Newspaper Page Text
I : ( f LEGAL PUBLICATIONS «I f WHY ORDER OF SALE OF BEAL ESTATE SHOULD NOT BE MADE in the Diatrict Court of the Thirteenth | District of the State of 1 the undersigned judge of said Court, that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased appear before j the said District Court, on Tuesday, I the 10 th day of March, 1925 , at 1-.30 «'clock in the afternoon of said day the Court Room of said District, Court, at the Court House in Red Eodge, County of Carbon, to show ; cause why an order should not be granted to the said executrix to sell much of the real estate of the said , -described as follows: Lots numbered Seven (7) and Eight <8) in Block numbered Fifty-one (51) of the Original Plat of said city of Red Lodge, as said lots and block are designated and described on the of ficial plat thereof on file and of record In the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Carbon County, at Red Lodge, Montana, excepting and ex-1 pressly reserving from the above described premises, all coal, ores and minerals, and all mineral rights in, to and upon the aforesaid premises, and every part thereof, excepting the, surface thereof. O. F. GODDARD. U( Ke - ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Judicial Montana, in and for the County of Carbon. In the matter of the estate of Wal ter Alderaon, deceased. Anna L. Alderson, the executrix of the estate of Walter Alderson, de ceased, having filed her petition herein praying for an order of sale of a portion of the real estate of said de cedent, for the purposes therein set forth, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by at so «deceased, Walter Alderson as shall lie necessary. And that a copy of this order be | published at least four successive j ■weeks in the Carbon County News, a ! newspaper printed and published in said Carbon County. 'ITne property petitioned to be sold is situated in the city of Rod Lodge, Carbon County, Montana, and is Dated and signed in open court January 27th, 1926. H. A. Simmons, Attorney for Exe cutrix. 1st publication Jan. 29, 1925. 2nd publication, Feb. 6, 1926, 3rd publication Feb. 12, 1925. 4th publication Feb. 19, 1925. NOTICE OF SALE OF REFUND ING SCHOOL BONDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Trustees of School Dis trict No. 1 will on the 28 day of Feb. arnary, A. D. 1925, at the hour of Eight o'clock P. M., at Industrial Arts School Building, sell to the high est and best bidder for cash Bonds «f said School District in the amount '<$65,000) bearing interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent (6%) per »nimm, payable semi-annually; said bonds being payable in 20 years and issued for the purpose of refunding » like amount of outstanding bonds ■«f said district; said bonds will be payable on the Amortization Plan as «defined by Chapter 38, Session Laws of 1923, if bonds in thia form can be said and disposed ef at a reasonable rate of interest; otherwise, Serial Bond* will be issued. Amortization Bonds will be the first choice of the Board and Serial Bonds will be the second choice of the Board in con sidering bids. In case Serial Bonds -arc issued, such bonds shall mature annually beginning with the year 1926 to 1946, inclusive, said bonds will not 1>e sold for less than their par value, - and the Board of Trustees reserve .the right to reject any and all bids sind to sell said bonds at either public ••or private sale. All bids must be ^without condition or qualification. All bids, other than by or on be fcalf of the State Board of Land Com missioners, must be accompanied by « certified check in the sum of $10,000, payable to the order of the under signed clerk, which will be forfeited t>y the successful bidder in the event lie shall refuse to purchase the said loonds. All bids shall be addressed to the •aindersigned clerk of said School Dis trict at Red Lodge, Montana. J. J. GERONDALE, [SEAL] Chairman of Board of Trustees of School District No. 1, Carbon County, Montana. 2nd publication February 6th, 1925. 3rd publication Febraury 12th, 1926. •4th publication February 19th, 1926. ____ ATTEST; Wm. B. Larkin, Clerk. 1st publication Jan. 29th, 1925. SHERIFF'S SALE Will P. Meyer, Plainliff, vs. John <.'aley, W. R. Caley, Guy R. Caley, Hazel M. Lyons and Elizabeth E. -Clawson, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the Ui-t nf Fphnmrv A D 1925 at *ine o'clock P M at the front door T^^-tHouse * n CiS of Ited ! ' 11 ' F untv Montana all L^ge.ur • ' h Q „ f Carbon ' r?f MonUna te ^t lot numbered ' Two of Section Tbi fv four in Townshin Three South Xné, Eot^Ul . . rnv d the Southeast O arter of the Northwest Quarter and ST^elst rr 0 l f Q ~ t Quarter of Section 3 in Townshin Tour SouÏ o? Range t tbr«. Faat M P M conUin WCI Jf 4 33 acres acording to Govern ng „ A1 ,, aenneducts : Survey. A«" ""terals head d "™ 8 ' da " 8 ' canal ' ""J"*!' and Fates, ditches and ^ M water ai d J a £ r n K hb! ""gaining above described land or appe JJ I thereunto, l " cl « d >"« üf R ( C t C reek mpHe' of the i»at*" of ™ land the d.tch and d tch nler^ls con veying same to and upon above des enhed land „ ... ^ST dtv of jtn^ A D mB 27th day of January A. U _ Sheriff ' HTTMMON«! Bummuns f n (he District Court of the Thirteenth Judicia i District of the State of ; Montana, in and for the County of Carbotl , Johanna E. Gutz, plaintiff against Benjamin H. Porter and Mabel E. Porte r, husband and wife, Capital Trust & Savings Bank, a corporation, ! and M . Thorne Defendants. j The Sta te of Montana Sends Greet ing to the Above Named Defendants: j You are hereby summoned to ans j wer the complaint in this action which j is fi i ed in , he office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is here ! with served upon you, and to file your | answer and serve a copy thereof upon -he Plaintiff s Attorney within twenty days after the service of this Sum mans, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken airains! vou bv for thp relief against you o> iieiauii, ror me reuci demanded in the complaint. The said action is brought to fore close and determine the lien of that certain mortgage, of date June 15, 1920, made by defendants Benjamin Porter and Mabel R. Porter, bus band and wife, to Capital Trust & as To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the j °' clock P> M -> at the front door of tiff R ß d Lodge Montana. 1st publication Jan. 29th 192B. 2nd publicatio ^ rd publication Feb. 12th 1925. 1th publication Feb. 19th 1925. ; - John G. Skinner Atty. for the plain Feb. 6th 1925. ■ H. Savings Bank, a Minnesota corpora tion, upon the following described property, situated in Carbon County, Montana, to-wit: The SE14 of Sec tion 33, and the NW14 of the SW14 and the SV4 of the NW% and the SW14 of the NW14 of Section 34, all in Township 4 South, of Range 24 East, containing 320 acres, together with all water rights and water ap purtenances pertaining thereto and the tenements and hereditaments ap purtenant to said land ; payable March 1,1926, with interest payable annually, and default having been made in the payment of the interest due March 1, 1924, the plaintiff, to whom the said mortgage has been assigned, together with the »tote secured thereby has elected to declare the whole of the principal sum and interest due and payable, and brings this action to re cover same and to sell said proper ty to satisfy said debt; to procure immediate possession of said property, and to foreclose defendant's equity of redemption therein. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 3rd day of February, A. D. 1926. G. L. FINLEY, Clerk. Prank P. Whicher, Atty. for the plaintiff, Red Lodge, Montana. 1st publication Feb. 6, 1926. 2nd publication Feb. 12, 1926. 3rd publication Feb. 19, 1926. 4th publication Feb. 26, 1926. [SEAL] NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of Montana in and for the County of Carbon. Empire Trust Company, a Corpora jtion, Trustee, Plaintiff, vs. Interna tional Coal Company, a Corpora tion, Montana Power Company, a Cor poration, Marshall-Wells Company, j Inc., a Corporation, Thompson Yards Inc., a Corporation, Cleve M. Straight, Charles Carlson, Fred H. Alden, Receiver of Clark Wright Banking ! Company, a Co-partnership, The Mine j Smelter Supply Company, and State of Montana on the relation of Indus trial Accident Board, Defendants. 18th day of March, 1926 at 2:00 ihe Courthouse, Re 1 Lodge, Carbon County, Montana, all the rieht, title >nd interest of the above named dc fondants in and to the following described property, to-wit: All and singular, the real estate., including lands, surface lands, mines,ior coal tracts, parcels or veins, strata, runs, seams and deposits, mining rights and properties and leasehold eMUles an(J interesU jn landg an d coal tracts and all oil, natural gas and minerals and «II rights, titles, interests and estates either at law ; or in equity in and to the same and ; .ppurU»««, .„d .1! singular the railroads, tracks, rid ing*, mine-tracks, rolling stock, term -als for handling and storing coal and other mining products, coke ovens, warehouses, storage houses, shops, magazines, offices and other build in«» and structures of every kind and nature, machinery .engines, boilers, tramways, cars, cables, loaders, vans, p i ants , equipment, fixtures, furniture. appliances, machines, tools, impie ments, tipples, materials, supplies and ^ detachable or movable ! property pertaining to or used in the 1 mini ng and operation of the properties J pTcvpT situatef and ^ and whether now owned | jr at any time or in any manner I whatsoever acquired, it being under and oxpres ;ly provided that 1 neither the generality or the partie- [ ularity of the foregoing description' of real estate and other property here by mortgaged and intended and agreed 1 s , , . , . personal, or any of the rights, . . .. • , , privileges, franchises or assets of the . j , Coal Company of the nature and char . , ... acter aforesaid, whether now owned' or t ßn ti hereafter acquired it . . . ' . intended and aereed ' by J he g Coa , c ompany to convey an 5 mortgage all such property of the mtnre a n d character aforesaid, whe rever situate and whether here inbefore descri hed or not. and whether the sam „ rnav be owned or may at ^ hereaVterT acJuïed or constructed Certain of the , • per ^ ^'desert S and L^ed to be conveyed are now situate in what are known as the Bear Creek Coal Fields in the County of Carbon state ' of Montana, and comprise six hundred acres of land in fee and fifty flve acreg of leased )and having a term 0 f twenty-five years, which lands are boun de d and described as follow's: ; South J he wes ^ hal f cost Quarter (S.E ) and the bouth west (]Uürtcr (S.W. /4} unci the south 1 ' . . half (S. 14) of the northwest quar 1er (N.W.14) of Section 32 and the j southeast quarter ( S.E. U) of the southeast quarter and the j no, lh half (N.IV) of tlie southeast Quarter (S.E.Vi) and the east half ; (K.Vss ) of the northeast quarter (N.E.14) of Section 31 and the south-I east quarter (S.E.V4) of the south-1 east quarter (S.E.14) of Section 30, all in Township 7 South, of Range 21 East, of Montana Principal Me ridian; Also Lot No. 2 of Section 6, in Township 8 South, of Range 21 East, of Montana Principal Meridian; Also all the right, title and inter est of the Coal Company and all its easements of, in and to a tract of land containing ten acres exclusive of the railroad right of way. bound cd and described as follows: Begin in« at a point in the north line of Section 5, Township 8 South, of Range 21 East of Montana Principal Merid mn, 176 feet east of the northwest corner of sJd section; thence running east 393 feet along said secüon line; thence south 1303 feet; thence north westerly 421 feet and 6| 100 of a foot; thence due north 1150 feet to the place o egmmng. Subject to the rights of the Bear Creek Coal Company to use the same for purposes of opening and opérât ing their adjacent coal property, re serving and excepting therefrom all coal ores, minerals or mineral rights in and to and upon the premises and any right to dump slack where the same might drain or wash into Bear Creek. And also all the right, title and in terest of the Coal Company of, in and to the following land bounded and described as follows; All that portion of the west half (W.V4) of the northeast quarter (N.E.%) of Section 31. Township 7 South, of Range 21 East of the Mon tana Principal Meridian, which lies east of a normal downthrow fault extending in a general northerly and southerly direction through said west half (W.H) of the northeast quar ter (N.E.14), said premises conUin ing approximately B6 acres as shown on survey or map attached to this lease hereinafter mentioned. Said right, title and interest being more particularly expressed ip a ',.n. sc of said premises made by the lorth western Improvement Company, a cor poration organized and eating under the laws of the State of Nëw-Jersey, to the Coal Company, dated January i 1, 1911, and continuing for twenty-five to be, shall be construed to ex clude any property whatsoever, real so or j I years thereafter. Also, all and singular, the rights, | leases, privileges, easements, licenses and franchises of the Coal Company (except its franchise to be a corpor-1 ation) whether now held or owned at any time or in any manner ac quired and all and singular, the income revenue, rents, issue*, profits and dends of the property hereby mort gaged and pledged; also any and all betterments, additions, enlargements, extension, and taprovemenU to and f of any of tta aforementioned proper ties now owned *nd in any manner, - .U, to vd b, .«IC»« made or acquired; also all the eetate. right, title end interest, property, pouesslona, cklm. and demands what soever of and eencenung the afore «id prop«tl« as well in equity as at law, now held, owned, possessed. claimed or enjoyed by the Coal Com pany and which H may in any manner and at any time hereafter acquire, own, have, hold, possesa, enjoy or claim; also all franchises, licenses, grants, agreements, contracts, case- , ments. privileges and immunities of whatsoever character or nature and ! wheresoever situates now or hereafter | how-'owned, held, possessed or enjoyed by or in any manner conferred upon the Coal Conmpany; also all other prop-1 erty. real or personal, and of what soever kind or nature and whereso ever situate. the , j ^ mentioned prop-)^ erty hereby mortgag' d and pledged unto the said Empire Trust Company, the party of the second part, as trus . . ,. tee, and to Its successor or successors . , , in the trust and its and their assigns .Iforever. IN TRUST, nevertheless, .... , . |for the equal and P ru P orlloliate bene ' fit and 8ecurity of a11 P ersons or c< f Portions who shall at any time be , * ithoUt preferance - P rlonty or ! tlon as of any sa,d bonds and w ' thou ] r ^ ard to the tima ^ ^ Sald Londs sha11 be actually lssued ' the pay * -nt of the;said bonds wrth interest ; hereon 83 the * ame 8ha11 fr ° m tlm ® to tlme accrue ' 2* d. v cf Pebrua - j JOHN ALBERT, Sheriff. g nel j ^ Armut, Attorneys at Law, Billings, Montana. lst Publication Feb. 5. 1925. 2nd publication Feb. ,12, 1925. 1 hUeat|oil Ft , b , 19 1925 . • 4th nublicatbn Feb. 26, 1926. pu "«« ,uo " « b publication Man.h 6, 1925.^ f,ht publication Me, I In the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Carbon. j William W. Lincoln, Plaintiff against The State of Montana sends great j n g bo the above named defendants: Yqu are herpby 8ammoned to answer the complaint in thia action which is filed in the ottee of the Clerk o£ th i 8 Court, a copy of which is here with gerved upon you> „d to file gnswer gnd aprV( , g tbtreof apoa the Plaintiff ' 8 Attorney within twenty dayg after the servica of thia S um mon8j exclugiV9 of the day of aerVi , e . gnd cgse of your failure to appear or answer) judgmcnt ^ uken aggingt you by defgult> for the relief demanded in the complaint, 8a j ( j ac ^j on j g brought to fore close that certain mortgage, dated Nov ember 10th, 1916, made, executed and deb vered by the defendants, James Philli P Callahan and AureUa dane Callahan, his wife, to the First I ' oan and Securities Company, a cor P° ration > and thereafter assigned to 8aid plainliff ' which ** id mortgage covers and is a lien upon the follow > n k described land situated In the County of Carbon, State of Montana, to-wit: South-half of Northeast Quar ter (S%NE>4) and North-half of Southeast Quarter (NV|8E%) of Section Eleven (11), Township Seven S ° Uth ' of Ran * e Twenty-three if l®" 1 ° f the Principal M erldla " containing One Hundred S V <l60> acrea - more OT le88 > #c - T* 1 '"* ? ° 0Vernment Survey there - ° f: to * ether with a11 and * in » ular tenements ' hereditament* and appur tenances hereunto belonging or in f"^ 86 »PPertainingj and for the further purposes of securing judgment u P° n and «"forcing payment of that certa ' n Indebtedness secured by said mortgage. The plaintiff herein is now the holder and owner of said mortgage and the indebtedness secured by Said mortgage. Witness my hand and the seal of{ said Court this Oth day of February' A. D. 1925. [SEAL] Q. L. FINLEY, j Clerk, John G. Skinner, Attorney for Plain-1 holders or owners of said bonds or any of them, and for the purpose of securing to slid holders or owners Dated at Red Lodge, Montana, this James Phillip Callahan and Aurelia Jane Callahan, his wife; First Loan and Securities Company, a corpora tion; and Northland Securities Com pany of Minneapolis, Minnesota, a cor poration, Defendants. SUMMONS tiff. Red Lodge, Montana. 1st publication Feb. 12, 1925. 2nd publication Feb, 19, 1925. 3rd publication Fob. 26, 1926. 4th publication March B, 1926. cupRicirQ HAI F » »AL.H, Alice A. Meyer, Plaintiff, vs. Geosef Monego and Annie Monego, husband «nd wife; and the United Sûtes Na 'tional Bank of Red Lodge, MonUna, ;* corporation, DefendanU. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the 7th day of March, D. 1926, at one o'clock P. M. at the front door of the B-.1.11.C«,-WU*., Carbon County, MonUna, all the fol lowing described real property, Wwtt: The Northeast Quarter of the North-east Quarter and the Weat Half of the Northe«t Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Seven in Town -1 »hip Seven South of Range Twenty-j one East. M. P. M containing 160 ; acres according to Government Sur vey. Also all acqueducts flumes dams,canals, laterals, ditches, and j ditch interests and all water and water rights used upon above des cribed land or in anywise apparta.n ing thereunto, including one share of the Capital Stock of the Reeky Fork and Alkali Ditch Corn pany, as represented by certificate No^ 50 of said company (now Rock Creek a:id C!ear Creek Ditch Company,, f K JI i and ditch interests conveyed thereby, . in Carbon County, State ot Mon tana Matt Pelto, the guardian of the per sons and estate of Eric Pelto, Martha Pelto, Ida Pelto and Herman Pelto, having presented to this Court and filed herein his duly Verified petition praying for an order authorizing him, , i as such Guardian, to mortgage the in i ; 1st publication, Feb. 12th, 1925. 2nd publication, Feb. 19th 1926. 3rd publication, Feb. 2«th 1925. 4th publication. March Bth 1926. a "ce." j Old Bird: "I tell you son, you can save yourself a lotta time and trouble by giving her all your salary every payday—and letting her put you on that allowance. Dated at Red Lodge, Montana this ! 10th day of February, A. D. 1926. JOHN ALBERT, Sheriff. I John G. Skinner, Red Lodge, Montana, Attorney for Plaintiff. 1st publication Feb. 12, 1926. 2nd publication Feb. 19, 1926. 3rd publication, Feb. 26, 1925. 4th publication March 6, 1926. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and lor the County of Carbon. In the matter of the Estate and j Guardianship of Eric Pelto, Martha Pelto, Ida Pelto and Herman Pelto, Minors. terest of said minors in their real estate to secure a loan in the total I sum of $15,000, to be used for the re I newal of a mortgage for a like ' amount upon the real estate in which I they have an interest; which said real j estate is described as follows: An) j undivided four-ninths of an undivided j two- thirds of the following real prop-1 erty situated in Carbon County, Mon j tana, namely: The North Half of the j Southwegt Quarteri the Wegt Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirteen; the East Half of the North west Quarter and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-four; all in Township Six South, of Range Twenty East, M. P. M-, Montana, containing 320 acres; together with 126 inches of the waters of Rock Creek decreed as 1894, and 100 inches of the waters of Rock Creek decreed as of 1894; IT IS ORDERED: That all per sons interested in said estate appear before this Court, at the Court Boem of the Court House, in Red Lodge, Montana, on the 17th day of March, 1926 at 1 o'clock P. M., then and there to show cause why an order should net be granted authorizing said petitioner to mortgage the interest of said minors in said real estate for a toi«] sum of $16,000, or such less amount as the Court may deem meet, to re new a mortgage for a like amount upon said real estate. The said pe tition, now on file herein, is hereby referred to for further particulars. Done in open Court this 10th day of February, 1926. ROBERT C. STONG, District Judge. Frank P. Whicher, Attorney for Pe titioner. Reasonable Jjst Like Dad "Does the baby take after Friend : 1 his father? 1 Proud Mother: "Oh yes indeed— why he is—he is simply crazy about his bottle." Experience Talk* Youth; "Eh-ah-h-h perhaps you know that 1 am soon to be married. From your experience have you found it wise to put your wife on an allow BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I 1 A J. C. F SIEGFRIEDT M. D. Maude S. Jensen D. CL, PH. C. CHIROPRACTOR Physician and Surgeon TELE. 27S-RI BEARCREEK, MONT. PabMr School Graduate. Member U. C. A. Office Savoy Bloch Phone 169 J. >4 H%iv Battery Service HWy Willard Batteries and Service on all _ ' makes of Batteries. TREASURE CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE j/ JOHN G. SKINNER Lawyer DR. C. L. KOEHN Physician & Surgeon United States National Bank Building Office Phone 77; Residence 114 RED LODGE MONTANA RED LODGE, MONTANA UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS MONTANA RED LODGE ="s i Downard's Funeral Home BYRON B. DOWNARD Funeral Director Licensed Embalmer LADY ASSISTANT Dr. A. H. McFarland Osteopathic Physician. OFFICES: Meyer-Chapman Building. Phones: Office, 111; Res., 402-J. I Red Lodge and Bearcreek j —-..J Vi /? j I DR. F. W. SCHWIN H. A. SIMMONS i j j | Dentist Attorney AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ...,U. S. National Bank Building RED LODGE, MONTANA , Office: Meyer-Chapman Bldg. RED LODGE, MONTANA if Vi ■a* >1 r & R, G« MARTIN HEMSTITCHING PIGOTING NV BONE COSSETS Theresa Opttz FUNERAL DIRECTOR licensed Embalmer Phones : Office 7; Residence 7 RED LODGE, MONTANA Room S, Over Gwvaf Stan Rad Lodge. Montana See L. P. CHAPMAN JOHN T. HAYS Lawyer For All Kinds of OIL and % COUNTY ATTORNEY Texaco Products Improvement Block Meyer - Chapman Bank Bldg. BED LODGE, MONTANA RED LODGE,. MONT. ! E.P. CONWELL O. J. Simmons Lawyer ABSTRACTS Fire Insurance Bonds BED LODGE, MONTANA Improvement Block RED LODGE, MONTANA V. /?= OFFICE SUPPLIES Legal Blanks, Carbon Paper, Typewriter Ribbons, THE CARBON COUNTY NEWS Typewriter Paper - 1