEI:SON. P. I.
It Is snowing.
Dr. Geo. W. Monroe is visiting friend.
in Bozeman.
A New Year's Eve Ibll will b^ given
next Tuesday night.
The court was busy this w.eek and tried
quite a number of cases.
Ben Shaw has sold out his restaturant
and retired from business.
Supt J. D. Finn, of the Nothern Pacific
railroad, was in town Tuesday.
C. Coleson is lying very sick at thr
Rocky Fork Coal company's houses.
Dr. F. R. Musser has been quite busy
the past week attending his patients
John Tinkler the Billings barr;ster,
was in town this week attending court.
George IH. Town has sued George C.
Woodson and the case comes up to-day.
James L. Platt Sr. and Mrs Frank
White returned home Monday evening
on the train.
Several of the prospectors of the
mountains came in to spend Christmas
in Rled L'dge.
Sheriff 9. J. Templeton has been in
town most of the week looking after
official business.
Frank Cnmmings and Grant Lamport,
of Billings, attended the maqurade ball
Tuesday night
Milton W. Potter, drew "Springtimer '
at the drug store of A. J. Armstrong &
Co. Monday evening.
The ore from the Red Lodge Picket
lode is attracting universal attention
among the minining men.
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Hunter, near
town, are happy at the advent of a big
eight pound boy at their home.
The Big Bess lode was recently located
by William Nichols near towsn. lie will
work on his claim some this winter.
"pop'e Williston, of Billings the en
ergetic hardware merchant was in town
this week and -pent a few hours in the
The grand officers of the Odd Fellows
lodge; of Montana, will be here today
and to-night a public installation will
take place.
Amos Hague, a Cook city mining man,
is in town. He has just returned from
the East where he has been visiting a
sick brother.
.J. M. Taylor the grocery man, has our
thanks for a package of Japan tea. We
will have' to sample it although we are
"Blue" Hall hats moved his restaurant
one door north of George 1uubbard's
place. The best of meals awill be furnished
at all hours.
Louis It. Fensko, of Billings, whoi-e
vale dealer in wines, liquors and cigars
Dpr.oanted us tlth a line box of cigars as
a thristmas gift.
Tile Red Lohgo public schools closed
last Saturday for two we eks to give the
children a chance to have a good time
during the holidays.
Fred Routhier, the blind man, has the
thanks of the commtunity for donations
to the Christmas tree entertainment the
24th at the Patterson hall
The Red Lodge Picket cigar is the
latest fad. The masculine mouth seems
hlapk and .insipid unless ornamented
with one of theas excellent smnokers.
Mrs..M. P. Kagy has rented the Pat
tLrsoia hos.sit'd hopes to merit a share
of the public patronage in the hotel line,
lead her advertismeut in another column.
Capt. James -I. Mills, publisher of
the New- North-west" of Deer Lodge, a
gentleman noted for graciousness and
charity, has our thanks for a lt00 cal
Mrs. E. A. Baldwin will be glad to
meet the members belonging to her sing
ing class and all others who wish to join,
at Mrs. Kagy's boarding house on main
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Talmage are
the happy parents of a bouncing baby
boy. Our friend William is as proudl as
Jupiter said only strikes the sidewalks
in the high places.
Mrs. S. M. Backus, of Glendive, sister
of our worthy townsman John L. Burns,is
visiting in I~l city. This lady is well
pleased with our town ant thinks we
have a grand future.
The Christmas tree gotten up by the
Sunday school, for the amusement of the
little ones was largely atteuded and the
program was well rendered. Santa
Claus, Father Tnlmoand other characters
were represented.
Frank Beller deputy sheriff, had com
menced to sell the beef levied upon in the
Pioneer meat market and received a tele
gram from O. P. Templeton to stop. It
is thought that bond will be given and
the goods released.
The picture "Springtime" executed by
Miss Lizzie Ellis of this place is a beauty
and shows that the young lady is possess
.ed of rare talent as a finished artist. We
publish a very tlattering notice of the
young lady's ability as an artist by the
Helena Journal.
There was a man parading the streets
Christmas day with a straw hat, linen
duster and a palm leaf fan. Talk about
Flr.tida and Colifornia climate. Let the
consu.s P ve come to Red Lodge and
breath tJe tropical atmosphere scentedt
with the eroma of heaven kissed oxygen.
Bill Langeton and Dan lee ccame down
Monday evening from the tied Lodge
picket lodg where they have been at
work the epast mounth. Thceybroueght in
some splendid samples of ore ftro this
clawgt. As soon as the holidays are over
they will retunr acd resumce wwrk on
¢h.is 1ptinng property
The Oail faile.tt<O arive C0 .di,t .s 1y
W\e dout know wro has the a::ti,,Crty t,o
say whether we art. 1r tohav .:'il , u
Christnmts tly or y .'. Cert( :.1 th ..:
rah l ofTi 'd have - t the an't :'ir,
The mattr wi.1 t, in' ,.ti. ; . led ;nd
probably tle Iocky Fore t d wt;ll l.c
their mouths pay by tie caper.
A teontiful I eture.
All perloc- thatarel,,vers of the be It
ful sh: 3l.l .e that cl:'a uit'g pitur
"dSpriogtime' that is on 'xhibition and
for sale at the .Journal Pibltahing Com
pany' sture n . : 11il street. It i le
piece of tapestry painting; is bel::ttifuliy
moalte(i t.nd froamed in p:W-h. 'l1he
artist, 11tis Ellis. isi at former resi:' , t of
Hted Lodge, MJIt,itoioa, lit ,o.w re7.ide- ill
Calif:,rnia. ,irt:r s a life size picture of
a beantiful girl with a fresh, ,weet . ;ce,
sta.ndin0 in g!'tacefut, ol' -y ast10 un.!c;
a preadlin-t tree sIulrr'O.tuned by the lovely
lowers. But justice canot be dote by
ditrscription.: the soft, nilturlolri coloring.
cannot o.e iescribed.. It isuot be se-n in
ordter tq he appreciated.--llelena Journudl.
Tine Inust Ilanbe. reitl Mr'e, iin Ever)
IIt nlumb.ers the turn out to the mr.o
etuerade bell far e,:cceedl thalt of alty ever
given in Red Lu lge tui:t it wao a r;mait
success in every partiltir. The band
boys did themselves proud tby their .plen
rdid management and tie people rewarlcted
them by buying over 1100 tickets. I'Le
I Star restaurant gave at supper that was
t imlens and taken altogether everytl:ing
seemed perfect.
)Danei':,Ly b. :t a tth a t raw hnrhll at 5
p. m. tnil wvas kept up c';ti:ntu'' ly ti:i
G n. Il., C]hristm..nl :mlor'tin/. Many of
tile costumes vwert t tril:iki Ily orig'inal tnti
tmany suprisei were occlsiotle1 wI!,I
I1 o'clockl:, Ithe t. [tt r Iumt skig itt clne.
The prize for ti he1)t :,,mc l ;ha:
ter by a ge.tletlan was awardedr to I!,erb
(Cates who rcpresoutt.ld an Idiian chief.
Mrs. Johnie lHuiri; won the prize for the
mtost couical iot.;In iitt wor bity t ltady:
she assutllnlil the ch:::act.i r of a negro"'.
Many ot:er chrllctr-.ti taIken we.re
sple.pidd. iSpace forbd ts t gi;ving a list
of those present and the eor:tutcs worn.
To say every body :a l satdiemt d woulld
he al llu:t is nue-:o.nry-. \When this is
sald lnothintg mtr'e Ie7maltl.i.
Idis C::'!' 'Irt rtprc::tttd the RED
LODGE t)ICtET'r, Werri.y to dress on 11-.w:hic
was printed i asti, i vet : t s issue.
The evetning was stpitenid and th1e hall
ItO degrees in thet shattle.
Iniia ncharaeote:s predominaI d. Cirw.i,
Chiipplws, Pint ts, etc., Itinjg uwt.Ie rtp
"Wei won't go bome till uittltitrg' was
tilhe idea from tihe begining titd thtyoug
sters stuck to the cry l lt1 six o'clock.
'ite musuoic was gceid and the calling
clear and di:,tinct.
We' understand atl ihcr tae:sqloeradtl it
to be given oit the 14th of hebruary.
Several "tlttle girls" were observed inl
the hell durirng tie evenitit.
Catch on to the now sign of tthe Peoples
Try .our Arabitn t .c. i.tt an d mandlin
Java eolnre.--I 'tPtLEt.tS STOtlE.
For 10-year old MeBryer whisky call at
the saloon of Cunick it! Town.
Our N. N. C. ,ap. tens are the best in
lie mIarke,-t.-.lEturLts StOt u.
Go to Ballard Brothers for bottled beer
or cider. They keep a good article. 1-If
If you want anything in the extract
line we have it.-PEOPLES STOIttl.
Cunuicek & Town have just receiwvd a
large stock of tine imported c:guirs.
If you want anything in spice in in ulk,
whole or ground, we have It.-PttEOP"IES
For Anlhcuser-Busch beer \viil; tlhe
brewery of nullard Brothers, led I.odge,
Monta'ns. I if
Yuti Ytun UnBakIlng I'owder. lies· in
the Itl rkliet, three polnd.s S1. Ot.- 'PEO
PLES is..1TON.
For a first class tnug of tom & Jerry
call at ttIe saloon of Cuuick & Town on
inap t !"'eel.
Val lIlatn's ?Milwaiukee Weiner beer
has no equal in ted l ,odge for sale ati the
Actel Samploe Riom. t-tf
I make a specialty of teas, coffee,
spices, etc , all of t he best qutality.-Plli 1
If you want a good drink of whiskey
callatl tile Antnle Saiiplut Itooltt for lBakers
Sour Mash S yrs old. 4tt
Cullick & Townt have . s. plendid ta.ourt
Sneut of I0, . Irandtily that is 12 year-old
and it is iaboLp the sLtiII asd Astrikes tIhe
humlan frtame in tie right place. 1121It.
Ve handle only the very best of every
thing and sell at the lowest prices. (;i\e
us a call.-J. M. 'tAY.LOR, Propriletor
Peoples Store, Ited Lodge.
IFor sparkling Auhteuser-lnusch beer,
ginger pop or cider-the trint of Bnullard
]Bros. are taking the lead in Ied Iodge.dl I
,(o to the Antie Satnlp)e oom for the
best beer in town. Yal Itltz's celebrut
ed \ite,ntr Iby the glass, bottle or case.&tf
For good old Irish whihsky call at the
sailhoon of Cutnictk S" Town. The Ipblsict
can got 's goodI drink or cigar at this
salool:;; en y placel in Mounallt.l-i
Ilrmamnltin. g.
l)resmiakiMe. Also sowling dlone for
Seintlettlln. Ses ,ing of atll kinds done to
ortier. I'het.e g ve urt a call.
M .iRs. !:r; rn;1.: PUItI.l'oT,
tiltui TE rt ItLptl''.
1 1l10e a complete liouse tivitnii;. 11it
fit, and the ilest one in Hoitd Lodge. :Par
ties who desire to have their houses re
nmoved call upon me at onuce.
'lt EWP't PItTTt:riox
All persons iudetbteid to toe are reglest''l
ed to call ind settle their cecounts int
Smediately. I. it. Chas Patterson,
Mitre. ,T 1V.Tayhi'. will n o!n- malaut a
iJU. iIj I' i DAY. \VX!"K ( II
j---Evarythwg Fiu~rftca~s-
'Mrs. M. P. Kagy, Pr`..
J. 1. W3LF,
and Jeweleri
III l epaia .r ,I ki:uI4rh XVtU r.'
- J U ilI.(Ilsl. * ~ .~
Apo (i t, nd NOW` vin; :+Lu-Iies
1 nd III kiwsof
.icil I =in
Cre]tlil nicu t:. :0~
'~lir ~~i'' wret n I
civ3 mc a call at, t h ocli
Ilied I ge-t~ , MOUltana.
AL I. Ih Largest Corntpres
CcrYre neI31i:ecoz tyroI1c;tcid.'l
Peoples Ciiro~ccy S
A~ full lino~ 'I -stjnilo find
Pure 'l' A: ,tand C0 Fl?1,;i
S : ci ut V.
Ev(ery artielh is guarntceed to be
fresh wul ftiret class.
Prices to suit the tiues.
O0 t of town rdlere reeivoee !priompt
Atte, tion,
S1tore in the lelding fore:cry used
by A. (iledorf.
Give in, a call.
J. M1i. Taylor.
Blne Fi1rot New8 Depoti
Fipo line ofC ittionery kept in Stock.
Flre.h Fruit H(ir'lvved Daily.
'TIi!). PE.ilON & CO., Proprs.
Baykery & Lunch.
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, etc.. etc.
Oysters in Every Style.
Agent for Phil hluhnb's celrat
J.iliday goods in grret variety.
ecxt to Llowis C .Arnlstrol', : drtug
Ia. ·.- .I
o<J. H. CONR A >O
Interest allowed on all cDposits left for a Specified'
S-,re-, Issued .on all Prir:cpC Citie.s in United Statesa
a 'ra) C, urope.r , to al '
.--onr transferred to aL p.s of the United Stateis
by TelegraLph.
-. E. B 'T HELOR, Cashtier.
1 .1. FIE L Carstma.s
Calls your atteantin oo tn er line f CiSm
We have a Fine Line of sIL : PLFUSH SLIPpER
F6ancy Embroidered and atŽtbb..- for a present.
SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, in fancy figures, color
ed borders, hem stitched, in China and Japanese
sojid colors in red and "hie re can suit you in the m.
We have the largest and newest designs in solid
and. rolled Gold, consistg of chains, cars, scarf-.
pinhs, cuffbuttons, etc. In
W"e beat them all. Vre have a largo-line in Tog and
iNWindsor in all shades.
We wish to call yourt attention to our line of boys'
and men's suits, J. B. Stetson Hats, Fine Cardigan
jackets, fancy initial embroidered suspenders, high'
grade overshirts, especially purchased for the holi
days. Come now and make your selection while the
assoztment. is large. IP . L. C ompany.
C.othing anbd Shirts made to Order.
LJOFN , I. B UR NO. S.ruJr.3torG.
TIE!) L.OD(cE )1-UNTA.\..
Onrly lq 7 ,,: ci S4~ll10:. ~3 KS : ý··ý% 1 ·b a :s C·I t: G 3. h
C-* '!,itc \ ri'>.:
olaiiy & Potter.
Re-A ý 4.-.. I '41 na
I <ii A* R
:illy & Wall, rropriotorq,
mo giiiil iisck of
Lquzors :rd, CGirrt
(Gives us a call.
"Mo1 d i knn tsp
Cigar M nufactory.
nuil kop1t in stud b .lv o'.
and Iiv~tajl lots.
1Xrihi~i & Rlodger°,
1d1111) 10I)C Ii' mom'.
IGem Saloon.
( ()NST.\' 1't ON f11 :N
I tfpl r I rtI' o(' to (14) Iill i Jf
i L4ocatc in the Bollatrdl Poildittiit
"T J. SMIT Ill ei) Boonre:,\O
Pioneer (_ igal!·
mt~tnofactureri of I [A \A nA i
]flJMES'V[C('Xa Quality pt
lioud) TI.\TE)
f aniI Orders Receive PFomn~t
Attentio n.
0p.N ? err,

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