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I IBIS IS THE T ? TIME X 5: * % This is the time of s X year when flowers t X t 1 arc in bloom. When t Z X rases will be in de- 1 ' * ♦ BiandL * * J * 4 Olir VESCS are of J X .. _ . _ J £ the fllgriest Quality. + **• .. _ , , 4 ♦ Beautiful III design J -_, , . + ♦ and nch in color. + J * * 4 * j * J * 4 t , ■> ■ 4 t BEARTOOTH JEWELRY COMPANY ■ ^What we say It Is, It Is. v> 11 * ti T I BATTERY SERVICE ' 1 ' 1 We re-charge and repair all makes of storage batteries and We do the work the way it should be done. Tour battery is the most important factor of your Automobile. TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR BATTERY RED LODGE ELECTRIC CO. £ 4 44444444444 * ■»- • + 4. 4 ... 4 .4. j ,. v... .j.... v s- •'r ^ tt+w-i' **44 ' 4 4 *:• v .J' > •:* ■:■ v ■:■ ■:■ ■;■ v •. rtV .'VTVVVVVTVT .• T VV WV V VVVVWVYVVVV .* .-'* V V.-V■.'V .*VVVV^?VV+TVY .- ■* i FRIDAY and SATURt AY; AUG. 29-30. THE PLUNDERER •> THURSDAY, SEPT. 4TH. THE EAGLES FEATHER I Roman Theatre »? a n a > * I A smashing story of The great outdoors su perbly produced, thrilli^f^ exciting, Absorbing. Enacted by a Remai ka 4 A gripping story of gold and human hearts. From the novel by RAY NORTON. And » •i 4 AUG. 31ST AND SEPT. 1ST. St ■> THE TELEPHONE G1R1 -i if a POLA NEGRI IN 4 •i ALSO—"LEATj^ER PUSHERS INTERNATIONAL NEWS f } 4 < ■i MEN" a 4 TWO REELS 4 ■ 4 4 4 4 The screen's shortest title but it's the biggest sen sation. A merciless expose of the way rich men make love. With Pola as a trusting French girl, seared by the flame of a false love, making all men pay the penalty. Never was Pola Negri so fascinating as in this gre;- f Parisian Love-Drama. * ♦ « ANNUAL PARAMOUNT WEEK 4 FRIDAY, SEPT. 5TH. 4 Delightful Comedy is William De Milles new Paramount Picture production. . jj ■: 4 4 v ! ♦ f f THE MARRIAGE MAKER t i * 4 TH -r Comedy;—"LODGE NIGHT y > ■> V S t < ANNUAL —wiYh— with Agnes Ayers and Jack Holt. ... + TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2-3. 4 H t ♦ Cparamount 1 1 WEEK, * 4 SATURDAY, SEPT. 6TH. BIG BROTHER ZANE GREY'S w 4 4 ■■■ •:> THE CALL OF THE CANYON 4 4 f > ff it •> with Richard Dix, Lois Wilson and Maryjorie Daw JAZZ-MAD New York and the rugged West ; frivo^us society and the mighty realities of Na ture—this picture shows both. A Zane Grey story! A guaranteed thriller! Same author, di rector and leading players of "To the Last Man. Same stirring entertainmnt. * »EP1EMHER 1924 «] WITH EDITH ROBERTS AND TOM MOORE t [» ÎÎ 1 2 345 6 ■> * 7 j 819 10]ll 12 15 .ijÛÂjjùiJ'iaaj* ♦ ■41 * ❖ 4 Starting August 31st, Ending September 6th. BIG BROTHER" has a big theme that digs into your soul. Its thrills rush upon you with be wildering frequency, its dramatic force slackens for a second. It's a perfect picture—one you'll never forget! .. ♦ ♦ t t H + ' ! never EDA ROMAN AT THE ORGAN umedy:—"THE NEW SHERIFF ♦ 4 4»»M . *« **«*«*A*«.***«ii.*4** * * »« *««*** ^**4444 s *444 *+ + T >♦< ! + 1 Bear Creek Items. V UC 4 * 5 WÀ * * t t t * (Special to the Chronicle) Jk-r ** k*. . «ft. I ij 1 barone-bivacqua * NUPTIAL * ' A very pretty and elaborate wed J ding occured Friday morning at the * St. Patricks church in Billings when 4 Miss Edna Bivacqua became the bride J of Camilc Barone, of this place. The J bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. + Rosa Leona and Grace Leona acting 4 as besst man. The bride was very J charming in a gown of white canton + crepe and a beautiful wedding veil. She carried a bridal bouquet of oph elia roses and carnations. Immediate-1 ly following the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride on 2611 Second avenue, South Bil lings. The bride and groom re turned here the same afternoon I and will make their home at ' this place where Mr. Barone is gaged in the grocery business. Barone is the daughter of Mr. and , Mrs. Costantine Barone of Billings and ■ has a host of friends there. 4 en-, Mrs, RECEPTION FOR MR AND MRS. BARONE, On Friday evening a large recep •tion was held here at the Barone home'John ' and the bride was the recepient of many beautiful gifts. One of the features of the evening was the beau 1 tiful and elaborate wedding cake. The ' guests were Conslftine Bevacqua, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leona, Miss Esther Bevacqua, Samuel Bevacqua, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mima, Mr. and Mrs. Guy , Critelli, Frank and Joe Critelli, Mrs. A. E. McIntyre, Chass. McKinney, An 1 ge !j n * a '\ R ;^ L T'Jr M( ' ü n n Y 'nell. Guy VeUrO of BUUnjr«. Quy Monaco, of Joliet. Mrs, DlPelicl, of; Thermopoliis, Mr, and Mrs. Grace | Leone, Mr. and Mrs. Maurco, Mr. and Mrs. DiPasquale, Prank Campanola, | Battista Cigmetti, Tony Yanni, Alec Piecioni, Joe Kölner, Mattie Bruno, of Bearcreek and Lora and Lilly Rosi, Steve Cavallo, Mr. and Mrs. John Cicchetto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peila, Mrs. Pete Feranero, Sam Barone and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barone of Red Lodge. On Saturday and Sunday a dancing party was held at the White 1 Rose Cafe in their honor, for friends and relatives. The music was furn ished by Joe Critelli and Frank Cri telli, of Billings, and Pat Guecheola Red ■Chas. Leone and G. Celico of Lodge. The affair was one of vne largest that has ever been held in this city. Lmil Bastm, who is employed at the Smith mine as box car loader had the misfortune to get his hand caught in the cogs of the wheels and cut the tip of his fore finger completely off. The rest of the finger was damaged so badly that it was necessary to am putate the finger just below the hand. He is reported as getting along nice INJURED AT MINE. ly. - POOL HALL ROBBED The pool hall of Poe Bartholdo was broken into Tuesday night and a quan , tity of candy and cigarettes were tak en. As yet the thieves have not been, caught, I ' Dempster, Louis Sasish, Mrs. Frank] Scofienza, Mrs. Ella Kane The county commissioners chose the following judges for election to be held here Tuesday: First Wayd: Mary and Mrs. Phil Gardner. Second Ward: Lela McDonald, Mary Ann Soulsby, Mrs. Robert Irvine and Alex Hynd. Third Ward: Mrs. J. E. Rickets, home'John Miksell and Harry Wright. A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scofienza on Sat-j urday evening. The evening was spent at dancing and games followed by a delicious lunch. The guests were I Mrs. Teressa Sconfienza, Lena, Ma- 1 , deline and Hannah Sconfinza, Flor enee Fava, Americo Sconfienza, Dorn >nic Favero, Bill DeBourg of Red Y LOd " C ' - Mrs. Rena LaDukö of Livingston, | was here Thursday to fill her chair as Noble Grand at the Rebekah meet-! | ing. While in town she was the guest ' of Mrs. Henry Drepps. on Frinday evenin fU Mr. and Mrs. Tom Erasure and Mr. and Mrs. Howell McKinnon were pic mcing on the banks of Rock Creek 1 Miss Barbara McDonald, Mrs. Geo rge Davidson and Jean Davidson left Monday morning by auto for a weeks visit at Gebo, Wyoming. Mrs. William Pryde, of California spent several days this week at the home of her son, Peter Pryde. She Saturday to spend several days in Red Lodge before returning home. « ! The Misses Edythi Kane and Neiî, were shopper in Billings the * a *t W (I 20 week. Or. J. \v. and daughter, :o a number of " on Wednesday evening. Delicious refreshment« were served at midnight. Reed Gladys, 'ijjre hosts their friends at "5o 5 m Q W .-T- , Mrs. S, M. Arvin wo a dinner guest at the home of Mrs. l.ela McDonald Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Stacy was hostess to a number of her friends on Friday af-j at ternoon at a Kensington, complimen-l the tary to her house gin James Hynds, who is attending school in Billings is home for a weeks vacation. Mrs, Ale* Hynds a: .I children, Ruth and Earl, who have been spending the past week with friends at Livingston, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stacey were guests of friends at Bridger Satur day, I Glen Holly, who has been spending I the summer at Crow agency returned home Friday and is employed at Fos ter mine. ! Miss Alta Gosnell, Dr. and Mrs. J. J W. Reed, S. M. Arvin, and H, C. Reed motored through the park this week. 1 I Fred Chfistiani, George Morris, J. ^ • Bead H. C. Reed, and Ed Garnett Saturday for a several days fish-! ing trip in the Sunlight Basin. The Camp Fire Girls held their reg ular meeting at the home of Miss Margaret Curdy on Friday evening. ! I - 1 Joe and Leslie Soulsby and Frank ! Johnson spent Saturday and Sunday fishing on the Stillwater Mr. and Q«rge McNeal. Miss |J«n McNeal, Mrs. Leslie Soulsby and Mrs. Prank Johnson were choppers in Red Lodge Saturday evening. ' R. M. Lord, Abe McDonald, and Geo rge McNeal were fishing on the Sti'l water Sunday. +*+«<.+.j.^.^.^^ + 4 . < .. : „ i , ++++4 . 4 . +< . ++++< , +++++++++++++++< . +< . +++++ MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J J J 4 Music Classes will be started in Red Lodge and Bearcteek about Sep. * tember 1st and instruction will be given PIANQ SAXAPHONE AND VOICE BY- > •h t Miss Nellie Gleason and Mr. Ralph P. George Graduates of the McPhail School of Music { ♦ * % For Further Information phone or write Mrs. Richardson, 1 Bearcreek, Montana. j •> '4 Mrs. J. C. F. Sieirfriedt wha ha« j been spending the past week at the I home of Mrs H. S. ïïopkHt R^und' up, returned home Tuesday. _ ' , , Billie fort, who has been spending tlie summer at the Siegfriedt home, left Thursday for his home in Chicago. | Miss Genevieve Farrington, who has been attending the State Normal at Dillon this summer is home for a { weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William Tweedie, of! Washoe were visitors intown Sunday. Mesdames S. M. Arvin, H. B. Camp, and A. F. Christian!, Mias Alta Gos ! nell and Gladys and Eva Reed picnicing at the 1 were reservoir Sunday, Mr. Gillete, of Hardin, candidate for ! district judge, was calling in town Thursday, Miss Gail Boyd, of Boyd, wass in town Wednesday. She is a candidate for county superintendant, Frank B. Linderman, of Billings, campaigning i„ town Tuesday. He is a candidate for U. S. Senator. « as Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gardner return ed home Sunday from a weeks tour of the western part of the state. and Mr ' and Mrs - Peter Pr y de were picnicing at Tourist Park at Red Lodge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald MARCELLING ■ i HAIR DRESSING and MANICURING I Will be in Bearcreek at the Richardson Mercantile Store Every FRIDAY Make appointments Thursday Telephone 275-J-I OTILA SCHMIDT MARENELLO GRADUATE * m, .„j u„ D „„ . ping in Billings Saturday 6 * ° P ' ^ " Bitling8 Saturday - Mrs. Joe Joyce and son, Billie left Saturday for Pittsburg, Kansas for an extended visit. She was accompan ied to Billings by Joe Joyce and Mar ! tin Kane. 1 v u ■ ' ** 1 j' dfïe retur ned to schoTl t°' nt qk Y 1° r " SUme her schooi duties. She was* accompanied by^ Lillian Lodge and Mr. Swan Miss Alta Gosnell and Martin in Red Lodge Saturday were evening. ! Laura Mae Thomas, IJarold Wads School Shoes 71 mm. i 0 o e e \* o \v* ■A 3 a x v 'S ■■■ \ \. è , Shoes for the growing boy and girl deserve your careful attention and consideration. Red Goose school shoes are built of the finest material on comfdrtible, foot-confor m i n g lasts. A I FOR BOYS FOR GIRLS Sturdy, long - wearing shoes for growing boys. Priced from $2,45, $2.98, *3.75, 14.75. Neat, shapely shoes for the school misses, . Priced $2.45, $2.95, $3.75, f 4.95. HOFFMAN STORE The Store of ^Quality and Right Prices (( i i worth> Anna Frances and Frank Cos* | tellitz went to Red Lodge Saturday *° "" ^ ***** eXaminations ' L. F. Jefferson filed complaint be fore Justice of the Peace J. A. New , man, against Reinhardt Paavola, Ray Hutton and Gust Nett for not having j extinguished their camp fire erty which was not their j dangerously near valuable forest serve. Such offenses are becoming SQ numerous that three fire officers have bee " appointed to guard the localities of the Beartooth forest Careless tossing of cigarette butts and ; lighted matches often result in a haz ardous forest fire. Deeds of this sort growing with alarming rapidity. on prop own and are