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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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By the Governor of the Vir giv Islands of tl:le U.S. A Proclamation RED CROSS MONiH The Red Cross is the oldest and historically the most dis tirguished o-ganization re - presenting international action in rejieving human suffering. The American Red Cross, founded seventy years ago, has been the largest f: ctor in this international <ffort by carrying relief in every major d'saster to every quarter of the world. The need for Red Cross re lief was never more compeil ing than at this present wide spread emergency. At home the organization is alzo acing un precedented peace-time de mands upon iis ‘esources. The people of the Virgin Is lands have realized the value of the Red Cross because of splendid assistance received durin’ times.of distress in the past, as we'i ag the agsurance of ready help wirtelhave been afforded at the times the Is lands have been exposed to natural catastrophes. In re ciprocation, the people of the Virgin Islands have given loy a!ly and generously to t he support of this national orga nizatiwen. : The President of the United States, as head of the Ameri can Red Cross, has designated the month of March 1952 as RED CROSS MONTH. and has urged every citizen to res pond as generously as possi ble to this humanitarian cause. WHEREFORE, I, Morris F. de Castro, Governor of the Virgin Islands of the United States, do call upon the people of the Virgin Islands to sup port to the utmo t extent the local Red Cross Drive and to contribute generously to this organization ‘‘which exempli fies them o b 1 e s t instinct of mankind-the desire 10 aid one’s feilow man. . .” In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand & caused the Seal of Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States to be affixed at Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, this twen 1y eight day of Feb.,A.D.1952. Morris F. de Castro, Governor. Countersigneqd: Daniel W. Ambrose Government Secretary THE HOME JOURNAL Writes Rep. Celler On Alien Labor Problem Here The Virgin Islands Civ ic Association headed by Ashley L. Totten has writ t e n to Congressman E‘ manue! Celler of New Y or k expressing opposi tion to legislation intro duced in the House of Re presentatives, which he said would “‘let duwn the immigration bars to admit alien laborers into the is land.” ; “This association,” Mr. Totten declared, “has been forced on two or three oc casions to appeal to the U.S. Department of Jus tice in behalf of the citi zens of the United States who reside in the islands because of illegal entry of a1 ien workers from the neighboring British West Indies. - 1 Totten pointed to_t h e low wages paid in the is lands, as compared to the high cust of living, and declared that unless some thing is done quickly to improve the standards of wages it will be impossi ble for the native workers to eke out an existence. “At the same time, no re medy will be found if alien labor- is brought in merely because it is cheap er and can be used as an avenue of profit.” He said from his observation made recently there is no short age of ?;bor in the islands.‘ “I will be pleased to| make a trip to Washington 'and discuss this matter in its entirety with you, and I am definitely sure that if we enlist the aid of the parent body of the Am erican Federation of La bor and CIO for that mat- ter such a bill would be exceedingly unpopular when brought to the at tention of the Amc¢rican ‘people". Reeves Proposal Goes Into 1 Effect July 1 ! Governor de Castro has served notice that he will put into effect on July 1, 1952 the collection and billing procedure recom mended by H. Clyde Reeves in his report on the structure and administra tion of revenuesin the Virgin Islands. The Gov ernor plans to include not only the two municipal governnments, but all their agencies and au thorities w hich collect funds. The new procedure recom mended by Mr, Reeves would provide centralized control over all accounts receivable arising from taxes and ser vices, and would divide bills into three classes: 1. Active or current bills. 2. Bills assigned to the police for collection. 3, Billson w hich assignment have been levied. Distilled, Blended : and Bottled in Scotland e —————————————————————————————————————————— : v ’f.f";;i :*tt‘ " TR R O S’ T e REAPR R | X eot f 7 ¥ ; nit oe S f_}.& James Buchanan & Co. Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland e S Publication Pursuant to Section 5 of the Trade Tax Law of 1947, trade taxes for the quarter ended December 31, 1951 are now due, and will be received at the Department of Finance, St. Thomas and the Office of the Administrator, Cruz Bay, St. John. Section 9 of the aforesaid law requires every person sub ject to taxation to call at the Department o Finance to pay trade taxes in full. Upon trade taxes not paid by the second day of March, 1952 for the preceding quarter, there shall be collected by the Commis sioner of Finance an additional sum of 1 per cent of the tax for each month or fraction thereof, for which said taxes are delinquent. The law fur ther provides that upon ueg lect or refusal to pay the trade tax within 60 days after March 2 1952, the Sheriff shall, upon written order of the Com ‘missioner of Finance, proceed t 0 collect the same by the attachment-and sale of per sonal*property of such debtor, Municipality of St. Thomas "~ and St, John Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, Virgin Islands February 25, 1952 Louis Shulterbrant Commissioner of Finance Wt a_ = - --':.. RSCOTRT ¢ BLach £ WHITE 2 4 m ANE ow, sclLs | g R R 2 arpornTneS SRETHE VNG 200\ "vn-......u & e ’lffi e| (P RN S TP 0 o ct EAPR P S ~B -.."uc.o' |co't"" " lACK & WHIT Soanecaarn e ot %‘CI Sucia e O OLD SCOTCH wns* bt ® %‘\‘nfi-v n-““‘"’ Saseow o LONOO® — - \ S o (el ; oR ) o s @ Q‘E‘Y tocg o oa hl‘s.“?‘&‘.’.i.-:‘g us BN so] ¢ el -.::‘.“‘-;4 ",, i |et § TS