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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
Government of The Virgin Is lands Os The United States Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas No. 802 Certificate Os Registration 1 Os Renewal * Application Having Been Made By: WILLIAM WHITEL Y & CO. e INC. ' for registration in the Virgin Islands of t h e United States of renewal of Certificate of Registration MNo. 292,528, re gistered inthe United States Patent Office March 15, 1932 and in the Virgin Islands of the United States on Septem ber 26, 1946, and it having been shown that said certifi cate of registration was renew ed in the United States Patent Officeon January 8, 1952, for a period of twenty (20} years from M:rch 15, 1952 unless sooner terminated as provided by law, in the name of Wil liam Whiteley & Co., Inc. of Newark, New Jersey,a corpor ation of Delaware which has made a <howing of ownership of the said trudemark; - This Is To Certify that the said renewal has been record ed in the Office of the Govern-I m:nt Secietary of the Virgin! Islands of the United States, at St, homas, in accordance with the piovisions in the Re gulations gverning the regis tration of Patents and Trade marks in the Virgin Islands, approved April 1, 1946. In testimony whereof, I hereunto setmy hand an caused the Seal of the Govern ment of the Virgin Islands of the United States to be affix ed at Charlotte Amalie, St, Thomas, Virgin Islands, this 3lst dny of January, 1952. {SEAL) Daniel W. Ambrose Government Secretary for the Virgin Islands. Cottage For Rent On the island of St. John, V.I Cruz Bay Q!r. Four rooms and porch, furnished, Kerosene Refrigerator. 3-4 acre of sur rounding ground. An ideal site. long term lease Or monthly rental. Contac' Pa trolman L. Juigen at No. 5 Haabets Gade, Charloite Ama lie, St. Thomas, V. I. Speaks to Youth Group . Neville Thomas, amem ber of the faculty of the Charlotte Amalie High School, gave an interest ing address to members of the Memorial Moravian Youth Fellowship last Thnrsday night. Ige spoke on the subject, “College Life.” Miss Joyce Dawson lpresided. Drive-Your-delf Cars ev.ry applicant for a driver’s license to pass a test; licensing of thedrive vourself car business as a separate business en:er prise, and setting a limi: on the number of taxicabs wiich, he said, were engaged in a ‘dog-eat-dcg’ competition. Carl Tranum, who said he opera'ed 19 drive-ycur self cars, and Louis Lind qvist, who said he owned about a dozen such vehicles, supported the 'Po ice Director. Also ex pressing opposition to pro p sed legi:lation o restrict the business were E. Leo nard Brewer, chairman of the Tourist Board; Atty. David Maas, R. Barnet of Bluebeard Castle Hotel;{ Ben Bayne of the Virgin Isle Hotel; Mr. and Mrs. John Jouett. Atty. Francisco Corneiro who appeared as counsel for the Taxicab Associa tion, urged that legislationl be passed requiring new comers to. leside at leastl fifteen daysin the island before obtaining a driver’s license. He emphasized that such legislation was desirable both from the safety and economic as pects. Hemr?' Creque, agent for General Motors, vigor ously supported the taxi cab drivers’ plea, pointing out that the drive-yourself bu%iness had made it im- THE HOME JOURNAL possible for many of them to meet their obligations. Judge Alphonso Chris tian who deplored the attemdt being made to displace local people from business, stressed the pointi that it was impossi ble for the taxicab drivers to offer competition to the drive yourself operators. He pointed out certain deplorable conditions that existed in the community, including the so cial and racial problem which he said exists, but should not exist. He was answered by Atty. Maas who said ‘‘l am a shamed_that the racial issue had to be introduced in this hearing by a fellow attorney.”’ Atty. Eustace Dench pro posed that both taxicabs and drive yourself ears be limited to relieve t h e terrible over crowding. Many taxieab driv ers testified. Among them were Clarence Husband, Qwen Lans, Ulysses Pilgrim, John Smith, Ernest Georges, Carl Scatliffe, Elvin Donovan, Al phonse Simmonds, Odonito Blumerville, Guito Vanter pool. ~ There were heated exchanges between witnesses at times, & frequently segments of the audience would applaud a speaker who made a point with ‘which they agreed Shop At | A. H. RIISE ® ® 1 1 : For Fine Quality . 1 f & . ‘ ~ Liquors ; ¢ [ Food Products 1 | 5 Al < ( 1 NOURISHING BREADS BAKED DAILY | . QUALITY ICE CREAM j Quadrille Practice On Feb. 15 Washin%;tou School tea chers will hold their next Qnadrille practice on Fri day, Feb. 15at 9 p.m. at the Parish Hall. - The group sponsored a pastry sale on Saturday, the first in a series of activities planned toward building of a scholarship fund. Members - Women’s League Os St. Thomas Reserve February 12th, Lincoln’s Birthday, for the testimonial dinner honor ing our retiring president, Mrs. L. Millin. Make gour reservations by Tuesday, February sth with one of “the following members of the Reserva tion Committee: Mrs. Irene Bayne . Mrs. Angelica Ha Mrs. Maude Pr »udf}(;ot