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a8 " GERALDO GUIRTY Editor’s Note: Thisis the second installment of the story on Carl H. Madsen, an attorney and official of New Ycrk City’s Transit System. The non - competitive civil service classification applied to prospective em ployees who were chosen on the experience stated in their applications. The narrow classification was active during the depress ion. Negroes who had la bored for the New York Central, Pennsylvania and other railrocads applied in vain. Mounting pro s s fina ly won for othersjobs as Railroad Clerks. They had worked for the Board of Transportation before. An crganization which spearheaded the move ment for better employ ment was t h e Br ther hood otSleeping’s Car Por rers.Theßrotherhoou’s mi li ant president, A Philip Randolph, voced the yearting and aspiration of the city's dark citizens. Congressman Clayton A- Powell, Jr ~ too answered the so :nd of the tocsin; and late Mayor Fiorello La Gua dia, invoked the powers of his office. Although working for the City of New York, the Negro cl-rks could only work a stations in t e Harlem area. They were provided with their own seniority llis t, separate from the general list for whi e clerks. Other Negro applicants for the RR title had to wait until death cr-ated a vacancy and through resignations. The duties of a Railroad Cierk are to handle mo ney; accou:.t properly for fares; serve the public; give information; notlfyi his superiors abut con ditions and situations on ‘he station of which he is in charge; make written reports; receive and turn in lost property; appear in Court as witness for the City of New York in claims cases. In the judgment of the supervisor, he may be assigned desk work in the Station Section, an d other duties in his title. A new chapter in the struggle for recognition and o' por unity was wri. - t-n in 1935.A1l jobs in the Independent System were made Civil Service. Many Ne groes emerged from the first examination in t h e RR titie with flying colors. The jim crow arrangement of restrict. ing first hiced Negro clerks to the Harlem area was dropped. The new appointees were as signed everywhere in the five boroughs and placed on the ‘general seniority list ! or all ‘employees - Another hurdle had to be scaled, In the ssme year, the Conductor examination follow ed, On accocunt of specific railroad experience, few Ne groes could qualify. Again the vigilantees, Negro an d white, renewed their original efforts for fair-play. Manage ‘ment underwent a change in attitude. The Municipal ¢ ivil Service Commission permitted the despised group who had worked as ‘‘in-charge’’ Pull |man Porters to take the exam ination. To be continued Cottage For Rent On the island of St. John, V.I. Cruz Bay Qtr. Four rooms and porch, furnished, Kerosene Refrigerator. 3-4 acre of sur rounding ground. An ideal site. Long term lease Or monthly rental. Contact Pa trolman L. Jurgen at No. 5 Haabets Gade, Charlotte Ama lie, St. Thomas, V. 1. THe HOME JOURNAL < SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK ; : Sails New York Due St. Thomas S.S. General Artegats Direct Feb. 15 Feb, 21 S.S. ‘‘Alcoa Pointer’’ [Via Bermuda[ Feb. 2nd Feb. I:ith S.S. Alcoa Partner[via Bermuda] Feb, 21st. Feb. 27th S.S. Rio Dale (Divect) March 7th March 13th [Sailings from Norfolk Feb. 14th and Baltimore Feb. 18th) SAILING FROM GULF PORTS New Orleans Mobile Due St. Thomas SS. “Tista” Feb. 3rd Feb. 4th Feb. 16th A Steamer Mar. 13th Mar. 15th Mar, 26th Above vessels and sailing detes subject to change or cancellation., €arge accepted. for ether West Indian lslands and Brifish : mdwd!mmdcc“onoppficcfiau CH-ARLOTTE AMALIE *l4 QUEEN STREET TELEPflONES: 440, 441 g .‘ Shop At A. H. RIISE ' For Fine Quality Liquors ~ Food Products Al NOURISHING BREADS BAKED DAILY QUALITY ICE CREAM