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THE HOME JOURNAL A Virgin Islands Publication Published Every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday EARLE B. OTTLEY . . ‘. Editor . b cents a copy, 50 a month, $5.00 a year, $7.00 abroad Advertising Rates on Request Wednesday, February, 27, 1952 Puerto Rican - Commonwealth In 1950, t h e Congress of the United States, at the request of President Truman, passed a law au thorizing Puerto Rico to adopt a const'tution. Last June, by an overwhelm ing vote, the people of Puerto approved the ro posal. A few montbhs la ter a constitutional con vention in which all po litical parties were r pre sented, began wrk on a draft of constitu ion. Early this month the work was completed, and on March 3 the voters of Puerto Rico will be required to go to the p-llsonce more to vote on this new constitu tion. There is no doubt that it will be adopted by an overwhelming majori ty of Puerto Ricans, and that the island will move ‘“ o the toprung of the ladder up from colonial status.” The relations b tween Puer o Rico ana the Unit ed States will remain fun damentally unchang ed. The islanders will remain American citizens. Fed erallaws will still con tinue to apply,and free trade will continue. Bu t the new constitution will b: stow tremendous politi cal power on t h e people of Pu-rto Rico. They will have complete in independence in internal affairs, with Congress no longer able t o legislate for them. Some of the powers which the present organic act confers upon the Governor will be trans ferred to the legislature whose authority will equal that of any legislature of the forty-eight states. It is expected that the new constitution will be come effective this year. If the people approve it in the March 3 referendum,l it will be submitted to Pre sident Truman for a find ing as to whether it meets the requirements laid down by. Congress for a republican form of govern ment and contains a bill of rights. It will go into ef fect sixty days after Con gressional ratification. 1 | Sy LEF] ¢ ' “The Enforcer,” a real life drama starring Hum phrey Bogart in the title role, will be shown at th « Centre Theatre on Sunday & Monday. i The picturcis based on an 'actual series of crimes com ‘mitted by a band of paid kil lers operating a nation-wide network of death, How a fear less district attorney, aided by ‘a handful of strong-armed L cops, traps the leaders, hither fto immune from the law, }th:‘ough a series of high-up i ties, forms the basis of what | has been termed, one of the [best in years. Screen drama at its finest is the description given to ‘'This Love of Ours’’’ which will be shown at Center on Tuesday, Starring Merle Oberon and Claude Rains, this is the story of a Paris ac'ress deserted by her doctor husband when he | MRS. CARON’S | Ballet and Acrobatic Dancing School Anglican Parish Hall Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday &Saturday at 4 p.m. PRICE $1 PER LESSON THE HOME JOURNAL believes her unfaithful, Their re-union a decade later, a n d thg problem of their 12-year- \\\ & SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK : Sails New York Due St. Thomas S.S. General Artegats(via/Bermuda) Feb. 28 March 3 S.S Rio Dale (Refrigerated) March Tth March 13th A Steamer [direct] March 28th April 4th S.S.° ‘Alcoa Puritan” March 14 March 21 [Sailings from Norfolk Mar. Bth and Baltimore Mar.. 11th) SAILING FROM GULF PORTS New Orleans Mobile Due St. Thomsas A Steamer March 13 March 15 March 25 A Steamer April 24 April 26 May 6 »Abe\'ve vessels and sailing dates subject 1o change or cancellation. . €argo accepted. for other West Indian Islands and Brifish and Duteh Gviana. Ports of call on application. CHARLOTTE AMALIE « 14 QUEEN STRE ET TELEPHONES: 440, 441 Shop At A. H. RIISE For Fine Quality Liquors Food Products A NOURISHING BREADS BAKED DAILY QUALITY ICE CREAM old daughter, who believes her mother is dead, are main keys of the powerful drama. ALCTH STERMSHIRLD. hes