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I s -— Around Our County Special Correspondence v._ BELFRY Mrs. W. H. Bunney, Mrs. Dew ing, and Mrs. Markovich motored to Park City Tuesday and were the luncheon guests of Mrs. A. 0. Nel . In the afternoon they visited the Park City Woman's club. Mrs. ■Bunnej gave an address to the •club. They presented her with a beautiful basket of chrysanthe mums. » * * * Miss Faye and Margaret Ander son visited at the home of their parents during the week-end. • * » » H. R. Routh left Thursday for Harrison, Ark., where he was call ed by illness of his father. * * ♦ » Miss Helen Toothaker is spend ing the week in Billings, visiting friends. * * * * Rev. Porter spent Monday and Tuesday in Forsyth, attending a meeting of Presbytery. He was ac companied by Rev. James Robert pastor of the First Presby terian church, Billings. Mr. Rob ertson was the speaker at the Fa ther and Son banquet held in Bel fry tmd Bearcreek Tuesday and Wednesday. * * ♦ * Miss Cecil Stober, teacher at Baltimore, Mont., spent the week end with her parents. * * * * Mrs. Roy Hill, Mrs. W. H. Bun ney, Mrs. Edna Harrison, Mrs. William Gullickson, Mrs. Marko vich, Miss Dorothy Langdorf and Miss Esther Dur Ant attended the Carbon County Federation of Wo man's club meeting held in Bear creek Saturday. son son * Mr. Buzzard and niece of Elk Basin, Wyo., were callers in town Monday. -- * * * * Mr, s>.d Mrs. John Wolfe spent Sunday at Lowell, Wyo., visiting a sister. ÿ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs, JC C. Blick of Bill ings, Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Waples, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Doty, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lyons and their families of Red Lodge, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Musgrave. ' • ♦ * ♦ The Presbyterian Sunday School observed Red Cross Suncay* An interesting address was given Mrs. C. A. Andrews on "What the Red Cross Means. Bunney, superintendent of the Sun day School, is chairman of the Red Cross in Belfry. * * * « Word from the Mercy Hospital, Denver, Colo., has been received by Earth Musgrave that they would be pleased to have another student from Belfry as desirable as Miss Hollis Andrew. Mrs. W. H. * A Junior Christian Endeavor was organized at the home of Mrs. Por ter Sunday afternoon, and will meet each Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. There will be election of officers next Sunday. The girls will meet every Saturday afternoon for missionary sewing, making gift« for their mission stations. All boys and girls from the fourth to the eighth grades are cordially in vited. ♦ * Miss Elsie Toothaker has return ed home from a month's visit in Forsyth. ♦ * * ♦ Mr. Clair Andrew attended a «how in Red Lodge Saturday eve ning. « « » * Mr. G. A. Miller spent Sunday near Clark, * * * * Leon Burch and LaVerna Whitt of St. Anthony, Ida., were more guests at George Miller's home Saturday and Sunday. Miss Rosie Ungefug spent Sun day at Lovell, Wyo. * ** » * Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Higham were business callers in Billings Satur day. * * * A large crowd attended the dance held at the L. D. S. Hall Saturday. Mrs. Bert Moore received a quilt for getting the lucky number out of popcorn. ♦ * The Belfry community was shocked to hear of the death of El- j den Love of Basin, Wyo., formerly a student at the Belfry school. BRIDGER Hartman Graham is able to be out and around again after being in the Billings Deaconess hospi tal for a few days. He got his bone broken and it was jaw though, a fractured skull, but X taken and it was found rays were to be only a scratch. * ♦ ♦ * Wilbur Thormahlen is seriously ill at his home south of town. Mrs. F. C. Royce left Wednes day evening for Nebraska where she will visit relatives. She ex pects to be gone just a short time. Mrs. Marshall is helping out in the bakery in her absence. » ♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kelt en tertained at 6 o'clock dinner, Fri day for Mr. and Mrs. James Don lan and Mrs. Mary Helt. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schwend were guests also. Thursday evening a number of friends gathered at the Virgil Schwend home and spent the ev ening, playing cards. Lunch was served at midnight. Those pres ent were; Mr. and Mrs. John Mor se, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Schwend, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burch, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schwend, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Schwend, Mr. and Mrs. Ja,mes Donlan of Salmon, Idaho, Mrs. Hattie Schultz of Butte, Mrs. Mary Helt of Yellow stone Park, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schwend, Mrs. Gordon Anderson, Ethel Schwend and the host and hostess. Mrs. Mary Helt returned Thurs day evening from Yellowstone Park where she has spent the sum mer, cooking In a large camp. Mr. and Mrs. James Donlan and baby daughter arrived in Bridger Tuesday from Salmon, Idaho to visit old friends. From here they will go to Wyoming to visit his mother. ♦ ♦ Mrs. Leo Schwend, Mrs. Mary Helt, Mr. and Mrs. James Donlan and Ivan Gebo spent Saturday is Billings. « Rev. R. P. Seiving left Saturday for Lewistown where he will help preach the Mission Festival ser vices, Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schwend entertained for Mrs. Hattie Sch utlz, Tuesday evening. Cards were played throughout the evening and lunch was served at midnight. Ev eryone reported a fine time. Mrs. William Miller of Bowler was in town Saturday on business. Insist On a Proper Fitting of Your Foot! It is easy to be misfitted without realizing it at the moment. > l ENNA JETTICK dealers are thoroughly trained and experienced They can fit any normal foot correctly and stylishly. l; A » $ $ » 5 m w 12 AAAAA to EEE Sizes Ho ENNA JETTICK MELODIES Every Sunday Evening, over WJZ and Associated Stations BLOOM & CO. Red Lodge, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ray *f Shriver, Mrs. Indreland and dau ghters, Sigrid and Eileen, Mr. and Mrs. William Miller and children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burch and son, Albert, Mrs. Hattie Schultz, Mrs. Virgil Schwend and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas were din ner guests of Mrs. Edith Mooney of Bowler, Sunday. « Bridger Country Club members and husbands met at the home of Mrs. George Kercher on Wednes day afternoon, Nov. 11. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The Royal Neighbors met Thurs day Nov. 12 at the Masonic hall. • » » * Leo Smith of near Fromberg was in town Monday peddling ap ples. * * ♦ ♦ The Bridger Royal Ragadours played over the radio from Bill ings again Monday evening and were greatly enjoyed. *' * * » Mrs. Hattie Schultz returned to her home in Butte, Monday after an extended visit in Bridger with relatives. • * Mrs. William Graham visited Sunday and Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Simon. * * Mr .and Mrs. Jesse Adams were in town Sunday evening from their home at Warren. Mrs. Blanche Schwend entertain ed the Ladies Aid Friday after noon at the J. E. Midgett home. Thirty ladies were present. The Christmas Bazar was talked over, and plans made. Lunch was ser ved. * * * Charles Bostic was a visitor in Billings Saturday and Sunday. ROBERTS Miss Aila and Mr. Sam Hill left Monday morning by motor for Kenney, Minn. They were called there by the serious illness of their cousin, Orville Hill who will be re membered visiting here a couple of years ago. Mrs. Lillian Thompson returned Thursday evening from a business trip to Billinas and Greycliff. Mr. George Black of Greycliff, return ed with her to spend a few days visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Obert were shopping in Billings Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Woods of Ret! Lodge, entertained the local M. E. Ladies Aid at the church Thurs day afternoon. « Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeBalto and daughter Gloria« and Mrs. W. F. Weidman and daughter, Nellie motored to Billings Tuesday. They returned the same evening accom panied by Mr. Kenneth Weidman and son Kennie who have been vis iting in Billings. Mrs. William Carr entertained the members of her card club Tues day. Honors went to Mrs. J. F. Smith and Mrs. Joe Allen. At the close of a pleasant afternoon lunch eon was served by the hostess. Miss Leone Bergan who has been employed during the summer and fall months by the "Rodeo Inn" in Red Lodge came home Tuesday for a brief stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bergan. Mrs. Kenneth Woodley arrived Friday to visit with her sister, Mrs. Dave Robertson for a few days. the better gasotine Standard Red Crown Balanced for All Condition « T HE golfer about to drive is perfectly co-ordinated. His limbs, his nerves, his whole being—mind and S muscle—are in complete balance for that long shot. Standard Red Crown, the better gasoline, also is per fectly balanced. It is made, not found—made to meet every changing phase of travel, weather and season, with perfect poise. It is balanced for smooth, easy starting, quick, eager pick-up, sustained power and speed. It gives all these because it is made to an exact formula. Standard Red Crown is priced to meet current eco nomic conditions. It gives maximum performance at a moderate cost. Fill up today with Standard Red Crown — the better gasoline. You will be astonished and delighted at the performance you get from your engine. f 9 Mit. It Burns Clean at Any Speed Sold where the Red Crown Emblem is displayed STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( Indiana ) 5261 <0 o & Oscj * $ cr9 £ "Mountain Made for Mountain Trade : » üïï iiji Hi il!!:!* P O W ER Ü : jl |i iji D mi V r A pi A 11 rfiil 8 ■ jjjjj Jill ilii OO k j: : : • ÜÜ : jjji ü H ilii hi litiii Miss Sara McNeil visited rela tives and friends in Bearcreek the week-end. over A large crowd of local people mo tored to Joliet Saturday evening to attend the high school car-nival. Messrs. Thomas Hogan and Wil liam Penttila spent the week-end visiting here from Billings. Mr. J. C. Abrahamson, Sr., was a business caller in Red Lodge on Sunday. Mrs. M. G. Hogan and daughter Leona, and Mrs. H. E. Monahan and, son Robert, were shopping in the county seat Saturday. Miss Irene Bertrand is here for a short visit wdth her sisters, Mrs. James J. Barry and Mrs. Gust Wei terer, from Miles City where she recently was graduated from the Holy Rosary hospital. * Mrs. L. Thompson made a busi ness trip to Greycliff Monday. • • • « Mr. Frank Van Eschen, man ager of the Ryan Grocery company in Billings, was a business caller in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Obert were in Billings Monday attending to business matters. (Continued on rage 3) TEETH MADE BY MASTER PLATE MAKERS AT LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED IN THE HISTORY OF OUR 16 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Dentistry that will meet with every test which Nature intended your own teeth. Bite, chew, talk or smile with perfect ease, comfort and confidence. Why Pay More 9 NATURE PLATES Will Give You the Same High-Class Service as the Very Best Plates Made Irrespective of Price These plates for the month of November $15 each. Money saving fees in every department. < t IF WE HURT YOU. DON'T PAY" The Modern Dentists 2nd Ave. Over Babcock Theater Billings, Mont.