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FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 4 and 5 Roman Theatre TUESDAY APRIL STH BILL HART IS BACK ANOTHER METRO PICTURE JACKIE COOGAN SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 6 AND 7 MAR10N DAVIES The First Picture in Two Tears IN WILLIAM S. HART LONG LIVE THE KING 99 a IN 9—Reels—9 IN U SINGER JIM MCKEE 99 Pathos, comedy and tense drama cleverly woven into a wonderfully enter taining motion picture presenting the boy that is loved by millions In his most amazing characterization. JACKIE in an entirely different role, and his greatest. JACKIE, as the Boy Prince of Everybody's Dreams. JACKIE, who turns from Rags to Royal Rainiment. UTILE OLD NEW YORK « FABLES and COMEDY Reels 99 * 10—Reels—10 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9TH Greek "INNOCENT CHEAT DON'T FAIL TO SEE JACKIE, in "LONG LIVE THE KING' Be thrilled with the adventure and the beauty of it yy 6 reels WHEN AMERICA WAS YOUNG Also- "LEATHER PUSHERS" 2 Reels THOSE WERE THE DAYS—when people traveled by stage-coach—when and John Jacob Astor was a fur dealer—when Cornelius Vanderbilt ran a ferry-boat.—when Robert Fulton amid jeers launched the first steam boat—w'hen Lorenzo Delmonico ran a lunch wagon.. 2 reels ü FIGHTING BLOOD yy 2 reels SUNDAY CONCERT > COMING! Saturday, April 12th— NO MOTHER TO GUIDE HER MARION DAVIES by her quaint and whimsical performance—even greater than her work in "When Knighthood Was in Flower"—will win your heart completely. Marion Davies as the boy Pat, is one of the most captivating figures you eevr saw. When she removes her boy's disguise she steps out in all her radiant beauty. April 6th WILLIAM COHN at the Organ 99 'UNDER THE DOUBLE EAGLE" (March) Wagner No. 1. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 13 & 14— HAROLD LLOYD in "SAFETY LAST" No.2. "TESORO MIO" (Italian Waltz) E. Becucci To see this great romance is to add an unforgettable memory to your store house of treasured pictures. S."JUST A GIRL THAT MEN FORGET" Mills Pubi Improvisations and Request Numbers Solicited ©OC1ETY and CLUB Edited by Mrs. L. P. Chapman. Interesting Items of the Social and Club Life of Red Lodge and Vicinity § METHODIST LADIES MEET Mrs. Nell Christensen was hostess to the Methodist Ladies Aid at their Church parlors on south Broadway. MRS. JOHN G. SKINNER HOSTESS TO GUILD Mrs. John G. Skinner entertained the Episcopal Guild at the Guild Hall on Wednesday, Appl 2nd. MRS. PAUL CARTWRIGHT HOSTESS TO CONG. LADIES AID The Congregational Ladies Aid was entertained in th First Congrgational church with Mrs. Paul Cartwright as hostess. THE MISSES 8CHIMMING HOSTESS'S TO F. T. N. CLUB The Misses Hattie and Emma Schimming entertained the Fortnight ly Club on Thursday evening, April 3rd. MRS. FRANCIS HARNEY AND SISTER ARRIVE HOME Mrs. Francis Harney and sister Miss Mary Draper arrived home from Long Beach, California on Monday, March hte 31st after a most delghtful three months sojourn with friends. MRS. JAMES A. BROPHY WILL VISIT SISTER. Mrs. James A. Brophy will leave Friday, April the Fourth for an ex tended visit with her sister Mrs. David Thomas who lives in Columbus, Ohio. MOTT SOUDERS LEADER IN CLASS CHEMISTRY Mott Souders who is attending the Bozeman College writes he is still on the honor roll, and Professor Cobleigh states he is leading his class in Chemistry. This Society MESDAMES CARPENTER AND LANDERS ENTERTAIN SOCIETY Mesdames S. G. Carpenter and A. 3. -Landers will entertain the Altar Society at the rectory on Tuseday evening April 8th. meets every two weeks. MRS. J. A. NEWMAN HOSTESS. Mr*. J. A. Newman gave a social afternoon on Wednesday April 2nd At the close of the day a very nice Those present wwe, Mesdams R. A. Marsh; Wm. Bneid, Herbert Newman, Eddie Bloom Martin Rapp, James Bailey, James Browning, Jack McFate , Charles WilMm, Thelma Solso, Messrs Downs and Gillen. tench was served. MISS LILLIAN HAYES VISITS PARENTS Miss Lillian Hayes who is a teacher in the Joliet schools came to Red Lodge over Sunday to visit her par ents Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hays. MR AND MRS ARTHUR NEWMAN HERE FROM WASHINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Newman were here from Renton, Washington, on Wednesday and Thursday, April 2nd and 3rd visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Croonquist, Mrs. Newman s a sister of Mrs. Croonquist. DINNER PARTY FOR MR. AND MRS. TOM MURPHY Mr. and Mrs. Bertagnolli gave a dnner party on Sunday March the 28, n honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murphy of Roslyn, Washngton. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willy, Mr. and Mrs. And rews, Mr. George Turner, Mr. Arthur Maddox. W. C. R. L. CHANGE DATE OF ONE ACT PLAY A one act play entitled " Neighbors" by Zona Gale, put on by the Literature department of W. C. R. L. will be givn in the Congregal tional church on Monday evening Apr. j 8th as formerly announced i The 7th instead of April 8th as formerly j announced. The proceeds from the j play are to be donated to Carnegie Public library for the purpose of buy I ing books for children. I ) I I MISS HARRIET HERMAN GOES j TO GREAT FALLS Miss Harriet Herman as one of the ' Judges attends interscholastic j meet at Great Falls to be held April j 24 was a accompanied on her trip j by Miss Grace Gardner, a teacher who has gone to her home at Kalispell for medical attention, as the doctors have pronounced her illness a case of appendicitis. Miss Harret Herman is music supervisor in the Red Lodge schools will return to this city on Sun day, April 6ht. music MR. AND MRS. EDGAR W. ALLEN RETURN FROM BILLINGS Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Alin returned from Billings on Friday, where they had gone for the purpose of attending Whole Sale Market Day, there, they visisted Mr. mother n the Deaconess hospital, who ' had undergone a surgical operation. Mrs. W. H. Allen returned to her home n Joliet on Thursday, accompan ed by her daughter Mrs. J. H. Mc While Allen's Shane of Mile« City. STATE FEDERATION WOMENS CLUB WILL MEET IN AUGUST The S. F. W. C. will hold their year ly meeting at Kalispeil the third week in August instead of in June as has been the custom. MR. AND MRS. D. E. BRAY HERE FROM MINNEAPOLIS Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bray of Minne apolis, Minn., were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Plunkett on Frday, March 29th between trains. Mrs. Bray's maiden name was Teressa Cornell, and was a teacher at one time in the city schools. Mr. and Mrs. Bray are on their trip from California. MR. AND MRS. C. R. NORTHOP BUY AGNEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Northop who have purchased the Agnew residence on Villard avenue will move into their new home sometime next week. The Agnw residence is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. George F. Moses who will move into the McIntyre bungalow on Word Avenue, which will be vacat ed in a fw days by Mr. and Mrs. S. Washington, Larkin will move into the residence on Hauser avenue now occupied by Mrs. j C. R. Northop. i _ Jenkins who will move to Roslyn, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. j ELIZABETH HOLMGREN HONOR I GUEST AT PARTY ) Dr. and Mrs. Holmgren gave a very I pretty birthday dinner party in honor I of their little five year old daughter ot the Busy Bee Cafe. The table was daintly set and the birthday cake dec orated with five candles placed in the center of the table. Those partaking of the dinner were, Mrs T. W. Cham berlan and three year old daughter, Betty, Dr, and Mrs. K. P. Holmgren and three children David, Aileen, and Elizabeth. MRS. F. W. WHICHER ENTER TAINS WINNING TEAM Mrs. P. W. Whicher on Monday evening March 21st entertained the team that won honors for the Roose velt school the debate taking place at Bear Creek Saturday evenng, March 29th. The winning team is composed of the Misses Margaret Souders, Mary Na vetti, and Master Frank Whicher. The subject debated was, "Resolved that Montana cities of the second class should adopt the Cty Manager Plan of govenment." Red Lodge had the negative side of the question and proved themselves the best able to present their argument. MRS. LEWIS CHAPMAN WILL ENTERTAIN HOME CIRCLE On Saturday evening April the 6th, Mrs. Lewis P. Chapman will entertain the Home Circle Auction Bridge club. MRS. WM .MC INTYRE HOSTESS TO AUCTION BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Wm. McIntyre will entertain the Auction Bridge Club on Friday evening, April the 4th at her residence on 8th street. MISS KONICA PLUNKET DANCES FOR SCHOOL A very creditable programmei was oôir r. p ' 6V ™"im a 28th at the Roosevelt building under the management of Miss Harriet Her man. Miss Monica Plunkett executed a toe dance in a charming manner. MONTGOMERY BROS. VISIT MIAMI, FLORDIA Mr. J. B. and J. P. Montgomery who left Red Lodge March 16th and arrv ed n Miami, Flordia, the following Saturday are very much impressed with that country. They write home the climate at this season of the year is very pleasant. MISS CAROLINE REBER HOMEWARD BOUND Miss Caroline Reber of Foltz and i Groves Store who has made qute an | extensive visit in Miami, started on her homeward journey on March 23 stopping over in Chicago for a few days. She will arrive home in the near future. \ Flordia ' THE MISSES MARY AND FANNY MATTESON ENTERTAIN The Misses Mary and Fanny Matte son were charming hostess's at an in formal dinner party given on Tuesday evening March the 26th. The evening ] was spent in playing cards. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mills and Miss Gertrude Drake. SAM NEWMAN DIES AT SHERIDAN, WYOMING Sam Newman, for many years, a resident of Red Lodge, died Friday in a hospital at Sheridan, Wyoming. Ac cording to word received by Mrs. Wm. Beadle of Washoe, death was due to ruptured appendecitis. His mother, sister, and brothers, except Arthur, and William were pres ent when he died. For the last twelve years or more he has lived with his mother in Wyoming. He was about 50 years of age. I - I WOMANS CLUB OF RED LODGE , HOLDS ELECTION j The W. C. R. L. held their last gen era * meetng on Tuesday, April 1st, H**re being an election of officers, ^ ra - C. H. Draper was again elected , president, for a period of two years, to J conform with the State Federation election of officers. The other offi cers elected are: Mrs. E. M. Adams First Vice Chairman, and Chairman of the Liter ature dept.; Mr*. R. M. Potter, ! ; second vice chairman, and chairman i of the music department; Mrs. J. F. ' Brophy fourth vice chairman, chair of Philantropie dept.; MrsTTT E. ! man Tichenor was chosen for General Club Secretary; Mrs. P. P, Whicher for General Club treasurer. At the close of the business meet ing Mrs. John Wills served a deli cious lunch of cake and coffee. There will be three more department meet ings and on May th First, Annual Club luncheon which will end the season's Club work. 1>0WELL MOTO r COMPANY MAKES GOOD PROGRESS (Con ti„ U ed From Page 1) Therefore it must double the Horse Power of any engne using the same cylinder bore and same crank stroke, % If t» K <» CHEVROLET < v < i WORLD'S LOWEST PRICED - HILLY EQUIPPED AUTOMOBILE -« 6 2 5 RED LODGE TERMS IF DESIRED S 5 •>-M>+ > >+-i , +++++':-++++++++++'?'+++++4-++4'+++4 , + i f+++-!'+++++*+4"H"5..J..j..}.'i..}. p COMPLETE STOCK OF REPAIR PARTS ON HAND ä % < - j Cal! For Demonstration *; I J. H. CLARK Motor Co. i , J ! § 18 No. Broadway Phone 21 ! Red Lodge A A. A A A A A »V A <1 ft -ft A A /ft <fV A A ft ft ft A A IV f\ n ft et ft A' ; without increasing the revolutions per minute or fuel consumption. Both high and low speed tests have further proved our increased effici ency. Summary More perfect mixture by increased churning. More perfect expansion. Increased piston speed. Greatly increased torque. Par less side slap. A tremendous advantage thru lever age. Less vibration, by using half the We are convinced our engine bears fuel to get same power, out the above. Attorney Reimer of Bridger was a visitor in this city Tuesday. SPIDER KELLEY IS AN EASY VICTOR (Continued From Page 1) round. ment Following hte postpone Palmer Castellano go, the promoters negotiat ed with Billings for a man to go on with Davis. The match was arrang ed by long distance telephone and it was understood that Stevens would of the weigh 125 pounds and prove a real contender against the local man. The failure of the semi-wind-up to please the crowd in no way detracted from the all-around class of the entire card. Roscoe Martin officiated as referee and Fred Williams «» announcer. Reverend Mr. Ten Broeck was a visitor to Pillings Monday.