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Mhuprvation Tower J. Antonio Jarvis William Edward Burghardt Du Bois iSs one of the most distinguished scholars of cour time. His leadership of the Negro was for many years characterized as op posed to that aszumed by Booker T. Washington. It was once fashionable to speak of ”t w o schools of thought - Dußois’s philoso phy & Washington’s prag matism.” : Timeisthe great crucible through which all matezli als must be refined. Many of them are changed and some are drawn off by the atmosphere but the purest elements remain. Time has shown how much value there was in each man’s apgroach to the social qlz;o lem of how to get the Negro to be come an American. Cer tainly it is now clear that each man had a vital role to play in the growth of American civilization as it included the Negro. Today, in the mellow ress of age, Dr. Dußois can lock back over a long useful life. He has been an academic gadfly to the complacent and the indo lent whose immediate goals were minor jobs teaching in inferior col lege or hugging the social security of lower bracket Civil Service positions. Dr. Dußois is a socit:lo gist of first rank, a histo rian, poet, editor, biogra pher, novelist, essayist & of course a great teacher. He has been Director of Publicity a n d Research sor the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People. He edited the CRISIS in its THE HOME JOURNAL ‘best days. Dr. Du Bois lwas founder of the Pan ' African Congress and Di- Irector of Research for the Negro Encyclopedia for lthe Phelps Stokes Fund. Dr. Du Bois was trained at Fisk University, Har vard and the University of Berlin. A New Eng lander [he wa s born at Great Barringten, Mass., on Fepb. 23, 1868] he has sensitivity and forthright ness as well as the sense of responsibility of a Mar quand hero. He is a liber al so far to the left of op pression and tyranny that he has had to gefend him self in court. Few writers have used the language so effectively as an instrument of protest in prose poetry against the ab stract wrongs & the concrete evils that beset mankind. Sime of Dr, Du. Bois s books are The Souls of Black Folk, John Brown, Darkwater, Dark Princess, The Quest of the Si:ver Fleece, The Negro Then I PUC General Order No. 10 Amending Order of December 22, 1947 as amended provid ing for the Regulation of Mor tor Buses and Passenger-car rying Trucks on the Island of , St. Thomas, V. I. Section 3:01 is amended to read as follows: - (c) After 7:00 P.M. each day, Buses will proceed in a wester ly direction on the main high ‘way. It will be mandatcry for buses to turn south into French Village by the public cemetery crossrvad if there are passengers fort hat sec-i tion. _ l Approved by the Publiec Uti lities Commission at its meet-1 ing held on January 24, 1952 Grace” Gordon, ! Chairman ‘ Attest: : Alphonse S. Holder. ‘ Secretary and Now, his autobiography, Dusk of Dawn, and Black Re construction, We must not forget that this is the man who wrote The Suppression of the African S e Trade and The Philadelphia Negro. In numerable papers, addresses, magazine articles and a huge volume o f editerial work should be imcluded, in any kst of this scholar’s output for the past sixty years. To few men is it given to live so long and produce so ‘much. When the late William Dean voluntarily made his exit a potentially great schol ar passed away but how much more trouble for twice as long has the subject of this paper endured! If one p ssesses the gift o prophecy or has sufficient ima ginalion to protest where oth ers are phlegmatie, his road is not smooth nor his burden light. When one is a Negro he has to live i. two worlds. As Dr. Du Bois himself puts it. “From the double life every American Negro must live, as a Negro and as an American, as swept on by the current of the nineteenth while yet struggling in the eddies of the fifteenth century - from this must arise a painful self-con seiousness, an almost morbid sense of personality and a mo ral hesitancy that is fatal to self confidence.”’ There can be no doubt about the struggle. It is true here but only fer those who think. ““‘Such a double life, with double thoughts, double duties and deuble social classes,must give rise to double ideals, and tempt the mind to pretense or to revolt, to hypocrisy or to radicalism.”’ Dr. Dußois is no stranger now to the Virgin Isiands. He Notice All concerned please take notice that I have filed my Final Report in the ESTATE OF ANN MARIE WADE, De ceased, (PROBATE NO. 3- 1951), and that a hearing thereon to receive cbjections thereto will be hLeld in the District Court house on Feb ruary 27, 1952, at 10:00 A. M_ Alphonso A. Christian Administrator knows the sunlit hills and the blue, sparkling sea. He knows the souls of other black folk. Quotations From Os the Faith of the Fathers - Souls of Black lolks. Now yow cam afford tha? trip so Leave now—veturn after No vember 30th. “Thrift-Season’’ Clipper fares save you up to 25% round-trip to aH Europe. 4 Gayer than ever dur -3 ing its 2000th Anni e versary—and now onl{ B hours from New Yor R<2 by direct “Strato” iY XY Clipper* flights. ’ "/ £ S <) ROME &b K Fly one way via Paris \?i Xz one Pway vlias the fl‘\ ores, Portugal, Spain ie? i and the F renc%n Riviera. 1:1} “ ) - K= : ".?- “a = N | /14 = *‘*"L: T - 1} "f : E B 0 A R — - — T e \ LONDO Now is the best time to see London, to explore the English countryside. From New York, luxurious PAA Clippers provide frequent, regular service to 23 European cities. . . of fer a choice of three trans-Atlantie routes. 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