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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME JOURNAIL: 2nd Year Memorial Service For King George Friday A Memorial Service in honor of the late King George VI of Great Britain will be held at Memorial Moravian Church on Fri day at 7:30 p. m. Gov error de Castro will give the address. | The service will be sponsored jointly by t h e Methodist, Lutheran, WV o ravian and Christian Mis sion churche:, and the pastors of these churches will participatein the ~ service. ' L] hias Right To Transfer Facilities Gov. Insists A s the facilities at Bourne Field and Subma rine Base are Federal pro perties, “‘it is within my right to make any recom mendation to the Secre tary of Interior for tfhe groper and adequate pro uction of the interestsof the Uuited States, if such interests are endangered by irresponsible local ac action,” Gov. de Castro informed Council Chair man Omar Brown onMon day. The Governor’s letter was in reply to one from Council cautioning the Governor not take any hasty action, aud urging ' that the Chief Executive ‘consult with the legisla ture before taking any action to turn the proper ty over to the Department of Interior. : The Governor had threat- St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, Wednesday, February 13, 1952 Anna’s Fancy Oase Friday; Elise Morch Here Elise Margarethe Morch, who is said tobe legal owner of the 75-acre tract of land at Anna’s Fancy which the Municipality is claiming on the ground that it has no legal owner, arrived here from Buenos Aireg, Argentina last week. She was accompan ied by her sister. The escheat case which h a s been pending since August 1947, will come up for trial in the District Court on Friday, Feb. 15. ’Senator Asks Probe of Gov. lMunoz of P.R. Senator Johnson of South Carolina called for a fuliscale investigation of the Govern ment of Puerto Rico and of charges of dictatorial eontrol by Governor Munoz Marin in a speech on the Senate floor on Munday. Senator Johnson pointed out that although the Puerto Rican vrganic act calls for the ap pointment of a Coordinator »f Federal Agencies, the Depart ment of Interior has failed to appoint one because of Muroz Marin’s assertion that he does not wantany Federal interfe rence in the affairs of Puerto Rico. ened to make the transfer if St. Thomas Develop ment Authority selected a General Manager who failed to meet his approval. “1f the Council desires to discuss this matter with me, I shall be glad to do so any time the members desire as conference, he stated. Michael Forster, 8, Drowns In Fall Into Well ' Michael Forster, 8-year-old sonof Mrs. Ruth Forster, was drowned yesterday morning when he fell into a well at Nisky. The boy was inthe well for about an hour before he was fished out by Hugo Canton, one _ofl a group of volunteers using rope and grappling! irons. The alarm was spread, by Michael’s brother, Gre gory, who was picking tamarinds on a tree at No. 15 Nisky, belonging to Phillip Joseph. Michael was on the ground below and must have stepped on a rotten plank covering the well and went through. When Gregory failed to find him, he went home to tell his mother, and the search led to the well. The well is 45 feet deep,and at the time contained 20 feet of water. ’ Taken to the hospital by Police Director Charles, the ‘boy was pronounced dead by Dr. Eric Oneal. On hand were Coroner Alphonso Christian and District Attorney Cyril Michael. An inquest will be held today. Virgin Island Soldiers At Camp Kilmer, N. J. ' A transport with Virgin Islands soldiers, which ,left Puerto Rico late in January, dockedat New York on - February 5. The soldiers-have been tempo rarily assigned to Camp Kilmer, New dJersey, a processing station, an d will be transferred short ly to another camp for‘ basic training. No. 119 Seeks S2OOO Grant For Devel. Authority Gov. de Castro has re commended to the Munici pal Committee that-. the sum of S2OOO be ap%ropri iated as a grant to the St. ‘Thomas Development Au thority for airport im lprovement here. The Authority is experi ‘encing some d)i,fficulty in raising the total of SB,OOO which it is required to 'make available as the mu nicipality’s matching con ’tribution toward the- air port improvement %ojects !at the Harry S. Truman Airport, the Governor stated. He disclosed that of the $2500 appropriated to cover the cost of pre senting the island’s freight case before the Federal Ma ritime Board, only SSOO ‘was spent, and he suggest ed that the S2OOO saving be made available for the airport project. ’ e —————————————————— Boy, 15, Held For Burglary at Bar Normandie Robert Bruce Petersen, 15 years, was arrested yesterday and charged with committing a bur glary at Bar Normandie last Saturday.He was held in bail of S2OO.