For Sale
Show Cases and Fixtures at
Reduced prices on all
Childrer.’s Shoes from 50c up
Don’t miss these I3argains
At Regjerrings Gade No. 4
Now Open for the Month of March
The Block Center for Better Vision—Hearing
On the Back Street :
Properly corrected Eye and Earstrain
Means greatly improved health
Telephone; 537 Hours:9-12 3-6
Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
~ [onsoligated Balance Sheet
Calendar Year-- 1951
Cash on Deposit $15,767.70
Accounts Receivable 18,102.87
Accounts Payable $ 5 . 791.81
Surplns : 28. 078 .76
-~ $33,870.57 $ 33, 870 57
Profit And Loss Statement
; Calender Year .- 1951
Gross Receipts $87,617.63
Accounts Receivable 18,102,87
Operating Expenses £90,056.41 :
Less :
Accounts Payable $5,791.81
Operating P ofit $9,872.28 ’
February 15, 1952,
iCops at Govt. House
any impertant visitor en
tews or leaves Government
! House,and to salute. When
answering the phone or
|speaking to any official the
|officer shall say “‘sir” and
l“madam,” according to
lthe new instructions. The
!patrolmen are also requir
led to observe all the in
struction for orderlies,ex
icept as tothe cleaning of
the offices.
Puerto Rico Notcbook
. By Julio Francis Edwards
Inauguration of the
150th industrial firm in
Puerto Rico was a big
event some days ago at
Guayama City, in the
southeast. It was the
“Univis Optical Corpora
tion”” where special lens
are manufactured.
Several ofthe alieady es
tablished factories have
multiplied their production
which naturally called for
the construction of several
more units, and employ
ment of hundreds of new
workers, especially
women. Such has been the
case of ‘‘Lynbert Women's
Slippers- Factory; Joyce
Shoe Factory, Ever Sole
Rope Corp., and St. Regis
Paper and Bag Corpora
Athletic tryouts and
competitive elimination
games will be under way
this monthat Rio Piedras,
Mayvaguez, Ponce and San
Juan in an effort to select
!the small Puerto Rican de
legation to the Helsinki,
Finland Olympic Games
this summer. The Govern
ment of Puerto Rico ex
pects to send a trackteam,
consisting of middle dis
tance runners, high, broad
and hop-step jumpers,
pole vaulters, as well as
relay runners; hammer‘
throwers, shot-putters and
hurdlers. A boxing team,
weight-lifters, pistol and
rifle team. basketball and
possible volley ball players
may also make the trip.
Recently big-shots of the
baseball world have visit
ed Puerto Rico: Cleve
land’s Greenberg,
iChic‘ago's Lane; Yankees’
p:lot, Casey Stengel. The
latter flew back from the
Virgin Islands especially
to see Santurce’s star
twirler Ruben Gomez in
action. That was the night
Gomez shutout San Juan
Ito 0, and incidentally
stole the show with four
spectacular fielding plays;
including the tail-end of
the very unusual double
play from first base
man to shortstop to
pitcher, (besides doing a
‘memorable pitching job.)
lTwo weeks before he was
clouted out of the box in
six innihgs by the Senators,
for the first time. Stengel
saw Victor Pellot, Cagua’s
native first sacker, a few
days before. -Both Ruben
Gomez and Pellot have
signed with the N.Y.
Yankees Organization, to
’Triple-A ball with Kansas
City this coming season.
A couple of weeks age, a
party of six Boston base
ball writers arrived here
to interview six of Boston-
Braves rookies playing
with San Juan, Santurce,
and Caguas. The party in
cluded als o the Braves
Director and Public Re
lations Department, E d
Sullivan. This party trav
eled 11,000 miles from
Boston to Cuba, Puerto
Rico and several Continen
tal cities as far west as
Los Angeles.
Newly constructed building,
all modern conveniences, suit
able so r wholesale or retail
businesg or office. For further
information _
s Cail 224