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BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ■zj r J. C. F SIEGFRIEDT M. D. 0. J. Simmons ABSTRACTS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bonds Fire Insurance TELE. 275-R1 BEARCREEK, MONT. RED LODGE, MONTANA if = r "" riwiisRL SOS Batteries and Service on all makes TREASURE CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE ■J j— /r= JOHN G. SKINNER DR. C. L. KOEHN LAWYER United States National Bank Building RED LODGE MONTANA PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office Phone 77; Residence 114 RED LODGE, MONTANA .1 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS RED LODGE MONTANA — r FRANK P. WHICHER Attorney and Counsellor at Law Over Red Lodge State Bank Red Lodge E. P. CONWELL Lawyer Montana Improvement Block RED LODGE, MONTANA Phone 78 % B* Vi _ ■n r — N H. A. SIMMONS DR. F. W. SCHWIN Dentist Attorney and Counselor at Law U. S. National Bank Bailding RED LODGE, MONTANA Office; Meyer-Chapman Bldg. RED LODGE, MONTANA - j Vi. Hemstitching and Picoting NU BONE CORSETS Theresa Opitz Ov«r Grove Stora Red Lodge. Montana WEBBER'S GREENHOUSE FOR Fresh Flowers, Cut Flowers, Plants and Floral Designs. Phone 90-J-2 Room S, Zi) See L. P. CHAPMAN JOHN T. HAYS Lawyer For All Kinds of OIL — and — TEXACO PRODUCTS Meyer - Chapman Sank Eli* RED LODGE. MONTANA Improvement Block RED LODGE, MONT. OFFICE SUPPLIES Typewriter Paper Legal Blanks, Carbon Paper, Typewriter Ribbons, THE CARBON COUNTY NEWS , WM. R. N0ETZKL8 MUSIC STUDIO MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS AND SUPPUBB Agent for the Carl Fischer Music On. Electric Shoe Shop Expert Repairing, Half SaUa and Robber Heels. CHAR KOLANDER. Prop. 20 South Broadway, Red Lodge. MAUDE S. JENSEN P. C. PH. C. Chiropractor and Swedish Masseur Offices over Eeartooth Jewelry Phone 46 DR. P. J. SWEENEY Dentist Red Lodge SPECIAL ATTENTION TO X RAY WORK Montana Hours 9 to 6. Phone 207. Silesia Oil Site is Picked For Test by Woman Operator Silesia, Dec. 9—Heavy trucks hauling immense loads of supplies to the new location for the test to be made for oil on Cottonwood creek, about three and a half miles east of Silesia. It is reported that the spot was selected by Mrs. Charles Murray, whose phenominal success in other fields has made her known and ognized as the foremost feminine orator In the United States. Murray Brothers who are backing and directing the operations are very confident that their long search for oO in Montana will reach successful ... . .. , . ,, cutofamtlon here, at the Silesia-Cot are ! ,, op Not a Minute Later Wille at the cabinet makers: "When will our sofa be fixed, Mr. Wilkins?" "Oh in a day or so, I sent it away for a new leg." Wille: 'Well, my sister says shell pay yon a dollar extra if you'll have the sofa ready by eight o'clock Wednesday evening." Bill Jones says that the rich lads who pay |100,000 for a seat in the 8tock exc hange and never alt down, ^ went to New York. He's paid a hun dred- dollars in subway fare, and hasn't got a seat yet either! -X. Dumb Dan Says People have alius sed f'm dumb and mebbe I am, but when me and my gal goes to the picture show and her mother tags along it ain't no accident when I buy two seats downstairs for us and one up in the gallery. l LEGAL PUBLICATIONS a/ ' Trol Iw In the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State ef Montana, in and for the County of The United States National Bank, Red Lodge, Montana, a corporation, Plaintiff against Roy Dabner and Mamie Dabner, husband and wife. SUMMONS Carbon. Defendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA Sends Greeting to the Above Named Defendants: You are hereby summoned to ans wer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is here with served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Plaintiff's Attorney within twenty days after the service of this Sum- j mons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear judgment will be taken I or answer, _ against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. The said action is brought to fore-| close that certain mortgage, dated September 17th, 1924, made, executed and delivered by said defendants to plaintiff, which said mortgage covers and is a lien upon the following des- 1 cribed land situated in the County of j Carbon, State of Montana, to-wit; ! The Southwest Quarter of the North-[ west Quarter of Section Twenty-seven in Township Three South of Range j Twenty-one East of the Montana Me -1 ridisn, Montana; and the following, described land situated in the County of Stillwater, State of Montana, to wit; Northwest Quarter, the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, the North Half of the Southeast Quarter, the East half of the Northeast Quar ter, and the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-eight in Township Three South of Range Twenty-one East of the Montana Meridian, Montana, con taining three hundred and twenty acres, together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances be longing to said land and said prem ises; and for the further purpose of securing judgment upon and enforc ing payment of that certain indebted ness secured by said mortgage, to-wit: the sum of Two Hundred Forty Dol The Southeast Quarter of the lars, as evidenced by a note, with in terest thereon at the rate of ten per cent. per annum from March 17th, 1925, for attorney's fees and costs; and for such other and further relief i as to the Court may seem just and equitable, and for a decree of fore closure of said mortgage; all as more fully appears in the complaint on file herein, which is hereby referred to for further particulars. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 21st day of November A. D. 1926. G. L. FINLEY, Clerk. [SEAL] John G. Skinner, Attorney for Plaintiff, Red Lodge, Montana, First publication, Nov. 26, 1926. Second publication, Dec. 3, 1926. Third publicaton, Dec. 10, 1926. Fourth publication, Dec. 17, 1926. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of William W. Rothwell, De ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN By the undersigned, Administratrix of the Estate of William W. Rothwell, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said | deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administra trix at the office of E. B. Provinse, in the Improvement Block, Red Lodge, Mont, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate in the County of Carbon. Dated Nov. 24th, 1926. LELIA STEWART. Administratrix of the Estate of William W. Rothwell, deceased. First publcation, Nov. 26, 1926. Second publication, Dec. 8, 1925. Third publication, Dec. 10, 1926. Fourth publication, Dec. 17, 1926. SHERIFFS SALE Bankers Loan and Mortgage Com pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, against Fred Nelson and Margaret J. Nelson, his wife, Goldie E. Cowan, as Admin istratrix of the estate of William A. Cowan deceased, and Goldie E. Cowan, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the 19th day of December, 1926, at 1:16 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the Court House In the City of Red Lodge, Carbon County Montana, all the fol lowing described real property, to wit: Southwest Quarter of Southeast SHARON CHAPMAN MERRIMAN Lawyer Meyer A Chapman Bank Bldg. Quarter (SWUSE'4), of Section Thirty (30), West Half of Northeast Quarter (W%NE %), Southeast Quar ter of Northeast Quarter (SEVtNE'A) of Section Thirty-One (31), Town ship Four (4) South of Range Twen ty-Three (28) East, containing 160 acre#, more or less, according to United States Government survey thereof, situate in the County of Car bon, State of Montana, together with the tenement«, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, 24th day of November, 1925 Dated at Red Lodge, Montana this JOHN ALBERT, Sheriff. tiff, Billing«, Montana. First publication Nov. 26, 1925. Second publication, Dec. 3, 1925. F. L. Tilton, Atty. for the plain j Third publication, Dec. 10, 1925. I Fourth publics: ion, Dec. 17, 1926. SHERIFF'S SALE Virginia B. Leroy, Plaintiff, against Thomas E. Roney and Mrs. Thomas E. Roney, his wife. The Banking Cor porstion of Montana, a corporation, and Claude C. Gray, as Receiver of the 1 Banking Corporation of Montana, a j corporation, Defendants. ! To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the 19 th day of December, 1926, at 1:10 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the j Court House in the City of Red Lodge, -1 Carbon County, Montana, all the fol lowing described real proprety, to w it; Lot Three (8), South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S%NW!4), and the Southwest Quarter (SWU), of Section Two (2); and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEViSEU), of Section Three (3) in Township Four (4) South, Range Twenty-four (24) East of the M. P. M. and containing 326.02 acres, more or less. Dated at Red Lodge, Montana this 24th day of November, 1925. JOHN ALBERT, Sheriff. Jones & Jones Atty's for the plain tiff, Harlowton, Montana. First publication, Nov, 26, 1925. Second publication, Dec. 3, 1925. Third publication, Dec. 10, 1926. ■Fourth publication, Dec. 17, 1925. i In the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the Stake of SUMMONS Montana, in and for the County of Carbon. Albert N. Coombs, Plaintiff, against Charles F. Dunlap and Agnes Dunlap, husband and wife, Barnes Brothers, Incorporated a corporation, Black Butte Oil Company, a corporation, Carl L. Englert, P. T. Boehm, Fred Burnstead and Thomas J. Conley, in dividually and as surviving partners with W. H. Culbertson, deceased, Red Rover Oil Company, a corporation, Pennsylvania Oil and Development Company, a corporation, B, A. Say and Thomas Lochrie and — Lochrie, his wife if any, Defendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA Sends greetings to the above named defen dants; You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is here with served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Plaintiff's Attorney within twenty days after the service of this Sum mons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. The said action is brought to fore close and determine the lien of that certain mortgage made and executed by the defendants Charles F. Dunlap and Agnes Dunlap, husband and wife, of date July 29th, 1918, to Barnes Brothers, Incorporated, a corporation, recorded August 3rd, 1918, in Book 23 of Mortgages, Page 328, for the sum of 11300; which mortgage was there after assigned to H. 0. Pultney Es tate and thereafter by said assignee assigned to the plaintiff, who is now the owner and holder thereof, together with the note secured thereby: to re cover said sum of 81300 and interest thereon at 6% per annum from August 1st, 1920, and interest on de ferred interest payments, as provid ed in said note and mortgage; to obtain immediate possession of the mortgaged premises after sale; to foreclose defendants' equity of re demption in and to the mortgaged premises and every part thereof; to recover 8160 for attorney fees and *18.40 for abstract; and to sell the mortgaged premises to satisfy the amount of the plaintiff's claim; said mortgaged premises are situated in' Carbon County, Montana, and are ■ described as follows: SWMNWtt 1 Sec- 36; NHSEtt. SttNEM, and' EV4NW*. Sec. 84; and SEMSWtt, Sec. 27, Township 7 South, Ran*« 24 East; all of which more partien | larly appears from the verified com WITNESS My hand and the seal of said Court this 8th day of December, A. D, 1926. plaint on file herein. G. L. FINLÖV, Clerk. Frank P. Whicher, Attorney for the [SEAL] Plaintiff, Red Lodge, Montana. First publication Dec. 10, 1926. Second publication, Dec. 17, 1926. Third publication, Dec. 24, 192N Fourth publication, Dec. 81, 1926. SUMMONS In the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Carbon. Ida Sillman Plaintiff against Hugo Sillmnn Defendant. THE STATE OF MONTANA Sends greeting to the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned to ans wer the complaint in this action which (lied in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is here with served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Plaintiff's Attorney within twenty days after the service of this Sum mons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. The said action is brought to obtain decree of divorce by said plaintiff from said defendant upon the grounds of extreme cruelty, in that the defen dant repeatedly inflicted and threat ened to inflict grievous bodily injury and personal violence on said plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and proper, all as more fully appears in the complaint on file herein, which is hereby referred to for further par ticulars. WITNESS My hand and the seal of said Court this 21st day of November, A. D. 1926. is a G. L. FINLEY, Clerk. John G. Skinner, Attorney for Plain tiff, Red Lodge, Montana. First publication, Dec. 10, 1925. Second publication, Dec. 17, 1926. Third publication, Dec. 24, 1926. Fourth publication, Dec. 31, 1926. [SEAL] He Wins a Prize! Luke Hollcomb isn't as bashful as people say he is! Luke swears he winked at a girl in the dark once. CHRISTMAS u SMOKES » i The coffee sipped ■napkins laid aside ■the b i g dinner pompleted — that's the time to antici pate the men folks' wishes and pass around the box of our Cigars and Cig arettes. mî CASTELLANO & PASQUAN Pool Hall Results Sure Instead of bribing a jury to dis agree why not put a man and his wfe on the jury. - Business is Picking Up An undertaker bought a new car to increase his business—the first day he drove it he picked up several new customers. BE A BARBER _ tum Um — Bis f| M P «w mtétu » A 71» Ï No manufacturer of gear-shift automobiles has ever approached Chevrolet's record of building over a half million cars in one year. Chevrolet Is the world's largest builder of cars with modern three-speed transmissions because Chevrolet leads the world in providing qual ity at low cost. Quality appearance—quality construction — the quality features of the finest cars! That's the reason you should come in and see a Chev rolet if you want lasting satisfaction at the lowest possible price. Touring - Roadster - Coupe $525 Sedan - $775 525 Commercial ChawU - - 425 675 Expraw Truck Chu.ii ALL PRICES F. O. B. FLINT. MICHIGAN 550 695 Coach • J. H. CLARK MOTOR COMPANY PHONE 21 4 'UAIITY AT LOW COST T Subscribe Today! BY MAIL Dally and Sunday 18.00 a Tear Dally and Sunday 84.26 Six Month« Daily and Sunday 80c a Meath CASH WITH ORDER Become a Member of Montana's Leading Daily Newspaper's Family Œjje &naconba fctanbarb DAILY ASSOCIATED PB1HE NEWS STATE NEWS BÜTTB NEWS FULL PAGE OP 001008 NOKTE AMERICAN ALLIANCE FEATURE STORIES NEW TOM: HERALD-TRIBUNE FEATURES PICTORIAL NEWS BEDTIME STORIES RELIABLE IIAESM REPORTS BEET SPORTS PAM FASHION HINES RDMPOMALS I UNRAT FEATURES FOUR PAMS OF COLORE» COMICS TWO FASHION PAORA OHHiDREN'S PA9B FICTION PAGE HOUSEWIFE'S PA4R POLITICAL QOmCt SPORTS FEATURES A BIS MRWBPAPRE With OaavMa Km af Re World and »tat« by The Anaconda Standard k a Clean Newspaper—Your Family Will Like k 21 @VtK : r iiS jkiâs ***** Ü haarlem oil bas bccû a v,wM y, liver and 7 j e i cmeciy for k b: vider disorders, rheumatism, lu-r bago a:; i uric acid conditions». V $ïg|M a HAARLEM O» orrert internal troubles, stimulate vital 11 Cru^givt*- Insist - Gold Medal. ■ Three sues Or ' r.r.l