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HIST©« • CAL GO OF MOto I mNA* HELENA.^ r-\ 7i "MONTANA'S BEST WEEKLY t SC RED LODGE, CARBON COUNTY, MÖWE» -WED N K M ■ A Y , JULY , 1924. $2.60 PER YEAR MOTHERS' CAMP WAS BIG SUCCESS. M others Fifty-Four Delegates to Camp Enjoy Three Day Outing At Riche! Lodge. Today (Wednesday) ended the three day session of the Mothers' Camp at Eichel Lodge, which from every stand point was a decided success. The at tendance this year was considerable larger than last year and a total of 54 delegates from the various Wo man's organisations of Carbon, Yel lowstone counties attended in addi tion to which a large number of visit ors from nearby points took in a num ber of the sessions. Much enthusiasm was shown at all the sessions and all present most thor oughly enjoyed the hospitality of Richel Lodge. Mesdames J. J. Maat and E. W. Draper represented Red Lodge ; Mes dames H. B. Camp, J. Wilson Reed and J. F. Kai—, Bearcreek; Mesdames E. B. Switzer, F. M. Latham C. J. Buz etti, T. J. Benson and C. C. Crossen, FVombcrg; Mesdames Thomas Free man, John MeNcdsh and James Hunt er, Washoe. Mrs. John T. Kelly ans wered roll call for Castange, Mrs. Moi tié Freeburg for Belfry and Mrs. O. S. Chilcott for Edgar; Mr«. J. E. Car rol, John Peters and Ralph Hunter were present from Roberta; Mrs. Roy Ames from Bridger. The remaining 23 delegates were from points outside of Carbon county. The Billings party was made up of Mesdames Frink Crosby, Thomas Pur cetil, Charles Wadded, O.'C. Shorgren, Julia A. Woods, Guy Young, Boyd Mc Gee, Frank Krcvi, Eimo McCracken J. H. Whitt, John Foy. Frank William« and O. Clark. Mesdames A. H. Oswald and George F. Case represented Comanche Mra Bert'Howard, Osborn and Mrs. H. E. Snell, Ba (tontine; Mesdames T. S. Hunt, Robert Henderson, L. L. Hays, J. P. Swartz, T. W. Wilcox and R. R. Wohlford, Broadview. The delegation on arrival here were taken to the lodge through the cour tsy of the Rod Lodgc-Montan« dob with the co-operation of local motor ists. Following registration the meet ing was called to order by Mrs. Inez Foster BdL home demonstration agent for Yellowstone county. Mrs. C. C. Crossen of Promberg, president of the Carbon County Fed eration of Women's dubs, welcomed the visitors in behalf of her organiza tion, as did John T. Kelly in behalf of the Farmers' Educational and Co-oper ative union, and Mayor G. A. Jeffery in behalf of the dty of Red Lodge Miss Martha Mae Hunter answered with greetings from other camps in Montana, while Miss Madge Reese, in charge of extension work in the west ern stater, bore greeti tigs from head quarters in Washington, D. G, After lunch and establishing camp the guests spent an hour in eomimmit; singing and a "get together" led b;. Mrs. T. J. Benson of Fromborg am Miss Eva Pack, women's physical di-, rector at the st*te,oollege. The days at camp were filled with exceedingly interesting addresses and music programs. on time this weak and Will perhaps, reach the mails Thursday instead of Wednesday. New parts have beep ordered from the factory and we are hoping that we will have the running smoothly agate by next Ed and Gan Club Hold Weekly Shoot The Red Lodge Rod and Gan Club expects to install a new trap of the 'ateat design and wifi bold weekly shoots to which all who care to shoot are cordially invited to attend. The following number of clay targets were broken out of a possible fifty at the shoot last Sunday: Ç. A. Nordstrom 45; Dr. P. J. Swoeney 36; Ed Richard son 34; J. F. Swab 32; Mr. Fickh 16. Out of a possible 2$ targets, Herb Newman 22; Joe Bailey Ife, Breakdown Of Press Delays Publication The serious accident which oeeured to the big newspaper press of the Chronicle last week caused more of a delay than was flret anticipated and wüte repairs hare baas* .mad*, the paper will not be out gaffen week. Officers and Board Member Are Chosen Dave McKee of Bearcreek was lected international board member of the United Mine Workers of America' from the local district No. 27 at a re cent election . Joe Bosone of Bear- 1 creek wafc 1 Rented as district president; John Bone, Bearcreek, vice president; i William Liddell, Washoe, secretary-I treasurer; A.aton Hammer, Stockett, board ipctaber. of sub-district No. I ; Thomas D. Jones, Klein, board mem ber of (tub-district No. 2; Ed Cunning district No, 3; and George Coles of Wilton, N. LI, board member of sub ham, Wasboo, board member of sub district No. 4. TIME FOR FILING EXPIRES JULY 26 ■;%_ Candidates Wiflf "Have To Horry" but Few Filings to Date As Shown by Official Records. While few candidates for office in Carbon county have filed their nomi nating petitions thus far, assuring them positions on the ballot, a large number of aspirants, to judge from the names of numerous persons con nected with) street talk with various county job*, have failed to declare themselves. The records in Clerk and Recorder Thompsons office show that the fol lowing candidates had filed to date Wednesday. Byron B. Downard Rep. R. G. Martin, Rep. for coronor; G. L. Finley, Dertiflftr Clerk of court; Rob ort Huckleberry, Rep, of Bridger, for Sheriff; Emily Sloan, Dem E. P. Con well Rep. and John T. Hays, Rep. for County Attorney; D. W. Columbus, Rep. for County Commissioner; El len Peterson, Dem. Supt. of Schools; Charlotte Dihfcti-h, Rep. for Treasur sr; Chas! Wilson, Dein, for Justice of he Peace. The attention of prospective can lid ates is called to the law which ro ui res that nominating perilous must be filed with the county clerk and re corder "not less tbrn 30 days before the date of the primary nominating Section." and as the date of the elec ion is August 26, he time limit for iling expire» July 26, The .law states that persona who wish to become candidates shall send y registered mail or bring the peti- 1 ition signed by himself to the proper ding place. If he is a candidate for ■nngresaional, state or district office i which voting will be done in more hau one county, the petition must be j lei with tho aecretary of state. This ■eludes candidates for district judge. f the candidate is seeking nomina len for county or district office one ounty only, or for township or pre nnet office the petition niwat Be fit , , ^1 ri with tile county clerk; and recorder. ' , - Lag for city offices mart be made vith the dty clerk. According to chapter 133, eighteenth csslo-i laws, 1923, page 381, drcala- ion of nominating petition;; among ■oters is no longer necessary. -andidate simply signs his own peti ion of good faith and files it with he clerk and recorder with a fee de ermined by law Piling fees consti ute X per cent of the annual salary. Where fees and not a salary are rc-j eived by the officer, the fifing charge i based on the preivioua years' returns if the office. Registration for the primary elec icn closed last Friday July 11th and .he registration will be closed until ifter the election. The Sister Mary Elizabeth and Sister Mary Philoiaana CjE St, Vincent's Academy at Helena were in Eel Lodge Tuesday calling upon the peo pie in the interest of their educational institution, which offen a splendid course for girls. The fall term opens September 8th. Prospective students should write to tha directress, sr. M. Hypatis, St. Vincent's Academy, Hel ena, Mont., for full information. To St. Vincent's Academy belongs the dia tiuctioB of feeing the finit Rocky ■fountain Mission ef the Sisters of 'Charity af Leavenworth. It area founded In 1869 and has grown up with (fee sUte of Montons. It is we junxiitod by the state board of edue» tlon aad its academic coarse ponds to the standard high schont preas'eonree embracing a period of twy years. Exceptional advantages are, of fered in tho music, art, language and, Exceptional Course Offered to Girls COUNTY BOARD FIXES BUDGET JJO.OOJ Additional Placed In Hoad "Dads" Will Fmvd- Other oner erase. •at ion Board Next Meet \u Equa' Monday. of the board i oners held the first of List week besides the At th: of county conic three di regular amount of routine work, the eti' ed the budget for the «naue While the budget of ex board pi year. pense for next year wan placed at $8,140 more than for the fiscal year . 41 which ended June 30th, a decrease has been made in the budget of expense for several of the county offices, the larger total being caused by Use ad ding of $10,000 to the road fund. In order to properly fix the teg; levy, an estimate of the expense the various departments of the coun ty is necessary, however it does not mean that each office, or department. will spend the specified amount, but only in a case of emergency w.ll any expenditure be permittd not provided for in the annual budget aa aet by the officers and board. The estimated ex pense of the different offices and departments In eampariaan for last year are as follows: County commis sioners $3,350; Sheriff $8JW0; Supt. of Schools $6,450; Bridges $16,200; Poor Parra $6,075; which an the same as last year. The office of County Attorney calls for a reduction of $800; The clerk of court expense will be$10, 000 lower; a reduction of $760 in the office of Surveyor. coming, fa-^wr Mm 4 Treasurers office and »7500. in the office «I County Clerk and the As seasers office expense will be reduced $810.00 and $80,00 will be cat in the The road fund ot $M«oeo. The board also set Monday July 21st aa the date when they Will meet as a Board of Equalization and will continue meeting aa sueh as long or as often as necessary to take ears of all matters coming before them, prior to August 11th All taxpayers who have any pro testa to make as'to the amount of their assessments uniat properly place them before the board in order that adjustment may be made. MUSICAL PROGRAM AT SOCIAL MEETING , ,, . The afternoon was devoted to music ., . n - _ which consisted of the following nura Thfe Congregational Ladies Aid held their regular monthly social meeting at the church parlors Wednesday af temoon, The hostesses were Mesdames J. C. Danby, James Leslie, C. V. Lacas and Nelson Lane. brs: Piano Bolo—Ehiise McCloary. Solo—"The Sud Bahy", Master Rus sel Rowan. Selections—Carmenia, Eastern Song Harmony Eight Reading—"In The Usual Way", Maude Baxter. Solo—(a) "The Moon la Playing Hide and Seek." (b) "Mr. Squirrel", Jean Nut ting. Pima Solo—Mrs. Brida. Solo "At Dawning", Mrs. Nutting. I*adics Quartette ' I Love a Little Cottage", Mesdames Rowan, Nutting Foltz and Johnson. ' Colby Dickinson, a New York club man, is found dead at 5 a. m. In his bachelor apartment. An autopsy Miows he was murdered two hoars be fore. Suspicion point« to the fasci Rating and reckless Dean Cardigan, who was seen quarreling with Dickin son the day hfeore. Cardigan insists he left Dickinson at 10:30, but grimly refuses to tell where he was between 10:30 and 5 o'clock in the morning.— Where was he?—See Viola Dana in lier new Metro picture, "The Social Code," at the Roman Theatre nest Tuesday, July 22. - Ur. and Mrs. Charles Regia are the patenta of a fin* Mg gM, and who boa bean christened Cecelia, bearing "the name name as hr mother, whe ws* formerly Mias Cccelia (Roan. eoma-j-—- expression courses. Further-de t a il ed Information if this two of this issue The Social Code Iw u ti fe ati op to given on page f c rî yl srr m7n7 Automobile License Carbon County will ivc. Ivc $18,707 its share of Motor i ic a receipts since January IM. wir is coostde - as ;d able over the amount - i|nng time last Jîenv. lortioo (foe th- - efc-.- Proportion dike th tftc total of 3 Thi: amount i> unty from uaty ft,>ife dlectcd bv 8t y i v .i ortionnwn; > date, ;atft . is l ^ ve h ,M ofe the unor r) A t Ilf J via* 1 Vf# 1/ [RE DEMOCRATIC n J I K Î iU . STANDARD BEARER John W. Davis of West Virginia v/aa nominated for president last Wed ^I'nesday by the democratic national con vent j on after the one hundred third ballot. The oppo(jition of William Jennings RrV£m and tJw attempt of William ^ McAdoo to dcliver hig 8tren?th to E. T. Meredith, of Iowa, failed to stop him. Beginning with Wednesday morn ing's balloting, the movement to Davis gathered a momentum which could not be retarded and gradually but surely through the succeeding ballots the vote* flapped over into the John W. Davis column, as state after/ tat» either- inrreauxi its offering tn late either increased its offering to him or turned over its whole quta. Scenes of disorder swept the oo..-, vention as e'erybody ciammored for a chance to join the winning forcei. When the fury was at its height Thomas Taggart, of Indiana, mounted a chair and tiov«S the jwmination of Mr. bt ^Mn. ' The met)«« wa.i Larricd with a roar and Chaiapuin Walsh shouted into the din before him: "The chair declares the Honorable John W. Davis the nominee of this convention." Immediately he tired, worn and weary convention which had been struggling in the throes of a seeming ly iterminable deadlock for two weeks —with the threat of going into a third—broke loose in a demonstration of joy and relief. After nominating Davis for the presidency, the convention would have nominated Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Montana for vice president, by ac damation, had he permitted it to do ... . . , . ... that he was authorized to voice the - . , , senator's declination. Senator Walsh "finally and decia ively" declined the nomination for vice president. Wednesday night when J. Bruce Kramer, Montana deie gate, announced in the convention hull BO iiCsMNI TALES ARE EL FALSE Rumora concerning accidents in Yel ilowstone park have grown into such proportions, according to Robert E. Nofsinger, manager of the Billings bureau of the Yellowstone trail, that many tourists have become frightened. The stories tell of a "coach load of people going over a cliff with casual tics of from 20 to twice that number and the account becomes appalling as the account grows and spreads. As a matter of fact the only acci jdent in the park this season was the one in which two people from Minne sot« backed over n cliff several days ago. Till» accident was either caused by carelessness of the driver, prob a 1 ty through fear, doing the wrong an-1 unforeseen thing in making r : • -pie turn. With thousand;» of cars using th reads of the park daily, the fact is that accidents have been fewer than on the main highway.« of any part of the country. Traffic in the park is care fully regulated and every precaution Is taken to guard against accident*. park and in his utuai The roads in the park are we® eon stvuctci with crushed granite and with wide tares. The grades can be made ia high wHhos't difficulty. The roads' are for all practical purposes, one way roads and the danger of colli* *ion* is reduced to a minimum. The! a chances are that the average tourist raus far more risks in than he is called upon fee bwetone park. ■ v #:V candidates file FOR STATE OFFICE moor says Farmer-Labor Will File Complete-State Ticket. Republican Contests Loom In Primaries. .dylic; and Dt: mtc for nominations for state offi i'.e primer/ election Angus! 28 were extended Tuesday whan 1 did- to.; filed petitions with the socrc car/ '( state. Although no petiionx . .V» entered by Farmer-Lahor car.-j.. ilidatca, it was under!,food that a com ticket would in picte Republican entries in the race for state railroad commissioner w e r o brought to four, D. F, Hains of Man hattan and Prank Cassidy of Helens, filing in opposition to Dewitt Peck of Deer budge and Fred Burnstead of Billings. Two three-cornered Republient, con teste also were created—L. A. Foot, assistant attorney general, filing for attorney general in opposition to Roy Molumby of Great Falls and E. G. Toomey of Helena, and May Tromper, superintendent of schools, for the of fice she now holds, being opposed by Elisabeth Ireland of Havre and Jenny Robinson of Butte. Will Cava of Missoula entered his declaration as the third Democratic candidate for the nomination for state entered. ™dittr, opposing Arthur Higgins of Missoula and Thomas Carey of Helena, L - I)uffy > Democrat, of llavre iled for national representative fronl tbe second district against Charles E. - 01 B,on * y ' Filings for district judgeships i„. ^ A Horkan Ra . ... p.,rsvth fifteenth district K f ^ Simmons', Republican, R^i ^ thirtcenth'district- G F Gil ' RepobUcant Hardin ; thirteenth j j Qunther, Democrat, Plcn lyW0 ;,d. tv.e-itSoth «Sctri.l; Job • Lln.l say. Democrat, Butte, second district; G. J. Jeffries, Republican, Roundup, fifteenth district; Dan Heyfron, Demo-1 crat, Missoula, fourth district; Joseph P, Donnelly, Democrat, Helena, first district; Henry Stiff, Democrat, Mis soni«, fourth district: E. D. Elderkin, Republican, and Edwin W. Lamb, Democrat, both of Butte, second dis trict. The period for filing for stete offi ce» will expire at 6 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Alirft PARTY HAC 4p*llv I *»I«1 J lutw SERIOUS ACCiDENTf"—" Hakal.i Family and Friends Serious ly Injured When Car Over-Turn» Near Joliet. While enroute to Billings early last Sltturday morning, where they were toiattend the Congregationaiists tkm , .. . , venliou aa delegates, the Hakala fam ilg met with a serious accident when thair now Nash touring car turned turtle on the road about a mile this side of Joliet. Mr. Hakala was driving and had just passed another car and while endeavoring to get back on the road the front wheels stuck in a deep rut •which dangerously 'skidded' the end and becoming excited the driver instead of putting his foot on the bieak stepped on the gas, with the result that the increased momentum completely overturned the car, break ing a wheel, thç top and windshield. In the car with Mr. and Mrs. Hakala were their daughter Mary, Belle Brownning, Elinor Schneider and Es ther McDauiels. Mrs. Hakala was the only one thrown from the car and received a deep cut on the back of her bead and several cuts about the face but feels she was very fortunate in not losing her eyesight as the glasses she wore were all bent and twisted but the lens were not broken. Mise Schneider received a broken shoulder and Miss McDaniels had her back badly wrenched. Mr. Hakala and daughter Mary escaped unhurt. All the i.ijured are well on the road to recovery. rear — Mrs. Geo. Moses is enjoying a visit from her brother, Ralph Madsen and family of Set)bey, Wont., who srifi re main here a few day* bfore continafog thoir trip through the park.* -— James Staley of the Red Lodge Drug left Monday morning on a two weeks li;Vacation, he will visit his parents at atertown S. D. and expects to tour park before his return. The DancinsCheat She gave herself to him in the trust -1 g faith of a heart full of love. Then at their trusting place si; self alone—disillusioned, to know that i\ vent his son ini found he; TAO AT KT :1 him 1 -'i ; ho was cn e r , t . d U: ICR M c it cd by Louis H. M e Ro-I Sunday and Monday, July 20th a, 1st. Di ' - l fj Imported ripe olives were the cause of four doatns, three at Cody, Wyo., and one at Billings which occurred from b duliam last week according to the Billings Gazette. Dr. L. H. Cher noff, federal chemist who has been in vestigating the case, declared official ly Tuesday afternoon. Dr, Chcrnoff made his report during the afternoon to the departmnt of agriculture sta tion at Denver. The report read that potted chicken, sliced tongue, peaches and other canned foods had ail been eliminated in the investigation. . thiouirh investi r ! ^ « CYlv cation the go.eminent at n ly an d a conferenca in Billings with Dr. R », i „„.„..„i,. Movius and R. M. Johhson, Lacleiolo gist at St. Vincent's hospital. Mr. This conclusion was reached by Dr. Johnson is examining spedraona of the olivea. Report from the specimens Kcnt to 1118 government laboratory In Washington, D. C„ by Dr. Chemoff for analysis should be made within a tho vhmlst says. ° caaes were as clear. y cases of botuliant as any I have iwn," Dr, chernoff.declared. ' The olives we have do not look good and they carry the characteristic odor. There is no doubt in my mind tnat they were the source of infection." See Woman Who Give A gambler with fate, Brownlqw Clay knew himself to be when he realized th»t he was proposing to "Poppy," cafe dancer, and toast of «• «■ - gambling resort he operated was open only to the elite. Formal in every detail, he became the envy of the petty proprietors and the cheap little gamblers. Poppy had beckoned him on when he hud first beheld her doing a half mad, entrancing Spanish dunce. Smiles, nods, beckoning», she had fung , . . . . , , his way, yet he ignored her, », I ... . Now, she was in bis own private' apartment, apparently ill. He could not have refused her admittance. Iris code of chivalry demanded that he care for her. fi j caring, he came to realize that he loved her. And love was urging him to beg her to become his wife. Suddenly, a ferocious rap on the door, interrupted: before he could turn about, a scowling individual entered. Indignation was written in his every movement: "1 have come to get my wife." he muttered, cold and menacingly. Clay was stunned. He turned to her for a word. She nodded. Waa she his wife? Was she only « blackmailer? Did «lie really love him? who was killed us a result? But see "The Dancing Cheat," co-star ring Herbert Rawlinson and Alice Lake, Thursday, July 24 at the Ro man. Five To Ten Years For Attempt To Wreck Spec ial Train — C. H. Denning plead guilty to the charge of attempting to wreck the Burlington Park Special near Wade teat Tuesday, July 8th and Wednes day was sentenced by Judge Strong to from fire to ton years at Deer Lodge. Hfe' Will commence serving time at. once and'in custody of deputy sher-J Iff AlbartTéft the same day sentence was pronouheed A- L. Martin a youth of 19 year» also p|«ad guilty to the dhargb of fofgery and received a sent ( ence of one to two years. ; f|R£ DESTROYS STEAM LAUNDRY Los of $l6.*t00 Su'tuinod by irtie» v. In i'nrly Morning Blaze last Hi Sstur .1 A "limit two ■dug t tori l n lv in. tu« hekMsg rear of Dm mes wore from the bi building no. moment in : the dryii; The fire department prompl «ponded to the alarm but the fire bad gained such headway that it vas i im possible to save any of the contenir and i l,c interior of the building wav completely gutted. The loss as arrived at by F. A. Hen derson insurance adjuster of Bnllf was $16,500, covered by a policy aft $10,000. According to the Lehto no definate plans hove as yet made for the replacement of the,,5ujW jng or equipment, however they are getting estimates on a concrete »true turc and a modern up-to-dat/ laundry plant, For the present I they are carrying on the business haf/lng made arrangements with a Billings laundry to do the work, r*~ 'm REVENUE RETURNS ARE ENCOURAGING Despite bank 'allures, low crop put es and general butines» depress-«« la Montana, Internal revenue ierc r ;«» from thin state for the fiscal year I'vA in;; June ,10, 1924, roadbed the hick figure, ? inussos announce,I recently. These receipt* include Income Ui as, special taxes and miscellanea*« federal taxes. Though last year's figures exvtwft» that of 1024, the showing Is regurAot by federal official», business men as# financiers ns excptionally encunrxg ing and filled with bright pro.sp%*Js for future prosperity. "Considering the stringency Did has existed in Montana lor the put 12 months we are more than plcaaet with the total receipts, which exceed ed our fondest anticipations," Mr. Rasmusson state*. The 1623 receipts aggregated |3, 216,667.84, or $312,468.86 more IKaa 03,657 LB,.Chari»* A. R » those of thin year; but they inclurf# earnings and income» of a period of greater prosperity in industry, agri culture and mining in Montana. The decrease represents less tha* 10 per cent of the total receipt;«. , < 8 Brid 6 er visUir Wednesday even»»*, duties calling him her*. Mr. Ba Y 8 n, ade formal filing of hi» c«a (iitiacy for re-election this week. Mi Hay " is »''ekiUtf re-election on his ps« record. He says the office has pa«* * ts cost under his administration of fines collected from the hoaiie& gers. He can show some real rewalar when they arc necessary.—Bri4#er Times. HAYS WILL TRY AGAIN FOR OFFICE HE IS NOW HOLDING County Attorney John T. Hays «« SCHOOL BUDGET CALLS FOR WM The budget as completed by ft» school board for the city schools far the enmgpjf year calls for an appm Tho teaehetjf pristion frf S78.988, salaries toko up the greater porlios of the amount, thé total being figure® at $46,340 with an additional set aside to be used in cases of illnew of teachers or for substitutes. The budget will be presented to th* board of county commissioners whs must approve t before t becomes vafi id and the school levy will be figure* upon the basis of the budget for ft« coming year, iiss Marcella Littlefield ratomnf Wednesday from DHIon where »he has been attending the Normal sehad there, and taking np a regular mer course, j Jean Fredericks genial proprltrmu M the Busy Bee Cafe was a bus! visitor to Billings Tuesday.