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THE Frying Pan y A COLUMN OP HUMOR Well-greased, but not Too Hot for Comfort V NOSING AROUND By John Loux The proper title for those too doubtful persons we are always meeting would be "doubt fools". * * • The girl who says, "Behave", may really mean, "Be brave." Do you recall when as a lad You thought each girl all vir tues had? • * • One wife who nagged at her husband once too often is now re senting at leisure. * * • The only really effective way to stop the girls from flirting with your handsome husband is to swap him for some homely bird. * « • The girl who makes me down right mad Talks only of some other lad. I * * * A person who begins things but never finishes them is like my sis ter's smallest child. He is always leaving his things undone. • * • The only thing more changeable than the ways of life are the says of my wife. • * • 'Mong all the men that I abhore Are those who, beg a five or more. De guy dat ate "de-liber-ate" de bacon too. t SEE YOUR DEALER, NOW! Being an advertising man Char lie Hatch, of Portsmouth, Ohio, couldn't resist telling the world about the fine son Mrs. Hatch pre sented to him recently. t Loyal to his "profession" he went to a job ? shop and had the following ad printed 'for the announcement of the blessed event: The 1933 Free Wheeling HATCH DE LUXE SPECIFICATIONS — Gregory Charles Hatch. MAKE—Boy. When better ba bies are built, we will be too old to care. FIRST APPEARANCE—March 26th. 12:25 p. m. WEIGHT—7% pounds. HORN—High frequency vibrat PLAY IS PRESENTED AT BEARCREEK HIGH "Ace High", a three-act produc tion, was presented by students at Bearcreek high school at the school gymnasium last Wednesday eve ning to an appreciative audience. Members of the cast included Bill King, Leonard Anderson, Jean Freeman, Olga Marinchek, Joan Beeney, Paula Cole, Jimmy Irvine, Warren Brown, Sam Danichek, and Helen McNeil. Between-act numbers were pre sented by a girls' sextet and by Bobby Rae and Helen Noble. PLAN POISONING CAMPAIGN AGAINST COUNTY GOPHERS Inquiries being received by the county extension office at Red Lodge in regard to securing gopher poison have led to steps being tak en by local headquarters to launch a poisoning campaign against the rodents in Carbon county this spring. Efforts are being made to bavé the mixing of gopher poison done as a county relief project, it was said. Should this plan fail of ac complishment, the campaign will be conducted by other methods, in cluding publication of the formula for mixing poison gopher bait. DEADLINE FOR EXCHANGE LIST SET FOR MARCH 20 Farmers and stockmen in the county who plan to enter any seed or exchange articles in the change Ijst being prepared by the county extension office at Red Lodge are urged to do so not later than March 20. The extension office here plans to (begin getting out the list on or about that date, it was stated. ex APPOINT JUDGES Fromberg, March 7.—Judges for the town election on April 1, at which an alderman in each Ward is to be selected, were appointed by the town council as follows: Mrs. Jeanette Ross, Mrs. E. T. Wagner and Mrs. Maude Arrington, first ward; Mrs. C. A. Claus, Mrs. Madge Caldwell and Mrs. Charles Rhodes, second ward. . The car to watch is the car be hind tbfe car in front of you. or type—loudest when fuel tank is empty. (Ask the man who owns one!) „ WHEELBASE—20 inches. Easy to handle, easy to park. LIGHTING—Bright blue lamps* automatic dimmers. TIRES—Yes, but never at night. FUEL—Gravity feel, 4-oz. tank. More smiles per gallon. ENGINE—2 cylinder WOW. BODY—Well insulated, no squeaks, but plenty of squawks and rattles. No draft ventilation. COLOR—Customary pink. J3PECIAL EQUIPMENT—Pow der puff, gross safety pins, re movable seat covers. PRICE F. O. B.—Well, why bring that up? Whirling Smith Mrs. John Smith died and went to heaven. On arriving, she asked St, Peter to help locate her hus band, who had preceded her there. * "Well," said the guardian of the golden gate, "there are so many John Smiths here it's going to be hard to find him, unless you can tell me some little thing which will help to identify him." Mrs. Smith looked thoughtful: "Jdhn always said he would turn over in his grave, if I wasn't true to him." St. Peter brightened: "Oh, you're looking for Whirling Smith. TOWN TOPICS By Dee George Local headline: "Water for Bear creek is Carried to Court", drinks are on the bench, boys. The Charlie Draper's latest favorite is that old song which goes: "I've been workin' for the railroad - - »> That local motorist who has a mania for*, speeding, also has a mania for ilèw-fangled auto horns. But wait until he hears Gabriel's... A local barroom philosopher says there's an answer for every question—except the one "Where were you last night? • < * • For alibis, some credit should go to that North Haggin avenue husband who told his wife he stay ed out all night because he wanted to see if the sun really did rise in the east. • ♦ • We could name a lot of people who think that there's no place like » home—when there's no place else to go. There's a local fellow who can stand at a bar for 12 hours straight and never get drunk. He drinks ginger ale. People Who Have Made Real Money in the Oil Business Mighty few people in the oil business have bought wildcat oil stocks in which the public has lost untold millions. Most of the many huge fortunes in the oil business have been made through the own ership of Pre-Discovery Crude Oil. The Veeray Oil Corporation, 2705 Gunter Building, San Antonio, Texas, sells Pre-Discovery Crude Oil at a price and on a basis that offers real profit possibilities to buyers. Full information may be secured by writing them. Read the advertisements. SATURDAY SPECIALS as i»j Rolled RIB ROAST per lb.j[l8C / 11 STEAKS-ROLLS-BOILS PORK-SAUSAGE POULTRY •f It's Meat three times a day that makes him » that way. The Meat He Eats Comes From Mature Grain-Fed; beef that has been on full feed since October. Complete line of SEA FOODS during Lent THE STAR MEAT CO. UNION MARKET Phone 197 BROADWAY MARKET Phone 8 It Pleases Us*To Please You M If you don't see what you want, ask for it. We Have It. K •• Classified • • REAL ESTATE If you wish to sell or trade your farm, ranch or city property, get in touch with J. Frank Cox, Real Estate, Billings, Montana. 62-4tp MALE HELP WANTED MAN WITH CAR To take over profitable Watkins Route in this county. Established customers. Must be under 50 and satisfied with earnings of $30.00 a week at start. In reply give your age, type of car and farm exper- ience. Write the J. R. Watkins Company, Rural Dept., 145 Liber-(dairy ty Street, Winona, Minnesota. 2-2tp ---J MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route, right man. started. Dept, MTC-145-0, Real opportunity for We help you get Write Rawleigh Co., Denver, Colo. l-2tp FOR SALE 2-2tp banks and other financial institu .tions to obtain insurance under the national housing act; SB 20, per-| mitting counties, cities, towns and school districts with debt in excess | of constitutional limit to arrange compromise with bond holders; SB 35, requiring poison register to be kept by druggists; SB 15, provid ing for full value payment on fire insurance losses; SB 42, extending from six months to one year the time for filing industrial accident claims; SB 17, providing for sep arate payment of water assess ments; SB 48, providing for pay ment of mothers' pension when husband is imprisoned; SB 129, re lating to the filing of chattel mort gages on stock held by owners of livestock brands; SB 174, permit ting counties to go on a cash ba sis; SB 101, creating the Montana water conservation and flood con trol board and extending the scope of its operations; SB 127, an act to provide for the cooperation and coordination of state and govern FOR SALE—Turkey gobblers— Bourbon red, bronze or Narragan set. Also turkey eggs. Good stock. J. C. Pogue, Luther, Mont. STATE LAW MAKERS (Continued from Page 1) mental units and to encourage state and national industrial re covery, and conferring added au thority, power and duties upon the state water conservation board; SB 155, permitting the state and counties to cooperate with the state water conservation board in the construction of water conservation projects; SB 151, providing for a state electrification authority "act, and prescribing that the state water conservation board shall be made the electrification authority board. Measures introduced by Carbon county law makers that were passed during the session and signed by the governor included HB 40 by George O'Connor of Fromberg, extending to four years the terms bf certain councilmen with election every four instead of two years, and SB 78 by H. A. Simmons of Red Lodge, relating to evidence of publication. JUNIOR STOCKMEN JUDGE AT POWELL Compete Against Five High School Teams in Big Horn Basin Meet A four-man team from Red Lodge participated in the Big Horn basin contest at Powell, Wyo., Saturday. Five high school teams—Billings high, Worland, Lovell, Cowley and Powell—besides the Red Lodge team of junior stockmen placed nine classes of stock, including hogs, beef cattle, cattle, sheep and horses, The contest was won by the Worland high school team, with the Powell team placing second. The plaque given by the Powell Com mercial club was awarded to the winning Worland team. The Red Lodge team, composed of Irwin Draper, James Gullard, Lawrence and Kenneth Draper, placed second in thte judging of dairy cattle and in Hh draft horses; fourth in of hogs and fifth in the placing of swine. The Big Horn basin contest is a culmination of contests in northern Wyoming for high school teams and all schools have their teams in the peak of training for the competition. The Big Horn con test is one organized eight years ago by Otto P. Roberts, present county agent of Carbon county, The Red Lodge team has shown itself to 'be almost equal to the Billings high school team in two contests, being only 13 points be interest is shown, jt was stated, placing of placing hind the (Billings team Saturday, out of a possible team score of 6, 400 points. Only one member of the local team is a school boy. High man at the Powell meet was Irwin Draper of the Red Lodge squad. The Joliet stock-judging team was invited to participate in the Big Horn basin contest, but was unable to attend. It is possible that a Carbon county stock-judging contest for boys of 4-H club age may be stag ed sometime in" April, if sufficient Steel dies that can be easily ad justed to numerous forfes have been invented for cutting jig saw puzzles into pieces at single oper ations. ~ V-8 POWER • FORD ECONOMY • AND NOW ..I A : \A j* t •r iV V* !S l J] o I r IN THE NEW m / - V new roominess—its new easy-pressure brakes and clutch—its new, larger tires—the safety of I T MAKES no difference where you sit in the new Ford V- 8. Even back seat passengers enjoy "the comfort of a front seat ride. It took a major engineering development to make this possible—the Full-floating Springbase with Comfort Zone Seating. Notice how the springs are mounted beyond the axles ; i. how the seats are cradled in the easy-riding zone between the springs. Notice what a difference this makes—in everyone's comfort! But Comfort Zone Riding is only one reason why*you'll want a Ford V-8 in 1935. You'll want It for its V-8 power-—for the beauty of its stream lined body and interior appointments—for its welded, all-steel body and safety glass all around (at no extra cost)! its 99 Low in first cost . . . more economical to operate than any other Ford ever built... the 1995 Ford V-8 is, at the same time, designed to meet the needs of everyone. It's a new auto mobile value. See it today. AUTHORIZID FORD DEALERS s Easy terms through Universal Credit Co., the Authorized Ford Finance Flan, AND UP F.O.Bi Detroit /■ HH"-' ' l ' v . . ■< LINCOLN SCHOOL AWARDErOANNER Has Attendance Rating of 96.39 Per Cent For Fourth Period The Lincoln school, with an at tendance rating of 96.39 per cent and 100 per cent not tardy, was a warded the banner for the best building attendance in the Red Lodge school system for the fourth period ending March 1, according to announcement of H. B. Field, superintendent of city schools. Next in position was the Field school with a 95.89 per cent at tendance mark, while the Roose velt school was in third place with an attendance of 96.48 per cent. For the best classroom attend ance in the qity system during the period, a banner was awarded Miss Florence McIntosh's fifth grade class at the field school. The complete ratings by class rooms follow: % % Not Att. Tarcfy Avge. 99.03 98.74 98.60 98.50 98.28 98.18 97.60 97.56 97.54 97.24 97.16 Florence McIntosh 98.07 100 Gladys Bowman Fidelia P. Morrow 97.21 100 97.00 100 96.56 100 96.39 100 95.20 100 93.12 100 95.09 100 94.59 100 94.33 100 96.Ï6 97.36 96.76 97.46 95.12 96.29 96.96 96.10 95.47 94.12 94.79 98.49 90.90 94.69 97.09 91.18 94.03 97.49 100 Estelle Provlnse Loretta Jarussi Sophia Hay ha A. T. Jenkins Lillian Jarussi L. D. Cosby M. Anderson B. Sanderson Gertrude Bailey Grace Ruit er Theresa Thompson 95.23 Abigail Doran Lillian Reeder Martha Kimball Completing the fourth period, the system had an enrollment of 592, Superintendent Field's report shows. Of the total, 291 are boys, 301 are girls. The total enrollment compares with the 691 reported enrolled the previous period. No man is good enough to gov ern another man without that other's consent.—Abraham Lincoln WARREN By W. A. Bowler Mrs. Flora Adams was shopping in Billings last week. E. G. Jones of Basin, Wyo., was transacting business in Warren last Saturday. H. P. Loyning and family and W. A. Bowler were shopping in Billings last Saturday. Ralph Wolf was in Billings last week. Jack Adams has been home from school at Bridger. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ridgeway were among Bridger shoppers last week. William Johnson and son, Har old, were transacting business at ■ V;.vfï I M ;-5 A HOME OWNED STORE You Can Always Save at Bloom's FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARCH IS - 16 su CRYSTAL WHITE, 10 Bars .. PACIFIC, 3 lbs. CARNATION OR MORNING, 5 Cans .... FOUR Pounds . CUSTER, 3 Cans . » . Coffee Milk J57C 25c Corn Crackers 29c 1 GRAHAM OR SODA, 2 lb.... 19c MEDIUM SIZE 3 lb. White King PACKAGE, Each . 5 POUND Package .. 29c . : Salmon PINK. 2 cans 29c NO. 2 CAN, 2 Cans . y.-s HEINZ, Large bottle Flour $1.79 IRIS, 48 lb. Bag These Prices are Strictly Cash We Deliver Free Phone 188 ■ Powell, Wyo., last Thursday. Mrs. Murdi and daughter made, a trip to Thermopolis, Wyo., last week. ■' 1 Don't forget Sunday school every Sunday at 2 p. m. The first steamship to cross the Atlantic was the side-wheeler, Sa vannah, 320 tons, 26 days being re quired to make the crossing.